Nice to see Mike Malloy slip one past the crack AAR team last night, and post on their show page. We should get a pool going to see how long it takes AAR to notice. I know they’re supposed to be “liberals” and all, but they sure do seem to be acting like Republicans. I would use a crude analogy to describe them, but I’m above all that now. I just hope the Democrats don’t screw up and lose all these races Kos keeps telling me are so “competitive.” However unworthy you might think the Democrats are, you have to admit it’d be awfully fun to watch Denny Hastert and his Boehner cry like little babies when they lose control (not to mention Bill Frist – and I’m very interested in seeing George Allen having his macaca handed to him, and I hope Rick Sanatorium cries like a little baby, too).
ā Whatever :sheep: le
Go ahead… the cruder the better.. :eek::yuck::shock::paranoid:
I was just watching Paul Castro on C-span speaking to this meeting of nonaligned nations.. why is it that these socialist/communist leaders these days are making so much more sense than the capitalist/imperialist dip shits do.. :jason::jason::jason::gate::omg:
BUDAPEST, Hungary –Protesters clashed with police and stormed the headquarters of state television early Tuesday, responding with violence to a leaked recording that caught Hungary’s prime minister admitting the government “lied morning, evening and night” about the economy.
Rescue services said at least 50 people were injured as police fired tear gas and water cannon at rock-throwing protesters, who have been demanding the government resign.
Someone else woke up .. will it ever happen here.. :?::?:
Led by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Democrats could be positioned for an electoral sweep in New York that would leave them in control of every statewide elected office for the first time in more than six decades.
… (snippity) …
(According to) the first post-primary statewide poll, out Monday from Siena College’s Research Institute, reported that Spitzer is maintaining a huge lead ā 72 percent to 21 percent ā over John Faso, a former state Assembly minority leader, in the race to replace Pataki.
The three-term governor announced last year he would not seek another term; he is eyeing a 2008 run for president.
The poll had Clinton leading her Republican challenger, former Yonkers Mayor John Spencer, 62 percent to 33 percent.
In the race to replace Spitzer as attorney general, former federal Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo led former Westchester County District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, a Republican, 53 percent to 36 percent. Democratic incumbent Alan Hevesi was ahead of Christopher Callaghan, a former Saratoga County treasurer, 56 percent to 23 percent, in the state comptroller’s race, according to the poll.
Someone needs to seriously discourage Pitakishole from doing that ( may I suggest the applied use of a brick):jason::jason::jason::paranoid:
Chambliss, Democrats clash on Civil War
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 09/18/06
Washington ā Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia has Democrats sniping at him for a comment he made last week suggesting that if the South had had better intelligence, it would have won the Civil War.
Democrats leaked a story to a Capitol Hill newspaper, published Monday, that Chambliss, a Republican, had said in a closed-door meeting of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Friday that had the South won, “We’d be quoting Jefferson Davis, not Lincoln.”
The newspaper, Roll Call, quoted unnamed Democrats as decrying what they termed Chambliss’ inappropriate comparison of the Civil War to the war on terror.
But Chambliss’ staff said he never made reference to Davis, the Confederate president. He didn’t even raise the subject of the Civil War, they said.
What Chambliss said, according to his office, was, “If Gen. J.E.B. Stuart had had better intelligence, we’d all be meeting in Richmond right now.” Stuart, a West Point graduate and cavalry officer, was a pioneer in the use of scouts and wartime intelligence.
Kat… please keep drinking bottled water :eek::yuck::paranoid::rant1:
Time to Move the Mississippi, Experts Say
Published: September 19, 2006
Scientists have long said the only way to restore Louisianaās vanishing wetlands is to undo the elaborate levee system that controls the Mississippi River, not with the small projects that have been tried here and there, but with a massive diversion that would send the muddy river flooding wholesale into the stateās sediment-starved marshes.
And most of them have long dismissed the idea as impractical, unaffordable and lethal to the regionās economy. Now, they are reconsidering. In fact, when a group of researchers convened last April to consider the fate of the Louisiana coast, their recommendation was unanimous: divert the river.
Far from rejecting the idea, state officials have embraced it, motivated not just by the lessons of Hurricane Katrina but also by growing fears that global climate change will bring rising seas, accelerating land loss and worse weather.
āA major diversion in the lower part of the river is something that needs to be done,ā said James R. Hanchey, deputy secretary of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. He said the state was convening a planning meeting on the idea this fall. The diversion would be well downstream of New Orleans, in the bird-foot delta at the riverās mouth. Even so, there would be tremendous engineering challenges, particularly in finding a new way for freighters to make their way into the Mississippiās shipping channel, said Mr. Hanchey, who took his job after retiring as director of engineering and technical services for the Mississippi Valley division of the Army Corps of Engineers. But he added, āI think itās within the realm of possibility.ā
They should divert it such that Kansas and Nebraska become one large lake,:eek:
The link is to the NY Times so you have to log in to read the full article.
Heir dictatordorp is supposed to address the UN today.. :eek::yuck::paranoid:
A post on DU about AAR’s commercials
I get the impression that many people don’t understand how commercial radio works :eek::yuck::paranoid:
Video: CNN demonstrates e-vote hacks to tilt midterms
David Edwards
Published: Monday September 18, 2006
CNN explores the possibility of midterm e-vote hacks in the following video clips. In one clip, investigators demonstrate that a single hacker could use a virus to infect large numbers of electronic voting machines.
The Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University has studied the security of one popular electronic voting machine produced by Diebold. The study, titled “Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine”, located serious security flaws “that undermine the accuracy and credibility of the vote counts”.
The Center for Information Technology Policy’s website contains the full report, as well as a comprehensive video demonstration a Diebold Accuvote-TS voting machine hack.
Video at the link
Good to get it out in the open now everyone will be :paranoid::paranoid::paranoid::fustrate:
The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) reveal that the volume of violent crime in the United States rose by 2.3 percent in 2005, the first such increase since 2001, RAW STORY has learned.
Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty held a press conference on Monday to discuss that and other statistics reported in the UCR package.
Someone has got to figure out that the unemployment rate is not 4.6 % pretty soon.
Usually the poor end up killing the poor..likewise in riots the poor tend to torch their own neighborhoods. Some one needs to provide them with a little more instruction. :jason::jason::jason::fustrate:
The struggling campaigns of Republican Senators Conrad Burns (MT), Lincoln Chafee (RI) and Mike DeWine (OH) have led Rasmussen Reports to modify their election ratings to yield almost an even split in the post-election Senate.
“The battle for control of the U.S. Senate is getting closerāmuch closer,” Rasmussen declared. Recently they had summarized the Senate with Republicans leading 50-45 but now give it as 49-48, the GOP only a seat ahead with three races still considered “toss-ups.”
Looks like we are in for a really big October surprise :eek::eek::eek::jason::jason::jason::paranoid:
Saxby Chambliss is a moron, but any idiot knows that if JEB Stewart didn’t go off on a worthless raid somewhere [he was the ‘intelligence’] most historians believe that he would have informed Lee just where the Union army was, and that Gettysburg would have had a different result. [And we wouldn’t have to worry about all these frickin’ Jesusland Red States in every election! ]
Gettysburg was the whole shooting match. It could have also been lost if Joshua Chamberlain’s outnumbered brigades from Maine didn’t hold their position, and probably about ten other things, but Shelby Foote I ain’t. All in all, Saxby isn’t worth any attention here at all.
On the other hand, it is interesting that on Sunday with Timmeh, that would-be confederate George Allen failed to reaffirm his youthful devotion to The Lost Cause. Might this cost him a bit of his bed rock rascist support?:sammy:
LUKoil Is Stamping Its Name Across the U.S.
SOUTH BRUNSWICK, New Jersey — Like many New Jersey motorists, Kevin Teeter had never heard of LUKoil until his local gas pump began sporting the name last month.
Now, he couldn’t escape the oil company’s presence if he tried. Almost overnight, gas outlets boasting its name in a splash of red and white have begun multiplying across the state’s car-clogged highways and suburbs.
Bolstered by ambitions to grab a foothold in the United States and take on better-known gasoline brands like Mobil and BP, LUKoil is in the middle of a $35 million campaign to stamp its name prominently across a vast network of U.S. gas stations.
In just a few years, the company has quietly built up a network of nearly 2,000 gas outlets in 13 states along the U.S. East Coast by taking over Getty Petroleum and, later, pumps shed by ConocoPhillips.
First it was CITCO and now LUKoil Most Americans will never realize that the Russians have arrived.. until we do something really stupid in our foreign policy that is.. Better grease the bearings on your roller skate wheels.:fustrate::paranoid:
I’ve got the red state blues…. š®
:banana::banana::banana: Its Kat and Crest :banana::banana::banana:
I fucking hate people.
Comment by Susan Joy ā September 18, 2006 @ 6:49 pm
Somebody needs a HUG!
:joe: Morning!
turks had a pre-recorded frank rich interview. man, these turks are really middle of the road….skewed to the right even. guess i’ve heard folks say that, but am hearing it for myself. :billcat:
does jill sleep during the show?
So did anyone else catch the premiere of Studio 60 last night? There were a few pilot-episode cliches, but overall it kept me amused for most of the hour. Matthew Perry strung out on Vicodin was a nice touch.
I’ll be tuning in next week. I might have to tape it, though, cause damn am I tired today. (Too tired to find the yawn emoticon, in fact.)
does jill sleep during the show?
Comment by Farmerkat ā September 19, 2006 @ 6:59 am
If she does, I’ll be sleeping with her for the next two hours.
Hmmm…. suddenly, not so sleepy. :hubba:
Its Kevin ..Hey dude … hows Florida :eek::paranoid:
I’m still WJing this morning the Young centrists have been seen before and entered into the people to ignore list. :fustrate::fustrate::paranoid:
C-span says heir dictatordorp is supposed to be on from the UN around 11:30 eastern. :yuck::yuck::paranoid::fustrate:
I’m afraid to turn on the TV .. or maybe that is the TV is afraid I will turn it on.. In any case here is a link to the Studio 60 web site.
Obama: Dems Need Tough Security Stance
Email this Story
Sep 17, 7:21 PM (ET)
INDIANOLA, Iowa (AP) – Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., warned Democratic activists Sunday that the party must take a tougher stance on national security if it wants to succeed in the November elections.
“What Democrats have to do is to close the deal,” said Obama, the keynote speaker at Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin’s 29th annual steak fry. “We have got to show we have a serious agenda for change.”
Obama’s appearance in Iowa, where precinct caucuses launch the presidential season, has raised a number of eyebrows about his intentions for a presidential run in 2008. Though only a first-term senator, Obama has burst onto the national scene.
Got to look strong..spend huge amounts of money on a problem that’s has no solution. :yuck::yuck::barf:
i fell asleep during stuido 60 :rofl2:
Good morning geniuses…..Is it true about preparing for air strikes on Tran?…if so, what then?…..eeekkkk…Im really gettin worried about things.
Maybe should go up and look round at VT.
C-span has a discussion of the Popes remarks on this morning.. They have a line for Muslims, Catholics and other. So far no one has called in on the Muslim line and yelled Jihad into the phone and shot his assault rifle in the air. :eek::eek::eek::jason::jason::paranoid:
No one really knows what the insane are going to do to Iran but oil prices are going back up so part of GW’s base is thrilled about it I’m sure. :jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::fist::fist:
:priest: i confess I haven’t read the entire pope’s speach and i understand it has to be read in its entirety.
i wouldn’t at all be surprised if the us and israel bomb iran – they do what the hell they want whenever they want, it seems to me.
i’m trying to load an old photoshop program and the serial number will not take and now my computer is dragging… :rant1:
Ewww C-span has an anti UN rethug on Ewwww. Ewww. Ewww. :barf::barf::barf::yuck::yuck::yuck::jason::jason::jason:
The problem with political solutions is that people like this reoccur way to often. :gate::omg::jason::jason::jason:
When they have people like this on C-span someone needs to call in and ask where the person lives and if they get an answer say thank you and hang up.:rant1::rant1::rant1::growl::growl::growl::shock::shock::yuck::yuck::yuck::eek::eek::eek::paranoid::paranoid::paranoid::fustrate::fustrate::fustrate:
On the other hand they could move the UN to Switzerland where it is closer to the war crimes tribunal. Then equip it with its own nuclear weapons and assign it Nato’s military force. :yuck::yuck::yuck::paranoid:
:banana::banana::banana: Its Susan :banana::banana:
There’s going to be another war. It figures.
This fool either listens to way to much of Art Limpprick or maybe he is one of Arts writers .. :jason::jason::jason::gate::omg::jason::jason::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Senator Mark Dayton who is on the Armed Service Committee is on the Young Turks now “They’re going to have to compromise”
meaning Bush is going to compromise, for a change
Laura Flanders though that this disagreement among rethugs over Bush’s torture policies was a smoke screen to make it look like not all of his fellow thugbots were walking in lock step with him.. That it was raising political capital for this years elections and 2008.:barf::barf::barf::paranoid:
I don’t know. There was a good diary on TPMcafe about this. The idea was that the CIA has wanted to go against Bush for a long time on this but couldn’t but the dissent in the ranks is being voiced by Republican senators who do have a voice. I think it’s a real break in the ranks.
Getting the CIA or whats left of it ticked off could be hazardous to your political career.. due to extenuating circumstances. :shock::shock::paranoid:
Good Morning. :joe:
The Busheviks have such a mishmash of federal, pentagon, and private organizations performing their terror… err… anti terror.. analysis, implementation and interrogations mopping up after them after the fact is going to be a real pain on someones part. :paranoid::paranoid:
good morning, Krista.
I’m waiting to hear “centrist tendencies” on the Young Turks, so far I haven’t, but I didn’t catch the beginning of the show either…
:banana::banana::banana: Its Krista :banana::banana::banana:
Hows AridZonea ??
I thought what the Turks did with the filibuster was cool, but they are a little boring. But now I have to choose between 3 shows in the 6-9 time slot. This sux! I wanna listen to Sam so I can blog to a live show, but I need the local stuff too and Goyette corners Rethugs and pummels them, I love that! So, now I switch back and forth trying to listen to the most interesting segment.
It’s 69 degrees! Woo HOO! :pup:
I don’t know about the Turks.. I listened to them in the early days and they were not very progressive much less revolutionary. .. Not that anyone on left sided radio is very revolutionary,:yuck::yuck::paranoid:
Maybe these tropical storms are making AridZonea cooler ?? It was 29 here just before the sun came up.. The trees should all start turning really soon. :yuck:
Hey, there, KP, I guess you getta set up ReplayRadio to record two shows while you listen to the third. And then find the time to listen.
I Just listened to the last half hour of the Turds, and, well, they don’t do much for me. Better than what used to be on, I reckon, but I don’t think I’ll be making an effort to record them or get the podcast.
Anybody know who Pastor Becky Fisher is, and whether or not I should have heard of her? I got something from the contact form asking for her e-mail address, and I can’t say as the name rings a bell.
yay Sam
How come I can’t get Sam to stream š”
Have you tried the links to the AAR live stream over in the sidebar? If the RealMedia link doesn’t work, try the Winders Media link.
Okay, I got it. But Sam sounds like he’s in a tin can.
I think there was a Becky who blogged on Marc’s ( Morning Sedition) AAR’s web site going clear back to the early days. I can’t remember her blogging over here though. :shock::smack:
ever since I found the iTunes link for AA I haven’t had any problems streaming them… it’s the best connection I found so far
Jesus Camp Are we living in one nation, or two separate nations at war? This film is a first-ever look into an intense training ground that recruits born-again Christian children to become an active part of America’s political future. Jesus Camp, directed by Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady (The Boys of Baraka), follows Levi, Rachael and Tory to Pastor Becky Fischer’s “Kids on Fire” summer camp in Devil’s Lake, North Dakota, where people as young as 6-years-old are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in “God’s army.”
Now why PJ would know her email address is bit confusing.:eek:
Yeah, beats me. I get a lot of that, though. Mighta been mentioned on one of the AAR shows (looks like Pap was in Jesus Camp), and people find their way here, thinking we have something to do with AAR. Don’t they read Wikipedia?
The RealMedia link works quite consistently for me, though yesterday it crapped out, and I switched over to the WindowsMedia one. Me no likey iTunes.
This switching back and forth between Sam, Goyette and KPHX isn’t working. Too confusing, my brain is merging stories.
Remember Bruce Cherry’s credulous pirate? He believed whatever was told him, except when he heard Rummy, he didn’t believe him.
Anyway, happy talk like a pirate day.
YARRRRR! Where’s our pirate smiley!
Baghdad is secure :omg:
I just looked to see if the Malloy Show blog was still up- ….it’s been scrubbed:growl::growl: but at least he got in his last :fu::fu::fu::fu::fu: to the morons at aar.
I’ve listened to the young turks two days now- yesterday I thought:jerk::jerk: Today I thought they were okay and an improvement over Rachel (just can’t stand when she gets all screechy) but goddamn I sure miss Marc all over again:-(
agree…and the Turks weren’t so bad, but it just rubs in the fact that Marc’s not around. I just keep thinking “you had a hip show that was really unique” Whatever the Turks are, they’re not unique.
I would venture to suggest that they aren’t “hip,” either, though I admit to being somewhat “hip” challenged. Hep, maybe.
they’re probably not so hip but they’re being marketed that way, it’s one of the reasons AA signed them I think.
hello from the jeep waitingroom where they have wireless
turks are better than riley and rachel…..Cant wait till friday to see howmuch time sam gives Marc.
hope its a cohost hour..
pj you are perfectly hip….hip in a qulet way.l dont like the turk music…..had to turn off their stream and go to aar to get away from it.!
I never listened to Riley, I must confess. Rachel wasn’t bad for an hour, I guess (actually, what, about 40 minutes of actual show) but I never listened to her all that much. Two hours seems like stretching a bit, and it just doesn’t strike me as an evening show. Then again, the rest of the evening lineup doesn’t really excite me, either.
If we had an affiliate here, I suppose I’d have the Turds on in the background, but they don’t really entice me to get up and get to the computer to get the stream going at 6AM (nor would they motivate me to get XM or Sirius). Sam’s show comes on at a good time for me, since I don’t have to get up all that early, and I can listen while I’m trying to get my head into doing my work.
Why the hell they don’t fill the adless breaks with bits from Morning Sedition or even little interviews or other types of segments from the other hosts and writers is beyond me. I suppose they’re too cheap to pay for it. A shame. If nothing else, they could use that time to cross-promote other shows.
Hell, I’m so frustrated with aar programming that I’m actually listening to the Franken reruns. At least he’s got some uniqueness going………, I mean….., he’s Franken:cat::cat: (I wasn’t sure if the cat was meant to be cute or to signify time passing sllloooowwwllllllllllllyyy.
I really like Al Franken :omg::pent: It may not be the popular thing here, but whatever
Al has good guests, and is pretty darn smart. He’s a bit too much of a DLC’er, but I can live with that. When he goes on with his jokes that I’ve heard a million times, or takes a few things a bit too far (like the singing intro stuff), I find him kind of annoying. But he didn’t do any of that when I was listening yeserday. I haven’t really sat down and listened to him much since back when I was working for a living, and sitting in front of the computer at work. And of course, I went through a long period of AAR resentment after they killed MS, where I couldn’t bring myself to listen to anything (except maybe Malloy and MR podcasts). That started to wear off after TMMS was on, but kinda kicked back in when they killed that, too.
Honestly I’m not that interested in AAR anymore. I subscribe to the podcasts (aka pay) and share them with my residence hall “network” but Stephanie Miller is the only show that I rush back home to listen to… that I make SURE that I listen to the whole thing. Nothing since Maron’s shows has really gotten me going besides Stephanie.
“The Young Turks” are hip and unique because they have “YOUNG” in the title. It’s like voter security companies… it’s secure because it says so in the NAME!
Nice to hear Sam in the morning…
Melina I wish my Toyota service place had wireless. I’ll be hanging there today…getting ready to drive in the Northwest rain again..(it’s BACK!)
iTunes is the best AAR stream I have found thanks to cnickthomas.
Sam said “Marc Maron later in the week”:banana::banana::banana:
NASA: Mysterious Object Keeps Shuttle Crew in Orbit
Sept. 19, 2006 ā NASA has been forced to off tomorrow’s landing of the Shuttle Atlantis because of an object ā possibly debris ā floating nearby shortly after sensors in the craft’s wings indicated the shuttle was hit by something.
They want to make sure it’s not a piece of the spacecraft, something that might in some way endanger the crew and ship on re-entry.
No one knows what it is ā the mysterious gray round object orbiting near the space shuttle Atlantis at an altitude of 187 nautical miles.
Flight controllers first noticed the object early this morning at 2:45am and were so concerned they had the shuttle crew delay stowing the KU TV antenna so the crew could downlink more video of the mysterious object.
Typical rethug thing leaving junk floating around in their yard..
Read the comments at DU some are quite funny
More than 10 tanks blocked roads around Thailand’s government headquarters in Bangkok on Tuesday, Reuters witnesses said, and Army television broadcast images of the royal family and songs associated in the past with military coups.
Government officials said Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, in the middle of a political crisis fomented by a street campaign against him, planned to return from New York on Thursday, a day earlier than scheduled. They gave no reason.
Channel 9 and 5 have been ordered to stand by for special announcement as coup speculation reached the highest pitch.
Coup was widely speculated after many army units were moved out of their barracks on pretext of personnel rotation.
Sources said Channel 5 would broadcast an announcement by the military at 10 pm while Channel 9 may broadcast announcement of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra from New York.
Channel 5 is playing songs in praising of His Majesty the King in an indication that an announcement may be made soon.
Earlier, the day an army source said Army Commander-in-Chief has instructed all army units in Bangkok to standby for an important event.
Another illegal government about to byte the dust.:eek::eek:
Anti-war protestors rally outside U.N.
By Justin Rocket Silverman and Lauren Johnston
amNew York Staff Writers
September 19, 2006, 10:51 AM EDT
Thousands of protestors spilled over Sixth Avenue in midtown today, carrying signs and shouting anti-war chants, as they paraded toward the United Nations to demonstrate.
iTunes links to an Icecast streaming server, which you can play in any player capable of handling m3u playlists (which includes iTunes, WMP, etc.). Here’s the link.
With Franken’s commercial music that’s on the stream someone not paying close attention might think it was music radio brought to you by some silly sounding commercials. š®
A brief summary of B*’s speech to the UN
Terra terra terra terra 911 911 911 911 with the addition of Iran Syria Iran Syria Iran Syria..
I kindof admire the devotion by some on this site to AAR – They screwed Maron over twice, and I’ll be damned if I want to give them another dime. I must be getting too Sicilian as I get older.
My only hope is that they let Franken go and use the millions saved to rehire you-know-who. By the way, in NY the station at 1600 has a signal that really sucks, so its no great sacrifice not turning it on.
Anybody know what happened to that bizarre criminal accusation against Mark Reilly?
cresttwo, what investigation?
John Danforth = Ignominious :priest:
crest, that was a different Riley, as far as I could tell…didnt you think?
I cant get 1600 at all and I mightve turned my XM back on except that I dont want all those wires going everywhere now that Ive got built in Sirius free for a year…so, for now Im Replaying.
If I go North around half an hour I can get 1300 out of New Haven….
sblue…these jeep guys are so great that they even fixed me up with a rental car plan at their cost for 3 years ($90 for 3 years) to add to my oil change plan and the guy isnisted that I not upgrade my plan for more oil changes because he has me on the same schedule that hes on, and he is sure as hell that this enging is OK for 6000 miles….they are also developing a really hot new hybrid for 2009, which I hope to aim for.
They offered me all sorts of drinks and snacks and to come and hang with them in the a/c and to use their computer. We had so
much fun when I was buying the thing, that we made pretty good friends….but there were like 5 other people in the waiting room, and I didnt want to get special consideration (though I really want to drive that 4 door wrangler!)…and the most beautiful spider outside of the shop…so beautiful that I was taking phone pics of it……I was just too tired to interact, and I wanted to try to catch Rosie on the View to see who she is gonna offend next.
Its good to shake up the housewives in middle america who are just getting ready for their soaps…..
Yes, though I am still very friendly with the boys at Toyota of Greewnwich, and I will still do their Toys for Tots drive, I am so far very happy to be back in a Jeep…and will be more happy when I can get the hybrid one in around ’09.
OK…back out I go till nighttime….ugh…
Its suddenly raining like hell here.
Did anyone see Clinton on TDS?
Frank Rich is on Colbert tonight, I believe…or maybe its tomorrow…
lol(ok there is a link now) this uh person or whatever it is group i dont know:doh: anyway they sent me a myspace message they want me to be their friend i think they read my fuck P.E.T.A. blog anyway just check out their grammar atrocious!
I haven’t given AAR any money and I don’t plan to til Maron is on the air as he should be. There is not much else to listen to as far as radio goes around here so AAR is it. Even most of the music stations suck.
rain? Everyone is talking about rain and I don’t see any here!
was at a packing store mailing my dad’s trombone to him (don’t ask) and they had msnbc on and…there was mr fk interviewing the General yesterday at camp victory. :pup: I so much prefer the longer impromptu stuff. (and I didn’t even have to change the channel with my NINJA!)
crest, i listen to aar because if i don’t hear some people at least leaning left, other than the bilious bastards around here (like bortz), i’d go nuts – or nuttier than I already have.
PJ, i can’t upload any photos. can’t figure out how to make them smaller. I can make the smaller and export but can’t seem to require them to be small enough for your program to catch ’em…ideas? š”
farmer did you go see the black dahlia?
not yet, but will since you gave it a thumbs-up.
ok didnt know if you would catch that since it was at the ass end of the days blog
so there are these three business men hogging the damn power outlet at this coffee shop here in kitchener on
Yep, I found you!
Are you still in Canada? btw, what happened to that guy who had the heart attack?
Truckers take precedent over business men….cow tip ’em!
=> ok, you’re in Ontario….
wasnt actually a heart attack he is ok the last i heard they said it was just stress i figure it had something to do with dealing with me
but seriously, glad he’s ok.
:doh:has anybody posted anything about the coup in thailand? i havent seen anything but i just scanned the blog
oops fred was on it! of course fred was on it!
The BBC is reporting on the coup.. So is M$RNC .All communications have been cut off so who knows ???:eek::eek::eek:
:pup:they will be fine i mean look at us six years after our coup!
“The last military coup, in 1991, was extremely unpopular and was overthrown by violent opposition in the streets.”
are we FINE? :paranoid:
maybe the thai military was tired of sicko americans like rush limbaugh coming over and paying young men for favors!
Fricken Shultz is mongering for war with Iran.:jason::jason::jason::gate::omg:
I think some MAD in the Middle East would keep the pimple on the ass of progress ( spelled Israel) under control. It would also keep China happy for a longer time. Maybe the SBR will fix itself before we get stepped on. :yuck::yuck::eek::eek::eek:
IRAN is seeking to import large consignments of bomb-making uranium from the African mining area that produced the Hiroshima bomb, an investigation has revealed.
First time I knew that South Western Colorado was part of Africa.. In 1943 they shipped several narrow gauge train loads of Uranium out of the area around Rico to Alamosa where it was loaded into several standard gauge box cars and shipped to Oak Ridge Tennessee. The mine and mill at Rico and a mill at Durango operated up until the mid 1960’s . Most of the US domestic Uranium is still mined in south eastern Utah and north west of Rifle Colo. :eek::eek:
I know I haven’t been on in a while but it was good to hear everyone’s thoughts about the young turks, which i have to stream in the morning if i want to listen as i am in nyc. i really had gotten used to rachel, i liked how she went thru the headlines, and in the hour i had in the morning, she was okay. don’t know what to make of the turks, was up early this morning so heard the frank rich interview, it was okay and got me out the door, but damn how i miss the funny. i haven’t decided what to do in the mornings, there’s no good choices!!!!!i saw bill mahr, maybe will check out the gloria steinem show, i think they have three women stand up comedians in the morning. i’ll give it a listen tomorrow and let you know how it goes, they are at greenstone
Some one said but I can’t find any info because of the clutter of Iran + uranium on the net that Iran has the largest deposits of Uranium in Asia. It was apparently where China got the Uranium they used to make their bomb in the 1970’s.. The Chinese and the Russians won’t embargo them and Tankers can operate in the Baltic to Russian ports. If GW blockades them I will bet the Russians and the Chinese will get ticked off.:paranoid:
How large are your photos? I have it set for them to be about a megabyte, and not larger than 1024 x 1024. Are they larger than that? Resizing them should be easy enough, since you’re using a Mac and all; I keep seeing those commercials where they do everything right out of the box (just resize them to something smaller and then save them someplace where you can find them. Also, since you’re using a Mac, they need to have a file extension in order to be accepted (e.g., photo needs to be named photo.jpg – or whatever file format it is). I can increase the file size limit, if you can give me an idea of how big your pictures are.
ok im out of here im gonna go get in my truck and be afraid of chinas nuclear capabilities thanks fred!
is this just a nightmare? i fucking hope so!
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush’s approval rating has rebounded to 44 percent, the highest level in a year, in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, the newspaper reported on Tuesday.
Bush’s approval rating jumped five points from 39 percent in the previous poll conducted earlier this month.
The bounce comes with seven weeks before elections to deicide control of Congress amid falling gas prices and a renewed campaign by Bush to boost support for the Iraq war and to portray Republicans as more competent than Democrats on security, the newspaper said.
Bush’s approval rating edged up largely on the strength of Republicans coming back to the fold with 86 percent saying they support him now, compared to 70 percent in May, USA Today said.
For the first time since December 2005, a majority of people polled did not say the war in Iraq was a mistake. The respondents were evenly split at 49 percent to 49 percent, the report said.
However, the poll finds that the Iraq war continues to be a problem for Bush. Sixty percent said he does not have a clear plan for handling Iraq and 75 percent said Iraq is in a civil war, USA Today said.
The telephone poll of 1,003 people was conducted September 15-17, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
Ā© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Iran apparently has their own domestic uranium supply but if this is the largest in Asia their isn’t much uranium in Asia.
Before the war Iraq was the largest producer of cement in the area. Korea, China and Russia all produce steel and aluminum.
Many people believe that Iran has developed their own aerospace industry.
:pup:bush should do the honorable thing! hari-kiri
:fire:ok im out of here later sheeple!
Hits from the bongHits from the bongHits from the
bongHits from the bongPick itPack itFire it up, come alongAnd take a hit from the bongPut the blunt downJust for a secondDon’t get
me wrongIt’s not a new methodInhaleExhaleJust got an ounce in the mailI like a blunt
or a big fat coneBut my double-barrel bongIs
gettin’ me stonedI’m skill itThere’s
water inside don’t spill itIt smells like shit on the
carpetStill itGoes down smooth when I get a clean
hitOf the skunky, phunky, smelly green shitSing my
songPuff all night longAs I take hits from the
bongHits from the bong y’allHits from the
bongCan i get a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i
get a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get
a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get a….hit?Let’s smoke that bowlHit the bongAnd
then take that finger off of that holePlug itUnplug
itDon’t strainI love you Mary JaneShe
never complainsWhen I hit MaryWith that flameI
light up the cherryShe’s so good to meWhen I
pack a fresh bowl I clean the screenDon’t get me
stirred upThe smoke, through the bubbling waterIs
makin’ it pure so I got taTake my hit and hold itJust like ChongI get the bowl and I reload itGet
my four-footer and bring it onAs I take hits from the
bongHits from the bongCan i get a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get a….hit?Hits
from the bongCan i get a….hit?Hits from the
bongCan i get a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get
a….hit?Hits from the bongCan i get
wise-ass :spank:
but I shall try it. mr fk had iPhoto on here and i can’t seem to get use to the darn thing. You KNOW, PJ, I did inherit this mac! :nod:
ok they’re 3072 X 2048 but i just saw something called “constrain” which I’ve never been known to do myself
Air Paranoia: The Great Hair Gel and Toothpaste Scare
Lucinda Marshall
Re #122 :rofl2: :bow: “Honorable” is not in Bush’s moral vocabulary. But I like the thought.:nod:
Patty Murray-D Senator, Washington State
I had the same trouble FK and I’m on a Mac. I tried for a couple of hours. I even got them to the right file size. I have no problems uploading photos to yahoo groups. I will keep trying though.
September 19, 2006
President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office Monday evening, Sept. 11, 2006, marking the fifth anniversary of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. President Bush said, The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation. White House photo by Eric Draper
From Rasmussen today:
Today, 40% of American adults approve of the way that President Bush is performing his job and 58% disapprove. That’s slightly below where the numbers were before the Presidentās 9/11 speech, and at the same level as the August monthly average.
Men rate the President’s performance more highly at 44%, while just 36% of women approve of the job he’s been doing.
Well lets see Oct 1 Bush orders a naval blockade of Iran which cuts off oil shipments to India, Korea and south east Asia.
Iran mean while ships its oil to Russia and China by pipeline and they resell it at a higher price. Gasoline goes to 5 bucks a gallon in the SBR.
The Russians and the Chinese refuse to honor the embargo and ship “stuff” to Iran over land.
The Russians and the Chinese also use the occasion to map the radio frequencies and signatures of our naval vessels in the Persian Gulf .
I have to ask what have we gained by doing this ??
After a month or so of making a fool out of himself Bush decides to bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities which causes the US to lose no less than 100 aircraft to surface to air missiles ( a mere 20 billion down the drain) and does very damage to anything since they are underground. Mean while the Russians and the Chinese figure out how to track the F18 and B2 plus any thing else that flies using yet to be defined “new” technology that does not identify itself so one can’t shoot it up ahead of time.
Now in the middle of winter the Russians “apply pressure” by shutting off natural gas exports to Western Europe and Oil exports to the SBR. Venezuela follows suit and terminates Oil shipments to the SBR .. Gasoline goes to 7 dollars a gallon and shortages develop.
Now one of you gets to use your crystal ball to complete the tail of the War that the SBR loses
The numbers on the presidorks approval rating seem to indicate the thought that the average American operates at the 5th – 7th grade level is true. A democracy can not exist without a well informed electorate..
So where do we move to ??:eek::eek::eek:
Re # 84 — :banana: :banana: :knit: YAY!!! GO NYC GRANNIES, GO!!! YAY!!!! GIVE ‘EM HELL, GRANNIES!!! :knit: :knit: :banana: :banana: :cat: Wow!! Newsday had some GREAT pictures of the protests today — LOTS of them :pup:
Good Evening, Philosopher Kings & Queens, et al,
I would have been in NYC with my fellow :love:Raging Grannies:love: if I could have. Instead, I had the privilege of attending an International Day of Peace at the birthplace of democracy on the shores of Onondaga Lake and seeing Dr. Jane Goodall :love:, Oren Lyons :love: and Tom Porter :love: and all the great people from the Onondaga Nation who were there . It was a little challenging to hear through chattering teeth at times (it was cool, rainy, & breezy here this morning, but it eventually cleared) but it was absolutely wonderful.
Take a stroll over to the Member Photo section & look under World Peace to see a few pictures from this morning.
Dr. Goodall didn’t say it, but I feel that human consciousness is rapidly approaching the Hundredth Monkey effect with regard to wanting all this war and violence to stop and it is clearly coming from the bottom up. But we are not there yet and all of us here are working to make the change in consciousness happen in our own way. Light has to overcome the dark once more.
Humor is one of the best tools to make such change happen and our comic heros like Marc and all of the Morning Sedition crew are masters at giving us the fix of funny to help us continue doing our important work. Losing them was definitely a disturbance in The Force:omg:. But they cannot be made to go away as long as we are still here :fist:
Vigilance, Morning Seditionists!! We WILL prevail.:fist:
faux news is having trouble negotiating with cablevision after a 10 yr contract.. so today they took out a full page ad saying that after oct 1 we will not get the faux cable news ch… dog!!
Gee whiz Melina it will turn into a test of how many idiots live in your area if a significant number of people demand that FAUX news returns:eek:
Maybe Dr. Goodall could provide the left with some information on how to deal with a commander and chimp while she is here. :omg::rant1:
lotsa rich idiots fred….but maybe well get lucky…the jews think that faux is the only pro lsrael news….funny….l thought they all were!
also i dont buy one poll of 1000 people……lets see if .its replicated.
The AAR stream just took the night off ..anyone else having that problem ??
Mine’s up Fred. Try one of the links under multimedia (I have the Icecast stream running at the moment).
Maybe Dr. Goodall could provide the left with some information on how to deal with a commander and chimp while she is here.
Comment by fred ā September 19, 2006 @ 6:34 pm
And not a moment too soon. Chimpy is coming to Tampa this Thursday morning to campaign for a Repig House candidate. I have graciously been granted the day off work so that I might protest his miserable existence, not to mention his orgasmic desire to shit all over the Geneva Convention.
I got a raise today too! And not just the one I got when I printed the photo of Jill from the Young Turks. :hubba:
I won’t know for sure until Friday, but it looks to be somewhere around 10%, or even maybe a little more. The outgoing director of our facility had several job levels bumped to keep salaries compatible. WOO-HOO!!! Thank you Rob! :bow:
Just in time to get a few more contributions in before Sept 30. Assuming I don’t get locked up and waterboarded as a result of the protest, of course.
Thanks PJ the icecast stream works fine with Realplayer :nod:
Well, when you try to upload a photo and it doesn’t work, does it say why it doesn’t work? Like, “too big,” or Error uploading image file:
header_logo: Invalid file type (, application/octet-stream) or anything like that? That last is what happens if I try to upload a file w/o a file extension. Macs don’t use file exptensions, but I have that in there so that nobody will upload an executable file (say, something malicious).If I had a Mac, I’d give it a try, but all I have are Windows and Linux machines here.
Fusion breeder reactor project moving along…France ..using the TOKAMAC hardware and design from LSL built in the early 1980’s
Rony free trade RayGun certainly was in the pockets of big oil too. :yuck::yuck:
#136 & #140
Dr. Goodall did demonstrate some Tanzanian Chimpspeak and her assistant chimed in with the hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo type sounds :ear:– it made a lot more sense than anything the Chimperor & his handlers ever said. Hopefully the mp3 recordings I made of all the speakers can be podcast on Seditionist Radio. The speakers were all excellent and talked about the direction this planet is going in and what we need to do to heal it.
Home finally!!
Frank Rich on with Chris Matthews…I guess he has a book or somethign?
Kat- do you have photoshop or photoshop elements?
You need to find the resize command…maybe search help for *resize*…but then save it again in its new form in a place wher eyou can find it.
Just seems like if Apple could find a cute word or icon for sizing a picture they would….what is a cute term for size?
Took me a week to figure out that Safari was explorer…I thought it was the encyclopedia part of the kid’s program…heh…
Granny…I wish you could have come here, as the guest quarters are empty currently….and it would be nice to see you!
But if you couldnt, what better way to spend a day than listening to Goodall? I love her work…gave to her project to stop the bushmeat trade.
Travelocity is having some incredible round trip airfare sales….I dont know if they got a deal on gas or just cant fill flights, but they are practically giving airfare away!
Sam was saying this AM that we would be seeing oil prices rise again.
Hey RG, doesnt goodall look a little like Georgia O’keefe as she ages?…in the pics anyway….
We have a pretty good album up…but we need more pics…of people too…and more animals….
Come on guys!!
Hey folks,
I’ve listened to the “Young Turks” and I don’t like em. I like Sam Seder more in the evenings. So I miss most of his show now since it comes on when I’m at my busiest on the road. I recorded his first show on my XM “Inno” portable radio, but I haven’t got around to listening to it and prolly never will. I did catch some of his show today as I was in my car during a good bit of it. Al was doing a remote from Missouri I thinky? The more I listen to my podcasts the more they SUCK. I’m thinking of only doing one or two a week. It ain’t easy. Just wish I was a millionaire, then I could quit my job and devote all my time to developing a great podcast. I noticed FK having probs with pictures? Want to resize for email? Its easy in iPhoto FK. Just click on the pictures you want to email in iPhoto, now find the Email icon below the gallery you selected from. Click it and a box will come up asking what size you wish to use to email. You have four choices: 1) Small 2) Medium 3) Large and 4) Actual size. Send a test email with all four selected sizes and let the recipient let you know which they prefer. Easy as pie. Or you could buy Photoshop elements and resize with its tools. The cheaper way is to use iPhoto. It comes with all Macs.
I ordered a new microphone, the Electrovoice RE20 it shipped from Sweetwater Sound this afternoon. So I’ll prolly get it on Thursday in time for my Friday show. Want to get a Gay Republican Friend to podcast with me. He’ll be Mary Madelyn and I’ll be James Carvell. It will be fun if he’ll agree to do it. Prolly won’t cause he’s pretty sensitive to Bush bashing. And you know me I just love to bash Bush. That sorry mother fucker. But don’t get me started.
Well I just wanted to say “Hi” good people. Give em hell! Roll Tide and War Eagle!
Congratulations Kev! on both the raise and the day off. :banana: :nixon:
heron, i figured it out. you export the individual file and put in pj’s requirements 1024 then save it to your images file. then you go to pj’s site and browse for that file and…VOILA! It took a few steps but nothing got bogged down. Hope that works for you! I have to find my cow photos.
thanks, cnick and I enjoy your podcasts so don’t be hard on yourself. Why are Bush-lovers so damn sensitive? Whiny rethugs, they sure aren’t tough. I hope you can pull that podcast off. How can someone gay like Bush? I can understand if someone is a gay traditional conservative – no biggie, but a gay bush-lover is just beyond me. :omg:
I wish my stingy ass Republican boss would give me a raise. That asshole. He can go str8 to h e double L as far as I’m concerned. Whatever! :crap::eek::eek:
Be glad when income tax rolls around so I can get my money back and then some from all this mileage I put on my car. Someone needs to lock me up so I can’t spend n e more money. I get such a rush and then later when I think about it I think, “Oh shit!”
Maybe I should check my lottery tickets?
Everyone must be listening to Rachel Maddow! :billcat:
Well . . . I’m outta here. BE GOOD.
Nick: 3 words I dont often hear together Gay-Republican-Friend
I join Kat in really liking your podcasts. I like it when you interview people and I also like it when you get mad and poinionated. I think that maybe you need to pick a couple of topics and do some research on them so you have a little outline. I’d like ot hear what people down your way think about the Pope’s fiasco this week.
Whatever interests you really. I think its a good podcast and its improving. Hell I cant go back an reread my blog or I start to edit it and eventually take whole posts down….If I look back Im sunk.
Im reading a Podasting book and trying to figure out if I can affiord the recorder and mic and program right now….
In any case…Im also listeinng to the podcasts of Sam and I think its excellent…I hope that you will give it a chance. He is going to feature Marc on Fridays and this may be Marc’s way back in with AAR or another outlet…as long as he keeps his hand in.
I also noticed that the Turks seem to broadcast from LA…dont they? Maybe Im wrong, but it seemed that way…
Anyway, I fond Riley and Rachel to be so horrible at this point that Im just happy to have someone in the morning that doesnt make me barf….but then Ive got the Times podcasts and the tech stuff I love and books and Ring of Fire…and Nick Thomas!…so Im pretty well set, even though I cant get the new station in the car and I miss Marc & Jim horribly….
Bye Nick!! Sweet dreams…dont let the bedbugs bite….
Thanky Melina . . . your sweet for saying that! I’m gonna keep it up. I’m just so tired when I get home from work that I don’t wanna do any reading. So most of my news comes from CNN. And I’ve subscribed to the Sunday edition of the NY Times and Times Select but hardly look at em. I think I really need a mental evaluation. Hey, that might make for an interesting podcast! N e way, I’m going to bed now. I get up before the chickens. Let’s podcast sometime Melina. —————–later goodnight and with any luck I’ll have a nice dream about me beating up Bush and Karl Rove.
Okay, so, if you’re gonna be bad you might as well go all out. I went to the co-op and got some Soy Delicicious ice cream to go with my blackberries. I love Soy Delicious but I felt it needed a topping with the blackberries so i got this “ricemellow creme” topping. :jerk: When I opened the tub it looked just like that spray foam stuff. :yuck: I think they just added cane sugar to spray foam here. If a dessert LOOKS gross, it’s over, forget it. The visual is half of the dessert experience.
You know what else it looks like? Have you ever been walking in the woods and seen what looks like spittle on all the leaves? And you figure it’s some kind of nesty egg lair? :nod: :barf:
:cold: HEY!Chill out!
hey Travis. it aint cold in Seattle is it?
:pirate: Yay! it’s pirate day! YYYYYYYYaarrrrrrrrrrrd Sale!
Nope. It’s still pretty nice here. I mean, it may be cold to some people, but for me, it’s great.
AAR has completely erased Malloy of their site. Marc’s picture and time slot were on there for months after his show ended. See what you get for pulling a stunt like that. :no:
Oh, man, we lost the cardinal emo!:shock:
nuh uh. :priest: and we have apope to boot! :pope:
but where is…:bf:?
I thought travis was hinting that he needs a scarf:knit:
Yeah, cool scarf, like the hat. I’m sure I’d wear it, but I’ve never had a scarf before.
Hey, Krista, you have to put a picture of your dog in the MS gallery
I did see people wearing winter hats today
you never had a scarf in alaska-huh?
Nope. Kids would make fun of you at school, so I never got into them
Did Kristapea fall into her soylicious bowl?
So do they go around without coats up there too?
:yawn: Good night, Heron.
:knit: :yawn:
goodnight travis..goodnight Druid wherever you are…:cat: