Got a little bit of snow yesterday (finally). Not much, but enough to cover the ground, and make all trees look pretty. It’s so much nicer when there’s snow on the ground – it really brightens things up. And of course Siggy loves it. Anyway, I really am drowning in end of the year shit, here, so I guess I’d better get rolling. See ya.
Still no website but Riley’s on.:hot:
And….., um….. #1:roll:
g’ morning bloggies!
sooo tired:yawn:
hey quiet girl and art norton!
hey there sblue!!:banana:
hee hee..i haven’t been to bed yet:doh:
Good morning quiet, sblue :om::joe:
Good morning all. Are you still up quietgirl?
The AAR feed is still down. Tried accessing it from Franken’s website but no luck there either. I have KTLK on now, but they seem to be shooting for the Guinness world record for longest block of commercials.
Wait a minute, here come the Young Turds. Can’t tell yet whether or not it’s a rerun… they’re playing Kylie Minogue and talking about McCain, so it could be current or it could be six years old.
If they do any material about Courtney Love’s weight gain, I’ll know it’s current. Not to be bitchy, but she really looked bad last night. Even for her. And she’s not getting any better at reading the prompter, either.
yup Kevin, i’m still wide awake….i think i’ll probably crash around 6 my time…but i just turned on the radio and yes, the young turks are still on.
wonder what’s going on with the AAR site:paranoid:
:?:who knows:sheep: le
Springer pulls plug on radio show
With a movie role and a possible Super Bowl commercial from his “Dancing with the Stars” exposure, Jerry Springer will end his weekday radio show Friday after two years.
“These things are not going to come around again, particularly at my age, so I might as well take advantage of them, ” said Springer, 62.
The last original “Springer on the Radio” will be 9 a.m.-noon today on WSAI-AM (1360). Reruns will air through Friday for about two dozen affiliates, down from a peak of 53.
“Radio is a full-time job, and I just couldn’t do it,” he said today from his Chicago TV studio.
The Reich will just love all this failure just after electing demodorps to office .:yuck::eek::crap::rant1:
AirAmerica negotiations go into overtime
Mexican police arrest head of Oaxaca activists
05 Dec 2006 05:01:58 GMT
Source: Reuters
MEXICO CITY, Dec 4 (Reuters) – Mexican police on Monday arrested a left-wing activist
who is one of the leaders behind six months of protests in Oaxaca that led to violent
clashes with riot police.
Federal police said they arrested Flavio Sosa, the most well known leader of the Popular
Assembly of the Oaxacan People, or APPO, after he held a news conference in Mexico City.
Sosa, who apparently left Oaxaca last week after an arrest warrant was issued for him,
had just told reporters he planned to resume negotiations with the government of
President Felipe Calderon, who took office on Friday.
If what is going on is truly a peoples movement it won’t do a thing ..:eek::rant1:
U.S. Army Battling To Save Equipment
Gear Piles Up at Depots, Awaiting Repair
By Ann Scott Tyson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 5, 2006; Page A01
ANNISTON, Ala. — Field upon field of more than 1,000 battered M1 tanks, howitzers and other armored vehicles sit amid weeds here at the 15,000-acre Anniston Army Depot — the idle, hulking formations symbolic of an Army that is wearing out faster than it is being rebuilt.
The Army and Marine Corps have sunk more than 40 percent of their ground combat equipment into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to government data. An estimated $17 billion-plus worth of military equipment is destroyed or worn out each year, blasted by bombs, ground down by desert sand and used up to nine times the rate in times of peace. The gear is piling up at depots such as Anniston, waiting to be repaired.
Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army’s chief of staff, is lobbying hard for more money to repair what he calls the “holes” in his force, saying current war funding is inadequate to make the Army “well.” Asked in a congressional hearing this past summer whether he was comfortable with the readiness levels of non-deployed Army units, Schoomaker replied: “No.”
Lt. Col. Mike Johnson, a senior Army planner, said: “Before, if a unit was less than C-1,” or fully ready, “someone would get fired.” Now, he said, that is accepted as combat-zone rotations are sapping all units of gear and manpower. “It’s a cost of continuous operations. You can’t be ready all the time,” he said.
Across the military, scarce equipment is being shifted from unit to unit for training. For example, a brigade of 3,800 soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division that will deploy to Iraq next month has been passing around a single training set of 44 Humvees, none of which has the added armor of the Humvees they will drive in Iraq….
Guys grab left hip yell loudly ..ladies whatever:yuck::yuck::crap::omg:
howdy and welcome to the end of Springer on the Radio day!!
I guess that after his stint on dancing with the stars he became such a great commodity in showbiz that hes decided to devote his full self to exapnsion of our glorious culture.
Considering that I flipped onto his show at the gym yesterday and there was an obese black woman in a tub of mud screaming about someone’s prostitute daddy, Im not hopeful.
It snowed here yesterday too…I forgot to report…but it didnt stick.
Extra Checks on Voting Machines Rejected
The Associated Press
Monday, December 4, 2006; 6:38 PM
GAITHERSBURG, Md. — A federal advisory panel on Monday rejected a recommendation
that states use only voting machines whose results could be independently verified.
The panel drafting voting guidelines for the U.S. Election Assistance Commission
voted 6-6 not to adopt a proposal that would have required electronic machines used
by millions of voters to produce a paper record or other independent means of checking
election results. Eight votes were needed to pass it.
The failed resolution, proposed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer
scientist and panel member Ronald Rivest, closely mirrored a report released last
week that warned that paperless electronic voting machines are vulnerable to errors
and fraud and cannot be made secure.
Some panel members who voted against the proposal said they support paper records
but don’t think the risk of widespread voting machine meltdowns are great enough
to rush the requirement into place and overwhelm state election boards.
The politicians obviously like the “new” election outcomes.:bf:
All Jerry said was he was pulling the plug on his radio show ..Not his TV show ..:slap::crap::rant1:
The guy on C-span said that Hillary said she was running for Presidork in 2008 ..I haven’t seen anything about this on the web as of yet .:bf:
Pelosi offers nice Capitol Hill digs to outgoing Hastert
In what is described as a “random act of bipartisan kindness,” incoming Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has reportedly offered her Republican predecessor Dennis Hastert prized office space during the 110th Congress, according to a report in today’s Roll Call.
I thought they maybe had opened a new restroom and she gave that to Hastert as an office …He wouldn’t have to go so far that way ..:crap::eek::yuck::bf:
Maybe she’s preparing to take Kirstie Alley’s place for Jenny Craig.
Brazil Creates Huge Preserve In the Amazon
BRASILIA, Dec. 4 — Brazil created the world’s largest tropical rain forest preserve Monday in a section of the Amazon scarred by illegal logging and decades of violence between loggers, ranchers, conservationists and land rights activists.
The preserve covers about 58,000 square miles — an area larger than England — across seven parks in Para, an eastern Amazon state heavily exploited by illegal loggers and land speculators.
Trees are one of many ways CO and CO2 are turned into O2..There was some concern that harvesting the rain forest might lead to human extinction.. Humans them selves seen to be doing a better job of it ( exterminating themselves that is) at the moment.:bf:
:banana::banana:Its Krista :banana::banana:
Hows AridZona ??
Ahhh, Freezing Fred :cold: It’s going to be 71 degrees and sunny today. Margarita?
Its not that cold this morning its 28 right now but it is susposed to get up to near 60 today ..Tomorrow yet another cold front moves through ..:eek:
Over 20% of the Earth’s oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. But it’s not just that…
Over 50% of the world’s 10 million species of plants, animals and insects live there, and 20% of the planet’s fresh water is in the Amazon Basin.
80% of the what the world eats originated in the tropical rainforest, and its plants are rich in secondary metabolites, particularly alkaloids, which have medicinal value (some good recreational stuff, too). 25% of Western pharmaceuticals are derived from ingredients found in the rainforest, but less than 1% of the trees and plants have been tested. Of the 3,000 plants that have been identified so far that are active against cancer cells, 70% are found in the rainforest, and 25% of the active ingredients in current cancer-fighting drugs come from stuff found only in the rainforest.
Something like 1.5 acres of rainforest are destroyed every second. Who knows if a cancer cure disappeared while I was typing this? It’s predicted that the Amazon rainforest could be completely gone in 40 years.
It’s yet another way that we’re exterminating ourselves.
Supposed to get up to 35 here today, and maybe a little more of that Lake Effect snow we all know and love.
Alps experiencing warmest time in 1,300 years
‘It will undoubtedly get warmer in the future,’ official says
VIENNA, Austria – Europe’s Alpine region is going through its warmest period in 1,300 years, the head of an extensive climate study said Tuesday.
“We are currently experiencing the warmest period in the Alpine region in 1,300 years,” Reinhard Boehm, a climatologist at Austria’s Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics said.
Wonderful wonderful :bf:
well, Im still waiting for service pack 2 to finish downloading into the desktop….an ongoing problem…and why is it so slow?
it is now “updating my system” so if I suddenly disappear, I guess Ill have to check in by phone later on….sheesh!
All this to make pocket tunes work in my phone and lighten my load by leaving the ipod at home (if I can stand to do that)
They are doing a Report on the Kim family on the Today show….thye found the mom and girls, but James went off to find help and is lost.
I wonder what logic the loggers and whoever else can have for destroying the rain forest…like, God is gonna provide us some other O2 source?….maybe if we all plant a tree we will also grow medicines and animals….
How can people in power in this country sit by and let this happen?
I suppose that it msakes sense to try to plan to see more of Europe before its gone…Venice, Austria…..seems like alot of that part of the world is gonna be under water…maybe its worth it to go and see glaciers before there arent any left….Ive seen some in Europe when I was much younger but Will should see them and walk into one…
Well, the people that were living there were happy enough, until the white folks came along. They started logging and mining, and building dams, and oil pumping. They did what they could to destroy the way of life of the indigenous people, whose way of then shifted to thing like cash crops and cattle ranching (which of course required clearing the land), and who now live in abject poverty, for the most part..
Basically, the white folks want what the white folks want, and who gives a crap if it kills the planet?
December 5, 2006 — WASHINGTON – Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday answered the question on everyone’s mind – telling one New York lawmaker flat out: “I’m really going to go for this.”
Clinton dropped the much-anticipated presidential bombshell during a blitz of phone calls to home-state lawmakers, as well as a top moneyman, Attorney General-elect Andrew Cuomo, and the Rev. Al Sharpton.
“She said to me, ‘I’m really going to go for this. I’m going to make this effort,’ ” the New York lawmaker told The Post.
“She never said she was running for the presidency of the United States or if she was going to announce – or anything like that,” the lawmaker said, quickly adding, “It wasn’t a question that needed to be asked. It was an obvious conversation.”
The news came as The Des Moines Register reported that Clinton has started reaching out to Democrats in Iowa, a critical presidential testing ground.
It was reported in the NY Post so who knows :bf:
Don’t worry, once the oceans are flooded with fresh water, the Atlantic conveyor will stop, and North America and Europe will get colder than hell.
There was a story in our Sunday (I think) paper that said she was putting together a campaign staff, and one person was quoted as saying that she never said outright that she was running, but it was pretty clear that she is. Funny thing is, I’d just as soon she didn’t run, and I don’t think she’ll win the general election, but I would really like to see a woman become president, and she just might turn out to be a good one – in spite of the things I don’t like about her posturing and some of her positions, she might be able to do some really good things. Sure, she’s no Joe Biden….
I thought that the Atlantic current stopping was going to make the SBR hotter and Europe colder
Losing snow melt will make the American west uninhabitable :bf:
Hillary is in bed with to many corporate interests ..any DLC democrat is suspect..:bf:
same here, KP
sorry to see springer go…it was an outlet for Marc.
xm is still playing aar today. every day I wonder if it will still be on. has franken talked about who will cover for him during his uso tour? if not, that would be an interesting omission.
Flatulence, not turbulence, forces plane to land
Flatulence brought 99 passengers on an American Airlines flight to an unscheduled visit to Nashville early Monday morning.
American Flight 1053, from Washington Reagan National Airport and bound for Dallas/Fort Worth, made an emergency landing here after passengers reported smelling struck matches, said Lynne Lowrance, a spokeswoman for the Nashville International Airport Authority.
The plane landed safely. The FBI, Transportation Safety Administration and airport authority responded to the emergency, Lowrance said.
The passengers and five crew members were brought off the plane, together with all the luggage, to go through security checks again. Bomb-sniffing dogs found spent matches.
The FBI questioned a passenger who admitted she struck the matches in an attempt to conceal body odor, Lowrance said. The woman lives near Dallas and has a medical condition.
Are people:paranoid::paranoid::paranoid: or what :eek::eek::eek:
I think Al is gonna be all “best ofs” until (if) he comes back – on January 18, I think he said. Too bad. I think he should get Maron to do real, live shows. I guess anybody that subs on AAR better get their money upfront, though.
Franken said something yesterday about waiting until they found out if they were going to be here next week before he figured out who would do his show in his absence.:eek::eek:
Census Counts 100,000 Contractors in Iraq
Civilian Number, Duties Are Issues
By Renae Merle
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 5, 2006; D01
There are about 100,000 government contractors operating in Iraq, not counting subcontractors, a total that is approaching the size of the U.S. military force there, according to the military’s first census of the growing population of civilians operating in the battlefield.
Maybe thats why it costs 4 billion a month :bf:
my dogs would have found the actual woman…they’re A-1 butt sniffers.
South American countries agree to eliminate visa requirement for their citizens
South American countries agree to eliminate visa requirement for their citizens
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
The Associated Press
SANTIAGO, Chile — Nationals from all 12 South American nations will soon be able to travel freely throughout their region without needing visas, a regional foreign ministers summit in Chile has agreed.
The decision exempts the visa requirement for nationals from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.
The decision “represents a step in our efforts to eliminate our traditional divisions,” said Chilean Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley who inaugurated the daylong conference. The visa exemption is expected to become effective within 90 days. Regional integration is the main subject in the ministers’ agenda.
United and left if not Marxist….Developing nuclear power.,buying military stuff from the Russians ..The waste water treatment plants in DC must be busy :eek::eek::eek::eek:.
At home with a horrible disease I caught from my friend’s kids. It’s in my head, it’s in my throat, it’s in my chest, it’s making me spike! I haven’t gotten a good one like this in a while. At least it’s not one of those wimpy colds that just make you stuffy – this one is worthy of being called an illness.
US diplomat calls for Iran action
A senior US diplomat has hit out at Iran and called on members of the UN Security Council to agree on economic sanctions against Tehran.
At a summit in Brussels, Nicholas Burns called Iran “the major disruptive, negative force in the Middle East”.
Any county or individal that dares to stand up to power ( or perceived power) will get this reaction from the neocons .:bf:
feel better anastasi! kids are little germ incubators, for sure.
Ewww anastasi that sounds terrible .. sometimes a day or two in bed does wonders .. good luck 😮
tea Good ‘Morrow All. :omg::eek::omg: tea, :joe: tea:joe:tea:joe:
I think I am keeping Fred’s bee–zarre ! horrid time. – I have been up for hours and all I do is ick work but ugh – it will change as soon as possible., by golly. Give Me The Night:!:
…and I have even been up for quiet awhile. :doh: Ugh. Infuse tea:joe: now please.
😎 = shades a MUST:!:
:yippee::yippee: Its Druid :yippee::yippee:
I got up in the middle of the night to see if I could avoid playing phone tag with the happy sole in Singapore .He usually calls at 3 am witch is like the end of his work day. Another reason globalization sucks :yuck::yuck::yuck:
anastasi, :knit: :gate: feel better ASAP when you have gotten what is needed. :nod: 😉
Hi Druid! :nixon: I must go, now, though. 🙄
But I :love: that time … I got up at 3:30am — and Time and Work are SLAVE Drivers :spank:
I would love :love: to finally talk to you — during the Night :banana::dancers::cool: I am going back to night one day SOON :growl: 😥 (I miss the night.)
Now I have to go back and reread you posts … I am livid re the arrest in Mexico and I think I saw some post of yours That Was Happy :omg: :rofl2: :omg::omg::
Sorry to hear you’re sick, anastasi. I just try to keep drinking water. Lots and lots of it (and tea, too – something spicy). I figure if you keep things moving, the bad stuff can’t hang out for too long.
Iran urges Arab countries to eject U.S. military
The Associated Press
Published: December 5, 2006
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: Iran’s top national security official urged his Arab
neighbors Tuesday to eject the U.S. military from American bases in the region
and instead join Tehran in a regional security alliance.
Ali Larijani told Arab leaders attending a conference here that Washington is
indifferent to their interests and will cast them aside as soon as they are no
longer useful.
“The security and stability of the region needs to be attained and we should
do it inside the region, not through bringing in foreign forces,” Larijani told
an audience of business and political leaders from the Arab world and elsewhere,
including the United States. “We should stand on our own feet.”
Larijani assured Arab leaders listening to his speech that Iran seeks “peaceful
coexistence” and that could replace the security umbrella of U.S. bases now
present in the region, including in Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. Other countries
have strong military training and U.S. security guarantee deals.
After GWs disastrous mission to the middle east they just may do that ,,:eek::eek::eek:
Farmerkat , Oneday I’ll get you, my pretty, and your lil Dorks too. 😉 Mwah Ha Ha (giggle)
Ahmadinejad: European acts to curb nuclear plan will strain ties
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday warned Europeans his country will consider any decision against its nuclear rights an act of “hostility.”
His statement came as political directors from United Nations Security Council permanent members Russia, China, France, Britain and the United States, as well as Germany were to attend the latest round of talks in Paris on the diplomatic impasse between the West and Iran over its nuclear program.
“I’m telling you in plain language that as of now on, if you try, whether in your propaganda or at international organizations, to take steps against the rights of the Iranian nation, the Iranian nation will consider it an act of hostility,” Ahmadinejad said, addressing thousands of people in northern Iran.
“And if you insist on pursuing this path, it (Iran) will reconsider its relations with you,” he warned European nations.
When you sit on all that oil and natural gas you can make idle threats I guess.:eek::eek:
hey someone give me a site other than priceline that i can get a cheap hotel from please! thanx……
excellent snippet from GQ interview with Al Gore
When you have a pretty extensive terrorist network at your command (according to Richard Clarke and Steve Simon, “superior to anything Al Qaeda was ever able to field”), you can even make threats that aren’t exactly idle.
Clearly Sean is an anti-shatnerite……probably an anti-dentite too.
no i already tried priceline but my price was too low and they wont let me try it again unless i go down to two star……
Well, I’ve never smelled his breath, but….:hot:
Yea GORE and thanks Andy. :banana:
Hi Druid. :love:
I am sorry to waste this space on “whatever” but
IT IS ONLY 8:25ishAM PST :eek::eek::eek::eek::omg:
I am usually going to bed around now (bad recent behaviour :spank: due to MARC :love: ).
I “thought” it had to be at least around 11AM PST — but NO:no: 😮 IT IS 8:30 ish AM PST:!:
🙁 this :SAD: plus Shades 😎
Boring Hmmmm.
And Hi Andy :love: 😉
YEA :yippee: :banana: 😎 ArtNorton is #1 😎 :banana: :yippee: YEA
:yippee::cool: Quiet Girl is #2 Yea 😉
SBlueHeron :yippee::cool: is#3 Yea :wink:…and WHERE Was I? Rats:nuts:
Heard a bit of Robert Gates in the car. Don’t know enough about him to make any real judgments, but he at least doesn’t sound sarcastic, arrogant, and condescending, unlike Rummy.
Denver housing market in free-fall as foreclosures eclipse record
Denver housing market in free-fall as foreclosures eclipse record
Sara Gandy Web Producer
Created: 12/5/2006 7:35 AM MST – Updated: 12/5/2006 7:35 AM MST
DENVER (AP) – Denver’s 2006 real estate foreclosure rate is now officially the worst on record.
With one month left in the year, foreclosures have already eclipsed the record set during the 1988 oil industry collapse which sent Colorado’s economy into a tail-spin.
Experts are saying Denver’s spiraling market should serve as a warning to the rest of the country.
An analysis shows many of the year’s nearly 18,000 Denver metro-area foreclosures fall in what is being called the “foreclosure belt” of Adams and Weld counties and north Aurora, while upscale neighborhoods are nearly unscathed.
Things like this may also account for WalFarts poor performance..:bf:
I still don’t know about Gates..DOD’s job is to kill people and break things and he sure demonstrated that he knew how to do that in Central America in the 1980’s ..Unfortunately it was mostly civilians ..Humm the Iraqi casualties are mostly civilians too ..humm :bf:
I have always liked Biden until the bankruptcy bill came along. Maybe because he is long winded and expansive like myself. I always thought the plagiarism charge was inflated, not such a big crime in my book. At this point if people think Gingrich and Giuliani are rehabilitated, why not Biden. For that matter, why not Gary Hart?
I just can’t get past that bankruptcy thing at this point.
Although he is a bit “conservative” , and I do not agree with everything he says, I like Al :omg: 😉 and his quests.
…Fred re 68 :doh: :omg: :fustrate:
Re Gates, I just don’t know how to differentiate between spooks. If he is being sent to take W Jr.’s keys away, it may not be the worst thing.
wvmc3d tea :joe: cheers. :alc:
Morning Druid and Fred and PJ if you are out there.
Like him or not, Al’s show usually offers good guest and information.
I will miss him if this is it for him and hope that he will be a great Senator from Minnesota. I notice that his last show Friday is a live location event, sorta like the last Marc Maron Show.
I think it would be great if they let Maron do some of Al’s slot in his absence but I cannot imagine Franken letting that happen for reasons touched on here a number of times.
France to Launch of English-Language (24 Hour) News Channel
The Associated Press
Published: December 5, 2006
PARIS: France goes head-to-head with CNN and the BBC from Wednesday with the launch of its state-funded 24/7 news channel, part of President Jacques Chirac’s efforts to make his country’s voice heard.
France 24 will broadcast two channels, one in French and the other mostly in English. “Our mission is to cover worldwide news with French eyes,” CEO Alain de Pouzilhac told Associated Press Television News. He said the channel will emphasize in-depth reporting and debate, culture and “l’art de vivre” — the art of living.
The channel launches its trilingual Web site — with video on demand and content in French, English and Arabic — at a gala in Paris’ Tuileries Garden on Wednesday evening. Chirac is to attend.
It will transmit to Europe, the Middle East and Africa via satellite, initially reaching an estimated 75 million households in more than 90 countries. France 24 expects to expand coverage in North America and Asia, and add Arabic and Spanish-language broadcasts, in coming years.
First Al jazeera and now the French will they ever allow Hezbollah TV or will the rethugs demand that the “propaganda” be removed entirely .??
We’ll just call it the Freedom Channel.
House Republican leaders abruptly pull offshore drilling bill from floor
House leaders abruptly pull offshore drilling bill from floor
December 5, 2006
WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans abruptly pulled from floor action Tuesday a bill to open a large area of the eastern Gulf of Mexico to oil and gas drilling after it became clear the legislation lacked the two-thirds vote needed for passage.
The bill, which has already passed the Senate, was to have been one of the last major legislative achievements of this session of Congress.
It would open 8.3 million acres of the Gulf that is now off limits to drilling and also steer hundreds of millions of dollars of federal royalty payments to four Gulf coast states — a windfall for Louisiana, which would get about half the money.
Republicans leaders gave no reason for the decision,
But an aide to a lawmaker strongly supporting the legislation said that a number of Republicans withdrew their support at the last minute and some Democrats also had signaled they would not support the measure.
The aide, who requested anonymity because another attempt is expected on the bill, said GOP leaders planned to revive the bill in a way that only a majority vote is required or attach it to another bill. GOP leaders had put the measure on an expedited schedule, requiring two-thirds approval….
They only have another 10 days to go maybe the wildlife along the Gulf of Mexico will be spared.. someone also pointed out that LA needs the income this would generate in a bad way :bf:
Thanks guys. I have Chinese herbal tea :joe:, garlic soup, Tiger Balm, and Franken’s bearable enough to nap by.
It was cool hearing Matt Taibbi on the Maron podcast last week; I just might change my mind about going to the office Holiday party.
Fred re 77 for this second I CELEBRATE THIS ACTION (for hopefully longer than a minute.)
:bong: 😎 :alc: :banana: :nod: :rofl2: 😆 :dancers: :pent: :knit: :gate: :growl: :fist: — tea and/or :joe: also :banana:
:billcat: :cat: :pup: :yippee: :pirate: :hubba: :penguin: 😉
hey Druid:pup::cat::knit:
Still trying to get by what happened on November 19th on this blog.
I wish I didn’t care. Thanks for your efforts to keep the:peace:
and the Candles lit! :cake:
It is so quiet here at night.
I still worry about Otis. 🙁
Last night PJ posted a Salon article about Giuliani that really captured the maniacal and vicious control freak that Rudy is. So I have to add one interesting Rudy story:
Rudy grew up in Brooklyn at a time when the Brooklyn Dodgers were still here. In fact we had 3 teams, the Dodgers in Brooklyn, the Yankees in the Bronx and the Giants in Manhattan. The rivalry between the Dodgers and Yankees had a political overtone because the Dodgers had integrated their team with Jackie Robinson and the Yankees refused to hire a black player.
Brooklynites were fiece about supporting the Dodgers and hating the Yankees but apparently Rudy’s dad was a Yankee fan. He used to dress little Rudy in a Yankee outfit and send him out on the streets of Brooklyn to play. Apparently, as a result, Rudy’s little friends would beat him up and one day they even tried to hang him.
Rudy is a fanatical Yankee fan. He tried in vain to get the Yankees a new stadium at taxpayer expense.
SBlueHeron, 😉 tea :joe: and :knit: cheers…and I also:nod:
which (I think you’re psychic, since,,,) I was just “contemplating” doing another :cake: / 💡 burning today/tonight … but apprehensively (“dancing as does a wolf”), wanted to talk first with Melina and PJ (or whoever you call yourself :rofl2:) AND CNICK but we have talked – kinda.
I haven’t said “Die” yet:!: :banana:.
And SUE P 😳 meaning :blush: eck I pretend the “recording” has disappeared :weak laugh: but thanks :love:
SBlueHeron — what’s wrong with Otis?
:pup:just saw bobby pretty good movie one of the other people in the theater was crying 🙁
just haven’t heard about Otis in many moons
I’ve been thinking about Otis and {{{KAHN}}} lately, too.
💡 rudy & rummy are brothers. Blathering on indefinately and the arrogance and condescension that deep must come from the same set of genes.
anti-dentite – :rofl2: I remember that seinfeld.
DOES anyone have the podcast from Marc last Friday? I missed half of it and I don’t see it over there => in multimedia.
im in love:love:
Marc on Sam Seder Show, 1-Dec-2006
Hour 1:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Hour 2
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Hour 3
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Gates OK’d for defense by Senate panel
WASHINGTON – Robert Gates won approval by a Senate panel Tuesday to be the next defense secretary after telling the senators the U.S. is not winning the war in Iraq and there could be a “regional conflagration” if the country is not stabilized
At a Senate confirmation hearing that was long on praise for Gates and short on criticism, the man President Bush picked to replace Donald H. Rumsfeld said he is open to new ideas about correcting the U.S. course in Iraq. He said the war would be his highest priority if confirmed as expected.
A vote by the full Senate could come Wednesday and is virtually certain by week’s end.
In a closed-door meeting following five hours of open testimony, the Senate Armed Services Committee voted 21-0 to recommend approval of Gates’ nomination, said panel chairman John Warner, R-Va.
If confirmed, Gates said, he planned to visit U.S. commanders and troops in Iraq “quite soon.”
Well I suppose any wing nut is as good as any other wing nut ..:rant1:
Richest 2% own ‘half the wealth’
The richest 2% of adults in the world own more than half of all household wealth, according to a new study by a United Nations research institute.
The report, from the World Institute of Development Economics Research at the UN University, says that the poorer half of the world’s population own barely 1% of global wealth.
There have of course been many studies of worldwide inequality.
But what is new about this report, the authors say, is its coverage.
It deals with all countries in the world – either actual data or estimates based on statistical analysis – and it deals with wealth, where most previous research has looked at income.
Maybe thats why they are so paranoid about the rest of us stealing their stuff…Lots of stuff..
They really should pay for all the effort that goes into protecting them from us..:bf:
many thanks, PJ! :love:
Defense Secretary nominee Gates clarifies ‘not winning’ comments
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Gates clarifies ‘not winning’ comments
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Concerned his earlier remark that the U.S. is not winning in Iraq would be misconstrued by troops on the ground, defense secretary nominee Robert Gates said he said was “concerned the troops in the field might have misunderstood what I said.”
“I want to make clear that pertains to the situation in Iraq as a whole,” Gates said. “Our military forces win the battles that they fight. Our soldiers have done an incredible job in Iraq, and I’m not aware of a single battle that they have lost.
“The situation is clearly much more complex than just the military action,” Gates said.
I will bet there will be no Kerry like uproar over it though ..:bf:
hey all….well this bad kid borne illness is going round and I might have mentioned that I had Ben over the weekend and he was sick…but I let him stay anyway because I am a pushover and he really wanted to.
So I’m getting sick withthis same thing with lung chest fever involvement. I’m feeling pretty lousy and Will feels horrible mentally, and is taking it out on me…so here in the waiting room…again….very tired….
Re 89 Yeh Farmerkat, I saw that. I would bow and give him praise, but then he might think I am sucking up again :nod:
:rofl2: …AIV
Don’t Know” Leads for President in 2008
Clinton, McCain, Obama, and Giuliani mentioned most frequently
PRINCETON, NJ — Many Americans cannot spontaneously think of the name of a person they would like to see elected president in 2008. While this lack of firm conviction about presidential candidates over a year before the first 2008 primaries is not necessarily unusual, it underscores the certainty of change as various politicians announce their candidacies and jockey for position in the months ahead.
Beyond the “don’t know” category, eight men and women are mentioned spontaneously as desired candidates by 2% or more of Americans as their choice for president in 2008. Two candidates top the list — New York Sen. Hillary Clinton with 15% of spontaneous mentions and Arizona Sen. John McCain with 11%. The other six mentioned by between 2% and 6% of the people are Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Sen. John Edwards, Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and former Vice President Al Gore. Five other individuals are named by 1% — Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, Tennessee Sen. Bill Frist (who has formally said he won’t run), and former Sec. of State Colin Powell.
Asked in a separate question if they would like to see a list of candidates run for president, McCain and Giuliani are the only two candidates who get a “yes” answer from more than half of Americans. Clinton tops the list among Democrats, over three-quarters of whom would like to see her run, but the majority of independents and Republicans say they would not like to see her run.
They really need a “none of the above” on the ballot too.:reaper::rant1:
I wonder about CK all thw time. She sent Will the Spagetti Monster book …but that was quite a while ago. I believe that I emailed her to go to the comedy central taping and the gotham show but she didn’t get back to me.
I hope she is OK….She told me that she was going through some stuff and also seemed very busy with work….I think the otis blog is still up though she stopped posting when he got better.
Sorry you’re not feeling well, Melina. Something is going around but it seems to be getting the teachers more than the kids. :tinfoil:
Hey fred, re 91 BBC world talked about this on the overnight show and they said that as far as data is available, the largest discrepancy betwen rich and poor is in the U.S..
Melina, Thanks for info re Otis…:pup: glad it was of ol’ and then they left 🙁 Hmmm Interesting : rubbing chin like a detective:
Tell those birds to help you out, probably like Danu and RATS, and only want more of you. :knit: :gate: Feel Better :pup: 😉
pj- Is there any way that I can vote for never having to hear about ANY of these d list personalities again??!!:fu::mad::rant1::slap::evil::tommygun:
That would be a gift to ALL OF US for :santacool::pup::dancers::growl:
well its worse in the grownups. I had my flu shot so itshopefully not that….itand chest thing and I. terrified that Ill be sick like last time. My pilates trainer friend has been sick for a month! I just want to be well enough to get to cancun
ah, Dru I sent you a package today….dont open till xmas!!
Melina, You “lil” monster :love: 😉 :billcat:
Peter B is so reassuring I can’t figure out if I should buy some more .223 ammunition or one of those 50 cal add ons for the AR15..:rant1::crap::yuck::paranoid:
Every AAR affiliate ( or behaps thats used to be affiliate) needs to start arranging for the Randi Rhodes dunk tank ..:bf:
i quit……
Melina (Look dear woman, there is not enough time in the day … AND YOU ARE SICK with :pup:S :parrot:S and then there is darl’n Will :omg::love::omg::pup::parrot::love: (:knit: :gate: on the mend ), but thank you. :blush: I think it is precious, even if cat-hair.)
Sean You have to be here to start with to quit ..:tongue:
From my ACLU email
Good OpEd about Padilla with a link to NY Times article, courtesy of the smirking one
Sean- is that a promise:nana:?
More gold from the Chimp.
Dubya and the Devil (apologies if you’ve heard it already):smack:
George Bush has a heart attack and dies. He goes to hell where the
devil is waiting for him.
“I don’t know what to do here” said the devil.
“You’re on my list but I have no room for you. However, you definitely have to stay here
so I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ve got three people here who
quite as bad as you. I’ll let one of them go, but you have to take
their place.
I’ll even let you decide who leaves, but your choice will be final.”
George thought that sounded pretty good so he agreed.
The devil opened the first room. In it was Ted Kennedy in a large pool of water. He kept resurfacing over and over and over gasping for air. Such was his fate in hell.
“No”, George said. ” I don’t think so – I’ m not a
good swimmer and don’t think I could do that all day long.”
The devil opened the second room. In it was Tony Blair with a sledgehammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer time after time and each
time more rocks appeared.
“No, I’ve got this problem with my shoulder and would
be in constant agony if I had to break rocks all day” cried George.
The devil opened a third door. In it George saw Bill Clinton lying
naked on the floor with his arms staked over his head and his legs staked in a spread eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky doing what she does best.
George looked at this in disbelief and finally said “Yeah, I can handle this”
The devil smiled and said …”Monica you’re free to go”. :rofl2:
I will read ALL in just a bit :nod: gotta run :tongue: :dancers::omg: :tongue: 😉
andy aka Aquaman :spank: Such an intense article, I was mesmerized. :nod: Now may I go exercise? 😉
I just got a junk mail that had a letter in it from Al Franken stating that he is scheduled to move back to Minneapolis in January…huh?…it was some fund raising thing on behalf of…?…I want to say a union….But Will shredded it before I could figure it out…
Dru, how did you know I was saving the lint from the Roomba for you?…its really silly…plastic toys and stuff….nothing much….but its nice to have something to open….and I saw a few things that reminded me of you.
Cool PJ, themes!!! Hey everyone . . . just passing through. I’m listening to Eminem’s “My dad’s gone crazy.”
opps, I seem to be stuck with the marijuana theme. It looks nice PJ, but I don’t see how to get back from here. Perhaps I’m just hallucinating?
Hey if anyone wants to damn a soul for all eternity go here.
PS damn soul at the bottom of the page. Hmm I wonder if I should add my ex-wife. Could be bad Kharma.
Hey Nick!
Hey Andy. I seem to be having a problem here. I’m stuck in the green leaf theme and can’t find my way back home. Has anyone else tried the new themes PJ has added on the right margin?
Well the theme selector was in the right margin of the default theme but has disappeared from this green leaf theme. O well . . .
maybe if I logout and log back in? I’ll give it a try.
Let me see
It’s on the main page now.
Re # 80 Blue and #83 Dru….I dont want to Dredge this stuff up agains and again….but I just have some questions, because this stuff is really bothering me. Maybe its because Im sick and Will is trying to torturing me literally to death….maybe Im just tired….But I care too…enough to stay and talk about it as opposed to just splitting.
Do you care about or does it bother you that the entire production of the night before the in crowd ganged up on the poor outsiders, most of the anger and meanness of Nicki and Suz was directed at ME?…Did it bother you when Nicki/Greg was directly rude to me all along the way and especially lately? Did it appear to you that they were contributing anything to this blog rather than using it for their own playground and ignoring everyone else except for when they saw one of THEIR little friends?
Blue, I understand that Roxie has been kind to you and Travis, but youve met me to. Tthough maybe I havent had a chance to be as kind to you and Travis as Roxie has been, I think that I am a pretty kind person, and I did really try to befriend first Nicki and then Suz, to no avail….and it is just beyond me that I have to be accused of being one of the in kids who is being mean to the other kids….or accused of anythign for that matter.
There was no discussion of this at all with Roxie; she said her piece and then split. She decided that something was happening based on her experience, not on this blog, but in school in the past….Thats what I read. If thats what she thought then she should have stayed and discussed it.
What really hurts me is that Greg and Susan were incredibly rude…if you cant see how rude they were to you and to Roxie, then at least realize that they were rude to ME and it hurt ME…and I think that I deserve to be not treated like…oh, lets see what Nickie has called me along the way: Stupid Democrat…and the like….and that maybe someone would have said, Hey why are you so rude to Melina? Because when I saw Greg and Susan being exclusive of and rude to others, I said something. And if Greg was being a dick to Nick, I backed him up.
And how did this turn into something that Nick did?…what about all that I wrote out explaining it all from day 1?….Before Roxie was here, I believe? Why wouldnt the benefit of the doubt be given to me or PJ or Nick as maybe feeling disturbed about how things were going?
This is not a matter of freedom of speech, but of common human kindness…and Roxie feeling too close to something that I honestly dont think she got the full picture of.
Honestly, I was ready to be gone from here….and I still am if it goes back to the way it was.
I give alot of my writing here…and I give alot of myself…and
I’d just like to know where you and Dru and Roxie stand on ME and my contribution here…?….And do I deserve to be treated like that?
Do you really want it to be like it was?
Dru, do you really want to summon them back here? Fred? Are you gonna light candles and say spells and prayers to make the blog the way it was? Because we had very few posters then…and alot of people were unhappy.
Im sorry that those few people just went away instead of trying to figure out how the community works best, but its not like they werent asked to come back and discuss it…..
Definetely dude…it’s like….on the …..main….page man. damn…who’s got the fuckin clip man…….
okay i figured it out. I’m back to the default MS theme. That was close. But cool to be able to choose.
For some themes, the sidebar is only on the main blog page. Otherwise, use this link to go back. If that doesn’t work, delete the theme cookie.
Thanks PJ. Always the tinker-er or somethin! I like. And I’ll check out the other themes too.
Melina, I :love: you — and I do not give that oath easily… and if you ever are tired I will fight your battles…just at this time it is only sadly verbally. This is said as an oath of honesty and loyalty TO YOU…
Now for the “talk” this could take forever so may be tomorrow, since near your :yawn: I think. :nod: but TO BE CONTINUED (by me throughout night)
I’m surprised anybody noticed. It’s been like that since the weekend. I don’t have all the crap on all of the other themes, so if you like the minimalist, faster-loading approach, you can try the classic or default ones.
I like the black one PJ…Have to see if it ends up hurting my eyes….does it have to be orange and black? How bout Mauve and black…something a little easier on the eyes….
But then, I lost my side bar and buttons as soon as I posted…so I cant jump to the bottom or whatever I used ot do
Sorry I never noticed. I really do appreciate the effort to make this a nice place.
Hey Melina,
Sorry you’re not feeling well. Thus far I have escaped the bugs that are running around here in Alabama. I got a flu shot a couple of weeks ago. I feel good about that. I generally take the flu during the month of December. Last year was the first year I’d got a flu shot. It musta worked cause I didn’t get the flu.
I’m not so worried about what is being said about me here by some. No one will run me from this blog. Well, ‘cept Patrick. But I feel PJ has always been a fair-minded person. I hold no ill will toward sblue or Roxieseattle. This blog was created by PJ because of our love for Morning Sedition. I spoke out of concern for the blog. I’ve seen people blogging here recently that I haven’t seen around in a long while. I want everyone to stay and contribute to this blog. It was never my intention to run anyone away from this blog. People have a choice to stay or leave. I choose to stay. You should too.
Re 121, Damning a soul to hell? Coolness. I may damn myself to hell. It is so subversive. I love it.
pj, I love the themes…really fun…but why do they lose the sidebar in posting mode? I will stay with regular mode until I can figure how to keep the sidebar….
Did you have some time on your hands, or is this how you relax?:grin:
At least it’s not one of those wimpy colds that just make you stuffy – this one is worthy of being called an illness.
Comment by anastasi — December 5, 2006 @ 9:56 am
Wow! You respect your illness as a Klingon respects a worthy foe! :tongue:
Yeah, Ive been damning everyone …I already damned George Bush…hope the secret service doesnt show up at my door…I gave his email address as
the lung pain is formidable….
The holistic Dr who I met recently said to take 2 full droppers of echinacea tincture 3 times per day. he said the tea doesnt work …he uses a brand called Herb Pharma, which I found pretty easily in the health food store here. He also doesnt put much stock in Ossocossicinum….but I took it anyway….to no avail. What really seems to help is the vit. C from the line of vitamins Im taking/distributing.
Mm kay, sleepy time for me. :yawn: Goodnight everyone.
Hope you feel better Melina.
G’night Nick.
Melina, I had a pretty bad bug a number of years ago and the doctor I saw had me take 10 gm. of vitamin C per day. Cleared it up pretty quick.
Regarding “involking” IT WAS A JOKE:!:
I was doing a bit of a parody, since NickiRose always has a bit of an “insulting” but meant as sarcasm — so I was “playing” with his attempt at trying to “tease me — with a double edge sword”.
His Humour is similar to mine put does not “play” well. For my humour I say Lead Balloon Humour. He is caustic but is willing to debate.
I just think Sunday NickiRose was acting a bit chivalrous when Susan Joy was stating her opinions alone on Friday.
andy aka Aquaman re Vit C:nod:
and G’Night CNick 😉
:yawn: everybody.
You never hear of cats doing this kinda thing. But, man, 160 pound German Shepherd/Timberwolf mix? Now, that’s quite a hunk-o-dog.
PJ re 134 You “teased” about not groveling. 😉
Melina- I haven’t bothered to read all the details but you got Fred to stop using :tommygun: so I’d say you have a healing effect.:knit:
re 150 :love: and 😥
but I like target practice, for real, I do.
Again, I think all were right, but hearing about possible “rudeness” to Melina, well, that must not be part of the debate:!:
Get some rest Melina, that’s the best thing. :yawn: Also, as Druid says, “infuse tea, :pup::joe::gate::spank:
Oh, Hey druid. :wink::cool:
Just to hear another woman’s view:
When Fred would use :tommygun: I felt “good” sarcastic warmth would spiritually watch over all. He was voicing the angst always raging in me.
However, I did not like his usage of a sacred symbol,:gate: but sarcastically and righteously I accept but ALWAYS used The Gate correctly, and was going to talk to him about — some year.
Dru….you really think all of thoe articles and all of that crap about dems and how stupid we are…and all of the endless Israel articles and pasting the entire truthout for monts here every day, was all sarcasm?
Lead Balloon Humor?….no, its more than that….People asked him to stop, to post links, to state his opinion….he only recently started debating and speaking as himself….and still it was important for him to be nickirose…and to disappear if anyone questioned him.
This was not misunderstood humor….it was actual rudeness and meanness…it was ignoring people who were talking to him…..There was nothing chivalrous about any of it at all. Frim what I could see the roles were laid out pretty well there and if suz didnt play her role he would disappear in a huff, just like he would if anyone questioned what he was putting up.
Things are so much better now….I dont want to keep talking about them and having you guys begging them to come back….Not unless they can act like they are in a community rather than in their own little elitist world.
I really think that they will kill this blog…that they were killing it when this thing came to a head.
Fred, and The Gun emo is like a CALLING or Heralding. or “WAKE-UP — and Pay Attention” Call.
It made me joyful when I saw it — and sad as I miss it..
Just another woman’s view.
I’m watching Al Gore on Oprah, and he’s hitting all the “gasping” points from his movie. Right ON! :fist: Speak to the masses Al!
re:Fred and :tommygun:
he’s the (was?) Mike Malloy of MS:eek:
I’m sure if there’s not a whole lotta of investigatin’ and impeachin’ goin’ on in congress the next two years the :tommygun: and:jason: will return :reaper::mad:
Melina,yes, when he is an ASS then verbally :fist:.
But I was a (good) lurker before PJ started this place. I am a caustic, reclusive misanthrope who only “appeared” at political meets. either to lead myself or others, but, no one knew me — if a place would work as a common bond it is here. I jumped on board, as PJ Steers, and I started to talk and didn’t know any since I did not want any to know me.
When at work, I get to Blog.
People have said to me that we folks from SF appear to be arrogant Lot. He did a name …. no one knew but I shocked him since I have her, but –although he was coming to my rescue with all she played…I finally just had to tell him of many like him tried to show me — But I Knew What I Spoke of and he had to finally acquiesce — as a bit of a curmudgeon.
I was a bit of a mystery, but so are many here although we only show so much. No one really ever understood me, but a special few.
We are all a bit different here — since we all focus on Marc. “Strange:nod::omg: :rofl2: :cool:”
artnorton Interesting debate. I have been “awaken” when I was 13 and most — even parents and sisters and many friends just didn’t get it. I have been protesting and working Leading many causes for many moons FOR NAUGHT … 1 forward 2 back.
The DEBATE NEEDS SPICE NOW. That is why I liked Fred’s
(and sometimes mine) Gun Emo.
Kristapea re Gore :love:& Oprah = :banana:
Dru- I’m not here often enough to have an informed point of view. Just checking into this blog from time to time it reads like a gothic novel. But it sure is one interesting bag of humanity.
I mean, I’m such a :doh: I thought you were a guy:roll: er, not there’s anything wrong with that either way..huh?:tongue:
All I’ve got to add is
“Why cant’ we just all get along?”:slap::omg::alc::knit2:
:rofl2: I am just glad you are part of the “story”:banana:
But so 😎 , I passed as a “dude”. :rofl2: 😎
(I thought NickiRose was a girl for way tooo long. :eek:) :rofl2:
— but with all the emos, wow :rofl2: 😉 Where’s CNick when I need him :rofl2:
artnorton and TRULY I only know part of the story I just want to “leave a candle on in the window till all are home”.
As was once put, I am a bit of a “pip” and I just think we are all a bit “strange” with the Maron Focus and we should start from there and if anywhere we should get along, why not here — INCLUDING WITH ARGUMENTATIVE DEBATES :slap: 😀 😉
I like the ‘leaving the candle on in the window” image- that would be a good emo to add.
:cake: No, not those kind of candles:rofl2:
I’m glad to be a (small) part of the story. A minister who I admired once described life as a dance to be danced as beautifully as possible.
But we’re all ‘pips’ from time to time.
Dru- maybe you explain to me……
“what is it about people from the bay area?”:doh:
get back to me about that:roll:
So I guess I basically stated my side until a debate ensues. So P____, whenever you wish besides the other request, lastly, but not leastly:wink: I ask for your “feelings” regarding The Verbal :slap: ❓
artnorton, :nod: 😉 anytime :rofl2: we folk from SF are a “weird”dichotomy “in the round”.
Malloy had the same PSA’s over and over again on the stream tonight (Bruce Hornsby and Bonnie Raitt). It looks like Nova M has punted on retaining sponsors even though they started out OK.
I am more worried about building :crap: on MY/OUR MOON:!:
But damn I see the future … and I watched Moon Base Alpha 😮
WebHubbleTelescope , Huh? See, that is what is so illogical to me. Why? 😕 :fustrate:
Tonight at 11 PM PST a re peat of Gore and Oprah
THX KRISTAPEA :banana: ❗ :banana:
Melina , I hope you have fallen asleep but please read and give me your opinion.on our beliefs. and differences, when you have the time. :knit: :gate: feel better :love:
I love :love: Al Gore. The film (I.T.) was “sadly beautiful”
Kristapea Thank You for telling my future from your past.:love:
OMG let’s land this thing.
Arrogant Lot