Top-o-the-mornin’ to you (“and the balance of the day, to you,” is the appropriate response). Here we are, the only real holiday on the calendar. For some reason, they don’t close the streets of Syracuse until tomorrow for the parade, but I suppose we’ll just have to make a three-day weekend of it, eating corned beef and cabbage (because for some reason Irish Americans have been led to believe that’s Irish), and watching the tourists drink green beer on Tipp Hill (where there is the world’s only – I’m told – traffic light with the green on top, because every time they tried to change it, kids (including one of our future mayors) chucked rocks and broke it, so they finally gave up).
I used to live up that way (it was a fine place, where everyone, it seemed, was named Patrick or Sean or Brigid. To tell you the truth, we hated to see the tourists come along on St. Patrick’s Day, when our nice pubs would be packed with wannabes swilling overpriced beer out of plastic cups, and just making a general nuisance of themselves.
Of course our monkey-faced Republican stooge Congressman Jimmy Walsh will be out and about. It might be the only time the little coward comes out of his hidey-hole until after the elections; he’s refused to have a townhall meeting for years now, the bastid. At least dubya can’t claim to be Irish (it used to sicken me to think that Reagan was, but then he was was Protestant, so I don’t know if that counts π ).
At any rate have a safe and happy day, and to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and all the minions doing your bidding, “May the devil damm you to the stone of dirges or to the well of ashes seven miles below hell and may the devil break your bones. ” Figuratively speaking, of course.
And the rest of you members of the NeoCon Death Cult Christo-fascist Zombie Brigade can kiss my ass, too.
FRIST!!! (It’s been a long time since I did THAT!)
Nice leprechaun, pj. Is that Liam, the Loose-Boweled Leprechaun, who has just a wee bit o’ the diarrhea?
Final score:
Creighton 71
Akron 60
But hey, the Zips won 23 games, and they have most of the team back next season. Nice job, guys.
Second? Really? At this hour?
From today’s St. Petersburg Times editorial page, just like I guessed yesterday:
Can’t buy credibility
But you CAN buy makeup and breast implants.
(On second thought, let’s not!)
Good morning CK, since apparently you and I are the only ones here today. And unfortunately I have to bail on you now and get to work. Have a good one!!:love:
A giant mooning Leprechaun, oooohhhhhh!
Morning to the very few here.
Mornin’, FK!
Kevin–I know you probably won’t see this till much later today, but your comment about Liam killed us this morning!:rofl2:
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I have a wee bit of the Irish in me
of, I think, the protestant kind. But of the protestant kind back in the late 1700/early 1800 timeframe.
PJ, what were the protestant irish like back then?? My great grandmother’s last name was Kaneer. I know you do genealogical research and thought you could shed some light on the subject.
That was a good one:fire:
But you CAN buy makeup and breast implants.
Canβt buy a brain :hubba: and ethics:!::omg:
Nice review of Marc’s new CD from the Boston Globe β
that is a nice review, thanks for posting isi
operation swarmer: humm, let’s see, millions spent, not one high-value target caught or even sought, 50 helicopters, no one fires back at ’em. think we have a wag the dog scenario, folks:?:
A fantastic post by Ellis Weiner titled An Open Email To Senate Democrats
This is just a portion:
Wheel of anger.
Yes, I think we do :nod:
Farmerkat, what was the cost in iraqi lives of this “wag the dog” incident?
why does that headline send shivers up my spine?
isi, a blowjob is as a blowjob does :tongue:
Good Morning. I tried to stay up last night but made the fatal error of laying down for a bit before the show and well, you can guess the rest.:doh:
Mornin’, all. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! I’m a little bit Irish or maybe I’m Scotch-Irish…does that count?
Pints o’ Guinness all around! :alc:
I made it until the start of he second hour. At the moment, I’m thinking that wasn’t such a good idea.
Top O the mornin’ to ya fellow Seditionists!
A Storyteller’s Quest
A Great Turkish Author
by Khatchig Mouradian; March 14, 2006
“Anatolia has always been a mosaic of flowers,
filling the world with flowers and light.
I want it to be the same today”
Yasar Kemal
Β The Anatolia Yasar Kemal, arguably the greatest Turkish author of the 20th century, wants to see and the Anatolia he can actually see today cannot possibly be considered the same region of Turkey. What was a century ago a mosaic of ethnic and religious groups (Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Turks, Kurds, etc.) is now almost homogenized through blood and destruction, and the memory of many of the peoples that once dwelled in the region of Eastern Turkey is being negligently allowed to pass into oblivion.
A number of Turkish intellectuals are striving to push Turkey to face its past and recognize the “mosaic of flowers” that Anatolia once was. Will their vision one day become reality? Much depends on the changes currently taking place in Turkey. Novelist Elif Shafak, one of the courageous intellectuals struggling today for the preservation of memory and recognition of cultural diversity, spoke to me of Turkey today and the Turkey she would like to see tomorrow.
The Two Faces of Turkey
“I feel connected to so many things in Turkey, especially in Istanbul. The city, the people, the customs of women, the enchanting world of superstitions, my grandmother’s almost magical cosmos, my mother’s humanism, and the warmth, the sincerity of the people,” Shafak tells me, speaking of her native country. “At the same time I feel no connection whatsoever to its main ideology, its state structure and army,” she notes. . .
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn’t mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. – Edward R. Murrow
by LJinOregon at March 17, 2006
I wish we had another Murrow out there (and a network with guts enough to put him on the air).
“Meet our newest Lemming. BushCo. is on the ropes, but Evan Bayh offers them a helping hand:
But the first thing Democrats need to do, Bayh said, is take Republicans on in an area they’ve dominated: national security.
“It’s a threshold issue for us, and it’s a threshold issue for America,” Bayh said. “People aren’t going to trust us with anything else if we first can’t convince them to trust us with their lives.”
Before he spoke, Bayh told reporters that he does not support efforts by Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., another potential 2008 presidential candidate, to censure Bush for authorizing domestic eavesdropping. Bayh said it’s not clear whether the law requiring court approval before surveillance was broken, and he instead favors revisiting and possibly updating the law.
How exaclty does Bayh plan to be the big national security badass? By changing the law so that the President’s illegal actions are made legal? Wow you are one tough hombre, Evan.
I wouldn’t trust you to guard my potted fern.
Evan Bayh …
I never want to hear “Evan Bayh” for anything, ever again. Not President, not Vice President, not dog catcher. Ever.”
posted by Jane Hamsher
The Torrent for the 3-16-06 show is up at
Hi everyone-
Isi, thanks so much for the link to the Weiner piece on HuffPo. Its the kind of thing I might miss because there is just not enough hours in the day to read everything I want to!
Happy St Pats day to all. I am half, but managed to get all the depression/alcoholism tendency/pale and burn like hell/sorta haunted by everything genes in that half. I guess the messed up genes can sometimes be the dominant ones….oh well….and of course the Russian half’s genes, though they are very long lived also have the pale skin/OCD/plagued by terrorism thing going on too, so, in this melting pot of a self, I’m happy to say “Top o the mornin'” to you all.
Im not having any green beer this year because all alcohol makes me sick…I, luckily, lost tolerance for it some years ago….
But I fondly look back to my days in NYC and my Irish friends in the real Irish bars where they fly breakfast in from Ireland…even the eggs…and except for the blood sausage, which I always stayed away from because it just sounded bad, it was just and excellet way to begin a long day of drinking good beer and hanging round the parade!
These days I think there is no smoking at the parade even….probably anyway! NYC is a bit of a theme park since Guiliani decided that he was gonna clean it up and tell us what art was….still dont know what they did with the homeless people but I suspect that alot of them are still living in deserted tunnels underground….and alot were given one way tickets to Bridgeport (that was actually proven at one point back then.)
I wonder what became of the IRA guys from the East 86th street bars. They used to go back and forth to Belfast to “visit their families”….what a war…
And after I was able to go further into the potato famine than the text books allow, I dont know how its possible for anyone to look at the waves of genocide thoroughout history and not find that man, in general, and all governmental structures, have such a barbaric side that it makes it hard to understand any of this…but it makes things like sitting by while Darfur and Chad go under a little more understandable.
I hope that all critters are well…we are holding steady here, thank god…
And it looks sorta nice out, even though we were supposed to get some snow…didnt happen!
John Kerry was on Imus this morning and he actually sounded good…Why cant he be like that when hes running? And he sounds alot like he may run again, god help us. He commented on the ice caps and how the studies now show that most will be gone within 30 years, flooding Boston harbour and NYC, etc….
Scares the shit out of me.The that asshole Jay Severin, liberatarian extroridinaire…and alot of talk about how Hillary is the devil without really explaining why they think that besides that she “married a scumbag” and her ass is big…lots of jokes, but no substance…as usual when it gets down to it with IMus. He has good guests but you have to keep switching away when they talk amongst themselves.
hey people send marc e-mails telling him to go onto myspace so he can add me and quietgirl to his friends list ok i must go 80 miles to go!
Kerry’s got a lot of nerve considering another shot at the presidency. He blew it and blew it big time! :fu:
I like Russ Fenigold, so far. He should pick Jason from Marc’s show as a running mate, and then we’d have both the Jews from Wisconsin.
:yawn: …i’m bored…are u? then look here…..:paranoid:….
:no: …gift baskets!
Hey, cool. They even sell clothing. I’ve often thought we should get a “Morning Seditonists” schwag store going. Perhaps have QG or our other talented folks come up with some designs. Unfortunately, the easist thing to do would be cafe press, and there stuff is kinda pricey.
I know, Kerry is a nightmare….How can he ever think he has a chance?….Don Imus likes him and that should be the ‘heck of a job’ push that he needs…heh heh
I still really like Edwards because he is speaking so much more for the poor and the regular people of the country, but I dont know if he has the support.
I think that Feingold would be perfect, but he may be considered too “radical” by the middle, and I would hate to end up with a repub again!
Hopefully somebody will surface who can take Hill apart. It wouldnt be the worst thing if she was elected, but whoever gets this 2008 office is in for alot of problems and fixing of stuff, and will be blamed for alot. …and what better for the American people than to throw them a lesser Clinton to tear to shreds…I also dont know if our first woman in the presidential office should come on the heels of an administration like this because with the amount of rolling back that needs to be done and a certain protion of the government going to be unhappy with a woman and the rolling back, its just asking for a bit more inaction than we might see otherwise. Its already going to be gridlock hell unless we control both houses completely….
I dont dislike Hill the way so many do…but is she right for the country at this time?…Its gonna take alot of convincing to make me jump onboard.
Yeah PJ- is there an alternative to cafe press out there? I also dont like that most of their stuff there is white…I dont want to pay premium for something thats gonna just get dingy int he wash unless I bleach it all the time!
I have some ideas for buttons too…but they are standard anti bush using words, like my Liar button that everyone loves so much! Like an inconspicuous pic of Bush with INCOMPETENT printed across his face. I wonder if anyone has done that…A woman I know in the gym was telling me that she loves the LIAR button I gave her so much because its not obvious that its bush until you’ve read the word, thought about it, and then looked closer. Its not so in your face…. I started to get the idea ot make more stuff like that with descriptive words….Im sure that now that the polls ahve asked people for words they are all on their way to cafepress as I type this!!
A schwag store could also hold some charity items like some save darfur stuff and some help New Orleans stuff (which Marc is involved with)
Why dont they have a shirt that says Maron on it?
I would really like to like Hillary. I voted for her rather enthusiastically. She did a great job of coming to Upstate NY before she ran and just meetijng people and listening, without saying anything. Then, when she ran, she was able to talk about the issues that were important to the people up here. She kicked ass in pretty much every part of the state (Lazio made a big mistake thinking the “carpetbagger” tag would stick on her; up in my part of NYS, Long Island and NYC are just as “outside” as Illinois or Chicago).
But she’s just been too politically “cagey” in everything she’s done. I dunno if she thinks a woman needs to “look tough” on defense and all that or not. I think if she was able to do what she wanted, she’d be a good choice, but will she be intimidated into getting us into more conflicts to prove she’s “tough?”
Plus, I just don’t see her getting elected at this point in time. Those who hate her, really hate her (my mother-in-law hates her because she once said she wasn’t hanging around baking cookies all day), and she’s alienated those of us on the “left” where she won’t get the kind of support she needs.
I would also like to see Al Gore run, if it was the new, improved, Al Gore, and not somebody that the DLC can mold into their version of a candidate (i.e., a LOSER).
Unfortunately, anybody that runs will inherit huge problems, and may be a one-and-done president, having to raise taxes to pay off our debt and our wars. And if the republicans have both houses – even one, really – they’ll do everything they can to make sure a Democratic President is ineffective. Hell, even in the minority, they’ll do what the Democrats can’t or won’t – provide real opposition.
Yea, I was lookin’ for a Maron Tshirt too..whatupwidat!
Well, there’s this place. Not sure what the prices are, but it looks like better quality than cafe press.
Unfortunately, you’d have to lay out the cash upfront to get your stuff printed, and then try and sell it. I’d love to sell stuff for Darfur or something like that.
I signed up to sell Robert Greenwald movies a few days ago, but haven’t done anything with it yet.
ok…i’ve snipped and snipped this sites’ info drastically…for humor sake…i hope…
KevinβI know you probably wonβt see this till much later today, but your comment about Liam killed us this morning!
Comment by citizenkahn β March 17, 2006 @ 8:01 am
Thanks. Actually, I’m at lunch early today, at my desk with corned beef, potatoes and carrots.
I was guessing that the leprechaun had his pants down due to the wee bit o’ diarrhea. Or is there a Brokeback Mountain in Ireland, perhaps? :omg:
Liam was a lot more enjoyable to me when Katherine was there to tsk tsk Al. Actually, Al’s show overall was a lot more enjoyable when Katherine was there.
Happy St.Patricks Day Seditionists!!I be half Irish half German.
It’s good to see everyones critters are doing well.
I haven’t had a lot of time to keep up on the blog–far too much drama in my life-I long to hide in my bunker with my pound kitty,Boo, and catch up on ME time.
Last nights show was great-yes?
Damn-I see pj was on blog during show-I’m sorry I missed it!!
I did miss the last 15 min of the show-did I miss anything that I need to know for tonight???
Maron Coat of Arms…
…is that Marc’s cat monkey at the top????????
…and Sarandon chimes in π
Hey, Sister Tea, another McKraut!
OK, I’ve officially launched the Morning Seditionists Store, where right now about all you can do is preorder teh Tom Delay documentary, or buy the Wal-Mart movie, Outfoxed (in a combo with Wal-Mart) or Uncovered. I don’t really expect to sell anything (did it more to play around a little than anythgin else), but those are all great movies (well, I haven’t seen the Tom Delay one, of course), so if you haven’t seen them you should see if you can get them from your local library (or even download them with bittorrent).
Kevin–just to clarify, it was the “wee bit o’ diarrhea” that had us in stitches.
PJ–a store! Great idea. The other day I was looking to change the icons on my links (to get them to look like their respective sites) and realized we didn’t have a logo. Definitely gotta get on that!
Gotta get back to 1812–I’ve been on cat-duty all morning.
Hey-I just checked over on Marcs blog and was reminded that we must join the Stop Global Warming Virtual March.
It was the last thing that I forgot to do before falling asleep last nigft {during the last break in the show}
SisterTea . . . guess I’ve been a little slow lately. Is that supposed to rhyme with “Mr. T”?
Hi CK! I’m back. The sistertea came from a college comedy-for-charity thing many years ago. It just stuck and morphed from Sister Teresa to sistertea. Most people call me Tea. Pronounced T
Uploaded the first hour of last nights show to my site. Click on my name (down there) to visit the site. Look for the Podcast text link at the top of the opening page. Click on it to hear the show. Enjoy! I’m editing the second hour now. It should be up latter this afternoon if I don’t get distracted. “Happy St Patrick’s Day!”
Beats me. I’m not up on the whole Catholic/Protestant thing. My guess would be that the Irish were forced to accept the Church of England when the British took them over and tried to starve them to death, and for some it must have stuck. Of course, the Irish were pretty happy being Pagan (which is why they took to Catholicism so well) before St. Patrick came around and showed them what was what. Of course, Patrick was actually born to a wealthy family in Britain, but was kidnapped to Ireland and forced into slavery as a teenager. He was actually the first human being to speak out against slavery, and it apparently took, ‘cuz the Irish quit slave trading (and human sacrifice). The snake stuff? Buncha hooey.
