Well, y’all did such a good job blogging yesterday, it looks like we need a new thread for today. Happy birthday to my Dad, and to Martin Luther King Jr. The world would be a much better place if they were both still around.
Posted by pjsauter on January 15, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized | 186 Comments
Well, y’all did such a good job blogging yesterday, it looks like we need a new thread for today. Happy birthday to my Dad, and to Martin Luther King Jr. The world would be a much better place if they were both still around.
I have finally sat with my tea and got a glass of wine. I am so happy cuz everyone (including my doctors along my path of life begged me to have at least a glass of one (drink) a night. I have always talked about having a drink, but never have … yet it has been night before last and hopefully tonight (day) I will finish tonight.
Well that was alot about nothing, but I am just happy I have a glass of wine looking at me, but it is freezing and I mostly love my nice warm tea. I have a wonderful mug that holds 3 cups of hot to warm tea and ahhhhhh. Yes, I am addicted TO MY TEA then take away my tea and :growl:
Now I must read this wonderful blog.
Comment by Druid_666 — January 15, 2006 @ 5:09 am Edit This
(It is called editing Morrigan.) :doh:
If at first you don’t succeed….
I just saw a few errors, shoot (shit 🙂 ) maybe I shouldn’t have any wine — but I have had only one sip, so I can’t blame the wine. It’s the tea’s fault! Yup, that’s the ticket.
I still haven’t looked and learned donkeys song in Shiek. I so all alone. So alone… (I am not but I do like to tease in a caustic way. 🙂 )
How can some of you folks stay up so late and still be here at a reasonable hour the next day ??
C-span has a debate on between reps from the Canadian conservative and liberal parties concerning the election for the new Canadian government. They appear to have the same wing nuts we do .. how depressing :cry::doh::rant1:
Hey Druid, I was over at the era. I said I would leave a comment yesterday, but I don’t know what to write. I’m pretty slow with it right now. I too, will join you and have grape juice. Only a little bit though.:40:
Ohhh.. Good morning Drud.. At least I suspose its morning where you are ..
Morning Travis… whats up with the volcano ??
travis – thanks for the volcano cams. After it was daylight, I could see smuges. Your post from a few days ago was VERY clear.
good morning people so does anybody have music from the penguin orchestra? because uh i want to hear some so somebody send me some at seaniesean5@aol.com ok then
:jerk: ha ha that ones funny
Hi all, I guess I am not so alone — oops.
And it is early for me — it is only 2:30am 😀
I think I will have c-span on in the background and check it out.
Did anyone hear Mike talk about reading “1984”? I hope he is still planning on reading it.
Does anyone have the story about Mr. Green? Is he the symbol for the green man?
Peace is hearing my rats run on their wheel.
the penguin orcestra?
Brave new world…. or something.
I saw my favorite news corespodent, Dan Fiorruci, on the nbc national news the other day talking about the volcano. It was pretty cool to have Alaska on the news like that and not have it be a horrendous event or catastrophe. Augustine did, however, delay air travel. No big deal.
If it were’nt for a horrible act, Dr. MLK jr. would probably still be with us today. How much better off would we be were he here.
Web hubble tele said he had it on the bumper music site, sean. Check it out.
travisdem_04 thx for the cam — tres cool
Part of a note from mjk to me read:
I’d like to think so. Is it true?
If it were’nt for a horrible act, Dr. MLK jr. would probably still be with us today. How much better off would we be were he here.
Comment by King Kong — January 15, 2006 @ 5:42 am
Excuse me — aka huh?
C-span now has the Iranian premier’s news conference on.. There translator is doing very little to make it any clearer than our media did as to what he has to say. Maybe Iranian doesn’t translate into English very easily.. that could be a problem :eek::ear:
I got a time magazine last week about MLK Jr.’s last days titled “The secret agony of Martin Luther King Jr.” I haven’t read it yet… I’m not sure what the world would be like if he were still alive.How old would he be?
King Kong, I get it now. I thought you were talking about someone else. My bad.
Are our intentions pure and is it always about the money? Never and always, yes…Maybe, there are never conctrete answers to anything.
He‘d be 76.
Thanks travis. my mistake 77!
Dr.Martin Luther King jr was born 15 January 1929.
Dude, I think he’d be 77. Let me double check.
:doh: my bad math. :spank:
:cake: MLK Jr.
Make a wish!
hey does anybody know if meijers is any better than wal-mart? hmmmmm
:40:i want to get drunk
Meijers…What? Never heard of ’em. Let me google.
Where are your travels taking you today Sean?
You’re probably in one of the five states that meijers is. Let me guess… Ohio
Sean, try here.
Don’t wear a T-shirt about Ice Mountain water when you go there. I don’t know why, but just don’t.You’ll get a nice ride downtown…
Travisdem_04, profound question you ask.
I gave up on humanity in the 80’s. The wolves and a few others went “away”. Entropy had reached a frightening stage and no one cared. And so it still is. That is why this blog and Marc’s were so important to me. I heard your voices in many ways. So instead of being a Misanthrope living in town, but in my reclusive tower, now I am at a different point of being (with a “z” street snap) “in town now”. Which equals time to kick butt :spank: again.
At my university I was an “experimental rat” regarding Abstract and Concrete Thinkers — so seeing you say concrete — hmmm I hope nothing is Concrete. That is where there is a sliver of hope.
Druid –
You remind me of the last War on Brains.
All right. Kick it:cool:
Looks like Costco is the only big retailer that backs dems. I do most of my grocery shopping at a Kroger market.. at least they are union. The only Costco around here is in South Denver.. would have to pack my lunch to go down there.
Shop as blue as you can.
Don’t shop red.
King Kong , Huh Pls explain — what am I missing?
I sometimes am focussing so closely, I miss things. I have to remind me look around. 😀
Druid –
Buisneses make political contributions. Some contributions are to the Republican Party people, some are to the Democratic Party people. http://www.buyblue.org
This web site will tell you who gives to whom.
yeah as a truck driver i end up in wal-mart more than i care to admit it makes my skin crawl thats why i was asking about meijer anyway im about to head over to roanoke va im driving wwe wrestling right now i wish mick foley was gonna be around so i could talk to him about when he cohosted anywho i need to hit the road so ill talk to you peoples later
:nixon:at least that crook resigned when he was caught
I have to listen to Shepards Chapel :growl: (ThxPJ).
The reason why I do not believe in red or blue is that I am ambidextrous — I call me a conservative and rethugs not a part of the strategy. I think the debate should be between Dems and Greens and anyone that believes in the End Times as here and now are not a part of the solution. oops am I showing my fangs again. :banana:
SeanMS, I am going to go for a second glass of wine — but tonight is Saturday night still, although at 4:08am, so :alc: :banana:
Must go to the night market to get some gifts for when I go back to North America. Have a great blog.
Dr.MLKjr – :cake:
reruns on aar so i’m listening to mark thompson on the power (xm radio). he says that 25% of the companies give their workers a paid day off on MLK day. the next least celebrated day is president’s day (he says it should be called slave holders day :nod:) and 50% of the companies give their workers a paid day off on prez day.
But I do shop Blue only shops or I don’t get what I am shopping for.
But I must confess my husband is a bit of a whore and shops where he has to. Sometimes it is red.
BUT I have choices not like what some of you having to endure by having few or no choices.
Later kong… I’m getting the sleepy bug. The pest keeps messin’ with my mind. I’ll have to fight ’em in my dreams. We’ll see who wins….Yup, I’m losin’ it.
poll on mlk jr holiday from sf chronicle:
King Poll Method
By The Associated Press
Saturday, January 14, 2006
(01-14) 09:34 PST , (AP) —
As you may know, Monday, Jan. 16, is Martin Luther King Day.
1. Will you do anything to commemorate Martin Luther King Day this year, or not?
_Yes, 23 percent (whites, 15 percent; blacks, 60 percent)
_No, 76 percent (whites, 84 percent; blacks 38 percent)
_Not sure, 1 percent (whites, 1 percent; blacks, 2 percent)
2. Do you think there has been significant progress toward Martin Luther King’s dream of racial equality, or don’t you think so?
_Significant progress, 75 percent (whites, 78 percent; blacks, 66 percent)
_No significant progress, 21 percent (whites, 18 percent; blacks, 32 percent)
_Not sure, 4 percent (whites, 4 percent; blacks, 2 percent)
3. Do you feel that Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday should be a national holiday, or not?
_Yes, 73 percent (whites, 67 percent; blacks, 96 percent)
_No, 22 percent (whites, 27 percent; blacks, 3 percent)
_Not sure, 5 percent (whites, 6 percent; blacks, 1 percent)
When these rethugs call C-span and talk about dems hating American values I’me glad RealPlayer has a mute button. Have I told you yet today how much i hate these people ??
bye travis.
I’ll post my night’s dream if you post yours.
hey thx for the ice water thing now i dont know where to shop that i can feel good about it target donates overwhelmingly to republicans meijer will have you arrested wal-mart is well wal-mart cost-co just isnt wide spread enough for me to shop there often hmmm oh well and i liked meijers too damn it they have rediculously huge stores theyre stores are so big you could fit a wal mart inside a meijer
:doh:damn it all
oh if anybody likes stupid stoner comedies and video games go see grandmas boy its dumb but has a couple really funny parts like a kung-fu monkey and stoned old ladies ok well i have to hit the road so later people
For today’s fun project you might want to figure out what state U.S. Senator Max Baucas is from and figure out a nice zip code then use his Senate.gov email to call him names. He is a dem that supports outsourcing. :barf::rant1:
Apparently he is from Montana.. can’t outsource many copper mining jobs.. oh… they just moved all those to Bolivia.. my bad.
Fred, we know man. We know. Is the Lamb on today?
Kong, If I can absorb it long enough to put it into words I’ll do it. But if it gets edgy I might hold back.
Druid, I hope you’re not drinking the wine from your tea cup, ’cause that’s a lot. Maybe too much. Then, again, sometimes it’s not.
Later :sheep:le
maybe think twice before annoying senators under assumed idendities this really has my blood boiling
Hello, police? I’m being annoyed!
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail | Perspectives | CNET News.com
Annoying someone via the Internet is now a federal crime.
It’s no joke. Last Thursday, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity.
In other words, it’s OK to flame someone on a mailing list or in a blog as long as you do it under your real name. Thank Congress for small favors, I guess.
This ridiculous prohibition, which would likely imperil much of Usenet, is buried in the so-called Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act. Criminal penalties include stiff fines and two years in prison.
“The use of the word ‘annoy’ is particularly problematic,” says Marv Johnson, legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union. “What’s annoying to one person may not be annoying to someone else.”
Buried deep in the new law is Sec. 113, an innocuously titled bit called “Preventing Cyberstalking.” It rewrites existing telephone harassment law to prohibit anyone from using the Internet “without disclosing his identity and with intent to annoy.”
“Intent to annoy?” What kind of legal standard is that? Sure, internet trolls are a pain in the ass, but this is a serious blow to free speech. Never mind whistleblowers–does it make sense to put someone in jail for posting “you’re a dickhead” on someone’s blog? What about a critical e-mail to a public figure?
Dear Ann Coulter,
You’re a fucking worthless hag. Hope you die of brain cancer.
Your Mother
Can I go to jail for that now?
Certainly, there is a legitimate reason to legislate against real harassment and stalking via the web. This just ain’t it. Speaking of which:
There’s an interesting side note. An earlier version that the House approved in September had radically different wording. It was reasonable by comparison, and criminalized only using an “interactive computer service” to cause someone “substantial emotional harm.”
Now that I could see. That’s a standard worthy of judicial interpretation. But if annoying people is illegal, shouldn’t Gilbert Gottfried be on death row?
Hopefully, this law won’t hold up in court. Either way, you can annoy us all you want.
posted by Evil Ed at 3:50 PM
What .. wait… hey Travis do you mean to say that you are supposed to drink half a three litre bottle of Gallo Rhine at one one sitting.. now you tell me.
King Kong, you are probably gone, but if you are still here please tell me what you ment regarding “the last War of the Brains?”
I have been advocating that everyone go over to to Free Rebublic and get offended.
SeanMS You have to go thru those horrid places. Shop wherever you can. Just safely get out of there. And yeah I am :priest::pent: so I will “counsel” you in jail if you go to jail. Okay, that was a lead balloon joke cuz I don’t want you in jail. But still I try to have “some” humour.
I think some of the people who reply to posts over at DU are rethug plants put their to discourage the real dems from doing anything.. Such a bunch of centrist wuss jobs..
fred, can I live through it? “I get it” for many moons. Can’t we discuss strategy instead? I am pro Gore and wes Clark but I beg him to be the “dream” Sec of Def CUZ WE NEED SOMEONE THAT CAN REDO THE SHIT RUMMY AND MANY OTHERS HAVE DONE TO THIS WORLD!
fred , I will go to DU … are the mock dems aka rethug twits watering down their blog — and does DU mean Dem Under…?
Druid.. I know we don’t need any more information about how big a turkey most rethugs are.. Sam Seder said the other night that there were two ways he could envision to solve this problem.. one was voting in a Dem house and senate in November the other he didn’t or perhaps wouldn’t elaborate on. My position is that if you just vote them out they will just slime their way back in.. A solution that is more permanent is needed.
Remind me never to buy an issue of USA today.. speaking of wuss jobs.. This lady ?? on C-span has her head up her conservitive ass.
thx for the borkalito info,pj. helps me focus my efforts.
SeanMS, I have been so livid regarding that toxic slime known as A Coulter. I say, hoping to stay out jail, By Your (meaning the rethugs) Actions, You are damned. By their actions – solely, God (however one believes) will be their judge. I am not afraid of Judgement but they should be Very Afraid.
I have to split for six or so hours will return this pm. (that was not a threat or a promise)
“Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow provincial ‘outside agitator’ idea. Anyone who lives inside the United States can never be counsidered an outsider anywhere in this country.”
:cake: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Excerpt from Letter From a Birmingham Jail
April 16, 1963
Fred, I am one of those dems that totally believe in not letting the rethugs get away in saying anything.
Always be on their tails. In the past and present people believed in ignoring them. It never worked then nor now. War of words (at least now) I feel is the way. :spank: or a good right hook. :growl: Bite their butts. I only have a hybrid now, but I still fantasiz (sp) Danu handling the rethug problem, cuz they are only mock hunters and could not handle her. ( Sadly they are such chicken-shits that they would just use a gun.)
Any PA Seditionists out there? From the WaPo, via Reuters:
isi, YEA That is what I have been proclaiming to the rethugs all over regarding A_Lie_to and I say to my senators similar things, including about MY VOTE. Now I have His words BACKING ME UP. THX ISI and Dr. MLK, Jr.
seanms, the bill that included “annoy anonymously, go to jail” section 113 was sponsored by sensenbrenner (no surprise), but the co-sponsors include john conyers, maxine waters, and others who most certainly must not have known about the annoying provision.
it was not only deeply buried in the law but evidently even hidden from its co-sponsors.
foggyblue. I am asking for different opinions about:
By Your Actions, You Are Damned. Since they are judged by God Not Me — however they believe in God. I truly am a :priest::pent:
I don’t have patience with the rethugs anymore.
Good Morning Druid, Foggyblue, PJ, isi, Travis, KK and who ever else has wandered on to the blog WITH THE BEST DAMN SMILEYS ON THE WEB!:wink::spank:
Check out my blog
druid, i’m more in the karma camp than the “god damns us” camp.
i heard a few years ago that republicans have more nightmares than democrats, and that seems to me something along the lines that you’re talking about?
repubs know they are lying and oppressing and creating misery. they lay around their pools, as fred points out, but in their hearts they have worms of their own making.
it takes a ton of self-deceit for bush to strut around and smirk after all he’s done, and nobody has that much! so he turns to alcohol to cope with living minute to minute in that deep pit of meanness he keeps on creating and doesn’t know how to stop.
the rest of us are angry about what he and his ilk are doing to the world, but our anger and frustration don’t come from the worms in our heart of our own making. i think the load republicans carry is a whole lot heavier to bear than our load. we carry the suffering of the world with us, but the repubs have to carry the fact that they’re creating all that suffering for others. it’s a monstrous load. (i’m not sure what icon to use here.)
i don’t believe in evil. that’s a concept that doesn’t work well for accurately describing how the world works.
well, there you have it. i’m not sure what your question was. did i get it?
Morning Kristapea just as you come online I have to fade away for a bit. But I still am here for a few more. Adorable puppy. ( I call all dogs puppies, no matter the age.:) ) Yea, Best Smileys Ever. :banana:
morning kristapea, your blog is :banana: :peace::doh:
Good morning everyone! It snowed last night so I am digging out and trying to get the dogs to go outside. It is damned windy here!
Has anyone heard of FreeTalk Live?
I havent heard the podcast though maybe I will download some of it for shovelling to check it out…but what is interesting is that they lay out how much money they need exactly to broadcast out of NH and what level they are at every month. Im not sure if they are any good or worth listening to but I like the idea and I think its the wave of the future…..also….
Has anyone read Frank Rich in the NY Times this morning? I can post it here if it wont get me in trouble…I tend ot email it to friends who dont have the Tims Select. I have it because I get the Sunday Times delivered (in a snowdrift right now!)
Its an excellent (as always) bit about Abramoff…
Good morning/evening all. Sorry, had dinner with my students tonight. Lots of food and sake. I posted the new Frank Rich article. Here
Thanks for the comment Travis…
:yinyang: melina!! Ha ha! :rofl2: I subscribe to TimesSelect and post the articles. I don’t wanna get in trouble either….:doh: I reviewed the rights issues on their site and there really isn’t anything about it….
But, even if there is, there are tons of sites posting them….I understand what you’re saying though…I live in fear of the NYTimes legal team….:omg:
i’m more in the karma camp……the rest of us are angry……but our anger and frustration don’t come from the worms in our heart…..i don’t believe in evil. that’s a concept that doesn’t work well for accurately describing how the world works.
Comment by foggyblue — January 15, 2006 @ 9:32 am
foggyblue – i’m not sure either whether or not you’ve answered druid’s question, but you’ve expressed a lot of what i’ve been feeling too. thank you.
Kristapea: Like the site, will link to it! Way to go!
pj…like the new emoticons..:rofl2: :spank: :jerk::growl::hubba:
evening tom t, appreciate the feeback, feels like jumping off a bridge to talk about such things.
:growl:(Angus) v :jerk:(DG)
hey foggyblue. i’m still looking for the courage to jump.
Or, Angus v DG :spank:
Yesterday morning our Repug Congressman Shays had a town meeting up the road from me at the firehouse. It was quite a meeting… and I had just about convinced myself to only talk about health insurance and the failings of the state run children’s health care system that my son has been forced onto….and I did that…but he, as the most liberal Repug in congress and a very principaled and feeling guy who actually comes from this neighborhood area in his early political life, also seems to love Lieberman. Having been to Iraq 10 times as a member of the armed services whatever committee, agrees with Lieberman (who is Bush’s butt-boy.) Of course, no one on the ground in Iraq agrees with Lieberman, and its clear that he is angling for a cabinet position…what a freakin sellout he is!
Well, it was quite fun to see the liberal folks round here attack Bush and shake their heads about our eroding liberties….these were mostly old people who had previously voted for Shays as a hometown boy, and I would say that Shays is really a Democrat anyway as Lieberman is a Republican. No wonder they are so close!!
What I found most interesting was the totally illogical reasoning talking points coming out of the guy’s mouth regarding whether Bush broke the law and also why and how we went into Iraq . He admitted straight out that the Bush regime has been dishonest but wouldnot say that they “lied” but rather that they all believed bad intel…but would not address the intel that was purposely ignored!!
He also said that he expects that many of his co-workers will lose thir jobs in the upcoming elections and that many of them deserved it.
He still stands by the president and he believes the line that you can force democracy by planting a seed in the mid-east and it will flourish on its own without the US overseeing it for the next 10-20 years! ….impossible! Crazy! IMHO….
Democracy, as history shows us, is an evolution that happens when people decide en-mass that they want it enough to get on a boat and die in snowdrifts and fight horrible wars in order to build something new….damned if you can go into an ancient, entrenched society and force them to have elections. The older folks who know quite a bit of the history of Iraq kept saying that it is totally impossible unless we stay there forever! Shays, like Lieberman, is full of little heartwarming stories from the polls, but I dont think that represents much of anything real. There is always a heartwarming story that makes for good press, but what of the fractured factions and the insurgents? The real threat of civil war?
So, though I found him to be liberal (for a repug) and intelligent and open to any question, it was all pretty predictable. The fun part was to watch how angry people are and how much they think that Bush should be tried and held accountable!
He tried the Cheney line that wiretapping would have prevented 9-11 and everyone just shook their heads…the Bush administration wasnt interested in that sorta stuff before 9-11.
I left the meeting thinking that I am going to work for Farrell who is running against this guy, and sad that he couldnt stay because he is a little reasonable and not afraid to talk to unscreened community groups…
Of course, there were no black or lower income people there. I stood up and said to the room that they were all just one illness or disaster away from being in the position Ive been in with the health insurance! And where were the people of color from downtown? This meeting was held in the fanciest neighborhood and people would have had to travel very far for it. His next meeting is further downtown but is just about the medicare drug program…
Oh dont get me started on that!! I held on for an hour the other day to find out about these programs for someone…and I learned how crazy this all really is…and if old folks dont sign up before a cut off date they get a penalty!!
Oh there is more, but Im thinking of getting a place on a blogplace so I can stop with the epic postings here and there!
Watching Chris Matthews-
I just keep thinking of Rummy standing in front of crazy Iraquis runing to and fro saying “Freedom is Messy!” as our forces stood by while the museum was looted…
Oh god if they had only sent enough troops and tried to maintain the infrastructure and immediately gotten the electricity up it would be a different war…damn…
Why does that guy still have a job??
I need some funny!
I was kinda playing / venting regarding Sean’s Ann Coulters letters — and then what “speech” could get one jailed. Now I am an alternative religion minister (I say Reverend, cuz minister is part of the Judeo-Christian Paradigm) I use to deal with prisoners (and may again since I just heard of some E.L.F.ers just being arrested) I can marry others — but I am estranged from humanity — thus I don’t want to but for you…..:wink:. The reason I am saying this is I use to care about those that damned me and those around me. But there is no time for gentleness now — THE PLANET IS DYING. :no:
A progressive Utopian / now Misanthrope w/o a sense off humour.
Kristapea, way to go with the new blog and your freeway bork alito adventure!:banana:
I could actually visualize you with your sign.
Melina, did anyone talk about the Alito hearings at the Shays meeting?
It was so odd that they didnt!! There were so many issues and he took all of the subjects to be covered from the crowd…and I was really surprised.
I think that since its still in the senate and people are figuring that its a done deal…oh well…
Ive been writing letters…real letters and emails about this but I have a feeling that I knwo what to expect from Dodd and Lieberman.
I was surprised! But then isnt Alito just another symptom from the deep sickness in this administration. Too bad that this one will leave a scar.
I have no doubt that if Roe is overturned we will immediately see a zillion test cases again and a big upheaval…The American people wnat Roe so I dont think that the court will be able to stop that right forever. I am more worried that the guy is a racist, sexist, liar who believes in too much power in the executive branch. That cuts both ways when we take that branch back…I dont care who in charge, I want the checks and balances that our country is built on.
Bremmer on Meet the Press (also will be available for podcast on iTunes lateron) makes Rummy look like and idiot!
What would have happened if Martin Luther King, Jr. had believed conventional wisdom?
OK…something else that came my way and made me think of our horrible state of no funny.
My old ex boyfriend is a musician who had some record deals and did OK etc…we have been talking alot lately (he is in LA) and have come around to being great friends who have known eachother since our early 20’s.
anyway, I had Imus on the other day and he was talking about how he is recording this record for charity and how he finally needed to get an entertainment lawyer so he got the best in the business…a woman named Rosemary Carroll.
I remembered that she was a sorta new lawyer who helped out said boyfriend many, many years ago and ended up to be sort of a dud and unable to really make any of the deals happen.
Well, talking to this guy the other day I said how funny to hear her name come from Don Imus’s lips as the best etc…
And he says…oh yeah…some storries of what was screwedup back then and then the kicker: She married that guy Danny Goldman!!!!
So I went on a bit about how he is trying his hand at radio by ruining AAR! (oh god, oh really? What does he reallyknow about radio?)
But here we have a connection-friendship-whatever it is , its just not good…and no wonder the comments about DG listening to Imus!! No wonder Marc was so nervous about his contract!! No wonder DG doesnt get the funny…he is not only an Imus listener but an Imus friend!
How could AAR be run by people who look to that show as a good radio show! I think that Imus has better guests than the Today show but I cant listen to his banter or his crew.
Interesting huh?
I was gonna start a blog today for these things but have to shovel and pay the bills yet so I might as well out it all here…;-) melina
tom t in tokyo, I use to be in the Kharma/dharma camp for many, many years but now…?
Melina, good going :banana:
I will be going to sleep soon. All be well.
OOOOh! A juicy gossip blog would be great! Who else has personal stories about DG!
:omg: Melina that story you just related is HUGE! I checked the internet and although you wrote Goldman Rosemary Carroll is married to our Danny Goldberg!:mad: I guess DG had another motive NOT to see Morning Sedition succeed.:rant1:
Since the demise of AAR (it may be saying “I’m not dead!”, but it’s on the cart for sure), I’ve returned to listening to BBC a lot. Interesting stuff regarding the UK military and their view on Iraq. Take a look at this article. General Sir Michael Rose calls for the impeachment of Tony Blair over the Iraq “deceptions”.
And Kristapea, I said your site was great but I forgot to mention your signs — are you going to post updates about your sign(s) status here or on your site? Grand work though :banana:
Again, Be Well All
Danny G is on Imus’ payroll !!!:rant1:
…also, Rosemary Carroll is the ex-wife of ex-junkie philosopher/author/poet/rocker Jim Carroll!…that is probably more sorta juicy to me because I spent some of my youth on that rock and roll scene in NYC…I love Jim Carroll and
Im just trying to figure out the psychology behind destructive behavior or who follows what formula when programming or deciding whats what…The Imus influence is so obvious now that I look at it!…its bad.
Im hardly listening anymore except to Majority report a little and ring of fire.
oh well.
…and no matter how formulaic DG (sorry about the mis-naming of him but I dont really care enough to get his name right!) is being here, AAR will never attract Imus listeners….I just dont see it no mantter how much you dumb it down. Hes just pulled the rug out from under an experimental and different thing that was building its own audience of people who had been so displaced that you couldnt call them Imus people or Stern people or whatever. The mistake here is being so competitve that you want to take other’s listeners…so you copy them and lose your very soul…
What a mess…
Danny G should be fired for conflict of interest. How did the Board think that they could trust DG to get behind a competitor of Imus like Morning Sedition. I do believe MS would have been competition to Imus, eventually. Was the board just looking for money at the time they hired DG? Well, they sold their sold to the devil. AAR has not been acting with integrity and that will always come back and bite you in the butt!
i’m listening to a lot more bbc too, these days. just heard an extended interview with the nobel-prize-winning economist who estimates the cost of the iraq war at TWO TRILLION DOLLARS. The right-wingnut on the interview complained that the economist was an anti-war guy with an agenda and that the war was doing a lot of good. :growl:
http://blog.myspace.com/seanmstitt hey if anyone wants to check out my blog feel free theres a special treat for everybody to listen to as they read it
:bow::priest: ok where is the sammy smiley?
Who out there is listening to Tyger Thom Repeat on KPOJ?
I see where fred gets (at least some) of his info about China calling in the debt through force.
Sean, I checked out your site. You look so lovely! It was a treat to hear sammy and marc and riley seemed so happy!:nod:
http://www.tromadance.com 😆
A film festival for independent filmmakers and film-goers.
Damn! I am the only one here.:omg::nixon:Circulate!:peace:
well, they are asking for a password to get into the archives for podcasts at AAR now…damn!
Hi Blog Warriors!
pj, it’s also my son’s birthday (you know, the teenager 😉 whose computer I’m still using. He wants to build a computer for me…debating on that with yucky windows or a lap top apple. He can do it a lot cheaper but it won’t be a laptop.
I can sit here forever trying to decide what smileys to use…. PJ, still don’t have a “Love” one, do we? I think that’s the only one missing, unless you consider the firetruck love, which i do.
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito smiles during opening remarks at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary …
Feinstein Warns Against Alito Filibuster
By HOPE YEN, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON – A Democrat who plans to vote against Samuel Alito sided on Sunday with a Republican colleague on the Senate Judiciary Committee in cautioning against a filibuster of the Supreme Court nominee.
“I do not see a likelihood of a filibuster,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. “This might be a man I disagree with, but it doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be on the court.”
She said she will not vote to confirm the appeals court judge, based on his conservative record. But she acknowledged that nothing emerged during last week’s hearings to justify any organized action by Democrats to stall the nomination…
This is why we cannot rely on merely electoral politics. Both parties ultimately serve the same paymasters.
Closet-queen Graham of SC said that if a qualified candidate to the SCOTUS was rejected merely because of political views, “a huge backlash would engulf the country.” with whitehooded protestors with their burning crosses of fire marching on state capitals throughout the country.
Happy Birthday, MLK.:cake:
Has anyone been able to get on seditionparty.org? I cant seem to access it…hmmm
:omg:Is Diane Feinstein out of her mind?
Melina – the page is sparse due to the power zap, but it’s at http://www.seditionparty.org. The MS show archive is up. Working a couple of typhoons at the moment, but am getting ready to upload some content Real Soon Now.
“I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens’ Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to “order” than to justice, who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.”
:cake:Martin Luther King, Jr.
excerpt from Letter From a Birmingham Jail
April 16, 1963
Diane Feinstein, may I make a suggestion. Spend some time and read the words of Martin Luther King, Jr this weekend.
January 14 / 15, 2006
Rotting Within, Tremors Without
The State of the Empire, 2006
In 2005 the US economy defied all the known tenets of economic theory: In the face of record high trade deficits, monstrous budget deficits, a failed war and major political scandals involving presidential aides, the dollar strengthened against the Euro and the Yen, the economy grew at 3.4% and all the major investment houses had record profits. It seems the US economy defied the laws of gravity, floating above the political turmoil and structural vulnerabilities. But the point of ‘prophesy’ is not to specify the day and hour of sharp decline and recession but to identify the deep structural vulnerabilities and the possible trigger events, which could detonate a crises.
The US economy will continue to diverge in a double sense. The financial sector will expand overseas, especially the major investment houses like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Citibank while the manufacturing sector led by the ‘Big Three’ automobile sector will decline even further, with a good chance that General Motors will go into bankruptcy. The US multi-nationals will expand on a world scale, buying into major banks and industries, especially in China, extending the economic reach of the empire, while the domestic economy will suffer as the housing and real estate speculative bubble collapses, high energy prices undermine export competitiveness, resulting in sharp decline in consumer spending. The US empire will increasingly become identified with its economic giants as its failed wars will lead to a withdrawal of combat troops and a reliance on airpower, local military forces, economic sanctions and accommodating to social liberal regimes.
The domestic social crisis will deepen as overseas profit opportunities expand. In 2006, over 90% of US workers will be paying for their costly individual health and pension plans or, if they cannot pay, they will lose coverage. Precarious work contracts are the norm for all but a small sector of public employees. Real inflation (including increased health, education, energy and pension costs) will rise to about two times the consumer price index and contribute to the further decline in actual living standards. A rapid deflation of the housing bubble would reduce the “paper value” of homeowners by half and force many who are heavily indebted into bankruptcy. Nevertheless, as happened in recent decades (after the Savings and Loan, Dotcom, Enron and other speculative failures), while millions of small speculators and investors in real estate will lose billions of dollars, their discontent will not find any political expression. The greater the inequalities in income, property and wealth between the financial and imperial economic elites, on the one hand, and the domestic wage and salaried classes, on the other, the lower the level of organized political and social opposition. . .
Good suggestion for DiFi, isi.
It’s not just a matter of thinking differently, it’s alito doesn’t support “We The People” which I find unAmerican, frankly.
Good freeway “blogging”, KP!
Frank Rich is good again today (as always). The bit in the NYT about Bahrain is interesting. I think the shrub uses that country as his “model” for this country…..:growl:
Diane Feinstein, I am so heartsick and angry and disappointed in you. I don’t have words for how upset I am. :growl::holla::mad::doh::fustrate::cry::barf:
PJ, didn’t you say Marc would be on the teevee the 17th:?: Would you mind repeating that broadcast announcement?
Murtha is on 60 Minutes tonight.
ciao! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
(you’re a peach, PJ:!:)
foggyblue, I would let her know how you feel.
:sammy:Sean, ask and you shall receive!
:bow::sammy: You people suck! My emoticon should be bigger than the others! I’m special! I’m sacred life! I’m more valuable than you are!
Wow, can you channel for a stem cell? Don’t know what came over me . . .
Thanks!!! Best emoticon’s on the web!
What is all of the fuss over Orwell’s 1984? It is not a great novel. Oh well, the message is good; it wipes the floor with that awful DaVinci Code book. (Although bad novels frequently make good movie scripts.) Goddamn. I need to find other activities.
Anyone catch the BBC’s production of Animal farm? :nixon::nixon:
Where is johnny K Street?
isi, i wrote a letter (thank you methaz) to feinstein on friday asking her to puleeze filibuster alito. this morning i’ve been plowing through the list that kristapea posted for dems on the judiciary committee, sending each one an individually honed version of methaz’s letters. next i’ll send similar emails according to the borkalito advice that pj posted on this site.
i’ve lived in california since 1977. i should be used to diane f’s treachery by now. but for this alito nomination, he’s so blatantly wrong wrong wrong, i thought maybe she would…, i kinda got my hopes.., oh hell. we’ll just have to bork him without her.
Please, all despondent democrats go to a post called A Problem of Hope over at Daily Kos.
Just a few excerpts:
“Last time I checked, Article II didn’t give the President the power to appoint a nominee with the advise and counsent of the media. Yet, so many take the media’s smug words that ‘Alito will be confirmed’ as gospel. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy, where the media and the GOP tell us we will fail, so we believe them, and we do.” Suggestions are made on what to do until the final vote is cast.
There is also a link over on the right on this website that has information on fighting the confirmation of Alieto. Called “Bork Alito”
i heard somewhere that “bush” is a swear word in new orleans. i haven’t heard anyone use it that way yet. (i lead a sheltered life.) is it like when we use the phrase bork alito or is like bush you muthafukka or what?
oh lol! i just got two thank yous from senators i’d written re filibustering alieto. one of them was in the inbox, from senator kennedy. the other was in the junk box, from senator feinstein.
even my email filter knows feinstein’s worth!
i looked at feinstein’s reply to me re alito. it’s crap. (i guess an icon showing pooey would be a little too much, wouldn’t it.) boy is she a piece of work. man. i’m still pissed.
Sen Kennedy makes you feel welcome to email him even if you don’t live in his state. I can always count on Kennedy to be eloquent and forceful in his convictions. There is a Congressman that Seder has been talking about that is planning to run for the Senate. He is an independent and not afraid to speak out. I’ll think of his name in a minute.
Yes, he will be on this Tuesday, January 17, at 11:00 AM Eastern time on Comedy Central. I believe it’s his “Comedy Central Presents: Marc Maron” special from 1998, though I don’t know for sure.
Just thought of the Congressman Seder likes: Bernie Sanders, Independent, Vermont.
You must mean Bernie Sanders. Great article about him trying to get amendments through at Rolling Stone.
Methaz- I still cant get it nor your hurricane page…I wonder whats up with that!?
Thanks pj for the Rolling Stone link re: Bernie Sanders.
seanms, i like your blog. good writing. good topics. good energy. :cool::!:
I can’t either, and I can’t ping it or the IP address. It’s almost as dead to me as Diane Feinstein is.
:sammy:yes finally sammy yay this makes my day
HA ha! Kevin. I was thinking of you when I wrote it if that’s any consolation.
Comment by Kristapea — January 14, 2006 @ 7:55 pm
So Krista, should I be flattered that you were thinking of me, or annoyed that you were thinking of me in the context of a fart joke? This is really making my brain hurt. :fustrate:
If it’s any consolation to you, now I’ll probably be thinking of you the next time I fart. :rofl2:
OMG! I just noticed! Sammy in the house! :sammy:
well im gonna go watch almost famous i figured i should buy it so i can get a little maron fix i havent seen it since ive known what maron looks like so i dont remember what he plays but ive heard as we all have that its a small part but small is better than none i guess
:bow::sammy:SACRED LIFE!!!!!
Melina, thanks for dishing the dirt on the dipshit (how’s that for alliteration?) Goldberg. The truth is out… he destroyed MS in an attempt to benefit Imus. FUCK HIM. And fuck Imus too, as long as I’m swearing.
And fuck Dianne Feinstein. She should know better. What a waste. :barf:
Not to mention her incredibly shitty timing, endorsing a racist on the eve of MLK Day. Way to sell out.
And check out Krista’s blog if you haven’t already.
:sammy: FUCK YOU! I’m sacred life!
I’m sacred life…
I did your wife…
whoa calm down krista nice young women like yourself shouldnt be using such harsh language dont let sammy corrupt you!!!!!
:bow::priest::sdavid: hey a jewish cardinal i didnt know they had cardinals
Thanks for the plug Kevin. I channeled Sammy for a minute! Maybe he didn’t die at all. Maybe he’s in each and every one of us.:love::sammy:
Oh boy! :ear::40: Oil grease . Do we like SenTOR GRAham?
ha ha just looked at imdb.com maron plays the part of the “angry promoter” i guess it is a totally bit part i wonder if he gets more than one line if that
I’m really sorry about being such an asshole. I just can’t help myslef sometimes. I have no friends, no life, and sometimes my mom won’t even let me use the computer.
I think I’m beginning to understand why I hate myself so much. I need to come to terms with my sexuality. I’ve always been attracted to boys, but my mommy used to beat me after daddy would come in and touch me, late at night. Sometimes I just cry myself to sleep. I used to masturbate, but I can’t get an erection anymore – not even with my Leonardo di Caprio poster.
damn it why cant the angry promoter part be on already
Chomsky: ‘There Is No War on Terror’
By Geov Parrish
Saturday 14 January 2006
For over 40 years, MIT professor Noam Chomsky has been one of the world’s leading intellectual critics of U.S. foreign policy. Today, with America’s latest imperial adventure in trouble both politically and militarily, Chomsky – who turned 77 last month – vows not to slow down “as long as I’m ambulatory.” I spoke with him by phone, on Dec. 9 and again on Dec. 20, from his office in Cambridge.
Geov Parrish: Is George Bush in political trouble? And if so, why?
Noam Chomsky: George Bush would be in severe political trouble if there were an opposition political party in the country. Just about every day, they’re shooting themselves in the foot. The striking fact about contemporary American politics is that the Democrats are making almost no gain from this. The only gain that they’re getting is that the Republicans are losing support. Now, again, an opposition party would be making hay, but the Democrats are so close in policy to the Republicans that they can’t do anything about it. When they try to say something about Iraq, George Bush turns back to them, or Karl Rove turns back to them, and says, “How can you criticize it? You all voted for it.” And, yeah, they’re basically correct.
How could the Democrats distinguish themselves at this point, given that they’ve already played into that trap?
Democrats read the polls way more than I do, their leadership. They know what public opinion is. They could take a stand that’s supported by public opinion instead of opposed to it. Then they could become an opposition party, and a majority party. But then they’re going to have to change their position on just about everything.
Take, for example, take your pick, say for example health care. Probably the major domestic problem for people. A large majority of the population is in favor of a national health care system of some kind. And that’s been true for a long time. But whenever that comes up – it’s occasionally mentioned in the press – it’s called politically impossible, or “lacking political support,” which is a way of saying that the insurance industry doesn’t want it, the pharmaceutical corporations don’t want it, and so on. Okay, so a large majority of the population wants it, but who cares about them? Well, Democrats are the same. Clinton came up with some cockamamie scheme which was so complicated you couldn’t figure it out, and it collapsed.
Kerry in the last election, the last debate in the election, October 28 I think it was, the debate was supposed to be on domestic issues. And the New York Times had a good report of it the next day. They pointed out, correctly, that Kerry never brought up any possible government involvement in the health system because it “lacks political support.” It’s their way of saying, and Kerry’s way of understanding, that political support means support from the wealthy and the powerful. Well, that doesn’t have to be what the Democrats are. You can imagine an opposition party that’s based on popular interests and concerns… http://www.truthout.org
ahhhhhhhhh there he is maron
Hey fred! How does this compare to the stuff that Tyger Thom slings out on the Chinese threat?
Parrish: How will the US deal with China as a superpower?
Chomsky: What’s the problem with China?
Parrish: Well, competing for resources, for example.
Chomsky: Well, if you believe in markets, the way we’re supposed to, compete for resources through the market. So what’s the problem? The problem is that the United States doesn’t like the way it’s coming out. Well, too bad. Who has ever liked the way it’s coming out when you’re not winning? China isn’t any kind of threat. We can make it a threat. If you increase the military threats against China, then they will respond. And they’re already doing it. They’ll respond by building up their military forces, their offensive military capacity, and that’s a threat. So, yeah, we can force them to become a threat…
(Hey Seditionistas! Is there still hope to change the deadly course we are on?)
Parrish: What’s your biggest regret over 40 years of political activism? What would you have done differently?
Chomsky: I would have done more. Because the problems are so serious and overwhelming that it’s disgraceful not to do more about it.
Parrish: What gives you hope?
Chomsky: What gives me hope actually is public opinion. Public opinion in the United States is very well studied, we know a lot about it. It’s rarely reported, but we know about it. And it turns out that, you know, I’m pretty much in the mainstream of public opinion on most issues. I’m not on some, not on gun control or creationism or something like that, but on most crucial issues, the ones we’ve been talking about, I find myself pretty much at the critical end, but within the spectrum of public opinion. I think that’s a very hopeful sign. I think the United States ought to be an organizer’s paradise.
Parrish: What sort of organizing should be done to try and change some of these policies?
Chomsky: Well, there’s a basis for democratic change. Take what happened in Bolivia a couple of days ago. How did a leftist indigenous leader get elected? Was it showing up at the polls once every four years and saying, “Vote for me!”? No. It’s because there are mass popular organizations which are working all the time on everything from blocking privatization of water to resources to local issues and so on, and they’re actually participatory organizations. Well, that’s democracy. We’re a long way from it. And that’s one task of organizing.
That fucking slimy creep Lindsay Graham helped coach Alito! What kind of conflict of interest ids this? God. If there were a real opposition party….
Corporations rule!:omg:
The Neocons and Taliban know how to game the narrow system!:grin:
Hey nickirose, thx for the chomsky interview.
i don’t know too much about this. i’m learning though. this morning i heard a report on bbc that said that the chinese military was expanding at a huge rate and it named quite a few of the entitites helping china do this, including russia, israel, and boeing.
i’m of such a mixed mind on what to think of the american public. i mean, they gave up so EASILY their civil rights for this bogus boogeyman clap trap talk from the neocons. but in my heart of hearts i think chomsky’s right and we’ll pull together.
Well Kevin, I dont know if hes trying to destroy AAR for Imus…but I do think that hes following an old format that is just so-so and not along the lines of what AAR was supposed to be. He must want to make money, and not having radio experience he probably asks his friends how to be a radio ceo…
This is the fault of the board or whoever decided to hire someone who is not only someone with little experience but also someone who obviously doesnt want to make art, take chances, change the world….Everything he has done has served to make AAR just so-so and in some cases downright painfully stupid…. I dont think that he gave the shows hes cancelled and jiggered with enough time to get a foothold, but they certainly were on their way when he axed them…I also think that he could jigger with some of the other shows (such as Al without a co-host and the fact that Jeaneane is absent so much as to make her name on the show a joke!…give us revolving guest hosts or anything besides Sam screaming like a crazyperson! and Randi? Oh forget it…I know she has her people…just too repetitive for me.)
My Mom is a lifetime talk radio listener and she says shes seen things like this before…and that he will be out pretty soon unless his ideas really bring in revenue; I cant imagine that AAM is bringing in anything. I also cant imagine that anyone is gonna subscribe to the podcasts. I’m not and Im a podcast freak! I have an XM radio that saves 5 hours of programming per day. All thats ever mattered to me is to have enough programming to be able to drive around and do my stuff without having to listen to Jerry Springer. So, Im set if I can save Rachel and maybe part of Majority report from the night before. If Marc gets a show I will save that to the XM as well. Id prefer to die than to add to DG’s revenue now!
How do we find out the ratings? Are they published somewhere?
Does anyone know how to hack around the password block on the AAR podcasts? It seems to happen when the shows get to iTunes. I wonder if there is another platform that will take the shows from the podcaster thing I use and put em on my ipod….alternatives to iTunes…?
How do we find out the ratings? Are they published somewhere?
Comment by Melina — January 15, 2006 @ 6:46 pm
I haven’t subscribed to Billboard in a number of years, but unless Arbitron has changed its policy, you have to subscribe to their rating service to receive updates on ratings. Eventually the information will make its way into print, usually after being spun by the ownership companies (Clear Channel, Infinity, etc.)
All eyes will definitely be on the next couple of books for the NYC market, with Stern moving to Sirius. Again, this would have been the perfect opportunity for WLIB to make inroads with MS, and Goldberg pissed all over it.
I’d prefer to die than to add to DG’s revenue now!
Comment by Melina — January 15, 2006 @ 6:46 pm
Can we find a happy medium between these two extremes? I don’t like him either, but jeez, Melina, come on. We would miss you. :love:
The podcast archives are still available at Air America Place, though that will end by February 1st. I’m not much for iTunes, myself. I prefer Juice (used to be iPodder), but then I don’t buy stuff from the Apple store.
I guess if there was stuff still on AAR that I wanted to listen to, I’d probably invest in Replay Radio for $39.95 and just record the stream.
Melina, you are funny!
All thats ever mattered to me is to have enough programming to be able to drive around and do my stuff without having to listen to Jerry Springer.
sorry…heh heh…just a tad dramatic here…
I doubt my $10 matters either way but I am so unhappy with this situation right now that I am even going to try to boycott the sponsers somehow.
Hey Niki…great Chomsky article!
Ovaltine is dead to me.
check this out for the fall 2005 arbitron radio ratings:
click on the city you’re interested in. for instance, for aar in new york city, look at wlib and for aar in san Francisco, look at kqke.
i don’t know how to read the darn things except for what’s obvious.
i couldn’t find detail enough to see that randi had decisively trumped shawn hannity or however it is that you spell his name.
wow PJ…thanks for that link! I may get replay radio anyway!….it seems really cool.
I was thinking of getting the new satellite player that is coming out which holds 50 hours or something…but I dont want to keep buying equipment when I dont even know if XM is gonna be worth it for me (though the sound is so much better and they do have alot of good channels)
I know a guy at XM who may be able to get those numbers…does anyone know when they come out?
But all in all AAR in NYC was creeping up by fall 05. I dont know how fast they gain and if the tenths or hundredths are important …but it is an upwards trend.
Which station is Imus on? I never listen to him on the radio.
I wish they had the breakdown by time. Also, the demographic is important. Listeners are good, but the average talk radio listener tends to be old, and from what I’ve heard, AAR does very well in the younger demographic (which is the group that actually buys stuff).
Randi said on her show Friday that she beat Sean Hannity in NYC in the latest ratings. She was so happy. She started taunting him, “How do you like getting beat by a girl, Sean. Huh!!!”:banana:
If the United States had information Iran was going to hit Israel with a nuclear weapon, would you support America attacking Iran as a preemptive measure?
Vote on this poll here. Fer shits and giggles:lol:
So, these ratings would include Morning Sedition then wouldn’t it?
:love: The best Smileys “E V E R!!!!! thx pjsauter.
She’s back :growl:
Repartition is the Key! I like Randi (mostly) and Sam Seder and Mike M. and Ring of Fire.
Ni Neart…….. Book of Kells In Unity There Is Strength.
Samuri is a warrior with purpose.
Karma is the Sanskrit word for action, Dharma is the word for pathway (To put it all very simply)
…chinese military was expanding at a huge rate and it named quite a few of the entitites helping china do this, including russia, israel, and boeing.
Comment by foggyblue — January 15, 2006 @ 6:46 pm
Vigilance! (with being prepared)
Pittsburgh Steelers :banana:
Chicago Bears 😥
I watch and care too much about football.
USC :banana: and Harry Potter
Well, Im gonna try to get the breakdown somehow.
I think that Goldf**k ignored the ratings (which Marc said were getting better and that the board had been told,) in favor of some bright idea that he had to make AAR fall in line with what was happening in the Imus world…
Has anybody put Morning Sedition shows on CD? I thought that I would get the past 5 shows on CD. My friend does not have the capability. If any of you does have the capability, let me know.:peace:
I have them all on disc. Take upm too much room on my computer.
Krista- how many can you fit on a regular disc?
michigan state basketball team won in the last ten seconds of the second overtime. i was exhausted and exhilarated. :billcat::nixon::banana:
I’ve been able to fit about 25-30 shows, easy. I got them all on 12 discs.
michigan state basketball team won in the last ten seconds of the second overtime. i was exhausted and exhilarated.
Comment by foggyblue — January 15, 2006 @ 10:13 pm
Yeah Team! (It gets one out of politics for a second. Then back to work…:omg:):rofl2:
Druid –
You remind me of the last War on Brains.
Comment by King Kong — January 15, 2006 @ 6:48 am
I GET IT! :doh: :banana: 😉
Dudes,but where’s the pot? :bong:
Hey Druid_666…what kind of tea are you drinking? My current favorite is called Star of Persia. It’s available at a few spots here in Portland OR, or on the Internet for about $8/lb. It’s great; has a few red cubic sugar crystals that look like tiny rubies in the rough. Cracking open a rock with a geologist’s hammer and finding a little ruby is a memorable desert experience.
All y’other all…I’m back from a ‘brief’ and wonderful trip to Brazil. So nice to be out of the political loop for a while, and to return refreshed and recharged. For the prurient, which is most of this list, the tiny swim suits in Rio are called “fio dental”–dental floss.
My new mission as a Democrat is the complete annihilation of the Republican Party, and the total destruction of any faux Democrat who cooperates with Republicans in any way. No prisoners, boys and girls; no Vichy survives. The Republicans and thier sympathizers are a greater threat to this Republic than all the other “terrorists” combined. So let’s eliminate the worst, first.
I’m really psyched about this mission, and not at all fussy about “the law” as written by corporatists. I don’t advocate violence, of course, but I don’t consider the destruction of mere property to be violence.
I want to see riots in the streets–buses burned, unruly mobs of 100,000 or more smashing everything in sight, and Wall Street wringing it’s little Louis Vuitton hankies in dismay. My goal for 2006 is a voter turnout of 10% or less…now that’s a vote of “no confidence” that might get the attention of even the DCCC..the little rat bastards. *See next post*.
Seeing Danny Godlberg hanging upside down from a balcony would be OK, too. Jesus, am I starting to sound like Mike Malloy? I hope so!
Love the Sammy emoticon…which of our brilliant members came up with that? PJS, no doubt. Any chance we could get a Molotov Cocktail-throwing emoticon? That would be spectacular!
Henry Hyde, arch conservative congressman, was pushed into retirement by the 2004 grassroots campaign of Christine Cegelis. Cegelis came closer to defeating Hyde than anyone in his 32 years in Congress, earning 44.2% of the vote in this traditionally Republican district. She is now the front runner for his open seat, against a former staff aide to Tom Delay, Peter Roskam. Roskam’s positions are farther to the right than Hyde’s.
You might expect Beltway Democrats to be lining up enthusiastically behind Cegelis in this great opportunity to capture a Chicago suburban area Congressional seat. Instead, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has recruited a candidate to oppose Cegelis for the Democratic nomination.
The reason Party bosses are opposing Cegelis is they fear another independent progressive in Congress. Cegelis is a progressive Democrat: she’s anti-war, pro-choice, pro-renewable energy and opposes NAFTA-like trade deals. She supports a definite timetable for the quick and safe withdrawal of troops. The DCCC prefers candidates who are “centrist” and pro-business, and they want their recruits to be veterans who are “moderate” on the war.
PDA members should not tolerate this insulting and counterproductive attack on Cegelis. It is an attack on the progressive potential of the Democratic Party. Cegelis has a realistic chance to add another Democratic seat to our Congress. We urge you to go all out for Cegelis. Yesterday PDA officially endorsed Cegelis, and the most helpful thing we can do right now is give to Cegelis generously and immediately to propel her to victory in the March primary. Click here to donate.
To block Cegelis, the DCCC drafted an Iraq war veteran, Tammy Duckworth. Duckworth has never been involved in political activity, and has never lived in the district. The only basis for Duckworth’s candidacy is that she is an Army Reserves member who lost both her legs in Iraq. Duckworth’s most notable comment on the war is that there is good and bad in everything. She echoes President Bush’s views on a timetable. She is running, not against the war, but as a symbol of patriotism.
Behind the scenes, the Beltway bosses have put every obstacle in front of Cegelis: they have pressured people listed as her contributors, they have called her volunteers to plant rumors about her candidacy, and they have turned the Party establishment, which had endorsed her in 2004, away from her.
Cegelis doesn’t deserve this scandalous treatment. She is an experienced, grassroots campaigner. She recruited an army of volunteers and she never stopped campaigning after her near upset victory in 2004. And she is the stronger candidate to win in November.
PDA supporters are urged to go all out to help Christine Cegelis, not only to elect an outstanding candidate, but also to show the Beltway Democrats that their effort to block progressives within the party won’t be tolerated. We must help raise significant funds for her, to offset the heavy Democratic spending that’s been promised against her. Please send whatever you can afford, whether it’s $15, $50, $500, or the maximum $2100. Click here and give on-line.
This is probably the most important political contribution you can make in the current election cycle. With the help of PDA supporters, Cegelis will win the primary and go on to defeat Tom Delay’s former staffer in November. The alternative — letting an unqualified, inexperienced candidate become the Democratic nominee for this open seat — would result in a Democratic defeat in November, with Tom Delay getting an additional seat in Congress, one that he will personally control.
The Progressive Democrats of America are OK…maybe the only Democrats out there who are worth an ounce of sour owl shit.
Audios AAR , I have to look for that “Star…” Tea. It sounds delectable as does everything you said regarding this “society”. Glad you are back, safely and refreshed. :banana::cool::grin:
Oh Audios AAR, pjsauter is the Master of the Worlds Best Emoticons/Smileys E V E R!!!!!!!
12 PM ET
Jan 16, 2006
DAR Constitution Hall
Washington DC
“Former Vice President Al Gore will deliver a major address Monday on the threat posed by policies of the Bush Administration to the Constitution and the checks and balances it created. The speech will specifically point to domestic wiretapping and torture as examples of the administrations efforts to extend executive power beyond Congressional direction and judicial review.” -US Newswire
G’Evening/G’Morning Isi… Yea for VP Gore (soon Pres). Bush impreached, arrested, and Gore put in as an emergency President.
Rats oops :grin:(I:love: my rats((and stray rescued cats, and Danu)) Hmmmm That means no sleep for me or I will miss him speaking :grin::(. But he is so worth it. Thx for reminding us all. 😆
I was just watching Polar Bears Rescue.