Shit, school starts today. Of course, I don’t actually have to go to campus, since my only “in person” class is tomorrow (at the crack of 2 in the afternoon, too; getting up is gonna suck). So, if you thought two and a half months of me bitching about being in DC was bad, wait’ll you get a load of me bitching about school for the next three months. You’re just lucky you don’t have to live with me (for oh, so many reasons).
Anyhow, y’all have a good Monday.
Good whatever :sheep:le
Tropical Storm ERNESTO
Lets hope it doesn’t get to strong when its over open water again.:eek::eek::eek:
:cool:YEA :banana: FRED IS #1 :banana: YEA:cool:
(I am still running crazy 😡 mad (literally) :billcat::wink:
LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) – A commuter jet mistakenly trying to take off on a runway that was too short crashed into a field Sunday and burst into flames, killing 49 people and leaving the lone survivor – a co-pilot – in critical condition, federal investigators said.
Preliminary flight data from Comair Flight 5191’s black box recorders and the damage at the scene indicate the plane, a CRJ-100 regional jet, took off from the shortest runway at Lexington’s Blue Grass Airport, National Transportation Safety Board member Debbie Hersman said.
The 3,500-foot-long strip, unlit and barely half the length of the airport’s main runway, is not intended for commercial flights. The twin-engine CRJ-100 would have needed 5,000 feet to fully get off the ground, aviation experts said.
The airport didn’t have any fire fighting equipment.. Most of the passenger burned to death :yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Welcome to the Super Banana Republic
PJ, I may be going back to shool :SCREAM: Mad (crazy) 😡
😮 I figure MORE computer :crap: eek 😮
:banana::banana::banana: it’s Druid :banana::banana::banana:
I was hoping it was a computer error, not Stupid. But, alas, it sounds like STUPID HUMAN ERROR 😐 But inside (:SCREAM: :fu::doh::eek: 😡 ) tea:joe::(
good morning! :pent::omg::joe::banana::!::idea::om:
Nancy Ploser..
The 66-year-old San Francisco lawmaker is an aggressive, hyperpartisan liberal pol who is the Democrats’ version of Tom DeLay, minus the ethical and legal problems of the former Republican House leader. To condition Democrats for this fall’s midterm elections, she has employed tactics straight out of DeLay’s playbook: insisting other House Democrats vote the party line on everything, avoiding compromise with Republicans at all cost and mandating that members spend much of their time raising money for colleagues in close races. And she has been effective. House Democrats have been more unified in their voting than at any other time in the past quarter-century, with members on average voting the party line 88% of the time in 2005, according to Congressional Quarterly
Another dip shit on a power trip F*ing wonderful.:jason::jason::jason::jason::jason::jason:
:banana::banana::banana:Its Susan :banana::banana::banana:
Speaking of Crashes
The downturn in the US housing market will force businesses to slash 73,000 jobs a month in the new year and could be more damaging to the world economy than the dotcom crash, economists have warned.
After official figures last week showed that the number of new homes sold in July was 22 per cent lower than a year earlier, while prices were almost flat, fears are mounting that the ‘orderly’ housing slowdown predicted by the Federal Reserve will become a full-blown crash….’Things do seem to be getting worse very quickly. Freefall is a strong word, but I think it’s the right one to use here,’ said Paul Ashworth, chief US economist at Capital Economics.
Ahhh that lovely oder of 1933 returns…:jason::jason::jason::jason:
Yea Susan Joy:wink: I am running and feeding strays but will return. 😮 :omg: I love the skull it gives me PAX :billcat:
AND GETTING TEA:joe: :banana:
I think the phrase “stick together” could apply, but once they start copying what Republicans do it’s not a good sign…
I’m also getting dressed and so on so I’ll be back and forth
:tinfoil: If things work out according to the rethug plan the unemployment rate will go up to maybe 6% and slowly go back down to 4% again even though everyone is unemployed.
The worst thing is that the people standing in line at the soup kitchen and living under the bridge or on the building AC exchange air grating will believe them.:omg:
Isn’t living in the Super Banana Republic wonderful.:yuck::yuck::yuck:
well statistics never lie, and they can’t be twisted to be, right? What can you do other than believe them? :???::omg:
just spoke to Nicki from a phone!! :nixon:
That’s right our government never would lie to us. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:.:fustrate::fustrate::fustrate::fustrate::paranoid::paranoid::paranoid::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Is Nicki in NYC ??
no, not at the moment
if he was he wouldn’t have to talk to me from a phone booth :wink::cool:
this guy is not a bad fill in for Mark Riley
from the Nancy Pelosi article:
“Still, some Democrats think Pelosi’s leftward tilt, combined with her strident attacks on Bush, undercuts her strength as a party leader. A number of Democratic candidates have distanced themselves from her. “We hope she campaigns in as many districts as possible,” said Ron Bonjean, spokesman for Dennis Hastert, the Republican Speaker of the House. “She comes across as very liberal”
Oh brother
NEW YORK – Wall Street this week will get data it has craved to help get a better handle on the economy and whether it has pulled back further than policy-makers wanted.
Over the next five days, some two dozen economic reports will be released — including consumer confidence, job growth and manufacturing figures. Investors might even get a better clue about what Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke thinks of interest rates when minutes from the last Fed meeting are released.
These readings might help give Wall Street the guidance it has been clamoring for, especially after last week’s lackluster performance. But the real question is, how many people will be around to trade on the news? This is, after all, the last week of August.
“I looked up the word doldrums in the dictionary, and there’s no coincidence it comes from the word dull,” David Darst, chief investment strategist of Morgan Stanley’s global wealth management group, said Friday. “You might see some kind of fluctuation next week with these reports, but people will come back to work after Labor Day and sort through everything that’s gone on. That’s when you’ll see volume go up.”
The “investor class” will of course believe everything they read in the WSJ and the stock market will go up.
The market has been living in la la land for the last two years so it may behave at lot like the Vanguard rockets did in the 1960’s and go up very rapidly then explode into a thousand peaces and come crashing back to ground making a 50 foot deep crater .:yuck::yuck::yuck::paranoid::paranoid::paranoid:
Doesn’t Nicki have a telephone ?? He must have held up a parking meter if he called you on a pay phone.. ( I know they use credit cards ) Its 3am in Portland .. :omg::nixon::peace:
Ok Susan you changed what it said … no fare..:doh::doh::doh::doh:
Fred thinks maybe Nicki’s second job is in the second story business.:omg::joe::joe::joe::joe::omg:
I think he was just walking down the street and had a brainstorm to tell me something
“if the democrats take the house Pelosi will be next in line to be president after Cheney” I wonder if that’s possible (still looking at this article for some reason)
Portland is a lot more friendly than most major cities if you can walk down the street at a 3 am and
1. Not get mugged
2. Not get arrested
I can probably do it in Hartsdale (my town) too, but maybe not back in the Bronx where I used to live…
Hummm… a dipshit on a power trip as president..that sounds vaguely familiar..:eek::eek::rant1:
In longmont you have to contend with barking dogs, the city’s water truck washing down the street and wayward skunks and other urban wild life. I don’t think the police even have a patrol out at that time of day.
election ’06: I haven’t been following what’s been going on at all. I need to read more about who’s doing what in various states
we have skunks and racoons and deer and a few other assorted creatures in this area. I know some coyotes have been spotted in Westchester, which I find amazing, since I thought they’re only in the west. . I think it’s pretty quiet round here.
Colorado has a lot of DINO’s running for office .. but .. hey…at least they will have a (D Colo) after their name.:jason::jason::jason::jason::yuck::yuck::rant1:
Morning Sheeple–
I’m off to work now, but I see that jazzjunkysue and Melina already got reports in on last night’s show. Maron was terrific! He was so much more polished than Chelsea whatshername, and of course, FUNNY!
Melina, I think you must’ve had the board on your right? We were on the other side, just across the aisle! I am sorry I didn’t have time to see you, but hubby was so tired, we had to get home. I let him navigate us out of NYC, then I took over the driving. That PA Turnpike exit never looked so good!
I am soooo tired, there was thunder and lightning last night. We were in such a deep sleep, we didn’t hear it until the 80lb golden/lab decided to become a lap dog. Gave her a 1/4 pill to calm her down. She (and we) slept soundly until I started tapping the Snooze button this morning.
I think I’m going to get a picture of Marc and pin it in my cubicle. I think I’d give up junk food if he was my personal Fat Police.:rofl2:
BTW, how come Marc had a sheep backdrop but didn’t call us “sheeple”???
Well August is almost over so mother nature gave us snow down to about 10,000 feet Saturday night.. It only got into the low 70’s yesterday. The road up Mt. Evans was closed for a while yesterday morning.. It won’t be long before all the state road maintenance sites will have big orange trucks with their plow blades on sitting out front on stand by.:eek::eek::eek:
they say it’s going to be a very cold winter this year here…fortunately I won’t have to deal with it for a few months…
yay, I was added to “Sam Seder fans” to my myspace friends list!
The saying is that Colorado has three seasons July, August and winter. That has proven true on several occasions.:eek::eek::eek:
Good morning sheeple. No time to blog, the bus was late (again). Damn PSTA.
Ernesto continues to shift east. Now they’re saying it may hit land between Key West and Miami, depending on how long it stays over Cuba. Will report more when I know more, but so far so good.
Jeesh, was everybdy there at the taping last night? I take it, from her description, that Sue was seated right in front of me in the balcony. There was a guy back of me who was laughing so hard i started early on looking for a defribulator.
My wife, who has only heard a couple morning seditions [commuting times are destiny, you know] thought Maron was hysterical. I’ve heard a few of the jokes before, but i must admit, the whole thing left me ultimately [okay, hours later] a bit sad. What a sickening waste this whole episode has been. Don’t know if this lne has been taken, but taking this guy off the radio twice? It was like those Decca Execs who wanted to make Paul McCartney into a Bobby Darren and the other Beatles into his backup band. This guy should be back on the radio, i know it, you know it, everybody knows it. So why is this happening?
Okay, dopey, obvious, rant. Like they said, Great show. Well worth sitting through 35 minutes of Chelsea Handlers’s modern day Phyllis Diller Act. Okay, so you’re a ho. I get it.
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
Can’t wait to see the tape of Marc!
:rant1: Yes, cresttwo, it is a great loss he’s not on air. :doh:
A group of government dissenters has called out Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton for what they see as a lack of principle and unwillingness to stand up for whistleblowers, RAW STORY has learned.
In an op-ed to be published soon, Sibel Edmonds and William Weaver of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) criticized Senator Clinton for her failure to take a stand on the deaths of two veterans and injuries of others in illegal drug experiments at the Stratton Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Albany, NY. A number of efforts have been made by NSWBC and other concerned parties to get Sen. Clinton to address the matter, but to no avail.
DLC democrats are just pigs of a different color. ONK ONK squeal squeal..:yuck::yuck::rant1:
fred are you saying they’re squeeling like a pig? 😮
Ahhhh .. Deliverance I didn’t see it as a political parody at the time..:eek::eek::yuck::yuck::rant1:
I would like to call Jay Marvin and ask him some questions
1. Jay do you have a brain ??
2.Jay do you know how to use your brain ??
3.Jay do you ever listen to your own radio station ??
4. Jay how much does the DLC pay ClearChannel to put you and Shultz on the air. ??
5. Jay can you read ??
6. Jay do you every read Democratic Underground
7.Jay do you ever read RawStory ??
8.Jay do you remember the positions you took on issues last week ??
It goes on and on he is just not Art Limpprik but he is also not a progressive liberal .. maybe he is just not rabid.:yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Shemanski! :omg:
Rebecca At The Well/Shemanski Fountain on the Park blocks between SW Salmon and Main
This Italianesque trefoil design fountain was a gift to the city from Joseph Shemanski in 1926 to thank the city for its kindness to him. Shemanski was a Polish immigrant who went from being a traveling clock salesman to successful businessman. Carl L. Linde designed the cast stone structure that surrounds the bronze sculpture by Oliver Laurence Barrett. Rebecca offered to draw water for Abraham’s servant and many camels — possibly as much as a half ton of water. By providence, Rebecca’s act of kindness and service revealed her as the bride.
The Regional Arts and Culture Council partnered with the Water Bureau to restore this fountain in 2004.
881 time to run. :banana:
Tampa Talk Radio
Lassiter was born Robert Glodowski in Camden, New Jersey and raised in Collingswood, where he lived until dropping out of high school in the middle of his junior year and running away to New York City. He wandered the United States doing odd jobs until arriving in 1970 on St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A sales representative from a beautiful music radio station heard Lassiter’s voice in a bar one night and immediately suggested he apply for an on-air job. Lassiter was soon hired as a music disc jockey at the salesman’s station, WESP-FM. He would move from there to stations all over the country, including WOWI-FM in Norfolk, Virginia, and even becoming station manager of station WOUR-FM]] in Utica, New York. At some point during this period he legally changed his name to Lassiter.
In 1981, Lassiter was working as a country music DJ at WKQS in Miami under the name Bobby Clifford when he heard talk-radio giant Neil Rogers on WINZ-AM. Rogers became Lassiter’s mentor and idol, whom he followed into talk radio by taking a weekend slot at Miami’s WGBS-AM in 1984. Rogers heard Lassiter on WGBS and liked what he did, urging his own station to hire the newcomer. WINZ did hire Lassiter, but fired him after one year when he uttered a profanity on the air.
In September 1985, Tampa Bay’s first all-talk station, WPLP-AM, lured Lassiter to Tampa with his first (low-paid) fulltime position on weekend nights. Lassiter recalled on the air that the station initially offered him $12,000 per year, which he turned down, eventually accepting a comeback offer of $18,000. He soon took Tampa by storm with his confrontational and deliberately offensive style, quickly rising to the top-rated talk program in the market by an enormous margin (grabbing 8 and 9 shares at a time when the entire talk-radio audience in Tampa Bay was roughly a 10 share of the market). Lassiter redefined AM talk radio in Tampa Bay, asserting himself as an on-air bully who targeted the elderly, Christians, conservatives, and virtually everybody else.
Lassiter’s ratings and reputation were such that the biggest AM radio station in the market, WFLA, hired him away from WPLP for substantially more money in mid-1987. At FLA Lassiter joined the ranks of the Golden Age of Tampa Talk Radio, with such personalities as Dick Norman, Tedd Webb, Liz Richards, and The Lionel Show, and maintained his ratings supremacy to that local competition.
Although Lassiter ruled the talk-radio airwaves, the business had changed dramatically. Rush Limbaugh had transformed the AM band into a forum for conservative pundits; in addition, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 had deregulated station ownership, leading the industry to trend towards national syndication and away from local personalities with diverse points of view. The liberal Lassiter increasingly found himself an anachronism, even as he garnered unprecedented market shares of listeners who both loved and loathed him. He rolled with the punches as best he could, provoking his audience more furiously than ever and inciting a feud with WFLA’s own conservative host, Mark Larsen, but it often seemed that his real nemesis was the very institution of commercial radio.
From Dailykos:
Ouch & Double Ouch
by DarkSyde
Sun Aug 27, 2006 at 04:55:47 PM PDT
From Needle-nose on Plan B regarding wingnut possible reaction, with a tip of the hat to C & L:
[T]he root of their objection is that they just hate it for unmarried people to have sex … That, of course, puts them on the same wavelength as the Taliban and the rest of the Sharia-loving crowd — and if there’s one thing that makes these people angrier than women exercising control over their own bodies, it’s being compared to a bunch of Muslims.
The similarities between fundamentalist Islamic Theocrat wanna-bees and the goals of some elements in the modern neoconservative voting base and cheerleading squad are both creepy and valid. And, even more disturbing, in both cases these movements rely a great deal on demonizing, or simply creating, enemies to use as distractions and rallying points. Glenn Greenwald guest blogging at FDL, has a nice Introduction & summary of John Dean’s book, Conservatives Without Conscience that hits on right-wing paranoia:
What excites, enlivens, and drives Bush followers is the identification of the Enemy followed by swarming, rabid attacks on it. It is a movement devoted to the destruction of its enemies wherever they might be found. … And it finds new ones, in every corner and seemingly on a daily basis, because it must. That is the food which sustains it..
Very cute video from Coleen Rowley’s campaign.
morning Sheeple…..I think that the Sheep backdrop was asecret message to his radio fans. At the Gotham he said “goodnight sheeple”…so its not like its gone, but its a sorta subtle touch, I think.
Chelsea Handler…yes, I laughed at her a bit but I also ended up worried about her, because shes like the class clown Ho who drinks too much and ends up with a real problem…I hope she has alot of support….But she wasnt bad…just not my cup of tea, you know?
Yes Will and I were the first two seats in the back row with the board on the right.
At Gotham the night before I was laughing so hard and breathless but then I just wanted to cry because its all so crazy.
Maybe Marc would be limiting himself to do radio rather than shoot for a tv show like david spade…commentary stuff….or movies.
he is just so good….
But radio suits him because he is a great interviewer.
I came home and some guy had an op ed blog entry on HuffPo about AAR, so I sort of vented my spleen as the ccouple hundredth comment on the 4th page, explainning whats wrong. The rest of the comments were things like, Randi is humorous…or some such. Oh yeah, it was about humor to get the point across on AAR and what the hell theyre doing over there. But the guy seems to miss the problem.
Then comments were all full of crap like, why not hire Elaine Boosler? Shit…
OK, Ive got an appointment and no gas in the car so Id better head out.
raining like hell and the basement keeps flooding everywhere except the sump pump…that was a good use of a couple grand, huh?
Maybe my mexican helpers will jackhammer a ditch across the cement floor to the fucking thing so the water knows where to go!
Back to the drawing board…
More later
PJ, where is the pic of you and Marc????????? Please post on the front page somehow!!
This made me throw up on my shoes:
Hey Young, you ruined my shoes!
Before the Satellite Sisters landed a syndication deal with ABC/Disney, their chirpy show originated here at New York’s jumbo NPR outlet, WNYC. But even some public radio listeners (who should be accostomed to fuzzy and precious programming), were nauseated by the self-important yuppie sisters when they were on WNYC. An article in the New York Observer in 2002 said “so much invective about the show hit the WNYC Web site that the Webmaster posted a reminder that vulgar or overly personal attacks are not welcome.” That’s the difference. Malloy helps you accept and even appreciate your own justified anger at Bush madness. The Satellite Sisters in turn, needlessly enrage with empty sterile fluff in an era of bad news and bad governance.
The official Air America excuse is that ABC gave them an offer ($$$) they couldn’t refuse to steal the last couple hours of programming on Air America’s flagship station. The unstated reason is that Malloy’s show wasn’t pulling in Arbitron numbers. But they never promoted his show in New York either. And replacing the fire of Mike Malloy with an blithe Disney product that’s too cute for the NPR crowd isn’t just bad programming: It’s insulting to their New York listeners and gives the impression that Air America is running away from their original convictions and intent.
at the end of that…and alot of the people are just…whatever.
The second to last person said it well…need better management, more money, better equipment…..
Im out for now…
It is impossible to put a precise figure on the number of American troops who have left the army as a result of the US involvement in Iraq. The Pentagon says that a total of 40,000 troops have deserted their posts (not simply those serving in Iraq) since the year 2000. This includes many who went Awol for family reasons. The Pentagon’s spokesmen say that the overall number of deserters has actually gone down since operations began in Afghanistan and Iraq, but there is no doubt that a steady trickle of deserters who object to the Iraq war have made it over the border and are now living in Canada. There they seek asylum, often with the help of Canadian anti-war groups. One Toronto lawyer, Jeffry House, has represented at least 20 deserters from Iraq in the Canadian courts; he is himself a conscientious objector, having refused to fight in the Vietnam war – along with 50,000 others, at the peak of the conflict. He estimates that 200 troops have already gone underground in Canada since the war in Iraq began.
Just back from the NYC Comedy Central Maron taping.
Here’s my very late sunday blogpost for the monday lunch people, so, if you read it last night, skip it.
Cresttwo, I was in the third balcony in the front row on our left (Marc’s right) in a red sweater. Sucky seats. No way will I be on camera. 😥
Everyone was laughing so hard, I never would have been able to pick out one person. It was great.
Here’s last night’s post:
I just came back from the NYC comedy central taping. Marc totally rocked, as usual.
He used a joke I’d never heard before. What if Jesus had lived longer and there was a third testament? It would include a story where this older Jesus is caught up to his knees in water, saying,
“Damn! I used to be able to do this!”
And the only remaining apostle would be like, “Hey, dude. It’s cool. Let’s take a break, relax, and we’ll come back and try this again tomorrow.”
He also let loose one about every time he sees Cheney on TV talking, he thinks he sees the serpent try to sneak out of his mouth and crawl back in his ear. And he imagines the republicans saying,
“It’s happening again, only , this time, it’s in public.Get him outa here…”
No Butch the cat jokes, so, I was bummed. He said he had a new part time job: Filling his ipod. He re-did the joke about listening to the ipod on the subway instead of doing what you’re supposed to do: Make a list of all your failures in life.
He ended with a riff about our addiction to technology and cell phones. He said if he leaves the house without the phone, he can’t function, remember anything he’s supposed to do, anyone’s number or where he lives. He said, “But, the sattelite doesn’t know where I am!”
He kept ripping a guy in the front row who wouldn’t laugh at him. That was funny.
It’s gonna air on comedy central. I think they said it would be the first show of the season, but I’m not sure. If you haven’t seen him live, don’t miss it. He’s even better on camera than radio.
At one point he was talking about how we applaud for him, and said. “I guess that’s unconditional love, isn’t it?” and the audience exploded. He had us right from his entrance, and said that all our cheering would make him cry.
Well, you made us laugh, as usual, Marc, and for that, yes, you do have our unconditional love.
BTW, Marc, I was the woman in the top row balcony stage right in the red sweater. I saw you in new jersey last year. I won’t make it on camera but it was great having a good view from the front row. You’re the best!
Get a TV sit com, PLEASE!
We love you!
AAR seems to dive the people who are already liberal or concerned about there future or that of their country away.
I have said this zillions of times here but AAR is like the little kid who kept running below decks on the Titanic and then ran back to tell the people in steerage what deck the water was up to .
A lot of their listeners seem to talk like they are in their home theater watching a movie on the big screen TV rather than noticing the water seeping in around their feet.
The person who has lost their job, lost their home, lost their car and managed to keep their radio really doesn’t give a rats dam about how terrible the Bush administration is . They may have liked to have their suspicions reinforced once or twice but not three thousand times. I would imagine that the constant hammering tends to drive those people to despair even more than they did before they found AAR.
The AAR commercials seem to be for the most part designed for a rethug rather than a liberal. Ask yourself how many working class democrats most of whom these days can barely make their mortgage payments who live in places like LA, Mississippi, Michigan, Ohio or even Washington and Oregon are going to invest in a time share, learn to by and sell houses, buy a steel building , will go to home biz 6 on the internet, buy life insurance, buy gold. or even buy a car.
Outrage is only useful if you can do something with it and it only goes so far. I doubt that any liberal will ever vote for a republican again .. ever.. but the demodorps offer no real differences just the same thing painted a different color for the most part and most people see that.
Electing democrats to just one house of congress will not fix the problems people are having in the short term at least and the people directly effected see that the water is rising.
There jobs are disappearing, the debt collectors are calling , the bank is sending them foreclosure notices.
What is the point of being told over and over again how bad off you are, that the next war will be fought with Iran when you were hoping it would be on the streets in DC, how you lost your ability to declare bankruptcy and that your kids will have it even worse than you do..
No one really wants to be told that crap.. they are experiencing that crap.. what they want to know is what to do about it. They want to know about the real opposition party and there platform. People may continue to listen if for no other reason than they are hoping to hear when that meeting with the real opposition leaders is going to be , where do they meet , how many gallons of gasoline and how many wine bottles to bring, how long to expect to be there , what to expect from the police and when and where the training session on how to counter police tactics is going to be.
Now I seriously doubt that you will ever hear any of that on a commercial radio station because the following week their only advertiser would be CITCO petroleum but that is what a lot of people want to hear.
I’m sure pretty much everybody here has already read the three “articles” on WFMU’s “Beware of the Blog” (part of which was copied and pasted above), but if you haven’t, they’re worth reading.
The stuff copied and pasted above is from the February 27th 2006 post. The first part of the post “Air America’s Next Big Mistake” is from November 1st, 2005, as we were still hoping to save MS. Part 2 was posted on November 21st.
I think I will just wait until AAR posts a new schedule and then decide if I continue to watch C-span and Democracy Now or go back to listening to AAR.:rant1:
Operation “Clean-Up” in Oaxaca
Following the CIA’s “Psychological Operations” Manual for the Nicaraguan Contras, the State Government has Unleashed a Bloody Counterinsurgency Strategy to Eliminate the Social Movement
This is what happens when you are not able to counter force with an equal and opposite force. Go after them first .. don’t wait for them to come after you..:rant1:
:banana:you coming later fred?
wow, really good Air America rants posted today
I will attempt to come down this pm . How about around 5:30 at the 7th Street at Auraria Parkway entrance. Can you bring your tractor over there and park so I can find you ??
do you have a cell phone? i can give you my number and you can call when you get here?
That will work ..Number please .. :peace:
thanks to everyone for the Marc updates! :banana: Melina, that is especially cool that Marc got Will in.
PJ, where is that photo? Aren’t there also photos of RG, Reuben, Melina, Will etc?
crooks & liars has the stewart colbert clip It’s fun stuff.
seanie, will you have time for lunch on thurs?
uh huh! lunch!
hey fred when you call me i will go meet you at the circle k!
great! My treat, since you’re visiting from out of town! If you like sushi/Japanese food, I know a good restaurant nearby. I can pick you up.
Ok Sean I got it
Why are sex words our worst swearwords?
Topping our list of the worst possible words is the F-word, though in its literal sense it conveys something very nice. Writers are not specifically forbidden to use it but there are enough hoops to jump through that nobody has broken the F- barrier yet.
It’s listed in our highest security class of obscenity, along with three synonyms for penis, two for vagina, two slang terms for oral sex, two variants on animal waste products and one expression that employs the F-word in an oedipal context.
What does this say about our society, and is there any scientific explanation for why people yell out a word for sex when they stub their toes?
Is the Circle K on the Auraria Parkway ?? There was as I vaguely remember a snack shop or something like two blocks or so west of the 7th street entrance 😮
I always thought cuss words were more of a Navy inspired language extension than a sex innspired language. extension. Maybe they were originally more or a desire than a revelation. :tongue:
Children of the Storm NYT multimedia.
uh get off at exit 210 c it will be first left
swear words
the only theory i’ve read about what makes a good curse word is that it must be “mouthy”, that is it feel significant to make the sounds.
a friend of mine noted once, however, that people tend to say “jesus christ” or variants when they’re feeling “crucified.”
i dunno, sue, but my dad asked if I wanted to go eat at hooters – jokingly – and i suggested a business model for a new restaurant featuring men in tight spandex shorts…could call it:
the big wally
ok, i’ll stop now :tongue:
how about peter richards?
boy, pj is FAST! :fist:
peter richards for quality sausage and weiners!!!!!
:peace:thanks PJ!
Look like Kat still has a lot of that California girl in her..:shock:
How about Richards Peter:tongue:
:rofl2: You’ve got a winner there!
From the “cuss words atricle:
“Some cultures create elaborate rules about mixing sex and speech, he says. In parts of New Guinea, you’re not allowed to have sex with anyone who shares your primary language. Luckily, people there know lots of languages, so they generally manage.
Some aboriginal Australians have a sort of incest-related taboo against speaking with the family of your spouse. All words in their primary language are forbidden, so they create artificial “mother-in-law languages” to talk to their mothers-in-law.”
That’s got to make it easier to avoid Mother-in-law hassles.
I thought saying Jesus Christ was a request for a lightening strike in your vicinity .:shock:. could be wrong though.:tongue:
ok im sleeping now call me when you get down here fred!
Tom Oliphant and Kristy Harvey are hosting Al Franken today through Wednesday. :nod:
I saw the taping last night too! I was in the first balcony, stage right. I met another Sedition fan, Paul (though he doesn’t blog) I liked the new jokes, especially the one about being an extension of our home entertainment system that “eats and goes to the bathroom.” I still liked the self-deprecating neuroses – “screw you for laughing!” I got to say hi to Marc on the way out – what an elephat’s memory! He remembered me from the live shows I saw. He also hinted at trying to get another radio gig, let’s all cross our fingers!
Heather Chandler … I dunno, self deprecating women are getting tiresome. Why do they have to call themselves alcoholic whores for being libertines?
Sue, was that the Bananas show in NJ last year? I was there, too!
Does anyoen know if the producer of Marc’s show came frpm Politically Direct?
9NEWS has confirmed from two sources that the DNA sample taken from John Mark Karr is not a match with the foreign DNA found on JonBenet Ramsey’s body when she was murdered in 1996. Stay tuned for more details from 9NEWS, and 9NEWS Now.
ABC docudrama, to air 9/10 and 9/11 blames Clinton and Dems for 9/11.
At the heart of Hildegard von Bingen’s extraordinary creativity was her accomplishment in music. In the poetry and melody of her songs, she reveals the full authority, intelligence and striking originality of her genius. She wrote profusely as no woman before her. Even though she received no formal training in music, her talent and motivation drove her to write 77 chants and the first musical drama in history which she entitled “The Ritual of the Virtues.” She writes in her autobiographical passages: “I composed and chanted plainsong in praise of God and the saints even though I had never studied either musical notation or singing.” Unlike the mild, mainstream music of her day, her lyrical speech breaks into rhapsodic emotion; her zesty melodies soar up to two and one half octaves, leaping and swirling into flourishing roulades which leave the singer breathless. The poetic vision and thematic themes of her hymns encompass the vast expanse of all her writings.
Hildegarde Shemanski Nickolettia Rose :omg:
Are you out there, SHEmanski? :omg:
Wo! You are out there! Simultaneous post. Are you listening to Malloy?
I was about fifteen minutes ago in the car, just put him on again
I miss Mike Malloy at night! 🙁
I have been getting into WFMU. Tampa, FL radio talkshow host, Bill Lassiter. Brought back old memories of local radio. Pre-1996.
He is coming back to the New York megalopolis next month.
must be some cool tapes they sent you.
hmm, the poster I’m doing…I’m going to have to put a date down (or dates) for the rock show….
Can somebody tell PJ to hurry up with the pic, and Cnick to hurry up with the podcast?
Don’t worry so much about Joe Lieberman. This Lantos nut is for all practical purposes an Israeli Agent:
Remind me again why we need a Democratic House? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to send an email rant to Nita Lowey [NY, Likud] again.
San Diego, CA — A motion to dismiss a congressional election challenge in California took on national implications last week when defense attorneys argued that no court has jurisdiction to intervene in an election after Congress has sworn in a member, RAW STORY has learned.
I thought election tampering was an act of treason.:jason::jason::jason::jason:
In his October 2005 speech, Mr. Ahmadinejad never used the word “map” or the term “wiped off”. According to Farsi-language experts like Juan Cole and even right-wing services like MEMRI, what he actually said was “this regime that is occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.”
What did he mean? In this speech to an annual anti-Zionist conference, Mr. Ahmadinejad was being prophetic, not threatening. He was citing Imam Khomeini, who said this line in the 1980s (a period when Israel was actually selling arms to Iran, so apparently it was not viewed as so ghastly then). Mr. Ahmadinejad had just reminded his audience that the Shah’s regime, the Soviet Union, and Saddam Hussein had all seemed enormously powerful and immovable, yet the first two had vanished almost beyond recall and the third now languished in prison. So, too, the “occupying regime” in Jerusalem would someday be gone. His message was, in essence, “This too shall pass.”
But what about his other “threats” against Israel? The blathersphere made great hay from his supposed comment later in the same speech, “There is no doubt: the new wave of assaults in Palestine will erase the stigma in [the] countenance of the Islamic world.” “Stigma” was interpreted as “Israel” and “wave of assaults” was ominous. But what he actually said was, “I have no doubt that the new movement taking place in our dear Palestine is a wave of morality which is spanning the entire Islamic world and which will soon remove this stain of disgrace from the Islamic world.” “Wave of morality” is not “wave of assaults.” The preceding sentence had made clear that the “stain of disgrace” was the Muslim world’s failure to eliminate the “occupying regime”.
For months, scholars like Cole and journalists like the London Guardian’s Jonathan Steele have been pointing out these mistranslations while more and more appear: for example, Mr. Ahmadinejad’s comments at the Organization of Islamic Countries meeting on August 3, 2006. Radio Free Europe reported that he said “that the ‘main cure’ for crisis in the Middle East is the elimination of Israel.” “Elimination of Israel” implies physical destruction: bombs, strafing, terror, throwing Jews into the sea. Tony Blair denounced the translated statement as “”quite shocking”. But Mr. Ahmadinejad never said this. According to al-Jazeera, what he actually said was “The real cure for the conflict is the elimination of the Zionist regime, but there should be an immediate ceasefire first.”
Most of the Democratic Party elected officeholders are in the hands of AIPAC. Do not forget that.
Shemanski doesn’t forget…. :omg:
When Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut, a prime loser was the [AIPAC] Lobby. Like the Israeli army in Lebanon, the Israel Lobby in Connecticut was exposed as a paper tiger. Joe Lieberman is AIPAC’s boy; when he speaks at the yearly AIPAC convention in Washington, he elicits wild cheers, standing ovations, shouts of “Go, Joe, Go.” Only the considerably less sanctimonious Dick Cheney does as well with that crowd. If the Lobby is on your side, you are supposed to win elections, and if it is not, down you go. But that did not happen in Connecticut despite the full exertion of the Lobby. In the final days of the campaign 1.5 million dollars poured into Lieberman’s coffers, and virtually the entire Dem establishment was ordered into the fray on his side. Lieberman’s opponent, Ned Lamont, had his name dragged through every mud puddle in Connecticut and of course was accused of being an anti-Semite. But that was all to no avail; Lamont won and Lieberman lost. A lot of politicians must now wonder whether the Lobby can deliver victories reliably any longer.
This is the second major hit that the Lobby has taken recently. The first was the paper on the Lobby’s role in drumming up the war on Iraq by Mearsheimer and Walt, Professors at Chicago and Harvard, respectively. What was the celebrated Mearsheimer and Walt paper all about anyway? There was no new information in it. With all due respect to M and W, a college student could have quickly produced the same tract for a term paper. But since it was authored by recognized figures of the Establishment the Mearsheimer and Walt paper made it respectable to go after the Lobby; and therein lies its significance. It broke the ice and opened the Lobby to attack; at last the truth about the Lobby could be told and the inevitable epithet of anti-Semitism slung at its critics could be tossed aside. That in itself was a great aid to the peace movement.
Shemanski at the Well must be self-hating. :omg:
A lot of politicians must now wonder whether the Lobby can deliver victories reliably any longer.
Things are starting to change in this country; people are wising up
I must have a mind of my own. Goodness gracious.
Despite evidence of widespread election irregularities, the Trife [Supreme Electoral Tribunal]refused the call for a complete national recount, agreeing only to examine the results in 11,839 of the nation’s 130,000 precincts. That recount was completed in mid-August, though the results have not yet been publicly released. The Mexican daily La Jornada reported conflicting PRD and PAN claims about the results of the recount, with PRD insisting that the Trife had uncovered major problems and PAN dismissing the irregularities as “errorcitos.” But La Jornada’s website features videos showing violated ballot boxes and other evidence of fraud from sites across the country. Narco News Bulletin, which has closely followed the election and post-election results, claims it has received information that the Trife’s partial recount showed irregularities sufficient to reverse the results of the election. (Mexico’s Partial Vote Recount Confirms Massive and Systematic Election Fraud, Narco News Bulletin, 8/15/06)
OK, Travis, here’s Marc from Saturday night:

“Naturally, the common people don’t want war … but after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in every country.”
(Hermann Goering)
Yeah, whatever comes around goes around. If it’s good enough propaganda for Goering, it’s good enough for Bush. Because obvioulsy it works.
What was on the video?
which video?
No video in the package?
Tropical Storm ERNESTO
no, a picture of Mt. SH, a letter, and some drawings
Cool:40:now we just need the podcast from Nick
wheres PJ?:paranoid:
Check in the mail.
Sean: I’m leaving in about 10 minutes. I will call you just to see if the cell phone works before I get on the highway. :banana::banana::banana:
I’m right here, Sean.
I will
:doh:in the picture!
Oh, that part didn’t come out. File corrupted.
:tinfoil:was it the greys or the blondes that corrupted it!
Definitely the greys.
:tongue:been listening to too much art bell lately!
Listen as Druid tells me of her love of wolves, rats and “things that go bump in the night.” I think you’ll find our conversation fascinating listening. Go here to listen to the podcast. Thanks Druid! :love:
yay Art Bell :nod::tinfoil::banana:
alrighty, I’ll try to listen to this podcast, Cnick
hmm, I’m at the page but nothing is happening, how do I get this to work?
oh wait, I think I have it, yes :pent:
Cnick, you have a nice voice 😛
I hate the way I sound on these podcasts, but thank you for the compliment, Susan Joy!
most people don’t like the sound of their own voice when it’s recorded – I feel kind of stunned when I hear my own – but take it from me, it sounds good – and Druid sounds lovely 🙂
Yes, Dru is a wonderful person!
Yeah, she really is, warm, and wonderful and full of wisdom
Just met gypsy for :joe: too short of a visit but we will meet up in Seattle:nod::banana:
where’s fred?:paranoid:
:tinfoil:see too much art bell!
Cut that down, Sean:yuck: Too much!
great podcast, Cnick and Druid!
:omg: Sean, your yellow jacket story reminds me of the wasp scenes in the book “the shining” 😯
I missed the 5 PM Ernesto update, but it looks like the model is continuing to trend toward the east coast and away from me. I like this.
We’re working overtime all week, which coincides nicely with Malloy filling in for Randi, since I only get to listen to him when he’s subbing for someone else. I guess my Ernesto updates will continue to be from online sources unless I force myself to stay up for the late news tonight. Not the Fox station, either. They suck.
And did anyone else listen to Oliphant and Christy Harvey filling in for Sen. Dead Air and think that the show hasn’t been this good since Katherine left? They talked through a few of the hard breaks, but hell, Al still does that himself.
Decided to pass on the second Repig gubernatorial debate tonight, since I wouldn’t vote for either of those idiots at gunpoint. The Dems are tomorrow night. Primary is a week from tomorrow.
Some of Katherine Harris’ Repig primary opponents are running ads now, proclaiming themselves “a Republican who can win.” Which is only marginally less delusional than Harris believing she can beat Nelson, given his 30-point lead.
That’s enough babbling for now. Time to :40:
Theron to star in Battle in Seattle
Deutsche Presse Agentur
Published: Monday August 28, 2006
Los Angeles- Oscar-winning actress Charlize Theron is to star in the low budget movie Battle in Seattle about the demonstrations at the World Trade Organisation’s summit in the city in 1999, Production Weekly reported Monday. Theron’s boyfriend, actor Stuart Townsend, wrote the film and will also be making it his directorial debut.
The movie focuses on an eclectic group of demonstrators, including environmental activists, doctors, anarchists, attorneys, eco- terrorists and just plain folks, who bring the city to a state of near-chaos, as they protest the policies of the WTO.
Were you there?
Is my battery defective?:omg:
Hey Kat….if youre on…Mr is on now looking way too tanned. I hope thats from your vacation and not from not using enough sunscreen out there in hell….things look very bad there…..Bad enough for Shays to flip flop….hmmmm
fuck shays….what an idiot!!!! Norah O’Donnell is doing a pretty good job of raking him over the coals.
:paranoid:fred still hasnt called
do you have fred’s number?
I’m drunk at the moon.
Roxie! Where is that place in Ballard!?
No your battery is not defective- mine may be.
:omg: I’m sorry 🙁
Mon, Aug 28
help send Dave Reichert packing
and special guests RADIO NATIONALS
doors @ 7pm ~ $15 suggested donation
Whatcha sorry for?
I can’t get the link. can you explain it to me? I’ve had, like ,seven.:40:
your battery!:omg:
5213 Ballard Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Info line: 206.789.3599
:paranoid:MY battery what?
I wasn’t there but my friends Amy and Jason were. Amy says on of the proudest moments of her life was when she was watching her brand new husband (as opposed to long term boyfriend) climb up on a police vehicle and pose in triumph, then jump off and run before the tear gas got to him.
BTW, bloggren, my poor computer is unhappily trying to die, which I think I’ve mentioned before. Plus my boss is back in town. So my appearances on the blog will be somewhat limited until one or both situations is remedied.
If my slow cooker ribs turn out good, though, I’ll try to get online and share the recipe for the sauce. I made my own BBQ sauce. I’m so excited.
BTW, how come with the “discovery” that the sad little man who confessed falsely to JonBenet Ramsey’s murder is innocent, the Boulder County DA takes a hit but no one points a finger at the media (specifically Fox who covered ever time the dude peed!) except some bloggers? Why do I get the feeling anyone who protested too loudly about the coverage given this circus would be accused of being “soft on pedophilia, just like all Dems…”?
Oh you are sorry about my battery:rofl2:
:paranoid:maybe the traffic got fred?
Hey Gypsy:banana:
I’m sso drunk, Heron. It’s not even funny:tongue:
What’s this seven at 4pm
Don’t make me come and get you
Are you spending all your bimbersnoot money?
What’s a seditionist to do?:knit:
Oh, man… I should sober up and go to the place in Ballard. What is it called again?
I have to go to the bathroom, give me a minute….please.
Hey need to get some food.
Hey, sblue, good meeting you.
Okay, blog sibs, I’m on my way home now. It’s f**king 94 degrees out here in Hillsburrito. GAH! I’m glad dinner’s in the slow cooker and I don’t have to do anything in a hot kitchen tonight!
Safe travels gypsy and bring water for that drive… I got a whopping headache on the way back. dehydrated.
Food? Where?:paranoid:What street is that place
If Roxie wants to pick me up at the moon, that would be cool. Otherwise, I can’t really navigate too well:doh:
5213 Ballard Ave NW
Old Ballard Ave
I have to make a transaction. I’ll be back in a sec.
taibbi hillary
:rant1:doing what!
:rant1:where is fred!
:doh:maybe fred is afraid of me?
fred? afraid? Maybe he had to stop..:crap::crap::crap:
:crap:im going away!
taibbi “So they’ll vote, even for a factory-produced fraud like Hillary Clinton, because voting is easy. Much easier than doing something. That’s the real platform the Democrats are running on this November. “
Maybe you will see him there:crap::crap::crap:
What? throw down more info, Sblue? I’m lost right now?
More info about what…
:neutral:fred said he was leaving hours ago! and that he was gonna call before he left!
Is there a law against drunk people blogging? If there is, I’m screwed:doh:
You have the name, the address- get a bus to Ballard on 45th and walk south on Ballard ave – There will be places to eat and the Tavern is on the right about 5 blocks from the main drag through Ballard.
There are too many Norse folk in Ballard.
There is a Tully’s near the Bay Movie theatre where you can blog from.
I was born in Ballard
August 29, 2006
Patricia Todd reinstated as winner of Alabama primary
Openly lesbian Alabama candidate Patricia Todd was reinstated Saturday as the Democratic Party’s nominee for a seat in the Alabama legislature in a vote that turned more on the race of the candidates than on sexual orientation. The Alabama Democratic Party executive committee voted 95–87 to reject the ruling of a subcommittee that had voted to disqualify Todd, who is white, as well as her black opponent, Gaynell Hendricks, in the race for the house seat from Birmingham’s district 54. Todd defeated Hendricks by 59 votes in the July 18 party runoff election.
read the full story here.
Cool Cnick- I heard that when I was driving today and thought of you..
Hey travis what happened to the transaction?
I think I’m too drunk to comprehend, Heron? 🙁
they arent norse folk they are aliens!
Maybe there is hope for this backward state. :nod:
Oh, I was going to buy a stash, but the guy left. Another beer instead. Oh, well….
Are you originally from the Norse Country, then?
Like a Good Neighbor…:omg:
Are you crying in your beer at 4:55pm?-Travis you are way too young for that nonsense.
Valhalla I am commmming
Fuck! I don’t know any better. What am I suppose to do?
Talk to you guys a little later. I’m hungry.
Supposed to learn to write?
:rofl2:Cnick – “so i’m not interested in anything that doesnt have pubic hair”
Blonde Nordic Humanoids
Description: 6-8Ft, Swedish looking Aliens, Human in appearance, but who knows if this is just a disguise??? Said to be the overseers of abductions, but do not seem to be as malevolent as some of the other species mentioned here.
Is this what you were referring to? Those are Swedish; I was talking about Norwegians.
I’m going to have to stop this :knit:
Are you making fun 0f me?:shock:
yup 🙂
oh don’t mix up Norweigans with Swedes, they will definitely correct you…
but please don’t quote me out of context Sean! :tongue:
I gotta go eat me some food. Save sex for later.
No I am just a tad worried… but that’s my job I guess.
And my choice.:smack:
And my fucking :fustrate: head:fustrate: hurts:fustrate:
I cant think why:doh:
Dis you hear about the Swede who put lutefiske in his basement to get rid of the opossums?
later sheeple. Tell Melina to listen too my podcast. I talk about her near the end!
No. No stopping. Throw down more.please? I can read, but I can’t really trype
no more head aches!
I think you are completely sober in your back porch and just messing with my mind…
yup yup:nod:
Hey, I’m completely honest with the blog! Seriously, I’m at the moon. I :love: you peeps!
:priest:out damned spot!
now you are getting all slobbery sentimental….:cry:
need some salt in that beer? Did someone bring a ficus in here?
Is that a down jacket..dowwn?
who’d you kill Sean?
is fred ok?:shock:
you have really lost me!My sentimentalism is not sloppy!:rant1:
:jason:willie s. speare! fuck that guy!
PJ- I think we need the giant geriatric font for Travis!
Well. bring it…. I’m waiting.
How many beers?:40::40::40::40::40::40::40::40:
:doh:i think fred got lost!
I can’t even remember.A lot!:40:
is that a moxie soda?:alc:
I think I should join somebody on their road adventures. :nod:
well i can’t watch anymore.:shock:
Travis- be sure youre drinking at least a glass of water for each beer you drink or youre gonna be really sick tomorrow…..Im worried about you out there drinking like that. Are you sad or just having fun as a 21 yr old does?
Im assuming that Fred doesnt have a cell phone…? Or is in a place with no signal.
Dont alien abductions happen round there alot too?
No, I’m cool. My tolerance is pretty good:nod:
on the road with Sean?
Uh… don’t think so…
well i think im gonna give up on fred and go eat catering before they close it!
oops… I’m not looking..dont look..:shock:
poor Fred….
I can just see fred stuck in traffic- it didn’t go well for him on the dry run.
Are you getting a three day pass for bumber, heron?
We could make a road movie…
Yeah, that would be great!:nod:
Fremont Bridge Concrete Work Resumes
Now that the concrete plant strike has ended, the contractor replacing the Fremont Bridge approaches can start on work that was delayed during the strike. Because the demand for concrete is high at this time, work will progress as concrete is available.
A small portion of the work will take place tomorrow starting at 4am. Because of the early hour, backup alarms on construction equipment will be silenced.
sweet they have salad with mandarin vinagerette dressing lasagna! steamed veggies and chicken cord en’bleu!
I want to see this…
I need some shape and some significance :nod:
We could one-up cnick and do a vodcast:rofl2::billcat:
:omg:my sister sent me this as a reply to me telling her to type in english not gibberish “u juss don`t understand a tenage mind when it types sumthin ur gettin old”
I’ll buy the vid camera!
awwww Sean!:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:
first write a storyboard- then we’ll talk…
sweet they have a christo-fascist zombie brigade network in denver!
Story board There’s no way I can do that right now. I’ve had way too much to drink. Even when I’m sober that would be difficult
A short film by Travis M: “The Last Days of the Blue Moon”:alc:mush is not a typo you are messin’ with me:growl:
I saw a cute diner in Hillsboro The Blue Moon Diner
Sorry, We’re open!
That is the ironic greeting posted in the
front windows of Seattle’s Blue Moon Tavern. Since its founding in 1934, the Moon has become a beacon for generations of free-thinkers, radicals, and artists.
Pulitzer Prize-winning poets and Dead Heads have bent their elbows at its bar, and, in the process, transformed the Moon into an unofficial cultural landmark.
What’s with the closing Blue Moon Tavern Talk?
I think it’s being sold for over 300,000:omg:
It is for sale… Has it been sold?
I’m a free thinker, that’s for sure!
Food. Restaurants. Burgers. Blue Moon Burgers. 920 Republican St.
not sure:-(
Is this what you were referring to? Those are Swedish; I was talking about Norwegians.
Comment by NickiRose — August 28, 2006 @ 8:01 pm
I think I’m half alien :tinfoil: So, one time, when my brother got himself thrown in jail for credit card theft, my dad the Norwegian had to talk to a Detective Anderson and the detective wasn’t cooperating with my dad so my dad called him a “damned Swede”. I thought it was really funny because I had never heard any Aryan racism before. :rofl2:
The Blue Moon on NW 21st/Glisan burned down a few years ago.
A long forgotten struggle from the old country.
Does Portland have any place as venerable as Blue Moon Tavern?
(I saw this place yesterday on Lombard)
Thanks a lot for the sympathy you guys. I really appreciate it from a bunch of animal lovers. I miss my Sweet Jane so much right now. I think I thought I would have her forever. God I love that dog.
:knit::love:.I’m out in the :40:land
Tom Leykis used to be a decent talk show host here in Phx, but now he has degraded into the asshole he always wanted to be. I went on a date with him once. 🙄 I think he has a thing for chicks named Kris or Kristy or Krista or Christina.
Kristapea..light that candle..
JAMIROQUAI- virtual insanity! :doh:
I got a nice little Myspace note from Marc, thanking me for the pastries I brought him last night.
I REMINDED him that he needs to come see us all here!
throw it down, sheeple. What the fuck?
my stepbrother LOVES the leykis guys show
Fuck! what does that mean?
It :fustrate: still :fustrate: hurts :fustrate: why?:doh:
So, I saw Little Miss Sunshine this weekend and I give it 3 thumbs up. DeVotchKa does the soundtrack(I missed them last Monday, FUCK!) and the movie is hilarious. Plus I loved trying to figure out where they were filming, the trip goes from Albuquercy to LA and they go through Phoenix.
cnick, am listening to your blog! You have a great voice.
Druid, you remind me of my friend in Indiana that I can talk to for hours. Heck, you even sound like her.
Your step brother must be some kind of mysogonist, maybe Sean?
Are you getting mean?
Why are you not getting your ass to a political event?
Ok when I get back I’m going to see that!:nod:
I need a ride. i’m so lost. I don’t know how to get there. I’m really drunk, too.:40:
no fred:(
fred is stuck on the :crap:
Well think of it this way you have a choice- Drinking or political action or a combination. How are you going to get home?
Same way you would drag your ass to that tractor right?
Get thee hence- wench!:40:
Cab Fare? Bus fare any bus going west from where you are would take you there…
Next week it is Urban Survival Boot Camp for you Buddy…:mad:
yeah that guy is evil!
Never bring a woman back to your place.
Do you really want her to know where you live after you’ve dumped her and moved on to the next one? Do you want her dropping over uninvited on weekend and nights to “see if you’re around?” No!
Have sex at her house or a hotel.
Did I hear Sam say Marc would be on MR tomorrow?
the place is called the tractor, huh? I don’t even know where Ballard is. I’d go, but I’m completely lost on this one. Sorry, R!
Urban survival boot camp!:omg:
Ballard is to the West of Fremont. to the west of Wallingford. Walk out of the moon and take a right and keep walking you will get there in an hour.
Are you serious! walk for an hour!
Or I am going to have to rip out my knitting…
Don’t make me cry 🙁
heron has a bite:wink:
I’m going to bed. I can’t even think straight. G’night, :sheep:le.
Hi previouslyon… I also heard from Melina that he may be on Conan this week.
Glad you had the shout out from Marc Phoener.
Heron, I think I’m confused (no, wait, maybe I’m not…). Was it the Blue Moon that was closed because they refused to cave in to city ordinance?
That got settled but it is still up for sale. The article is here.
young man with a laptop is our dear one:love:
My nephew’s been living in Seattle for about 2 years now, and is starting music school this month. Between what he tells us, and what I’ve learned from you N’Westerners, it sounds like a great place to live. I doubt David will ever “come home.” I think he’s found a new one.
Rox, you better show up!!! I’m here! You’re not square, are you?
:mad:I’m here all alone 🙁
blue, what do I do?
I’m AT THE PLACE Talk to me sheeple!PLEASE
Fuck. I’m pissed. You won’t even correspond with me. Fuck this!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Awwww travis i’m sorry- my head is splitting and I am:barf:
I’m sorry, Blue!
I had to put my head down for a minute- don’t be mad.:no:
What’s Rox’s number?:mad::mad:
How did you get there?
I took bus 44 . Some other drunk gave me directions
I’m going home, if I’m here all alone! I don’t care who’s here!:mad:
Are you at the event or at Tully’s
Did you get some food?
You are not alone Travis- find out what it is about.
I am pretty hungary. I’m here at the tavern!
Kill the republicans!:omg:Feed ’em to the rich!
They’re singin’ here!
I sent roxie’s email to you
blue, have you got a migraine?…Ive been plagued…too much stress! But doing better now.
Travis- get some food…a sandwich or anything….you need to eat when youre drinking…please!!
Fuck it!. I’LL stay here a little bit, but them I’m leavin’! Sean got screwed and I think I am too.
The repubs are singing there or there is some liberal group singing that song?
ice pack, ibuprophen, caffeine , and sleep!!
fuckin’ Libs, Mel!:rofl2:
I think I do have one Melina..
Kinda like your mushroom drink day..
Im sure there is a reason that Fred didnt show or call….did Seanie ever hear? Anyway, he got a great dinner from kraft service.
I was just reading NY Magazine and there it was in a little article about how its the hot new thing for all the celebs and hot yoga people…ugh…
I was late getting out today.. Oh and I am watching Christopher hittchins what a jerk.
They didn’t show the into skit tonight that bill Mahar had on Friday with Hezbollah helping people out.
Hi Travis I haven’t eaten yet and need a bite :growl: have you 😉
SBlueHeron 😉 more “strange”,
Besides Barbie and G. I Joe, I was feeding the second wave of strays (more and more are fixed):banana: (around 3 or 4am) and I noticed at the floor window location were I sit, if you come up all the way to the window (which you can, in a certain way, SEE ME) a 2x=large black shirt with an “iron cross” printed on it saying “West Coast Choppers”. And of corse the ploce SUCK!!!
I am back to school now and I am bothered and livid about this “strange” :omg::growl::fist::jason:
well, at least youre in good liberal company Trav….Feed em to the rich?…hmmm….but they are largely the rich…so they should be fed to themselves?
Is roxie there?
I better not get ditched at bumbershoot. That’s all I’m sayin’! Later:peace::mad:
No. :-(she’s not
Yes, Chris Hitchens has cleaned up a little bit but is still his old know it all self. I liked his book on MOther Theresa…but he is so boorish and insane that I dont know why they bother with him.
I thought that elvis costello was brilliant!
I havent finished watching it either.
Does he have Coulter? Or maybe thats for the next show.
Not only did Sam say that Maron would be on Majority Report tomorrow night, I think he said he would be on Conan O’Brien.
That’s a very big tease, IMO, that Sam didn’t want to talk about the time change for his show tonight, but said he’d be talking about it tomorrow night. Am I the only one going hmmmmmm……? :knit:
“West Coast Choppers”. And of corse the ploce SUCK!!!
Be careful Trav and try ot have a good time…maybe drink some water and eat some food!!
Im going to sleep…..
RoxieSeatle, I thought I wrote you but I just woke up and that is what I planned on doing, then fell asleep at computer, and when kinda woke up — I think I “dreamed” of writing you. :wink::omg::wink:
Roxie is on her way Travis!
Goodnight Melina:gate::knit::love:
I just texted her so she knows you are there.
I’ll just hang for a little while more:yawn:
Tell me when you are about to go and I will let her know when you have gone.
You need to eat.. this is why I have a headache because I ate breakfast at 1:30 …after working.:barf:
SBlue Heron, I have closed shades and two types of curtains. But if one Cranes (just for you Sblue :rofl2:) ones neck and wrentch it just right, one might be able to peep where cats walk to get to window. I even worked at one time for Police down South:omg:
But the surrounding :jerk::s of all side just is all the more reason to keep my “:growl:” going, Mwah HaHa
Are you Seattle three getting into trouble? :banana::rofl2::banana:
Yeah… he doesn’t know who he is messing with…:fu:
So do you think it is a biker barbie stalker?
Except I’m dooon sooth:rofl2:
I’m wasted here at the tractor:4!0::omg:
were you a rookie druid?
I haven’t eaten for a long time and all this talk of food makes me a food zombie. :omg: MUST EAT NOW:omg:
SBlueHeron, see it is the damn computer it just went off :omg: It must be haunted:omg:it could never be a “User problems”. :no:
How are you trav?
You need a good ROAR:omg:
Well, I just bummed a smoke from someone:barf:
I thought you didn’t smoke?
I need a good VOPR!
Voice of pure reason?
I don’t. Well, unless I’m really :doh:
Yup, yup:nod:
Voice Operated Relay
Man I wish Marc would talk some sense into you….
SblueHeron re 387 — Wow, so beautiful Wow cool:cool:
Travis, did you eat:?: I haven’t yet 😮 now a TEA :joe:ZOMBIE :omg:
I haven’t eaten today. How long do you think it’ll take for R TO GET HERE?
Heron! Gee, I guess since you left me, I’ll go.. Man, ditched at the tractor:mad:
Travis I’m in Oregon remember?
She comes a long way up the road from where you are.
If you must know…:crap:
If you’re busy doin’:crap: I think I can understand:nod:
I’m worried about fred. :crap:
must be sympathy:crap:
I think I’ll go outside for a couple mins. Be back in fifteen.
I’m bummed 🙁
Are you worried about getting home?
Yeah, and I’m pretty drunk:yuck:
Maybe you want to get the 44 back?
No, not really. I think I have enough for a cab, if I really get into trouble. I think I’ll try and catch a bus
Ok man write when you get home ok- say around 11pm?
Stay around until eleven. That’s a long time:omg:
No I thought you were going home now?
Oh, you mean write around eleven. Ok. I’ll see you then:peace:
Man, it’s really getting loud in here.:ear:
I’m still waiting for Roxie!
I’ll give her another fifteen minutes, then I’m leaving
Oh, fuck. I’m pretty drunk!:yuck:
Hey, do you have her cell phone number, Sblue?
You need to get out of there..
Seriously? She’s not coming.:mad:
She may show up or maybe something came up. You should take care of yourself now and get home and eat something.
Check back with me at 11 ok?
HEy, I’m going back to the moon. It’s better there. Then I’ll check back. I hope I can get there:nixon:cross ’em!
:40: water
Roxie made it at 10:55
I’m here!:nixon:
The moon?
What the fuck!I’m here at the Moon!
Peanuts are no substitute for dinner!:mad:
well I was up too late last night so I am going to say goodnight.:gate:
were you promised dinner?
No..wait, get roxie over to the moon!
No, but I’ll buy dinner.I just don’t know where to go
I should be back tomorrow… if I can sleep.
What about R, Blue?
Just go to QFC or safeway or is Stella’s open?
Holy shit! QFC! Are you serious?:rofl2:Fine, I’ll just fend for my self, then
Pizza slice?
Oh..I should get the pizza slice! Is that on the AVE?
Man I don’t know…I wouldn’t go up there at this time.
I’m getting the pizza. Catch ya tomorrow. We’re meeting up on Wed., right?
Sure I guess…
Do you know where to go to eat?
You guess!… Ok? Sure, then. I’ll’ correspond when you’re with it, then!
No. Not really. I thought I would just walk around until I found the pizza place
Ok when/ where do you want to meet travis?
anywhere, anytime:nod:
Look I wouldn’t go up above 45th right now.
Oh we should go to the College Inn Pub sometime. Lower ave is better. I would look for food somewhere south of 45th.
This is my instinct talkin’
Write me some mail, ok? I HAVE to \ GO EAT SOMeThING. I’LL CHECK IN IN A LITTLE BIT, AFTER I eat.
Saying Goodnight now:gate:
G’Night all :gate: Merry Travels in All states 😉
458, am I ever going to be able to read — read posts, I have to read much SiFiFan Mag, AND NOW I AM BACK IN SCHOOL TOO 😮
PJ, what an influence from staying in a dorm which I had to whilst moving one summer and now “2 year old” computer school :eek::omg::eek: :doh: :rofl2:
…and now trying to change “sleep time” time 😮
But Evanescence has a new release with a video WITH WOLVES (actually Hybrids). But looks TRES Cool 😎
I’m back at the house. Everything is cool.:barf:
Oh, sure, don’t send the drunk person any mail! Fine…
I guess we are the “weird” :omg:
I am not weird, I’m drunk! Oh, and I was ditched at the Tractor!
Then there was one :omg:
Time to feed :rofl2: (:billcat:)
Well I was just teasing since everyone seems to be gone…and I thought U2 😉
How ditched at what tractor? Cool if a “hot” place, but to be ditched
:cool:Then there was one…
Back to feeding :omg: (:billcat:)
Hildegard von Bingen in ihrem historischen Umfeld: Internationaler … Was Hildegard consulted by Jewish groups in her new urban environment?
are there really 468 comments or is that a mistake?
im on my palm blogging mobile….
you’re on an old thread, melina.
What is Scientology?
Those who have been following the story of Tom Cruise’s breakup with Paramount Pictures will have encountered references to his religion, Scientology, as well as speculation about whether his involvement in the Church of Scientology played any role in the conflict.
All of this may prompt further questions about the nature of this relatively new spiritual movement that many have described as one of the fastest growing religions in the world and others regard as a dangerous cult.
What is The Church of Scientology? Founded in 1954 by L. Ron Hubbard, who first came to prominence in the US as a science fiction writer, the movement is perhaps best known today because celebrities like Cruise have identified with it. Almost from the beginning, Scientology has been surrounded by controversy and confusion. This, in part, stems from the fact that the movement’s leaders have tried to position it in a hard to define middle ground between science and religion. Note that Hubbard’s great leap from the realm of science fiction toward religion came with the publication of his best selling book, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950).
Thus Scientology tries to package itself not so much as a religion, but as a way of life that is compatible with adherence to Christianity or other world religions. Critics, some of them referred to in websites listed below, suggest that Hubbard was actually deeply skeptical of traditional religion. Rather than putting itself forward as a ‘revealed religion’ based on a sacred text (as are Judaism, Christianity and Islam), Scientology stands upon three sources of authority: the inspiration of its founder, the validity of its ‘science,’ and the effectiveness of its technology, namely, the E-meter, an electrical devise used in a process referred to as ‘auditing.’ Through the use of the E-meter and other practices, Scientologists believe that painful and debilitating experiences from the past can be ‘cleared’ away and practitioners can be liberated to attain their full potential as human beings.
While maintaining that it has no creeds or theology, the Church of Scientology does promote a set of ideas that claim both scientific and spiritual legitimacy. In doing so, it attracts critics from the scientific community as well as from traditional religious groups who find its ideas deeply flawed.
A Typically American Religion
I would suggest that Scientology is a typically American spiritual movement in eschewing what it regards as outmoded tradition, emphasizing practical results, and making an unapologetic appeal to the rich and the famous. It is also typically American in its optimism, its affirmation of material success as one of the central fruits of spiritual practice, and in its willingness to adopt both science and technology as sources of wisdom. Ironically, many of these same traits are evident within that spiritual movement that is most critical of Scientology, namely contemporary American evangelical Christianity.
Bottom Line
Is Scientology a legitimate religion? A cult? Is it pseudo-science? A public relations stunt? A money making scam? Or is it a spiritual movement in an advanced stage of adolescence? If it’s the latter, and I think a good case can be made for that description, give it another hundred years or so, and you may find it taking its place in the pantheon of respected world religions.
Charles Henderson is a Presbyterian minister, publisher of CrossCurrents magazine, and Executive Director of the Association for Religion and Intellectual Life. He can be reached at: