Good Morning geniuses, philosopher kings and queens, working class heroes, progressive utopians with no sense of humor, lurking conservatives….
So, it’s finally here – the day we’ve all been waiting for since, well, I guess since December 16, 2005 (has it only been 10 weeks or so – it feels like forever). Tonight (or tomorrow, depending on what part of the world you’re in) is the beginning of the new Maron Era. In honor of this occasion, I’d like offer my recipe for Marinara sauce. Unfortunately, I don’t have one (maybe Gypsy can help us out), so instead, I’ll offer what I do have, and that’s my private, bootleg recording of the last live Morning Sedition from O’Neal’s on Thursday, November 3rd, 2005. Hopefully, it’ll help you pass the next 20 or so hours until Marc hits the airwaves once again.
Yes, listen to the clatter of the crowd, the clack of the coffee cups, and the congested coughs of the couples with colds. Listen to Brendan “PW” McDonald incite us to raucous applause after every commercial break. Hear Marc and Mark banter between segments, even if you can’t always understand what the hell they’re saying. Hear my wife say, “Didn’t you get me one?” Hear me say, “Sorry.” Hear her say something I couldn’t understand. Hear me say, “Yeah” (this’ll give you a pretty good idea of how things sound here at home most of the time). Anyhow, this isn’t a professional recording by any means, and there’s lots of noise. As it says in my Woodstock Album liner notes (now there’s a thing of the past), think of this “as being like the cracks in fine leather.”
Now, I don’t know what’ll happen to Morning Seditionists from here on out. Many people have e-mailed me privately to ask, so let me just say that this place will be around for as long as anybody wants to come here and hang out. I hope y’all keep coming, because, frankly, I’d really miss it. It’s been fun to be a part of this little family, with its moms and dads, crazy uncles, and goofy kid brothers (hah, you can all figure out who you are), not to mention you lurkers from around the world who stop by every day.
So, if you want to keep on coming back, cool; we’ll be here. And if everybody migrates over to whatever AAR gets going (last I looked, it wasn’t actually working yet, but maybe they have it together by now), and this place fades away in the coming months, I’m really glad that this was at least a bridge to help us get from Morning Sedition to wherever Marc, Jim, and the gang are taking us next. It’s been fun.
Hey, is somebody choppin’ onions?
HAPPY MARON DAY!!! oh, and Mardi Gras:lol:
today is the day Seditionists!!!!!!
the funny returns:banana::rofl2::love::fire::fist::nixon::banana:
Choppin’ onions! Oh, man!:cry:
thanks PJ for this blog… kept the seditionists together and (fairly)sane while MS went bye bye.:cry:
i’ll still come back to this blog as long as you keep putting up new threads:banana::love:
Hey, QG, are you listening to the show that PJ put up? I’m trying to download it now.:banana:
I’m pretty tired and so is the old dell. I keep forgetting words and this machine is so slow
Why do I write QT all the time?:doh: I’m so out of it!
hey trav! greetings from a soggy California!:growl:
yeah, i am listening to it. before i was listening to all the Rapture watches the Cardinal did.
are you leaving already?? you’re going to leve me alone???:cry::cry:
you need a drink:alc::40:
Alright, it’s finally working! No, no, I’m up for a little while. :40: My stash is depleted
i see i see….well, i’m up doing work, as usual. i have a huge deadline to meet by 12pm on wednesday:growl:
damn teacher!!!:fu::fustrate::rant1:
So you’re burnin’ the midnight oil (Or WTF ever) What kind of work are we talkin’ ’bout here?
Hey, my poor ears can’t deal with the bootleg, PJ. Sorry, man!:ear:
Happy Maron Day, everyone!
OK, one more ReplayAV question….I had Malloy set to record MP3 last night, and it recorded in RealMedia format anyway. Anyone know why?
PJ. I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done here. You’ve made it much easier to get through these last 10 weeks. You are the win beneath my wings.
I for one will continue to come here, because while I’m sure the new show will be great, I am first and foremost, and forever, a Morning Seditionist.
Vivà la Revoluçion!
yup…you got the saying right trav. um, i’m rigging a character so it can move properly when i animate it…..this part is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally boring and tedious…yeah…i’m going a bit insane:doh::paranoid:
yay!!! happy Maron Day to you Brilliant!!
umm…i can’t answer your question, sorry. hey, you had to pay for Replay Av right?
i have no money:rant1:
Is there a lot of math involved with programming the animations? How does that stuff work:doh:
not really math as much as physics. you have to know how things move, how forces affect objects and people.
basically you have to model(or build a figure using a bunch of patches connected together) a character in an animation program(i use the program Maya). once the model is done, you have to build the rig, which is basically the skeleton that will make the character move. once eveything is moving right, you can move on to actually animating.
when animating, you move the figure, save the pose, and then go to the next pose. in between these poses, you have to keep going back and make sure the movement is smooth. this takes alot of time.:fustrate::doh::spank: but if you do it right, it looks life-like and has a lot of good acting.:eek:
Oh, thanks Quietgirl!
Hey, if you missed it yesterday here is a link to Mr. Farmerkat on the bird channel
uh…..where was FarmerKat in the clip?
Why does everyone keep doing that:rofl2:
The dude is the correspondent for NB-freakin’-C.
woo hoo i got to utica safe and sound despite the evil PJ’s best efforts! i got pretty scared though when i got to the toll booths only place i planned on stopping mind you nobody was in the booth! i figured P.J. had set me up but i was okay guy had just left his booth for a minute ok well i guess i will stop being suspicious of you now wanna grab a beer next time im in syracuse? ok well im gonna go look at stuff since nobody seems to really be posting much yet
well then…..THAT’S FREAKIN AWESOME!!!:banana::nixon:
I know:nixon:
SEAN!! hey buddy what’s up?:banana:
:spank:duh i mean uh hey buddy whats up!!!!!
Good Morning, Seditionists!
Hello, Farmerkat. (I just saw your post at ) Did Mr’kat make your Valentine’s Day special? I was disappointed that the MMS didn’t start on that day, but here it is the 28th and the waiting is over.
But 22:00 EST is 04:00 CET! Dang, but if citizensteve, travis, et al could do it, then I’ll try, too. It should be a good time for King Kong, David in Japan, et al. however.
I’m so looking forward to the FUNNY.
Good morning quietgirl, PJ, Travis, Sean and anyone else who is out there.
THE HAPPY DAY IS FINALLY HERE!!! It looks like I’ll probably have to subscribe to AAR Premium to get to it, but it’s a small price to pay. OK, it’s NOT a small price…:grin:
but who cares.
PJ, thanks for the bootleg. I’ll be working overtime all week, so I can definitely use the funny.
the funny 18 hours and 8 minutes!!!!!
friggin i am so sick of hearing about hillary already i am not even voting for her for senate i wish she would just bounce her ass out of politics already
:lol:tee he he look at the picture of rove lol:rofl2:
haha!!! that pic is scary! hilary looks wrinkley:paranoid:
:banana:hey black comes out today i get to shoot all kinds of crap
hey quiets back so did you read my earlier post before i edited it?
was it worst before??:spank::spank:
maybe i won’t go to burbank today….Angelenos go crazy when water falls from the sky.:omg:
:wink:water falls from the sky? :shock:WTF! :???:since when? :paranoid:i thought water came in bottles? :neutral:since when does water come from the sky!
:doh:i’m confused
Still no marc maron website.
Marc should have hired PJ :peace:
There’s no way anyone will ever have cooler emoticons than these
indeed young Sean…when you leave a bottle of water out in the sun for too long, it turns to vapora and goes back into the pretty clouds in the sky. then when it gets cold enough the water comes back and falls in little drops that annoy the hell out of you when you forget your umbrella. sometimes, if it’s really cold, the water freezes and turns to snow.indeed…..the water fall to the sky to make more bottles of water for you to enjoy…taadaa!!:banana:
Damn, isi, that one made me laugh!:rofl2:
:rofl2:i just called dr maddow and asked her what penguins taste like:spank:
i’m with you Isi!! we have the best smileys of all time!!!:nixon::banana:
I was clicking on them wondering what the hell happened. I thought I was going nuts or that I broke something:rofl2:
OK, that didn’t really happen!
Right-wing radio is dying in LA!
Its of course way too early to declare victory on this thing [one station in Santa Barbara?] but i have to echo the sentiments of the PJ fan club previously stated — one heckova job, in the pre-brownie sense. I hope the blog goes on, if that’s your intention. Maron should do a show with just a Friends of Marc guest list, starting with the real menches [spelling?] on this blog and others like PJ and B-A-B, and Wolcott, who have kept the flame alive.
I, for one, will do most of my posting here. (And since Maron knows about our little
shrinesite, I don’t think he’ll be too hurt or surprised about that.)Plus, no freepers or trolls here! Freepers: baaaad–me no like ’em! Trolls: no good!:doh:
hey webhubble g’morning saw you on majority report last night i was pretty sure you post here couldnt quite remember for sure though
Trolls took my shoe!!!:fu::rofl2:
those damn onions do it to me every time!
(thanks trav for “finding” the mr!)
Morning Seditionists is such a cool name! :nod:
Yeah, I was watching the tube and flipped out. Then I posted the link as soon as I found it.
No, it’s 10pm *pst*… 1am est, 8am cet! It’ll be
Morning Sedition f’sure
Farmerkat, glad to hear Mr. will be home for your surgery. 😀
Good luck, we need to keep all the big liberal hearts in fine working order :love:
i finally finished rigging my character!! have a look… Zombie Elvis!!!:banana::banana:
Travis, why can’t I get the clip of MrFarmerkat to play? 😯 Suggestions please.
HAPPY MARON DAY and G’Day “Morning Seditionists” and Merrie Mardi Gras :banana::fire::banana:
I just wanted to wish All Merry Maron Day :banana:
Elvis in the HOUSE :banana:
:love: Hi MJK! YAY!
yes, mr had some beautiful flowers sent on that day.
merry maron day to you too Druid!!:40:
i wanna see it bigger!!!!!
Beats the hell out me, I don’t know diddly about computers! Try going the MSNBC website and look up…curfew ends in Iraq
Hey, Quietgirl, that’s great!
quietg – that’s terrific!
thanks, isi!
sean…you know damn well that i could say soooo many things about your last comment…but i won’t since today is Maron day:nixon:
so here you go…just for sean
thanks Farmerkat, trav and isi:razz::love::banana:
ok now make it move i wanna see it move well i guess i can wait but uh soon i want to see it move soon yeah make it move soon and figure out how to show us yeah i want to see a full zombie elvis cartoon with elvis fighting shrek trying to eat shreks brains uh huh:nod:
Nice Elvis!
Okay, so it looks like my test of the ReplayAV worked last night (and sound is on this morning). However, in a two-hour time slot it looks as if it “only” recorded about 80 minutes’ worth. I thought maybe it automatically edited out commercials, but a quick listen says no. When I check the log, it does look like the entire 1am-3am was covered. So what gives?
I’m usually pretty good with tech things (not great, but good), but I guess I started this too late and am now in a big hurry to get it right. Melina and PJ, I will reread your instrux and see if they explain anything. Thanks again for the support!
And Melina, do take it easier today. Remember, there’s a reason they tell you to put on your own oxygen mask BEFORE trying to help others on with theirs!
Oh, and it split the files into 4 separate ones–one 20 minutes, one 40, and two 10s (times approximate).
sean, i’ll figure out a way to show you guys my animation, don’t worry. :sammy:
is it going to attack shrek?
ok i was diggin through the beast archives from back when the 04 elections were coming up heres what they had to say about nader
4. Nader. Ralph is the man; we can’t believe the amount of rage his former admirers have for him these days. Charges of egomania and even unethical practices have been levied against him by even the leftest of American lefties. We think the man has a right to run, and he is truly an ideal candidate-his positions are a progressive’s wet dream and he’s the only guy out there who would actually do the stuff he says he will. Still, if Bush wins, there may never be another Presidential election, so Ralph’s presence is ghoulishly scary this time around. This is why instant run-off voting is key to making our democracy work-you could vote for Nader and still get counted for Kerry. Just imagine how many would vote Nader as their first choice in this case–he could even win. In this case, however, fear wins out–politics as usual sounds just peachy next to these plutocratic bible-humping revolutionaries.
ON the who’s online where it says “most ever online”
IT HAS 23…….It used to be 38….Or am I going insane?:doh:
Hello everybody!
Dont worry…I will have the delivery guys take the couches down to garage and then go from there. I am planning a dump run with the firemen up the street so if no one pops up from freecycle then I will have healthy young people move stuff.
Farmerkat, so good to see Mr. I thought he was the one from the Pentagon because Trav kept saying that he was the guy talking…I thought he meant inside of the story, not the commentator!! Glad he is OK and sending flowers! It is so worrisome to have anyone be over there. And when you look at how people are driven from their houses etc…it would have been relatively easy to take some of the money that they lost and gave away and wasted all these years and just go in there immediately and fix up the infrastructure right away…not let it all get torn down while Rumsfeld held up his hands with the Freedom is Messy crap….
This amount of time later people should be in a better state than they are as far as basic necessities.
We should have thrown tons of money at it and rebuilt something for them….just worse and worse and worse and we have to watch our loved ones going over there to keep the status quo as it all disolves.
Bush/Rove/Cheney really need to be tried in a world court for this…impeachment is the least of it. These are war crimes.
Travis, you’re not insane. It used to be 38!
yeah trav…it was 38…..ummmm, i have no idea what happened, i just hope i didn’t screw up the blog.:fustrate:
Good Maron everyone. I think I might have to take a little nap after work so I can stay up late. I’ll try to download Replay but I have no confidence that I will get it to work by show time.
Thanks PJ for this li’l life boat and all of your tech help. :jesus:
:paranoid:maybe that PJ guy was artificially inflating the numbers!
:neutral:so uh is nicki male or female?
Quiet girl can you make emoticons? I just got a learn flash visual book…ha! this is what Im trying to have time for!
My old college roomate from a zillion years ago was so interested in animation and so she got some entry level position many years ago in Hannah Barbera or some such and she worked her way up to making stars twinkle or something…and just worked like hell and loved it.
The greatest thing is that when she finally got married and had a kid she realized that this is one of the best companies out there and shes got daycare and nursery school on site…so its livable for her and she loves the work.
The only thing is that she doesnt get to create anything…she just works on the details of what others have made.
I should try to find her and see how shes doing. We only contact at Christmas anymore.
I’d like to be able to make things like pages turning on a web page….birds flying away when you click on a button…little characters maybe….but I have the feeling that I have neither the patience, time, or talent to do this at all. My good friend who is a graphic designer and does pages and all sorts of stuff has given up on animation ….I guess its good that its a specialty because it will ensure a good job for the people who can do it.
Is this what you will work in? Design characters?
My son’s friend’s father made that Arthur thing (is that a rodent?) a million years ago and has done great with that.
This blog is too active this morning.:rabbi::nixon:
Trav- you know how i was saying last night that PJ can make people disappear? Well, I rest my case…
And I challenge you to prove that those people EVER EXISTED!!!!….Sean is next…..heh heh heh heh….
Check the crawl spaces, new concrete and lime purchases…..
I think that Nicki is a woman…just my gut reaction…but I could be wrong.
And you Sean? Man, woman, or trannie?
Melina, I was thinking the same thing!
OK…dont get me started…I have to pay the bills before I get reported to the credit agencies….
hey Melina,
that’s awesome about your friend! well what i want to get into is somewhat designing the characters but mainly animating them and putting some life to them. i hate the technical part before the animation happens, but i love animating.
you know what, Flash would be the best program to use to create those kind of effects. it does get frustrating at times, but you get the hang of things. you should try it Melina:banana::banana::nod:
I’ve got KTLK on my bookmarks and my alarm clock set to wake up for Marc at 1:00 Eastern Time. If this is what has to be done, this is what has to be done!
Hey Hedwig!:omg::rofl2:
:yawn:I think I better fall asleep now, before I…well, I don’t know. I can’t really move my fingers anymore.
Anybody go to darcelle’s? :rofl2:
awww…night night trav…will you come back later on tonight?? of course you will:fire:
I have to help someone cram for their political science test today.:peace:
Hey Quietgirl, I’ve been trying to refresh my memory on AutoCAD because I need to make my drawings more professional looking. But it is such a boring and tedious way to draw. On the computer that is. I took a 3d studio animation class when I was going to school but never finished my final project, becuase it was so boring and the ceramic studio was much more fun. I s there anyone doing animation in the traditional manner anymore??
probably trannie i’m not sure? maron moment yes ha rock on
The textbook is awful.. Full of lies, propaganda, and apologetics. Did you know that Kissenger was a great statesman? Fucking Harvard professor wrote it.
Post from yesterday
Angry Inch!:omg:
Another Marc Maron Moment! :banana: Thanks Rachel! Or whoever is responsible for playing that.
i think quietgirl does or else she didnt do the thing on her myspace page
Maybe you should write a textbook Nicki.:idea:
I downloaded Replay AV for Windows yesterday and gave it a test drive. Seems to be working pretty well, though I can only get 15 minute chunks and only three subscriptions (I haven’t bought it yet, and am trying it in demo mode until I hear the funny on my PC on a consistent basis). Luckily, I have several computers in the house, so I plan to spread the work across them and get the whole two hours during my test phase.
The URL I’m using is
I don’t know what’s wrong with my linux (ubuntu) box, but mplayer isn’t working on it at all. If that’s an option for you, using it to dump the stream to a file and scheduling it with cron would probably be a lot cleaner for you.
friggin video games rule ha getting up
Like the great Marc, I am now making my first blog comment. I wanted to join in thanking PJ and all of you for keeping the Maron flame alive. As I listened expressionless to Rachel’s somewhat forced if informative delivery in the car this morning, I remembered how just a few weeks ago I used to be laughing all the way to work with MS. SOOO looking forward to the show tonight, I bet I wake up at 1am to listen live.
Kristapea, all you have to do is look at the shows on Cartoon network, Nickelodean and ABC on saturday mornings to know that despite what people say, 2-d is not dead!!
even going into the recently popular form of stop motion or claymation. they are basically doing 2-d animation principles but in a physical world. I love traditional animation, i’m even taking my 3rd class in it this quarter, but right now, i think i’ll stick to 3-d.
hey, if you need help with AutoCad, my bro can probably help you:nod:
yes sean, i did do that thing on my Myspace:wink:
Crocodiles taste like chicken!:omg::rofl2:
howdy lurkers and bye until later :sheep: ple
ZNet | Electoral Politics
Third Parties?
by Jerry Fresia; February 28, 2006
Again and again progressives step forward to remind us of how bad the Democratic Party, or at least its leadership, is. The point of the lament is to encourage the support of third party candidates and parties.
This type of analysis is troubling, not because its analysis of the Democratic party is incorrect, but because the analysis leaves unexamined the institutional arrangement that makes a vibrant 3rd party at the federal level impossible. Never in American history has a third party captured the presidency. The Republican success in 1860 was anomalous in that one of the two major parties was simply torn apart by the divisions that issued in the Civil War soon after.
The possible election of Bernie Sanders as an Independent senator from Vermont is also anomalous. Vermont, in terms of population is essentially a congressional district. Sander’s Independent Party is not a national or oppositional party. In fact, it may be in virtue of Sanders’ distance from progressive third parties – the nominal independence from politics – that wins him broad support in a small state.
So here is my point: our political institutions were designed to give the appearance of public participation while preventing its substance. The two party system is part of that design. Encouraging third party participation makes sense only if it is one element in a campaign to establish democratic institutions in the US. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the three central institutional features of our political system that insures at the federal level that only two parties will ever have a real chance of governing. They are the Electoral College, single-member districts and plurality elections.
Electoral College
On four occasions in US history, the candidate with the most popular votes did not win the presidency. This is a feature of a republican form of government, a government that is intended to “check” popular participation and “leveling” or democratic impulses. The mechanism by which this is done is the Electoral College. The Electoral College also insures that the number of parties seriously competing for the presidency will always be and only be two…
Welcome to my life, Tattoo….:omg:
I used to be more of a cartoon buff than I am now and spent many late night/early mornings watching cartoons.
So, we don’t know if Air AMerica Phoenix KXXT will be on the air tomorrow or not. I guess they have not found a new frequency yet 😥 Goyette doesn’t even know if he’s gonna be on the air tomorrow. Fuckin’ nuts.
Goooooooood morning, seditionisti!
Marinara sauce you want? Marinara sauce I got. I use dried herbs for this. Fresh is nice but once you start to simmer the sauce they get kind of nasty and slimy. Well, parsley doesn’t but slimy basil is just … well, slimy. So while I might lose some flavor I at least don’t have that Eeeeeeew reaction to it.
One 28-ounce can Italian tomatoes*
One 6-ounce can tomato paste
1/2 cup (only fresh) chopped parsley
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon oregano (or two tablespoons fresh)
1 teaspoon basil (or two tablespoons fresh)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper
4 Tablespoons olive oil
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup dry white wine (use good wine)
Place tomatoes with juice, tomato paste, parsley, garlic, oregano, basil, salt, and pepper in a blender or food processor container. Process until smooth.
Heat olive oil in a 12-inch skillet over medium heat. Add onions and saute 2 minutes. Add tomato mixture and wine. Reduce heat and simmer 30 minutes (or all day, but take care not to scorch bottom of pan), stir occasionally.
*Two pounds of fresh tomatoes may be substituted for canned tomatoes. Cut fresh tomatoes into quarters and simmer 1-1/2 hours. Proceed as if using canned tomatoes.
[…]Each State’s allotment of electors is equal to the number of House members to which it is entitled plus two Senators (with the District of Columbia getting three). But here is the key element for our purposes: in order to win the presidency, a candidate must win a majority of electors.
By requiring that a candidate win a majority, the Electoral College guarantees that third parties must do one of three things. Let’s assume a third party arises and is incredibly strong (the Perot candidacy that for a time was pushing 20 percent nationally), but has no realistic chance of wining a majority of electors straight out. Its first choice is to press forward, win a significant percentage of electors and deny either of the two major parties a majority victory. In this case, the election would be decided by the House of Representatives, already dominated by the major parties. Option 1: third party loses everything…
Sean, we have people in Utica.
Too negative.:rofl2:
and will soon be syndicated through Air America Syndications
Which explains Mike Dirkx’s cryptic comment about it not being made available to KPOJ.
I’m glad it’s streaming through AAR itself because I’ve never had luck with the KTLK stream. But I will HAVE to go to bed by 11 so I won’t get to hear the second half. Is anyone going to be obtaining the full show for later use? (I would NEVER say bootleg!)
Later, blog sibs. BTW, I’m voting we keep this blog alive and only bother with the AAR supplied blog (if there is one) during broadcast. Like all the other AAR blogs. This one is just too well done. (Kudos, PJ!)
Hey, as for ReplayAV, right-click on your scheduled recording and choose the output tab. Where it says “record to this format” there’s a drop down list. The options are Stream Capture Raw (Windows/Real) and Stream Capture as MP3. If you want mp3, select the mp3 one. On the splitting tab, see if you have any of the splitting options checked – if so, and you con’t want the file split, make sure they’re all unchecked. If you wanted to split the recording (say, in 20 minute, easy to e-mail chunks) you can do that, too.
If you didn’t have any splitting set up, but your file got split anyway, one thing is that, if your stream craps out for any reason before the recording time is up, RAV will automatically reconnect and restart the capture in a new file (which I think is a nice feature). In the folder with your recording there should be a log file. Open it up, and you can see what happened, if anything (should open in notepad or any text editing application).
Sounds like your record times all add up to about 120 minutes, though, so you got the whole show.
Hey, lurkingbutnotcon , 15 1/2 hours and counting
So, I got a reply from my Bushie Aunt when I included her in a petition about investigating the NSA wiretapping. She used the ole talking point “so, why haven’t we been attacked since 9/11 then?” So I sent her a few links to stories about the cuts to first responders and the National guard and some other story. So, I seem to have a dialog box going here and she has just replied.
My request to you folks is what do you all think is why we haven’t been attacked on our soil since 9-11? I have a couple of ideas about it but would not pretend to know the reasons for it for sure. It’s all just speculation. I need to get going here so I’ll see ya’ll later.
:fist: Echoing a BIG THANKS to you PJ for this blog! :bow: What would we have done with out it!:?: :omg:
:love: Come on Sammy! :sammy: :alc:
:billcat: Yay, more Butch! :nod: :banana:
Thanks for the welcoming banana isi
Farmerkat-isnt it great?…its too good….
But we have to get these guys out of office.
we need hearings….and we need to redeploy our troops to safe areas and to just oversee whatever is goning to happen now. I think we may have to let it go back to whatever it was going to be in its evolution anyway.
How can these guys think that they can force democracy on anyone? Isnt democracy an evolution that comes out of the development of feelingsing within a people as opposed to some country across the world deciding that you need this?
So strange how these things work…
I feel bad for the soldiers.
Uh-oH…my beautiful boy has reported in sick from school so it looks like Im heading out real quick to collect him…
damn…there goes my day….Must concentrate on the funny….need the funny…want the funny….and Lurking- I will also be in my car with my replaypodcast of Rachel looking straight ahead and hardly cracking a smile…waiting for the funny!!I hope Marc is ready!
Does anyone have the address of the studio in Burbank?
Krista, you might remind your aunt that 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch. It’s been well documented that the Bushies weren’t paying attention and did not heed the warnings of the Clinton Administration and Richard Clarke regarding Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.
Krista, I think we have been attack-free since 9/11/01 for much the same reason a long time without attack passed before 9/11/01. This is a big country and it takes some doing to plan a large-scale terrorist attack here. And for various reasons the small-scale attacks so popular in the middle east just won’t work here. One of the most important of those reasons is our vast size. They could send a single suicide bomber to, say, a mall in Des Moines, but would that even rate a headline in Boston? To have any genuine impact in the U.S., it has to be large scale.
You could try pointing out that the biggest attack prior to 9/11 was OK City and that was domestic so the kind of wire tapping she’s thinking of won’t work, but I doubt she’ll go for it.
Here’s another pasta sauce recipe that a friend just directed me to. It sounds yummy to me. Of course, I’m weird. FWIW, it’s traditional to serve this on St. Josephs’ Feast Day which is March 19. (my friend says she adds raisins to her’s but I think I’ll pass, thank you very much….)
St. Joseph’s Sauce
(Serves about 4)
1/2 Pound fresh medium Filleted Sardines
5 tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Cloves Garlic, sliced thin
6 Ounce Can Tomato Paste
1 Sprig Fresh Oregano
5 Fresh Basil Leaves
Freshly grated Pecorino Romano Cheese
Sicilian Sea Salt & Fresh Ground Pepper to Taste
1 Pound of Pasta (Perciatelli or Pappardelle)
Cut sardine fillets into 1″ pieces. In a saucepan, put 6 tablespoons of olive oil and garlic over medium heat. Sautè until garlic is slightly golden (not burnt). Add sardines, continue to sautè and stir until its almost like a paste (about 7 minutes or so).
Now is a good time to start boiling a large pot of cold water over high heat for the pasta. To the saucepan, add tomato paste and use the can to measure 3.5 cans of cold water, then bring to a boil. Add in the fresh oregano (leaves only), basil, raisins, and lower the heat. Salt and pepper to taste. Simmer the ingredients are thick, about 40 minutes.
Boil the pasta until al dente (firm but not hard or uncooked, and not overcooked). And toss together with the sauce. Serve with grated cheese on the side.
okay you guys….i’m getting a little sleepy:yawn:
i’ll talk to ya guys later on tonight at……SHOWTIME!!!:banana::banana::priest::billcat::rofl2:
I signed up for AAR premium for the Marc Maron show on a monthly basis. I am eagerly anticipating the show. I plan to listen in the mornings via podcast. In fact, I was mostly listening via podcast during the Morning Sedition era. In the words of Robert Plant during Stairway to Heaven in the Song Remains the Same, “Does anybody remember laughter?”
Got my test record from last night w/o a problem. The Clippers won, by the way.
Oh, one more thing about the RAV settings. Open up the program, and click on “Main Settings.” Click the tab all the way on the right that says “Other.” There’s a button there for “Global Stream Capture MP3 Conversion Settings.” You can fiddle with the bitrate all you want, but the higher the bitrate, the bigger the file, and the streamfrom KTLK is only 32 kbps anyway (I think). The AAP archived shows are done at 32 kbps, so that’s what I use. A two-hour recording is about 27 MB at that bitrate.
You probably need to keep file attachments under 10 MB to get them to send. Maybe less, depending. You can also use the MP3 magic (comes with RAV) to split files.
By the way, if anybody wants a gmail account (will do up to 10 MB attachments – a little less, as that includes the message, too – and you currently get about 2.7 GB of storage space), e-mail me at I have 100 invites to give out.
You could even – if you wanted to – create an e-mail account to e-mail, say, recordigns to, and then share that account username/password with others. Know what I mean? There’s actually a utility you can download that makes your gmail account a “virtual” hard drive for storign stuff (drag and drop; it actually generates an e-mail in the background and sends it to you as an attachment).
Happy Maron Day everyone! Okay, now that I have downloaded hijack pro..pj, how do I get the ktlk stream in real player? I know you mentioned a how to before…but now it’s crunch time baby! :fist::sammy::40::alc::billcat::paranoid:
OK, there’s another Clippers game on Wednesday night, starting at the same time (7:00 Pacific, I think). The game ended at just past 10:00, and after the 20 minute postgame warpup, there’s a postgame call in show (which I aint gonna listen to).
So, the question is, I guess, will the AAR stream start and stop at the time Marc should be on? Will he be delayed on game nights, or just not on? Or what?
34% :omg: Should be -34%:fire:
:paranoid:dude i thought we were having a truce man i offered beer!
You talkin’ to me sean? Here’s a :40: for you anyway :alc:
You can try this URL for KTLK, or this one, if that doesn’t work. The second one might be the one to use first. Right-click, copy link (or copy shortcut or whatever).
Did you listen to that John Wayne? “Mr. Egyptian you’re a godamned liar!” “I’m from Texas, now give me some oil!”
Thanks Pj, you the man! :fist:
Yes, there were once 38 users. 15 were “renditioned” to Syria.
Actually, for some reason, the user count got reset to 10 a couple of days ago (and nobody noticed).
dude i’ll stop posting so much and taking up all you’re server space man just let me be man
The KTLK commercials are WAY better than the AAR commercials/jazzac combo.
Hey, don’t worry, man. The boyz in Utica might drop by to see ya later on, but they’re good fellas. I recommend the Matt’s Brewery Tour while you’re there.
Jason, is this what you are talking about? Kary posted this a few days ago.
Hell, I’d have done it for free.
Thanks isi! :fire::peace:
PJ, thanks for the continuous lessons on RAV.
My question: The default setting for the bitrate is 128kbps, so if I’m reading you right, this should be more than sufficient. But there is a box checked that says “set duration.” Should I deselect that?
(BTW, unless my math is off, I got an hour and 20 minutes last night–not 120 minutes.)
Does the ktlk stream on real player usually have a hiss behind it? :ear:
The hiss faded
Where did everybody go? :doh:
Here’s my price here’s my Honda! :jerk:
Give me some Al Franken Dead! :nod:
I think I’m recording via my hijack pro! Will check to make sure it actually is recording anything!
Bob from Kansas! :omg:
Oh, yeah, I thought I read (2) 40 minute pieces. Set duration you can leave checked (mine is, anyway). 128 kbps is overkill; I use 32 kbps. The KTLK stream is 33 kbps. I don’t know what happened as far as losing that other 40 minutes. Did you check the log file? I got the whole 2 hours, here.
anyone know if the podcasting is gonna be ready to go yet? i just moved and we have no internet!:cry:
I don’t know Paul…AAR is keepin’ us outta the loop! :spank::no::fu:
I would assume the podcasting will be all set to go for Marc’s show (assuming you’re a premium subscriber) as soon as there’s a show.
Long live the Butch regim
you assumed correctly, i have to have my AAR podcasts to keep me going at work- I can’t stand the “cool rock” station we have to listen here.
Well, according to their Maron Returns blurb, “Maron fans can stream live at while his show is on the air, and Air America Premium members can podcast and hear archived shows they missed.”
Of course, you’d think they’d have Marc’s web page up and working by now, too (especially since they took over his domain registration).
you would think, but when is the last time AAR did something on time and remotely correct?
This is the first time I’ve had Stephanie Miller on for any length of time. She sure spends a lot time on fart noises (I’d say fart jokes, but jokes implies humor, and I haven’t heard much in the way of funny).
Is this why Marc had to leave morning radio? The humor was too inteligent and complicated? I think “we the people” got it, to be honest. Too bad that one person apparently didn’t.
If it ever happens, let me know.
it amazes me how a decently sized company like AAR with ‘progressive’ ideals that still can’t listen to what their listeners say!
Funny pj, this is the first time I’ve really listened to Miller too. Fart jokes and all….it’s very “hip”, don’t like the ads either…I’ve listened to a station ‘kfi’ outta Cali a few times just to hear what the right wing wackos are saying and this stream is very similar right down to the Rock Honda adds! I know that’s because it’s basically the same area…but c’mon!
Stephanie sells alotta ads too which alot of the AAR hosts do not. Franken does the bed thing and Malloy is doing the impeach game…but that’s not super corporate
Is it different on a real radio?
Nobody talkin’ again…is it my user name? Too personal?
Stephanie is kickin’ it! :fist: I’m out. :fire:
Well, to some extent, I think they are. Except for one person, and maybe those people that that one person brought in. They responded fairly quickly when they got a bunch of “what the hell is up with Maron’s new show.” And they seem to’ve added a couple lines re: Maron being on the live stream (no word on if he’ll be on XM – certainly not on XM’s page, which doesn’t get updated very rapidly). And somebody(s) from Piquant look this site over regularly. No idea if it’s management or on-air talent, though. You sure get the impression that there’s not a real radio management team running the show. I think you have some real decent human beings that have been trying to keep the business end of things running, and keep people’s paychecks coming. And I think they brought DG in becuase he could invest his own money, and probably use his music industry contacts to generate some quick revenue and investment.
But I think it became clear right away that he hasn’t a clue about radio.
AAR has really relied on the patience and loyalty of the listeners, who were starving for a voice in the media to let us know we’re not alone, or nuts. Air America Place went up almost right away, and built an archive and message boards to help spread the word and help AAR through some rough times.
Then DG came in and killed Unfiltered, in favor of pay-to-play Springer. He killed any meaningful promotion, and then he killed Morning Sedition at the worst possible time – when it was really starting to get some traction, and at a time when Stern fans would have been looking for a terrestrial alternative.
They form a syndication arm, but you get the feeling they aren’t agressively promoting their shows. They seem to not get how important it is to keep fans in the loop on things – especially as so many of us don’t have a local station to listen to.
So, I don’t know. I hate to think that AAR will turn into a voice for the DLC or NPR-AM. You can’t keep relying on fan loyalty, and then call everything a “business decision.” That works both ways.
KTLK is ClearChannel, too, so you’ll hear some similarity on the ads.
Bob wrote me back within 10 minutes and referred me to this on Air AmericaPlace which he posted yesterday:
“Maron will be part of Premium from day one.”
Ok so I broke down and joined premium yesterday.
See you all tonight.
Happy new year!:cake::banana::cake::alc::40:
Killing Morning Sedition was a horrible decision and I think it’s obvious, to me. The new morning line up is freakin’ wierd. It doesn’t work. The new line up is the AAR boat people not us….
a lot of the AAR stations are clearchannel
We are the indigenous tribe of MS! :fist:
Well, Mark was in a tough spot, being a survivor. They asked him to do a totally different kind of show, at a time of day when MS fans would be up and around to listen. But MS fans aren’t necessarily going to be fans of the type of show that Mark was being asked to do, and lots of folks had no place else to focus their anger. I think he’s finding his grooze – and hopefully his audience, now. Rachel had it a bit easier, I think, because Rachel and UF fans were getting something back that they’d lost. She’s a good newsreader – I just think she ought ot be in the Springer slot.
Marc’s in a bit of a tough spot now, too. MS has now taken on mythic status for all of us Maronheads, and his new show will have to compete with that. I think he’s up for it, though.
From Ned Lamont, via MyDD:
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley announced that,
while in India, President Bush plans to participate in a “wreath-laying ceremony in honor of Mahatma Gandhi.”
Hmm. Warmonger to honor nonviolent revolutionary who believed in greater compassion, respect, and understanding between the peoples and nations of the world.
If he had a grave, I’m sure he’d be rolling over in it.
:nixon:Sam Seder is going all out against the port Deal.:omg:
He’s playing Grateful Dead, too.:rofl2:
It makes me smile to think about Seder having to listen to Al’s music 😀
This is the first time I’ve listened to Franken in ages. I like it better this way.
February 28, 2006
“The Conqueror Always Loves Peace”
Mahatma Bush
Evidently the president’s trip to India created an option too perfect to pass up: The man who has led the world in violence during the first years of the 21st century could pay homage to the world’s leading practitioner of nonviolence during the first half of the 20th century. So the White House announced plans for George W. Bush to lay a wreath at the Mahatma Gandhi memorial in New Delhi this week.
While audacious in its shameless and extreme hypocrisy, this PR gambit is in character for the world’s only superpower. One of the main purposes of the Bush regime’s media spin is to depict reality as its opposite. And Karl Rove obviously figured that mainstream U.S. media outlets, with few exceptions, wouldn’t react with anywhere near the appropriate levels of derision or outrage.
Presidential rhetoric aside, Gandhi’s enthusiasm for nonviolence is nearly matched by Bush’s enthusiasm for violence. The commander in chief regularly proclaims his misty-eyed pride in U.S. military actions that destroy countless human lives with massive and continual techno-violence. But the Bushian isn’t quite 180 degrees from the Gandhian. The president of the United States is not exactly committed to violence; what he wants is an end to resistance.
“A conqueror is always a lover of peace,” the Prussian general Karl von Clausewitz observed. Yearning for Uncle Sam to fulfill his increasingly farfetched promise of victory in Iraq, the U.S. president is an evangelist for peace — on his terms…
man i wish my computer had the ability to play sounds. . .
Just in case you weren’t sick and tired enough of corporate special interests
writing word for word every piece of legislation passed by our corrupt Congress,
along comes the so-called “National Uniformity for Food Act”, H.R. 4167.
What it would actually “uniformly” do is gut every existing state regulation on
food safety and labeling. They want to make it ILLEGAL to put more consumer
information on our food than permitted by a new “look the other way” federal
There is a vote scheduled in the House for Thursday, March 2. If passed by the
usual gang of arm-twisting vote holder openers, H.R. 4167 would make it
impossible for we the consumers to monitor the infiltration of our food supply
by a witches’ brew of genetically butchered organisms, pesticide and mercury
residues, irradiation, and synthetic hormones. With an administration based on
government secrecy run amok, they literally want to turn the pollution of our
food by unnatural additives into classified information. Why do the corporate
biotech giants pushing this bill not want us to know what they are putting in
our food? What are they afraid we might do . . . not eat it?
No soundcard, or just no speakers? Are earphones an option?
Yippee – you can’t see me, but I’m doing a friggin’ jig – can’t wait for the show!!!! :banana:
“If Not Now, When?”
Seven Arrested at White House for War Protest
Holding a banner that read, “GOD FORGIVE AMERICA,” seven peace activists were arrested yesterday in front of the White House, in a civil disobedience protest against the war in Iraq.
Arrested by U.S. Park Police were Brian Terrell, Ed Bloomer, and Elton Davis, all from Catholic Worker communities in the Des Moines, Iowa area, David Goodner, University of Iowa student, Eileen Hansen, a Catholic Worker from the Winona, Minnesota, Jeff Leys, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCNV), and Bernie Meyer, a retired social services worker from Olympia, Washington.
The seven were charged with the federal misdemeanor of demonstrating without a permit, fined seventy-five dollars, and released yesterday evening. The action was part of VCNV’s “Winter of our Discontent” demonstratons in the month leading up to the third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq on March 20.
It’s Never Too Late To Move Beyond The Choices Of The Cold War
by Hilary Wainwright; February 27, 2006
Dear Martin,
From Leeds to Oxford, our lives were like an adaptation of Gilbert and Sullivan: I as a “little liberal” and you as a “little communist”, your dad as a leader of the Communist party and mine of the Liberals. Both brought up in Yorkshire, we converged in the Oxford Revolutionary Socialist Society. Your Oxford Communist Club stood a little aloof from our enthusiasm at the May events in Paris. But nevertheless, you were, in 1968, part of a milieu which debated long into the night different visions and understandings of socialism. So I was taken aback to see you argue on these pages that socialism died 50 years ago under the Russian tanks in Budapest, and dismiss as fantasy any idea of a form of socialism radically different from Soviet-style command economy.
The dominant traditions in those debates were those of a radically democratic socialism developed as we opposed the US war on Vietnam on the one hand, and the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia on the other. We were explicitly and self-consciously challenging the bipolar intellectual world by which being against US capitalism meant being for Soviet or Chinese-style socialism and vice versa. We drew on traditions from William Morris through GDH Cole, Antonio Gramsci, Edward Thompson and many others on the way, to develop the foundations of a socialism in which “the social” referred to many other forms of collectivity besides the state; in which no collectivity was treated as a thing, above the social relations between individuals that reproduced or transformed it; and in which participatory democracy was a challenge to capitalist and command economies alike. Now you imply in your recent column that in reality, we were simply another kind of “God squad”.
Your upbringing is getting the better of you, Martin. (Doubtless mine shows somewhere too.) You are applying exactly the bivalent thinking that you warn against, as well as assuming that only the Soviet Union had the line (albeit the wrong line). Your logic implies that the only historically realisable form of socialism is Soviet-style and once that failed then one must accept capitalism.
Behind this logic is the highly conservative assumption that what is possible is reducible to choices between what exists or has historically existed. This “actualism” rules out any thinking that what has happened isn’t the only thing that could have happened. . .
Palestinians Are Being Robbed by Israel
by Amira Hass; Ha’aretz; February 28, 2006
It is evidently difficult to scrub off the sticker that is glued onto the front window. That’s why when a new car from Germany or South Korea or the United States rolls onto the packed streets of Gaza or Ramallah, it generally has the big label with thick, red Hebrew letters forming the word “Checked” stuck on its windshield for several months.
The label is a mark of the special customs and security checks conducted at the Israeli seaports of Ashdod or Haifa, which serve as the main entrances for most of the foreign goods bound for the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinians import all sorts of products: water pumps from Sweden, bulldozers and boxes of corn flakes from the United States, plastic toys from China, washing machines from France and cheese from Denmark – and virtually all of them reach their destinations only after they’ve been through Israeli port authorities and Israeli security checks.
At the ports, Palestinian importers are required to pay the Israeli authorities the value-added tax of 17%, as well as whatever custom taxes are due on goods that come in on their way to the West Bank or Gaza. These transactions (along with direct Palestinian transactions with Israeli firms and merchants) last year yielded revenues of $711 million.
But whose revenues are they?
To judge by the actions of the Israeli Cabinet on Sunday, the money belongs to Israel. The Cabinet announced that it was going to withhold Palestinian tax and customs revenues, at least for the moment, as a response to Hamas’ electoral victory. Until the money is released – if it is released – the Israeli treasury will earn the interest.
But it’s not supposed to work this way. According to the Oslo accords (and by any standards of common sense and basic justice), the revenues should serve the people who ultimately buy the goods. These tax receipts are not donations of goodwill from Israel; they are not charity. . .
Gotta go help someone prepare for a test in political science. International relations. The text I read was BAD. Apologeia for US /European imperial politics. Relied too much on religious causes, too. Awful chapter on the Arab/Israeli question. Why Nations Go To War, John G. Stoessinger.
130,ooo human shields. How many more will lose life (or limbs)? To say nothing of the Iraqis. Crank up the anti-war movement. DON”T STOP until we drive out the Bush Regime!
Is the Air America Radio site down? Or does one have to pay to access it?:omg:
i think Seder is a good guest host. and the soundcard on my work computer is toast, so no headphones option, i only have the podcasts. at lunch i download the podcasts from last night and this morning.
“It doesn’t matter who owns the ports…”
Eric Alterman
:omg: Do you like his self promotion schtick?
I agree with you, Alterman.
Gotta go, for sure.:omg:
Maybe you could get one of these little USB sound adapters (if you have a USB port). Never tried one myself, but they seem cheap enough.
whoa, thats pretty cool, i’ll have to consider that.
those guys are brutal pj whoa im lucky to still be here whew ok then
oh happy day! does anyone know if KTLK will podcast the new show, or if you can record a show while streaming it…..i don’t have enough tech knowledge to know. I called KTLK, all i got was an answering machine, but they do podcast al and randi. i also send my thanks to you pj for doing such a good job
Well, I just bit the bullet and signed up for Premium. Now my only decision is when to listen to Maron’s show. 7-9 AM would seem most logical, but I’ve started to get attached to Rachel’s show. And Seder has kept Franken’s show lively so far this week.
Who am I kidding? At some point tomorrow I’ll cave and submit to my craving for the funny. Just don’t know how long I’ll be able to hold out.
This is the first time I’ve had Stephanie Miller on for any length of time. She sure spends a lot time on fart noises
Comment by pjsauter — February 28, 2006 @ 11:13 am
They were considerably heavier than usual on the fart noises today, because of the record they were playing with the fart songs on it. Normally the show isn’t quite so, shall we say, aromatic.
But you should have heard them the day someone sent them the farting Bush doll.
Wow, we’re almost up to 200 posts. You’d think something important was happening today or something. 🙂
:fist:i’m with malloy on the port deal the fuckers gonna do what he is gonna do there are more important things to worry about like food mmmm food
ok well wish me luck on finding some wifi once i leave this friggin theater here later sheeple
Air America is doing the podcasts (i think), though there are ways to record streaming audio streams. I use Total Recorder to record the stream from BBC Radio One, and it does work on NPR’s stream, though the others have a better grasp on this whole recording business then I do.
so my recorder didn’t record last night….so frettinginlgly I, too, bought the podcasts. Overkill:?: Probably. but it IS for the funny
:rabbi: I did write danny grinch awhle back that if they put maron back I’d join at aar so guess i’m keeping my end of the bargain (like he EVER would).
pj, how’d the exam go?
mr f spent the day in court with saddam. said he didn’t look so hot after his mini-hunger strike.
I’ll post again to hit 200 posts (does that count?) :tongue:
I’m listening to yesterday’s Al Franken show where he is interviewing this guy that that wrote a bill to bar gay people from adopting- its the funniest thing ever. This dude is totally living in the past. . .
Zogby polls the troops. They want out.
Hey, LeMoyne College is about 3/4 of a mile from my house (it’s where I vote).
The exam last night was fairly easy. Now I have a presentation and an exam to do tomorrow, a paper to do by Monday, and another to do by next Wednesday, plus an exam.
I have no idea why the hell I wanted to go back to school.
Paul, thanks for the info about total recorder, just checked out their website. the only problem that i see is that i don’t know, maybe you do, if you can then get the recording into itunes, so i can put it on my pod. much easier to carry the pod around than the laptop….thanks again for your help
i read about that poll – pretty freaking amazing. wonder how the spin doctors will spin it? Krugman wrote about it this am in the nyt. I have a friend whose son is supposed to go over there in march and he is totally freaked out about it. it makes me sick what is happening to these young people. cheney and bush and rummy should be run out on rails along with the vast majority of the senate (and house, while I’m at it).
Hey trickster, KTLK only provides segments of Al and Randi these days (since the AAR premium thing; check the running times on the ones posted). I use ReplayAV to record the streams (Windows only, $50). There are other freeware apps available (do a google for freeware record streaming audio or something to that effect, and you’ll see a bunch – never tried them, but if you have time to play, you can probably find something that works).
does anyone know how to configure itunes for two ipods?
I’ve searched around and have found that it can be done, but for the life of me can’t figure it out. No-Brainer instructions or a point-to same would be GREATLY appreciated.
I always just hand- manage the updates and then you can drag individual podcasts to the pods. You would want to call the pods MsFarmerKat and MR FarmerKAt -give them separate names.
Does that help at all?
dear pj, thanks for the info. ok, with the total recorder program you can set it to record when you want without having to stay up, what’s the deal with relayAV, and then can you get it into your pod….also thanks for the info on ktlk podcasts, i guess we are at the mercy of aar. went to aar to register for premium, they didn’t list marc’s show yet, did you find it, or did you subscribe to everything…thanks for the info
Yeah, with ReplayAV you can set the schedule so it captures automatically, and it will do more than one at the same time, if need be. You can save the stream in native format or as an mp3, and you can have it copy to any folder or a portable device when it’s done. You can download the demo and try it out – it limits you to 15 minute recordings until you pay for it. The userguide, more info, and FAQ’s are available on their website.
Bob at Airamericaplace assures us that the podcasts will be available from day one- which would be tomorrow in any time zone- eh?
I would expect them to be ready by the time you wake up.
Unless you are in Japan?
I went over to the airamericaplace blog to find this out.
wow pj, just went to the replayAV website, what a cool program, my husband will love it. did download the demo, but couldn’t find a match for the marc maron show, guess it will take some time, and the demo version, since it only allows 15 minutes won’t get me very far. so will try to subscribe to aar. and sbluefox, thanks for the info, i am in brooklyn, not japan and sure would love to hear the funny tomorrow morning, thanks for the info…
Yeah, the Marc Maron Show isn’t in there, but KTLK is, so you can just schedule KTLK at the appropriate time where you’re at, and you should be good to go. You can also set up recordings manually – you don’t have to go through their media guide.

Happy Days!
Hey, can anyone get into Maron’s new website? Also, will the show be on podcast for those of us sleeping at 1am EST?
ok good to know. so what are you going to do pj, subscribe to aar or just record the stream? i guess it’s cheaper just to buy replay and record the stream everyday instead of paying aar. again thanks for all the info…and i didn’t mean to put the picture, but always wondered how to do it….
sblue – i can’t seem to get itunes to read mrs. farmerkat’s ipod.
(thanks for your help!)
pj, ahh, exam time. not fun. hated christmas for quite a while – way too hectic coupled with exams… it will all be over soon. Slow and steady, steady and slow, this is the way that Mickey goes. That mickey mouse saying was my mantra! (The mature way to get a graduate degree.)
It could be afew things:
Are you using a USB cable or a Firewire cable? Are you on a mac?
The newer ipods are USB2 only . I think I have suffered through all of these issues I could help you off the blog. Just add at to my handle if you want. I can resolve some Mac issues but not Windows.
panera bread yay:banana:
damn new aar site sucks goat ass!
Has anyone ever used Freecorder or Easy Radio? They’re both freeware for recording internet streaming radio but I don’t know if they’ll work for recording from KTLK or AAR. I do know that I can’t stay up that late. Well, I can but only if I don’t plan to get up the next morning to get to work. Sigh!
I wonder if it’s escaped Marc’s notice that he’s now on opposite his greatest self-imposed rival, Jon Stewart.
Comment by gypsy
I bought ReplayAV a few weeks ago, and (for me, anyway) it works like a charm. In addition to some of the AAR stuff, I also capture Car Talk, Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, Prarie Home Companion (great for skipping over the parts where Garrison Keillor sings), As It Happens, Jeff Rense, Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, Alex Jones (who’s kind of a chowderhead, but he hates Bush and The New World Order), and a few others I can’t think of at the moment. Now, I don’t actually get to listen to it all that much, but it’s there when I want it (and I have it in a shared directory, where my wife can load up her mp3 player with whatever she likes).
A couple of things, though. AAR may continue to add (if they’re smart) extras for premium members. Also, you have to either edit out or otherwise skip the commercials or crappy music. The podcasts are commercial-free.
All-in-all, one time $50 seems better to me than $60 or whatever a year. But for the annual price, you’re guaranteed that somebody else will make sure the podcast is available and edited. No worries about the computer locking up or forgetting to get the software up and runing, or your Internet access being down, or the freakin’ Clippers game going into triple OT, or whatever. Plus, like public radio, you’d be “voting” with your dollars for the programming that’s important to you.
So, there are some pretty compelling reasons to pay for the premium service.
i will probably end up caving for the premium i cant stand listening to malloy with the friigin commercials from white rose
Ah, no. AAR appears to continue to be having some difficulties in that area. Marc really shouldn’t have given up control of his domain name to these people. I reckon he proabably didn’t want to have to deal with it, but even a crappy website is better for selling CD’s than no website at all.
pj, thanks, probably will go for the premium for all the reasons you listed. i will however turn my husband on to replayAV, then he can pay for it, as he did wimp out on valentines day this year, so now he can atone and i will be able to access all kinds of great stuff and build a great library in the process…
Farmerkat- you there?:fustrate: You ok?
I’m awake, sort of.:doh: Yeah, I see there is no site yet for Maron. Oh, well, I’ve got to go eat something and then the post off will begin! (I’ll find that assassin music in a second)
Oh, thanks PJ for the gmail account. Coolness:bow:
“Veterans calling me…”:omg:
March 19th. Restart the antiwar movement. Don’t get conned by dems.:omg:
not to mention cant download maron either and the file sizes are gonna be too big to be e-mailing around
Harboring Prejudice and Politics: The “Dubai Ports” Debate
By James Zogby
t r u t h o u t | Perspective
Tuesday 28 February 2006
During the past week we witnessed a virtual frenzy with senators, congressmen, and then governors jumping over each other to take the lead in bashing the “Dubai port deal,” the United Arab Emirates, or the Bush administration. It’s all being done, critics say, in the name of national security. In reality, what is taking place here is nothing more than crass political posturing and an irresponsible and ill-informed attack on an Arab country that has been a strong ally of the United States.
At its essence, there are three factors that are driving this ruckus: It’s an election year, the public has a continued concern about national security, and there’s an Arab country involved. Elected officials are preying on the public’s fear by exploiting an Arab “boogeyman.” The language they’ve used is shameful, irresponsible, and downright false.
But in election year politics, it doesn’t matter.
Because it involves an Arab country, members of Congress assume that they won’t be called to account for a falsehood. Smearing all things Arab remains the last acceptable form of ethnic bigotry in America. As a result of this mindset, the UAE, one of America’s closest Middle East allies in the war on terror – a country that has sent troops to fight alongside ours in Afghanistan, complied with all of our antiterrorism initiatives, and which provides the largest base port for American military ships – is being called a “rogue government,” an “Islamic fascist” state and “home of terrorists.”
In the Middle East, people are scratching their heads. If the UAE, which has stuck its neck out to support the US, can be treated with such scorn, then, some ask, “what’s the point of being a friend of America?” It is ironic and troubling that, just a week ago, US public diplomacy czar Karen Hughes was in the United Arab Emirates to promote America and this week, UAE and US trade teams enter yet another round in their talks toward establishing a US-UAE free trade agreement. Ms. Hughes must feel like packing it up and going back to Texas. If this anti-UAE campaign succeeds, there is no public diplomacy campaign that can salvage the damage. Arabs, you see – not unlike any other people – react not by what you say about yourself but by how you treat them.
Having said all this, the current exercise in Arab-bashing is, in fact, nothing more than election-year politicking at its worst, with Democrats feeling that Bush is vulnerable and piling on, and Republicans feeling vulnerable and joining the fray. If it weren’t so serious and dangerous, it might be comical. We’ve seen scenes like this before, as congressmen and senators literally trip over each other, risking injury on their way to the microphone, calculating just how outrageous they need to be to guarantee that their sound bite will be the one on the evening news. In this game, facts don’t matter. Instead, hyperventilating on their own rhetoric, politicians multiply their exaggerations.
Especially disturbing in all of this is that the legitimate issue of port security has been lost in the melee. If Congress really wanted to have a debate about port security and the failings of the current system, they would be talking about increasing funding for hiring more customs officials, beefing up our coast guard presence, and providing additional equipment to screen more of the containers that enter our country. This is what is needed.
None of these issues will be affected, either adversely or positively, by the acquisition under consideration. Regardless of what company owns the management of our ports, the security issues remain in the hand of the Department of Homeland Security. Instead of a real debate, we’re given scapegoating. Instead of making us more secure, politicians engage in the exercise of making us more isolated in the world and damaging our relationship with an important ally in the Middle East. They ought to be ashamed. They owe an apology not only to the UAE, but to the American people. But since politics and shame are estranged bedfellows, I’m not holding my breath.
Dr. James Zogby is the president of the Arab American Institute. His column appears weekly in t r u t h o u t. For comments or information, contact or visit
you are such a pussy nicki wait till march ha do it now ya bastard bitch whatever you are oh i know this isnt the issues but uh here read this
It’s a Karl Rove scheme. Take our minds off of the real action.
i hope that link worked
Hey everybody- Ive been watching the procrastinators come on the blog and try to figure out what to do.
I figure that if my Replay A/V freezes up or there is a power outtage I will just pay for a day at AAR or get one of you guys to email me a show;-)
I want to remind anyone who is trying to set up Replay A/V that there are super simple instructions posted here on my blog. Just scroll past the pic of Marc and the little blurb about his new show and you will see them.
This is for PC (XP)….
I like Replay because there is tons of information to save. I havent had the time to even set up my XM through it or examine the V part of the deal. I have a TV card w/ cable in my computer so I expect that I can do more with saving shows if I just get some time to sit down with it.I also reallylike that it automatically transfers to MP3, puts in iTunes, and loads shows on my iPod. Its fantastic!
So, for a one time $50 I get a world of content…and if I need to get something from AAR I can take a single day.
I dont find $60 to be alot, and if I felt like the management was even sorta OK and dependable, I would happily join just to support the network…but they dont care about us, and I hope Ive come far enough in life to know when to stop knocking on that door and expecting a different answer. When they replace DG, and start reaching out to the fans, I’ll reconsider.
In the meantime, I will do everything to support Marc…hey, if he needs the numbers to subscribe, I’ll subscribe to only his podcast.
But whats really important is…. will you guys send me the shows when there is a Clippers game in the meantime??? Huh? Please???
So how is everyone recording? I can’t decide whether to record from the KTLK stream or spring for Premium. I will probably spring….this is too important. :tongue:
Hey Buddies, what up!?
My thanks and congrats to PJ and to “the usual suspects” whose efforts helped make this day possible…and made the connections for the MS era and kept the community alive for the 11-week hiatus.
Having only a dial-up I can either blog or stream, so I’ll see youse all on the other side of midnight.
So, I am unable to get images on the new AAR website. What did those classist bastards do to us working stiffs?:omg::rofl2:
:fu: You aar capitalist dogs!
What! Olbermann is beating O’Reilly! :omg: I wish. His show is far better than the O’Really:omg: Factor.
:fu: (in general.)
:omg::omg:Crank up the Revolutionary Struggle!:rant1:
Hey, is Firefox better than explorer.Should I download it? Have you :sheep:le?:doh:
Looks like we’re going to have a :40:(40) thousand :sheep:le party :alc:
yeah but oreally’s listeners are all over 65 and are gonna die soon because medicare is being raped then olberman will be kicking the ever loving shit out of oreally
I think so, and it’s the browser I use almost all the time these days. The best part is all the extensions you can add to do some nifty little things.
Everyone in the New York area go see the Harpers thing in town hall or whatever “Impeachment”:spank:
Get rid of those voting machines!
:fist::fist:Revolution starts NOW:fist:
Firefox…Cool, I’ll download it and see what the deal is. I’m not very technologically with-it I guess, or something
Hey NickiRose, a lot of us despise the Likudniks and the AIPAC whores disguised as congressmen too, but if you don’t get out of Palestine soon, you’ll miss the funny!
Lighten up, eh?
Hey, I haven’t read this yet, but here’s Lapham on the “I” word
Read on…
Hey, Marc’s new web page finally works!
I am soooo nervous. My heavens it is just a show. Of course the AAR “stream” just went down. 😡 :rant1: but got “stream” on KTLK so :fu: AAR. But glad I met ALL of you “strange” MSists (so AAR was good for one reason).:rofl2: (:eek:irony)
:evil:bush &:evil: adm
ARREST(format by KevinM)
I have Replay A/V set up to record tonight (I think) but for all of my Maron shows it sez “unscheduled” even though I have set up three schedules of 15 minutes each. God, this is annoying. What am I doing wrong? Anyone?
Do you see this, Maron? The pain of trying to hear you??? It would be easier to pay The Man!
i sleepy go sleep sleep till the funny comes on later sheeple
brilliantatbreakfast, yes. I might have to get Premium too since it appears AAR will be showing WEB CAM actions.:smile::( :banana:
(And again pjsauter and your family thx for home:love:)
👿 bush & 👿 adm
ARREST:!:(format by KevinM)
So, has Air America Place made a blog for Maron’s show or are they just using their main blog?….
I am planning on blogging here in general.
I never blogged during shows before anyway because Im usually out running round when theyre on…and Ive been saving them since Springer was thrust into my life making it an urgent situation to have an alternative….If Im up (and by coincidence, I was up last night past 1AM) Ill look in, but otherwise, I’ll do what Ive done from the beginning of AAR and the blog explosion, which is to read and catch up later. This is the only blog Ive posted on…or maybe, I guess I used to on the Unfiltered one….I think that the depression after Lizz’s disappearance and then the show winding down was too much for me and I sort of withdrew.
So, on to a new day…Bush is spiralling down! The numbers are horrible!! And tomorrow I will wake to the funny.
Of course, I keep telling myself not to get my hopes up and to give them time to get it together…maybe some of it will not be great, as its new and they have to work into it….get into the groove…but it will be good to hear Marc again. I hope he does some politics. I expect that he wont be able to avoid it….its all over the place!
Things are good, philosopher kings and queens…Danny G has lost…at least this battle.
:spank:ignominous! bush should resign:nod:
looks like Marc’s site was put up on the fly (whatever that means) Does anyone know how to make a link like the links we make here. You know, without the http:// stuff. I like the disguised look, it’s just better.
M-Day!!! :banana::banana: Yowza!!! PJ, thank you so much for the bootleg – I was in Brooklyn the morning of that last show, unable to drag my evening-time butt to uptown Manhattan in time (even at home in SF, it’s all I can do to be sentient for work at 9am). Hey, does anyone know how I go recording his new show on a Mac. I used to download MS into an IPod folder in the ITunes, and could listen online, since I don’t have an IPod. I see there’s an Archives link on MM’s new website, not active yet cause there’s nothing to archive yet. Does this mean we will be able to listen later via archive? During non-clinic time at work, I can listen at my desk. Please say yes, please say yes :alc: One co-worker of mine was just beginning to enjoy listening in the afternoons to the morning’s MS for that day, so I’m hoping I can have a co-conspirator at work in converting the office to all Maronite 🙂
Oh happy day…
Druid…are they showing web cam now? Is it on the site or youre expecting that they will? If they offer more content then we’ll see…I dont believe a word they say…and webcams would be a little clever for this organization to pull of on night one…
Becky, are you set to KTLK or to Mark Maron?
I dont know how the sample program works…are you sure you can set the timer…wasnt someone saying that it didnt have a timer unless you boght it? Or was that the page of free recorders that PJ had?
Olberman is doing the puppet news of Anna Nicole goes to the Supreme court. Very funny.
becky,i just set up replay av, but looked up ktlk, and then somehow, i don’t remember how i got to the screen, i programmed it to record from 10 to midnight….i don’t mind the commercials, gives me time in the morning to take out the trash or run the noisy blender…good luck, hope you find it and can’t wait to listen tomorrow am
Hey, Anna Nicole’s lawyer’s name is Howard Stern.
Thanks for the link to Marc’s blog, PJ! I just checked in (and posted), but I like it better here.
Whoever said maybe we should only blog over there during the show and then come here might be on to something.
AND (drumroll please), I am happy to report that an additional test of RAV (with the kbps knocked down to 32) worked!!!:banana::banana::banana: Still split it into two, but I can live with that!!!
Of course, I’m still hoping to hear the first show live, but since I can barely keep my eyes open, it’s good to have backup!
becky, if you go to the replay guide and browse stations you will find ktlk.
instructions are here
“…how I go recording…:? Woah, brain fart, there. I was thinking two things at once, and only one came out through the fingers…I think someone posted sometime in the last few days how to record the show live on a Mac, could someone post that again or update me?
Sean, I think I was the one who posted on the blog the link for the ‘ordering pizza in the future’ link, I know I sent that to a lot of people and I did mean to post it here. Frightening how possible that is, eh? Did you receive Bushwhacked yet? I just started listening to the first cd, and I’m already learning about Alito’s brother Eugene or Gene, whatever tf his name is, gutting ergonomic regulations that were 12 years in the making and that Clinton signed off on. :fu: Nepotistic bastards, Alito’s brother and Michael Powell’s son and…hey, what’s some other neocon death cult nepotism, folks? I’m sure we could draw up a long list. 👿
Ahhh, but, ahhh, deep breath, the funny is back, the funny is back. But now I have to miss Malloy. Sorry Mike. If the Daily Show is a repeat again, I can try to listen to Malloy live earlier in the evening. If the new cat will let me. I’m playing referee between new cat and old cat. Ok, gotta leave work now, time to go home and see if the cats got along today. 4 1/2 hours and counting!!! Later, :sheep:-le
I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this before, but whenever I see the :banana:, it looks to me like he’s dancing to “peanut butter jelly time”!
(I like bananas with peanut butter, but not with jelly.)
I’m never going to be a “top poster,” so why bother trying?:doh:
Thanks, trickster13 and Melina. I found Melina’s instructions a little while ago and followed them. THANK YOU. I followed them to a tee and seem to have everything set up but my list of shows still sez “unscheduled.” I’m an unpaying user at this point so maybe something is up with that.
My only other worry is that my sorry-ass DSL service will drop me off when it detects no activity.
Well, it’s a happy day whether I can make this work or not. I’ll pay the damned money if I have to…can’t NOT listen to Maron and Jim and Kent and Brendan. And I have a snappy new iPod to listen with. Wheeeee!
the ports deal is just cover for anna nicoles supreme court hearing:omg:
Ha ha, Sean!!! Karl Rove at his best….
Melina Hi, I am just “streaming” KTLK now since I have horrid reception, due to buildings :growl::love:
regarding web cam — AAR is promoting Jerry Springer’s Show that way. Sorry, but am running around right now. There has been different other “hooks” in Premium promotion — AAR HAS to ofer something “more” for a reason for Premium. Sorry, but am running around right now. But I will check more often.
👿 bush & 👿 adm
ARREST ❗ (format by KevinM)
becky, if you have not paid for replay av, you will only be able to record 15 minutes, that seems to be the limit for the demo. so you might have to pay, either aar or replay…
Do I have to dredge up my AAR username to get to the new blog? I haven’t gone there since November or December…I’ll have to go through the whole the whole rigamarole of either registering again or requesting to have the username and password emailed to me again. I’m trapped at work, listening to Marc’s dream sequence from Dec. 16 with the 2 cats wheeling in Scalito…:rofl2:
Can’t I do three shows of 15 minutes each? That’s what I have set up. Makes me sound like a giant cheapskate, doesn’t it? If it works, I’ll pay for the upgrade. Like Patrick said, there are lots of other shows I’d like to download….
OK, I’m outta here. Thanks for everyone’s unending patience.
Enjoy the show, everybody! :fire:
im hoping they have a marc maron entry in itunes tomorrow morning when i try to download it on my lunch break
Wow! New emoticons. Back from a great nearly two weeks in Caifornia visiting friends and family from LA to Vacaville. I kept looking for a MM show, but to no avail 🙁 .
I’m cold and beat, but doing all that I can to stay awake until 1 am. The problem is my attic is freezing. My computer loves the cold, but brrrr, I prefer heat. It wasn’t all that warm in LA for the first few days, but I had no compalints. ‘Twas lots warmer that western NY.
Going to set up my space heater so that I can enjoy at least part of Marc’s show live and will break down and buy AAR rights to podcasting. I read the back and forth about replay, but I don’t know where to start– cyber space has never felt like home to me.
Talk to you soon.
How do I download Itunes?
Are you serious Dr. Dance?! Go to the apple web site :doh::rofl2:
Okay, I tried to take a nap so I won’t be dead on my feet tomorrow because I must hear Marc and the gang live. So I guess I’ll have some coffee instead. It’s too much like xmas eve. Maybe I’ll try the Replay av, but if AAR does web cam for Marc’s show I might be enticed to pay them for that.
Here we go Itunes for you!
:fist:ha ha if i dont get kicked out of the parking lot for some reason i will have a connection to hear the show live!
theyve got this strange image button over there that brings up a file of pics of marc that you can apparently put a caption on and post…? and then when I click add it says that I have no pics in the file…whatever…its just a new feature. They have no emoticons, which doesnt bother me much since Im not an emoticon person unless I can figure out how to make them myself.
Its pretty exciting and I so wish I could stay up till the show but I can tell that Im backsliding and exhausted after running round and moving furniture all day.
The new seaosn of Amazing race just started…this part is always so confusing so I dont pay much attention until I get used to the people and some get eliminated.
PJ I hope youre getting your studying done. I just graduated college finally and I spent the whole time of taking classes and studying and trying to take care of everything and my kid wondering why I had done it…and I still ask myself because it wont make sense unless i go for my masters (and try to “make something of my life” as certain people in my family have often said…)
But in what? I love tech but wouldnt live through what youre doing…maybe could be a simple tech help desk person but all those jobs are probably in India….
Or maybe I would be a school guidance counselor….Im considering that.
Anyway, I guess that its worth it…my college career was made better because it was interspersed with my grownup life so I really learned what I studied…being the old fogey in the room usually….The final class was a 100 level freshman history class which went at super speed from the big bang to 9-11. It was incredible and almost impossible to digest because the guy wrote tiny notes across 5 boards and covered every topic so fast. Then when it was exam time he just gave a xerox of those notes and said that everything was fair game (inc. the huge amt of reading and the huge paper)….incredible! I got an A anyway and ended with a 3.9 GPA….so education IS wasted on the young (sorry kids…just keep studying for your whole life and you will see what I mean some day!) I also ended up really depressed about the world from looking at that world history in such a detailed overview. It gave me the idea that humans are just barbaric and bound to repeat the same mistakes over and over….it sent me into a spin even though I graduated finally and I knew so much stuff that I had always wanted to know more about….But history is so sad.
I dont envy you having to remember stuff right around now….seems like there is just too much information out there swirling round.
Hey Krista-If AAR does anything right I’d be happy to pay them….lets hope that this is gonna be a turning point. Its exciting because it reminds me of the beginning of AAR…but, having lost my innocence, its gonna take me a while to trust it. I wish I knew if Marc had a 1 year contract for this show….at least then I could relax a little and work on affiliates or whatever, rather than keeping myself from getting too attached again.
Hallelujah! Jah! I am a bum!!:omg:
Janeane has a boyfriend!:rofl2:
Corporations Rule!:bow:
Live Video Web Stream Wednesday at 12pm
Sam Seder, Co-host of the Majority Report, will be filling in for The Al Franken show all week. Wednesday we will be running the “Sam Cam,” an all access video feed from 12-3 pm EST. Air America Radio Premium listeners can watch all three hours of Sam Seder on the The Al Franken Show.
What are you waiting for? Click HERE to sign up!
Marc Maron’s new show premieres on Air America Radio affiliate KTLK, in Los Angeles. You can listen to the show live at 10pm pacific time.
Air America Radio Premium members can listen to all of the Marc Maron Show archives. Make sure you sign up for Air America Premium now so that you can start podcasting his shows tomorrow.
Air America Premium members can also check out these great Marc Maron clips that have never been heard on the air.
One user onboard!:omg::nixon:
Hey Premium members….there are some never heard before clips of Marc in the new AAR email….for premium members only…so you know what to do!! Dont be stingy!!!
I dont know…3 hours of watching Sam rant…sounds so good it makes me want to go out and give AAR my credit card…not!! They may have to do better than that.
I have to try to go to sleep…
Catch you on the flip side…will be listening to the funny in the AM!!!!
eya gang!
this is the Nee plus ultra thread?
:cry:janeane has a boyfriend! nooooooooo:omg:
Mind, Religion & Ethics in Dialogue
Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain: The Importance of Being Conscious
Speaker: Elio Frattaroli, M.D.
Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst, Private Practice, Bala Cynwyd
Faculty, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia
Author of Healing the Soul in the Age of the Brain
Response: Andrew Newberg, M.D.
Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Departments of Radiology and Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Health System
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 1, 2006
10:00 am – 12 pm
Place: Medical Alumni Hall, Maloney Building
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Maloney Entrance, 1st Floor, near 36th & Spruce Streets
(Lunch will be provided after the lecture)
For more info, please contact – 215-614-0332
To register, please go to –
Description: Dr. Elio Frattaroli believes that our society is in a state of moral crisis. Our lives are so consumed by the dehumanizing forces of materialism that we have lost touch with the deeper needs and values of the soul. Culturally, he says we value physical appearances, material possessions, creature comforts, and addictive pleasures, as if we really believed that the one who dies with the most toys wins. We then rationalize the emptiness of these materialistic values by invoking another kind of materialism-that of modern science, which gives credence only to what can be seen and measured and believes that only the physical is real. Dr. Frattaroli believes that this materialistic way of thinking is hazardous to the health of our culture.
Dr. Frattaroli has been selected as one of Philadelphia Magazine’s “Top Docs” in Psychiatry. He studied Shakespeare at Harvard University and trained with Bruno Bettelheim at the University of Chicago before turning to medicine. Dr. Frattaroli has written and lectured widely on topics ranging from Shakespeare, to the philosophical conflict between psychiatry and psychoanalysis, to American culture before and after 9/11. To learn more, go to:
Sponsored by the Templeton Research Lectureship Program on the Constructive Engagement Between Science and Religion (2005-2008).
This is a special presentation in Association with the Spirituality, Religion, and Health Interest Group.
I gotta GO:omg::nixon::rofl2:
Bye Nicki-
Who knows Sean?…did you listen? Isnt Jeaneane old enough to be your…um …much older sister? But she is cute and so very smart. I hope she finds a nice boyfriend.
I will probably listen tomorrow or later in the week…now I have way too much content but it comes in handy on the weekend and when I have alot of housework to do. The only one that is really time sensitive is Rachel which is more like a news show. Ive been fast forwarding through the cocktail and fashion parts…it doesnt work for me.
Sean, did you join premium?
hell yeah you guys!!!
it’s 7:25 over here!!!:banana:
sooooon sooooon
I wish it was 7:25 over here – I have way too much shit to do, and I’m running out of time. At this rate, I’llbe listening to Marc in realtime (and then I’ll never get done).
I can’t post a comment on maron’s blog 🙁 it only lets me post a subject line…what’s up with that?
LJ posted the link to put in itunes for maron for podcast premium:
I’m excited for the new website! Yippee I can’t WAIT! 🙂
:gate: :sammy::sheep::priest::banana::banana::banana::banana:
keep going PJ!!:banana:
i have a deadline to meet by 12pm tomorrow, so time for me to get to work.:growl:
FireFaux… I don’t know what the big deal is. I mean what sort of neat stuff can I do with it. I guess I’ll ask Jason, I think he has it.:alc:
huh no i didnt join i was about too but i want to be invited first
I’m so tired:doh: I think I need a break from the computer. Be back in a coupla…soup, yeah. Now were thinkin’:doh:
travis, don’t forget your soup on the stove!
Oh, PJ I almost forgot…when you get the chance in the next few days sometime could you send me a gmail account if you still have any?
Dont stop working now to do it….do it later. I just keep forgetting to ask.
YOud better turn this blog off and read it later after youre done!
:rofl2:I think we’re cool this time. :doh: I’ll write it down on the top of my hand so I don’t forget.
Sean- My Dad is out near Malibu and also a car guy…he said that that Ferrari hit an electric pole and shut down the electricity for miles both ways…also that the car is worth over a quarter of a mil as scrap…and that a ton of people came out to scour for any tiny parts because they were thrown far and wide…every part is worth alot as a part or as souvenir!!…the driver is so lucky to be alive…a real idiot!
Trav- I need to set a timer for everything! I reheated some won ton in the micro today and forgot like 3 times…just kept finding it cold again and adding a minute….that cant be good!
Daily show!!!
rerun… he getting ready for the Oscars?
Microwaves are goin’ to get ya:omg:
FarmerKat- you get the pods figured out?
Do you have a Mac and what kind? Is one a new iPod. It may be something about USB2 or Firewire.
Yeah, or ecoli or botulism or some other crazy bacteria…:paranoid:
Oh man, I’m down to the 6th top poster. I was number 3 for so long
i wanted to watch my dvd of the office but i lost my remote!!!!!:shock::growl::mad::rant1::eek:
not that theres much of anywhere for it to go but its friggin gone!!!!!
You’d know where it was if it was up your ASS! :rofl2:
Hi everyone, and nice to see so many names from the old Morning Sedition blog…
quick question:
I won’t be able to stream Maron’s show live, and would like to download the show later tonight or tomorrow. Are there (nonpaying) podcast or torrent options I don’t know about? (TIA!)
Ty –
:paranoid:that probably is where it will be when i wake up:shock:
Sigh. I think I’m gonna have to invest in AAR Premium, no matter how much that sticks in my craw. Hey, Zeb, dude, you wanna go halves on it maybe? Nicki Rose? Anyone? Communal Premium-ness might be at least a little less annoying…
Those were Marc’s words not mine!
Ty, I’ve been trying to find a site like that, too. I suspect it’s not gonna happen. I can’t afford to pay for AAR Premium but I’ll probably go without gas for a week or something and pay. Sigh!
This is going to be fun :banana:
Oh, screw it, I’ll be back at 10. My vcr is a pain in the ass to program.
My hope is that some kind soul will start posting the shows to sites tracked by (torrents) or will up the shows to the newsgroups. As much as I love Maron’s work (and everyone else from the old show, maybe Riley not so much anymore), I don’t really listen to AAR anymore and think most of their programming blows, so won’t be paying for their “Premium” service. I’m sure others have commented on this at length on this site, though.
:spank:Enjoy it while it lasts.
that part makes me nervous!!!!!
Three things can be said about all the uproar over the Dubai Port deal:
1) The Bush regime does not care about the rights of Arab people, but instead is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war on Iraq, with other countries in the sights; has rounded up thousands of Muslim, Arab, and South Asian immigrants and forced 10’s of thousands more to undergo “special registrations”; and has whipped up a culture of greed, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance.
2) You saw what happened in New Orleans. The Bush regime does not care about your safety, but is only using the so-called “war on terrorism” to justify an unending war around the world and moves towards fascism in the “homeland.”
3) Getting sucked into the deadly logic of anti-Arab racism and asking this regime to enact whatever fascist measures it wants to “protect us” will leave you accepting horrors beyond your imagination. Don’t forget that in Nazi Germany, anti-Semitism led to ghettos led to death camps. To go along with “opposition” to Bush that is in fact arguing for more police state measures and treats all Arab people as dangerous will only aid in Bush’s fascist remaking of society.
This logic is poisonous – spit it out, and join in a movement to drive out the Bush regime that makes common cause with the people of the world and refuses to go along with police state measures, immigrant round-ups, torture, and unjust wars in the name of “protecting us from the terrorists.”
It sounds like this time around, Marc isn’t taking anything for granted.
sounds like he doesnt have a contract!!!!!
Krista, Malloy just said goodbye to Phoenix 😥
End of the train and another fake christian radio station to hammer it in your head or something:doh:
ONE HOUR TO GO!!!:banana::banana::bow::40::love::fire:
Wonder what Malloy thinks about being bumped by Maron and getting one hour cut from his ktlk coverage?:shock:
T minus 45 minutes:alc:
Krista, Malloy said he is convinced the takeover of the Phoenix station by a Christian network was plain and simple a contrived effort to shut him down. He said rating were good, they were making money. But the “fake christians” did a takeover.
Travis, are you streaming from ktlk?
No, at the moment I’m at…the phone is ringing..hold on.
Answering machines are great!
Yeah, um, I’m at the air america radio stream!
Yes the ratings were pretty damned good. They were making a profit within 10 months of being on the air, despite the poor reception in many areas and the fact that is a sundowner station. Also, there are now 9 christian radio stations in this area, 9 ! So it is possible that Malloy is right about that.:cry: It’s just now hitting me that I won’t have Goyette to keep me up to date on both local and national affairs and where am I going to find good traffic? The traffic guy was wacky.
So, where do those local broadcasters go now?
T minus 18…
The new blog has some features I like and some I don’t. You can specify which order you want to have the posts displayed (newest or oldest on top. But I couldn’t get the italics to work even after reading the directions there and studying their code guide page. And so far only one of the two emoticon instructions work for me. Look, I have a mac for a reason, so I wouldn’t have to re-learn that geeky code crap I used to have to use on the college computers twelve years ago. Kee-ryst.
Ok, enough griping. Back to streaming AAR and the L.A. station.
Me and the kitties are pacing the floor now…:billcat::billcat::billcat:
twenty to go to the show!
better get prepared…
Enjoy it while it lasts ?? Yeah – WTF??
Break a leg Team Maron!
Well, I know I’m gonna regret this in the morning, but since I’m still awake, I guess I’d better fetch a mug-o-wine and catch at least the start of the show. Man, it’s snowing like crazy out there tonight.
Another thing I prefer on this blog over the ‘new’ one (is it new, or is it one that existed before? I’m not sure), is that on this blog each post is numbered, which makes it a lot easier for referring back to. So like if I were to enclose a link to Eric Idle’s Fuck You Very Much The FCC Song, anyone could refer to it later by what number post it’s at on such and such a day…
Sorry, don’t know why that link didn’t go html when it was entered, guess I didn’t press the space bar after the preceding text. Let’s try again:
Ex-boyfriend calling at 10pm??? He would have to call now. I’m glad I turned the ringer off. NO calls.
Bring the funny, NOW. Bring the funny, NOW :cake:
Let’s have cake, everyone.
4 minutes
Hey y’all, I started a new thread, for the new show.
The FCC song is great! He had one I heard at his performance that was about national anthems and it started with “My country’s better than yours…” or something…hysterical, had me falling out of my chair!
YAY!!! 10 min. to Marc-ness!!! :nixon::nixon::nixon:
Cat shat on the bed – goddamit!!! Great timing. Cleaned the litter box this morning; he never does this unless it’s filthy; new cat has his own litter box. Ok, pandemonium breaking out at my house, gotta go pay attention to the cats while the stream is on – where is Marc?? Stupid fucking commercials. BRING THE FUNNY RIGHT NOW!!
Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! The King Of Radio is back
i missed the start friggin bastards damn stream wouldnt load ahhhhh did he start good evening philosopher kings and queens?
Nope 🙁 But it was great :fist:
My modem quit right at the start, and friggin’ dial up and slow as molasses stream connection just got me back on. Fuck! But now I hear short order news. Fat Tuesday. Vice Engorgement Ritual.
ahhhh maron and earl:smile:
:fu:friggin why isnt maron on my xm?
:fist:evenin remembrance kick ass mutha-fuckas
who’s choppin onions!
this connection sucks! streams all choppy
:banana:yes awesome i forgot how the maron math worked ha kick ass
Sean were over on a new Maron thread!
:paranoid:what the fuck 20 users online no posts what the fuck is wrong with you people:!:
Maron needs to slow it down! He’s too crispy or something!
:spank:dont call maron crispy
Sean there is a different thread Were over on the new thread
Fine! fuck, man. sorry
hey sean!!!!:alc::banana:
maron just needs to get a feel for getting all his stuff in during 2 hours…you know he has to get use to things.
okay…i think i’ll have to have the new maron drawing for the next show. i’m still working on storyboards right now.:fustrate: