The big Iraq war birthday bash continues as Timmy Potatohead has Condi Rice and her shiny little helmet head on to talk about how the press never reports all the good stuff. And then she’ll get a plug in for invading Iran. Then, it’s the “liberal” media, with lightweight Bush hack Elisabeth Bumiller of the New York Times, Republican apologist David Broder of the WaPost, Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report (which tends to skew toward the Republicans only slightly less than Rasmussen), and John Harwood of the “only slightly less loonie than the moonie times” Wall Street Journal.
Over on Fazed the Nation, Bush’s Buddy Bobby Schieffer has Teddy Kennedy, and Condi-lite, Stephen Hadley, to talk about Iraq and Iran (gotta keep that Iran drumbeat going, doncha know).
On This Weak with George Snufalufagus, it’s Republican vs. Republican, as faux moderate Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., and faux human being Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Co (this is the “bomb Mecca” guy) “square off” on immigration reform. Then George goes to look at an actual Montana Democrat – Brian Schweitzer – at Glacier National Park to watch the glacier melt thanks to non-existant global warming. At the roundtable, it’s token A-rab Fareed Zakaria, the Nation’s Katrina vanden Heuvel and George :jerk: Will, plus Harvard professor Harvey Mansfield debates feminist author Naomi Wolf on the definition of manliness (which George is apparently not qualified to participate in).
Condi trots her helmet head over to Fux News Sunday to chat with Chris “My dad’s a respected journalist and all I got was this Republican propagandist job” Wallace about how well everything’s going in Iraq (and how the bad media is being so mean all the time), and Carl Levin will stop by to try to speak the truth without getting ridiculed (much).
On CNN, oh, well, it’s Condi and Wolf, together again, or you can watch professional crumudgeon Jack Cafferty on “In the Money” at 3:00, Eastern.
Later, on 6o minutes, Ed Bradley talks to Tiger Woods about having babies (because, we care?), Lesley Stahl does a story about a hedge fund paying to have false negative information spread so that it could sell stocks short, and Andy Rooney bitches about something.
You’re best bet is to sleep in so you’re all rested up for the Sopranos.