I just finished listening to the penultimate Marc Maron Show yesterday (I’ve been taking my time with them, because I don’t really want ’em to be over). I thought the interviews of John Dean and Ellen Perry were great, and of course Lawton Smalls’ and Bruce Cherry’s final appearances, plus Lonn Friend and Mishna were great, too. All-in-all, a very enjoyable show – not just this particular show, but the entire MMS collection. Damn shame it’s over. I still have the final one, which I listened to live, of course, but with all the heavy blogging (and the one or two little brewskies I may have inadvertently downed) that night, I’m not exceptionally clear on the details of the show. I’m gonna miss those bastids.
Otherwise, looks like more of the same out there in the world. To quote a Roger Waters’ song, “what god wants, god gets – god help us all.” Have a good Tuesday.
#1 — :joe: :tinfoil: how’d that happen?:tinfoil:
🙁 Middle East still blowing up.:rant1:
My son & I joined a bunch of local Peace People outside the Federal Bldg in Syracuse yesterday in a silent vigil with a bunch of signs protesting Israel
aggression against Lebanon. Of course there were the assholes who yelled “why don’t you protest the terrorists?” — boy, people just don’t get it, do they?:spank: “The Terrorists” R Us. Terrorism doesn’t end terrorism. (that was one of my signs — figured I’ll get a lot of mileage out of that one :nixon:).
sigh :-(:knit2:
Well, have a good day, all.:fist::gate::yinyang:
:banana:YEA RAGING Granny is #1 YEA :banana:
PERFECT:!: 😉 :knit: :fist: :gate: :yinyang:
What Will Be:!:
AAAAARRRRRGGGGGG Hey it’s Tuesday already :eek::shock::paranoid::joe::joe::joe:
Good morning/afternoon/tomorrow/whatever
The last two hours on C-span had a meeting of the Bookings Institution on .. I find it amazing how these externalized suits can sit in a room and discuss the relationships of the Super Banana Republic and the Chinese and the Russians , Iran and sanctions against Iran ..I think we all know how well sanctions work..almost as well as bombing people works.. Some times I think I would like to see a group of masked men with assault rifles barge in and take everyone away .. I wonder how that would play on C-span.:jason::jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::fustrate::fustrate::eek::yuck::barf:
From the WSJ
5:20 a.m.: Lebanese guerrillas fired more than a dozen rockets toward Haifa, and Israeli media reported several people were injured. Two rockets hit near Haifa’s Rambam Hospital, witnesses said.
4:30 a.m.: Vice Premier Shimon Peres told Israel’s parliament that Hezbollah has been defeated morally and will also lose its military confrontation against Israel. “In this war, there is no alternative to victory against terrorists,” he said.
That says it all for the situation in the middle east this am.. The Israeli politicians obviously went to rethug propaganda school. :yuck::barf:
Link to the WSJ Middle East news page.
Crews rescue stranded sailors from listing ship
23 crew plucked from cargo ship taking on water south of Aleutian Islands
The picture at the link is pretty amazing. How a ship can stay afloat in this condition I don’t know..:eek:
I would be leery of any good deals on Japanese cars with slight water damage in the coming months,:!::!:
We need a side bar that has the names of all these think tanks on it and an appropriate emo.
The American Enterprise Institute = :barf:
50 percent of U.S. says Iraq had WMDs
Half of Americans now say Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the United States invaded the country in 2003 — up from 36 percent last year, a Harris poll finds.
“Filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist,” said Sen. Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania Republican, during a June 21 press conference detailing the newly declassified information.
Seventy-two percent of respondents said the Iraqi people are better off now than under Saddam Hussein’s regime — a figure similar to that of 2004, when it stood at 76 percent. In addition, 64 percent say Saddam had “strong links” with al Qaeda, up from 62 percent in October 2004.
Americans remain in touch with the realities of Iraq: 61 percent said the conflict has motivated more Islamic terrorists to attack the U.S. — a number that has remained virtually unchanged since 2004.
This is the poll where the BS came from
One has to wonder who they polled.. Maybe the members of the American Enterprise Institute.
Where are they getting this BS from.:?::?:.Of course the Washington Times has credibility slight less than that of Snow Job..
Hey Fred, didja see that Colorado has its very own Media Matters?
Avon Park is a city of about 8500 people just outside Orlando, about 25% Hispanic. What the attached article does NOT mention (and a serious :fu: to the St Petersburg Times for not mentioning it) is that the proposed ordinance would have made it a criminal act to sell medicine to illegal immigrants, or for doctors to treat their wounds. Nice.
As Stephanie Miller’s voice guy Jim Ward says, Sieg Heil, y’all. But at least it didn’t pass. This time. VIGILANCE.
Hey fred. Evening. :yinyang:
How’s your morning?
My day? :crap: :fustrate: :growl: :40:
“Tickets Still Available” :ear: finally got to hear it. :rofl2:
:omg:Thanks PJ.. I had not seen that media matters site .. Our TV and print press is pretty much Reich wing do they need a spanking just about every week.:spank:
C-span has this Israeli general on.. for some reason all the articulate left is not there this morning.. hummmm… :rant1: He makes me sick..:barf::jason:
I just got back from being lost, literally, in the “Ether” BlogSpot world.
Such a love/hate relationship with the “Net” and computer…and all I was doing was trying to leave someone a message. But safe here…I think:paranoid:
Sorry, just being a bit superficial:smack:
And now I just saw a page I thought I left.:omg:but I will be the victor:!: all because I am partly :yawn:
“All the World’s a Stage” not, all tis a joke:eek:
Marvin Alert Marvin Alert ..he’s in for Springer this week .. stand by to :barf:on a national scale.
LARNACA, Cyprus – The UN humanitarian chief accused Hezbollah late Monday of “cowardly blending” among Lebanese civilians and causing the deaths of hundreds during two weeks of cross-border violence with Israel.
The militant group has built bunkers and tunnels near the Israeli border to shelter weapons and fighters, and its members easily blend in among civilians.
Jan Egeland spoke with reporters at the Larnaca airport in Cyprus after a visit to Lebanon on his mission to coordinate an international aid effort.
:omg:Uhhhh.. what alternate universe does this guy operate in ?? Guerilla forces work that way…Hezbollah is a peoples army isn’t it :?::?::?:
fred, you make sense, but all I can say about “UN humanitarian chief” is “huh”:smack:
Doctor Manhattan (Dr. Jon Osterman) is a character featured in the acclaimed DC Comics series Watchmen.
Due to an accident involving an atomic physics experiment, Dr. Osterman was taken outside the physical realm and returned with almost god-like powers, including superhuman strength, telekinesis, the ability to teleport, control over matter at a molecular level, and near total clairvoyance.
While his military backers market him as a superhero, he grows increasingly uninterested in human affairs, despite his importance in the Cold War, and unable to connect with others, especially his love interest Laurie, the former Silk Spectre.
NickiRose, re 21 cool 8)
WOW!I go away and look! Raging Granny is #1! :banana:
Greetings from Washington State where it was a mild 102 yesterday. Flights uneventful. mom seems ok – although a bit weak – but will be taking her to docs this week. Always good to see the parental unit. Now will continue to harrass the father who votes rethug but is a dem on the issues. go figure.
hmmm, the banana isn’t happy. he’s just standing there…using firefox on a pc.
Farmerkat, Washington State is 102 😮 Global Warming 😮
tea:joe::alc:cheers 😉
(Cut in) The present rate of jiving and grooving to the funny is ultimately unsustainable, which means that the Maronites will lose even more power unless the legions of followers organize and fight back.
Take your country!
definately a rare heat wave.
plan on kayaking on the Columbia river tomorrow – a mini-paddle to test drive the heart valve and see how the muscles work…eek! I belong to a local paddle club up here since I use to live here…it’s a very neat deal. Pays to stay a member for those times I visit. should cool things off a bit, although I don’t plan on doing my usual paddle. slow and steady. :peace:
YES! We must find an outlet for the funny man :rabbi:
Listened to shows on the flight out here. :knit2:
I get to do exciting things like let Danu in, clean cat boxes, feed rats, GO TO SLEEP SOON.
But all is a Different Reality. :rofl2: (I get to run away from my brain tonight and choose a different reality thanks to one of “The String Theories).
:banana: (Sorry, Farmerkat, mine dances. :wink:)
By the way, where are his “boots” at now (the general area)?
By the way, write Marc, and tell him how much you Love :love:and Miss The Funny ❗ He is a bit down from being “fired” twice. But he was very happy to hear about all of us waiting for his return. :banana: My husband, thanks to PJ alert with an LA address, and my nudging, saw him (and met him, which I AM JEALOUS since I no longer am there) — which he is coming here to talk one day SOON, said he. And he hopes to get back on-air soon.
I actually got my money back from AAR! Surprising! I’ve linked to Marc through MySpace, but I can’t seem to find the Fans group there – anybody have better luck? Also, is there still an email address to contact AAR? It’s funny how there’s no “Contact” link on their site anymore…
aND i AM GOING TO SOUND LIKE i KNOW SOMETHING (a cat’s walking on keyboard:eek: )
anastasi, look under Pages on right side.:banana::wink:
:yawn:Happiness is :yawn:
G’Night, G’Day To One and To All. :yawn: 😉
Thanks Druid (as I slap my forehead) Any other east coasters going to Maron’s show in NYC in August?
Hey everyone…..cleaning the house and animal beds and all…ugh…
Does anyone know how to get the Majority Report for 7-21-06? I cant seem to get it to open from replay a/v and mininova is now a pay service….so Im a little lost. I found a bit torrent place that has a lot of them but they are not in order and have no dates so youre just sort of clicking round trying to find the one you want…very stange.
Im wondering if anyone has it…or PJ- wasnt there some archival page at replay that you have used from time to time?
Here’s one source that may explain the jump in folks who think that there were WMD’s in Iraq:http://www.alternet.org/blogs/peek/39371/.
On Hannity’s website there was a poll asking “How do you feel about WMD being found in Iraq?”
But, I ask again, if Sadam didn’t use them when he was INVADED how much of a threat could he have been? We were told that he wanted to use them on the US and yet when the US came to his front door he (supposedly) sent his defenses to a Syria.
I remain amazed.
I want to go to the show Anastasi…and I want to get PJ and Raging Granny down here too….I must also try to find CK, who is missing …and maybe Suz will come?
I need to find out if I can bring Will to that place…Im not worried about language because he is pretty well versed in all sorts of bad language…but they might not let him in…?
Lets get a meetup together….anyone want to travel in?
Howdy, blog-sibs. I’m back. I think (at least, there’s rumors to this effect) I’ll be better able to touch my computer for the rest of this week. I even slept last night.
Did anyone hear Norman Goldman on Ed Schultz’ show yesterday? (Yeah, I could go back to yesterday’s blog to find out but that would involve thinking and it’s way too early in the morning.) I’m just curious how you felt about him in terms of the discussion of the Middle East. He seems much less strident and even a little more understanding on the subject than Schultz and that surprised me. I found myself agreeing with him from time to time, which hasn’t happened with Schultz lately.
Recipes later. Gotta earn money to pay for His Majesty King Faraday the Fluffy’s kibble…
Hi Melina- are you talking about the one with Marc? That is the 7/20/06 Show which Cnick put up.
I have the pocast from Itunes but not sure if I can send it to you.
Only 1 sip of coffee so far.
I was bursting with the news, gleaned from my credit card online info, that AAR refunded me $3.95 out of my $6.95 July MMS subscription only to be scooped by anastasi. I guess somebody at AAR decided to cut the :crap: Wonder if I’ll get any email about it.
:fire:I miss Marc and Jim. I am trying to figure out how to make one of Marc’s Seattle shows at the end of September.
Welcome to the formerly temperate NW FK happy kayaking!
WTF ALL the bananas stopped dancing
I am holding out guest quarters for PJ and Raging Granny, who could maybe come for a couple of days and stay till Sun…? But I also have a tiny guest room amongst the dogs and such.
Kat, Im so glad that everything is OK, besides the heat of couse…things are humid here but the temp is not so bad…especially in a/c :rofl2:
Be careful kyaking!! The heat is so killer. I LOVE kyaking but have not had time and $ to do it. Here you can just shove off of downtown Stamford wherethe boats are and head right into the LI sound …its incredible…and there are some little islands with delipadated sturctures that you can land on and hang out. You just have to be good at it because the current can be strong and there are lots of boats.
I went last time with a Russian expert who was previously a river kyaker in russia and now is the coach round here. I guess that they werent allowing ocean kayaking in his day becaus eyou might keep going…? But he and his wife travel all over the world and kayak everywhere….He is strong so if the current gets you, he can help…If I had more $ Id have him train me…but then, of course, as I get older all my joints hurt from Lyme and Im in pain just from the pilates reformer!….oph well…thats up there with horse riding for me in things I want to do when Ive got a little time….
Wiw…an actual refund from AAR…I wonder if all the checks are gonna bounce this week now…
Wiw…I made a new word!
Has anyone been following the American Bar Association’s ongoing hearings about the signing statements? It looks like all the lawyers in America are gonna have to stand up and say that Bush is breaking the law…Mom keeps calling me all excited whenever its on cspan….very interesting to get this in the record at least.
How can he do so manys ecret signing statements? Incredible!!
Re #35: I’m planning to attend one of Marc’s performances in August. But first I have to find out if it’s a place that allows smoking (don’t know the rules for a comedy club). If it does, I can’t attend. I’m very allergic to smoke, and it would be awful to wheeze and cough all through Marc’s act.
Have any of you been to the Gotham?
Hey, Wan Wenxia, we need to get that Portland caravan going up to Seattle. (I was hoping to get a group to San Francisco but no one got back to me.) I think we should rent a big SUV (or maybe a hybrid SUV; someone makes one, I’m pretty sure…) and make it a whole day party with stops to sightsee along the way and maybe pick up other fans if there are any along the route or who can get to the route. We can call it the Maronade Cavalcade.
I forgot that Maronade recipe, didn’t I? And I think I left it at home. I’ll see if I can remember it later today. Still working on Faraday’s kibble money. (Actually, he thinks he gets eggs and hot dogs for this money. No, he’s not spoiled…)
Oh, dear, this just in from Keith Olberman’s newsletter.
A Florida congressman says he was caught off guard during a Comedy Central interview. Comedian Stephen Colbert first told Wexler “this is just for kidding,” and then asked Wexler to say something that would be guaranteed to lose the election for him — if he actually had any opposition. He then prodded the Democrat from Delray Beach to complete these sentences — “I enjoy cocaine because…” and ”I enjoy the company of prostitutes for the following reasons…” Wexler replied, “because it’s a fun thing to do.” Wexler says he did the show at the prodding of his younger staffers and has no regrets. After all, he says, it was comedy.
:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: :billcat:
well, all bars and clubs in NYC are non smoking as far as I know. I cant stand to be in smoky bars anymore either…of course youhave to get through the people standing outside smoking to get in and tahts always a drag too…(I made pun!)
But we can double check just to make sure….
and we need to find out if a 12 year old can come…because he LOVES comedy and Marc…
Re#25 — Poor FK!! Banana won’t dance! That doesn’t sound good! Hope it fixes itself:spank::sammy:
Hey, Melina — Thank you so much for the gracious invite. :banana: I would LOVE to hook up with you & go to one of Marc’s shows :love:8/25 or 8/26. Don’t know what PJ’s school schedule is, but for Fri/Sat, he wouldn’t have any classes. I don’t have my August schedule yet but I don’t work weekends anymore, so 8/26 is a definite possibility. PJ is always reluctant to make big decisions that involve any kind of traveling, but I should be able to persuade him on this. If there are more of us Morning Seditionists who can commit to a date, we can make reservations
August, 25 & 26 2006 – 8:00P
Gotham Comedy Club NYC
208 W. 23rd St
New York , NY
8:00 and 10:00 Shows 212-367-9000
NYC Seditionist meetup anyone? :hubba::knit::billcat:
Okay, this is a weird, weird recipe that came in my email earlier today. And at the end is a bad joke that came in the next email. I think it’s synchronicity. But the recipe actually doesn’t sound all that bad, and I might just have to try it…..
Black Beans With Figs and Peppers
Serves 4.
1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter or corn oil
1 large onion, chopped
1 large red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 large yellow pepper, seeded and chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed and minced
2 whole cloves
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 cup minced fresh cilantro leaves
12 medium figs, sliced
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon brown sugar
2 cups cooked black beans
Melt the butter or heat the oil in a large skillet over low heat.
Add the onion, bell peppers, garlic, cloves, cumin and cilantro.
Cook, stirring often, until the onion softens, about 5 to 10 minutes.
Add the diced figs, lemon juice and brown sugar to the onion-pepper mixture.
Add the beans, cover and cook over low heat until the peppers are soft, about 20 minutes, stirring often to prevent sticking.
Serve hot or chilled.
Q: Why did the fig go out with the prune?
A: He couldn’t find a date.
Ah, I shuold have known to come to the Raging Granny first! I emailed PJ that I have a private. separate place that you guys can stay in….and its just 50 or so mins out of the city….but he is worried b/c school starts on Monday and its alot of driving…however, it might just be worth it….but you dont have to decide right away, really. we have time. I doubt it will sell out immediately.
gypsy- this week in farm group we have fresh savory and beets and cabbage. I dont kow what to do with savory…have you used it?
Congressional Democrats voiced alarm on Tuesday over Iraq’s denunciation of Israel in the Mideast conflict, and some said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s upcoming address to Congress should be canceled unless he apologizes.
A group of House of Representatives Democrats was circulating a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert urging the Illinois Republican to secure an apology from Maliki or cancel the address on Wednesday to a joint meeting of Congress. Ron Bonjean, Hastert’s spokesman, said there was no intention to cancel Maliki’s speech, and accused Democrats of “political gamesmanship during an election year.”
Iraq’s U.S.-backed government on Saturday denounced Israel’s “criminal” raids on Lebanon and Gaza and warned that violence could escalate across the Middle East. Senate Democrats in a letter to Maliki said his failure to condemn Hizbollah’s “aggression and recognize Israel’s right to defend itself raise serious questions about whether Iraq under your leadership can play a constructive role in resolving the current crisis and bringing stability to the Middle East.”
With more than 2,500 U.S. service members killed in the Iraq conflict, more than 18,000 wounded and more than $300 billion in U.S. tax dollars spent, the Senate Democrats said, “Americans deserve to know whether Iraq in an ally in these fights.”
No names so far at least
The end times are coming according to CNN and Colbert. Here are 3 videos:http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Video_Soem_Christians_see_Biblical_endtimes_0725.html
:idea::idea:Why don’t you Portlandites take the train to Seattle .. It might be less expensive than driving up there and you wouldn’t be so tired when you got there.:?::?:
Oh, Melina, savory is one of my most favorite herbs. I grow it and thyme and use them all summer long. The difference is that savory (sadly) doesn’t dry well for winter use. I presume you’re talking about summer savory but the difference in flavor and use is minimal. (From a growing perspective, summer savory is a perennial while winter savory is an annual.)
I’m thinking savory would go well with beets, but I’m not totally sure yet. Then again, I pickle my beets or make Harvard beets or roast them and serve them buttered. I don’t often make things using beets with herbs. I’ll have to see if I can find a recipe for it.
Did I ever post my recipe for vegetarian stuffed cabbage? If not, I’ll see if I can recreate it without referring to the index card.
Serves 12
2 pounds Yukon Gold or other waxy potatoes, scrubbed , quartered if necessary
1 pound green beans, trimmed
1/4 cup chopped summer savory leaves or thyme and mint or other herbs as preferred
Mustard vinaigrette (recipe follows)
In a large kettle simmer potatoes in salted water to cover until tender when pierced with a fork, about 10 minutes, and drain in a large colander.
In a large saucepan cook beans in 3 inches salted boiling water over high heat until crisp-tender, about 3 to 5 minutes. With tongs or a slotted spoon transfer beans to colander with potatoes and drain well.
In a large bowl toss together warm potatoes, beans, herbs, dressing and salt and pepper to taste. Salad may be made 1 day ahead and chilled, covered.
Serve salad warm or at room temperature.
1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard
3 tablespoons finely chopped shallots or green onions
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
In a bowl whisk together all the ingredients except the oil. Slowly add the oil in a stream.
The down side to the train is that it seems to be cursed. I keep hearing about breakdowns and derailments between Portland and Seattle.
Besides, the vanpool sounds like fun. We could sing and chatter and not annoy other passengers.
But if we can all sit in a club car somewhere and have a party, and everyone likes the train idea, yeah, we could do that.
Thanks Gypsy-
I actually have potatos from last week…and little onions too. These people enjoy trying out all sorts of heirloom seeds and the veggies are fantastic!…Im still also working my way through a ton of spinach from last week…The cucumbers were so great that I just ate them plain!
You guys should just rent a big old car and carpool down!
Just got back from ten days in Ecuador, where all they have to worry about is getting buried in hot magma and volcanic ash, and a 70% poverty rate, but on the other hand: Not having to hear CNN ‘analyze” Lebanon by interviewing liberal israelis debating reactionary Israelis for ten solid days made me stop grinding my teeth.
[a spectacularly beautiful country by the way; Ecuador, not Lebanon].
The child in me was half-hoping for a deux ex machina on the Maron thang, a product of watching too many crappy movies – you know, where in the last 15 minutes of the movie Morning Sedition improbably is brought back to life and Maron writes his own ticket. Well, reunions generally suck anyway [ a song fragment like “Free As A Bird” would never have been released on any Beatle album made during Lennon’s life, for example].
So now we wait for Comedy Central to give us back the funny, huh?
I just discovered, about fifeen years after everyone else on the planet, how funny The Family Guy is/was. Maybe an animated show would be a good ticket back for Maron/Earl et al.
Glad to see that everyone here is still fighting the good fight, with a delightful Vinagrette on the side. Other than that, be assured that our “hermanos” in Cuenca know that el dumbass mos grande del mundo is still running our country. Given the types of leaders they’re been saddled with, that’s saying a lot.
I’ve been taking the train twixt Stumptown and Seattle for weekly commuting for a coupla’ months now. It’s a fun ride, no breakdowns, a few minutes early sometimes, a few late others.
No paying attention to impaired drivers or speed limits or where that pesky yellow road stripe is.
Apropos of nothing, I found this just marvelously funny.
Hey, cresttwo, I’ve never been a big FAMILY GUY fan, but I was watching AMERICAN DAD the other night and thought it was hilarious.
In a blind taste test between Family Guy and American Dad…
no one could tell the friggin’ difference.
And yes. It’s written by manatees.
Okay, Zeb, are you in for a big trip to Seattle to see Maron perform? That’ll be three of us (I hope; haven’t heard back from Wan Wenxia but I trust she’ll be up for it.) I don’t know the dates yet, but I’ve been totally unable to touch a computer since Thursday until today. Have I mentioned that I hate heat?
This one is pretty damn amusing, too.
My friend Dea assures me that not having seen American Dad is not a problem if I’ve seen Family Guy. She says it’s the same show but with slightly different drawings and no Stewie. No Stewie would disturb me.
Maronade Cavalcade:rofl2:
Well, I have to go try and live longer with the anti-inflammatory attributes of alc.:40: Later
A little something on Israeli Hypocrisy. Selective compliance with UN Resolutions.
I can do the August 26 8:00 show. Friday night is no good; I’m too tired after work (ugh, sign of aging). Must be rested up for Marc.
We shouldn’t wait too long to reserve tickets. I procrastinated when Marc did Jerusalem Syndrome at Symphony Space, and by the time I tried to order, the show was sold out.:-(
Seattle dates are Sept 29 & 30 at Giggles. I posted a page for Maron Gigs on the right there, which I’ll try and keep updated, but for the latest info, you should go straight to his myspace site (if you don’t mind getting a little murdoch on you).
I’ve been reading a book entitled Weed Em and Reap, by Roger Welsch, who writes on foraging and wild foods. Like most books of essays or short stories, it lost my attention about halfway through. (I don’t know why this happens but that’s the way I’ve always been and it wasn’t easy to get through high school English unable to read books of short stories.) Before I lost my ability to read the book, though, I found this recipe and must share it. If you don’t drink whiskey because you don’t like the taste, I suspect this will be an exception for you. If you don’t drink whiskey because you aren’t supposed to drink alcohol, then skip this recipe. There is no substitute for the whiskey in this one. It’s pretty close to cherry season here in the northwest. I cannot wait to try this one.
Roger Welsch
In a large jar, put a 2 inch layer of cherries, pits and all. Add 2 inches of cubed sugar. (It has to be cubed because granulated sugar sinks too fast to dissolve well.) Continue such layers until the jar is full. It doesn’t matter which layer you end with. Pour over it the cheapest whiskey you can find. Add a stick or two of cinnamon, some whole cloves, any other such spice that you like. Cover the jar and twist the cover tightly. Store in a dark place for at least six months.
This has lots of uses, all of them involving really delicious cherries and a cherry flavored whiskey sauce.
Israeli airstrike hits U.N. observer post
Anyone who hasn’t posted on “special Marc Maron site” that PJ put first :banana: PLEASE DO — it is “GREAT” Marc hears from us devotees.
Ahhhh :bow: to the Ancient Temple of Marc Maron with HP Jim Earl — Yes Gypsy, I’ve been Earled. 😉 I need The Cardinal to “Save Me”:!:
(I Believe He and James “sees” periodically :hubba:)
Ali, who heads a union of 19,000 engineers, said “the Israelis have not complied with any of the UN resolutions since 1949. Why hasn’t the world forced Israel to comply with UN resolution 242 which told them to withdraw from Arab lands? And now nobody is forcing them to stop their destruction of Lebanon.”
T :rabbi::omg:
Syria could become involved in the conflict, he said. “It just depends if they (Israel) have this in their plans.”
Did marc actually post there or was it an email?…is he reading the comments?
Here is the Gotham information...I emailed some questions to them and hope to hear back soon.
Yes, that was Marc posting here. Whether he’s reading the comments or not well, who knows?
Melina, are you planning to go to one of the Gotham shows? I think Mr. Brilliant and I are going to take in the Friday night early show. I’m going to call the club and see if it’s possible to make reservations this early. W00t! :banana::banana::banana:
(Marc: I’ll even review the show again.)
Yeah- I definitley want to go…trying to get Mr Sauter and Raging Granny to come down and maybe we can scare up Citizen Kahn and Suz…?My sister wants to come anyway, as does Will if he can get in at his age. I emailed to ask them about reservations and age and smoking and all the questions….
I wonder if SEAnie will be in these parts…his truck company is actually here….But which night…?
we should try to go together and have a big meet up…
Hey, Kat…maybe you can come too…? Is it very far from Atlanta?
A message from Marc, cool!!
Christofascist Zombie Brigade anyone?
:jesus: :rabbi:
Hey Andy…can you make it to NYC for the show at the end of August?
Andy- does that article go into the video game that they made from the Left behind series? I wrote a piece on it on RIPCoco some time ago…with screen captures and all. The idea is that the babies and the chosen are raptured up to heaven, and then your kid can go to work with Jesus and mow down the heathens who are left…and Jesus has a huge array of weaponry for you…um your kid….13 and up!!
I couldnt read that article, so maybe it goes into that…but I did some research intot this video game thing, because its sorta ruining the kids…like, maybe they might have some chance to recover from this crazy religious upbringing when they hit adolescence and rebel…so, brilliantly, they evelop this tool with which to let them be bad and angry with god….
keeps them in the fold…
boy- now that there is no maron show everyone goes to sleep at a decent time….
its so sad….
hey…someone from Piquant read RIPCoco’s post on Marc Maron…a little activity from inside HuffPo too….
My Hubby got to meet and talk to Marc (I am soooo jealous) in LA (thanks to a PJ alert, and me verbally with :love:, pushing hubby out the door). It is a good thing to send LOTS of TLC:love: to Marc, especially now — EVERYWHERE:!: HERE INCLUDED:!:
I do not want it to be this HOT in inland cities :pent:, I pray. Keep the venerable safe from arnold’s evil:!:
Now anyone awake to talk String or M or whatever especially :pent: or similar athesists or Whatever:eek: :wink::D
I would love to talk but very tired:yawn:
:banana::banana:so glad you got to convey your message to Marc and that he managed a fly-by today.
Too tired to talk string:knit:
G’night Druid. Hey one of my best buddies here remembers you from another list. A Druid list. He remembered something about wolves and someone who lives in a town that starts with A.
I also know a clown with the name Coyote who lives in the same town starting with A. Haven’t seen him in years though…
Yessir, Yesler is on my schedule!
sbluefox :love: 😉
re A adr, it was old and when in mtns my P. O. Box
Small World which I try to say , then add “strings” :banana::knit:. I am probably :yawn: brain right now 😮 …I’ve got a plan 😉 would love to talkto friend :banana: If he knows then since “I’m in town now — 😮 I should call a meet as down south 😮 but…… 😀 😉
Old Zeb , JEALOUS:wink:
The only reason I posted again is to say, “If one hasn’t please do:wink:.”
He is a dear one and I know he would love to talk string.
mercurious marky malarky- does that ring a bell
truck has to go into the shop again!:fustrate:
Tell him to write me at email and then we can exchange #, BUT I HAVE UNLIMITED CALLING Cuz of political calls mmmmwha haha 😉
regular email is morrigan_conway@hotmail.com
I give up to trying to be “super sleuth” 8) 😉
Sean :fustrate: I am sorry Sean:!: At least pretty 😀
but “whatever” whats wrong with truck?
even worse truck is going in the shop in salt lake!:shock:
sbluefox … and no one NEEDS to talk :knit: String
it is that as a baby babe many concepts on a “mystical” sense of Quantum physics were similar and a friend in school (when older) and I use to talk regarding concepts. I do not want to “bug” it is just fascinating.
I accidentally sent a “cryptic” blog cuz I was talking with Hubby 😀 oops 😳
what was the word that the commander in chimp butchered yesterday?
Sean it happens so often 😮 I do not remember the “word”…
HELLO, Anyone know what toxic slime bush said yesterday? 😉
it was the very first thing on malloy’s show today made me laugh i actually heard it the first time it happened on c-span
RATS I know I heard but I don’t remember SLIME :jerk: bush — WHERE ARE YOU ….. UTAH 😮
:|3 miles from utah gonna nap then head in so uh later!
night night Sean, stay out of Utah but :yawn::gate: pleasant dreams 😉
I always say “You’re a better man than I, Gunga Din.”
Cuz I could never go where you go 😉
Oh Sean, re-read …you “Are goin in :eek:” but Happy Trails :gate::banana: 😉
Until the rise of modern antisemitism, the mood of European Jewry was optimistic, indeed excessively so. This was manifested not only in the very large number of Jews, particularly in western countries, who simply opted out of classical Judaism, apparently without any great regret, in the first or second generation after this became possible, but also in the formation of a strong cultural movement, the Jewish Enlightenment (Hashalah), which began in Germany and Austria around 1780, was then carried into eastern Europe and by 1850-70 was making itself felt as a considerable social force. I cannot enter here into a discussion of the movement’s cultural achievements, such as the revival of Hebrew literature and the creation of a wonderful literature in Yiddish. However, it is important to note that despite many internal differences, the movement as a whole was characterized by two common beliefs: a belief in the need for a fundamental critique of Jewish society and particularly of the social role of the Jewish religion in its classical form, and the almost messianic hope for the victory of the ‘forces of good’ in European societies. The latter forces were naturally defined by the sole criterion of their support for Jewish emancipation.