“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
– Benjamin Franklin
Posted by pjsauter on January 14, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized | 158 Comments
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.”
– Benjamin Franklin
good evening :yinyang: morning everyone.
and you too sammy.
Good Evening/Good Morning tom t in tokyo and all in the Ether world.
:priest: :pent: :yinyang: :om:
:fire: 😀
Druid- any guess on the danceless banana? or is it only mine?
it could just be fatigue, k k. the one on my monitor is down too.
Thanks for tellingme, tom. Have a great time Wednesday at the Tokyo gathering.
Mornin/evenin’ seditionists….won’t be writing too much tonight/today. I have to be up early for classes. I wonder if all the train tracks will be iced in the morning. tom t, you gettin’ rain down there?
It’s actually changed to Sunday the 22nd. tom, should we notify pj? I guess I just did…:40:
lots of rain jason – freezing rain.
king kong – sorry you won’t be able to make it. have a fun and safe trip back.
talk to y’all later. time to go downstairs and make dinner for those growling stomachs i can hear through the floor.
By the way…I posted the new Maureen Dowd article. Go here to read.
Happy reading…:alc:
Thanks for The Era posings,jason.
Hey , man. Dave’s not here!
I think I’m gonna have some….I’m not saying anything, nevermind.
Jason, I heard your song yesterday. that was cool. I need to get my hearing back and start posting audio blogs. I could play a tune or two…At least I used to, before my ears were cut off.
Anybody hear about Augustine. Check it in 8 hrs when there’s sunlight. Kablooey!..maybe
It;s just a black square,travis.
Man, that’s because it’s dark outside. The sun will rise. Just give it time.
Thanks Travis….hope you’ll be feeling a little better soon..
That was good new yesterday huh…February 3rd maybe is the day for the new show! Woo-hoo! :banana:
Check it in eight hrs. The cam may have been covered with ash or destroyed, or who knows what.:doh:
:alc:New show, alright. My gelfoam in my eustachian tubes should be dissolved by then, hopefully. I have to hit the hay soon.
I’ll try the cam. later. :40: Aaah.
sorry double post….:doh:
yo..check this out you guys…John R. Bomar left a comment on the Dowd article I posted. It’s pretty freakin’ powerful…Gohere to the comments and have a read. I then looked him up and this is what I found…http://www.counterpunch.org/bomar11192005.html Read that too….
Hey Jason,it wasa great comment. You have readers who care.
Hey, Jason–
I followed the links and then did a search of my own. In a more recent CounterPunch article, Bomar is described thusly:
Pretty cool, that he made his way to your site!
Yeah you guys I was shocked! It’s a little too much…
I’d like to post it on my news site as an op-ed….
I guess I could call him…he even left his phone number!
Yeah, that is cool. I’ll post a comment when I can learn how to write and read. Man, I need to learn how to cumminicate. Are there free internet classes for that kind of stuff?…I just need to read more I guess. My ears hurt. I just had some wine and I think it wasn’t a smooth move.
No, I’ll post one tomorrow. I’m just to beat to think man. I feel stupid, I said yesterday that I would have a strange dream diary and I lost it. Actually, I didn’t make one. I feel so…man karma’s gonna hit me in the head with a baseball bat…and peanut butter. Okay, I’ve lost it…I have to read something before I get any dumber.
Hey, Travis . . .
I was thinking about this yesterday and your 7:14 post reminded me again, so I thought I’d mention it.
You know that mild depression (and I’m using the term somewhat loosely) is pretty normal after major surgery, right? It takes a while for things to find their level. If the recuperation time is long and the side effects severe, it can really wear on you.
I had foot surgery in 1999, AFTER I’d moved from an elevator building in Manhattan to a third-floor walkup in Queens. My boyfriend (now husband) stayed with me the first 5 days or so, but he had a teenage son to manage, and it was difficult. After that, I was pretty much isolated, both physically and emotionally, because I felt so down that I didn’t want to bring anyone else down. It was rough. Hubby came by most days to bring mail and the paper, but it was basically just me and Otis and the TV for five weeks. (Didn’t have enough concentration to read, especially when I was in pain or on meds.) And that was my foot, not my haid! So hang in there, buddy!
Whoh travis! Have another dream!
trav!! glad you’re awake!! just in case the volcano goes majorly kablooie! run travis!! run!!:banana::alc::omg:
Thanks Kahn. I think it’s going to take awhile to adjust to my current inability to hear well. It’s awful and, yes, depressing. I keep thinking about losing an arm or a leg (16000) Or being blown up into pieces and lying in a ditch with my toes next to my mouth. After that trip I start to realize that my situation’s not so bad… But that coin has two sides.
QG did I spell kablooie wrong…I used the urban dictionary.
travisdem_04, plus is it all night (24/7) or all daylight. That affects one. Then if it is night depression is commonplace then add an intense surgery — and now the recovery process. And aren’t you in school too? I say you are doing amazing! You are a great fighter — although for now it is a BITCH enduring the pain, it WILL get better.
Update! I just got through a telephone conversation with John R. Bomar……..wheeewww….was that killer! He said I could post his comment as an op-ed! :banana: I was on the phone with him for nearly 40 minutes…gonna cost me alot from here in Japan..:fire:
jasonwkinney, Great article from Dr. Bomar. I copied what I wrote in regards to that and of the murder. I almost threw computer out the window again. I thought I was leaving a comment but ended with a blogspot, which I may never find again. All too insane so after 3 tries I copied article to oneday, perhaps, post. I know it is me. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr … But Shoot, what’s life w/o a ‘lil’ stress. HAPPINESS! But for now it a paradox in the making. I did try posting., Honestly.
Well, “Tomorrow is another day.” :roll::???::yawn:
WOW, plus from Japan, WOW and then comes my :rant1: :doh: 😉
Yeah Druid…..it was surreal talking to him…it was like talking to an insider or something….he’s a big supporter of Wesley Clark…
Random thoughts –
1) The bannana gif is on such a fast cycle that he “times out” – he only has so many dances. Just exit your browser once an a while and restart it.
2) The nature/culture of both Law Enforcement and the military has changed a lot in the last 20 years. The loyalty to the state and chain of command is stronger than loyalty to principle, and the cultural isolation is higher. Remember than in Russia, the military is/was largely composed on conscripts, so the connection to the people was pretty strong. I thing that things would have to get awfully bad for a military unit to disobey orders, especially if they have “less than lethal” options. And when you’re facing crowd of angry protesters, all you see are angry protesters, not fellow americans.
3) Don’t worry too much about these new crowd control weapons. They are easily defeated if you know how they work – a fact that will come out at the proper time.
4) I think the talk of tanks in the streets is very premature. Look how far the NeoCons have come to control the country and culture without doing anything more than starting a radio (Mush Windbag) and TV (Faux News Channel) station.
Wake up :sheep::sheep:!
Ask not for whom the bannana dances, he dances for thee :banana:
King Kong, someone probably helped you with the dancing banana — but I just saw your previous post. 😀
Mine is dancing, but it has stopped a few times. I just let it be and after getting off site, then going back or shutting off computer it starts “dancin'” again. Hi-tech solution. Yeh,right. 🙄 :rofl2:
jasonwkinney, excellent comment by Dr. Bomar. The long distance charges from Japan to talk with him will be worth it (easy for me to say). It’s so important for us to hear Vietnam era veterans speak out and make the connection between that terrible war and the current one in Iraq.
I just posted Bomar’s comment with his permission as an op-ed. He also sent me an article that he wrote about the
Iran-contra debacle which his local paper refused to print. I’ll post it tomorrow….:fire:
I called him back and said that it probably wasn’t a good thing to post his number, that’s how I was able to call him. He said he was new to the blog world…I’m going to delete his comment because I posted it as an op-ed….
Goodnight all…:fire:
Call out to festival goers!
Anybody out there planning on going to the Troma Film Festival in Salt Lake City? If so, I invite you to go to the Free public screening of a film that I am loosely associated with. The film is called “Nicki’s Way.” It is set in Portland (Alberta Arts District) about a phenomenon around an outsider musician and the underground circulation of his performance videos.
Tuesday. January 24th.
Official Screening
Brewvies Pizza Time Theater
677 South 200 West Salt Lake City, UT
7-12 pm
methaz, i’ll take you at your word that we will find ways to deal with the new crowd control devices. i agree that the media has most americans mesmerized. but what happens when they wake up and realize their country was stolen and the laws were changed and it’s too late to do anything about it? i can’t tell if i’m being optimistic or pessimistic about what’s next. both i guess.
nickirose, you are loosely associated with a film called “Nicki’s Way” ??? Is it about you?
Sort of. When I was associated with the film (associate editor) it was about 20 minutes long. That was a year ago. The two fillmakers have been doing more work on it; I see that the screening time is 10 minutes, so I may have been edited out. Who knows! Are you going to be there? If so, could you write down your impressions about the film (and the important festival)?:grin:
WOW:grin::grin: go away for 12 hours and all H breaks loose.. you “guys” have been busy last night and this morning.
On the subject of a revolt I would be skeptical that a demonstration would do much. The previous “small” demonstrations of only a couple of hundred thousand people were basically ignored. The rethugs will only respond to something that has the potential of doing something to their property or their lives.
I sort of doubt that even if the rethugs declare martial law that there are really enough police, military and hired thugs to effectively enforce a state of martial law in the entire country. The police will declare a curfew and pick you up after that time but on the local level that’s about all you would see, They might turn off the Internet but I sort of doubt that too since it would effect commerce to much. Even setting up road blocks to check papers on major highways would be unproductive.
There are not that many military units that are stationed near our large cities. Most of the armor is in IRAQ as are most of the troops. it would probably take 10 army personnel for every 1000 citizens to effectively lock down a city. Hey.. we could all get jobs policing ourselves.
Something to ponder:
January 13, 2006
Explain Your Evasions
The Two Questions the Senate Should Have Asked Judge Alito
As a long time observer of how Supreme Court nominees evade questions, I think the Judiciary Committee could have saved a lot of time by simply asking Judge Samuel Alito the following two questions:
1. Judge Alito, would you tell the Committee what is the criteria you are adopting to determine when you will choose not to answer certain questions put to you either orally or in written form?
2. Sitting Supreme Court Justices often have made public speeches, written articles, taught law school classes and, in the case of Justices Scalia and Breyer, have even debated publicly at the law school of American University. Justices have expressed opinions and made comments about a variety of controversial legal issues. In so doing, they have not concluded that these public expressions, sometimes followed by questions from the audience, compelled them either to recuse themselves in cases before them or to consider themselves prejudging these matters pending or likely to come to the Court in the future.
What is your opinion of these speaking, writing and teaching practices in this context?
Out in the STREETS!
World Can’t Wait (to) Drive
Out the Bush Regime!
Millions in the street.
Create a “crisis of democracy.”
Which side will the army join?:omg:
So what is Al Gore going to say on Monday ??
Some are predicting he will actually say something negative about the rethugs that will get people listening.. If the M$M make him look like a fool we will have a preview of the 2006 elections.
NickiRose, Great Going Re “film. :banana:
G’Night, G’Day
Travel Well All
Be Safe.
As Mike would say,
Watch Your Back.
Iran Attack:
January 13, 2006
The Bombs of March
Countdown to War with Iran?
Iran will defend itself if it is attacked by the United States or Israel.
Defending one’s country against unprovoked aggression is sanctioned under international law and is a requirement of true leadership. We would expect no different if either the United States or Israel was attacked.
The Sharon and Bush administrations’ have done an admirable job of poisoning public opinion against Iran; interpreting President Ahmadinejad’s comments as a potential danger to Israel’s welfare. But such statements, however offensive, are commonplace in the Middle East and cannot be construed as a credible threat.
In fact, Iran has not demonstrated any territorial ambitions nor is it involved in the occupation of any foreign country as is true of both the United States and Israel…
Holy Crap! I sure slept in didn’t I? While you all have been busy taking down the American Taliban.
Good morning Krista …
If Bush attacks IRAN the backlash internationally will be devastating.. The Russians and the Chinese might respond militarily and Europe, Russia and China will certainly respond economically. China might call in its debts an act that would certainly sink the US system and the corporatists would see all their investment in China go flying out the window.
$10.95/month to podcast?
AirAmerica PREMIUM is going to charge
$10.95/month to podcast
($6.95 if it’s for only one show)
$10.95/month COST IS TOO HIGH! -( even with yearly “discounts”)
Think about DemocraticMatch.Com ($3.95)
We’re Democrats & Progressives fer Chrissakes.
By & large we are less likely to be able to afford this,
as we are less likely to be acquiring wealth
as the focus of our lives.
This price seems more like what I would expect Fox News to charge.
Only rethuglicans would line up & PAY this much
to be fed their talking points!
Or as the satiric “Church of the SubGenius” would say:
“You would PAY to know what you REALLY THINK”
Decide how much getting the MESSAGE across is worth
then CUT the prices altogether,
or else you CANNOT equate what you do with PROGRESSIVE politics.
THE NATION magazine is also a business,
but their subscription cost is a FRACTION of this!
and THEY have to pay for PRINTING, POSTAGE,
AAR & D.Goldberg-
You are only going to loose support
for what is looking more & more like
a FAUX-Progressive endeavour —
–or is that the whole point of what you are doing?
Hey Fishguy
Yeah Fish…. charging people who’s next home might potentially be the red cross shelter is not going to work out very well. Most of the AAR commercials also seem to be targeted at Dems lying around the pool waiting for their dividend checks. Maybe that’s why they only have 10% of the audience of the Reich wing programs.
Adapt and apply:
(Demands from Protestors
May 1968)
Nicki… Who was protesting ??. If that was in America it certainly had a big effect didn’t it ??
thanks for the morning reading, jason.
For cheap international calls, go to Skype. http://www.skype.com/
You can talk computer to computer AND/OR they have other products that make talking from overseas cheaper.
mr farmerkat is en route back home. he’s been having some problems and was just diagonsed with problems coming from this:
Hopefully Mr. Farmerkrats problems were not the result of flying building parts.
May 1968 Critique (from The Beginning of an Era):
This silence has been so total that millions of witnesses, taken in once again by the “social organization of appearances” which presents this period to them as a short-lived madness of youth (perhaps even merely of student youth), must ask themselves if a society is not itself mad if it could allow such a stupefying aberration to occur.
In such an eventuality, civil war would naturally have been inevitable. If armed confrontation had no longer hinged on what the government feared or pretended to fear concerning the supposed evil designs of the “Communist” Party, but had actually faced the consolidation of a direct, industrially based proletarian power (we are, of course, referring here to a total autonomous power, not to some “workers’ power” limited to some sort of pseudocontrol of the production of their own alienation), then armed counterrevolution would certainly have been launched immediately. But it would not have been certain of winning. Some of the troops would obviously have mutinied; the workers would have figured out how to get weapons, and they certainly would not have built any more barricades — a good form of political expression at the beginning of the movement, but obviously ridiculous strategically. (And those like Malraux who claimed afterwards that tanks could have taken Rue Gay-Lussac much more quickly than the state troopers did are certainly right on that point; but could they have afforded the political expense of such a victory? In any case, the state held its forces back and did not risk it; and it certainly didn’t swallow this humiliation out of humanitarianism.) Foreign intervention would have inevitably followed, whatever some ideologues may think (it is possible to have read Hegel and Clausewitz and still be nothing more than a Glucksmann), probably beginning with NATO forces, but with the direct or indirect support of the Warsaw Pact. But then everything would once again have hinged on the European proletariat: double or nothing. . .
Situationist International Anthology, p.234
I have to ask myself how often I have wanted to send an email to an Op-ed person at the NYT .. Maybe Rawstory is to cheap to subscribe ..
Comment by NickiRose — January 14, 2006 @ 11:33 am
What !!!!! :eek::mad::omg:
We need a shruged sholders smiley face.
Wow, I hope Mr Farmerkat is okay. That’s a totally insane way to wake up. It seems like one would eventually adopt a fatalistic attitude facing that reality every day. Thanks for that glimpse of someone elses reality. Man!:paranoid:
Oh my, my alma mater: A Protest, a Spy Program and a Campus in an Uproar
Comment by Farmerkat — January 14, 2006 @ 11:45 am
It must result in culture shock having gone to school in Calif and then living in the south east.
You got that right, Fred! I’m still in culture shock.
At least I provide an alternative view point for these yahoos when I write the local paper!
as for mr F, he still can’t hear out of one ear.:???:
They’re attacking Murtha. You can email the fake news organiZation:
you can find the actual article and Murtha’s response at huffpo: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
it’s been over two months, is mr. farmercat’s hearing in the one ear ever going to improve? he isn’t going to go back to iraq i hope. what an awful thing to experience. the journalists are the targets there. i hope you guys have medical insurance. i hope when he’s safe at home with you he can recover from his injuries.
I have to wonder how many people are still in the category of the uniformed masses. Most people in the middle get their info from the M$M so they know basically nothing but the right gets their info from places like CNS,NEWSMAX,FAUX News and Free Republic and the left from Olbermann, Stewart, Cafferty, AAR and Democratic Underground. Things are getting more and more polarized so how many people are still in the middle ?? We know that right wingers will believe whatever they believe no matter what in the way of facts are presented to them.:fustrate::fustrate::rant1:
nickirose, you mentioned Guy Debord and the french 1968 protest in yesterday’s blog. i googled him and couldn’t find what you were talking about. so thanks for the full text today. i guess the operative phrase is:
“Foreign intervention would have inevitably followed, whatever some ideologues may think (it is possible to have read Hegel and Clausewitz and still be nothing more than a Glucksmann), probably beginning with NATO forces, but with the direct or indirect support of the Warsaw Pact.”
so what do you make of this text? do you think tanks are going to come to america after folks wake up to what the neocons have wrought?
People know what the neocons are doing. It’s just that they think that the Democrats are a real alternative. So they vote and trust the grifters at MoveOn.org to solve the problems, instead of protesting directly. Anyway, I believe that the huge budget cuts that were started by Reagan are having a huge damaging effect on most Americans. Coupled with things like the war, outsourcing of jobs, people will want solutions.
Taking it to the streets and protesting happens in America. Anti-WTO
World Can’t Wait. List……
Millions take the street. No confidence in the government. Demand for something new…..
I’ll agree with the thought that people want solutions not just more rhetoric from the Dems. The influence of organizations like the DLC has reduced the things that the dems can say and still expect to get their huge campaign costs paid for by the corporatist so they don’t say anything and Dean expects a grass roots effort to pay for a bunch of unknowns ???.. There is something wrong with this approach. :fustrate::rant1:
The first person I met online who crossed over into real life was from Slovenia, of all places, so it doesn’t seem at all odd to me that the first Seditionists meetup is in JAPAN.
That said, shouldn’t we in the NY area put one together? After all, this is where Morning Sedition began.
Why a war with IRAN is folly.. If GW goes to war with IRAN I would be really worried
If you read this thread at DU the US will look like IRAQ did after the first gulf war.
nickirose, you said “Taking it to the streets and protesting happens in America.”
i’m not sure protests would work the way they did in the 60s-70s to end the vietnam war. the tv showed the war back then and it doesn’t now. the reporters were more honest then but not now (except for mr. farmerkat and a few others).
and from what i’ve seen of how the police in my rural california county treat protesters, it’s very scary, people get hurt for doing very ordinary very nonviolent protests. their lawyers always say that the effect is “chilling” on our civil rights, and it is.
i went out there on protests in the 60s and 70s but i won’t do it in the near future when the s*** hits the fan and folks wake up to their rightwing fascist brigade rulers.
i’ll find other ways to fight injustice, but not in the streets. unless of course methaz clues me in on some nifty tricks to use out there.
travis, i just checked the augustine island cam and it’s still black. so maybe it is destroyed or covered with ash because surely the sun is up by now? where is augustine island? am i supposed to see a volcano or what?
You can see it now:
Also this one gets updated more frequently. Stll not a hell of a lot to see.
very cool website checks to see how big your ecological footprint is on this tiny blue earth globe. the site was setup in 2002 so maybe everybody knows about it except me. i might be the last to know. here it is:
:banana:Mr.Farmerkat headed home!
WOW! Alaska Volcano Observatory webcam. The pictures seethe with power.
foggyblue, I was not aware of the footprint site. Thanks for the link.
foggyblue – if the time comes, I suspect there are a lot of folks who “know stuff” that will come out of the woodwork. That said, I feel that time is a ways off. The existing system is stressed, but not broken. What is always needed is a respected, orgainzed opposition party. Here is where the Democrats have utterly failed. The feeling in the heartland is that the D’s just don’t stand for much, and what they do stand for is weird fringe issues.
When I came of political age during the early 80’s, most Republicans (other than the nascent neocons) basically respected Democrats as wrong on policy but not evil. They were optimists about America. The party today is totally different – fear and pessimism are the tools of the trade, and political opponents are by definition on the side of evil. An optimistic Democrat with ideas who didn’t play their game could stomp these guys.
Foggy blue. I advise you to not drink the koolaid about protests. The media wasn’t that progressive in the 1960s. Anyway, we need to do more than merely vote and work for democrats. It is true that in the short term that Hillary or Gore will be better than Bushco, but they won’t do anything to stop the slide into hell we are going through. Protests work. Protests are happening.
(Read Katsiaficas’s “Imagination and the New Left.”)
dems might delay alito vote one week. there’s hope that we can still beat this confirmation after all.
nickirose, i’ll lay off the koolaid and i’ll think about something else for a while.
Good to hear about the week’s delay on the Scalito coronation, I mean vote. But I don’t think billboards are going to persuade DeWine to vote against him. DeWine is in deep trouble in his re-election bid, whether his opponent turns out to be Paul Hackett or Sherrod Brown. Either of those guys would kick his ass if the vote was held today, so he needs to serve his conservative masters and bend over for Scalito.
Is it just my imagination, once again, running away with me… or are we getting more entries lately on this blog than we used to on the MS blog? No wonder AAR is spying on us, I mean checking us out. :peace:
I think the democratic leaders will be waiting to hear what the senators’ constituents have to say over the Martin Luther King, Jr holday weekend. I would like to see Senators take a principled (as methaz put it) stand and vote no rather than just defer to what their constituents think. What happened to being a statesman? I would be proud to vote no and stop this confirmation even though I knew it would mean my defeat. It’s called integrity. And, I think that is a powerful legacy.
I was a late arrival to blogging. I jumped in tentatively when travisdem was trying to get 1,000 posts the weekend before the end of MS. I have really enjoyed sharing ideas here.
FB: Be as skeptical as you like. I don’t know anything about tanks and what will happen if the army is called to suppress the public.. My thoughts are merely that the army is not a reliable tool to crush a rebellion in the modern United States. The Yeltsin example of 1991 is a glimpse of what may happen in the US. Tieneman Square 1989 is a counter-example. Perhaps we can push the democrats to embrace social democracy, get rid of the DLC, and deal a permanent blow to the anti-keynesian capitalists and neocons. All by voting. (My vote is for a combination of strategies: electoral, protests…):peace:
Murtha is still out there too. He speaks for a lot of the second tier brass at the pentagon. If the rethugs attempt a military backed power grab we may end up having a Coup instead. If the military types that assume power are at all as mad at the rethugs as Mertha is that might solve our problems far better than just voting them out of office.. it might not be very pretty.
In case anyone gives a damn:
I checked with one of the filmmakers, and was assurred that the film “Nicki’s Way”, scheduled to be screened at TromaDance, is indeed the same film that I am associated with.
TromaDance Film Festival 2006
January 20-29
Salt Lake City, UT
Nicki’s Way will be screened on Tuesday, January 24th.
Brewvies Cinema Pub 677 South 200 West
Salt Lake City
Doors open at 5pm
Movies start at 7pm
I really don’t think that just voting this group of corporatists out of office is going to be very effective. As long as they and all their money is there they will be a continuing threat to our very existence. Now that they have shown us their true colors they must be dealt with in a fashion that will terminate their threat permanently.
Pinochet. Remember what happened to that bastard.:omg:
I don’t think that, in a coup, the military brass can hang on to power for long in this country. The officer corps do a good job of getting rid of fascists when the pop their ugly heads up. Singlaub. North.
Now you are talking like me. Anyway, you take away governmental power and influence from the capitalist pigs, and they will quickly go down. :rofl2:
nickirose, i googled “nicki’s way” and found this trailer for a documentary about Nicki Rose:
it looks like a good film. i can’t go to salt lake city so this trailer is the best i can do. are you the person who’s playing a guitar and singing in the trailer?
i also saw this review from the portland mercury (june 2005):
“Nicki’s Way A short documentary about Nicki Rose, who submitted a demo video of his original songs to record companies–while he was never signed, the video spread across the country. The doc will be followed by music from Carol’s Chump and “Nicki Rose realization band” Rapture Warrior. And all of it’s free!”
The almost invisible economic collapse the US is undergoing can’t go on very long.. We have probably lost more jobs than Clinton created in just the last five years. A lot of those people were 100 k a year white collar workers who are mostly still under employed or unemployed. Those who are lounging around the pool can’t see what is going on and probably don’t care because the corporations keep making money or at least keep looking like they are making money and paying those dividends. If the corps are indeed waiting for China to catch up with us that will happen in three to four years so if they bail out and leave us holding a debt of 12 trillion dollars and with a broken military and infrastructure and no way to repay our Chines creditors we can envision the Chinese army herding us into pens to ship to China as slave labor.
Yeah, I think there are as many or more “good” posts here as the old MS blog. Got to bug the AAR folks, if they had the sense to be bugged by their idiotic programming decisions. FYI, I was on the MS blog as methaz and earlier as satblog (posting satellite images of world trouble spots in near real time; down right now, but satblog will come back eventually).
As long as we’re putting on our tin-foil hats, if it came to a real confrontational scenario, I suspect the neocon’s wouldn’t use the professional military – they’d use all the various paramilitary police forces that are cropping up like fire ant mounds. Just like the Nazi’s did it – flatter the military, use the police and personal militia, and infiltrate.
Do you really think that the Chinese will invade the US? No way. And as far as calling in the debt. I am sure that we could come up some way of keeping it from destroying us. Come and get it, Chinese government. I believe that the threat of the Chinese debt repayment is but another weapon that the capitalist pig rulers use to scare us. Somebody in the US (and western Europe and Japan and Taiwan) is making big money in the Chinese economy. They have tremendous pull there. Global economy. “You must let us outsource at will. The global economy requires it.” You must let us further bankrupt the US economy lest those wicked Chicoms demand debt repayment.” Do not faall for this con job.
When the rethugs get put of office in 2008 the US will be in the same predicament that the countries we read about that made the mistake of accepting IMF and World Bank loans are. China will assume the roll of super power and the US will be enslaved to them just like Central and South America were/are to the US. The same rules of engagement will still hold that is we will have to export all our raw materials and thechnology to them at the prices they demand and pay our workers appropriate third world wages to do so. The situation is very close to that right now. The Chinese have almost as many people in their military as we have adults under the age of 50.
Russia’s economy is not doing well. Are any “Super Powers” making plans to invade and demand repayments?
Don’t let anyone scare you with that reversion to the “Yellow Peril” con. It is all propaganda.
I was sort of under the impression that the Russians had avoided the IMF / World Bank trap.. and that’s why they are doing so poorly mostly because they privatized to much to fast and found themselves with a lot of broken infrastructiure and no desire by anyone to invest to repair it. Once again a case of absolute power corrupting absolutely.
bobby kennedy is interviewing matthew fox about right-wing fundamentalist religion. says ratzinger is a bully.
I think that’s probably right. All they’d really need to do is make a show of hauling “dissidents” off in the middle of the night to reeducation camps, never to be seen or heard from again. It’s not like they don’t already claim the authority to do it. The knowledge that they can spy on us w/o any oversight, aand haul us off to gitmo & torture us without right to counsel would do a lot more to keep people quiet than any tank.
Use Total Information Awareness to keep us in check and encourage friends, family and neighbors to rat each other out. Issue “smart” national ID cards with RFID chips that can not only hold all of our vital records and information, but also track us as we pass by readers embedded in traffic lights, streetlamps, mailboxes, you name it. All to be replaced in a generation or so with chips embedded subcutaneously as a requirement for public school or other services.
And the sheep will allow it, all in the name of being protected from the “terrorists.”
I wish this was tinfoilism, but I don’t think it is. They’ll do it if they can – hell, what they’ve already done with the spying and torture and lying us into war would have been considered a paranoid delusion just a few years ago.
It makes me sick, what they’ve done to this country, and the fact that they were able to do it so easily.
Sorry about the sour weather on the Augustine webcam. Here’s a link to what it looked like the other day. Check it
So many posts, so little time.
Yes. I listened to the interview. In fact, I wrote an e-mail thanking Bobby Kennedy for the insightful segment. It was great hearing a theologian calling Ratzinger a bully, troubled by his Nazi background.
You know, it is easy to trash Baruch, but John-Paul ll should have caught a lot more heat than he did, as well.:priest::40::omg:
The Russians also had their system set up more to the liking of the corporatists than we did ( notice tense) . They already had a very lopsided society before the communists got put out of power. Now there are more wealthy capitalists but a whole lot more people just holding on by the skin of their teeth. That’s why Putin is able to nationalize things again and get away with it. The people rather hated the old system but it was quite superior for most Russians to the new system.
FRED! METHAZ! You’re scaring us (but not nickirose).
How about we add relentless environmental destruction to your sad scenarios? 50% of the mammal species are going to disappear in the next 50 years. all we can do is slow it down. polluted land, oceans, air.
this bright blue dot spinning through the universe. we are fools.
The rulers can only rule for as long as the people allow them to. Once we step up and DEMAND a real change, then those creeps will crumble. Fuck their IMF scares. The global economy. Blah. Blah. Fucking blah. We will make NEW RULES. (The people in Russia can do the same.)
Chomsky wrote aa very good article in Z Magazine a long time ago (August 1991?) where he goes over what I ranted aabout above. I will try to find it and post the link.:peace:
Nice collection of volcano pix here, too.
travis thnx 4 the glorious snow-capped volcano webcam from the other day. awesome.:peace:
From what several authors have written recently the damage we have done to the ecosystem is irreversible and we must now keep the damage from expanding and destroying all life on the planet. As the ice around Green Land melts it is releasing large amounts of methane and this is a much worse material for causing global warming than carbon dioxide is. As more methane is released the warmer it gets and more ice melts and so on. This isn’t something a bunch of activists in a row boat can fix. That’s one the reasons why I’m of the opinion that the corportists must not just be unelected but must be removed entirely.
fred, it’s not just the corporatists. they’re accelerating the destruction, for sure, but the real destruction can be laid only at the feet of humankind.
take the earthday ecological footprint test. how many earth planets do we need to support humans w/ your lifestyle? for mine, we’d need 1-1/2 planets but oops, we’ve only got one planet.
irreversible. you’re right on that.
i-News 5000 Wi-Fi Headline Translation
Humans have the smelliest farts on the planet
“i-News 5000 Wi-Fi Headline Translation
Humans have the smelliest farts on the planet”
It would sure help the cause if all of the corporate pigs and their apologists were removed from the scene.
Humanity won’t be happy until the last capitalist…:omg:
I thought I’d turn on laura flanders for a while, but tonight’s show (at least so far) seems devoted to demonstrating that there are liberals in salt lake city, utah.
all I kept thinking was, “bork alito. bork alito. bork alito.” PLEASE!!!
then I turned the radio off, and came here. whew. sane people who know we’re quickly going to hell in a …..
:fire:Bork Alito!
Drive Out the Bush Regime!:omg:
Dissolve the DLC! :rofl2:
i-News 5000 Wi-Fi Headline Translation
Humans have the smelliest farts on the planet
Comment by Kristapea — January 14, 2006 @ 7:17 pm
Dammit Krista! You beat me to the fart joke!
Actually, we could use a little global warming down here. The wind has been blowing all day and it feels like freezing outside. I realize it isn’t actually that cold in Florida and we’re all wimps when it comes to the weather, but damn.
I need to go home and open up the anti-freeze.
HA ha! Kevin. I was thinking of you when I wrote it if that’s any consolation.:wink:
i don’t think removing the corporatists is the answer.
what about the “removing” part of the formula. if it’s not by vote, then omg what, a revolution? violence? i don’t think so. have you not seen enough of the misery and cruelty and suffering that comes in the aftermath of revolutions? and the fact that bad people can and do frequently prevail in revolutions?
and what if we somehow did magically get rid of the current crop of corporatists. what does the next crop of humans look like? are they kind and decent and democratic? not necessarily. there will always be bad folks out there.
removing the corporatists isn’t going to get rid of the bad guys who are so ignorant they don’t know how to do good. the problem is the human condition.
vigilance is the only answer i can come up with. i’m a seditionist, aren’t i?
ps. i think it’s likely that this last rant of mine might be contributing to the air pollution as much as a very smelly fart. sorry about that.
travis, cnn says the volcano is erupting again!
I don’t have cnn, but I’ll check the cam or the website. B back in a bit.
One of our Seditionists has passed along some contact information and ideas on what we can do to stop the Alito confirmation. There’s a link to it over on the right, under “Pages,” named “Bork Alito.” Or you can click on this link.
Foggy, you got me all worked up. I thought it was erupting this very second. I checked the cam and it’s pretty dark and cloud cover is blocking my view. Then I read the article from cnn that was written or posted, like, five hrs ago.:ear: I’ll keep my ears open for the latest news. Thanks for the link though.
travis, sorry. i thought the volcano was erupting this very minute.
Okay, I have a blog now if anyone wants to check it out. http://ghostgrrrlinthemachine.blogspot.com/
How does one get smileys PJ?
Hmm. I’m not sure there’s an easy way to do smileys with blogger.com. You could upload the images and then use image tags to insert them where you want. There may also be a way to add some javascript to the blogger template you’re using to replace text combinations with a graphic. If I can figure something out that works, I’ll pass it along to you.
Oh my. That sounds over my head but I’ll try to figure it out
Thanks fer linkin’!:grin:
Gypsy, Check the email address you left at Jim’s Dream Diary.:smile:
I see that that Zionist Patty Muuray voted for Roberts, So did Senator Smiley, Powells Books family, Wyden. I’ll wager both are leaning toward Borka.:mad:
I am running up and down the stairs and feeding the fire and … Not enough time 🙁
I love everyones posts / most on a political base.
I am running again and will write later re Gore and even Nader and the eruption and so much more.
I am just hearing the BULLSHIT regarding A_LIE_TO LIES AHHHHHHHHHH oh I can use :omg: 😮 😡
pjsauter you are great for this site and I hate to ask (not 🙂 teehee) “but can I get a growling smiley”. Can I get a AMEN! or GRRRRRRRRRR :))))) I send to you the ye ol’ archaic way of a “smiley” thx — (k)
I once again will write more in the wee hrs. I’m teasingly called a :[ (aka vampire). Be well. And I believe I am now a selective misanthrope cuz of this BLOG and Marc’s old blog. :omg:
:banana::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: =:growl: THX PJ :banana: :spank::growl::jerk: :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
I like the spanky spanky one!:spank:
:jerk: Yeah! Wanker!
Ghostgrrrl in the Machine = tres cool = with a :growl: (grrr)
AAR = :jerk: = bend over = :spank:
Yeah — Who needs to talk anymore?
We have got to have the best smileys on the whole web. Don’t ya think??:nod::banana:
Pretty soon we won’t need words anymore, we’ll have all the smiley’s we need!:sheep::sheep::cool:
:grin:Tom DeLay! Have fun in prison…:ear:
How then could someone describe that photo of the cute girl and her dog?
:omg: Mike Malloy is on :banana: that aught to get me nice and calm :rofl2:
Yes we have the best smileys :nod: :banana:
To Jail you go Delay = :spank:
NickiRose yup :nod:
:alc::jesus::nixon::grin:: :peace:
pjsauter, you have a “twisted” mind. :rofl2: :banana: :rofl2:
:banana: Sometimes the banana is in time with the music I’m listening to.:banana:
How about :hubba:
Well. I better get busy. Working artist, you know.
Best damn smiley’s on the web:nod::bow:
Thank you!
Spanked! thanks for the colorful smiley.
iTunes was left on all day, and when I came home 11/28/05 Morning Sedition had just started. That’s the one when Marc told us it was over. 🙁 😡 :fustrate: :omg:
Hey Kong, I have that one. I remember it like it was yesterday…..What day is today anyway?
Wait a second. Wasn’t it 11/01/05?
I have finally sat with my tea and got a glass of wine. I am so happy cuz everyone (including my doctors along my path of life beged me to have at least a glass of one a night. I have always taled about having a drink, but never have … yet it has been night before last and hopefully tonight (day) I will finish tonight.
Well that was alot about nothing, but I am just happy I have a glass of wine looking at me, but it is freezing and I mostly love my nice warm tea. I have a wonderful mug that holds 3 cups of hot to warm tea and ahhhhhh. Yes, if I am addicted then take away my tea and :growl:
Now I must read this wonderful blog.