Not sure how things turned out last night (may not even be done yet). I decided to go to bed as soon as the good guy lost by less than 4,000 votes in my district, but wound up staying up for quite a while, thanks to the combination of my laptop, wireless, and beer. By the time I finally gave it up and crashed, the House had been called for the Democrats (final margin up in the air, but at least a +25 pickup), and the Dems had picked up 4 Senate seats, and control of the Senate looking likely, with Webb up in VA by 1% (there’ll be a recount in that one, either way), and Tester leading by 4% in MT.
It’s good to have the House, but I can’t tell you how bad I feel about my Congressional District. It’s not about the pickup of a seat, but that we lost the chance to have an intelligent, thoughtful, and genuinely good person represent us in Congress. I hope Dan Maffei is back again in 2008.
Elsewhere here in NY, Hillary kicked ass with about 67% of the vote, Howie got about 1% (I forget, is that a moral victory?), Eliot Spitzer did even better than Hillary, with 69%, Andy Cuomo beat crazy Jeanine Pirro easily, and Alan Hevesi won handily, despite his chauffeur problems (now we’ll see if he’s forced to resign).
Anyhow, how did everything go in your neck of the woods?