I know it’s Saturday, but that’s about all I know, since I haven’t had much chance to pay attention to the news. Things won’t bet getting any better for a while, either.
Posted by pjsauter on December 9, 2006
Posted in Uncategorized | 190 Comments
I know it’s Saturday, but that’s about all I know, since I haven’t had much chance to pay attention to the news. Things won’t bet getting any better for a while, either.
I do not want to be stepping on any toes … BUT If not here where? Where we weird wonderful folk, centering on The Maron (who I hear gives great hugs One Day ….. Hubby got to see you but not me. RATS ) where we Gather and Create:!:
– RoxieSeattle SBlueHeron is here missing you, and travis too.
– found one or two of the missing (or they found me)
– Susan Joy At least drop by every so often and say :pent: Cheers.
– NickiRose Where’s my “dear”, sweet, battle partner. Huh?
:slap: “Susan Joy will get you, my pretty … ” Mwah HaHa
– {{{KAHN}}} guess who use to send to you this way? Now that’s your test?
*Tell me if any others are missing also. I will be running tomorrow night also and will add for then.
Comment by Druid_666 — December 9, 2006 @ 5:02 am
Now I am embarrassed. :omg: I will go sulk in shadows. 😮 Haunting about.:eek: Boo.
:yippee:ROLLINS for all you sheeple that missed it the last two days because it has been way deep down in the bowels of the blog…… NEVER RELENT
:nod:is that you still on here druid?
Okay, so, pertaining to this laptop freezing up occasionally, I ran a disc check like PJ suggested and I am not sure what the results were because the page only stayed on for less than a second before it started to reboot. It didn’t seem like there was any errors. I have the pages for the ultimate boot cd and Knoppix Linux and have been perusing it. I downloaded the discwizard 2003 but am not sure i need to or should run it. And if I need to download it to disc, what kind of disc do I need? My friend sent me a hard drive but I have to pick it up at the post office yet, but as soon as i do, I’m putting everything onto it.
:?::yuck::sheep: le
Good morning :yawn::joe:
:yippee::yippee::yippee: Morning Krista :yippee::yippee::yippee:
If you go to control panel—–> Administrative tools —>event viewer —> applications and look for some entry by Winlogin it will show a summary of what was done by the chkdisk program
When you ran it did you check the boxes to fix file system errors and to check free space ??
Judge weighs torture claim vs. Rumsfeld
WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal judge on Friday appeared reluctant to give Donald H. Rumsfeld immunity from torture allegations, yet said it would be unprecedented to let the departing defense secretary face a civil trial.
“What you’re asking for has never been done before,” U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan told lawyers for the American Civil Liberties Union.
Yeah the rich and powerful have never had to obey the laws why start now :bf:
I did not get such boxes to check.
Active-Duty Military Personnel Will Protest War in Iraq on Wednesday
Wednesday, more than a hundred members of active duty military, reserve, and National actions of the Guard will speak out against the War in Iraq. Organizers say this will be the first time active service members will voice a protest since the United States entered Iraq in March 2003.
Senior Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto will be among them. He wants to make it clear. He’s not against war, “I want to state that we’re not pacifists here.” He’s just against this war: The one placing U.S. troops in Iraq.
Hutto says, “We think at this moment that the occupation is seriously flawed… We’ve lost many American lives – over 2,700, and 20,000 have been mangled and disfigured because of this war and we have actual priorities here at home that we need to look at – education, healthcare.”
Hutto is stationed in Norfolk. He says he is one of 118 military, men and women, who are part of the Active Duty Military Project– a grassroots effort to get the U.S. to pull troops out now. Hutto says, “There are active duty service members, reserve, national guard who believe that the time has come in the occupation to bring the troops home.”
Wednesday, Hutto will be part of a national call to get military against the U.S. presence in Iraq to go to
link to article
I don’t think you are susposed to question the actions of heir dictatordorp while still in active sevice
Krista What operating system are you running on the laptop ?? Windows 98 maybe ??
Renowned cancer scientist was paid by chemical firm for 20 years
A world-famous British scientist failed to disclose that he held a paid consultancy with a chemical company for more than 20 years while investigating cancer risks in the industry, the Guardian can reveal.
Sir Richard Doll, the celebrated epidemiologist who established that smoking causes lung cancer, was receiving a consultancy fee of $1,500 a day in the mid-1980s from Monsanto, then a major chemical company and now better known for its GM crops business.
Research funds come from where ever research funds come from ..In the 80’s GE was widely known in the college research circles as Generous Electric 😮
Windows 2000 professional. I looked at the event viewer and all the freezes had an error source from the service control manager. Whatever that means.
Website Has Current DLC Membership Including Al Gore…
Brian Baird
Max Baucus
Shelley Berkley
John Breaux
Maria Cantwell
Lois Capps
Russ Carnahan
Thomas Carper
Ed Case
Ben Chandler
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Kent Conrad
Bud Cramer
Joseph Crowley
Artur Davis
Jim Davis
Susan Davis
Cal Dooley
Byron Dorgan
John Edwards
Rahm Emanuel
Eliot Engel
Bob Etheridge
Dianne Feinstein
Harold Ford
Dick Gephardt
Al Gore
Bob Graham
Jane Harman
Stephanie Herseth
Brian Higgins
Rush Holt
Darlene Hooley
Jay Inslee
Steve Israel
Tim Johnson
Bob Kerrey
John Kerry
Ron Kind
Herb Kohl
Mary Landrieu
Rick Larsen
John Larson
Joseph Lieberman
Blanche Lincoln
Zoe Lofgren
Terry McAuliffe
Carolyn McCarthy
Mike McIntyre
Mack McLarty
Gregory Meeks
Juanita Millender-McDonald
Dennis Moore
Jim Moran
Ben Nelson
Bill Nelson
Gavin Newsom
Sam Nunn
David Price
Mark Pryor
Chuck Robb
Timothy J. Roemer
Loretta Sanchez
Adam Schiff
Allyson Schwartz
David Scott
Adam Smith
Debbie Stabenow
John Tanner
Ellen Tauscher
Tom Udall
Anthony A. Williams
David Wu
The web site explains more about who some of these people are . Didn’t give their addresses though .. :bf:
Krista if you click on the log entry it will give a brief explanation of what happened what does that say ??
Ah! I see! It’s the spy sweeper. It did not install correctly and needs to be re installed. Thanks Fred! :love::wink:
Hey Krista, try running chkdsk again. Use “chkdsk /f /r” (w/o quotes) and after you reboot, if you want to look for what, if anything, it found, open the Control Panel, double click on “Adminstrative Tools”, double click on the “Event Viewer” icon, then click on “Application”. In the “Source” column, look for the “Winlogon” item. Double click it and you should see the results of your Chkdsk (click on the “source” column heading to sort events by source if you have trouble finding it, but if you doit shortly after reboot, you should be able to find it).
/F finds and fixes errors on the disk. /R locates bad sectors and recovers readable information.
Okay PJ, I’ll do that now.
WASHINGTON — Senator Judd Gregg of New Hampshire yesterday used his last major floor speech as chairman of the Senate Budget Committee to blast his own party’s leadership in Congress, accusing Republican leaders of engaging in the type of fiscal recklessness that he said led voters to oust the GOP from power.
Gregg, who will give up the Budget Committee gavel when his party relinquishes control of Congress in January, issued his unusually harsh critique in reference to a sweeping tax-cut bill that Republicans were rushing through in the final hours of the congressional session.
16 degrees F here when I woke up this morn. Too cold to walk dorks so they have the wait. H2O is A-OK!
you tube video isn’t showing up anymore…any ideas why? using firefox.
neveh mind, installed flash player and it’s working now. curious it used to work.
Have a good Saturday one and all :gate:
Okay, i ran the disc check and it says:
-Cleaned up 4 unused index entries from index $S11 of file 0x9
– ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” $SDH of file 0x9
– ” ” ” ” security descriptors
Haven’t really read much lately, but picking up a thing or two at random, I see that things are slow for some folks here. First, much as I love FireFox, it can be a bit quirky and sloooooooow. Especially depending on what extensions you have installed. It tends to throw out those “connection reset” errors an awfullot, too, for some reason. If you want speed, use Opera. It’s a lot faster than IE, which is a lot faster than FireFox. Safari, from what I gather, has some problems with javascript, which is how the clickable smilies (among other things) work. Better yet, use Lynx. That’s way fast, though you might miss a few features (like a GUI, images, etc.).
Another thing that slows stuff down is the voicemail doodad, which is a flash thing that loads from an undisclosed location. Well, not undisclosed, but not from here, and sometimes it’s slooooooooow and causes problems. All the smilies take time to load, too, and the animated ones use up at least a little bit of your processor.
Thirdly, the main problem I’ve seen here is that the connection to the database server is sometimes sluggish (even absent). They have things locked down pretty tight, for one thing, and my guess is there’s a bottleneck in there somewhere, since they no doubt have a shitload of db’s running on each db server (and the web host, too, which is of course all shared). I’ve been considering moving things to a new host. That’s a bit of a hassle, so it would have to happen when I have some time to back things up and think it all out (which explains why it hasn’t happened, since I never seem to have time these days, and even when I do, I’m not so good at the whole thinkin’ thing).
You may want to switch to a less crapped up theme and see how that works out for you. As I mentioned before, I’m digging the White Tranquility one.
Of course, it’s all dependent on how the Internet is feeling, and what routers are up, and of course your own Internet connection. I’m actually not having any issues here (knock on ether) lately – not since they came and installed a signal booster on my cable. Imagine if I had a “real” computer, and not just a bunch of crappy, homemade boxes!
Although the web server this thing runs on is Apache running on Linux, and the database server runs MySQL, I’m pretty sure it’s all Bill Gates’ fault. Or at least Bob Parsons.
That chkdsk log looked like the usual stuff..nothing wrong there ..See if the adware program problem was hogging system time or something..if reinstalling it fixes it thats great..Windoz 2000 was pretty stable it just didn’t like direct X and direct 3d very much .
Okay, well, this thing just froze up again but I’m gonna have to deal with it later because i’m going to be late for work. Later! Thanks! 😎
Linux server can go off on tangents where it does disk maintenance or something on its own once in a while or some scheduled task starts up or it could just be to many people from the NSA paying us a visit:eek:..
As soon as I mentioned the NSA it rejected the next connection hummmmm:eek::eek:
Druid, when you return, I figured you launched Friday and you should land it. Now you are A/O O/A. So who are you calling A/O?:rofl2:
I think I remember someone here mentioning West Coast Live http://www.wcl.org/ . Today’s guests include my pre-Maron and still hero Harry Shearer, my pal Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, and the wonderful Kitchen Sisters. I may just go down there.
Meantime, I am going to try that Opera thing. If that gives me problems, PJ, I am coming after you (in the Spring). I just got a ‘new’ cellphone yesterday and I am teched out in such a low level way. Firstly, my fingers are too fat.
Morning sheeple:sheep:
Must find a Peet’s soon.:joe:
Druid both landed yesterday and launched today :yippee::yippee::yippee::dancers:
It is raining in Portland so we can breathe. But the drive to the coast will be slippery so I must leave.
sblue, stay on the main trails please.
Peet’s, the coffee of choice of Judge Ito!
Well, last night in Seattle, I unexpectedly ran into Jackie, a Maron fan that was at Giggles during one of Marc’s routines, at Pagliacci’s on the AVE. I was grabbing a quick bite to eat before going back home, after one of my wasted nights at the Blue Moon . She was very nice and said that she would start blogging here, maybe. So, anyway, that’s about it. Oh, except I forgot to mention her tattoos, which she has eight of them and got one last night of her three cousins’ names put on her wrist- sorry, I forgot who they are.:doh:
Somebody killed the Blog. Wasn’t me, just so you know. I have to go to the Wooden Boat Center now, to see if I can volunteer there.
travis killed the blog!:tommygun:
:doh:everybody must be busy……
Blog seems a little buggy, or is it my new Opera browser that keeps shutting down?
Sean, Where y’at? Still Memphis?
Oh! Seattle looks so beautiful and Peets is so yummy.
Sad. A Morning Remembrance:
Thanks, FK.
I loved that guy. There were some great stories about him. One I remember was that he would walk around the locker room strangely and say something like ‘pink pinetar’ and then crack himself up. Turns out he was trying to be the Pink Panther.
Great call and response
Better than the wave.
Kruk! Clark! Brenly! Thompson! Chili!
Great years, wv.
Yes, I loved those years. I may have to tune into KNBR for a while to see if Kruk weighs in on Jose. I’d love to hear some stories.
let me know if you hear anymore stories. the panther one is wonderful.
I am just remembering some other names
Jeffrey (make ’em wait), Candy, Mitchell, Reuschel, Donny Robinson ( who just dodged the John Ritter bullet)
They came so close.
CANDY! I had forgotten! How could I? {gasp!}
Oh my heavens, GodMen – like you guys need another reason to be misogynist jerks and testosterone-filled idiots:
Hey everybody. I’ll be attending an impeachment rally in downtown St Pete on Sunday. I’m sort of leaning in the John Conyers direction of holding investigations and seeing what sort of slug life crawls out when the rocks are lifted, but I could easily be persuaded in the other direction as long as Cheney gets thrown under the bus along with the Chimp.
Besides, it gives me an opportunity to wear my Impeach Bush T-shirt in public, an act of sedition I always enjoy.
There are supposed to be some speakers, not sure exactly who but I would guess that congressional candidate Samm Simpson will be one of them, since as a TV-host person she comes across well at these events.
I probably won’t have PC access tomorrow, but I’ll post something Monday if anything is of interest. It’s always good to get together with like-minded people, and these days there seem to be more and more of us all the time.
I’ll have to miss the Bucs game, but given the way their season is going, it won’t be much of a sacrifice. My friend Nicole is singing the anthem (and also at tonight’s Lightning game!), so I’ll have to tape the beginning in the unlikely event that Fox shows some of it. They usually don’t until at least the playoffs.
Five paragraphs and no emoticons? WTF is wrong with me?
and we are talking about the Giants who almost ended up in St. Pete.
Give ’em hell, Kevin!:tommygun::peace:
and we are talking about the Giants who almost ended up in St. Pete.
Comment by wvmc3d — December 9, 2006 @ 3:04 pm
Oh man, I remember that. It was two jobs ago. They were holding a press conference at 3 PM on a Friday, I think, to announce the move, and I had a transistor radio and earpiece so I could listen to the announcement while I was at work.
(There will now be a pause to allow the younger bloggers to ask someone what a transistor radio is.) 🙂
And to think Barry Bonds could have been shooting up roids in the bowels of Tropicana Field all these years.
:paranoid:almost 400 posts yesterday and we are only up to 51 today very strange if you ask me……
I’m kindof starting to miss Bush prematurely. I’ve gotten used to waking up with churning stomach acid. [now that i can’t wake up to the Funny anymore]. What fiend can take his place in ’08? There’s Gingrich, but he’s the only one who thinks he has an electoral future. Ditto Giuliani. McCain just doesn’t seem that smart to me. He gets rolled every time.
I’m starting to re-think my disappointment with Kerry losing, and not because of his limitations as a politician.. What a mess he would have been stuck with; the collapse in Iraqwould have been pinned on him by the GOP congress, which might have gained seats in ’06. And then he’d be royally screwed.
Hey, if AAR is surviving only as a shell of its former self, i guess Maron’s better off. Breaks my heart to listen to the old shows now, when all i got today is Sammy and whose Army. Isn’t living in NY tough enough? To listen to Marc and Earl on the Seder show the other day just makes you crazy: isn’t there anyone with a brain in radio?
That’s enough rhetorical questions for the day.:sammy:
hey from the hutch
Hmmmmm :omg: It is a dark rainy evening 😉 tea:joe: :banana: thus
:menorah: / :cake: / 💡 in the Window.
To Light The Way For All:!:😉
(me included for I had a :yuck: day today)
“I’m Alone, so all alone. Nobody Here Beside Me.” Donkey’s Song
hi other 2 people!
wow-slow blog…just back from the ocean. It was gorgeous!
And a nice peaceful drive listening to songs starting with “T”.
Druid..why :yuck:?
Hi, you other two: SeanMS :yippee: and SBlueHeron :yippee: ….
* 😉 Heron It is just your weather :rofl2: 😮 :rofl2:
Oh and i saw a heron!:parrot::banana:
Yuck cuz I woke in a panic and through on clothes and as I got to Costco it started to rain — knowing a Big Hairy Mush was whimpering. BUT I AM HOME NOW :yippee: :tongue: :yippee:
must make more tea :joe: :omg: :billcat:
SBlueHeron, I can hardly wait till you finish with what 30 meant :rofl2: 😉
SeanMS :fist: Yeh AIV NO RETREAT ….. 😉
:doh:thats a parrot
Ok well a little break is in order. i must:knit:
Oh shoot, I know why I am “going” through “many” Feelings:!:
The Celestial Event! although I can’t see through dark “wet” clouds. But “NET” will save the day :yippee:
Tea:joe: :nod:
taylor oumma!!!!!
:done in a joking manner: Where the Heck is Melina?
What “hutch”:?: 😮 😉
How Are You? Lots Of Lotion (LOL) :rofl2: since you are probably washing hands MUCH! 🙄 😉
Who’s going to be Alpha? Who’s going to be Omega Who feels like an Alpha Male or Female…
This is an exciting Game. And not me … I played Alpha throughout life with, well you know …. :rofl2: = LBH ….. and wish to be, for now, still in Shadows 😎
O/A up for grabs. It is that I post something and “””:eek: no one posts again””” thus Omega, by default :eek::omg::doh:
Kristapea , How Wonderful. re 68
It looks like LIGHTS for Winter Solstice, Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, and whatever celebration one believes. :yippee:
(but looking) It looks like LIGHTS with attitude 😎 :rofl2:
SeanMS, re 69 :?::?::?: re taylor oumma!!!!! (sorry, I haven’t read the Past (blogs) yet. 😉
AIV :no: NO RETREAT :nod:
Well, SBlueHeron, when you are back from break I might be on one (never got tea:joe: yet :omg:) 😉 but only for a few 😉 :rofl2:
Hey everyone! Yeah, the blog is kinda slow tonight. I’ve been out much of the evening. Company Christmas party and then just carousing.
For all you into Horror and Sci-fi you might find some last minute Christmas presents at Monsters in Motion. The site has lots of models and replicas of space ships from such shows as “Lost in space” and “Star Trek”. A 1/2 scale model of the “Robot” from the original TV series “Lost in space” goes for over $5,000.00. :omg: The life size model of the “Robot” goes for over $24,000.00. Oh shit!
cnick :no: dont be gay!
It’s to late Seanie. I like it to much to change now! :dancers:
oh hey wanna do lunch or something on monday?
who me?
So you’re gonna be in Birmingham huh? Well cool. What time?
i dont know:doh: monday morning
SeanMS THX for Sci-Fi info :love:, but I will have to see it in a bit 🙁
Morning??? I won’t be back into town til around 1 or 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I know I have to go to Phenix City on Monday.
Excuse me Druid! That was me with the Sci-fi info I beg your pardon!
:rofl2: i will probably be there still :yawn:
CNick :bow: by bad :spank:
CNick, THANKS FOR SCIFI/FAN Info :nod: 😉
Seanie :omg: bring asparagus and cheetos !:alc:
Cnick..you and I have Bit-O-Honey and Apple’s in common!
Did you get that mac book pro?
I am waiting for the next operating system and a smaller size.
Then maybe…
I want that “Lost In Space” Robot …
“Warning, Warning …”
only … $24,000. … (Waring, Warning MeltDown Occurring)
“Illogical, Illogical … Does Not Compute”
(But still real :cool:) :rofl2:
I could send along some Portland bagels for you to nosh on…
had some Portland bagel the other day and almost broke a tooth!
No I have tried to resist the urge to purchase a Macbook Pro. But I have a low threshold and any little thing could tip me over the edge and make me go ahead and buy one. I never let the fact that I don’t have any money stop me.
Can I join in the Bit-O-Honey Club :rofl2: :dancers:
Bit-O-Honey is the best candy in the whole world!
When I go to the PO i Park at the U bookstore. i have to purchase something for parking validation. I can never resist the Bit-O Honey product placement.
Druid what did that green lady say on that episode of “Lost in space”? You used it on Travis the other day. I think you embarrassed him.
:pup:Bit-O Honey is DA BOMB!!!:pup:
Handsome, Pretty Handsome, Dr. Smith 😎 😉
Hey Moonlightman err Marc Maron. How is show business?
It does not really seem to be appreciated as much anymore. Sorta hard to find sometimes as well.
Theres no business like show business! You certainly know that!
I was recently delighted to see packages of “Bit-O-Honey” at the Opelika, Alabama Walmart Supercenter. I bought 3 bags. All gone now. I love that candy. Bad on fillings though!
Re 110: Yup :dancers:
Wow..bit-O-Honey and THAT GIRL is on the telly.:omg:
Oh my, “That Girl”, next you’ll tell us that “The Flying Nun” is on the telly!
I prefer the individual wax wrapped. The bar tends to commit oneself to the whole thing.:oops:
I think I could eat a whole bag at one sitting Moonlightman! Ha! So its a cool 34 degrees here in Bham tonight. Nowhere near as cold as last night.
In SC its finally cooling down a little. Had a splash of rain. Its been so goddamn dry! any moisture would be welcome. If we get a lot of rain we have a fire season and if we do not get rain we have a fire season.:cry:
Seafoam candy :pup:
I’d just like to see measurable snow this winter. Last winter sucked BIG time. If its gonna get cold it ought to snow. Damnit.
If London, England can have a tornado; Birmingham, Alabama ought to be able to have at least 8 inches of snow!
haystack candy:nod:
Try this mouthwatering link.
:shock:dude i shopped at the opelika wal-mart supercenter like last week!
So is snow good for your business cnick?
It is hell for me. Unless I happen to be home and snuggled up.::cat:knit::love::knit2::cat:
You horrible people:!: F.I.N.E. :!
I Crave. I Yearn. I Desire. I Must Have:!: … IF:
Where, since I only go once a month to Costco or to the CO-OP ❓
I can brave a Walgreens or Mart or whatever (but the smaller) (on way to Costco). SNIFF 😥 Bah Humbug
so you’ve been in Alabama all week Sean?
Oh no, Sblue! Snow would keep me home and that is fine with me since I am salary!
😯 horrible?
did you look at my links?
that’s cool..but I may encounter snow on Monday and I am a Seattle driver so…:omg:
Thank God I found a chocolate bar! It saved me a hunting trip for BOH:pup:
I really need to have this landline (Bellsouth) disconnected. I rarely use it anyway. It’s like $85.00 a month. I could use that $85.00 to make monthly payments on a Macbook Pro. That seems like something I’d get more use of than a telephone huh?
one of the links I could not go to. wanted a password or something. The other was a wonderful picture of the ocean I think.
:doh:no i have been in memphis since tuesday monday last week was opelika alabama though……
Bit-O-Honey :drool: :doh:
Oh that link was fixed cnick
Since the boss has now agreed to pay for oil changes, tires and “some meals” I ought to be saving enough to get a Macbook Pro huh?
cnick that sounds like an excellent plan!
but wait till January after Macworld!
post lurkers!
Where is Travis? Where is Melina? Everybody in bed or something? Out on a HOT date or something?
Peter never called tonight or Friday night. I wonder if I said something wrong last Saturday night? Hmm . . . :doh: . . . oh well!
:drool: a Macbook Pro :drool: :doh:
And after telling me last Saturday night that he thought he was “falling in love” with me! Hmm, wonder if I heard him wrong and he said he was falling in love with someone else? :doh:
Travis is watching a flick…:shock:
Love is strange…
you should find that song for your show.
Being in love is to complicated for me! I think I’ll remain a whore.
Glad I don’t have any secrets! What would I talk about otherwise? The weather?
If you were a whore nick the macbook would be no problem, I think the word slut is more appropriate.:lol:
thanks for the correction Moonlightman! :smack:
I think I need to steal John Ong from his bf and make him my man!
oh my . . . I am starting to drift off. :yawn:
I think you should come out to the silicon valley and try to hook up with Steve Jobs.
3 minutes after Midnight here in Birmingham and I’m still here. Where is my Prince?
you are getting sleeepy:priest:
Then maybe you will think of ALL the friends here and get us all promacbooks!:pup:
Steve Jobs would be a good one to pick up!!! All the Macbook Pros I desire! Ha!
I hear tell Marc Maron makes pretty good money doing those Comedy clubs.
In my ol’ area, there truly is a saying decribing those that LUST :hubba: for Macs/Apple … and you thought I was teasing …
MAC Whore :omg::nod: :rofl2:
So what gives Moonlightman? You should have plenty of $$$ to buy a MBP
Still need you to hook up with Steve, Mishna likes her baubles.:wink:
Marc calls PC’s whores…in his act.
“Dirty whore of a PC”
:peace: Moonlightman!
MM are you going to see MM in LA on Tuesday?
anybody ever do this?
Bring him some Phish Food:nod:
Well gang! I think I’m gonna go dream of Macbook Pros and Steve Jobs. Been real talking to ya all. Much love. Talk to you all again soon I suspect. :peace:
If I do, I will ask him about the hummingbird cake.
Night Nick. Be well.
monday man! :paranoid:no funny stuff though not that i think you would find me attractive…… although i did have a gay guy hitting on me before he was trying to grab my ass and stuff……
G’Night CNick :wink:, :knit: :gate: Good Journeys awake or asleep :nod:
I am gone as well. Be well all. Sean, hope to hear you on a nickthomas podcast………..a conversation I mean.:oops:
:banana::pup::banana:All your base are belong to us
I use to have a “crush” on Steve Jobs, then I found out he was gay. :rofl2: “I Never Heard Offically, though”.
In that large area down there, many, including me, had the proud title as a Mac Whore. :rofl2::lol::rofl2:
later “marc” or whatever your name is:paranoid:
MoonLightMan, G’Night … but isn’t that when “the town” awakens? (a joke :wink:)
:knit: :gate: Good Journeys awake or asleep
:jason:You think you’re big time? You gonna fuckin’ die big time! You ready? HERE COMES THE PAIN!
Calm down and read sheeple magazine Seanie Sean:sheep:
Awwwww re Sheeple. Cute! for the first(ish) time :sheep: :dancers:
:banana:I’m the guy that’s gonna save your ass.
:pirate:Great men will tell of my bravery.
Here’s a good candy if you can find it.
They carry it at Cracker Barrels and Dylan’s in NYC.
Also at this cool place I found looking for Bonomo’s Turkish Taffy, another real filling destroyer.
Saturday night Portland bagel talk.:cake::menorah:
candy for Jeffy!:penguin:
:penguin:yay! jeffy likes candy! why are you being nice to jeffy?:paranoid:
Well, it looks like our weather might not break so does anyone have a link to tonight’s celestial event?
Thursday was News Daddy’s birthday.
:tommygun:I never fucked anybody over in my life didn’t have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don’t break them for no one. Do you understand?
Police: Chicago Gunman Angry Over Patent
Are you coming back to land this thing?:menorah::cake::joe::bow::gate:
I am going to do “Lights IN WINDOW” soon, (thanks to Grand father :love: and Granmother:love: and The Irish:banana: ):wink:
😉 and MELINA is going to be Listed as one of the MISSING (since I never seem to be on when she is. 😥 😉 :pup: :parrot::pirate: :cool:)
(How Are You Feeling? Anyone to rub your toes? :wink:)
I am taking care of “CHORES :omg:” to come back to see,
:omg:I ZWas The Blog Killer:!::omg: :reaper: