Well, it’s Saturday. Happy July everybody! The night’s are getting longer (except for egotils and our other friends south of the equator, of course), and summer will be over before you know it.
I haven’t had a chance to look at much in the news, except I noticed a story they were all hot over at DU, about how polls show Americans want the Democrats to be in control of Congress. That would be great if that was how we elected Congress, but of course it isn’t. Between the gerrymandering and the parade of pork, incumbents are harder to get rid of than a chicken on your ventile (hey, look it up). Then again, we only need 15 seats in the house, and that’s a lot less than the Republican “revolution” of 1994. And if you think the Democrats are no better (and I find it difficult to put up too much of an argument there, to be honest), conisder how far things have degraded since 1994, how much worse they’ve gotten since 2000, and how terribly wrong things have gone since 2003, when Republicans assumed control of the Senate (and that’s not even counting Zell Miller and Joe Leberman), paving the way for Republican control of all three branches of government.
We may not get the judicial branch back in my lifetime (if you think it’s only about the Supremes, you’re wrong; in fact, the US Courts of Appeals, US District Courts, and US Bankruptcy Courts handle thousands – tens of thousands, even – of cases every year that affect how we live our lives, who we live them with, and how we die. Only a handful make it to the Supreme Court, and these lower courts are loaded with Republican minions). And dubya has had lots of vacancies to fill, since the hypocritcal Republican swine blocked over half (42 of 81) of Clinton’s judicial nominees, and refused to confirm even moderate nominees – especially to the appeals courts, where only 8 Clinton nominees were confirmed.
Republicans also refused to create new judgeships, in spite of a burgeoning population and caseload. As a comparison, consider that under Reagan and Bush I, 85 federal judgeships were created (each). Under Clinton? Nine. By the time dubya slunk into office, 8 of the 13 federal appeals courts were dominated by Republican judges, and only the Sixth Circuit had a slight majority of Democratic appointees (but with four vacancies left for dubya to fill).
So, anyhow, enjoy your Saturday. Let’s make this weekend last a while, shall we? It’s already going too damn fast.
Happy Canada Day! There was a great BBQ at Da An Forest park in town.
Time for the weekend. Morning evening :yinyang:
King Kong, :Beating on chest and yelling, “Ahhhhhhhhhh”:
:banana:YEA #1 and…YEA :banana:
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The weekends first fireworks show
The Space Shuttle Discovery and its seven-member crew are set to launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center at 3:49 p.m. EDT on Saturday, July 1.
Good morning/evening/whatever
Fred, let’s hope the launch is fireworks show going up and not coming down. :paranoid:
:omg:The typical rule of thumb is that commercial aircraft and railroad locomotives are retired (translated sold to Airlines in third world countries, and used in short line service) after 25 years.. The first shuttles flew in 1982..:?::?::?::tongue:
C-span says they are carrying the launch live starting at 2:30 pm EDT..:shock::blech::joe::joe:
So, in about 3 hours? :tongue:
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Oops, nevermind re “flight” info :tongue:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – On the deadline to have 2,500 troops along the Mexican border, the National Guard said Friday that only 483 were in position and working with the U.S. Border Patrol as the Bush administration had directed.
But Guard officials said more than 2,000 others were somewhere inside the four southwestern border states, training or helping plan the deployment. Bush administration officials argued Friday that the presence of troops in those states spelled success in the first stage of the mission.
Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau, an arm of the Pentagon, had promised June 1 that by the end of the month 2,500 Guard troops would be working “on the border.”
“As defined by the operation, the National Guard has met and exceeded its goal of deploying 2,500 soldiers and airmen to the four Southwest border states,” said White House spokesman Blain Rethmeier. “Progress to date is real and the Guard’s efforts are making a positive difference in this national effort.”
(AP) Members of the California National Guard work next to the U.S.-Mexico border fence Wednesday, June…
Full Image
As evidence, he said the early arrival of troops had allowed the Border Patrol to send 125 agents “back to the front lines,” and helped the Border Patrol catch nearly 200 illegal immigrants, seize 123 pounds of marijuana, 18 pounds of cocaine and seven vehicles.
Through initial pay requests filed with the Air Guard and orders filed with the Army Guard, the Guard bureau verified 2,547 troops were in the four border states for the mission, said Daniel Donohue, a spokesman for the National Guard Bureau.
Only 483 were physically on the border, he conceded.
The remaining forces – 1,816 – are in training somewhere in the four states, with some at bases as far away as Sacramento – 600 miles from the border. Donohue said 248 are assigned to headquarters and planning roles.
Asked to clarify, Blum spokesman Mark Allen responded by e-mail that the general had never specifically promised to deliver troops to a “geographically defined latitude and longitude.”
Still, there were signs the deployment was picking up speed.
Sounds like Iraq.. :doh::billcat:
The hole in Earth’s protective ozone layer won’t repair itself until about two decades later than had been expected, scientists announced yesterday.
The ozone layer blocks more than 90 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, helping to make life as we know it on Earth possible. For many decades, ozone was depleted by chlorine and bromine gas in the air, produced by man-made chlorofluorocarbons. A hole in the ozone layer formed over the Southern Hemisphere.
Efforts to curb those chemicals have in recent years led to optimism that ozone would rebuild.
Assuming we get started soon..
I think row boats and canoes would be good investments.:shock::eek::omg:
And this is in MY STATE:?: 😮 :omg::growl:
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Guantanamo may have 30-40 ‘real’ cases: OSCE inspector
WASHINGTON : The Guantanamo camp may have only 30 to 40 “real” cases and the US detention centre should be shut down by 2007, the president of the Belgian Senate, who headed a European inspection team there, said.
Presenting her findings in Washington on behalf of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Anne-Marie Lizi recommended the shutting down of the US “war on terror” detention centre by end of 2007 because the actual number of dangerous detainees was low.
“We have looked at all the categories of detainees: those who are supposed to be transferred, those who are valuable for procedure,” Lizi told reporters.
“The number of those, when you discuss it with the people in this jail, could move from 70 to a little more than 100 but not more. And in some cases, people say we could have only 30 to 40 real valuable cases,” she said.
We need to send the rethug congress critters to GTMO instead..:doh::doh::fustrate::billcat:
re: #11
Perhaps a trip to the Maldives would be better taken now than in a few years. 😮
Liberal web sites hacked
Randi Rhodes/ Ed Schultz’s board went down, and then Rachel Maddow’s blog… within minutes.( all message boards ) where hacked 130am est…
:tinfoil:PJ needs to put up the shields..:omg:
re #11 yeh sadly,:eek:, if started now :fustrate:, :doh::growl::fist:
Fred, you might have “beach front” property
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re #15
…Or maybe PJ is just “busy” letting everyone know that “HE” is around :rofl2:
or DHS:eek::paranoid::tinfoil:
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good morning all… :sheep::joe:
I find it interesting how much turnover the AAR message boards and DU have ..I wonder why the same user doesn’t continue to post ??
Is it that they found
1. AAR’s ranting useless and left ..
2 went off the deep end and ended up in my or some other Soup kitchen line ??
3. Found no WIFI under the bridge.??
4. Moved to Venezuela to help Hugo..
:banana::banana::banana: It’s Susan :banana::banana:
We may not get the judicial branch back in my lifetime (if you think it’s only about the Supremes, you’re wrong; in fact, the US Courts of Appeals, US District Courts, and US Bankruptcy Courts handle thousands – tens of thousands, even – of cases every year that affect how we live our lives, who we live them with, and how we die. Only a handful make it to the Supreme Court, and these lower courts are loaded with Republican minions). And dubya has had lots of vacancies to fill, since the hypocritcal Republican swine blocked over half (42 of 81) of Clinton’s judicial nominees, and refused to confirm even moderate nominees – especially to the appeals courts, where only 8 Clinton nominees were confirmed.
How depressing, PJ…it’s true though. Not much we can do about this one except get these fuckers out of office and try to stop the process from continuing
Susan Joy,
:banana: Cheers with fancy tea drinks:joe: :alc:
…and Laura sounds better :fist: at night :banana:
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From DU The Poster is about three years to late ..
I now believe that we are one “terror attack” away from fascism
read the comments at the link…
yay a banana dance! :banana:
Opinion on people posting at blogs, Fred…the majority of people who post to the really big blogs seem to be hit and run types in general, just want to air their opinion then move on…even though it’s the repeat posters you tend to remember. This particular blog is small and it’s a tight-knit enough community (Marc Maron fans) to encourage repeat posters, though.
Interesting (and scary) post at DU. I hope to Goddess we don’t have another terrorist attack. I’m not sitting around waiting for it or looking for it like some people, but I do agree the Bushies ARE waiting for it…question is, how much will people accept, and will it be too late if the people rise up? Will we have brownshirted (or some other color, doesn’t matter) Bushites roaming the streets at all hours, looking to put us down? And forget about talking to each other here, you know that’s not going to be possible :omg:
:eek:The lingering problem with the thugs will be the supreme court.. It takes a 2/3 majority of both the house and the senate to add more judges..:yuck::shock:
A:tinfoil: nice coup would push reset and we could start over..The problem is that this method is indeterminate in that you won’t have a well defined starting point.:roll::eek::yuck::joe::joe:
Susan, this blog, I’m finding out, is different from the typical blog world. When I speak to my friends about the diversity of topics and general positive atmosphere we have here, they tell me that that is not what a blog is. I guess we’re just lucky? :banana:
the evening King Kong…yeah, I noticed this blog was different right away, which is why I stuck around to actually post. The people here are amazingly friendly and close-knit. Maybe it takes a certain personality to get into the whole Marc Maron thing and that has something to do with it. I lurk on most blogs to get information, but don’t post on them.
An uprising would cause the stock market to crash, the media will all follow those in power, the Internet will be shut down.. Transport and normal business will be disrupted if not halted.. Right now there are not enough army or national guard to put it down providing it happened in like 10 places at nearly the same time. The biggest problem I see is the infrastructure needed to keep people involved for any prolonged period of time. ( How long can you go with no income living in the woods some where or being attacked by aircraft). This would obviously require some kind of external support from some one.
Then we have to establish that infrastructure. As for us also have to make contingency plans in case this place is shut down. yes, I’m wearing a tin foil hat, but it seems to look good on me and actually works sometimes… :tinfoil:
At the beginning of WWII a lot of the “None Good Germans” moved to the US where they became the lead in many US movements to enter the war..The US in 1938 or so wasn’t much different than Venezuela or Argentina is today so those places might be good places to look for external support. :tinfoil:Venezuela is especially attractive because Hugo has the financial resources ..and the incentive.. He just has to keep the Busheviks from getting rid of him. The biggest difference between then and now is the technology makes 12,000 miles or so of separation non consequential.
pj, #9?
KP, so you DID get the file to play?
Greetings all! :joe:
The judiciary has had me freaking out since the bushmonster was appointed prez in 2000. Fred’s reset idea plus legislate around them plus impeachment would all help but be difficult roads. it sucks.
Absolutely, KK!
geez. , melina, I tell my teen to NOT bring home a rethug => guess I’d better change my tune to Please bring home a rethug (so I can convert them!) I have a dirty old man neighbor (harmless portly guy, buta bit irritating) who asked me what it would take to kiss me. I said perhaps if he started voting democrat, that might help. but he’d have to vote via absentee balot. he asked why. i said so i could see that he’d actually voted that way. 😉 [it ain’ never going to happen, the kiss that is!]
:tinfoil: What does Marc say? independant ‘something’ investigator? 😳 I don’t remember.
speculative, KK => that’s isi’s handle!
got to get outside while a person can still breathe. 😮
” independent Special Prosecutor” that was what Star was during Clintdorks admin. Do you really think the M$M would give them any coverage ??
FK, thanks, that’s it!
🙁 I just looked. Ionly have an inch of foil on the roll!
Toady’s news techniques.. Someone in Eastern Europe reports over the Internet that he was just standing in his back yard when he saw 60 or more vapor trails coming from the ground headed into the clouds from someplace in the Ukraine.. The response .. “Do you have a link “.:eek::eek::doh::roll::rant1:
WJ is discussing the Nissan buy in to GM.
Well here we go again.. GM’s problems are all caused by the UAW..and their demands for a better than living wage.. I heard the same arguments in the 80’s about the United Steel Workers and the EPA causing the domestic steel industry to go out of business.. The RayGun admin dropped steel import tariffs that made Korean steel cheap and then didn’t enforce dumping regs to keep then from selling it in the US below their costs of production.. 20/20 hindsight shows those Korean steel manufacturers were actually owned by … US steel corporations.. :jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::jason::jason::jason:
Fred, re #23 :wink:I personally think you wrote “it”. :rofl2:
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Fred, re #37, so are we waiting for “the missels” to hit:?::omg:
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…and Hi:banana: Farmerkat 😉
:tinfoil:No Druid .. don’t head for the basement… not yet at least ..its just that not all things seen on the Internet have that much credibility attached these days. :yuck: With the Busheviks in office they may never bother to tell you..:eek::yuck::roll:
WJ is now addressing the Supreme court ruling on GTMO.. The callers are still not in the loop that most of the GTMO detainees were not combatants..America is sound asleep..:yawn::yawn: Maybe someone in eastern Europe needs to see those vapor trails..:fustrate::fustrate::billcat::shock::sheep:
Showered and clean— time to head out to the Saturday Night scene. See you in the the morning (your evening, of course).
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See YA KK have fun :gate:
King 881 :wink::banana::cool:
Update on TMMS:
Marc didn’t mention the meeting he had Thursday night with the interim CEO (who flew out to talk with Marc) until the last few minutes of the show. My best recollection of his words were We’re trying to figure out how to tell you about that meeting later. Marc was cryptic, as usual. They will be on July 4th holiday until Wednesday.
Coupled with the article Webhubble linked to yesterday about Sam Seder and the rumor that they will lose WLIB in August I guess anything is possible. Could be they were told syndication won’t happen and Marc will continue to be a LA show in the same time slot. Or, they offered Marc a gig with Sam but without Jim. Or, they offered Marc syndication without Jim. Or, they cancelled the show. Or, Marc is just f***ing with us and the show is in fine shape. Those are my best Independent Speculative Investigator theories.
Isi, (I thought I saw you) (Hi :banana:)
THXXXXXX for Marc info:!: Great analogies, but 😮
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Hello Druid 😎
Lawmaker Wants UW Lecturer Fired Over 9/11 Views
University of Wisconsin-Madison officials are reviewing the background of a UW-Madison lecturer after a state lawmaker demanded he be fired for his beliefs about Sept. 11, 2001.
Kevin Barrett has a doctorate and lectures on Islamic culture and religion. He is also co-founder of a group that believes some in our government arranged the Sept. 11 attacks.
In some circles, especially academic ones, the debate over what really happened on Sept. 11 continues. The issue now is whether such radical beliefs belong in the college classroom.
Most Americans believe that on Sept. 11 the United States was attacked by 19 Arab hijackers commanded by al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden. But some conspiracy-based groups, like Barrett’s Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance For 9/11 Truth, think that’s “a lie.”
Ahhhh another witch about to byte the dust..:rant1::eek::mad::yuck:
Thought for the day:
Fred, Re #51, Is she a Good Witch or a Bad Witch:?::wink:
(She better be a Bad Witch :nod::omg:)
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Ah, we have a winner. #9 is correct, FK.
She is a Sand Witch.
#9 was my next guess.
Good Morning everyone. :joe:
Hasselhoff Rushed Into Surgery After His Head Hits Chandelier In Freak Gym Shower Shaving Accident
The story still doesn’t explain how someone could hit their head on a chandeleir. Did the chandeleir fall? Was it hanging too low? Was David doing acrobats while shaving? WTF?:lol::smack:
So, I haven’t listened to last night’s show yet (I think I’ll save it for that long, lonely ride back – especially since there won’t be a new show until Wdnesday night), but from the Marc Blog, it sounds like he didn’t say much about the meeting with the suit, but they didn’t sound real happy last night. So it sounds like syndication isn’t exactly imminent. I hope they’re at least stcking by the show. I wonder how the KTLK ratings have been?
I think Marc ought to do a three or four hour show for Sirius or XM. Or maybe we should start harassing HBO to get Marc a show.
Good morning everyone-
Just saw Mr on MSNBC again…about the car bomb in Iraq.
66 people killed.
He still looks a bit better and more rested if thats possible. I guess Im comparing him to the horror twofer of his coworkers getting killed and then working double duty for so many days…
But the olive shirt looks great on hiim. My favorite so far!
I hope hes keeping low and watching his back.
this thing is just too scary!
No FK, I couldn’t get it to play. I might be missing a component of itunes. PJ sent it to me.:smile:
Gee. Is this because David Hasselhoff has gotten a really big head?
I didn’t think of that angle PJ!:rofl2:
So, we’re sitting out here in the back yard, and my wife has a camo colored tarp over herself so she can see the computer screen. And I went and left my camera in DC. As if they didn’t already think we were nuts around here to begin with.
Kristapea, re #56 :nod:
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Hey Druid:grin:
pjsauter, :rofl2::banana::love:Ahhhhhhh:cool::love::banana::rofl2:
Fred 😉 the last 1/2hr and this 1/2hr on KTLK just Info/Commercial Ads 🙁 — not Johnny Wendal (sp):( wink:
:40:DRUID Uh…. re 51… It was a he so it was a sorcerer but I haven’t heard the term Sorcerer Hunt..:doh:
:tinfoil:I tried using my laptop out side once and had the same problem PJ described.. I then took it out on the deck one night and fell asleep with it in my lap and my neighbor freaked out at the blue fluorescent Person sitting on the deck.:omg:
:doh:And with that pleasant image “burned” into my brain, I bid All G’Night and G’Day. :yawn::wink:
My guess, suicide attempt
thanks for the links, Nicki…
In October 2004 Julia Sweeney debuted her newest monolog, “Letting Go of God,” about her journey from Roman Catholic schoolgirl to atheist, and is working on a book of the same title for Henry Holt & Co. Her goal for the book is that it make it into the “inspirational” section in airport bookstores: “Why isn’t there a book about someone losing their faith and it being this beautiful experience?” she asked The Los Angeles Times (May 1, 2003).
I guess it’s a beautiful experience when you find you can think for yourself…whether that’s finding faith or losing it I suppose it’s immaterial
Hawzheen O Kareem- Some criticize you as the most militant American among those who are opposed to Israel, some say that you, as a jew, hate yourself. How does it come about that you criticize Israel in such manner?
Noam Chomsky-The charges are interesting. Those who know the Bible know their origins. The charges trace back to King Ahab, who was the epitome of evil in the Bible. King Ahab condemned the Prophet Elijah as a hater of Israel. The flatterers at King Ahab’s court agreed. Elijah was a “self-hating Jew,” to borrow the terminology of the contemporary flatterers at the court, because he was criticizing the policies of the King and calling for justice and respect for human rights. Similar charges were familiar in the old Soviet Union: dissidents were condemned for hating Russia. And there are other examples in military dictatorships and totalitarian states. Such criticisms reflect deeply held totalitarian values.
interesting (what you just posted). I also just read the Norman Finkelstein debate.
Deborah Solomon: But, unlike many reconstructed leftists, you have not changed your political views one iota since the 60’s. For instance, you have remained a vocal critic of Israel.
Noam Chomsky: I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don’t think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.
Deborah Solomon: Your father was a respected Hebraic scholar, and sometimes you sound like a self-hating Jew.
Noam Chomsky: It is a shame that critics of Israeli policies are seen as either anti-Semites or self-hating Jews. It’s grotesque. If an Italian criticized Italian policies, would he be seen as a self-hating Italian?
Now that I think about it, “self-hating” is a name given to any minority group that doesn’t follow the laws of “what a group must follow” set out by someone in that group with a political agenda. People who won’t follow that agenda
“The Anti-Chomsky Reader” tells the hitherto untold story of Chomsky’s journey from Zionism to contacts with neo-Nazis, from philosophical discussions to a one-sided view of the world in which the United States and Israel are considered the world’s preeminent enemies of peace. His life is a story of betrayals. One betrayal is of his family and its strong Jewish roots: Chomsky may aptly be called a “self-hating Jew.”
It’s disgusting how they try to influence how people are supposed to think
Shutup, you traitor!:omg:
You know what Jung called “the shadow” – you have to deal with it and understand it, or you become what you fear/hate…that’s why Zionism reminds me so much of Nazisms…that shadow wasn’t dealt with; it engulfed the people who ignored it
MAke that “traitor and self-hating pagan wench who just happens to be of Jewish ancestry” and you got it….:pent:
Elijah was self-hating.
Does Jeremiah’s critique of Jewish behavior and its contribution to the fall of Jerusalem likewise place him in the self-hating category?
(Read Jacob Rabinowitz’s superb translation of Lamentations [
] found in his The Unholy Bible: Hebrew Literature of the Kingdom Period.):sdavid::peace:that’s a good debate point actually
Nationalisms do have their darksides–zionism is no exception. However, that does not mean that light cannot be shown down. The question is why? Why is the worst aspects of zionism allowed to flourish? Plenty of the blame falls on the State Department. Congress. And we can do a lot to change the situation.
::eating chocolate from Portland, OR:::: Indeed…
David Horowitz: Fair enough Michael [Albert]. Almost fair enough. You have printed a completely private email correspondence between me and an idiot, self-hating anti-Semitic racist named Tim Wise on your website at zmag.org. It has been up there for months and I have never complained. I recognize that leftists can dish it out but can’t take it. So I’ll leave it at that.
Dark Chocolate?
I recognize the name Tim Wise…I think…I believe he posts on Alternet a lot. Good writer if it’s who I’m thinking of
dark chocolate, berries, and vanilla :love:
…and away we go…..
WTF was that supposed to mean?
now that I think about it it is dark chocolate. It just has lots of other stuff in it
By the rivers of Babylon, it was there we were allowed to
rest; when we reached the shores of the Tigris and
Euphrates, then we found time for tears.
The harps we’d brought with us — what was left of them from the
Temple’s wreck — these we leaned against the riverside trees,
we sat on the bank and wept for what had been Zion.
Then our Babylonian captors demanded music,
commanded us to act glad, saying:
“Sing us one of your Jew songs!”
With what cheer could we sing the songs of Jah
kidnapped to this new shore?
Jerusalem! If I ever forget you may I have a stroke!
May my right arm be paralysed, my tongue forget how to
speak —
if Jerusalem isn’t still more to me than any pleasure,
and no pleasure true or real that I can’t share with her.
Remember, Adonai, what Edom did, how they helped
Babylon’s armies,
don’t forget Jerusalem’s last day, when they shouted:
“Plough it under,
tear out Jerusalem’s rocks by the roots!”
And Babylon, God remembers you,
Babylon about to fall.
Lucky! whoever gets to do to you what you did to us,
who’ll seize your children and smash them against rocks.
People run into trouble when they get too attached to the land. They turn cruel. That theme runs over and over again in history
Marc’s blog entry today
I guess we’ll just have to wait it out…it’s MM’s nature to neurotically toss around an issue without necessarily telling everything … 🙁
author of The Rotting Goddess, Jacob Rabinowitz, has given rune logix the honor of an interview about his happenings. if you are unfamiliar with that work, The Rotting Goddess explores the history of witchcraft in antiquity and is hard to put down once begun. i highly recommend you find a copy at Autonomedia.
in the interview, Jacob has insightful reasoning into why America is so conservative and why the education and in particular the university system is failing.
Jacob runs http://www.invisiblebooks.com with a bold vision of online luminares on the web. he shares his vision for Invisible Books as part of a bold plan for a secret society: world domination. i highly encourage visitors with intelligence to follow one of the suggestions listed below to craft your spiritual refinements, helping advance the world wide conspiracy to unite allah in hecates embrace. this interview is about more than just the platonic, its a sonic libation to the goddess.
and Jake, to answer your question, fugedaboutit!
> Is my hunch you’re a New Yorker correct?
Yes. What gave me away?
> What can we expect from Invisible Books this year?
We’re now publishing a book of short stories and a book of drawings by Jim Cheff. His writing is first rate magic realism, like Borges or Tournier, but informed by an SF sensibility. It’s magic realism of a modern, American sort, not the usual bric-a-brac dreamscape of Europe’s intellectual attic. The artwork is a little harder to characterize. I could compare it to the adventures of Tintin if the plot had been written by Philip K. Dick.
Also I hope to bring out the first volume of my Arabian Nights edition (which will have all the Greek and Latin and archaic English glossed), an edition of the Priapus Poetry which I have co-translated with Peter Lamborn Wilson, and a few other oddities.
Just as important as the book publishing is the artwork. At present we are showing the work of the assemblage artist Meryl Gross on the website. She’s in sort of the Cornell-Duchamp-Fluxus end of the spectrum.
> Can you describe what interest led you to writing The Rotting Goddess?
I thought that understanding the phenomenon of Witchcraft in depth would help me talk to girls.
I think it is a good thing. Does he want to take a chance on syndication? Or does he want to play it safe at KTLK?
Whoa. Now that’s not your run-of-the-mill witchcraft book. My initial feeling is the guy’s a loose canoon but I’ll read more reviews before I jump the gun here…
It was a scholarly work on the evolution of the witch. Lots of classical text references. Dense but rewarding.
If I can get through “The White Goddess” by Robert Graves I can get through anything… and I am interested in Hecate, so I’ll probably check it out
:nod:pj is number 9! ha im sweet! i kick ass!:banana:
By the rivers of Babylon
Where we sat down
And there we wept
When we remembered Zion
But the wicked carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
How can we sing King Alfa song
In a strange land
Cause the wicked carried us away in captivity
Required from us a song
How can we sing King Alfa song
In a strange land
If you like ancient textual and archaeological references, then the Rotting Goddess is you book.
number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9, number 9….
Hey Seanie…I’m closing in on you 😎
I did a lot more of that kind of reading when I was researching the herbal encyclopedia because I included a lot of archaic folklore. But I still have a strong feeling for books on ancient religions of any kind
:jason:watch your back!
Gutless song.
Oh yeah? I’ll have to bring out the emo troops if that’s the way you want to play it… :tongue::rofl2::sammy::40::omg::fire::bong:
:priest:a curse upon your house!
9 online. I’ll bet they are all lurkers. Come out and play, you self-hating bastards!
damn…my house just fell apart… but my witchcraft (and bitchcraft) in intact! Though where I’m going to live now becomes a problem :pent:
come out or pay the consequences :jason:
Ewwwww its just 12:30 on the east coast and the blog is stoned.. err. drunk.. already Ewwww.:40::40::spank:
Confess your sins repent by brothers and sisters :priest::rant1:
Then there are rethugs :gate::omg::jason::fist:
You two play. I have to go by some dry cat food.
Haha! Fred is drunk and stoned!
well you better come back! I want my Nicki back soon
Who me .. hic.. stoned .:?:.. :blech:….:hubba::eek::yuck::40::40:
I’m distressingly sober and drug free! :omg:
but I can get a contact high being around stoned and drunk people :bong::jesus:
Did anyone ever notice that the weather channel dynamically modifies the forecast to agree with whats observed .. kind of like the exit polls..beginning in about 2000.:omg::shock::eek:
well that’s actually how weather forecasting works…they change their models when new data becomes available. It does seem kind of like cheating, though… 😮
:roll:The weather channel said the high today was going to be 76 so I went out and chased the lawn mower around and must have consumed a half gallon of iced tea.. Now they say the high is going to be 86 and the temp is already 86..pant pant pant…:40::40::40:
try to take it easy, then, Fred…this area is supposed get a heat wave I think (at least that’s what I caught this morning on the local channel as I was running out of the house)…
Betsy Rosenberg said that Vail might become a tropical resort… what happens in Denver :?::?::40::40::omg:
seems like everyone’s going to have to make adjustments, to say the least, if things change as fast as I think they’re going to … (just took my mom to see the Al Gore movie when she was in town the other day) Drink up, Fred… :omg:
Hwy PJ- if youre around….for some reason my other website that Im trying to get running on bluehost has put its picgtures into an area called “///C:/documentsandsettings/melinabrown/mydocuments/mywebs…etc….
But the ///c:/ thing is very strange as I cant find the location. So I copied the pics all back and hopefully I can get it to draw just from an images folder within Frontpage…but, the bluehost guys cant figure it out at all…..Ive gone through everything and cant find this place anywhere…and the HTML of the image files begins with a “….” and wont let me see the beginning of the source info….ugh!!
Have you ever heard of this?
TRENTON, N.J. — Gov. Jon S. Corzine closed the state government Saturday amid a bitter dispute with fellow Democrats in the Assembly over his plan to increase the sales tax, threatening to shutter beaches, parks and possibly casinos in the coming days.
After Saturday’s constitutional deadline to adopt a new balanced budget passed without agreement, Corzine signed an executive order just after 9:30 a.m., a grim climax to weeks of budget squabbling among Democrats who control state government but haven’t been able to agree on a budget bill.
Services such as state police, prisons, mental hospitals and child welfare would keep operating. The casinos could be forced to close because they require state monitoring, though the casino industry is challenging a possible closure in court.
The dispute centers on Corzine’s determination to raise the state sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent to help close a $4.5 billion budget deficit
Wasn’t the state government on vacation for four days anyhow ?? I noted that order didn’t apply to the highway patrol ??:roll::shock::eek::omg::omg:
Hey, Melina. What’s ging down in the North East? I’ve only heard a little bit about storms or something.
Fred:omg: Hey, my speeding ticket was in a mx-5 Miata, so I think I’d do it again.
Yeah I always thought that whats the fun of a fast car if you can’t go fast.. (Fed pictures traffic on I25 at rush hour as motorists are passed by bicycle riders on the Green Way)..:omg::eek::billcat:
Just reading this in the Newark Star Ledger…they’re putting a serious leash on a lot of gambling…just in time for the July 4th weekend…what’s this supposed to be for, to go after the mob? It’s going to seriously affect tourism in NJ, I think
I dont know Trav…its nice today but I hear its hot. I have to do some outside work so Ill see when I finally get to that.
I think that there might be something coming…and today apparently up PJ’s way there is something…
It seems that everything we get lately is violent and alot! There is so much flooding locally and its nothing like whats happening in other places near here…
I posted Dowd, btw…and have to put up the Stewart clip too…apparently also Clobert was hilarious last show…was it Thurs? And maybe is on crooks and liars.
Hey Melina. It sounds like you’re using some sort of a wysiwyg program, and it created img tags to your local hard drive, which works great on your computer, but not so great on anybody else’s. Go into the source code, and change the image tags to point to whatever directory the uploaded contents are in.
Well, I have to traval back to Seattle in a couple of minutes or so, so I think I check-up you guys next week from a public library or something. Do you think it will be safe to check my email without someone stealing my user name and password? :paranoid:
I can’t edit my posts for some reason:fustrate: Anyway…later.:peace:
It’s a beautiful day here today. Sunny and about 80 at the moment, with a nice breeze. Perfect day for grass cutting and weed whacking (so much better than walking around aimlessly in DC, trying to figure out what to do to keep from going fucking crazy. We went out and bought a push reel-type mower last night, so now I feel much better, not using gasoline or creating noise and nasty exhaust fumes. Jim would be so proud of me. Of course, I’m not as skinny as he is, so he would probably be filled with hate and disgust if we ever met, so I guess it’s lucky I’ll probably never meet him (though I did get quite close to him back on isi’s last birthday).
Alright, never mind. The edit button wrorked after a couple thousand clicks:banana:
Punishing Addiction
No Walk in the Ball Park for Dwight Gooden
Watching the Mets / Red Sox series this week I noticed they replayed clips of Dwight Gooden in his golden years as an star pitcher. I could not help think about how is life has now turned towards tragedy when he was sentenced to jail this April. I was very sad. Not because of what he did, but instead, of what the system of justice has done to him. Gooden has a medical problem, a very bad addiction to an illegal drug. His struggles with drugs and alcohol have been well-documented. But the obvious misfortune is that instead of being treated as someone with a medical condition, he is being treated like a criminal. This is where the problem lies.
Gooden is serving a 366-day sentence for violating his probation by using cocaine. This is the bottom line.
Americans across the country in some way partake in the ritual of escaping reality daily by getting high. Whether or not it be of legal or illegal means, this is a reality we must face. Addiction is a serious problem. But to treat it strictly punitively is not the answer to alleviate its root causes.
What moved me in an unbelievable way was the fact that Dwight Gooden chose to give up his life as a free man. Faced with a system of justice that has little remorse for drug users, Gooden’s back was against the wall when he made his decision to op for the 366-day sentence. Either that or face probation with the stipulation that any type of violation could lead to a five year sentence.
I have so many memories of Dwight “Doc” Gooden in his prime, pitching for the ’86 Mets. I used to go out there to see him and Daryl Strawberry and Keith Hernandez. I still remember Doc Gooden vs. Mike Scott in the ’86 playoffs. Hard to say which pitcher I loved more (MS was once a Met, too…) but of course I leaned toward Gooden because I had to root for the Mets…I always looked up to him…he made baseball fun, a long with those other guys… nothing should tarnish those memories…I wonder if the Reds have cut out footage of pete Rose from their team films because of his gambling addiction? Just makes me curious.
The We the (Evangelical) People Act
In the wake of the Senate’s failure to approve a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, conservatives are now coalescing around what amounts to their runner-up option. Various conservative and evangelical Christian organizations are now championing the “We the People Act.” The act would prohibit the Supreme Court and all other federal courts from ruling on the constitutionality of state laws, especially those concerning sexual orientation. If passed by Congress, this act would severely limit some of the most basic legal principles of the Constitution.
While it’s troubling that the We the People Act would usurp the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians, the act is actually far more dangerous. It stipulates that the federal courts may not issue any ruling that “interferes” with state legislatures or courts. In effect, the federal courts would be prohibited from ruling on state laws and legal decisions made by state courts. A state’s supreme court would have complete and total legal authority, without regard to the federal courts.
While evangelicals view this as an answer to their prayers (literally), the act would end all constitutional oversight by the federal judiciary. But many of the significant legal achievements since the 1950s, especially regarding civil rights, have been the result of federal courts overturning discriminatory rulings by state courts. The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 catapulted Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks to national prominence, but it didn’t end segregation on the city’s buses. It was the Supreme Court, which ruled that the city’s municipal bus system was unconstitutional, that did so. This act seeks to prevent similar actions, under the guise of morality.
Live in fear .. :omg::40::40::40::doh::fustrate::paranoid:
While it’s troubling that the We the People Act would usurp the constitutional rights of gays and lesbians, the act is actually far more dangerous. It stipulates that the federal courts may not issue any ruling that “interferes” with state legislatures or courts. In effect, the federal courts would be prohibited from ruling on state laws and legal decisions made by state courts. A state’s supreme court would have complete and total legal authority, without regard to the federal courts.
Right, we would have, in effect, 50 different countries. No longer the “United” States, but the chaotic states of barbaric values – diminishing the contitution to the point where it’s meaningless. I don’t know how those conservatives can say they worship the constitution and still get so hot and bothered about States Rights. They’re full of shit, of course.
So what if the suits want Marc to get rid of Jim?? Could that be the decision Marc has to make? I hope not. :paranoid:
hmmm…Krista…now I don’t know (truthfully) how I’d feel about not having Jim there…I guess it depends on who replaces him (if anyone)
Gee, I hope not, too.
When I read that, my first thought was that they were offering him a shitty deal, and he had to decide whether to accept it or not. It would suck to have him go off the air again. Almost worse to lose the show a second time around.
Alexander Cockburn on What’s wrong with the U.S. left. They’re sitting in darkened rooms weaving conspiracy fantasies about 9/11; they’re blogging; they’re confusing a medium with a movement; they’re not doing enough to stop the war in Iraq.
How does Jim Earl affect ratings? Everybody here likes him. His routines are hilarious. Who knows what the cryptic message means?
The Shadow Knows!:omg:
My computer is acting funny! Perhaps this will be the final post…
Yeah, his tone doesn’t sound positive but Sinton did say we would be “delighted” didn’t he??
It is awfully hot in my garage..:40::40: The stuff gets really warm even when you start off with cold water :40::40: You are right though we need feet on the ground not fingers on the keyboard..:40::40::eek::yuck::shock::tongue:
Like funny,ha ha or funny weird?:tongue::rofl2:
…they’re saying forget about voting fraud, that it’s not real…let’s not forget that
I wish that Marc had a crew like Brendan and Dan around him…I listened to all of the Sammy Stem Cells with Will while we were traveling, and also quite a few rapture watches, and I also heard an old MS at one point…and the thing that really stood out was having people aroudn laughing and interacting. Even little Goliath was a bright point.
The death of Sammy clip says it all…its just too good.
That clip goes directly to the head of the class!
Will LOVES this stuff, and even Ben, who doesnt get much of it, was laughing.
Jim is such a great sketch artist but not a great co-host…He grows on you, but when youre in a new show and trying to gain a groundswell you need more than that.
No! :::whips Nicki’s computer into shape::: :spank:
He did, but he said we’d be delighted with the new show, too, but it took what seemed like forever and a lot of bitchginto get the show on the air, and then it was on at an awkward time for many us, and preempted by sporting events and every other damn thing. I think if they listened to Sinton and Kreeger, there’d still be a Morning Sedition, and it would be getting great ratings. Dunno much about this interim CEO. I wonder if he’s one of Danny’s boys?
Yeah, I think they should call up Pashman and put him on speakerphone when they tape the show.
I’d also like to see them do some live remote shows, even if they have to tape them live. The live shows really kicked ass, and I think it was having an audience that really showed Marc that a lot of people appreciated what he was doing (as opposed to obsessing over the few progressive utopians with no sense of humor that would blog and e-mail – especially back in the “olden” days, when Marc was still being a blog bitch).
:banana:hey sheeple see if this works!
Well, I think that Jim has it in him to be a great co host. I see the little gems every now and then and remember how long it took Marc to get his groove? How long have they been on, 4 months? Hell, Marc still has a lot of smoothing out still too. It doesn’t matter how raw you are if you can grab hold of that inner co host waiting to pop out. Like I said, I see it sometimes, so, it’s in him.
I can kick myself for not attending some of the live shows when he was still in New York 😥 I agree that those shows were great.
pj you are number 9! and uh i am a cheater!
I think that Jim is irreplacable in the Marc’s partner/sketch area…but they need more people sound there….
This last week people like Mark Miller and Greg Palast who AAR had on various programs didn’t come right out and say we were going to have to start thinking along the lines of direct action but certainly were implying it in what they said. :gate::omg::jason::fist:
:fist:i attended a live show at the tea-lounge in park slope brooklyn!
Does anyone happen to know the name of the Jag lawyer who is assigned to Hamdi?
I cant seem to find the name though my Mom saw him talking on CSPAN or some such at the crack of dawn…of course she cant remember the name though she thinks he should be our next president!
I remember that show, Sean…that was a great one. I think Sammy the Stem Cell was live… :banana:
I’m thinking it’s Frank Dunham, Jr, unless he’s got another lawyer.
Thanks Fred….is it me or is google getting really bad? Mybe I dont use the right search language
i actually got to talk to jim and tell him how great his characters are!
CAIRO, Egypt – Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden said in an Internet message Saturday to militants that the Islamic community was depending on them to “liberate” Iraq.
His fifth statement this year and his second in two days, the 19-minute audio recording was accompanied by a photo of bin Laden above the logo and name Al-Sahab, al-Qaida’s media production wing.
Maybe OBL should take over from Howard Dean (sarcasm)???:40::40::fist:
There is a torrent for Gores movie avaialbe at Mininova
I agree KP. Marc still does not “get” Jim. A couple of days ago when Marc was talking about how a blogger got him upset because he mentioned Sue Elicott. Jim then said, Sue. She was great! And, Marc went off. What are you crazy?!. Jim has such a dry sense of humor that he didn’t say anything else. It was hilarious. Marc never got it. He was too into his anger.
Jim is very good on the issues. He would have challenged Jonathan Alter the other day, I bet. I think he is underutilized.
Yeah Jim pushed his button but I also think Marc lets him.
Jezzus, that is civil war starting all over again. I seem to remember the southerners wanting to make their own laws so they could continue slavery so they wanted to trump federal law. :tongue:
melina, i passed on the comments – a hearty thank you!
seanie, don’t even TRY take my “win” away from me! #9#9#9#9 :banana:
suz, EXACTLY on the shadow/creating what you fear most. That’s all I could think when I saw the horrors in Gaza and Ramallah.
MAYBE they asked marc to move BACK east again! :billcat: I LOVE JIM AND would never want him to not be a part of it. His poetry is a beautiful thing! :love:
P.S. I’m bummed we won’t see a picture of Raging Granny in Camo :fist:
so my teen is leaving for a WEEK. :nixon: 🙁 :gate:
(can you detect a few mixed emotions?)
too bad hubby couldn’t escape baghdad. still no one there to help out yet.
Oh, and it’s a balmy 97 FREAKING DEGREES HERE. so quit your complaining youse up there on the blog!
Hey, that would be great if they want Marc to come to NY! Well, except for not living with his wife which kinda sucks. Especially if he has to move into a dorm at NYU.
Oh, shuttle launch is officially scrubbed.
KP, do you think because my itunes is formatted for Mac that it didn’t play? I couldn’t use my ipod with this mac until i formatted it for mac instead of windows. (PJ, do you know?)
marc’s been complaining about that, too.
What a conundrum that would be!
(conundrum is used correctly if you apply definiton 2b in Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)
No! Marc’s staying west! He’s ours now! You had your chance easterners!:rant1:
Oh, and it’s 102 degrees here FK. Beat ya! 20% humidity, 54% dewpoint.
We’re headed for 108:omg: We need a sweaty emoticon.
ok, kp, you’ve got the heat…and YOU CAN KEEP IT!
think it’s 130 or something in Baghdad. that’s unnatural.
and while we’re at merriam webster:
(now use it in a sentence relating to the marc maron show!)
Hmm. I dunno. An mp3 is an mp3, but maybe iTunes is set to convert anything you import to your library into their native format (aac, I think it is)? I played around with iTunes a bit, but since I don’t care to buy anything from them and since I found iTunes to have kind of a crappy interface, I don’t bother with it. I prefer to use a regular old podcatcher.
yahoo weather says the baghdad high was 108 today – oh, my bad. It was cool there!
ipod was a gift, hence, itunes is what I’ve got. i lost all my music when i converted from windows to the mac. it scrubbed it all. itunes is not the best program, I’ll second that in a heartbeat.
With more to come, even over the holiday weekend, we now have a California county registrar willing to speak out — on the record — about the issues in contention in the Busby/Bilbray election mess as they affect the entire nation. As well, the San Diego Union-Tribune gets the story entirely wrong (not that they apparently even bothered to try and get it right), and the video from my appearance on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight last night is now posted. — Brad
Yolo County, CA Registrar on Voting Machine Sleepovers: ‘If E-Voting Systems can’t be secured, perhaps they ought not be used at all. Period.’
Registrar Freddie Oakley Speaks Out on the Busby/Bilbray Controversy and the Crisis Concerning Deployment of Hackable Electronic Voting Systems…
Yolo County, CA Registrar of Voters, Freddie Oakley speaks out (in contradiction to SD County Registrar Mikel Haas) quite clearly about the concerns of sending voting machines home with poll workers prior to elections as revealed by the Busby/Bilbray election fiasco:
“As an election official, I understand the practical issues involved here perfectly. I am strongly of the opinion that it is exactly this kind of practical issue that should give election officials serious reservations about deploying electronic voting machines,” Oakley wrote.
“If, as a practical matter, can’t be secured, then perhaps they ought not be used at all. Period. Until the impediment can be removed,” her email statement read…
The fact the Reich wing press is complicit is very disturbing ..:gate::omg::jason::fist:
Marc Maron must endure sempiternal agony in dealing with AAR.
Excellent, Ms. isi!
Bleu Blanc Rouge 1
Brazil 0
Recent days have witnessed a media feeding frenzy at the trough of the “National Reconciliation” plan put forth by the U.S. puppet “prime minister” of Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki. This “plan” was clearly a political move orchestrated from within Pentagon and State Department circles in preparation for the upcoming November mid-term elections in the U.S. and has effectively changed, on the ground in Iraq, approximately nothing.
Broadcast by the corporate media and lapped up by U.S. politicians and other groups, the day after it was announced the “plan” had its key element – that of granting amnesty for resistance fighters – removed. Apparently, the “plan” aimed to show some sort of political progress in Iraq.
It is amazing to witness that people, even many within the anti-war movement in the U.S., seem willing to believe anything presented by Maliki, including this “plan.” This is a man who was inserted into his position after Jack Straw and Condoleezza Rice visited Baghdad in order to brush Jaafari, the prime minister chosen by the supposedly-elected Iraqi parliament, aside. Do we need any clearer evidence of who pulls the strings of Maliki?
The aim of the “plan” seems to be to give the impression that the Iraqi resistance should cooperate with the occupiers and their puppet government, a regime which, rather than serving Iraqis, works diligently to serve themselves. This “plan” was offered by an illegitimate government that clearly does not serve the interests of the Iraqi people. For if this so-called Iraqi government truly represented the wishes of the vast majority of Iraqis, the first thing they would have done when they came into power would have been to demand a withdrawal of all foreign occupation forces and demand reparations from the occupiers
The view from “their” eyes .. :jason::jason::jason:
:banana: VIVA LA FRANCE!!!! :banana:
FK, are you French?
I thought you were Italian (you know, italian wine :grin:)
Actually, I’m Greek, Isi!
My BA is in French Studies – I lived there twice (about a year each time).
Bonus: Mr FK drew France in their Baghdad World Cup pool so could win a hundred dollars. 😎
“Avian flu tends to kill younger people, much as the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic did, the World Health Organization said Friday as it released an analysis of more than 200 cases,” begins a story set for the Sunday edition of the New York Times.
“Deaths from the disease surged in the winter for the last three years, the report said, so another upswing in fatal cases can be expected late this year even if the virus does not mutate into a form more easily transmitted,” writes Donald G. McNeil Jr.
“Moreover, the report warned, the risk of the virus becoming more transmissible remains high ‘because of the widespread distribution of the H5N1 virus in poultry and the continued exposure of humans,'” the Times story continues.
“The median age of confirmed cases of the H5N1 avian flu strain was 20 years, the WHO said in a report published today in the Weekly Epidemiological Record,” Bloomberg News reports. “The death rate among patients aged 10 to 19 years was 73 percent, the highest of any age group, it said. Overall, the fatality rate was 56 percent.”
I would have thought it would have been the other way around
You and Arianna :banana:
:banana::banana: Mr FK drew France in their Baghdad World Cup pool so could win a hundred dollars
bad deal: mr fk just told me that this is angering the sunnis far more than any bombing and there will be no agreement if not resolved peacefully:
We’re headed for 108 We need a sweaty emoticon.
Comment by Kristapea — July 1, 2006 @ 3:56 pm
You could have used a picture of me walking home from the supermarket this afternoon between World Cup games. It’s “only” 97, but the humidity is ridiculous. Call me Sweaty Betty today.
Fortunately, I’m planning to replenish my supply of fluids tonight.
Yeah, well, Kevin you’d sweat if it was 75 degrees in Florida. YUCK!
So, how are you preparing for being under water when Greenland melts Kevin. Maybe you need to listen to that episode of Future Marc where he’s living in a house that has to be raised above the water and whales are as ubiquitous as rats.:tongue:
So, how are you preparing for being under water when Greenland melts Kevin.
Comment by Kristapea — July 1, 2006 @ 5:43 pm
I reeeeeeeeaaalllllly don’t want to go back to Ohio, but it’s starting to look better. As long as Lake Erie doesn’t overflow its shores 50 miles south, I would be OK. Snow still sucks, but who knows, in 10 years it might be too warm to snow there.
The other alternative would be breathing under water, which could be a problem unless I can figure out a way to grow gills.
I would think that if you owned property at sea level to maybe 60 feet above sea level you should plan a little ahead of time to sell it.. Find a person who watches FAUX news and he won’t have a clue..:eek::yuck:
:omg:Thor ( I think) is angry this afternoon.. but the temperature went down to almost 80 …:bow::bow::banana:
:omg:Colorado gets about 80% of its drinking water from snow melt .. 5% of the winter time GNP is from European tourists who come here to ski.(the people who live here can’t aford to ski any longer). The aquifers are all already almost pumped dry.. The areas of eastern Colo, Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa , Missouri, Kansas , Oklahoma , Arkansas and North Texas will turn into a desert , or maybe one should say more of a desert.:eek::shock::yuck:.I guess we can all come to visit PJ and Susan..:nixon::peace:
I’m watching PBS and it is a show about the Concord and The Stranglers were just in it:banana:
:rofl2: Kissinger is on and you know, Franken does a pretty good impression of him.
We actually have a pretty good supply of water here. We have a hundred year supply, now. But developers are, of course threatening that.:fu:
Doesnt Arizona still get most of their water from the Salt River project.. ?? Doesn’t that require it to snow in the mountains ?? The Colorado river will lose something like 60% of its head water feed.. They are saying they will have to probably close the hydro plants on the river in the next 50 years or so..
You know, I am not sure where most of the water comes from. They may be talking about groundwater. But that is what the PIRG that I hung out with for a day said. That we have a solid hundred years of water for the population now.
I was quite surprised too.
When all the reservoirs are full Colorado has about a two to three year supply..I don’t think anyone anticipated that it would never snow. They came close to running things dry in 2003..This spring things were back to about 90% of capacity but as the heat lingers on a lot of the smaller communities that don’t get Denver water board water are again imposing watering restrictions.:eek::yuck::fustrate::billcat::shock::paranoid:
Re #212, California has finally a decent snowpack but last year = Global Warming :omg:
…and what makes one think that this snowpack (extra snow) is not due to Global Warming, like “the rains:”?::doh:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM)
We have never experienced water rationing here in Phoenix, in the 20 years I’ve lived here. It’s never made any sense to me.
Greetings All :banana:
Wurkin’:tongue: and Lurkin’:hubba:and Readin’ this very prolific “blog”:cool:
(when I can:spank::billcat: :knit:)
Oh and…tea:joe::joe::joe::joe::joe:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM:wink:)
Hey, Neal Katyal is arguing on CSPAN for Hamdan to the Supreme Court right now…Im sure its a tape but very interesting. I hope they replay the Swift guy. For an example of his point of view look here.
I can see that Mom likes him so much because he is so totally devoted to American ideals and our constitution.
Mom is saying that we’d better find out that he is a Democrat when this is over (or he leaves the Navy…he apparently loves working in the Navy,) because she says that we need him!
Melina : You can always get this mornings WJ out of the c-span archives .. It will probably be up tomorrow.:omg:
As for Swift, it appears he’s just about gone from the Navy.
Colorado wasn’t designed for growing Kentucky Blue grass, Chinese elms and Russian olive trees. Usually water rationing is like you can only water your yard for a couple of hours two or three days a week.:yuck:
One of my neighbors came to Colo from Pennsylvania and had never had to water his yard there.. Surprise Surprise ..:omg::fustrate::billcat:
great! I looked at cspan but didnt have time to really look.
Good news Pj, I guess…though its nice to think that people like this are working in the service at a time like this….This guy can probably do much good on the outside when hes able to talk about stuff more….
Now wonder they ruled against Bush and Co…this whole thing is so damning and embarassing….Paul Clement took over and he is hammering them…and they all are questioning him really fiercly…but, hes got a good grasp of what hes saying and he wont let them shake him off of it.
I guess I should admit also that I took a break from my intensive newsfinding after such a dry period when I was out of touch except for in Starbucks on the Palm TX and via T-mobile, to watch Capote. What a great movie! My sister hated it and didnt watch the whole thing…but I really liked it alot.
Is it supposed to be a movie that took liberites with the story or is it supposed to be accurate…as to how Capote sorta screwed the killer, but really loved him at the same time…and never got over it…as opposed to having been molested as a kid and been from an alcoholic family and just a horrible alcoholic himself. This movie paints this story as being his downfall emotionally as opposed to anything else..
He was a mess on so many levels that it seems hard to site this as the specific reason for him never finishing anouther novel etc….
He was one of my favorite writers and his columns in Vanity Fair in the early 80’s…?…were fantastic while they lasted.
:yuck:It was fascinating to watch the Judices, but then turned into a Washington DC Black Tie and Tux affair greeting Ogre Bush and Prime Minister of Japan, with all the rethugs attending :barf:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM)
“Every one who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand; and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell; and great was the fall of it.”
–Jesus Christ (Mt. 7:26-27)
yeah, really…J.C. knew what he was about…
…But at least I got to hear:billcat:
Stray Cat Strut:hubba::!: :banana:
damn rethug:rant1:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM)
Druid- I turned it off before that…did the stray cats play?…or some version of them.
A guy recently contacted me who is a fan of my grandfather’s and he is childhood friends with Brian Setzer and keeps his website.
I love those guys. I saw them at…um…the place that became webster hall…? Cant remember anymore…heh..it was so long ago…many brain cells past.
Lotsa fireworks going off here. I guess we will start our leftovers tomorrow night and then get some more.
Ledeen admires Niccolo Machiavelli. Machiavelli had a cynical, dishonest approach to statecraft. It was realistic but un-Christlike. He championed the virtues of ancient paganism: power, militarism, and fame. He possessed a utilitarian view of religion. For him, Christianity was to be put into service of the state for military might and earthly glory.
Ledeen is scholar of Italian fascism. A line of ideological descent can be traced from the Jacobins of France to the Carbonari of Italy to the League of the Just in France to the Communist League in England to the Bolsheviks of Russia and the Fascists of Italy. They shared a materialistic, elitist, violent, and revolutionary mindset
Is there a government that followed religious precepts without using it toward a dishonest, controlling end?
Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone….They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission. (The War Against the Terror Masters, 212-13)
(Michael Ledeen)
“historic mission” code words for fascism
No modern government. That would be a contradiction. Go read Machiavelli.
I will have to
Gain power/maintain power. By the means necessary.
I should try to stream something, it’s been too quiet in here for too long… :omg:
that’s true…when religion enters the picture it makes governments even more dangerous…just got into a discussion with somebody; she said that government help helps black churches, I said that may be true, but then religious coercion also enters the picture and religious discrimination against other churche, and it is bad in so many ways…she didn’t see it, though. People think I’m against faith when I talk this way but I’m not
I bought Negativeland’s Gun. Also Jandek’s very first album. Rented a load of movies. Same jangly guitar licks. Voice…..boxy, but jandecky.
Sounds like extreme fun. What movies did you rent?
I rented an old Warhol movie, Trash. Said to be sort of an embodiment of Transformer. Have the urge to listen Lou Reed’s early albums.
I love Lou Reed. Haven’t listened to him in awhile though, that’s a good idea
as for movies, I quit Netflix last year because of financial situation, but now I should either rejoin or get my ass and get a Blockbuster card, I haven’t seen enough movies recently
1. Trash
2. The Velvet Underground and the Plastic Exploding Inevitable
And three films about the Beach Boys, including SMILE.
Did you watch that Hildegard video?
ohh now I’m in the mood to watch Rock n roll movies
I watched some of it, but my VCR is acting up. It might need cleaning, it kept freezing. I’m going to hook the other VCR up (I have two) if I can’t clean it, though.
I’ll definitely be able to watch the whole thing sometime this weekend
I am trying to locate footage of 1980s Hair Bands, like Twisted Sister. Can you help?
Oh. And you can dub and circulate, too.
hmm…hair bands was the one subgenre I was NOT into in the 80’s, but I’ll ask around…
I think I know what Twisted Sister is related to, though… 😉
hehe…I have some Guns ‘n roses videos
Look at me, then look at Twisted Sister.
I’m Guns and Roses with a different sound.
You know, I might be Motley Crue.
Crue played around here a few years ago.
Twisted Sister was a Long Island band. I avoided them like the plague when they were the hot thing around here. Was really into the new wave scene at the time.
Dee Snyder or whatever his name was… would rather look at you…
that’s true…you could be Motley Crue… hmmm
Klaus Nomi opened for Twisted Sister in NJ. The fans did not appreciate him.
well that’s like when Jimi Hendrix opened for the Monkees!
Visually “I might be Twisted Sister of Rock-n-Roll…”
Think where you would place me musically. Reply by email, if you like.
I think my sister went to one of those shows. Actually, Hendrix got along well with Peter Tork.
No. The NJ metal heads did not know how to react to a serious performance artist. (Twisted liked Klaus, as far as I know.)
let me think about it…I just think of Twisted Sister as a teenage club band from Long Island
Yeah, I heard Hendrix and the Monkees got along. But the audience was filled with 8-year-olds who were supposedly crying when they heard Jimi’s riffs…or maybe it was their mom’s who were crying…that must have been amusing, kind of…
I am surprised at how good Jandek’s first album is. My hunch is that, with the exception of the recent live material, it has not been improved upon.
I need to listen to him, honestly, I really haven’t yet
Yeah. I sort of ignored the hairband era myself. I familiarized myself somewhat, in preparing for recent shows, but I am still in the dark a lot of the time. I saw some good footage of Twisted Sister in the Nomi documentary. New Jersey….club band…
(maybe we ran into each other then.)
interesting. I don’t even know Twisted Sister’s music, really. I would always turn everything they did off immediately.
Did you read my article on hairbands?
Maybe I’ll get Jandek to send you his first album.
oh yes, you do know all these musicians!! And Jandek is rather reclusive I understand, so that’s impressive…
Actually, I know people in Portland who have connections with him. Just today, one of them told me that they persuaded Jandek to re-release his first recording on vinyl. I also knew the crew in Olympia who championed him in the 1980s. (They are prominent in the recent Jandek documentary.)
Twisted Sister was active where in the 1980s?:omg:
Did you learn anything from it? (I listened to a boatload of old cassettes to prepare for that.)
I know they got started on the Long Island club circuit
actually they started in the 70’s I think. They had a song “Disco Sucks” or something like that, pretty popular around here.
what I remember is you got people to help you find out about hair bands…I would need to reread the article
Did you get another video recently?
I think I used the hair bands as some sort of contrast. Not much detail. Hell, I don’tt remember that knockoff stuff.
the last one I got was Hildegard
How far away is Long Island from NJ?
honestly, I truly, I hate that hair band kind of music
I thought I sent another Maron mix; apparently not.
well it’s all in the tri-state area…don’t know the miles but you can commute easily in an hour or so from NJ to Long Island. Of course Brooklyn and Queens are on Long Island. Nasau county is just a little further
there was a bit of an AA radio documentary on one of the tapes you sent me. I think I already have that documentary, though, it was a history of Air America radio that came out some time last year
if Twisted Sister played in LI clubs they could have easily played in NJ clubs. Probably did.
In 1976, Dee Snider joined the band as lead singer and principal songwriter, a duty he carries to this day. After replacing drummer Grace with Tony Petri, the group took a heavier musical direction, influenced by AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, and Alice Cooper, but without abandoning their glam image.
Although glam was out of fashion in those days, Snider’s phenomenal abilities as frontman propelled the band to considerable local success. They broke attendance records at large halls in the Tri-State Region and their growing fan base began to take the name “S.M.F”, for Sick Motherfucking Friends Of Twisted Sister.
No record label was interested in signing the band, so in 1979 they released the single “I’ll Never Grow Up Now” / “Under the Blade” on their own label Twisted Sister Records, followed in 1980 by “Bad Boys (Of Rock & Roll)” / “Lady’s Boy”. The legendary Eddie Kramer produced both singles.
You are right. The music sucks, in general. Sorry I wasted your time with it.
Good morning. Have a safe journey.
My computer has been acting funny of late.
eeeeeeeeee. Oh three people online. Hi gang! :omg:
Wurkin’:joe:tea and Lurkin’Around:hubba:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM)