It is Friday, right? It’s hard to tell, now that I’m out of the rat race (no offense, Druid) for a little while.
So, yesterday a federal judge ruled what we all knew – dubya violated the first and fourth amendments, broke the law, and is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors (OK, I may have thrown a little bit of my own interpretation in there at the end). Of course, as one redneck wingnut blog I accidentally looked at last night (had to take three showers) stated, she’s not only a Carter appointee, but a black woman to boot. So, obviously, she’s a terrorist lover, and no doubt only got into Yale Law School thanks to affirmative action (note to racist crackers out there: Judge Anna Diggs Taylor graduated from Yale Law School in 1957, and if you’d been paying any attention at all in school before dropping out in the sixth grade, you might recall that affirmative action in 1957 meant you were first in line to get lynched, you ignorant bigot).
So, anyhow, I say we take that Feingold censure idea off the table, and go for impeachment, with civil and criminal trials to take place after Bush and Cheney are tossed out of office. Hopefully the Democrats will have taken back the House by then, so I guess that would probably make Nancy Pelosi the first woman to be president, she’s likely to be the next Speaker of the House. Well, I think I’d rather have Maxine Waters, but I reckon Nancy will do.
Speaking of Democrats, you can go see Marc Maron tonight at a fundraiser for the Culver City Democratic Club. It’s being held at Steinway Hall, which (as you may recall) is underneath Field’s Pianos in LA (if you need directions, I believe Kristapea can help you out, since she went to see Mishna, Marc, and Jim there, way back on April 1st, when the Marc Maron Show was still pretty new – not that it had a chance to get ‘old’ – and we were all looking forward to it being syndicated to a station with a live stream that didn’t preempt the show for sporting events). KP said it was great place to see them, so get out there if you can. We get him here on the East coast next week.
Oh, shit. That means school starts back up a week from Monday. :omg:
Have a good Friday.