Anyhow, I’m actually more up on my Dad’s side of the family, which is where I get my Kraut last name from (but there’s not all that much in me; my mom was all Irish, and my dad’s mother was an O’Toole, but she was only half Irish, and the other half was Welsh, and my dad’s other grandmother was English). So, I’m a real mutt, but I reckon I’m about 5/8 Irish. All of my parts enjoy potatoes and beer, though, which has not always been the blessing it may seem to be.
PJ, you may like Russ Feingold but there is one item you should remember. Not only did Feingold vote for John Roberts, an unqualified judge to be the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS, he actively supported him. So, before you say you like Feingold ask yourself if you can trust Feingold. I can’t.
:yawn: I hope everyone is wearing green
Does anyone have any advice about mobile phones?:doh:
Not so much the phones themselves, but the carriers:growl:
I guess I should start :alc:
OK, yeah, mm-hm, alrighty, sure, yep. Um, later, I guess
Travis when you say “Mobile Phone” do you mean cell phone or a radio phone like the police use that has a transmitter mounted in the trunk of the car.?? Generally with today’s cell technology mobile phones are found only in places where there are few cell networks.
I guess my terminology is fucked and my questions are too general. Sorry about that.
Yeah, I mean cell phone. Anyway, the other day I figured out that a two year contract with verizon (i think) is about 1200 bucks or 50 dollars a month. I’m just a little concerned about that contract. I don’t want to deal with a phone for two years. I just want to have coverage for 3 or 4 months and then forget about it. :doh:
TRAVIS – sounds like you need a prepaid phone – the cost per minute is really high, but if you are only using it for a specific reason, that may be the way to go.
March 17, 2006
Hamas Hopes a Peace Accord Can Be Reached
Ismail Haniyeh: “I Never Sent Anyone on a Suicide Mission”
Hamas leader and Palestinian prime minister-designate Ismail Haniyeh told a U.S. television station Thursday that he has never personally ordered a terrorist action against Israel and that he hopes to ultimately reach a peace deal with Israel.
`I`ve never sent anyone on a suicide mission,` he told CBS News. `If one of my sons came to me and asked me that, I wouldn`t even consider giving him my blessing.`
CBS quoted Israeli officials as saying they have no evidence connecting Haniyeh to any terror attacks. However, Haniyeh is a senior official in Hamas, which has ordered many terror attacks, is responsible for scores of Israeli deaths and pledges to destroy Israel.
When asked if he could foresee being invited to the White House to sign a peace agreement with Israel, Haniyeh responded, `Let`s hope so.`[…]
Thanks, Linda. I’ll look into that. Do you think I could use an unlocked GSM phone for that prepaid stuff.
(Nobody has to answer that, I’m just thinking with my fingers.)
Well, I’m not sure why Feingold supported Roberts, especially in light of the fact that he asked him probably some of the hardest questions in his confirmation hearings. In the end, I guess he figured there was nothing that disqualified him from replacing Rehnquist. At 78-22, it was a done deal anyway. I don’t know why he supported Ashcroft, either (but, in retrospect, I think Ashcroft, though certainly creepier, wasn’t as evil as Gonzalez is)
But, more often than not, Feingold’s been on the what I consider to be the right side (often standing alone – or nearly alone) of the issues that are important. Iraq, the PATRIOT Act, NSA Spying, Campaign Finance Reform (admittedly not as strong as it needs to be, but then, you have to get all the other crooks to vote for it).
Of course, if there’s a better, more trustworthy candidate, I’d be happy to vote for him or her. One that has a prayer of getting nominated, much less elected, that is. So, yeah, at this stage, as candidates, I like Feingold, I like the new Al Gore, I like the old (way old) John Kerry, I think I like Edwards. Who else is there? Wes Clark? Hillary? Bayh? Warner? Richardson?
I just don’t know. Most likely I’ll vote for any Democrat over whatever evil the Republicans nominate, assuming there isn’t a fake nuclear attack or “pandemic,” necessitating martial law and the suspension of elections “temporarily.”
Travis, I had a Verizon prepaid one for a while (no, a GSM phone won’t work w/ Verizon). You had to renew you minutes every month at $15 per in order to keep your minutes (or $30 for two months, etc.), but it worked well since i never used my minutes anyway. I had a few thousand left on it when I changed back over.
okay, I’ve uploaded both hours of last nights show to my site. The animation is a bit rough. It’ll get better with time. But I’m not promising to make this a regular feature of my site. AAR prolly wouldn’t like it anyway and I wouldn’t want to step on corporate toes. To visit my site, click on my name. I’m outta here!
ERIN GO BRAUGH :sheep: SHEEPLE:sheep:!
McQuillan walked into a bar and ordered martini after martini, each time removing the olives and placing them in a jar. When the jar was filled with olives and all the drinks consumed, the Irishman started to leave.
“S’cuse me,” said a customer, who was puzzled over what McQuillan had done. “What was that all about?”
“Nothing,” said the Irishman, “my wife just sent me out for a jar of olives.”
Pat and Mike had been drinking buddies and friends for years.
After having a few drinks in a bar, Mike said to Pat “We have been friends for years and years and if I should die before you do would you do me a favor? Get the best bottle of Irish whiskey you can find and pour it over my grave.” Pat replied, “I would be glad to do that for you my old friend. But would you mind if I passed it through my bladder first?”
:priest: Two leprechauns went to the convent and begged an audience with the mother superior. “well, how can I help you little people?” asked Mother Superior.
The larger and more intelligent looking of the leprechauns asked “oh Mother Superior, would you be knowing of any midget nuns here at the convent?”
“No,” says Mother Superior, “I don’t have any midget nuns here at the convent”
“All right than, Mother Superior, would you be knowing of any midget nuns in all of Ireland than?”
“No, no,” replied Mother Superior, “I don’t know of any nuns who are also midgets in all of Ireland at all.”
“Well than Mother Superior, in all of nundom, in the whole world of all the nuns, would you be knowing, than, of any midget nuns?’
“No, I would not, there are no midget nuns in the whole of the world!” replied mother superior, “and would you please tell me what this is all about!!?”
The asking leprechaun turned sadly to the stupid leprechaun and said “see, its as I told you all along, you’ve been fucking a Penguin”
ZNet | Europe
Saint Patrick’s Day
by Daniel Patrick Welch; March 17, 2006
Another Saint Patrick’s Day is here, with its tacky kegs of green beer, leprechauns, lucky charms, fake plastic hats and all imaginable variety of gaudy faux-Irish…um…”charm.” But it needn’t be so. The holiday offers up an incredible opportunity to expose children (and adults, of course) to the history of struggle of a courageous people–England’s first and last colony–and, by extension, to shed light on the legacy of colonization and imperialism and the universal nature of popular resistance.
At the risk of using one of the thankfully less egregious cliches, the Irish have long been a musical and literate people, a country where, as Yates said, “All her wars are merry, and all her songs are sad.” Even the most cursory outline of Irish history yields a treasure trove of struggles, uprisings, and oppression–the practice field on which the British Empire honed its techniques. Fortunately, for those whose task is to educate, the songs are beautiful, moving, and largely self-explanatory.
While the diaspora revels in the Luck O’ the Irish and sports “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” buttons, we’ll be singing “The wearing of the Green,” a concise, if simplified explication of the tradition of wearing green. Distilled by generations of mass marketing into Irish Pride, the practice was actually a passive form of resistance to British rule, symbolizing the culture, language, religion and traditions ruthlessly suppressed in the wake of the Wolfe Tone and other uprisings. “It’s the most distressed country that you have ever seen/They’re hanging men and women for the wearing of the green.”
The color and practice are also a convenient symbol for the natural–and unstoppable–force for human liberation. The shamrock, rather than a mere symbol of luck, is chosen for its resilience and invincibility: “You may take the shamrock from your hat…
Well, if you’re going to sing, I prefer John Lennon’s “Sunday Bloody Sunday.” Though if you prefer McCartney, “Give Ireland Back to the Irish” might be easier to song along with.
okay – my entry for St Patty’s day:
Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar.
After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, “I can’t help but think,
from listening to you, that you’re from Ireland”
The other guy responds proudly,
“Yes, that I am!”
The first guy says, “So am I!
And where about from Ireland might you be?”
The other guy answers,
“I’m from Dublin, I am.”
The first guy responds,
“Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin?”
The other guy says,
“A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central
part of town.”
The first guy says,
“Faith and it’s a small world, so did I! So did I!! And to what school
would you have been going?”
The other guy answers,
“Well now, I went to St. Mary’s of course.”
The first guy gets really excited and says, “And so did I! Tell me, what
year did you graduate?”
The other guy answers,
“Well, now, let’s see, I graduated in 1964.”
The first guy exclaims,
“The good Lord must be smiling down upon us!
I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar tonight.
Can you believe it?!! I graduated from St. Mary’s in 1964 my own s elf.”
About this time, Vicky walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer.
Brian, the bartender, walks over to Vicky, shaking his head & mutters, “It’s
going to be a long night tonight!!!!”
Vicky asks,
“Why do you say that, Brian?”
“The Murphy twins are drunk again
It is not the purpose or intent of left sided talk radio to tell you what to do.. Our mission is to bring you as much disturbing information as possible .. what you do with this information is totally up to you. Thank you for patronizing our antacid sponsors.
Well it looks like our fine offensive in IRAQ is a publicity stunt to make GW and our military look strong (I personally think it makes them look like a bunch of war mongers). No leaders of the IRAQi resistance were captured, no bombs were dropped, almost no one was even shot at..
have a read, before it gets dissapeared
Hey, I’m listening to right wing wacko radio, and damn this nut is crazy! I’m not sure what it’s called yet, but crazy, man, crazy!:40:
travis, don’t do too much of that, or you will go blind!
The local ABC affiliate did a piece tonight in which a reporter attempted to pursue Katherine Harris to ask a variety of questions. She pretty much blew him off with the fake Pageant Patty smile frozen on her face.
Here’s something from their website concerning her chances against Bill Nelson, or rather lack thereof. π
The voters of Florida seem to be giving Ms. Thing a hearty :fu:
Ah, the Mark Levin show on Faux news radio network :doh:
lindahayte & beat @ bush :rofl2:
Hey PJ, Just thought I’d let you know that after some tinkering today I’ve finally managed to get iRecordMusic to run on my Intel Imac. So that should definitely cut down on some steps since I had been using my Dell laptop to record the stream in Replay Radio AV. I’ve also been editing out the commercial interrupts in Logic Pro. Today I just went straight to Garage Band and this little program worked fine. I was always sort of a nerd. Instead of dumptrucks I’d ask for tape recorders and walkie talkies for Christmas. It’s no wonder I have all sorts of electronic devices around me today. Well I’ll cross my fingers that this works tonight. A couple of tests worked fine, But I wanna see if a unattended scheduled recording goes off without a hitch. Thanks for your rec of iRecordMusic. Happy Patrick’s Day, don’t drink too much beer tonight. later guys and girls. :yuck:
kev, i was going to ask if there REALLY were people who believed in Harris and then I remembered that Reed is still in the running here for Lt. Gov. What IS it with people?
Great. I hope it works out. If you want to share your experiences with others (as much or as little as you’d care to say – even just link back to your site), add a comment to the recording streaming audio page.
YEah, so, I’m kinda inhebriated.:alc: I have to turn on the news. hold on.
mother fuck!!!!! i just saw v for vendetta on the i-max ridiculousness
:banana:hey i got a perfect score everybody else take this quiz!!!!!
ridiculousness , WOW! I don’t like jim cramer…dufus.:rofl2:
fuck i am so gonna miss topnights show!!!!!
too sleepy noooooooo uh someone call the show and tell them to call me and wake me up during the show!!!!!
I’ll be back in a second when I can…in a second:billcat:
Wake up, Sean! C’mon, man.:fist:
Okay, I’m not falling asleep tonight. I took a nap EARLIER. Cripes! See what happens when you get past 30, you have to take NAPS to listen to your favorite show!:jerk:
:yawn:nope cant do it!
When I hit 30 I hope I don’t have to wake up in the middle of the night to pee. That would be so annoying:growl: Prostate, you’re my best friend, don’t let me down
that was funny, right? Nevermind:doh:
:rofl2:yeah m ine too!
Yeah, Sean, send me some pictures of Iowa, if you’re still there? Or any pix!
My tooth!:growl:
Well, don’t forget there’s a Clipper game tonight that starts at 7:30 PST, so it’ll be a sort, late show tonight.
I better start rationing my intake then, if I want to make it to the start of the Marc Maron show.:alc: We’ll see what happens. :40:
Alright sheeple, what’s the deal? Not even a hundred posts today. Post it up, would ya?
Hey, guys, who here has Verizon Wireless? I’m looking to upgrade my cell phone. I want one with a camera and preferably also a voice recorder. I am driving to NC in a couple of weeks for a film festival (anyone here in the Durham/Chapel Hill area?) and I plan to listen to all 7 of my Green Day CDs on the way down, and I want to document the effect of that much angry adolescent punk rock on the 50-year-old brain.
I don’t want to spend a fortune…any suggestions as to make/model of phone to get?
I don’t know much about cell phones, but I think the sony Ericsson can support a bunch of mp3s. I dunno.
I like the looks of the Motorola Slvr L7, too! Don’t think Verizon carries those phones, though. :doh: Cell phones are expensive, at least for my poor budget.
Hey, Travis! I was just flipping channels and caught the tail end of a Food Channel show about Anchorage! (It was a Rachel Ray thang.) I’m totally out of it (taking care of Otis is really like having an infant in the house–not something I chose to do when I was younger, and not something I have enough stamina for now), but: Chilkoot Charlie’s? And some kind of breakfast house–something with a pig logo? Do you go to those places, or are they just tourist-y? It looked cool–not the venues per se, but the town. How’d you wind up there?
We have Verizon. I haven’t always loved it (in the beginning they screwed up our bill EVERY month–for like the first 6 or 8 months, back in ’99), but it works for us. I got an LG VX8000 (or something like that) last spring. I couldn’t afford a laptop at the time and needed a consolation “toy” following a huge–and hugely draining–project. After the free trial I didn’t re-up the video service (v-cast), but I do like the phone. It has both a camera and a recorder, it feels substantial, and it works. It wasn’t cheap, but with all the deals and rebates ended up costing me about $50. There’s a newer one–with a higher number–that actually has a qwerty keyboard . . . if they’d had it when I was shopping, I would have snatched it up.
Re: the toy reference. Actually, I’d gotten burned on a laptop deal through Office Depot on Amazon. It was a misprint–$500 for a Compaq–and not only would neither side honor it (they tried to ship me something else entirely–a CPU tower), but each blamed the other for the mistake. So I really needed a consolation prize.
Yeah, Chilkoot Charlies- not good! It’s about a 2 miles from my place. I’ve never been there and I don’t really plan on it. Humpy’s is another touristy place, but all the locals go to both places, so I dunno. I forget what the pig place is called, but I’ve been there once.:doh:
:jason:take that rush!!!!!rush limbaugh:rofl2:
Oops. Yeah, I’ve had a few:banana:
Where’d everyone go?! I’m havin’ another:40:
OK, well, I have to go to the bathroom and if noone is here when I get back, then I guess I’ll see you later.
I love you guys! That’s not the beer talkin’ either!:banana: Later, sheeple.
Oh, yeah, I’m still here.:yuck:
What’s the deal, man. What did I do? Did I write something? What happened? I hope I didn’t kill the blog.
I’m too out of it.:doh: How did I end up in Anchortown? That’s a good question. I just need to be clear headed to explain it.
Otis:fist: Asta
We love you, too, Travis! :love: We’re just tired!:yawn:
Thanks for your good Otis wishes. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.
My wife just upgraded her cellphone. She got the LG VX 8100 Vcast one. It has a 1.3 Megapixel camera, plus it will do mp3’s and it has a mini-SD slot for extra storage. I think it was either free or she paid $49 for it, and another $50 or so for a 1-gig mini-SD card (not from verizon, of course). You have to buy a USB cable to hook it up to your PC, or you can just get a USB card reader and do it that way (have to format the card in the phone first, and put the music in the right folder, and also it comes withthe mp3 player disabled by default. I had a cable for my phone that worked with it. The sound is great (it has stereo speakers in the side of the hinge). She seems to like it.
Night CK, best to Otis and your husband.
Anybody catch those Rush Limbaugh substituting for Pat Sajak sounds? Hilarious!:rofl2:
Deathsquad nazi bastard!:fu:
Randi Rhodes played the tapes from the Rush Does Sajak show. The video is much better. Goddam he was a a fat pig!:rofl2:
Uh. Oh. Winston Smith is meeting with O’Brien.:omg:
:omg: I’m tapped
27 B stoke 6 :omg: Brazil, what a place:omg: