Here we are, Friday again. Week after week just keeps flying by, and this weekend, we’re screwed out of an extra hour to boot. Add to that the hour of Marc we’re getting screwed out of thanks to the Clippers game tonight. The Senate Judiciary is scheduled to take up Russ Feingold’s proposal to censure Bush today, so that might be interesting, especially with John Dean and Bruse Fein scheduled to testify. Arlen Specter is floating the idea that the measure could fail in committee, but be sent to the floor for a vote by the full senate anyway. I suppose the weasels are still doing their head counts, trying to embarass anyone who votes for censure. It sure would be nice if it backfired on them.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr. and Mrs. FK today (as FK has her pre-op work done), and of course on Monday when she has her little “procedure.” Mike, you’d better take care of her, and, while we know you have more pressing matters to attend to, we’d all appreciate an update as soon as you get a chance.