Well, here we are, another week down. Four weekends to get through before the Marc Maron Show. I wonder when we’ll find out what time it’s on, and how long it’ll be?
Posted by pjsauter on January 20, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized | 229 Comments
Well, here we are, another week down. Four weekends to get through before the Marc Maron Show. I wonder when we’ll find out what time it’s on, and how long it’ll be?
haha!! under pressure!!!!!:fustrate:
hello Seditionists!!! how is everybody??
Tired and drained.:billcat:
Is that the same thing?
yup…i think it is….. poor trav š
you need a hug….wheres the hug smiley??
I’m still lookin’ for that smiley.
I’ll wait for others to write before I bring down the blog with my nonsense.
awww…you don’t bring us down. if anything it’s entertaining. :banana:
RIP Wilson Pickett :(:peace:
travis?? you still there??
Hello? (echo echo echo)
*a tumble weed rolls by*
Oh, yeah, I accidently dropped my keyboard, which inadvertently hit the sleep button and crashed the computer. I thought about the situation for a sec. and figured I better go make some soup. So, don’t let me forget about it, ’cause I do that sometimes.
haha….okay. don’t burn your house down man.:bong:
Well, Jason, it looks like you’re back to fish and poultry. :sheep: It kind of looks like a cow
Or Tom and Kong. Is it forgetful Friday. Where is everyone?
Evening morning to all. Just taking care of some final packing for the big trip Saturday.
Hey, where to? For how long?
Back to WI for two weeks. The fist week I’m taking some time off and the second week is a holiday here- Chinese New Year.
Where’s the MMCR*? :omg:
* (Maron Mad Cow Rant)
????! Happy New Year!
Coolness, I think you guys are a little man.????!
I hate it when I forget letters, especially whole words.
I think you guys are a little LATE.
I hope that clears it up a bit, sorry.
hey Kong and Farmerkat!!!
hope you have a good safe trip Kong :nod::banana:
HEH HEH! :rofl2:
‘Wash Post’ Web Editor Explains Decision to Shut Off Blog Comments
We got about 1,000 posts and at least 150 to 200 were using either profanity, hate speech or personal attacks,” Brady said about the responses to Howell’s controversial column last Sunday, in which she stated that indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff gave money to both political parties, when most research shows he only gave directly to Republicans.
Brady said the comments forced his staff to spend hours time reviewing the responses and tossing out those that were unusable for the blog. “We don’t allow profanity or name-calling and we need to figure out a way to keep it clean,” he told E&P late Thursday. “It was a real burden.
crooksandliars has more on the subject FYI
Morning quietgirl!
KK, hope you have a fine trip!
DAMN IT! I knew I forgot something!
It’s cool, we’re cool.
RIP Wilson Pickett
Comment by quietgirl ā January 20, 2006 @ 5:44 am
What she said. (Quietgirl, you have excellent taste in music.) He was only 64. Way too young.
I tore up “Mustang Sally” in the shower this morning in his memory. Hopefully if he was listening, he’ll forgive me. :peace:
Maron was, of course, hilarious on Conan the other night. “You’re the clown at my birthday party.” “I’ve stuck my finger in a lot of holes.” Someone should give this man a radio show!
Thanks quietgirl The last few days I haven’t been paying attention. When does your Spring semester star? i.e. When does Winter Brereak end? (Or has it?)
haha Farmerkat!!
it’s kinda like us posting about Goldberg.:fustrate:
ha! bastard!!
….hey! rileys talking about the Wash Post blog! you’re one step ahead Farmerkat
Wilson PickeT! š
winter break has been over for two week, Kong :fustrate:
i’m actually working on some animation right now for my morning class today :doh:
Sorry, qg, Ripon College used to give us at least a month off.
holy crap!! i would love to have a whole month off!!
damn school!:rant1:
good morning people
Picket š
What’s up Sean? I think I’m gonna turn on the span for little bit.
Hey, in case you guys didn’t hear this, Mike Malloy is being taken off WLIB in New York. :fustrate: š„ He explained it pretty fully on last night’s show.
It seems that the 10 PM – 1 AM time slot doesn’t generate a lot of advertising revenue, and the distributors of the God-awful and unlistenable The Satellite Sisters is willing to pay for that time slot. AAR is supposedly trying to get another NY area station to pick up his show as part of their syndication efforts.
Malloy said it’s not about ratings, it’s about money. He said he doesn’t want people yelling and hollering at AAR, but that you can call and venture your support for the show in a positive way.
I find this an ominous development, because it may mean that AAR is running a lot closer to the line than we’d like to believe. It also may mean that Goldberg, like the Democrat Party leadership, is trying to turn the network into something so namby-pamby as to be devoid of all influence.
That would really be a shame, especially with AAR’s role in getting the Bill Frist/day traders story some traction.
Good Morning :fire:
It truly is always about the money. for the most part sometimes nevermind
I think Danny is impatient. Maybe he’s one of those types that has to change everything when he takes over. To make it his, so to speak.
wow my mind is a total freaking blank right now:omg:
even with the money it still doesnt make any sense to me that they would take one of their own radio personalities off the air on their flagship station oh well i dont live in ny so i suppose ill get over it but if i was dg i would be carefull because some of those malloy fans are crazy:evil:
Hi kristapea
control freak…..or greedy bastard…i think both describe Danny.
hi Kristapea and Sean!!:banana::banana:
that’s ‘cuz you watched faux news last night night:priest:
I’m glad to see so many here. They are killing MikeMalloy in NYC for financial reasons. Satelite Sisters! Whooda Thunkit! :billcat:
listened to hannity and laura ingrahm last night too and i freaking slept through malloy grrrrrrrrrr
the weather…hmmm…it’s a lovely 44 degrees in LA right now
HI BASCOMBE! great to see you!
who are the Satelite Sisters?
ok well im off to see the wizard time to drive over to louisville you people have a good morning and uh ill be around later if they have an internet connection at the arena laters
:bow::rabbi:our jerusalem syndrome suffering buddy will be back soon its only a matter of time
satelite sisters?
Mornin’ Seditionists! How’s everybody doing? :fire:
Hey that F5 trick doesn’t work in Safari……damn Safari…:rant1:
Morning, all! How great to see Marc on Conan’s show!
Looking forward to the new Maron incarnation….
So you guys, do you think Marc’s new show will be atleast a two hour daily? :sammy:
Marc never did revamp his website, somebody is being a bad boy! :spank:
So, twice yesterday I heard bumper music from MS and almost cried. As I was stuck in traffic “Can’t Stop” came on and then some tv show used the end of the show music(don’t know what it is). I did Homer’s scream at the appropriate moment, it worked being stuck in traffic.:doh::fustrate:
Yeah Krista, I hate hearing some of the music on AAR because it reminds me of MS….:cry:
Marc’s gotta have two hours to vent. Three has some nice repeats.
Jason,could you listen to the new show in the morning?
I think The Marc Maron Show is going to be an hour:cry:That’s not enough.
By the way…congrats on walking out on that job! What the hell do they need a credit report for? :doh:
What leads you to believe it’ll only be an hour? That sux! š”
I hope not…what time do you think it’ll air?
Hey Becky! How the heck are you:?:
mornin’ kristapea and jason.
Well, you don’t have to worry about hearing cool bumper music much longer on AAR.DG is taking care of that.:neutral:
Howdy, Farmerkat! How nice to see you and lots of the old MSers here.
I’m doing well….how’s about you and your’n? Hope you had a groovy holiday season….
Oh, hi Kong. Yeah I could listen in the morning. I’d rather listen at night with a nice cold one though. That’s what I’m use to. We usually don’t get started around here till the early afternoon. I know that’s how it is in Seoul too. What about Taipei? Do you get started earlier in the day?
‘The Marc Maron Show’ is a bit lame for a title.
I’ve seen titles with much more punch.
Any MORE ideas?
Hey Farmerkat and Becky! I’m use to BeckyATL…..:fire:
Mornin’ Farmerkat and Becky.Is it too early for:40: or:bong: or:cake: ?
Just read the news about Malloy/Satellite Sisters. DG is not just an asshole, he’s a GAPING asshole! WTF!?! And just when I was starting to waver on my boycott of WLIB/AAR! Sheesh!
I was in a cab yesterday and he had the radio on pretty low. I was distracted by a phone call I got as soon as I entered the cab, but when I hung up I realized he had Randi on. I figured it wasn’t cheating to listen if the cabbie had it on, and I started to wonder if, now that Maron’s show will supposedly be on AAR, I couldn’t end the boycott already. Then you guys go and tell me this.
Based on an earlier comment regarding DG’s impatience, I had an insight into the “type” of person he is. I have a childhood friend who married into a very wealthy family. Her husband, who I do not like, is totally impatient and self-centered. He may be a successful businessman in terms of the $$$, but I have seen how he treats his own housekeepers and I have no doubt that he makes decisions that suit his whims, with no regard to how they may affect his employees. He can be very rude if you’re not someone he thinks important (I am among those) and almost hyper in his need to do things and be entertained . . .
I don’t of course know what DG is like, but I just saw the parallel.
Sorry for going on like that–the guy (take your pick) really gets under my skin.
The Maron Sedition, My Mangy Cat, The Sewer, Baked Goods, I don’t know the list cold be endless. I sent him a bunch one night…:roll:
Jason- School opens at 7 and I get there before 8. Classes finish by 6:30. I love to go home by 7, but it can be later. (and often is)
Picked up the paper this morning to see Bin laden has threatened the United States again but the administration isn’t going to do anything about it. They are too busy trying to get search records from Google where they will learn I searched on such things as “Impeach Bush” , “Bush Drug Arrest”, “Cheney Halliburton Iraq” and “Bush National Guard Desert”.
I am so glad our government has its priorities sorted out.
Oh, hi boat people.
The Satellite sisters are three sisters where one sis lives in Moscow, one in London, and the other I can’t remember. It’s interesting for that. I listened to it once a long time ago I think on NPR. Not great, not bad.
Kong is it a public school or an ESL school? That’s early dude!
Hey NC! :fire: Kong, the only time I started that early was on the weekends and my own private lessons. Is that normal for Taiwan. Do most shops open that early?
Hey, Kristapea! Woo-hoo, (a lot of) the gang’s all here!
Never too early for :cake:
I gotta go to work…see you all later when it will be time for :40: and :bong:
Just kidding, government agents!
this sucks!! just when the blog starts to pick up, i have to get ready for school.:fustrate::fustrate::mad::rant1:
okay, i guess i’ll check in later :sheep:ple.
take care Seditionists!!:priest::nixon::banana:
Mornin’ NCBlue, I hope they do the “Bush Failure” one:grin: Everyone’s done that one.:tongue:
Later QG and Becky! Have a good one!:razz:
Man that :bong: makes me jonze…..
I think there are actually four or five Satellite Sisters. I agree, Jason, they’re not too bad the first couple times you listen to them. But then you grow to detest listening. Just too goofy but not in a funny way, and only rarely topical, IMHO.
Malloy is out there, but back when I was still listening to AAR, I’d tune in occasionally, whereas when the Sisters were on, my radios would be silent.
Really Kahn, I though there were only three…oh well, they’re on ABC radio. So, it’s ABC that’s paying AAR for the spot on WLIB….Doesn’t AAR have more than one station in New York? I thought they did…
I think they should sell off Springer’s spot, it’s getting no use as it is..:rant1:
Me too, Jason. Here’s what I wrote:
Oh, well . . . at least is has “Marc Maron” in the title!
Hi Farmerkat,
Satelite Sisters: Four sisters who sound like Liberal Laura Bush. Everything is rosy, bubbly and overwhelmingly, overbearingly nice. Not insipid, but very, very syrupy.
Though Mike Malloy was getting stronger in the core demographic(young white men 25-45), SS is syndicated by ABC and thus a cheaper program. It appears that AAR doesn’t own anything physical and thus cannot establish a real home for any of their shows.
taiwan is a 24-7 society.
all is okay dokay on the farm, becky. was about to email you to check up on you!
nc, glad i never searched on aol, yahoo etc. since they handed over their info willy-nilly.
MS OLD HOME WEEK ON THE BLOG: :love::love::love::love:
:priest: {{KAHN}} sounds like a confessional to me!
ciao! guys, gotta run for now.
ps it’s ALWAYS :cake: time!
i didn’t get to hear malloy last night. am not sure why he’s being replaced with the satellite sisters. is it because they will pay more for his time slot than aar currently earns with advertising for malloy?
is this a wlib decision as opposed to being an aar decision?
what a totally frightening situation. you don’t have to think very far down the road to consider how easy it would be for right-wingers to buy the time slots of their most irritating opponents.
i listen to the satellite sisters now and then when i want to veg out. they are totally non-political. the idea that they are going to replace malloy is ludicrous.
this must be some kind of joke. right?
Hee-hee! I hadn’t thought of it that way!
Gotta quit bloggin’ and get to work! See y’all later.
It’s the same here Kong as far as the convinience stores go but most shops and dapartment stores don’t open till 10. It was the same way in Korea….
Kahn, those are good ones…:fire:
Don’t believe the hype!:nixon:
Just think if they took away your blogging connection to New York City. That’s what drives me crazy about this radio business — that you have absolutely no control. If Malloy were a blogger, he could do whatever he wants. But because he is involved with radio, he has to agree to whatever “the man” says. I felt sad listening to how Mike explained it and how he was resigned to his fate.
Name your favorite blogger or writer. Then imagine that someone prohibited them from writing anymore. We have to find a way to cut the puppet strings and open up the airwaves.
it’s open 24-7
alright philosopher kings and queens. I’m out to work on my site and maybe watch a movie….JFK again? Groundhog Day?
Wouldn’t it be great if Marc dropped by and left a comment….:sammy:
“Hi I’m Sammy the Stem Cell. You can’t touch me because I’m sacred life, Tom Delay said so…heeehhheeeeehheee”
NC Blue
American viewer/non-viewer
Maybe DG will try to shut this blog down, seeing how they dealt with controversy at the post.:rofl2:
By the way, if you’d like to see the offending posts that were deleted (they just call out Howell for being a shill; the most profane word there is “bullshit,” which is actually quite apt), DU has them archived here.
Does anyone have a link to Harry Reid’s original press release naming 33 rethug senators with questionable ethics? I have a need to know.
So, what can you get in a 7-11 in Taiwan, KK?
going down :fire: bye
Hi everyone-
Well, this Malloy thing looks like another move towards the NPRization of AAR. The sattelite sisters suck!
I dont know why Marc even wants to bother with it when he could probably get a show on XM.
Anyway, I guess that its only NY but its a troubling trend and I thought that the NY ratings were part of what DG had a problem with in cancelling MS…?Isnt the flagship station important?
I was sorta hopeful that they would give Maron that slot, but that would be too good! Maybe they will nationally?…I cant figure it.
On XM they have the same old commercials so when your listening to Rachel there are these breaks when Marc comes on and tells you that youre listening to MS! Its so sad.
Anyway, I hope that Marc is doing a separate podcasting deal so he can be in on the ground of what will be the future of content…and can build an audience for that, at least, without DG working against him.
Oh well…another day….
Im very frustrated with the media and reading Media Matters really gets me. How can the press be so crappy?
This is just not a world that I am familiar with anymore….
If the other side can have a so-called “Justice Sunday”, we can have our own
“Filibuster Friday”, and that day is tomorrow. In just the last 24 hours we
have seen a major shift in momentum. Today, Senator Leahy came out with a very
strong statement that he recognizes the immense threat to our freedom and
democracy in allowing a dangerous and unpopular president to install a fifth and
controlling vote to hold that our Constitution actually intended to create an
executive dictatorship. Tomorrow we need to show our support for those senators
who are starting to stand up now by hitting every phone they’ve got right down
to the district level with our phone calls and faxes. Get all your numbers with
one easy click at
Re: Malloy Vs. Satelte Sisters
AAR packages their line-up including the Mike Malloy Program, then “makes the shows available” to their “affiliates” through syndication (remember: it’s not the true “Network” they were planning on when they first got off the ground; they were fored to go to a syndication model). The “affiliates” have to BUY the program from AAR.
The cost to the affiliates is reduced by the amount of national advertising AAR can attract to the show (those are the commercials we still hear on the stream). The Affiliates pay for the show with the $ they get from local advertising (filling the holes we hear as god-awful music we hear on the stream), hopefully enough to make a profit & stay in business.
ABC packages the SS program, and brings (possibly all) the advertisers with it.
The advertisers pay ABC.
ABC pays WLIB, and apparently will pay them more than WLIB can raise through selling ads on Malloy, after deducting the cost of buying the show from AAR.
So Apparantly McLuhan was wrong.
The Medium is the ADVERTISING DOLLAR. :bow:$
My prediction: Drudge will pick this up, spin it the way you know he will, and “O’Rushannity” will bring it to the echo chamber, shouting from the highest rooftops:
:rant1:“AAR is EATING IT’S OWN!”
By the way, for those of you Midwest Seditionists, if you’re thinking about heading to see Marc at the Paramount Theater in Aurora, IL (about 40 miles west of Chicago), you can get more information here. Oh, and if you go, see if they’ll let you take pictures (probably best to check that out before they take your camera away at the door), and tell Marc to say hello to us next time he’s on Conan.
malloy won the new york aar award in july 2005 for best radio talk show in new york city. from mike’s web page:
mike wins an award in new york city, and mike’s got good ratings. now wlib is booting him off in favor of a non-political feel-good show that most wlib faithful won’t be interested in. plus the fact that liz dolan was a former nike executive and did very well in a business founded on sweat shops. this won’t go over very well with progressives in new york.
wlib’s decision to replace malloy with the satellite sisters doesn’t compute. i don’t get it.
what’s next? 3 hours of country music instead of randi? i mean, what kind of station is wlib anyway? is each time slot is up for auction to the highest bidder? if that’s how progressive radio is run, it’s in trouble big time.
or maybe wlib has a dg in its management to secretly undermine the progressive cause? has wlib has been goldberged?
As far as the Satellite Sisters buying their way onto WLIB, those of you who don’t frequent the forums might be interested in what one of the posters over there (whoopster) posted a while back:
Now, I have no way of verifying that, but the Sat Sis deal certainly adds credence. And if you’d like to have a listen to his reports, you can hear them at Overseas Voices.
Anybody remember how Larson called whoopster’s bluff about the latter’s connection with AAR? There are heated exchanges on the Morning Sedition old blogs.
Bye again:mad:
I thynk I liked the original version of “Marc & Mark” better!
‘Course it WOULD be interesing to see Riley juggle operating electric steak knives (or even just to have heard it on the radio!)
Yes, I’ve always suspected that Springer packages his own show, and brings it to AAR at rediculously low price, because he must’ve brought enough of his own national advertisers with him. Simple way to figure it out:
Listen to his show, and time how much/how little of that CRAP-TASTIC music they play, vs. how many ads you hear.
of course, you’d have to actually LISTEN to him to do this
PJ, thanks so much for that…how incredible to have that con in just as I was trying to get through Media Matters!
It could be said that alot of our problems in the past…oh, too many to count…years has been due to the press. Now with the Bush administration doing their ‘if I repeat a lie enough it becomes a truth’ thing so blatantly and not being called on it because they weed out any dissenter who is stronger than a David Gregory (who only get to spar with pig boy on a spit McClennan,) and they surround themselves with robots…seems like many in the press find that they really dont have to waste the time sourcing and researching these things…
How can it be that the Daily Show is better researched than our top newspapers!!?? How can it be that the nightly news leaves out whole parts of issues and slants things one way or another..?
We need an equal time docterine in this country!
And no one should shut down a blog or comments section of a paper unless its actually threatening national security…
Taiwan! I got it man, alright. I fucked up.
I have to sleep, I’m getting grumpy.
Epic adventures and eploration with Marc Maron is a great title damn it . What’s wrong with it? HUH? Exactly.
Yeah, I don’t know. He does have at least a couple of reports on Marty’s show (another DG victim), and I used to think that perhaps he heard something incorrectly (like, maybe he was pestering Ginsburg, who finally said “hey you want a show, pay $125G to put it on the air”), but as time goes on, I wonder.
How long before Alan Colmes replaces Majority Report, Springer gets expanded to six hours, and big Ed replaces Randi?
Something from Malloy’s AAR blog:
Is Air America doing THAT badly?
Or is it just Goldberg screwing things up again?
You must become the change you wish to see in the world -Mahatma Ghandi
Submitted by CootieGirl on January 20, 2006 – 12:15am. | reply | email this comment
There were only 7 posts on Malloy’s Thursday AAR blog.
If goldbug ever brings Schultz aboard AAR, I will help organize a mutiny. ::sheep::sheep::sheep::rant1:
Mike Malloy did ask that no one conjecture on the conspiracy of it all. He repeated it in the strongest terms. I would like to NOT think of the destruction of the original AAR, but it looks like another brick has been thrown through a window. The damage is apparent. :cool::fire::cool:
This might be interesting, for you NYC-area folks:
And, for you folks out on the left coast:
Why did WLIB only run 2 hours of Malloy’s show in the first place?
Don’t they go off the air at midnight?
i have three sisters, and we’re scattered all over the country (michigan, connecticut, kentucky and california). when we talk/email the four of us sound as silly as the five satellite sisters, well maybe not as silly, but almost. i listen to the satellite sisters on xm now and then. they’re on the 155 women’s channel with other inane veg out shows like broadminded and ellen degeneres. i don’t end up listening for very long because the sisters enjoy voicing strong opinions about things they know nothing about (laundry detergent, five worst things to eat, etc.), and they are happily, proudly determined to be uninformed when they offer their opinions. at least my sisters and i do a little research before venturing opinions to each other. the satellite sisters have no such interest in research, and they’re broadcasting their opinions to millions.
they are in no way in the league of mike malloy. this is soooooo discouraging.
the satellite sisters are so completely inappropriate for a progressive radio station. it’s like having a children’s show on wlib. :growl:
pj, i’ve always had the idea that dg couldn’t get away with what he’s doing to aar if he didn’t have support. if not ginsberg, then others. as us old hippies used to say in the 70s, bummer, man.
I think I used to hear him sort of bitch about it, but I could be wrong. Malloy said AAR is looking for another NYC station to run his show. How hard could that be?
My Mom “likes” Jerry Springer’s show…but she is 70-something and not the demographic that AAR is after.
Ill tellyou….from everything my Mom reports, WLIB was a black liberal station!…to put those horrendous SS on is just a slap to every black person in NYC who ever listened to LIB! It has, for a while, before AAR, been one of the few liberal stations left on the radio, so I guess that the people who were its fans could sort of take it that AAR took over in that they had a couple of black hosts and were liberal…. if the liberal is replaced with pablum (is that the right word?) then….
Well, it just confirms my feelings that if pay for play is gonna be the future then artists might as well pay to produce podcasts with sponsors up front buying in(very inexpensive) and then also advertising said podcasts (a little more expensive!)
Then if it builds an audience they can consider charging the audience…look how many people Gervais is reaching wihtout having to deal with a DG or the politics of radio in general.
This is the future…we select our content and we can stram it live while its being recorded so we can blog and interact or we podcast it after the fact!
The rest is just a big business chess board…it means little except as a platform for Al’s political ambitions which seems to anchor a bunch of slots that are gonna be up for grabs to the highest bidder eventually….
oh well…
:40:Fine man. I’m goin’ to sleep. I’m starting my book next Monday called, Epic Adventures and Explorations with travis xxxxx, okay. Unless Maron uses it.:rant1::barf: I have to go pass out now.
IGoldbug is quite likely acting in consort with other bigshots. Investors who want to recoup losses. Kreeger? Or goldbug has convinced enough of them that his “plan” will bring in dividends.
In a hurry to get outta here and spend a day “bonding” with my co-workers at the bowling alley. (Most departments do touchy-feely things like paint furniture with fancy designs or meditate on the beach. Not Accounting. We go bowling…) But wanted to share a recipe and bitch that I haven’t been able to get that clip of Marc on Conan to play using anything I have. Real Player says it needs a different component but then says no component is available. Argh!
I have no idea why this recipe appealed to me this morning but it did so here it is
Cornwallis Yams
6 medium North Carolina sweetpotatoes
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 cup butter
3 eggs
1/2 cup crushed pineapple
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup grated coconut
1 1/2 cups milk
more grated coconut for garnish
Boil sweetpotatoes until softened. Peel and mash. Season with cinnamon, nutmeg, and butter. Beat eggs and add to potatoes. Combine with remaining ingredients. Pour into a greased 9×13-inch or 3-quart casserole. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven until light brown, about 1 hour. Top with a sprinkle of coconut.
Serves 10.
Hmmm . . . I thought Kreeger was a good guy. Am I remembering wrong?
Had a thought in the shower this morning: The Satellite Sisters is the perfect program to listen to while shaving your underarms. (And, ladies, “you know what I’m talkin’ about,” to quote New York’s tin-eared senator.)
Hey, Gypsy. We may have talked about this back on the old blog, but I read in Cook’s Illustrated that the best way to cook sweet potatoes is to roast them for an hour or so at 450 degrees. Makes them reaaaaaally sweet. In fact, when we did this for Thanksgiving (also with crushed pineapple), we ended up not needing to use the sugar at all.
:omg:Satellite Sisters
Leave it to Martin Luther King to sum up the issue of the day:
“On some positions…cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’ Expediencey asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’ Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it Popular?’ But, Conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’ And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but one must take it because one’s conscience tells one that it is right.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
March 1968
California Democratic Council
Hi guys, girls, other
You have to realize that a lot of the left are peace at any price nicks and shows on AAR that make the R noise make then hide under there bed and suck their thumbs. I some what doubt that much of the potential AAR audience would ever buy anything offered by the current AAR advertisers. The debt counseling adds are more acid producing than Malloy ever is. The adds and a lot of the programming seem to be for the dems that are lurking around the pool waiting for their dividend checks not the recently laid off auto worker or the displaced Katrina victim or the WalMart worker barely making it. There needs to be American Revolution Radio or something of the sort. It would probably have to be located off shore with 10 megawatt transmitters. AAR is liberal radio for the sheep just like Hannity and Limbaugh are right wing radio for the sheep.
it could have been so much more.
Thank you MLK with helping me with my talking points today in once again contacting Senators regarding the Alito Filibuster. We need to somehow feed MLK’s words through an IV to these weak men and women who represent us!
NickiRose, thanks for the info re: Filibuster Firday. That was new to me. If it is ok with you, I am going to send a copy of your mesaage to people in my address book (not your name unless you want me to- just the content). I also want to send it to my professional list serves. While some of them have been talking about Alito & the SC (most are with us), the list serve I care most about has been silent. :doh:
I sent a message out yesterday encouraging everyone to make phone calls, gave them numbers etc., yet only one person replied. I fear this country is asleep at the wheel.
Funny you should mention who the ads on AAR are directed to. I was trying to find online the recently circulating print ads for WLIB–which show, variously, blue-collar workers, gays, and lesbians–with the tagline “Radio for people like us.” Or some such. Who are they kidding?!?!?! They should have a picture of Al Franken and Danny G countin’ their money!
Damn, I wish I lived closer to Chicago. I just looked at TicketMaster, and I could get three seats on the right floor, row B.
Oh well.
From Crooks and Liars (where the video is available):
But wait! A response from :omg: John Kerry
Wow, a spontaneous, passionate Kerry!
Comment by Melina ā January 20, 2006 @ 9:36 am
WLIB was a black station and still is between 12AM and 5AM. Gary Byrd has a better show than most AAR shows and is more relevant and positive than any of the AAR programming. No insult, but with the exception of Malloy, no AAR show is even close! They are all newbies.
This convinces me that AAR is corporate media with a weak(ening) left hook. They are not committed to any program, just profits. And they want it NOW!
“It is my conclusion that Judge Alito’s record portends a view on the power of the president that would undermine our proven and constitutionally-mandated system of checks and balances.”
Holy shit! Did you guys just watch the House Judiciary comm. hearing on the span?
ok, I’m really going to sleep this time.
But remember, they’re spyin’ on us:paranoid:
isi, thx for bringing us the no votes on alito as they surface. it looks like most of the no votes have to do with the unitary executive problem. i never wudda thunk it would reach such prominence. :banana:
travis, i missed it. what happened?:?:
The whole thing was crazy. I couldn’t really understand all of the lawyer type talk, but I could see and interpret the sentiment. Everyone on the panel was saying the same thing. Bush is A crook:nixon:
woo hoo bush is a crook :nixon::nixon::spank:
these were very eloquent, educated sheeple saying this and Conyers said there’s more to come.
well, I’m off. I have a meeting in dream land. I think I’m already late.
For everyone not paying attention to other worldly problems, here is another story not being reported by the American press:
What they don’t want you to know about the coming oil crisis
If you think about it the growing oil crisis and the growing climate crisis have become so intertwined we can no longer talk about one without the other.
SUVs are destroying the American economy, not to mention our health.
Are you screwin’ with my head again? That link doesn’t work or was that the joke?
Senator Dick Durbin (D) Illinois
His remarks regarding filibuster:
“A week ago, I would have told you it’s not going to happen…As of (Wednesday), I just can’t rule it out. I was surprised by the intensity of some of my colleagues. It’s a matter of counting. We have 45 Democrats, counting (Vermont independent) Jim Jeffords on our side. We could sustain a filibuster if 41 senators…are willing to stand and fight.”
Abdon M. Pallasch
Chicago Sun Times
Jan 20, 2006
A little ray of hope. :banana:
travis, did you sleep at all last night? you are getting drowsy drowsy :yawn::yawn::yawn:
No and yes, yes!:doh:
Travis, try that link. The editor doesn’t seem to like me today. I put the title in bold and copied in the URL. It doesn’t want to let me make an active link for some reason. The gist of the story is governments and the oil industry are lying to us. The crisis is upon us and no one is prepared. I blame that bastard Reagan and all his accomplices. That includes the Democrats who rubber stamped his policies.
nc blue the link re oil etc didn’t work.
isi, thx for the ray of hope. let’s all chant, borkalito borkalito borkalito NOW.
my satellite connection is extremely slow. five minutes to “submit” or “refresh”. this is a very slow conversation.
maybe everybody is emailing their senators asking them to filibuster alito. i will be patient.
travis, your soup is NOT burning. you are getting sleepy. yawn. sleepy :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn:
Das Link
Third time’s a charm? Lucky charm?
yeah, um, I don’t have very much time and I don’t think I can read all of that before I start hallucinating. How about when I wake up, is that cool?
It’s my toast! Somebody has to remember that one?
My toast is burnt….
For certain, this is it. Ive hit the threshold damn it. No more posting. I have to set better limits, better boundries. I have to go now, and this time I mean it.
It’s been eight minutes. Somebody post so I can sleep.
I forgot to draw the lines for those boundries:doh:
Debbie Stabenow (D) Michigan is married to our very own Tom Athans, Exec Vice President of AAR.
Hmmm… wonder how she will vote on Alito? Filibuster? I guess she is my next person to contact.
right. you really mean it this time. really.
mmmmmm. grilled cheese sandwich šÆ Must eat…:paranoid:
yup, I have to go.
P.S. I’m sorry, for rainin’ on the parade. My Senators will definitely not listen to me, I haven’t written them.:spank:
travis, maybe you need a good bonk on the head? :doh:
that help?
if you stay awake, you will have to write a letter to Tom Athans, Exec Vice President of AAR about his wife’s commitment to filibuster alito. get out your pencil and start writing.
Well if you think we have a coming oil crisis… guess again…. we have an oil crisis…
January 20, 2006: 12:01 PM EST
LONDON (Reuters) – Anxiety over supplies from producer countries Iran and Nigeria drove oil prices more than a dollar higher to $68 a barrel on Friday and analysts predicted the market would stay strong for the foreseeable future.
U.S. crude oil for February delivery jumped $1.17 to $68 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the highest level in nearly four months.
And the Stock market seems to be in a power dive.. so gas up while you can still find some gas..and
think about Sam Seder and his Herbert Hoover song..
randi rhodes is talking about the dems judiciary hearings on c-span today.
jonathan turley (who is not a democrat but is a law professor and constitutional lawyer and former law student at nsa):
and much more!!!
wow! randi says OMG! OMG!
gotta go back to work. later, blog sibs.
I need to vent:
From what Randi is playing and with the current rethug control over both houses the dems are legally unable to do anything about Bush.
I am not quite clear on what they will do when the SS comes to get them, Probably cry .. but … but… we have no power Waaaaaaaa,
Apparently some rethugs were supposed to come to Conyers forum but declined.
In the mean time the medicare drug bill is actually killing off old people and Bushes pals are making a fortune off of high oil prices.
I wish some democrat would arise as a leader and yell the R word… :rant1::rant1::growl::growl:
I decided to do an advanced Google search for the following phrase:
Google THIS, assholes!
I don’t really care if I get any hits, I’m just tryinna send a message to the Bush crime family.:jerk:
who is randi talking to now? i was out feeding the donkey and goat.
Hey, did anyone happen to record a QuickTime or Windows Media version of Marc’s appearance on Conan the other night? I’m doing a blog entry on the straight male reaction to Brokeback Mountain and I’d love to link to a video file of his comments.
At about 4:30 EST Randi is talking with Robert Wexler the rep from her congressional district in Florida
Randi is talking to Robert Wexler, Rep from Florida.
Farmerkat, I’m sorry about the destruction of the Magnolia and Oak trees. I guess some people are really detached from the environment. Boggles the mind.:shock:
I’m still proud to say that googling:
danny goldberg asshole
brings up my blog page as the #1 result.
pj, but of course dahling! You the man!
Next to the rethugs in congress developers are the pits of the earth. They dig up the trees, screw up the drainage, fowl up traffic and then expect you as a tax payer to fix everything for them.
Iām still proud to say that googling:
danny goldberg asshole
brings up my blog page as the #1 result.
Comment by pjsauter ā January 20, 2006 @ 4:54 pm
pj, how many folks have come to this site now:?:
Randi is an apologist for the Democratic Party: one of AAR’s finest. To keep in the spirit of a post above: It was illegal to risu up in Warsaw, too! Hamstrung MY ASS!:omg:
Rhodes is also obsessed with impeaching Bush. Rethugs are like cockroaches getting rid of just one does nothing. The only way you can facilitate the kind of changes we need to make is either to roll the dice in November and hope you win both houses then impeach, try and lock up forever all of the Bush admin clear down to the house of reps janitors secretary or do what Sam Seder was unwilling to discuss.
Randi does a great job of bashing the rethugs and is accurate and factual but she seems to also be obsessed with her own success. Quite often in the techie world you will find someone that has worked their way up through the ranks that acts like Randi. They usually end up being a line supervisor or a project lead person and are the hardest people to work with. Her demeanor with the callers especially the conservative ones is terrible. She even talks over the liberal callers a lot of the time to show us how much she knows.
Iām doing a blog entry on the straight male reaction to Brokeback Mountain
Comment by brilliantatbreakfast ā January 20, 2006 @ 4:45 pm
I have a three-day weekend coming up, during which I’m going to try to finally see it. I’ll post a mini-review afterwards.
Also hoping to finally catch Capote, now that it’s in re-relaease. I’m not gay, I swear.
Those judiciary “hearings” (quotes because the hearings aren’t official) sound like scary stuff. Hopefully Conyers, Wexler and the others can make some noise and get the MSM to take more notice. Slim chance, I know, but we’ve gotta do something to get the Chimp off his banana throne.
Well, since you asked, let’s see….
As of midnight last night, since November 29th (the first day the Morning Seditonists site went “live”), there have been 18,005 visits, about 10,000 “unique” visitors, and around 8,000 returning visitors.
A visit is somebody who comes to the site and has some sort of activity within 30 minutes (in other words, if you’re here and you click on something once every half hour, that’s considered one visit. If you go away for more than 30 minutes and then come back it’s a return visit). The busiest day ever was – as you might guess – December 16, with 700 visitors, though yesterday there were over 600, and this week we’ve averaged about 428 per day.
We’ve had visitors from (in descending order) the US, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Australia, India, Taiwan, Germany, the UK, Russia, Sweden, Nigeria, China, Iceland, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, Guatemala, Slovakia, Morocco, Spain, Belgium, & Italy.
California accounts for the most visits – about 20% – with NY State second at around 12%, though there are folks form all over, with lots of repeat visits from places like Texas, Oklahoma – all the red states, really.
The most active visitor here (and it isn’t me) has spent a combined total of 34,229 minutes and 30 seconds here (which is something like 23 days). There are at least a couple of different folks from AAR who stop by here pretty much every weekday; they’ve spent about 8 hours here, all together.
OK, I’ll shut up now. :doh:
PJ!!! You rock!! I have been LOOKING ALL OVER for this parody poster. :love: :bow: :banana:
There are four Brokeback Mountain parody posters that I know of, and I wanted to put all four on my blog to show just what a symbol this movie has become. This is the only one I was missing. So thank you! =mwah!=
For the record, the other three are:
Bush and Cheney
Bush and Chris Matthews
Bobby Jon Drinkard and Jamie Newton from Survivor: Guatemala.
…Wilson PickeT!
Comment by King Kong ā January 20, 2006 @ 6:56 am
Blessings Wilson (earlier I did not know the correct spelling of Picket — thx Kong……
GREAT BLOG :rant1::wink:
THANKS :bow: G O O G L E :!::!::!: PLS KEEP STRANDING STRONG — GMAIL now only (when using “other addresses) ā “…you’re our only hope:!:”
pjsauter, thx for all your important statements AND FACTS and then some…:!:
From Bob, over at Air America Place:
Hmmm. Whatever will that be, I wonder?
BTW, I’ve purchased ReplayAV (which is $10 more than Replay Radio, but has the advantage of being able to record multiple streams via downloading them – as opposed to through your sound card). I’ll let you know how it works out.
My first test was grabbing “As It Happens” from CBC. I had it record to mp3, and it’s very jumpy (skippy) right now. I don’t know if that’s because that’s how the stream was, network traffic, CPU being loaded up, or if I should have allowed it to download in the native stream format, and then convert it afterwards.
So, I need to play some more.
OK…I wrote my senators, Lieberf**k and Dodd, and to Congressman Shays just for good measure…BUT I cant seem to FAX anyone. Do they turn off their fAXs at night? Has anyone tried to FAX lately?
I will use snail mail if I cant get through tomorrow but would prefer to FAX for time’s sake.
Any Cliff’s Notes from the Conan show with guest Marc Maron?
Here is my Shays letter…Its longer because I actually spoke with him last weekend…and Im so mad that Im full of words. You shoulda seen what I wrote to MSNBC after Chris Matthews introduced his new weekly panel called Hotshots (they talk about the STORIES of the week!) Tucker Carlson, Scarborough, and Rita Crosby!!! This is fair? These people know what was important this week? Who represents the middle much less the left???
What a freak show.
So, maybe this is a little dramatic…Im overwrought!
January 20, 2006
Rep. Christopher Shays
By Fax 202-225-9629
Dear Congressman Shays:
I am writing to urge you to stand up against the Alito nomination. I had the good fortune to speak with you when you came to North Stamford last week and I am sure that you agree that the power grab by this Executive Branch does not respect the checks and balances that are so special to our governmentās structure.
This administration is a good example of what happens when cronyism and loyalty blind a governmental body to what is right. We have seen the wrongful nominations of people with no experience to posts with great responsibility that they are ill suited for, and now we see a nomination that threatens our very constitution. Alito is someone who is in favor of growing the power of the Executive Branch and it is too dangerous to give someone with his views a lifetime appointment.
I also question his forgetfulness about a membership that was important enough to put on his resume to get a job with the Reagan Administration. Either he is lying that he doesnāt remember because he is embarrassed by the membership or he was lying to get a job in the government. In any case, it is reprehensible to use such a membership to pander to an employer who would find that membership of value! It is more reprehensible to use a membership to get a job and not to know what the membership means! This behavior makes me question his character. This is not just a youthful indiscretion; it is a disgusting club that supports the basest urges in the worst people.
I am concerned about the future, about our children, and what they can expect from a world that may be permanently changed by this administration. I donāt recognize an America in which the government runs wild like this and is so full of dishonesty and lack of self awareness. This is our government and it is supposed to represent us all, not just the upper crust from certain schools. Where are the ethics? Where is the urge to serve the people? When did the government turn into a job where one could get rich through what seems to be organized crime of the worst kind!
It is up to you to represent your constituents and to pay attention to what we want. You can see when you speak at community meetings how upset people are about the things that have been going on. I watched people, my neighbors, who have voted for you for years, stand around and talk about how they just donāt know if they can vote Republican anymore. They like you and have been loyal, but you lean towards the President at a time when what the President is doing doesnāt make any sense and may be criminal. People donāt want a President to have unchecked power. They donāt want to feel like they have no privacy. They donāt want to feel like their government is full of crooks! I think that you know this and, regardless of the few things that you can find to stand with the President on, you must realize that this Alito nomination is wrong and it can not be allowed to go through. You must stand up and make a statement on this! History will look back on this time and those who have not been brave enough to go against the current will end up lumped together with those who will fall. Those who stand up against the darkening skies will be remembered as heroes.
I also bought the A/v and it seems OK. There is something about the soundcard and the special drivers that they offer having to do with skipping. I cant remember exactly but skipping is a problem that they talk about on the trouleshooting section of the page…The program rejected my sound card in its initial test and still doesnt recognize it even though Ive been searching for drivers and done the whole troubleshooting thing….but it records great and the sound is great so far in its raw state. I just converted a bunch of stuff and I have to find it (it goes to a file and I just havent had time to look with all this writing!)…so Ive got alot of content and Ive got Gervais on my pod…and Ive got a new pod coming that is smaller and has video (!!)…so now I have to sell my pod on ebay…sheesh!…
Anyway, I seem to be capturing alot of AAR which I may or may not have time to listen to…I can report back soon on the MP3 and transfer to the pod…I also could stream the XM through it and capture alot of that and then there are TV shows (and radio…and video podcasts) from all over the world!
Brilliant- I have the Bush Cheney one….I am going to open a page on my site to post misc. stuff….how did you put that pic there???here??? on this blog? Enquiring minds want to know!
Um sorry…that was directed to PJ….
pj, that’s fascinating, thanks for the stats!
g’night all! :yawn:
Melina :bow: GREAT letter:!: :love:
WebHubbleTelescope, I waited for someone else to post cuz I MISSED IT except to see him say goodbye and he (Buddhist-type) :bow:’d — sitting on side:!:
š :doh: but I have watched my whole life…so I am just waiting for 13th of February.
I hope someone else will answer. I think it was Kristapea that gave a good verbal account “yesterday-ish” post.
Hey PJ- before I forget:
Thanks so much for the info on this blog. I find those kinds of statistics to be really interesting…
great stuff.
Its good to know that this blog is doing so well!
Farmerkat, Night:yawn::!: I wish I would someday be on when you are RATS (:rofl2:) š
Webhubble…he looked great with beard and very relaxed…very funny and Conan called him a long time friend. You probably should see the jokes for yourself.
He talked about where he lives and his car…his show…but didnt give enough details about the show for me. His comedy when hes not talking specific politics is about everyday stuff and having a neurotic mind he has a special take on everyday stuff …(which I sorta know about myself ;-)…
um…I hate to say it because there is some bad blood there (?) but, I recently saw Jon Stewart and he reminded me of Marc…but less real and neurotic…Marc has more of an edge and is more rock and roll….Jon is more polished and settled.
I guess Im tired…have to try to get some sleep before my son’s birthday party tomorrow!
nite all…
What a great letter. I feel so drained by my outrage lately (I’m sure missing MS has a lot to do with it; it really sustained me), and it is so encouraging to read your eloquent and thoughtful plea. (My note to Clinton and Schumer was far more succinct and decidely not poetic.)
Thanks for your inspiration; thanks to all the MS boat people who congregate here; thanks to PJ for providing the lifeboat!
p.s. And good luck with the party tomorrow. How old is your son?
Hey, NickiRose:
That Filibuster Friday site you told us about is nearing 10,000 messages to senators! Waaaay cool!
Great letter Melina. I’ve caused havoc today on the New York Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies list serve. Some art therapists are having the heejy beejies because I talked about systems theory and dared to relate it to the Alito nomination. I asked list members to think about the issues (I listed them) and then suggested that those who agree that Alito on the SC puts this country in danger to call their Senators. I gave them local numbers for Schumer & Clinton. I also urged non-New Yorkers on the list, and they are there, to call their senators. I highlighted RI, ME, and the Dems who voted for Roberts.
So now we have the attackers on the list–creative arts therpaists who only want to talk about CAT,:fustrate: and my supporters who picked up on the systems analysis and understand what a government as sick as ours could do, for example, to client-therapist confidentiality. It’s scary! š®
This is the gag that Conan used to introduce Marc Maron.
A staff writer was planted in the audience to visualize thought bubbles who they they imagined this Marc Maron character was.
Filibuster the Bastard!:nixon:
I remember when Shays from CT was on Morning Sedition. He turned my stomach. A true-believing capitalist dog.:omg:
good evening all. long day.:fire:
Malloy is starting to go off on Reagan. I have a pathological hate for that snake oil seller. I thought he was the second coming of Hitler. He was a front for killers and New Deal breakers. Softened it up for Bush.:sheep::sheep:
Current users online: 1:ear:
Where is everybody?
woo hoo i just downloaded the 19ths malloy since i slept through it which is great because now i can skip some franken and see if malloy played anything from john sweeneys speech like i tried to get him to do anywho just thought i would check in but i have 3 hundred more miles to go so im gonna post a myspace blog and hit the road later people
:growl:damn people stayed parked in my way because they were trying to see the wrestlers leave i swear as soon as i was done getting parked the fuckers left it took me like fifteen minutes to navigate my damn trailer around the cars within three minutes of parking i saw all four of the cars that were in my way leave
I can’t sleep ’cause AAR is heading to crazyville. Everyone in my neck of city is still having MS withdrawal.I’m starting to doubt that AAR will broadcast Marc in NYC! š”
:cool:well i bought star wars battlefront or whatever it is its freaking awesome i die to easily though it was pretty cool the one time it was just me against like 6 stormtroopers so i got on a jet-bike you know the ones that fly through the forest in the uh third star wars movie or sixth or uh return of the jedi yeah that one anyway i ended up taking out all the stormtroopers with it so uh that was good yeah ok
:nixon:I AM NOT A CROOK hmmmmm so ive been thinking about running for congress and i think im gonna do it i only need 1200 signatures to get on the ballot so that ought to be fairly easy figure twelve friends each gather 100 and im there but then i will need money to run and im no politician so i dont have the high powered hook ups of say a jim kelly (the rumoured rethuglican candidate and former buffalo bill) or a brian higgins (buffalos congressman) but being on the ballot gives me free reign to raise issues that make them both uncomfortable and actually mean something to the people of the 27th congressional district plus it will put me in a good place to run for a local office if i want to the next fall hmmmmmm im so confused right now about this i will have to quit my job to run but if i dont run who is going to hold higgins responsible for supporting the reauthorization of the patriot act and voting for the bankruptcy bill i cant stand lifetime politicians they are such scumbags!!!!! yeah so i guess im gonna have to do it step up and hold higgins feet to the fire for supporting republican legislation that hurts the people of buffalo and breaks down the fabric of our constitution by invading our private lives oh yeah higgins voted to interfere with the rulings of the courts in the terri schiavo case so he is obviously in favor of interfering in private matters ok well im really starting to ramble and right now im not in the right state of mind to coherently put forth my opinion of that vote anyway if youve read this far drop me a comment and let me know what you think i should do thx peoples and later
:shock:bill oreilly lied on his radio show
:omg:oh my god so did rush limbaugh
:growl:and sean hannity
:bow:al franken tells THE TRUTH
My union broke off from Sweeney. (I am neutral ; I once met Sweeney.):bow:
i miss my union job š„
Roberts-Alito Court?
Abortion Before Roe
Throughout history, women have had unplanned and unwanted pregnancies. And throughout history, women have found ways to terminate those pregnancies.
But what has not always been guaranteed is whether they can do so legally, with the medical care necessary to protect their health–or if they must seek illegal, “back-alley” abortions.
In the years just before abortion became legal in 1973, hospital wards were filled with women seeking abortions–who either had been injured or become sick obtaining an illegal abortion under dangerous conditions, or who had tried to induce the abortion themselves.
Desperate women used a number of dangerous means to terminate pregnancies. Some sought abortions from back-alley abortionists, with usually humiliating and sometimes deadly results.
Other women tried to induce abortions with homemade means–such as a bleach douche, or inserting sharp instruments into her cervix. This is why the now almost forgotten image of the wire coat hanger became the symbol of the abortion rights movement.
“In Chicago, at Cook Country Hospital, there were about 5,000 women a year coming in with injuries bleeding resulting to illegal abortions, mostly self-induced abortions,” Leslie Reagan, the author of When Abortion Was a Crime, said in an interview. “They had an entire ward dedicated to taking care of people in that situation. Those wards pretty much closed up around the country once abortion was legalized.” […]
Al Franken has a guest that “tells it like it are”. [meeka] Some dude named Micah. Pronounced Miyka. Campaign finance reform. Unregulated capitalism. :nixon:
he he xm yay:banana: im kinda mad:growl: that malloy comes on in his actual time slot now since im normally getting my truck loaded between 10pm and midnight bastards i used to get to listen to malloy between 1 and 4 am great middle of the night deiving to listen to
:doh:al is gonna make me fall asleep and drive off a cliff
Micah Sifrey. Franken cracks me up.:rofl2:
ok im actually hitting the road now so later nicki and whoever else is lurking around
we need a paranoid smiley with eyes looking around left and right like hey i think someone is there hmmm i think someone is there im scared you know a malloy WATCH YOUR BACK smiley of course we probably already have it and im just missing it i love our smileys and we have SO MANY
:bow::rabbi:Maron SOON
I’m not so worried
About how many I kill
I’m much more concerned
With how much beer I spill
With how much beer I spill
With how much beer I spill
:banana:i dont drink and drive people so dont worry just worry about al putting me to sleep

hey sean, mark morford’s latest column is on alito and brokeback mountain and a million other ideas.
noooooo i have to drive before i get tired i finally got the malloy on my ipod so im out FOR REAL THIS TIME ill read morford tomorrow though thx
sean, have you ever run for any office before? it would be very cool if you showed up every time that kelly and higgins appeared before a group and you were able to be interviewed at the same time and present a completely different scenario. set people back on their heels a bit. get them to start thinking. but campaigning is grueling work. well, probably about the same physical difficulty as driving a truck and having to listen to fox news when you’re in the restaurant and having your sleep cycles messed with, and you seem to be surviving that life ok. you’re young. you’ve got the issues down. you’ve got the energy. i say go for it.
My Stream has hardly been working — and AGAIN not at all NOW…so back to others š I can get (next day)on ITunes or will, WHEN I HAVE THE BLOODY TIME TO GO ‘XM huntin’ , or WE (whatever)
Is XM and RADIO or next day ITunes — the only way to now hear?
These are the bloody, horrid GAMES I DESPISE :growl::growl::growl: :spank:bad AAR, :spank: :fire:
Oops š I forgot to check and I am the only one online. :doh: ….. :fire:
I read some of the posts on AAP message board. Lots of talk over Morning Sedition shows and upcoming pay-per-listen. Not clear when this will happen. I wish I was technically prepared to save some of the shows. (Maybe we can get the White Rose Society to archive the shows.)
Who is tip?