The final Morning Sedition aired on this date, one year ago. A very sad day, indeed. But, we get an extra holiday present, with a week’s worth of Marc and many of the surviving cast of characters on the Sam Seder show. Should be fun; I know I’m looking forward to it.
Sorry I missed the first day of Chanukah yesterday (tell you the truth, I have to look online just to figure out what day of the week it is; I’m still having a hard time believing that Thanksgiving is over already), but let me say Chappy Chanukah to all. :menorah: Also, here’s to a safe trip, and an enjoyable vacation for Will and Melina in Cancun. Of course, we expect pictures when you get back (bikinis would be nice).
Otherwise, just a little bit left for me to do, and then I intend to take a week-long nap. Maybe two weeks. Wake me when it’s New Years.