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Morning Seditionists

Friday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 31, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 169 Comments

Here we are, Friday again. Week after week just keeps flying by, and this weekend, we’re screwed out of an extra hour to boot. Add to that the hour of Marc we’re getting screwed out of thanks to the Clippers game tonight. The Senate Judiciary is scheduled to take up Russ Feingold’s proposal to censure Bush today, so that might be interesting, especially with John Dean and Bruse Fein scheduled to testify. Arlen Specter is floating the idea that the measure could fail in committee, but be sent to the floor for a vote by the full senate anyway. I suppose the weasels are still doing their head counts, trying to embarass anyone who votes for censure. It sure would be nice if it backfired on them.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. and Mrs. FK today (as FK has her pre-op work done), and of course on Monday when she has her little “procedure.” Mike, you’d better take care of her, and, while we know you have more pressing matters to attend to, we’d all appreciate an update as soon as you get a chance.

Thursday Night Show

Posted by pjsauter on March 31, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 30 Comments

Looks like an on-time show tonight, although you never can tell with KTLK. But, as far as I can tell, it’ll be a full two-hour show. Tonight, Marc and Jim talk to Steve Buscemi, and Annabelle Gurwitch will talk about her book, Fired: Tales of the Canned, Canceled, Downsized and Dismissed. Also, Hamell on Trial will sing some songs from his new album, Songs for Parents Who Enjoy Drugs.

If you want to call in, it’s:

1 (877) 520-1150 or
1 (800) 783-7412

Thursday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 30, 2006
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Usually, Thursdays are one of my days off, but today I have to go and give a presentation on honeypots. I think. It’s something I (like an idiot) volunteered to do for a meeting that was supposed to be today, but nobody ever sent any confirmation that there was actually gonna be a meeting today (let alone exactly when and where), so I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do. My dog says I should blow it off, and go and enjoy the nice weather by taking him to the park again. He’s a very smart dog.

Wednesday Show Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 30, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 13 Comments

Looks like they’re antcipating a bit of a late start tonight (must be a fucking dart tournament in LA or something). Sarah Silverman will be joining Marc and Jim tonight as will the Executive Director of the Marijuana Policy Project, Rob Kampia, and comedian Rick Overton, and I’m sure we’ll get Marc’s take on Abramoff’s 70-month sentence. I hope he squealed like a pig (at least, as much like a pig as an orthodox criminal can squeal) to get that deal.

Call the show:

1 (877) 520-1150 or
1 (800) 783-7412

Wednesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 29, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 159 Comments

Aw, Wednesdays are my early days. At least the weather is nice. 57 and sunny yeasterday, and it’s supposed to be 60 and sunny today, too. The only problem is it brings out the riff-raff and fair-weather dog walkers at the leash-free area of the park. Not that Siggy isn’t always happy to sniff a new butt, but you never know how well everybody’s gonna play together. Oh well, beats working.

Tuesday Night Show

Posted by pjsauter on March 29, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 21 Comments

Clippers game with a 7:30 start tonight, so we’re looking at a short show. Cartoonist Tom Tomorrow will be to talk about his new book, “Hell in a Handbasket,” and hopefully there’ll be enough time left over for some other stuff, too.

By the way, if you want to learn more or watch the trailer for “East of Sunset” (screenplay by Heather Miller – I’m assuming is isn’t this Heather Miller), you can find it here.

    Call the show:

1 (877) 520-1150 or
1 (800) 783-7412

Tuesday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 28, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 133 Comments

Hey, it looks like Iraq is finally starting to tell us to to quit killing their goddamn people. We’ll have to see just how much this “let freedom rein” stuff we’re willing to put up with, but I hope this is the first step towards telling us to get the hell out. Since Bush is obviously content to let us stay there as target practice, while his pals rob the country blind, I don’t see it having much of an affect, but it’s worth a try. In the meantime, I can’t figure out why an LA Daily News TV critic is doing better interviews than all the network news heavyweights combined. Happy Tuesday.

Monday Night Show

Posted by pjsauter on March 28, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 42 Comments

OK, there’s no Clippers game tonight, no UCLA baskeball, and no LA Avengers game, so, unless there’s some other goddamn sport KTLK is going to carry, it ought to be your basic two-hour show tonight. On tonight’s show, Dave Koechner visits, as does Michael Shermer (president of the Skeptics Society), and Scott Blakeman & Dean Odeidallah from the Stand Up for Peace tour. You won’t have to worry about me causing trouble, ‘cuz I should be asleep before showtime.

If you’re gonna be awake though, you can call the show at 1 (877) 520-1150 (in KTLK’s regional calling area), or 1 (800) 783-7412 nationally. Tell ’em not to keep you on hold too long, ‘cuz you unplugged your cell phone charger, and your battery’s gettin’ low.

Monday Open Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 27, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 182 Comments

Well, back to the grindstone. No Clippers game tonight, but they’re playing at 7:30 on Tuesday and Friday, so it looks like we’ll get paypabck for our long shows last week with two shortened verson this week. Looks like Impeachment isn;t just for us leftwing loonies anymore, sine the WaPost had a front page article on it in yesterday’s edition. The Republicans are still spinning it as a “good” issue for them, but I don’t see it. Of course, most of the media is happy go along with whatever they say. And, really, why shouldn’t they, when an Elections Supervisor who blew the whistle on Diebold can’t buy voting machines, because the vendors want him to promise not to test the goddamn things in the future. Talk about ignominious.

Hey, at least we’re winning hearts and minds in Iraq. Too bad we’re losing heads.

Sunday Bobblehead Thread

Posted by pjsauter on March 26, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized  | 150 Comments

The big Iraq war birthday bash continues as Timmy Potatohead has Condi Rice and her shiny little helmet head on to talk about how the press never reports all the good stuff. And then she’ll get a plug in for invading Iran. Then, it’s the “liberal” media, with lightweight Bush hack Elisabeth Bumiller of the New York Times, Republican apologist David Broder of the WaPost, Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report (which tends to skew toward the Republicans only slightly less than Rasmussen), and John Harwood of the “only slightly less loonie than the moonie times” Wall Street Journal.

Over on Fazed the Nation, Bush’s Buddy Bobby Schieffer has Teddy Kennedy, and Condi-lite, Stephen Hadley, to talk about Iraq and Iran (gotta keep that Iran drumbeat going, doncha know).

On This Weak with George Snufalufagus, it’s Republican vs. Republican, as faux moderate Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and faux human being Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Co (this is the “bomb Mecca” guy) “square off” on immigration reform. Then George goes to look at an actual Montana Democrat – Brian Schweitzer – at Glacier National Park to watch the glacier melt thanks to non-existant global warming. At the roundtable, it’s token A-rab Fareed Zakaria, the Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel and George :jerk: Will, plus Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield debates feminist author Naomi Wolf on the definition of manliness (which George is apparently not qualified to participate in).

Condi trots her helmet head over to Fux News Sunday to chat with Chris “My dad’s a respected journalist and all I got was this Republican propagandist job” Wallace about how well everything’s going in Iraq (and how the bad media is being so mean all the time), and Carl Levin will stop by to try to speak the truth without getting ridiculed (much).

On CNN, oh, well, it’s Condi and Wolf, together again, or you can watch professional crumudgeon Jack Cafferty on “In the Money” at 3:00, Eastern.

Later, on 6o minutes, Ed Bradley talks to Tiger Woods about having babies (because, we care?), Lesley Stahl does a story about a hedge fund paying to have false negative information spread so that it could sell stocks short, and Andy Rooney bitches about something.

You’re best bet is to sleep in so you’re all rested up for the Sopranos.