Well, we’re up and out early this morning, on our way to visit our CT connection (that’d be Melina, not Joe Lieberman), and take the train into NYC to get us some of that funny. My wife made me give the dog a bath so he could stay with his grandparents, so Marc better be worth it. I’m thinking maybe we can bring him a couple of cats or something. The best part is, I get to use my GPS thing, which I think has been kinda lonely lately (I think the Australian female voice kinda has a crush on me). Anyhow, I dunno as I’ll get to blog while we’re gone, so y’all keep things lively around here, and we’ll give you a show review when we get a chance.
Happy Saturday.
Have a great weekend!
Oh, sure, just leave the drunk person in the other room alone. That’s cool!
Sorry, man, I was out hanging laundry. I’d never hang you out! :no:
Keep it real, peeps. I’ve got to hit the back deck, and if I’m not too “out there” when I get back, I’ll throw it down with ya. That is, if you throw it right back with me!
Should I keep checking the Sedition Edition daily? weekly? monthly? โ
travis! come back to today! :alc:
post script: glad to know you’ve got a strong liver. :40: exercise is important.
I’d say yearly, man! My mind is blown. I think it’ll stay that way for a while. I need some material. Substance! Inspiration! I need a job…well, maybe not that-yet.
I think I need someone else to drink with :hubba:
travis, wanna live in a foreign country and teach English? tealit.com
Travis, I haven’t even had time to make Margaritas but “spiritually” :alc:
Rox- come on over to the new blog.:mrgreen:
YEA:banana:King Kong is #1 :banana:YEA
just barely got here Roxie, you mention your Sis …
I wouldn’t mind going to Taiwan.
Travis, come on over.
I’m here already! It is today, right?
:smack: my fault :rofl2:
Come on over to Taiwan.
I have to go explore the essence of the herb. Be back in a…
I’ll be there, if I ever get the chance:yinyang:
:bong: mmmm
Travis I want to go and look at the sky :tongue::rofl2: :bong:
did you catch the perseid meteor showers?
Roxie look on other thread:!: ๐
King Kong :nod: ๐
I missed the showers this year. Wish I was in Cedarville to see them. ๐
Yeah, heron flew by too
where’s that?
I lost my stash:mad::paranoid:
PJ :rofl2: Just when I need a laugh :rofl2:
Raging Granny made you give Siggy a bath for Grandparents a’sitt’n
:rofl2: . Enjoy Marc … ๐ I’m SOOOOOO Jealous :wink:)
NEVER lose the stash!
It happens
here now
reduced to using the touchscreen keypad…
PJ: KISS MARC AND MISHNA FOR US ALL. even tho they no longer think of us….
btw druid
I don’t know how or if i can pick up any threads on this machine
Roxie, did you see on previous “thread”:?:
morrigan underscore conway at hotm dot well you know the rest.
Look at dates, roxie — all is meant for a reason and if I don’t feed the strays :billcat: well eek:eek: and tea:joe: :banana:
Just showing what you started ๐ :omg: ๐ฎ :rofl2: ๐ฎ :omg: ๐
Fricking Rethugs :jason::jason::jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::jason::jason::jason::jason::jason:
0k now I get it. sounds excellent. next time i’m on a regular computer. tonight probably.
I’m same name at gmail.
time: 7 pm
monday 8/28
place: tractor tavern in ballard
thing: Darcy Burner for congress benefit.
b there or b ?.
There is this thugbot meeting on C-span ..I still have to find those plastic RPGs….search…. search…. search…… search…..where is a suicide bomber when you you need one….search…. search…. search……
When they have these meetings a well placed Ryder truck would do wonders.:fu::fu::fu::fu::fu::jason::jason::jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::jason::jason::jason::jason:
Looks like the bar is open late …..
Its morning/afternoon/evening/tomorrow/whatever
gee wilikers, fred
sometimes I think you must be phishing. an “agent provocateaur” {don’t forget the french accent when you read this}, or you have a plan to lure online homeland security agents to their virtual demise. come on, buddy fess up.
Robert Novak seems to be the thugs key speaker.. I only heard a little bit before I :barf: Why do we allow people like that Fricking insane … and so pompous too :jason::jason::jason::jason::jason::jason::yuck::crap::gate::omg::jason::jason::jason:
Unless your name is Abdul I doubt that Homeland insecurity would ever investigate you.. Its all for show .. to create fear so people don’t organize and throw these bums in the ocean with cinder blocks attached by chains to their feet.:gate::omg::jason::jason::jason:
I ain’t too
This group of thugs lives in a different world.. a separate reality.. They talk only of keeping power to further their agenda.. There agenda will destroy America..they are the terrorists :gate::omg::jason::jason::jason::jason:
I have noticed that Nicki stopped trying to get us into the streets .. It’s such an effective technique..It has really created political change with these rethugofools in power… oh… oh.. now I’m living in an alternate reality.. ..
Rethugs are ๐ฟ rethugs must be :gate::omg::jason::jason::jason:.
Well hopefully Washington Journal will not have many thugbots on today.. hope.. hope… hope…..hope… hurry… hurry… hurry..
Its over its over :banana::banana::banana::banana:
We still need a skin for realplayer that has a boot in the mouth for a mute button.:yuck::eek::eek::eek::growl::shock::paranoid:
fred: they are
losing the battle for hearts and minds. since they seek only more money and power, they become desparate when they sense it slipping away. and they become more dangerous and unpredictable. they are capable of a lot of damage before they go back into their dark holes.
then there are their {christofascist} zombies. they want it all to end so everyone else will stop having a better time than them.
perhaps i am too cautious about stating any desire I might
experience that anyone should suffer any bodily harm…
maybe cuz I get reminded of nixon and raygun, etc.
in any case, your posts are often more stimulating than coffee, just don’t get burned or bitter.
Hi again all —
I feel Fred is like Paul Revere. Aways proclaiming…
Sometimes, especially trying to show the Pro Side (and no longer doing as much of the radical physical actions) at times I could not look at all the :crap: on the Span but I Must Know:!: Fred is there to Light (or hereald) The Way ๐ก
You are absolutely right roxie.. As they see themselves losing power they will become more likely to create some new terrorist event where Muslims terrorize America or where we terrorize the Middle East or perhaps both.. Americans are fat and happy and stupid . They will panic and go back to watching FAUX news 24/7 while curled up in a fetal position under their bed sucking their thumbs. The dems are such a bunch of pansies they will not inspire people to resist or to understand who is doing this :crap: to them. This :fu::crap: will just go on and on..
I see the only solution as :gate::omg::jason::jason::jason::fist:
The rethgofool from the Cato institute doesn’t see the SBR as a rogue state :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
When someone at the Cato Institute finally pulls their head out of their A* we will be making definite progress.:yuck::yuck::yuck::eek::eek:
I see that RawStory got their article about Tancredo fixed ..now if someone would just fix Tancredo..:eek::eek::eek::yuck:
An Iranian plant that produces heavy water officially went into operation on Saturday, despite U.N. demands that Tehran stop the activity because it can be used to develop a nuclear bomb.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated the plant, which Tehran says is for peaceful purposes.
The announcement comes days before Thursday’s U.N. deadline for Iran to stop uranium enrichment – which also can be used to create nuclear weapons – or face economic and political sanctions. Tehran has called the U.N. Security Council resolution “illegal” and said it won’t stop enrichment as a precondition to negotiations.
Mohammed Saeedi, the deputy head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said the heavy water plant is “one of the biggest nuclear projects” in the country, state-run television reported. He said the plant will be used in the pharmaceutical field and in diagnosing cancer.
Heavy water reactors do the same thing as light water reactors do except that the process creates … Plutonium…:eek::eek::eek::eek: the chief ingredient in an H bomb.
Hitler started out trying to make an H bomb except that his scientists could not achieve a high enough temperature to sustain the reaction… That high temperature is achieved by a trigger device which is either a Uranium A bomb or some exotic high explosives..:eek::eek::eek:
I was tired but unable to sleep, but was sent some beautiful Highland Bagpipe music awwwwww:yawn:
:knit::gate:Merry Travels ALL
G’Night, G’Day To One and To All
The thugbots always roll out some babe to defend their antiabortion position..No rethug can ever get pregnant accidentally the back of their neck is in the way.:yuck::yuck::crap:
?dion Contra Shays:
In other big news today, Rep. Chris Shays (R-CT), upon returning from his 14th trip to Iraq, is calling for a timetable to get U.S. troops out of there. The Washington Post describes Shays as a former “ardent supporter” of the war who finds himself in a tight race this year against Democrat Diane Farrell.
Time is ripe for to get rid of that 2-faced weasel.
Morning ppl!
Tell Marc It wasn’t my fault for missing him in Tempe! I know He must have been wondering where I was. :rofl2:
Hey Cnick!
O no, TS Ernesto to head ino the gulf of Mexico? :paranoid:
Hey Kristapea!!! What’s up?
1. Q: Is it likely that martial law is imminent in the U.S.?
Mary Maxwell: Yes. The way has been partially cleared for it legally by the Homeland Security Act, that ‘grandfathered in’ the whole of a secret 1979 executive order dealing with emergency rule. One legal hurdle to martial law still remains, namely, the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which explicitly forbids soldiers to participate in domestic law enforcement. However, Congress could easily annul the Posse Comitatus Act, and is being pressured by the attorney general and the Pentagon to do just that.
2. Q: What is martial law?
A: In popular usage, martial law means that some or all civil liberties are suspended. For example, there could be a curfew, which would prevent people from exercising their normal liberty to walk around after 9 p.m. Legally, martial ‘law’ means that military commanders are assigned to carry out law and order among civilians. Hence, soldiers can determine what the rules are, can arrest civilians for breaking them, and can subject them to summary justice. A person could not turn to the courts for help.
3. Q: Have any democratic countries experienced martial law?
A: Yes, many. For example, Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada declared martial law over Montreal in 1970 in response to kidnappings by Quebec separatists. In the Philippines, martial law under President Marcos lasted from 1972 to 1981. Greece endured ‘the rule of the Colonels’ from 1967 to 1974.
4. Q: At the moment, while the Posse Comitatus Act is still in effect, does it offer good protection?
A: No. Posse Comitatus was substantially weakened by amendments in 1981 and 1991 that gave the Defense Department a role in the enforcement of drug laws. Since then, many American cities have acquired joint task forces composed of military and local police (who can be temporarily deputized as federal officers). A drug dealer, or an innocent person, may have his door broken down–legally–and his home entered by soldiers and police with guns drawn.
5. Q: What does the Constitution of the U.S. say about martial law?
A: The term ‘martial law’ never appears in the Constitution. However, the idea of it is conveyed in two sections of Article I as follows: Section 8 says The Congress shall have the Power . . . (15) To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. Section 9 (2) says The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety will require it.
6. Q: Does the Constitution tell us which branch of government has the right to declare martial law?
A: Yes, the legislative branch has the right. Currently, there are ‘White House radicals,’ particularly in the Office of Legal Counsel to the President, advocating the position that the Constitution can be interpreted to support almost unlimited executive power. However, even they must acknowledge that the above-quoted sections (Sections 8 and 9) appear in Article I of the Constitution, which is the article that allocates specific powers to the legislature! Indisputably, this means that Congress can suspend our right to habeas corpus. One looks in vain for any similar authority for the president. Article II, which lays out the prerogatives of the executive branch, is silent on these matters.
I’m up! :doh:
Someone needs to give Marc Maron my number and have him call me so I can include him in a podcast. I still want to do a podcast with you Kristapea.
Okay Cnick. Maybe tomorrow morning. I have to go to a protest in a few minutes.
Protest huh? Sounds fun! ๐
:hubba: Yeah, we’re hounding JD Hayworth with his voting record. :fu:
Since the SBR can’t secure a country the size of California how would they ever secure the SBR itself with the current army ??.. Some say it would take more solders to enforce martial law in the SBR than served in all of WWII.:eek::eek::eek:
If your secretary of state is a thugbot you run a real hazard of having your election in Nov rigged… ok .. rigged more than usual.:yuck::rant1:
Do you really think all those soldiers would turn against their own people? Sometimes I wonder if our soldiers could really be so brainwashed as to seriously enforce martial law in this country. But I think I under estimate the capacity for humans to be brainwashed.
The thugbots will use the police to enforce martial law instead of the military until they discover that the dissenters have found the police are “soft” targets.. Maybe by then it will to late..:yuck::rant1:
Actually Fred you may be right, I gotta go but my friend said he witnessed the police practicing these tactics where he works at the Coloseum here.
If the thugbots do declare martial law the Reich wing militias will either side with the thugbots or throw a third order tizzy fit..All those brilliant people who were so deathly afraid of losing there guns will be terrified when the wrong party tries to take them away for them..
It could make for some interesting urban warfare in the rich peoples neighborhoods.
Be sure to hide there after staging your raid.
Going to a gun show and buying an unregistered firearm would be of great benefit.:eek::eek::yuck::yuck::rant1:
back for more
n.r.: which branch of congress?
do they have to both pass & reconcile a bill to declare m.l.?
Morning Roxie…
You still blogging from your phone? Did you get a Treo?
Do you have giggles tickets (or reservations yet?)
Althoughshe speaks much truth, the congressional candidate from NH does sound like a wingnut. George Bush used Hinckley to take out Reagan…Oh well, these sorts do frequently get at at least part of the truth on many matters.
a tmobile mda –
i’m still figuring out how it
works, I & it are both very slow.
and I forgot about the free weekend time.
and fred:
“the back of their necks…in the way” hilarious!
As a point of reference
The AK47 and the AR15/M16 do not use the same ammunition
The NATO versions of the M16 apparently don’t use the same ammunition as the US version of the gun.
A good 30-06 might be a better rifle to own than an assault rifle since it can be used over a longer distance and can be typically equipped with a telescopic and/or night vision scope. 30-06’s are typical hunting rifles so the ammunition is also more readily available, however the police and the army use the M16 and it may become necessary to “borrow” ammunition,:eek::eek::eek::yuck::rant1:
Owning a good supply of tracer bullets is also useful with “soft” targets.. Don’t shoot at the police shoot at the back end of their cars and follow it with a few tracer rounds,.. The police often carry guns and ammunition in their trunks and twenty gallons of some very explosive material directly below the trunk. The freepers say it makes for good fireworks. :yuck::paranoid:
roxie…Are you doing any bumbersnooting?
Oh goodmorning fred!:banana::banana:
How goes it?:crap::rant1::rant1:
not yet. I want to do some flyers for the show[s]. 2 nites, 4 shows. i’d like to see a full house all 4, so terry will book them back regularly. are you going to be back soon?
but of course.
it’s an annual religious duty for me. so sad it’s only 3 days this year.
Wednesday I think- not sure..
I was thinking – a wake up sheeple freeway blogger type at 50th:nod:
for Marc.
I have a Nine o’clock and no gas so I better go.
Maybe we can meetup somewhere at b-shoot
Genensky: She really was an amazing character. Hildegard was born at the end of the 11th century, so she’s basically a 12th-century figure. She lived at a time when artists, musicians, writers, etc., never signed their work. They tended to be clerics because the clerics were basically the part of the population who had the most access to education. But they never signed their work because anything that they produced was given up to the glory of God. So it’s amazing that we even know her name or anything about her–that speaks to her significance within the time when she lived. And we probably know about her not because of her music, but because during her lifetime she filled a number of different roles, from spiritual to political advisor. She also wrote a number of medicinal books, and some people say that she is one of the originators of what later became homeopathic medicine. Hildegard did a lot of things that she’s less well-known for, like redoing the plumbing in her convent, which is kind of odd and interesting.
But even during all this public life, which was quite unusual for a woman of that time, Hildegard had been receiving visions from a very early age. By the time she was in her middle age, she actually was dictating to her scribe the details of her visions, and there are illustrations of her visions as well. It was all of this extra-musical activity that led her writings and everything that she produced to be [preserved]–that’s why we still know her. During all of this she was also not only receiving visions, but she was receiving music. Hildegard claimed that she didn’t write the music or the poetry, but that it actually came to her. I guess in modern terms that would be channeling. But for her, it came to her through God.
or both sides of 45th?
cut open an organic melon this morn, and it was so good it was almost orgasmic!
the nra is so strong that I don’t think the masses would tolerate marshal law unless, perhaps, it was on the guise of racial profiling. The white boyz of the nra don’t like to be told what to do by government militia, nee waco folks, tim mcveigh & company etc. :no:
fred, the talk at 79 kinda makes me nervous. Can we have some gentle :peace: instead? I’m better equipped for a good old fashion sit-in and the nra-types (like my wack-job neo-libertarian :rofl2: neighbor) can take care of the marshal law problems, should they arise. :fist:
What kind of education did Hildegard receive from Jutta? It was of the most rudimentary form, and Hildegard could never escape the feelings of inadequacy and lack of education. She learned to read Psalter in Latin. Though her grasp of the grammatical intricacies of the language was never complete – she always had secretaries to help her write down her visions – she had a good intuitive feel for the intricacies of the language itself, constructing complicated sentences fraught with meanings on many levels, that are still a challenge to students of her writings. The proximity of the anchorage to the church of the Benedictine monastery at Disibodenberg (it was attached physically to the church) undoubtedly exposed young Hildegard to musical religious services and were the basis for her own musical compositions. After Jutta’s death, when Hildegard was 38 years of age, she was elected the head of the budding convent living within cramped walls of the anchorage.
4506 NE 6th Ave. 98105
4513 NE 6th Ave…:omg:
The thugbot media will convince the majority of the occupants of the SBR that we will be overrun and everyone will be killed even though not a single shot has been fired..not a single troop transport or landing ship tank flying the Iranian flag has been seen..
The NRA members data base would a good thing for DHS to have a copy of though.. or at least a rumor should be circulated that DHS is seeking a copy. That would completely erase any idea of martial law being declared .. unless all the NRA members were allowed to keep their guns if they signed an oath of allegiance .. :yuck::yuck::eek::eek::eek::paranoid:
Re 79: :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::eek:
Fred, I bet it would be interesting to talk to you my man.
The violence that accompanies so many insurgencies seems to be quite senseless. In the case of SBR the occupation is lead and financed by a very small number of people relative to the population of the country and the thugbot Cool Ade drinkers are really the definition of sheep. Cut off their financing by marginalizing ( translated.. cause them to flee in terror) their supporters and leaders ( one my have to repeate the second step several times since big peaces of s* tend to rise to the top) and there would be no need to involve the general public as a whole.. :eek::eek::rant1:
If it gets that bad in the US I’m moving out-of-the-country. That is provided I’m not on some no-fly list and can obtain a passport. Otherwise I guess I could find an old inner tube and float on the sea to somewhere safe. Perhaps a small deserted island!
The pessimist in me worries about timing here. I so worry that the rethugs will so scare the ignorant in America to allow them to hold on to power. I’d have to consider the consequences to such a retention of power. They beat up on Gay ppl all the time and I’m tired of it. Keep wondering how much longer I’ll be free to walk the streets before I’m hunted down like a wild animal.
This is how militancy is born. You cannot keep people down forever with no hope without a reaction. Just like a wild animal backed into a corner. It will strike back. The only way to vent is through the ballot box. But if the box is rigged, then what? We must be confident that the elections are fair.
Who’s to Blame?
Israel on the Slide
In the aftermath of the Lebanon disaster you can open up the Israeli press, particularly the Hebrew language editions, and find fierce assaults on the country’s elites from left, right and center.
The overall panorama is one of chickens of all ages coming home to roost. Small pustules highlight larger rot. Chief of staff Dan Halutz, a narcissistic bully like a mini-Patton, though without the latter’s tactical talents, took time off the morning he ordered the terror bombing of south Beirut to tell the Bank Leumi to sell his stock portfolio before the market plunged – which it soon did by nearly 10 per cent.
The capacity of the US armed forces to fight intelligently and effectively has been eroded – not necessarily a bad thing of course — by a system of graft-ridden procurement that favors expensive weapons systems validated by bogus tests. Israel’s supposed military requirements have been a particularly ripe sector of that racket and the consequences are plain to see. Israel’s receipt of batteries of Patriot missiles were no doubt hugely profitable for the parties involved in the transaction, but in defensive function entirely useless. The Patriot missile batteries stationed near Haifa and Safed, much trumpeted by the IDF played no significant role in the recent conflict.
Israel’s generals paraded on tv in resplendent uniforms even as those in northern Israel too poor to flee, found either no shelters at all (particularly in sectors inhabited by Israeli Arabs) or, in the words of Reuven Pedatzur in Ha’aretz, “sat for more than one month in stinking shelters, some of them without food or minimal conditions.”
Keep an eye on the polls. They are a harbinger of things to come.
Somehow just knowing that Mr. Maron is in New York makes the day seem brighter. :rabbi::bow::grin:
The Democrats need to develop a spine and fight back against the perception that they are weak on national defense and homeland security. We have the ammunition. But no one is firing it back at the enemy. I cannot understand the silence of the left in regards to all this. Goddamnit ppl. You’ve got to get mad!
Back in May, when the U.S. agreed to join in talks with the Iranian regime if it agreed to suspend uranium enrichment,” the U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton told Neil Cavuto of Fox News that Bush was “taking this step to show strength and American leadership. He’s doing it to say ‘We gave Iran this last chance to show they are serious when they say, “We don’t want nuclear weapons.” This is ‘put up or shut up’ time for Iran.” It was in fact setup time for Iran. By giving Iran an offer it had to refuse, the administration expanded its ability to legitimate further aggressive moves. The expanded UNIFIL mission in Lebanon should be viewed in this context of a relentless drive for regime change in the Islamic Republic. Its presence increases the likelihood that a broader war in the Middle East triggered by an attack on Iran attack will find France and other nations contributing UNIFIL troops on the side of the U.S. and Israel, if only in the Levant theater of an expanding war for the reconfiguration of Southwest Asia. Even if the French, Russians, Chinese and others (along with global public opinion) deplore a U.S. strike against Iranian nuclear facilities, they will not stand in such loud opposition as they did last time—when the U.S. criminally invaded Iraq. That, at least, is the apparent neocon hope. More importantly, U.S. public opinion will more likely accept an attack on Iran if it can be sold as part of the “War on Terror.” Bush has already depicted Israel’s attack on Lebanon as part of that war, and the U.S. corporate media has dutifully portrayed the recent fighting as between Israel acting in self-defense and a “terrorist Hizbollah” acting as a proxy for Iran, the world’s “most active state sponsor of terrorism.”
Let mainstream America know of the shortcomings of the rethug party. They’ve had six fucking years to secure our ports and borders and they’ve done nothing! Tell the American ppl over and over again. Like the right wing has told the American ppl that the media is left wing! Left wing my ass! The media has given Bush a pass since day one! How do you think we got into this mess anyway? Dem’s spineless. Media scared of Bush! This is all BS ppl. and I’m tired of it!
It is good to see that some in the media are now asking the tough questions. Where were they six years ago? I guess they thought it would be more fun to watch the US go down the drain than to build a strong progessive nation.
marshall law/
not soon, I think
{hope}. the “moderate” [read sheeplike] repubs are already moving away from bush asap. would they jump back in line in the event of some scary “terrorist threat”?
some of course, but not all, and after lamont’s showing against loserman [even the republcons occasionally come up with a worthwhile, in hindsight, frame], few dems would dare to ride that bandwagon very far. I hope.
i’m sure there’s at least one mixed metaphor in the above, but it takes way too long to say anything, let alone edit.
which house of congress declares marshall law? do you know how that might work – the steps involved?
All is not going exactly as Washington’s warmongers would like, and some report that the Israeli government has concluded that its American patron’s won’t destroy its “existential threat,” leaving it to the Jewish state to pull off another, more ambitious, Osiraq. (Recall that Israel destroyed a French-built Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1982 and was condemned even by the Reagan administration for this violation of international law.)
The stash has been found, no need to panic:billcat::yawn:
Hey Travis! ๐
Hey, man. I think I’m still drunk- a little anyway
I was looking at writings and pronouncements by Mary Maxwell, Ph.D. She is a candidate for a congressional seat in New Hampshire. She seems to be a sort of constitutional scholar. I believe that she is very critical of the growing unilateral power of the president. She fears that congress can be set up to declare martial law–or rubber stamp the president, ala Iraq. She is probably right.
Article 1, Section 9 states, “The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” Habeas corpus is a concept of law, in which a person may not be held by the government without a valid reason for being held. A writ of habeas corpus can be issued by a court upon a government agency (such as a police force or the military). Such a writ compels the agency to produce the individual to the court, and to convince the court that the person is being reasonably held. The suspension of habeas corpus allows an agency to hold a person without a charge. Suspension of habeas corpus is often equated with martial law.
Because of this connection of the two concepts, it is often argued that only Congress can declare martial law, because Congress alone is granted the power to suspend the writ. The President, however, is commander-in-chief of the military, and it has been argued that the President can take it upon himself to declare martial law. In these times, Congress may decide not to act, effectively accepting martial law by failing to stop it; Congress may agree to the declaration, putting the official stamp of approval on the declaration; or it can reject the President’s imposition of martial law, which could set up a power struggle between the Congress and the Executive that only the Judiciary would be able to resolve.
In the United States, there is precedent for martial law. Several times in the course of our history, martial law of varying degrees has been declared. The most obvious and often-cited example was when President Lincoln declared martial law during the Civil War. This instance provides us with most of the rules for martial law that we would use today, should the need arise.
You need someone to str8’n your ass up Travis! I’m the one who should be drinking not you. You don’t have ppl with torches chasing you down the street screaming: “Faggot, we’ve got you cornered now!”
The presence of multitudes of people in the streets or at the ballot box is not going to be reflected in the positions of our bought and paid for elected officials. The best one can do these days is elect a moderate whether that be a demodorp or a rethug to office.. Almost all the people who fit into the proper mould ( or is that mold) to be an politician in the SBR are wealthy or financed by the wealthy and hence biased toward keeping the rule by the fittest ( translated wealthiest) .. . The way the system is setup to get anything done will requires both houses of congress and the presidency ( as Mr. Novak :barf: pointed out this morning) ..It is doubtful that will happen for another two years if then.. The SBR must get out of the WTO, NAFTA and IRAQ and cut support of Israel like six months ago not in 2009 or 10 or 12 or 2021. Affecting change of this cabal though the election process is at best a wet dream.. Follow the lead of the Iraqi’s :gate::jason::jason::jason::fist:
Congress may decide to suspend the writ of habeas corpus–power to detain you and not have to answer to a court of law (like Kafka describes in
the trial
)–because of a threat of rebellion or invasion. How do you think they might try to accomplish that today? Think of some scenarios.habeas corpus
Lat. “you have the body” Prisoners often seek release by filing a petition for a writ of habeas corpus. A writ of habeas corpus is a judicial mandate to a prison official ordering that an inmate be brought to the court so it can be determined whether or not that person is imprisoned lawfully and whether or not he should be released from custody.
Travis my email is rhubbar7@yahoo.com send me an email with your addy. We need to do a podcast. Anyone else interested please send me an email.
Be right back. Gonna raid the fridge. I’m certain there is some beef stew in there somewhere. Mmm.
Ok, will do, Nick:nod:
Things seem to be slow around here. I think I’ll just go back to the hay.:yawn:
continuation of 119: Found it! Yummy, that sure hit-the-spot! It is bright and sunny here in Birmingham, Alabama. Prolly hot. I donno cause I haven’t ventured out this morning. Nearly noon here. So I just heard that the country of Chad has told Chevron to leave the country that they are nationalizing the oil fields. Wonder what that will do to the price of gas?
Hey, man, I just sent an email, but I’m not sure who I sent it to. I’m too tired to do this stuff right now. I have to go crash for a little bit more:doh:
Yeah I guess its still early out in Seattle Travis. Did you pull an all-niter or something? I turned in around 1 a.m. after a little fun time earlier in the evening and some blogging. Not been so much for talking lately. Just want a break from work. Need a vacation. Not so much to go anywhere. Just to relax.
really interesting
site and candidate, nickirose. kind of hardcore oldtime republican – a bit goldwater like.
a link on her site, marymaxwellfor congress, goes to “liberty.org” newsletter where her campaign is discussed by [mostly] repubs of various stripes. lots of fireworks going on all over the nation.
good reading, thanks.
cnick, check her out. I doubt she has much of a chance, but it’ll give you some hope for the nation.
I have an internal clock that wakes me up no matter how much I may need to sleep. ๐ก I had a couple hours last night, but not an all-nighter.
The “governing powers” will look at each community and find those most politically active or vocal who are on the wrong side and the local police ( in the case of big city) or the FBI will just come and disappear them..one by one over a period of time .. As their associates discover that have been taken away they may cower under the bed in a fetal position sucking their thumb or they may tell the others and they will hopefully slink away into the night.. It will really ruin your life style at its best. Those who have records showing that they have purchased large quantities of ammunition or a firearm will also be visited and the firearms will be confiscated.. perhaps the person will be beaten. With your rights suspended they can basically just take you away never to be seen again.. That is why its important to setup a network of safe places ( well guarded places) and an underground railroad so to speak now before it happens.:eek::eek::shock::paranoid:
Re 123: you must have sent it into the ether cause its not in my inbox. Oh well try again when your over your drunkenness. Later Travis!
๐ Thanks Roxie I will
I think I’ll sit back and listen to my future husband, Michael Buble sing some tunes. Haven’t heard him in awhile. I miss him. Sweetness. So soothing and pleasing to listen too. Oh my, takes my mind off all my troubles. Chill people. I am. Be back in a bit. After Buble.
I noticed that Starbucks is selling a Buble CD.
If there is any indication that the thugs might declare martial law or impose a police state it would be to everyone’s benefit to have organizations set up that would launch an immediate counter attack as apposed to waiting to see you are next. As the saying goes a good offense is the best defense.
The problem is there are few people who see there to be a problem other than the high gas prices. The Mexican Americans on the other hand are highly organized and well armed.:eek::eek::eek::gate::jason::jason::jason:
Cool Nicki. You like Buble? You really should give a listen. He is so fine!
ok let me see who this guy is that you’re talking about
With Bushco there is really nothing keeping them from imposing a totalitarian dictatorship with no approval at all.. They will just heard all the democrats in DC off to the rail yard and transport them off to the Halliburton camps in Arizona. The left will cry and scream and as the crying and screaming voices are also disappeared one by one the peace at any cost nicks will crowd the roads to Canada and Mexico where they will become nice target practice for F16’s. Those remaining will put up signs on the traffic cabinets saying… but… but…but..this is illegal I have my rights .. .until they too are caught and disappeared. Like Niemoller implied ..if you wait to long no one will be around to speak for you.. :eek::eek::eek::yuck::yuck::crap::crap::crap::gate::omg::jason::jason::jason::fist:
and where is krista? is her protest done yet?
He sings “Mack the Knife”! Can’t go wrong with Brecht and Weill.
Buble looks just like my cousin Seth, amazing resemblance actually.
Hey Sean: No I will bring you my 22 long rifle.. you need to learn to walk before you can run..:nixon::peace:
i wanna go see the electric car movie!
what are you guys doing, going out to shoot neocons?
Mack the Knife
Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht wrote this in 1929 for the German play The Threepenny Opera. “Mack” is Macheath, the title character, portrayed as a criminal.
The light melody can make this feel like an upbeat song, but it contrasts sharply with the lyrics, which are about a murderer.
Darin took a chance when he recorded this. His previous hits like “Splish Splash” and “Dream Lover” were aimed at a teenage audience, and this song had very dark subject matter. Darin’s management didn’t want him to record this, but he ignored their advice and it paid off: it introduced him to a wide audience of adult listeners. He became a regular on various TV shows, played a lot of high-end resorts and became the youngest headliner at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas, where he was once a busboy.
This was a US Top 40 hit for 7 different artists: The Dick Hyman Trio, Richard Hayman and Jan August, Lawrence Welk, Louis Armstrong, Billy Vaughn, Darin, and Ella Fitzgerald. Darin’s was the biggest hit.
The Threepenny Opera was playing on Broadway when Darin’s version was released.
This won Record Of The Year at the 2nd Grammy Awards in 1959. Darin performed this on the show.
The original German lyrics have been translated in various ways on different versions.
McDonalds used this in the late ’80s to promote their dinner specials as “Mac Tonight.”
Darin’s biggest hit, it spent 9 weeks atop the Hot 100. Its run was interrupted briefly by the Fleetwoods’ “Mr. Blue.” (The Fleetwoods were from Olympia. Very pre-Indie Olympia.)
Fred’s forming a militia!
bring me an M-16 i have experience!
Cool trivia Nicki thanks!
The Fleetwoods were a singing trio from Olympia, Washington, USA.
Gary Troxel and Gretchen Christopher were two high schoolers waiting for Gretchen’s mother to pick them up after school to take them home. They started singing and humming a song together, and liked it enough to ask Gretchen’s friend and singing partner, Barbara Ellis, to join them as a trio to perform it. The song was at first called “Come Softly” and the group was named “Two Girls and a Guy,” but both were changed en route to the song’s becoming a hit. They performed the song twice at school functions and their classmates wanted recordings of it so they could learn the song. After six months, they got the song recorded. They sang it a capella, then dubbed the instrumental accompaniment, consisting only of Latin-styled acoustic guitar and the rhythmic shaking of Troxel’s car keys.
Bob Reisdorf, the owner of Dolphin Records (later changed to Dolton Records), was responsible for the name changes. He thought that the title was too risque, so he had it changed to “Come Softly to Me,” and he also thought that “Two Girls and a Guy” didn’t sound commercial enough. The three singers all lived in an area where the local telephone exchange name was Fleetwood, and they took their new name from the exchange, becoming The Fleetwoods.
I never thought of Mack the Knife that way. I thought gangster-type characters were natural song topics, hard for me to see it as controversial. But maybe back in those days only gushy songs about romance were considered safe by record companies and everybody was still breaking ground.
It’s war baby!
What’s with all of this crazy talk about taking up arms againt the US Government. There will be no need to suspend your constitutional rights if you do that. BANG! BANG!
:jason:im good up to 300 yards! now if i got myself a scope………
Gonna put those goddamn neocons in their place! They’ll be under the beds sucking their thumbs when we get through!
there’s a train station not far from me, in Mt. Vernon, called “Fleetwood”
I’ve never even held a gun in my hand. I really want to. Is this liberal confessional material??? :omg:
NSA is prolly reading this Fred. We’re in danger of a sneek attack!
Well now thats it has quit raining I will go on my great adventure :eek::eek:to find the CityLights Pavilion..blog with you all later..:paranoid:
The revolution starts NOW!
Or a roundup. Better toss me a gun too. I’ll practice this afternoon in the complex parking lot. There are lots of things to shoot up around here.
have fun Sean and Fred. Start a riot or something. Have fun.
City lights pavillion? Is that a code word Fred? You been sending me morse coded messages on my computer speakers Fred? :paranoid: I thought that was something Karl Rove was doing to try and drive me cRaZy. So do you have a decoder book?
:banana:yeah find it i need directions!
:banana:krista called were gonna go see the electric car movie at 1:45!
:40:mmmmmm candy!
Fleetwood comes from the telephone prefix in Olympia. Back in the day, area codes had name, in which the caller used the first two letters of the prefix to begin dialing a call. FLeetwood 2-4983, is 352-4983.
OXford 4-3925.
Waco ll. OK, Koresh?
yeah. Fleetwood is a nice one. I think my mom said our first phone number was Tivoli 5 something or other
In 1967, the state legislature approved the creation of The Evergreen State College near Olympia, mostly due to the efforts of progressive Republican Governor Daniel J. Evans. Evans later served as president of the college, leaving Evergreen in 1983 when he was appointed to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by Sen. Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson’s death.
Because of the college’s presence, Olympia has become a hub for artists and musicians (many of whom have been influential in punk, post-punk, anti-folk, lo-fi and other music trends (see Olympia music scene)). Olympia was recently named one of the best college towns in the nation.Outside Magazine, September 2003
Olympia hosts the state’s largest annual Earth Day celebration, Procession of the Species, a community arts-based festival and parade. Olympia is also known for its farmer’s market, the second largest in Washington as well as the Washington Center for the Performing Arts.
sounds like an awesome town
Yes. Tivoli…Probably the title of a song, too. One of Portland’s was Babcock, I believe. Many 222 prefixes. KBOO’s number starts with 231-
they should go back to using words, will help people memorize phone numbers better ๐ก
I remember seeing an old poster for the Fleetwoods in Olympia. Probably at a music store.
For anyone who hasn’t yet heard. I interviewed PJ on yesterday’s podcast. Go here to give a listen.
:banana:jackass is friggin awesome!
mm I’d love to make a rock n roll map with rock stars names superimposed over the town/cities they come from. Too ambitious a project, maybe
Speaking of music, what are we listening to right now?
not much of anything, though Tommy Tutone 847-5309 was going through my head :omg::tongue:
I’m listening to Michael Buble singing, “The Way You Look Tonight.”
I have a similar idea–but it concerns only one rocker. I thought of the idea after reading a site devoted to Hildegard. Tracks of Hildegard, and Historical traces of Hildegard.
ok, now Blondie’s “Hangin on the telephone” would be a better choice :nod:
I have been listening to ancient music this morning. Right now it is Hildegard Von Bingen: “Ordo Virtutum,” Sequentia, 1990.
I think she’s probably worth obsessing over a bit
I swear I have heard tivoli 5 something in reference to a song.
Revolution by the Beatles
You say you want a revolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it’s evolution
Well you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don’t you know you can count me out
Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
Alright, alright
You say you got a real solution
Well you know
We don’t love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well you know
We’re doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait
Don’t you know it’s gonna be alright
Alright, alright, al…
You say you’ll change the constitution
Well you know
We all want to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don’t you know know it’s gonna be alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright
Alright, alright
I know, I think it is some kind of song. Must have been one of those doowop artists from the Bronx ๐
If you take any activity, any art, any discipline, any skill, take it and push it as far as it will go, push it beyond where it has ever been before, push it to the wildest edge of edges, then you force it into the realm of magic.
That is a lame song. A total copout. Probably typical for here, though.
there are some things in that song I blatantly disagree with, I mean blatantly.
When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun
When the law break in
How you gonna go?
Shot down on the pavement
Or waiting in death row
You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you’ll have to answer to
Oh, Guns of Brixton
The money feels good
And your life you like it well
But surely your time will come
As in heaven, as in hell
You see, he feels like Ivan
Born under the Brixton sun
His game is called survivin’
At the end of the harder they come
You know it means no mercy
They caught him with a gun
No need for the Black Maria
Goodbye to the Brixton sun
You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you’ll have to answer to
Oh-the guns of Brixton
When they kick out your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun
You can crush us
You can bruise us
And even shoot us
But oh- the guns of Brixton
Shot down on the pavement
Waiting in death row
His game was survivin’
As in heaven as in hell
You can crush us
You can bruise us
But you’ll have to answer to
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
Oh, the guns of Brixton
yes the guns of brixton! how fucking gangster is that song!
OMG, from Buble to the Beatles. What a leap! Now I’m listening to the Beatles. Coolness
Revolution is a cool song. It’s just a song. My Gawd! Listen and enjoy. I don’t always listen to music for the words, just the feelings. To each his or her own!
it’s “gangsta” baby ๐
you sheeple should go find the guns of brixton as done by Jeff Klein
I am now playing a version of “Mack the Knife” on a recorder.
ohhhhh I want to hear!
I personally do not care for gangster music and that rap crap!
Hey Melina, good WiFi signal over here.
re:184 Is that an original?
Oh! Mama, Mama look there!
Your children are playing in that street again
Don’t you know what happened down there?
A youth of fourteen got shot down there
The Kokane guns of Jamdown Town
The killing clowns, the blood money men
Are shooting those Washington bullets again
As every cell in Chile will tell
The cries of the tortured men
Remember Allende, and the days before,
Before the army came
Please remember Victor Jara,
In the Santiago Stadium,
Es verdad – those Washington Bullets again
And in the Bay of Pigs in 1961,
Havana fought the playboy in the Cuban sun,
For Castro is a colour,
Is a redder than red,
Those Washington bullets want Castro dead
For Castro is the colour…
…That will earn you a spray of lead
For the very first time ever,
When they had a revolution in Nicaragua,
There was no interference from America
Human rights in America
Well the people fought the leader,
And up he flew…
With no Washington bullets what else could he do?
‘N’ if you can find a Afghan rebel
That the Moscow bullets missed
Ask him what he thinks of voting Communist…
…Ask the Dalai Lama in the hills of Tibet,
How many monks did the Chinese get?
In a war-torn swamp stop any mercenary,
‘N’ check the British bullets in his armoury
no, Tom Robbins. Trying to find out from what book, not sure yet
but he and I think alike on the great majority of things :nod:
woohoo, the CLASH!
It is a quote that gets at the essential.
there’s more to that quote, if I can find the actual book. I remember after that something about “it doesn’t matter what you choose” and then I thought NR, NR, NR….
I guess I’ll LISTEN to some Depeche Mode now.
Tracks. Where are the tracks? Traces. Identify traces. Coax them to sing.
What is your favorite Depeche Mode recording?
oh it’s from “Even Cowgirls get the Blues” and I no longer have the paperback…and it was, in that book, about hitchhiking. But TR was specific in that said anything at all can be taken that far and that once you took at that far it contained everything else
There are to many from which to choose Nicki. Does anyone here like Nine Inch Nails?
they’ve got some cool songs
Yes. Ever listen to “LOST Highway” album?
I liked “Pretty Hate Machine.”
PJ, are you and RG at Melina’s?
I’m listening to your podcast cnick – interviewing PJ…what fun!
don’t know “Lost Highway.”
Cool FK. Be kind, it was my first time!
Lost Highway is a soundtrack for a film. Several good groups on it.
This guy I had a thing for introduced me to NIN’s. He was so HOT! And a wild one, bad boy. I like them bad boys.
Soundtrack CD
1. David Bowie: I’m deranged (edit), 2:38
2. Trent Reznor: Videodrones; questions, 0:44
3. Nine Inch Nails: The Perfect Drug, 5:16
4. A. Badalamenti: Red Bats With Teeth, 2:57
5. A. Badalamenti: Haunting and Heartbreaking, 2:09
6. Smashing Pumpkins: Eye, 4:51
7. A. Badalamenti/D. Lynch: Dub Driving, 3:43
8. Barry Adamson: Mr. Eddy’s Theme 1, 3:32
9. Lou Reed: This Magic Moment, 3:23
10. Barry Adamson: Mr. Eddy’s Theme 2, 2:14
11. A. Badalamenti: Fred and Renee Make Love, 2:05
12. Marilyn Manson: Apple Of Sodom, 4:27
13. Antonio Carlos Jobim: Insensatez, 2:53
14. Barry Adamson: Something Wicked This Way Comes (edit). 2:55
15. Marilyn Manson: I Put A Spell On You, 3:31
16. A. Badalamenti: Fats Revisited, 2:32
17. A. Badalamenti: Fred’s World, 3:01
18. Rammstein: Rammstein (edit), 3:26
19. Barry Adamson: Hollywood Sunset, 2:01
20. Rammstein : Heirate Mich (edit), 3:03
21. A. Badalamenti: Police, 1:39
22. Trent Reznor: Driver Down, 5:18
23. David Bowie: I’m Deranged (reprise), 3:48
It’s wonderful, cnick. No need to fret! ๐
Go Trent! . . . Bowie . . . coolness!
whoa, good lineup
God, I forgot what great songs are in “Pretty Hate Machine.” Kinda I want to and SIN. Coolness
You are the perfect drug. The perfect drug. The perfect drug.
:banana:the smashing pumpkins song has the most ridiculous bass ever!
Brings back some memories, both good and bad!
david lynch kicks ass!
that looks like a great soundtrack.
I hear about that on the Mark Riley Show.
I’m gonna have to put this CD on my ipod so i can listen when I’m on the road. :tongue:
hey everyone…yes theyre here and down at the other house. I think that the linksys stretches down there and he has his laptop but am not sure if theyre just resting up from the drive or what.
Im watching Mahr tape from last night.
He has so much material…having been on break for so long.
No ellensburg trip. i guess i’ll just go to the district:yawn:
Damn I missed Bill Maher. Wonder if I can get a podcast of the show?
my god…spike lee. Kos, elvis costello….and hitchens….what a lineup. I thought he had booked ann colter.
Charter may have it on VOD. Have to check.
nick it is usually on hbo on demand if you have that…it gets put up by Sunday…and Im sure its on a torrent somewhere…but they replay it and put it in the library, dont they?
When I get through listening to “Pretty hate machine” I’ll go check out Maher.
I feel a little like Brilliant at B – happy knowing Marc is, well, on the east coast, and people are going to hear him. This “fan” thing is sort of odd! never been a fan before. :fire:
Yeah I have HBO onDemand. Cool. So I’ll check it out.
(Did you know that)The famous emir Beshรฎr, ostensibly a Muslim, was really a Maronite; but after his fall the condition of the Maronites changed for the worse. A merciless struggle against the Druses, commencing in 1845, devastated the whole Lebanon. Two emirs were then created, a Maronite and a Druse, both bearing the title of Kaรฏmakam, and they were held responsible to the Pasha of Saรฏda. In 1860 the Druses, impelled by fanaticism, massacred a large number of Maronites at Damascus and in the Lebanon. As the Turkish Government looked on supinely at this process of extermination, France intervened: an expedition led by General de Beaufort d’Hautpoult restored order. In 1861 the present system, with a single governor for all the Lebanon, was inaugurated.
The modern Maronites have outposts all over the place. And they actively seek peaceful means to resolve conflict, both inside of Maronia and out.
Tell Marc to call me Melina! PJ has my number. And we can all listen to him on the blog. And tell him to get his ass back on air. We miss him much!
have outposts “all over the place” !!! :tongue: Indeed!
Who here is of the Maronian Diaspora?
Sounds like you have an Estate there Melina. Two houses? Can I come visit sometime? I’d love to see your beautiful State. Never ever been to the NE part of the country. Me never even been out of the Southeast. I live a sheltered life I’m afraid!:roll:
Wow….I love elvis costello….
Nick, I will see if we get to talk to him and tell him about your podcast.
hehe one of the lost tribes :sdavid::pent::
sure you can nick….I dont even think its that long. Its not really an estate tho I guess that pj and rg will have to commment on that. Its pretty small, but old and interesting.
very impressed with elvis’ intelligence about america
…and followed by hitchens….heh heh…
Mahr might not be posted right away on On Demand…but it will get there.
I would think Marc would love to sit back and relax with you guys after the show. Perhaps you all could go have a drink or drinks with Marc. He seems rather laid back and approachable to me. Try. You might be surprised!
More Diaspora news:
Dismissing an argument of the three former deputies that โthere are no Maronites in Jordan,โ Judeh pointed out that โinformation suggests that there are more than 1,000 Maronites in Jordan.โ
The Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, Nasrallah Sfeir, told the Jordan Times in an interview earlier this week that there are around 150 Maronite families in the country. A Maronite priest in Amman, Father George Shihan, placed the size of the Maronite community at around 1,500.
Judeh also stressed the long history of the Jordanian Maronite community, โwhich ranked sixth in the list of nine churches recognised by a Royal Decree published in the Official Gazette on July 8,1958.โ
Judeh stressed that โthere is no difference between Jordanians in rights and duties.
I meant, that long a drive:grin:
From Bham to Connecticut is prolly a long drive for me. And I’m prolly on a no-fly list after writing that nasty letter to Geo Bush. So I guess the only way I could get there is to drive or ride a bus. And riding a bus doesn’t sound to nice. Aren’t there stinky ppl on buses?Or is that just a wild rumor I’ve heard?
those Maronites sure get around… :rabbi::peace:
i was so happy that someone other than me called my congressman a corrupt fuck!
The project is to revive Maronaic as the spoken language
of the Maronite community in Israel, with the ultimate goal being for this to spread to other Maronians here and in other countries. There are about 8,000 Maronians in Israel, and preliminary research has suggested that they are quite interested in such a project.
cnick, do you have a passport?
so what does Maronaic sound like? I wonder if it’s a mix of neurotic but often witty observations of life…
Marc said at one point during his show that he had a garage full of equipment and he mentioned he had a Apple computer. So he prolly has all he needs to do a podcast. Perhaps he needs a little direction or prodding by you Melina. Maybe we can get him to produce at the least a weekly podcast. I know there isn’t any money in doing podcasting. But there will be someday. And he could always offer it on a subscription basis. So there!
:rofl2: :fist:
So I figure that the creative ppl at Air America are now out-of-reach for Marc since the cancellation of his show. People like Kent Jones. But Jim Earle is prolly still in Burbank don’t you think?
ย Elias Hoyek was born at the village of Helta, Batrun, in December 1843. He did his primary and elementary studies in the Seminary College of St. Marc Maron, in Kefar-Hay near Helta. He was admitted to the seminary of Ghazir, run by Jesuit priests, in October 1859. There he studied French, Arabic, Syriac, Latin, Maroniac, Greek and Philosophy.ย
I can’t believe that Marc would prefer “standup” to radio! I’d be petrified standing in front of an audience. I’d have to be drunk or drugged up!
ok well one last thing then im off to the movie!
Maronic Egyptians
The documented presence of Maronites in Egypt dates back to 1639. In the 18th century the Holy See appointed two Maronite priests to serve as advisers to thee Franciscans who came from the Custody of the Holy Land to evangelize Egypt because “no one knows the land and mentality of the Copts like the Maronites”. :omg: The present-day community numbers 20,000 faithful. The current Bishop of Cairo is the Most Rev. Joseph Dergham. The Patriarch, Cardinal Nasrallah Milfington, resides in Brkekeh, Maronia.
born in the 50’s….
See what you can do Melina. We’ve just got to find a way to get Marc back in radio. If all else fails perhaps you guys can get him drunk, tie him up and put him in the back of your car and take him back to your place. Chain him to a room in one of your houses and force him to podcast!
Remember that movie, “Misery?” You can play Kathy Bates role.
Cardinal Nasrallah Milfington, resides in Brkekeh, Maronia.
:rabbi: :jesus:
St. Marc Maron and his followers were forced to migrate to Lebanon following assault by imperatorial troops and persecution during the Yankee conquest. The Patriarchal Seat was then transferred to kfakekehi, Mormilkma, where a monastery was built (โHead of Maronโ) to house the skull of St. Maron.
I need a :40:
“persecution during the AAR conquest…”
He continued his higher learning at the Monastery of St. Maron where he mastered mathematics, sciences, philosophy, theology, maronaic linguistics, and The Sacred and Comedic Scriptures. It was at the Monastery of St. Maron where he professed his comedic vows and was ordained to the evangelical comedy priesthood. Adopting a serious name as was the tradition, he chose the name of the Monastery, thus the name Marc Maron.
Thus it is written.
the wise man we know and love…
waaaaa I need to blog more! :omg:
Its gonna be hard for anyone to catch Nicki.
Monastery, in Kfakika, Kafka, and was entertaining there. He first celebrated in the Maronite calendar with that of Cardinal Malchik, i.e. on February 9th, until in 2005, Patriarch Youssef Estephan Goldbrick from the Holy Ghosta moved the feast of St. John Maron to March 2nd at Berbakka, a’Kalifonia.
But your right behind her Susan!
I’m a Warrior. A Warrior. I’m an….:omg:
Oh I caught Nicki… ๐
I guess I’m missing something here! ๐ :doh:
Somebody just went by #666!
hehehe Oh God
I feel like Alicia Silverstone!
Aug 26, 2006 12:38 PM
Ten away from foggyblue. Should be easy to catch foggy since I never see fog here n e more.
What’s happ’n Travis?
I wonder? Where is everyone?
I’m just at a cafe here in the U-dis. Not much, I guess.
When does Druid join us? I have the hardest time understanding that woman, but I am mysteriously drawn to her.
Big plans for the night Travis?
I’m sure you could have her call you for your podcast.
And that astrology thing. :omg: do ppl really buy into that stuff? The world is round after all.
No, just the usual:40:
I tried once to get her on. I think she’s kinda shy. Good with words though. I wonder if she’d be even more interesting over the phone?
What is your favorite watering hole in Seattle Trav?
You’d have to stay up pretty late, though, for the podcast interview
I’ve only been to a couple, but at the moment it’s the moon.
What’s “The Moon” like Travis?
It’s a run down little place here in the u-dis that heron turned me on to
From where I live you could walk to several places for drinks. I’m not so much into drinking though. I do now and then. Like sex better. I’m pretty good at that. he he. But let’s not talk about that. I’m trying to pass foggyblue. Just a little more BS and I’ll be there.
I don’t like picking up BS, but you can keep throwing it down, though
You go there for the free WiFi and the drinks Travis? To bad drinks aren’t free. Need to find a chick that digs you. Preferrably an older lady, nice looking, with money. You be her giggolo. Have it made Travis. Till she caught you out running around on her.
Got’s to be careful with the ladies. I should know. :doh:
Yeah I saw your picture on your blog. You’re a good looking guy. Prolly not have any probs picking up rich ladies.
Well, the bar opens in a few minutes, so I think I’ll head down that way.Keep my eyes open, Nick:paranoid:
Um, for some reason or another I’ve com up a little short on that. I dunno, man
I’ll drink with you. Anytime Travis! Have fun.
see you in few… I mean after.:40:
It’ll take some doing to catch quitegirl! ๐
Ah hell, I like a challenge!
I wish :santacool: would bring me something nice this coming Christimas. If he doesn’t I’ll prolly :fustrate: my head against a brick wall. I’m very :paranoid: and wild as a :billcat:. Maybe I could celebrate :menorah:? I’m often
with envy at the nice things some ppl recieve for Xmas.
I need a :joe: of coffee to wake me up.
I’m as ๐ก as hell and I’m not gonna take this n e more!
:omg: what if there really is a God? I’d be in deep shit then.
I’d have to :bow: down and get on my knees. But ๐ that wouldn’t be hard. I’m an expert at that. Go figure! Yes, I’d prolly be more welcome in hell by them little :evil:. Though my :love: belongs to Jesus. Some madman with a :jason: keeps chasing me down the street. I hope he doesn’t catch me. I’d hate to be cut. I’m certain it wouldn’t make me ๐
Still aways to go. Damnit!
I’d rather have a :spank: on the ass by a cute guy. But Jesus would :no: to that. Oh well, life isn’t always easy for us ๐ guys. But its ๐ I won’t get :mad:.
Someday maybe the world will be a better place. For you and for me.
I’m gonna listen to some Depeche Mode now and chillout. By myself ‘cept for DM. Pot would be good right about now. Where is that stash Travis?
I just got a package from WFMU.
Cool, “Ultra” CD Depeche Mode. Nice.
oh yeah?
anyone heard of Desmond Dekker?
Having fun yet Travis?
This thing is acting strange!
Albums: The Original Reggae Hitsound of Desmond Dekker and the Aces, Action!, Rockin’ Steady: The Best of Desmond Dekker, and more…
Songs: 007 (Shanty Town), 007 (Shanty Town), Israelites,
thanks google
I’m poised to pass Quitegirl as long as she remains quite.
Some Guy named Bill Sprears was talking to me about that band, and he asked me to get the lyrics to that Israelites song.
I’m in the Floyd.:shock:
Nadal Returns to New York with Big Goal
NY Times Story by Christopher Clarey
Watching Rafael Nadal cavort about the worldโs tennis courts as if he were plugged into an infinitely renewable source of energy, it is no stretch to envision him tackling all aspects of life with the same manic zeal.
But Nadal, believe it or not, is not prone to scissors kicks and fist pumps when there is no racket in his left hand or bandanna holding his thick, dark locks more or less in place. A teen idol who is no longer a teenager, Nadal, a 20-year-old from Spain, also has a reflective side, and New York brings it to the fore like no other Grand Slam city.
read the full story here.
This Tennis player is way HOT!
Your Money
Bargains Are Near; Just Keep Waiting
Story by Damon Darlin. NY Times
As the economy slows, manufacturers and consumer electronics retailers are growing more anxious โ and pushy.
Continue your buying binge, they tell consumers. Now is the best time to buy digital cameras, notebook computers and big-screen televisions, they say.
Annoy them. Wait even longer to buy any electronics. The cardinal rule of the industry is that prices always go down. There is no reason, despite increasing inflation pressures elsewhere in the economy, for that to change this year. Remember that you rarely need new electronic devices.
When you do โ or you think youโve waited long enough โ you can turn the makersโ and merchantsโ competitive natures to your advantage. The market for digital cameras, flat-panel TVโs and external hard drives for backing up data, an emerging category, are especially tumultuous right now.
read the full story here.
I’d throw it down, but I’m pretty snoozed out right now.
Episcopal dioceses wrestle with leaving church over gays
As a moderate Episcopalian in the conservative diocese of Dallas, Dixie Hutchinson doesn’t find her strength in numbers. “Nobody around here would elect me to anything,” she says. Soon, she may find herself even more isolatedโbecause of controversy over the role of gays in her church.
Dallas bishop James M. Stanton is among the leaders of seven Episcopal dioceses who have rejected the authority of the denomination’s incoming national leader, Nevada bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, as the debate over the Bible and gay relationships tears at the church.
The move, prompted partly by Jefferts Schori’s support for gay relationships, falls just short of a complete break. But in October, Dallas-area Episcopalians will meet to more fully consider their future in the denomination.
read the full story here.
And too self-conscious.
The Doors are much better than the Floyd:nod:
A tale of persecution in Iran
Maryam knew she was a lesbian from an early age, but in Iran, being gay is punishable by death. Facing far more than parental disapproval, she was kicked out of school, fired from a job, imprisoned, and tortured, all in an unsuccessful effort to change her sexual orientation. Finally, she escaped to France, where her asylum request was still pending at press time.
In this international exclusive, a lesbian victim of torture in the Islamic Republic of Iran speaks on the record for the first time about the horrors she suffered at the hands of a regime that has made homosexuality illegal and punishable by death. Maryam, 25, was expelled from school, forcibly hospitalized, arrested, and tortured for being a lesbian before finally escaping Iran. She eventually wound up in France, where she currently lives in an internment camp. Although she’s filed an application for asylum as a sexual refugee, given the conservative French governmentโs new crackdown on illegal immigrants, Maryam could be deported back to Iran at any moment. โI donโt know what I will do if the French government sends me back to where my execution pillar is awaiting me!โ she says. Doug Ireland spoke to her by phone, aided by a Persian translator, from Paris, where she had traveled for a day to file documents for her asylum request. Here, in her own words, is Maryamโs story.
read the full story here.
Who is self-conscious?
Well Im running police on my back
Ive been hiding police on my back
There was a shooting police on my back
And the victim well he wont come back
What have I done?
I been running monday tuesday wednesday
Thursday friday saturday sunday runnin
Monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday
Saturday sunday
Yes, Im running down the railway track
Could you help me? police on my back
They will catch me if I dare drop back
Wont you give me all the speed I lack
i think i should leave now. later:peace:
Go here and put in the following addy: 2000 Heatherbrooke Road, Birmingham, Alabama and you will see where I live on Google maps. Click the Satellite button to see a pic of the area. BTW, that is not my exact addy, but close enough. :tongue:
Coolness I think I see my car out in the parking lot!
I lovvvve that song
My roommate wants to buy a house. He is pre-approved for a loan. But we signed a lease until July of next year. :holla: So any lawyers out there know what we could do to get outta this lease? Could we ask to go month to month until my roomie buys a home? You think they’d let us do that?
I’m sure Karl Rove already knows where I live. I’m certain he’s planted listening devices in my bedroom. Prolly all over the apartment. Prolly thinks we’re subversives or something. That ass! Turd blossom. Goober. I wish I were going to see Marc Maron.
13 to go, 14 to pass, well make that 13 to pass now . . . :doh:
Travis if you were here we could go down to the pool for a swim. Prolly some chicks down there you’d like. I doubt their rich though. They wouldn’t be living here if they were.
So I donno what I’ll do tonight. Haven’t heard from Eric. Well I haven’t checked for messages. But I like being here alone anyway. Be nice to have someone around to go out with. Dinner and a movie. Then hit the Pheonix or the Quest later on. The Quest is the favored spot for twinks. A more mature crowd at the Pheonix, if you can put up with those weekend drag shows. Guys dressed up like women mouthing Madonna songs. Give me a break! I must say that some of these drag queens look like real women. Freaky. I want a man myself, not some fake woman. O well.
cat stevens.:billcat:
Did you pass out Travis? Kinda early for that man!
Im as slow as a stone, waiting for the sun
What time is it? 5:46 P.M., hmm
Yeah, things start happ’n after dark. Brings out the darker side in most ppl. Or so it does in me. I love it. Need to have a party. But all my good friends are up in the Florence area of Alabama. BTW, that weirdo, John Karr is a Alabama native from Hamilton or Halyville in NW Alabama, not far from where I was born. I thought he looked familiar. Kinda freaky really, but I could swear that I’ve met him before. He looks so familiar. I still think he’s just a loon. I think JonBonet’s father did it. I donno what makes me think this other than I guess that ransom note found in the home. I’d be shocked if John Carr had anything to do with this crime. He’s just to freaky!
I don’t think they’ll pick you for jury duty any time soon.:tongue:
Pass the gin Travis!
I should go, so other people can sneak in or something.
Where is everybody? Druid are you around?
sneak in?
I never feel like I’m getting the full story from you Travis. So much to learn.
Your prolly a sneaky person. Huh?
I bet it would be fun to get fucked up with you. We’d be laughing our asses off. Get the munchies. Good thing I live near all the fast food places.
I just passed Quitegirl! Hot Damn
I reached my goal for tonight. Now I need some sex!
Prolly have to go out for that!
I guess I could get on manhunt. Some nice ones there. Woo Who. No drag queens need apply.
I guess I should check my messages. I’d hate to hurt Eric’s feelings. I think he lacks confidence. He really is a nice guy. Cute too. But I donno. I guess I’m really (speaking honestly) wanting someone different. Maybe I’ll never settle down.
Okay, I’ll be lurking in the corner of the room.
What time does that tapping start today?
maronspace isn’t working for me right now.
says tomorrow at 9:30 P.M. for the taping
Aug 25 2006 8:30P
Gotham Comedy Club NYC New York NY
Aug 25 2006 10:30P
Gotham Comedy Club NYC New York NY
Aug 26 2006 8:00P
Gotham Comedy Club NYC New York NY
Aug 26 2006 10:00P
Gotham Comedy Club NYC New York NY
Aug 27 2006 9:30P
Comedy Central Presents taping at The Hudson Theater New York NY
Where’s the Heron?
Reading damnit:omg:
cnick is after my ass and you need a rich older woman :hubba:
I’m going crazy here at the bookstore.
yeah i’m not to far behind you now! he he
And what was fred all jacked up on today?:joe::joe::joe::joe::joe::crap::crap::crap:
and after sex I’ll prolly burn one!
Travis why is bookstore freaking you out?
I keep hearing interviews for Fiasco… You should just go grab the book sit in a chair and start reading!
Don’t get me started! Remember I’m closing in fast!
Um, I think I’m freaking-out the people in the bookstore with all my facial expressions
PJ, RG and Melina!!!:banana::banana::banana::banana:
I’d go cRaZy in a damn bookstore on a Saturday night too!
Like this:growl:
gnashing of the teeth/fangs?:mad::fu:
Oh, some girl told about the shirt that she wore to bed. That freaked me out. It was actually the same shirt that I’m wearing now. Alaska Grown.:omg:
uh, more like :cool::banana::rofl2: and grabbing my face alot.
Off my back cnick :rant1:
Now a sex club might be nice. Long as there are some HOT guys there. No fat old hairy ugly men. :barf:
crabbing your face? How is that done?
Do I have to google? don’t make me google:tongue:
Now it’s:mad::mad:!!
Where are you sitting? By the fireplace?
I guess your safer at the bookstore with that drinking problem you have Travis. You stay there and read a good book.
I think tomorrow I may try to roust out gypsy…It is really freakin’ hot down here and I am in a bit of pain…:doh::hot:
I will never get any sleep tonight…:shock::shock::shock: 4 hrs on the Interstate inside Denver :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::doh::doh::doh::fustrate::fustrate::paranoid::paranoid:
And this only a Saturday afternoon.:eek::eek::yuck:..
I knew there was some reason to go to Pueblo via Limon..Now I remember ..:eek::eek:
Um, no fireplace that I can see is in here. I’m in the back with the round tables with the electrical outlets under the long bench
Seattle must be a cool place to live. Bet they have some hot gay bars in that town. Prolly some really fine men too.
Looks like we had a good jam session at the bar .. err…. blog this afternoon. :shock::shock::omg:
Yeah..I know some of them…they might fall for your accent..
Where did you go Fred?
Thats cool- I hope you bought a drink :40:
So they like us southern men huh? Likes to show them some hospitality!
No Cnick when they talk of ferries in Seattle that means something quite different than ferries does in Bama.:shock::shock::shock::smack:
I wonder how Raging Granny’s :billcat::billcat:’s did in the car?
cnickthomas and travisdem_04
And greetings to All others,
I am just rushing by and probably use this place as a forum, but I am hardly ever able to read the messages. :rofl2::lol::rofl2:
(my type of sick humour)
I had gone a week of almost no sleep so was a bit “Madwoman of Chalot” (When I lived in Mad River I was called (loving?teehee) Mad Woman ๐ก of Mad River :omg: :banana: :omg: (sick humour with truth (always)) Travis = LBH ๐
Next week it is as last week :yawn: :omg: :yawn: …again hardly no sleep will be.
And yes re Astrology. It should be viewed as another piece of the puzzle called Life, thus Play the Game … But it is A Piece of the Puzzle…Not the whole Puzzle.
But I take it ALL very seriously, so I beg don’t just say…unless you want a HUGE “diatribe”. :omg: :eek::eek::eek: :omg::cool::wink:
hmm . . . :spank: me :omg:
HEY DRUID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:omg::banana::banana::banana::love:
Sorry Dru about my lack of faith in astrology. But I doubt God too . . . so :spank: me. I’ll try to be more open minded.
I want you to podcast with me Druid. Pretty please! With sugar on top of it!
We share the Capricorn Moon:nod:
you need to pee pee travis?
What’s the matter?:smack:
Yeah he seems kinda fidgity:nod:
Bathrooms are upstairs and to the left…
:holla::holla::holla: I’m homesick!:billcat::billcat:
:nixon:went with krista to the electric car movie!
:fu:mr president!
:yawn:ok sleep sleep!
I had to go all the way upstairs!
cnickthomas, :love: I do not care if one believes, I am just saying for me,
that it just is a part of my DNA, thus me … so I am sorry for my lengthy decrees:love:
sblueheron, WWWoooo a double Cap ๐ cool ๐
Night night seanie sean:shock:
I went out to find the CityLights Pavilion..so I didn’t have to do that from scratch on Monday when Sean is going to be there. I think I will try something different from the Interstate tomorrow afternoon and see what happens. Traffic even on Saturday was terrible.. It took forever..:eek::eek::eek::yuck::yuck::shock::shock::shock::shock::fustrate::fustrate::paranoid::paranoid:
:yawn:Now go to sleep bitch!
Die, motherfucker, die! Ugh, time’s up, bitch, close ya eyes
Go to sleep, bitch! (what?)
Why are you still alive? How many times I gotta tell ya, close ya eyes?
And go to sleep bitch! (what?)
Die motherfucker die, bye, bye, motherfucker, bye, bye!
Go to sleep bitch! (what?)
Why are you still alive? Why, die motherfucker, ah, ah, ah…
…Go to sleep bitch!
I’m a triple Cap- Is that bad?:no:
hey so there a good place to eat near there? is it right by the pepsi arena?
Seanie sean:spank:
Now go to bed!
SeanMS :yawn: :knit: :gate: sleep well ๐
When awake explain #426
Travis…looks like I’ll be back Wednesday..unless I drive on through and go to Bellingham:shock:
Bellingham, why?
Druid do you have my times and date?
Oh the usual…:knit:
There are a lot of Brew pubs farther down town on Larimer Street. I would assume they are still open nearly all night.. they used to be ..I will see if I can check the hours on a couple tomorrow. The Pavilion and the Pepsi center use the same parking lot..
Aren’t you tired of the usual?
Honestly I am exhausted from all of this flitting about:shock:
๐ฏ just lay down and rest.
sblueheron, Whoa Woman I think it is “TRES” Wicked Good except it depends what you want to do with it … Earth Calls ๐
I really liked that walk in the park looking for heron- that was a friggin’ holiday for me.
:doh:i went to see who killed the electric car movie with kristapea and i said fuck bush um ok night night sheeple!
But air pulls me up like helium….:banana:
You should look at it if you want.
eeks Bill Maher turned 50 in the same month I turned 50.
Same with Mel Gibson…
SBlueFox ie Heron, “I have unlimited calling” :wink:.
That’s funny, Sean. I can image somebody in a movie theater getting a little crazy and yelling out profanity about Bush. I know people who do that to the television:rofl2:
I can’t help but observe that cnick must be having sex about now…
Somebody’s got to do it?
Oh…..I saw a book today that had a pattern for a hand knitted grenade for throwing at the TV…Maybe I can knit that for Fred.
But not out of hemp…sorry.
Come on fred you know you need one…
Is Fred a need machine too?
6 people here and I’m talking to myself…:sheep::sheep::sheep::sheep::sheep::sheep:
cnickthomas, we whould talk ๐
SBlueHeron, re 451 :rofl2::lol::rofl2: ๐
working:tongue: and lurking :hubba:
I will be disappearing on and off ( and around) but will check in periodically. ๐
nope I’m talking to Eric on the phone
It’s funny when people do that on the street
Yeah..I guess, if Marc says so…
Hey I got some spam recently that was titled- Hey Buddy, What’s Up?
Re 456: So is that a yes or a no? Druid
Well a knitted Hand grenade would probably be easier on the TV than my laptop was on the wall behind it.. I fortunately missed that day.. :shock::shock::shock::eek::eek::fustrate::fustrate::paranoid:
I feel like a shut-in:fustrate::tinfoil:
SBlueHeron 452 :knit: :rofl2::lol::rofl2: ๐
I think you need one then fred…I’ll see what I can do for ya’:knit:
If I ever get done with this friggin’ huge planetary hemp hat!
How so?
Oh, sure…that wasn’t an over statement!
I’ll see if last night’s salad is still good..If not I will go to the restaurant and maybe force a :40: to relax.
Ok, I’ll catch ya later:peace:
At the rate I’m going Fred’s grenade will look more like a caber or a medicine ball:knit2:
Where you going Travis?
I’m going to go eat something. I’ll read what ya throw done when I get done
I can’t seem to get a str8 answer out of Druid damnit. Druid, I promise to be nice on the phone.
okay Druid come back into the room. I’ll stop pestering you about doing the podcast since I sense that you aren’t interested in doing it. I love you anyway.
Oh, man. I sent Nick’s email to Heron:doh: I need to not write stuff when I’m that zonked
The salad was still good so I guess I am stuck here:tongue:
Yeah, I just got a small latte at the A
Is Marky mark there?:banana::banana::banana:
I’m homesnick:billcat:
No mark. Sorry.
Maybe you could get him to blog with Druid?
Who’s there then? besides yourself- who is working the machiine?
Oh, yeah, the connection thing. If I see him, I’ll try.
It’s kinda slow right now. Maybe three or four people
Uh….some guy. I dunno:doh:Cnick might like him, though
In any case he is a good person to talk to if you see him…
I’m really not that good with words.You’ve heard me :doh:
That is too slow…:joe:
Order one for me:alc:
Not enough T not enough…from your writing I know you have the words…so just relax..
I’m broke. that’s what the bar does to people. I think I barely have enough for bus fare
Awwwwman….I know there’s pennies in that alley. Good luck ones. Remember?
:banana: I just found five bucks in my pocket. Crazy. What are the odds?
It’s all from that penny…
I was just thinking…it Travis checks his pockets I’d be willing to bet…:nod:
What shall it be?:joe:
Something chocolate…Charley and the chocolate factory is on the telly.
From what I can see through the snow…
Oh, no…not snow on the telly. that’s horrible. I’d say you need a new room:mad:
I mean, I wouldn’t care.
I already got a new room because the ethernet didn’t work..I didn’t want to make trouble again..
So, are you going to bumbershoot with R?
I’m thinking about it- maybe I’ll go look at at the schedule.
right now, or later?
Oh…I went in 2001. It was the first day of the new school year, but I wasn’t there:alc: I think my brainis going down the :crap:
Hey are you going with me??
I could see hanging at the literary stage
Blondie might be good on Saturday
Me? Um, I don’t think I was invited
Steve Miller Band maybe
Steve is OK….
some guy is talking to himself outside:rofl2:
That’s the guy that used to say he was married to Jessica Lange..
This is almost scary:omg:
Steve conflicts with the http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/
what is scary ๐ฏ
The guy talking to himself.
I’m going to check my email and see if there was an invitation in it.
There seems to be alot of knitting at B’shoot this year..
Very odd:knit:
An invitation?:???:
to ‘bama?
bama. Is that what they call bumbershoot?
He’s harmless…dusty grey blond hair beard and specatcles right?
yep, yep.
No I was thinkin’ cnick:omg:
I don’t know if that would be a good idea.
I don’t swing that way.
Anyhooo…what appeals to you about bumbershoot? There seems to be a lot of comedy..that might make us miss Marc more..:-(
But I’m sure he’s cool
That yarn harlot is pretty funny… for a knitter.
Just going along for the ride would be fine. I’m not sure what’s at the bumber.
Are you blogging from the bench outside?
One year my friend John and I were “hired” by Paul to video acts at B’shoot he did a film history and put it together for 2001. My name is somewhere in the credits.
Should I send you an invitation?
the battery is dying
Ok clamlet!:sammy:
the ac isn’t workin’ that well either
Ac at the A???:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
downwind from the dumpster?
No:rofl2:I mean that thing that charges the battery
Oh.. the schnozzle..:nod:
I wonder if Druid is workin’ on my horrorscope:omg:
I think I have to schnozzle my way home in a little bit
Wanna take a break till 11?
I’ll see you :peace:
So I hope you haven’t been thinking I’ve been hitting on you or something Travis re: 527. Yes, I wondered if you might be gay, but (though you are cute) you are not my type. So you can rest easy now. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
I guess if you had not known I was gay my remarks to you would be seen in a different light. But its all cool.
I’m definitely not looking for a boyfriend on a blog. That would be stupid. :tongue:
I guess Druid isn’t gonna show tonight. I guess I scared her off. Oh well. :blech:
Maybe I can get Melina to podcast with me. She doesn’t have to worry that I’m hitting up on her.
God if I don’t wanna do something I just say “No!” Why is that such a hard word to say. :tongue:
I prefer someone who is to the point and direct with me. Not someone who :banana: around the issue at hand. Am I :rant1:ing? I guess I am.
Believe me ppl I don’t offend eaaily. You can’t have been gay all your life and put up with the kind of BS I’ve had to put up with because of my gayness and wear your feelings on your shoulders. That is why I made it this far. And I intend to stick around long enough to piss a few more narrow-minded people off. So there.
Where is the party? I thought I was invited! I know you people are out there somewhere. Goddamnit wake up!
Hi All, Bye All,
I just got over a charming Murder … and (as running around :eek:) and having another one on in the background, as I do toooo bloody much.
cnickthomas, I NEVER frighten away. Let’s try to meet online someday, and Play (a joke on many levels) — honestly:!: Talk To Me:wink:
This gay guy just likes a straight answer. :omg: I ought to know better.
If I drank I’d be an alcoholic by now! ๐
Do you know Cnickthomas how to email me then you will have to trust me with your number. I am “strange” but I can be trusted.
I must be psychic cuz I mentioned WereWolves and now have an “old” movie on and with Werewolves in it :omg::rofl2::omg:
I have been trying to have time to make Margaritas:banana:
I keep checking back and :omg: Nobody :omg:
I feel I have given out address so much and nobody (much) reponds :omg: :no: :omg:
:omg::doh: I Gave A Straight Answer ๐ ๐ฅ :doh: :omg:
hey druid, no i donno your email addy. I have no problem emailing you my number so we can talk soon. Just send an email to my addy at rhubbar7@yahoo.com and I can reply with my telephone #.
You can call tonight if you’d like Druid. I’m just sitting around.
It’s quite in here tonight. Guess I ran everyone off.
Morning/Afternoon :yinyang:
Kiss bassist Gene Simmons performs during the band’s concert in Tokyo, Friday, May 28, 2004.
Gene Simmons Hails Israeli Soldier
By Associated Press
5 hours ago
JERUSALEM – The flamboyant, Israeli-born rocker Gene Simmons has sent a televised message of support to an Israeli soldier seriously wounded in fighting in Lebanon, calling him his ‘hero.’
Simmons, 57, founded the heavy metal band Kiss in the 1970s and became famous for wearing white and black face makeup, spitting fire and sticking his tongue out at sold-out elaborate performances.
Simmons, the band’s bass player, was born Chaim Witz in the northern Israeli city of Haifa before emigrating to New York as a child.
Simmons sent a video message this week to Ron Weinreich, an Israeli soldier and die-hard Kiss fan, who was seriously wounded in Israel’s 34-day fight with Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. Weinreich remains hospitalized and is paralyzed from the chest down. Above his hospital bed, a Kiss poster is spread across the wall.
Weinreich’s brother had his wedding relocated this week to the hospital, so his brother could attend. At the wedding, the surprise recording was played.
“Hi Ron, this is Gene Simmons. I’m talking to you from my home. I can’t tell you how proud I am of you, and how much the world and Israel owes you a debt of gratitude,” he said. “From the bottom of my heart, you are a real hero, you are everybody’s hero, you are my hero and I wish I could be there with you.”
Suddenly switching to confident Hebrew, Simmons added: “My name is Chaim, I was born in Haifa.”
He concluded by saying in English: “I wish you my best, a happy life and I hope the wedding comes off and everybody should honor you because you are a real hero.”
This afternoon, selections from Morning Sedition past are playing as I get chores done. Take a listen at snotgreensea.
Chris Mathews:barf:
you feeling ok T?
Of course. Mathews was gettin’ to me, though. You?
You watchin’ tv at the house?
I thought we’d hear about the show by now ๐
Dedicated to Internet Revolutionaries and Intellectuals
We were able observe the 33 day attempt to invade Lebanon and the resistance against it on the ground. We did this in the face of the monopoly of the imperialist information outlets of the west, we had the privilege of observing a people’s resistance against occupation in the battlefield while as if they were honorably proclaiming “enough talk it’s time for action.”
While bombs and nuclear death rained upon people, the west, underneath the mask of human rights and anti-war rhetoric was busy chastising Nasrallah and therefore Islam and his resistance to invasion. All these were done in the name of Marxism and the left. By using talk along the nonsensical lines of ‘Israel is a commiting a crime but (but…but…but…) Hizbullah is a religious fundementalist, backwards etc.’ the western intellectuals had no shame in merely observing the fire raging in the region.
While we were in the region we observed the incredible difference and the wall of comprehension between east and west. While a fire was raging in the east, in the west there were commentaries on the virtual Internet battlefields that were littered with but…but….buts and occasionally racist language.
Even though neither Nasrallah or Hizbullah has refuted the interview, the supposed internet intellectuals of the west, hiding behind a mask of so-called human rights and anti-war position, are trying to drive a wedge between the possible unity of oppressed people. If they think they are successful in their animosity towards Islam and the East, they should remember that in the actual battlefield there are honorable oppressed people of the east who have obliterated imperialism and Zionism…they should think of this African saying “Until the lions have their own historians, stories of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.
It is easy to smear and rhetorize on internet battlefields. It is easy to win a war and make a revolution in the virtual world…. it is easy to make prejudiced political analysis in the virtual world…. we don’t have the time to bother with so-called internet intellectuals or revolutionaries but we had to make this short statement and while withholding our right to privacy on certain subjects we dedicate this to the online revolutionaries and intellectuals.”
I was watching TV, but now that’s over. I’m sitting next to the window to pick up the wifi signals- sorta weak right now.
I’ll throw it down tomorrow. I’m pretty tired. Cool?
Nicki was that your writing? i put it in the googlator and nothing came up.
Hey, what was 545 about?
Umm… I was trying to post a link and couldn’t get it to show up right so I gave up in frustration:fustrate:
From an interview conducted shortly before the ceasefire by reporters from the Turkish Labor Party daily, Evrensel.
Q. What is the current state of your relations with the Socialist movement?
Hasan Nasrallah: The socialist movement, which has been away from international struggle for a considerable time, at last has begun to offer moral support for us once again. The most concrete example of this has been Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela. What most of the Muslim states could not do has been done by Chavez, by the withdrawal of Venezuela’s ambassador to Israel. He furthermore communicated to us his support for our resistance. This has been an immense source of moral strength for us.
We can observe a similar reaction within the Turkish Revolutionary Movement. We had socialist brothers from Turkey who went to Palestine in 1960s to fight against Israel. And one of them still remains in my memory and my heart; Deniz Gezmis..!
[Deniz Gezmis, 1947-1972, was a Turkish revolutionary in the Marxist-Leninist tradition. He led major student actions in the late 1960s, went to a Fatah training camp in Lebanon in late 1969, returned to Turkey where his group seized four US army privates in Ankara. After their release of the soldiers, Gezmis was captured, tried for attempting to overthrow the Turkish state and, with two of his comrades, was hanged in the central prison in Ankara on May 6, 1972. Editors.]
Q. What is the importance of Denizs for you?
Hasan Nasrallah: We now want new Denizs. Our ranks are always open to new Denizs against the oppressors. Deniz will always live in the hearts of the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon. No-one should doubt this. Unfortunately, there is no longer a common fight and fraternity against the common enemy left over by the Denizs. What we would have liked is for our socialist brothers in Lebanon to fight against imperialism and Zionism shoulder to shoulder. This fight is not only our fight. It is the common fight of all those oppressed across the world. Don’t forget that if the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon lose this war, this will mean the defeat of all the oppressed people of the world. In our fight against imperialism, the revolutionaries should also undertake a responsibility and should become, in the hearts of our people of Palestine and Lebanon, Denizs once again.
Q. It is possible to see the posters of Che, Chavez and Ahmadinejad side by side in the streets of Beirut. Are these the signs of a new polarization?
Hasan Nasrallah: We salute the leaders and the peoples of Latin America. They have resisted the American bandits heroically and have been a source of moral strength for us. They are guiding the way for the oppressed peoples. Go and wonder around our streets..! You will witness how our people have embraced Chavez and Ernesto Che Guevara. Nearly in every house, you will come across posters of Che or Chavez.
What we are saying to our socialist friends who want fight together with us for fraternity and freedom is: Do not come at all if you are going to say “Religion is an opiate”. We do not agree with this analysis. Here is the biggest proof of this in our streets with the pictures of Chavez, Che, Sadr and Khamenei together. These leaders are saluting our people in unison. So long as we respect your beliefs, and you respect ours, there is no imperialist power we cannot defeat!
Q. Returning to threats in the region, western governments are intensifying their pressure on Damascus and Tehran, for which they are proposing a “change of regime.” Some sources are of the view that the attack on Lebanon will be directed on Syria. According to your point of view, is a regional war possible?
Hasan Nasrallah: The centers of imperialist power want to make collaborators of our region as a whole. They expect us to kneel before them. Syria, Iran and Hezbollah are opposing this. The provocation concerning the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and the efforts to secure the withdrawal of the Syrian army from Lebanon and — going even further — their wish to attack callously on to Tehran and Damascus are all due to this reason.
Syria, with Iran and Hezbollah will certainly resist this. We are going to resist for our motherland and freedom. We are going to resist in order not kneel before them. The imperialists of the west are seeking to make a second Kosovo out of Lebanon and our region. They are seeking to create a clash in between sects. But we have spoiled this trick. In our streets, the whole of Lebanon, with its Christian, Sunnis and Shias, are flying the flags of Hezbollah. Again, “the unipolar world” has already been left behind in history. There is us, there is Iran, there is Syria, there is Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. There are the resisting peoples of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan! As long as there is imperialism and occupations, these people will continue resisting. They can forget about peace. If they want peace, they should now respect the freedom of peoples and should eliminate the collaborators. God willing, the victory will be ours.
They are not going to be able to turn our country and region into a Kosovo. Now our people are aware of everything and will not play into imperialist tricks. We will absolutely not permit them to attack Iran or Syria. We are going to fight for our freedom to the last drop of our blood. Let no one doubt this. They are claiming that Iran has nuclear weapons at its disposal. On the contrary, most of the nuclear weapons are in the hands of Israel and the US. Furthermore, nuclear weapons are nothing but excuses put forward in order to create collaborating regimes in the region.
Q. There are claims that Hezbollah is being directed by Tehran. What are your views on this issue?
Hasan Nasrallah: This is a great lie. We are an independent Lebanese organization. We do not take orders from anyone. But this does not mean that we are not going to form alliances. We are on the side of Iran and Syria. They are our brothers. We are going to oppose any attack directed at Tehran and Damascus to the last drop of our blood just as we do in Lebanon. We uphold global resistance against global imperial terrorism.
Q. Is there any other additional point you want to make?
Hasan Nasrallah: Peace cannot be unilateral. So long as there is imperialism in the world, a permanent peace is impossible. This war will not come to an end as long as there are occupations in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine.
hey guys…very late for me and I have sleep but I posted Frank Rich for y’all and a bit about the show….we dont have many pics for some reason…really silly…and I dont know if Ill be up when they leave…but, we’ll see.
What a GREAT show…Marc is doing great….met Brendan PW….and just laughed more than I have in a long time.
PJ and RG are fantastic people, as I knew they’d be and we had a blast (except for the horrible headliner comic….but RG’s son was there to enjoy that, even if it was more on the level of my 12 year old…fart jokes and all)
The special Marc is taping is gonna be great and hes gonna be doing a Conan this week too.
More tomorrow am…..
Thanks Melina…just great to hear you all got to meet. And that Marc seems OK.
Thanks Druid for calling. So I have my second interview and a long one at that. Coolness.
Cnickthomas, G’Night ๐ ๐ :tongue:
:eek:Except I didn’t know I was being recorded, however I should have. since what was being talked about. :spank: :doh: But that was my stupidity :doh: ๐ฎ
1 hour 35 minutes and 2 seconds. Wow Druid. I might have to do a two part interview to fit it all in. ๐ Of course I’ll have to cut the more salacious parts from the show!
But you are cool with me using it in my podcast?
That is what I gathered from our conversation. Let me know if otherwise.
If you can cut it up to make me not so :doh: :billcat: ๐
So I am just apologizing to you for sounding so darn familiar, not professional. ๐ฎ :rofl2:
I had one drink. Now is about time for 2nd ๐ฎ and a scary movie or Pratical Magic:!:
cnickthomas, And to think I was munching on ice at times — ๐ฎ :no: :rofl2:
Druid you were great. I only wish I had the same educational background. You under estimate your brilliance. I was not surprised. I had a feeling from the start. ๐
I need to go too sleep. But you have me wound up now, Druid!
Wonder if PJ is working on the Sunday blog?
Situated on the Aegean where two mountain ranges meet, Salonica (Thesaloniki) has a unique geographical location, which promoted the rich confluence of cultures that once characterized the city. Part travelogue, part history and part cultural study, this is a splendid tour of the fortunes and misfortunes of this Balkan city. Drawing on a wealth of archival documents, Mazower (The Balkans; Dark Continent) weaves a lavish tapestry illustrating the tangled history of Salonica, which began as a Hellenistic urban center in 315 B.C. and flourished through the Middle Ages as a Greek Orthodox city. In 1430, the Ottoman Empire commenced a rule that lasted until 1912. By the end of the 15th century, Salonica had a large influx of Jews who had fled persecution in Spain. Mazower eloquently points out that these “peoples of the Book” largely tolerated and learned from one another, even though rivalry sometimes erupted into street fights, civil wars and power struggles. A series of civil wars in the 19th century returned the city to the Greeks, and the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI turned Salonica into a European city. In addition, the impact of the work of 19th-century Christian missionaries, along with the Nazis’ removal of Jews, left Salonica bereft of its rich religious pluralism and multiethnic heritage. Mazower’s graceful, evocative prose, his deft attention to details and his empathetic presentation of all sides of the story add up to a magnificent tale of this unique city.
Oh Nicki, I figure from earlier in the day that I mistakenly referred to you’re gender as female when in fact you are male. Sorry for the mistake. I guess it was the Rose that threw me off and you tend to be very mysterious about your personal life. I on the otherhand am prolly to open about mine. But hey . . . what the hell!
If ppl don’t like me they can go :fu: themselves!
5 away from 600
I give a damn about gender identity. Did I pipe up at all about it?
Cool 602
Cnickthomas, Huh, I am gone for a few and ๐ฎ what did I miss?
NickiRose Question?
Didn’t miss anything Druid. Just waiting on PJ to setup the Sunday page.
Deniz Gezmisยธ (February 27, 1947 Ayasยธ – May 6, 1972 Ankara) was one of the most important founders and leaders of revolutionary movement that developed in Turkey after 1965’s. He was a Marxist-Leninist and a founder of Tรผrkiye Halk Kurtulusยธ Ordusu (People’s Liberation Army of Turkey).
NickiRose, Question regarding The Jewish Defense League?
The most popular name to emerge from the Young Turkish Cinema was that of Y?lmaz Gรผney. Gรผney was a gruff-looking young actor who earned the monicker “Cirkin Kral,” or “the Ugly King.” After apprenticing as a screenwriter for and assistant to At?f Y?lmaz, Gรผney soon began appearing in as many as 20 films a year and became Turkey’s most popular actor. Although the early 1960’s brought some political reform to Turkey, Gรผney was imprisoned in 1961 for 18 months for publishing a “communist” novel. The country’s political situation and Gรผney’s relationship with the authorities only became more tense in the ensuing years. Not content with his star status atop the Turkish film industry, Gรผney began directing his own pictures in 1965 and, by 1968, had formed his own production company, Gรผney Filmcilik. Over the next few years, the titles of his films mirrored the feelings of the Turkish people: Umut (1970); Agit (1972); Aci (1971)ย ; Umutsuzlar (1971).
They are very fascist.
Nicki you know so much. Would be great to do a podcast with you.
The JDL’s approach has been criticized by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as a “gross distortion” of the situation faced by American Jews. The ADL also states that JDL’s founder, Meir Kahane, “preached a radical form of Jewish nationalism which reflected racism, violence and political extremism” and that those attitudes “were replicated” by Irv Rubin, the successor to Kahane [8] [9]. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has added the JDL to its list of watched “hate groups”.
The ADL is a fairly fucked group. But look what they said about the JDL.
You will have to talk to Susan Joy about that.
Why is that? She your manager or something?
So your mistress makes all your decisions for you huh?
Maybe we could get you both on together!
Business Manager.
I’ll be Larry King and you two just be yourselves
So what are you a professional blogger or something?
I use to be more on the side of JDL but then I heard many horrible stories that I would be considered an ecoTerrorist for supporting or let alone those trying to protect the cutting down Trees thousands of years old (and many other similar beliefs).
But I was told to NEVER question them directly, or they would torment me, terribly.
JDL is a terrorist group. They should be called such. End of story. Good for the Southern Povert Law center
How would they torment you Druid? I’m not afraid of anything or anyone. Let alone intimidated.
Lebanese Communist Party
One of the oldest multi-sectarian parties in Lebanon, the Lebanese Communist Party (LCP) was formed in 1924 by a group of intellectuals. The party was declared illegal by the French Mandate authorities in 1939, but the ban was relaxed in 1943. For about twenty years, this single organization controlled communist political activity in both Lebanon and Syria, but in 1944 separate parties were established in each country.
Susan Joy has a link under her name but it goes nowhere! :omg:
So I’m of a curious nature. And I’m thinking Susan Joy and NikiRose are one and the same person. But I could be wrong. Either way it is way cool to contemplate such mysteries on here.
I’d come closer to joing a radical environmental group like Earth First or Stumps Suck! than I would the JDL. No way. I have been threatened by those motherfucking fascists. Very nationalistic.
why does my link go nowhere? Boo. ๐
Thank you for clearing that up Susan
As a matter of fact…:omg:
Click it and see. I donno you’d have to ask PJ about technical problems. I’m to stupid to answer such questions.
“you never see us in the same place at the same time” Muahahaha
You look good for a 99 year old woman Susan!
PJ must have forgot about Sunday!
why thank you. I think it’s the secret skin formula I use. Jeez, I forgot the name, Nicki knows it though.
It prolly works on women better than men. Women tend to obsess about such things. That’s not a sexist remark BTW
I have had my life threatened before and this person just said they have many ways. Similar groups I am with is on “their” list. I am not afraid but want to know to verbally combat such an assault. (Sorry for delay, I am running around too)
Yeah I really need to climb into bed. I’ve been up since 6 A.M. yesterday morning. Damn! But I don’t seem to be so sleepy right at the moment.
I wish someone would threaten my life. Would make it all seem worthwhile.
Hey Druid. :pent::joe:
No Compromise in the Defense of Nature!
Stumps Suck! :omg:
Logged in on two computers. I’ve done that before on Gay.com to throw ppl off. I would sign on as the bad boy looking for dick. And the good guy looking for a LTR. Then whatever hot dude struck first I’d hook up with him.
*RE PORES and skin stuff: I am sorry but MOST not ALL women do and Some MEN Obsess too (more, much more than me teehee). I laugh since many Straight men in L.A. is “weird” that way, whereas, with me a picture I am working on or a play or a story or a poem is more important.
Also cnickthomas, I am working on many projects — but now getting paid for none. I “covered” the bills now he is balancing. I work ALWAYS but no money Now. :wink::paranoid::smile:
April 12/95. Stevenson, Washington. Earth Firsters vandalize golf course at Skamania Lodge, where the Northwest Forestry Association was meeting. Rock salt etched โStumps Suck!โ โCorporate Scum,โ and โEF,โ initials of Earth First, on the putting greens of the Skamania Lodge golf course. Inside the lodge, vandals detonated a stink bomb that evacuated the building. The Skamania County sheriffโs department could not identify suspects. Earth First Journal for April, 1995 published instructions on how to sabotage golf courses, concentrating on vandalizing irrigation systems. โVandals Mar Meeting Site of Timber Executives,โ Portland Oregonian, Wednesday, April 12, 1995, by Peter Sleeth and Joan Laatz, p. C1.
OOPS! :omg:
when I read that George Bush wanted to cut down the sequoias I heard the wails of those ancient life forms pledging revenge against him then and there… I was talking about it on the phone with my friend earlier… I’ve never felt such anger at a human being before, but that’s nothing to what those trees would do to him. Think Treebeard at Isengard from Lord of the Rings :pent::fist::omg:
Ok ppl, I really need to get some sleep before the sun comes up cause I cannot sleep during daylight hours. Unlike you guys and girls or whatever, maybe Vampires. So it was SO MUCH FUN obsessing with all today and yesterday. I’ll be back a little later this morning. G’day people and especially you Druid.
I would join a group that defended the forests
Spike Trees. Save Trees. Save the Ancient Forest!
I like that exclusionary sendoff.:fu:
NickiRose, thank you, especially since I know you are Jewish (and Susie Q but she’s a :pent::wink:.
Susan Joy, :alc::pent: tea or coffee for you but I have made up a pitcher (with two shots and tons of ice) I am on drink 2 almost 3 ๐ฎ :tongue::rofl2:
Your to sensative Nicki. Smile sometime will ya
I would make a bumpersticker of that ๐
You can’t spell for shite.
Goodnight Niki and Susan!
Susan Joy Shemanski is not JEWISH? :omg: From the Bronx Farms?
good for you. I wish I had sangria in the house. I’m really in mood for it.
Nicki, like Fred keeps info for us flowing:!: and Nicki knows many songs:banana:
Watzky, not Shemanski
NickiRose Susan Joy is not :oops:, then FARMERKAT IS :nod: (I hope) Someone else is:sdavid::!:
numbers have become TOO important :omg:
cnickthomas Pleasant Dreams :knit: :gate: Marry Travels, Sleeping or Awake
there’s a place in the Bronx called West Farms – the Bronx is pretty far removed from farmland, though….SJ from Co-op City, that great socialist experiment
MarkTobey had been introduced into Seattle’s art scene by Suzy and Nicolai Shemanski, prominent Jewish leaders, former department store owners and all around hipsters.
Hey. Learn that history. Bronchten Farms. :omg:
Ah, ok ๐ there was also a player on the NY Mets named Art Shamsky ๐
Oregon Jewish Museum Inc 310 Nw Davis St , Portland, OR Phone – 5032263600 0.29 miles away … Portland, OR; Rebecca at the Well Shemanski Fountain …
I had his baseball card. Art Shamsky was quite the homerun hitter.
Google says: “Did you mean Bronchtein Farms?” :omg:
Neyyyyyyy :nod: Greetings King Kong … I used to say oh
Grand M O N K E Y
Now Grand H O R S E Y ๐
Art Shamsky began his professional baseball career as an 18-year-old with the 1960 Geneva Redlegs and homered in his first at-bat. …
yeah, from the first few years of the team. Back on the 69 miracle Mets under Gil Hodges
Bronstein Farms! It figures. :omg:
when I go to “Bronstein Farms” I find nothing so far ๐ฅ
Injuries did Art Shamsky in.
“Lev Davidovich Bronstein”
wow, this is right near where I used to live:
Allerton Avenue
This popular Bronx street was named after Daniel Allerton. He was born in 1818 and died in 1877. He was one of the early Bronx settlers who purchased and farmed this entire area with his wife Hustace. Daniel was related to Isaac Allerton (1586-1659) who was the fifth signer of the Mayflower Compact. The Allertons imported tobacco from Virginia. U.S. Presidents Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) and Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945) are descendents of Isaac and Daniel Allerton. The Allerton Family is burried in Woodlawn Cemetary.
King Kong one of my wolves was given part of her name after an Irish Horse Goddess since she was born in the year of the White (Metal) Horse.
An ex-stray cat, which was born after Morgan (like the Morgan Horse) was born in the year of the horse, but have to recheck colour.
Danu (Hybrid) full name is Danu Green Dragon (was born in) Dharma (She teaches me Wisdom of All)
The ”radicals” are the predominantly immigrant Jewish labor activists who built four limited-equity co-ops in the Bronx from 1926 to 1929 that were meant as alternatives to crowded tenements and as places where everyone from Communists to anarchists could pursue common social goals.
The nonprofit co-op movement flourished after World War II with the Amalgamated doubling in size and unions putting up dozens of additional complexes, including Co-op City in the Bronx and Penn South.
Named for Jonas Bronck, a Swedish-Dutch sea captain and 1641 resident whose 500-acre (2ย km?) farm between the Harlem River and the Aquahung comprises part of the modern borough, The Bronx is the fourth most populous of New York City’s five boroughs. Bronx county is the fifth most populous county in the New York Metropolitan Area.
isn’t Aquahung a song by Jethro Tull? :omg:
Originally named Lev Davidovich Bronstein, Trotsky was born on November 7, 1879, in Kherson Province in Ukraine, the son of Russified Jews. …
did you like the Bronx map I sent you?
travisdem_04 , though you are probably not here but
TRY CAFEs โ A hell of alot cheaper (if tea or coffee:joe:) …that is were I wrote Poems. ๐
haha. I saw that subtle change in there
So there is no “aquahung!” in the Bronx?
too late! I saw it :banana:
Oh I dunno, there might be, I just don’t know what it is…
SBlueHeron, Yum, :nod::banana:Charley and the chocolate factory is on the telly.
oh wow, ok, the Aquahung is an old name for the Bronx River
NickiRose and Susan Joy :banana: and now I must depart for strays:billcat: feed (and not my rats :no:):banana: ๐
I am listening to a CD of archived radio shows. WFMU-FM Jersey City.
cool, how is it so far?