Well, I was gonna get the Xmas cards out yesterday. Honest. But there was only one problem; I don’t know where we keep the Xmas cards. So, not much I can do until somebody provides me with that information, is there? I really wish I had one of those signing machine things that Rummy used to send out the “Dear <insert name here>, thanks for letting us use your <son> <daughter> < father> <mother> <husband> <wife> <sister> <brother> <other> as cannon fodder, in service of our glorious leader” notifications. That would come in pretty handy. Plus, I could contract the job out to Haliburton or something.
I set up a database one year that included personalized greetings. Printed the envelopes, and the message right on the cards – including my personal signature. Took me about 10 times longer than it would have just to write the goddamn things out myself, but it was pretty cool. So, I was able to achieve an impersonal look, at the cost of hundreds of hours of labor. Pretty good. The hard part was measuring all the cards to get the damn things to print out right. Imagine if I actually had friends! Anyhow, I’m starting to think the e-cards are really the environmentally friendly way to save the trees and all that.
Don’t forget (and I know you won’t), day two of Maron on the Sam Seder Show.
:cold:i dont want to go north!
WTF! wake up sheeple!
Good Morning :joe::blech:
:?:T – 1 day and counting ( for me at least):sheep: le
Its the week before Christmas:sheep:le go back to bed :paranoid:
US Army might break Goodyear strike
The US Army is considering measures to force striking workers back to their jobs at a Goodyear Tire & Rubber plant in Kansas in the face of a looming shortage of tyres for Humvee trucks and other military equipment used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A strike involving 17,000 members of the United Steelworkers union has crippled 16 Goodyear plants in the US and Canada since October 5.
Ahhh a return to 1912 :gate::omg::jason::jason:
NOW, I have to get all chores done BEFORE The Marc. :tongue:
ALL t:joe:, t:joe:, t:joe: Cheers :alc: All
FARMERKAT, Did You Get Your Answer? Huh Huh (Just trying to remind The Call?)
As my friend and I PLAY re the phone and HE’s AN EX-GAMER (a bit) and I am, plus also I am a believer in THE GAME as a “philosophy” would we say MANY, MANY Times (since I have known him 11 oe 12 years – and fixed him and wife from my School) {up and then I Married Them:, GAVE (an Irish and Druid Blessing of New Birth {If you are an Irish Catholic kinda like that-ISH.:love:}
{:love:that is probably why I must hear the END of Tom’s Show}: :slap:
… TAG You’re It:!:
Please, someone record and post the show?? Pretty pleeeeease! I’m not taking the chance of something else going wrong with this computer by leaving it on all day.
Report: Pentagon planning Navy buildup as ‘warning to Iran’
The U.S. military is “planning a major buildup” of its naval forces in the Persian Gulf region “as a warning to Iran,” reports CBS News, as quoted by Reuters.
A senior official in the Department of Defense said “the report was ‘premature’ and appeared to be drawing ‘conclusions from assumptions,'” according to Reuters. The Pentagon declined comment, but an additional Defense official described the report as “speculative.”
Rattle…. rattle..One has to wonder about the content of the mail between the Chinese and Washington after they do things like this .
Delta Files Reorganization Plan
ATLANTA (AP) — Delta Air Lines Inc. filed a reorganization plan with the bankruptcy court Tuesday that calls for it to emerge from Chapter 11 in the spring of 2007 as a standalone company. It also said that its board has formally rejected US Airways’ $8.4 billion hostile bid to buy Delta and create the nation’s largest airline.
I remember when companies used to give their emplyees bonuses at Christmas Time
UCF rules fuel debate on freedom of speech
One minute, members of Students for a Democratic Society were sitting in a breezeway, holding signs asking other students to discuss a possible war in Iran.
The next, the University of Central Florida police were accusing the campus activists of trespassing and were threatening them with arrest if they didn’t move to a designated “free-assembly area.”
In the 70s that would have lost the university at least some windows if not a building or two
:gate::omg::jason::jason: .
FYI .. For those of you coming to Vale or Beaver Creek for Christmas
From the KUSA weather center
Snow could start falling in Denver as early as 10 a.m. on Tuesday and continue through the mid-afternoon. Total accumulations of 1 to 3 inches are possible in the metro area by late on Tuesday.
Snow is expected to taper off in the Denver are Tuesday evening but continue on the Eastern Plains and in the high country. Snow will redevelop in the metro area Wednesday morning with an additional 4 to 8 inches of snow possible by Wednesday evening.
The winter storm will impact southwestern Colorado first with heavy snow likely in locations such as Cortez and Durango starting Monday night. The storm will then spread northeast through the day on Tuesday.
A SNOW ADVISORY has been posted from 5 a.m. until 5 p.m. on Tuesday for the Front Range foothills and the I-25 corridor from Highlands Range and Lone Tree south to Pueblo.
Marty says those areas could get 6 to 12 inches of snow.
A WINTER STORM WATCH has been posted through Wednesday from the I-76 corridor south into the Burlington area and for the Front Range mountains including the Eisenhower Tunnel and Rocky Mountain National Park.
Why does it always snow when I have a few days off..:paranoid::paranoid:
Stores look for late shoppers to meet sales goals
Procrastinating consumers leave retailers crossing their fingers
This year it will be all Mother natures fault
When you consider that most of the “stuff” you buy at Christmas in made in China its only the mark up that counts any more .:yuck::crap::reaper::reaper:
Laura Bush had skin cancer tumor removed
Procedure took place in November; not disclosed until Monday night
The thoughts
I didn’t think robots could have skin cancer ..
:omg: They cut off her head ..:eek:
good morning bloggies!!:banana::banana::yippee::dancers:
:banana::banana: Hey QG :banana::banana:
Whats up in Lost Angeles ??
I got up just as the music played :pant: :tongue:
Good morning all.
Temp is 17 deg. here, but the :joe:’s hot. New sweetner,too-agave nectar. Mmmmm
hi fred! :banana:
Hi Druid:dancers::joe:
what’s up in LA? it’s not the temperature, that’s for sure:cold: it’s 35 right now…which i’m thinking HAS to be a mistake….:paranoid:
Marc is on!!:banana::yippee::dancers:
Oh, Marc ….. Dramatis Personae
wow, Marc’s getting so personal. amazing how he can be so open on the air….and still find the funny:nod:
i have to get something hot to drink :joe::cold:
Where’s Jim with the Weekly Remembrance?
Joe Barbera! – Exit, stage left!
jorogo, 😮 Been there done that, but not 😮 there :cold: now :yippee: = MUSH. But hubby left way before me — so I am Alpha (but I was with the wolves anyway — mostly ONLY with wolves {kinda:wink:}). I know nothing re: WHERE ARE YOU (area-ish)? t:joe:
awww…Bruce Cherry!!!
Driud, central cheeseheadland, north of Madison (where they commune with Satan, according to O’Reilly)
I could hear the ice freezing on the nearby lake last night. Very quiet here.
quietgirl. :yippee: How’s It Brush’n? :banana:
:banana: :banana: Fred, Yea 😉
aww…he’s yabba dabba dead
in the animation world, Hanna-Barbera are hugely influencial. i was really sad yesterday….but i have to admit, i was laughing when Maron just did “Rememberance”:nod:
Wow who this guy on now?!! Geez.
is it “Attack Maron” Day? :growl:
hey everyone…just got up…..
Ithought Marc handled that just great….Its like when sam talks to conservatives…I like it.
g’ morning Melina:banana:
pj- I usually print out a card of Will and I and I have to have it set up by a graphics friend because of the printing isues.
But I do write in them myself….and I dont really send otu many.
If I do it this year its gonna be happy new year cards.
hey qg…..
hows your break going? resting up I hope.
nice lil rembrace for Barbera….Im sure that Jim will do him, but in whatever situation with Jim this week, I think that Marc and his guys there did a great job with sound effects….
Does anyone know of a local number for that studio? I cant call from mexico to that 800 #….
Damn I missed it!!
Sea Mammal C&P
Whale ‘vomit’ sparks cash bonanza
An Australian couple who picked up an odd-looking fatty lump from a quiet beach are in line for a cash windfall.
Leon Wright and his wife took home a 14.75kg lump of ambergris, found in the innards of sperm whales and used in perfumes after it has been vomited up.
Sought after because of its rarity, ambergris can float on the ocean for years before washing ashore.
Worth up to $20 a gram, Mr Wright’s find on a South Australian beach could net his family US$295,000 (£165,300).
At first, Mr Wright and his wife Loralee left the strange lump on the beach where it was found.
However, two weeks later the couple returned to Streaky Bay and found it still lying there.
Floating gold
Curious, Mrs Wright persuaded her husband to take it home.
my break is going well. i got to do a little work yesterday, but mostly i relaxed and cleaned up the house. i have some gifts to make today (because i’m always broke:fustrate:)
jorogo, WOW. I have heard the “snow” (and ancient trees) go through the different sounds of the season, but only “saw” on TV the hearing of freezing and seasonal “breaking” lakes …
I was in a place in upper n/e California — (yes, it snows and rains and freezes (:nod:), where one could not see another light for miles, (would hear and had complete quiet, except in hunting and MJ season :eek:. )
It was poetry. It was esquisite:love:. Enjoy. (almost jealous, but back on coast :cool:)
melina, how’s Mexico?
i hope La Raza is treating you well. get plenty of rest and just relax :nod::dancers:
gifts that youve made mean so much more….dont worry about it.
At a certain point life is full of so much junk and then the few precious things that mean something…..
Im having a garage sale in the srping and just going through things is so enlightening…and makes me think twice before I buy any trinkets along the way or ask for whatever from my father….who seems to want to get me something “tech” but doesnt want to spend for the archos that I want…..what I really want is just a gift certificate to amazon so I can save up the $ to get what I want rather than lots of little crap from people who feel like they should giveme stuff…..and I also like that gift of a flock of baby chicks to poor towns so that they can sell eggs…is that Heifer?…yeah…my favorite gifts are heifer. You can give an amt of $$ and then just tell them which cards you want….printout or if you do it ahead if time they will send you cards….and you can give everyone just a piece of a flock of chicks (which is $20) which….even 1 chicken changes the life of a family as long as bird flu or some disaster doesnt happen!…..
A picture of me is what you get if Santa runs out of coal.
I want to do so manythings but we are awfully tired and Will doesnt want to leave the room much…..he was out with the teens that he has been hanging with till midnight but he wont go out now.
We snorkled yesterday and he seemed to like it but there was alot of drama about his hair stuck in his mask and feeling like he was sinking and almost dragging me under….but once I got him organized he was happy with it.
Im gonna do that today again I think….work out, which I did yesterday…..and I need to find the kayaks….
Just wish I wasnt so tired.
Its a little overcast which is great for me because in thei direct sun in a hat with very strong new sunscreen from the dermatologist, I could feel the burn happening…..people are so brown her.
Anyway, I put up a big story and some pics on my blog yesterday….when i had internet contact. Internet seems ot come and go but the westin cancun has an unlocked wireless that has been very good to me in the face of the club med’s crappy ethernet service….
PJ…silly…thats just not true…and I know that granny agrees with me.
actually I feel like that too because I photograph so badly and basically hate the way I look most of the time. You should see Will taking pics of me….even here, he keeps saying “oh no, you wont like that…let me try again”
It takes like 6 or 10 pics before I find one I like…..
BTW, you were asking about cheap mp3’s. AllOfMP3 is very, very cheap. They are in Russia, I guess, so I wouldn’t give them my credit card, but there are some other options for adding to your account. Haven’t tried them, myself, but it’s worth thinking about.
Sorry….Hello everybody!
The thing most interesting is that you can actually choose different bitrates – some you can even get via “online encoding,” so you can flac, ogg, et. al.
Hi Andy. I was gonna stay away from here today, but I guess I just couldn’t help myself.
damn!! i missed the segment on Apocalypto!!:fustrate::growl:
Marc’s in a way good groove today! :yippee: I LOVE hearing him on the radio again! :boobs: What a nice Xmas gift for me! :love:
jorogo , re 30 and
VERY :cool:YEA:!: :rofl2: you are aware with what (can put in EMO) AIV means, thx to Kevin M. :rofl2: — was:
IMPEACH! (format by KevinM )
(Arrest and EMOs my bit that I added, then made up:
:yippee::pirate: :cool:: andy aka Aquaman is
“on deck” 😎 :pirate::yippee:
roxie sent in flowers!!!
Nice shot at Riley.
What did he say about riley?…..its my feeling that riley would have come right over and said Hi…its not like Marc isnt there 2-3 hours early anyway…..you know he goes in early. Riley must be hightailing it out of there…if he is even in the same studio or is back up at the wlib place….
ROXIESEATTLE :dancers: :billcat: :dancers: :KISS: T:joe: (or holiday cheer) Cheers :alc:
re 59 “weird” huh? :nod:
pj- how can you stay away on a week when marc is on the radio?….why not stay away next week when we are all depressed because we’re missing marc.
I wonder if we get sam live next week.
Its sort of a dead week in broadcasting.
I need to know what is the best music gathering program…as in yahoo, itunes, rhapsody….because when I go home I need to set the thing up on my computer (which is now full of tiny mexican ants) and then be able to transfer it to another computer when they have connectivity
I assume that they all will accept usic from any other service and then encode it for themselves…but itunes stands out as being difficult to deal with when moving a music collection…or maybe thats just the ipod?
He said he came in early (6:30) and Riley was not there. My guess is that he was saying Riley is not a stay around guy or had made no contact. On the other hand, if MM really wanted to see him, maybe he could show up a half hour earlier.
I think next week is Best of Seder/Majority Report.
How’s Cancun?! If you care to move off campus, I tried to e-mail a restaurant tip.
Druid, AIV was clearly in mind when I ordered my custom bumper-sticker: IIII
Another custom order I made was an IDEAL model 5780 self-inking stamp with IMPEACH BUSH in red. Goes on all mail & notes, cash, even people. I stamped dozens of hands (and a couple of foreheads) at an impeachment rally in Madison recently. Stamp the word and have some fun. You should really get one of these at:
Melina, re pj- how can you stay away on a week when marc is on the radio?….why not stay away next week when we are all depressed because we’re missing marc.
I wonder if we get sam live next week.
Its sort of a dead week in broadcasting.
:rofl2:Yeah, I was suppose to be gone due to Winter Solstice and hubby coming in a day, “BUT, MARC’s on Sam’s this week:!: :love:
yes…I got that…my outgoing email is….wont go…and internet is iffy…but I can get the radio stream!
I should get the hell out of here and may just hike ot the wall and leap down to the taxi line and be with the people a little….
The weather is fantastic in that its breezy so not too hot..and the sun is extreme…did you see the pics on ripcoco?
I have many more but I wanted to go downtown and get some real life pics…
well, Im supposed ot be in Mexico…but somehow in my room listening…priorities….:love::rofl2:
They really should be fixing that blog…I suppose that they have no $$…PJ could fix it…but he is away for the week!

the show went by fast….but at least we can look forward to Jimmy Earl tomorrow!!!!
i’ll lurk later…. hope everyone has a great day!!:40::dancers::banana:
It makesme so happy to hear Marc…and I feel pretty crappy today…nauseus…Will and I both are having nausea and no appetite….
I dont think its the water. Maybe a virus from home.
The good news seems to be…from what I can tell fromt he blogosphere…that the sale is likely going through…and obviously, the powers that be are smart enough to attempt to recover based on what was actually good before!
If Mass. bans transfats in restaurants, what will they eat….Ive never eaten out in a place where they serve fake american dinner rolls on the tables at chinese restaurants, and manage to coat every piece of broiled fish with some sorta fake crisco oil….even on the cape they do this…its just horrible.
My cousins were raised on fluffernutters and sugar cereals…
(not that Im not a fluff fan, but we were definitely healthfood 100%)
Im off….catch you all later on
Hey Melina, it isn’t the “store” you buy it from – it’s the format. Just don’t buy stuff that is protected by any sort of DRM. If you buy it in mp3 format, it should be good to go. Anything you buy from iTunes will only be “authorized” on a couple (what is it, 3?) devices. I believe Yahoo and allofmymp3 and other sites are all mp3s w/o any DRM crap (no matter whose company it comes from). Ditto, Rhapsody, if you buy tracks (as opposed to their “to go” subscription – otherwise it’s only authorized while your subscription is paid up, and they use palysforsure, which has limited device support).
That was so sweet of Jenna from MN (girl with the knee surgery from
last year) to call in at the end of the show! Marc’s kindness was
not forgotten.
It’s funny that we all have that same dream Marc spoke of yesterday;
the one where AAR gives him his job back along with a big
bag of MONEY. Jenna’s dream puts him in Franken’s seat in
MN. My dream pairs him again with Riley. What’s up with Riley anyway? I really want to hear them together again.
Marc, given the vagaries of life and success, let’s just pretend this whole week is a victory – Goldberg is gone, you’re on the air,
you’re still controversial; you’re still provoking, enlightening and
entertaining the rest of us. This whole week of shows is like getting a Christmas present for me. Welcome back, Marc!!!
(Where’s the firetruck emoticon?)
:singing: My, My, My MELINA
“:love: :embrace: I’ll get you my Pretty, and your lil :pup:s & :parrot:s too:love: ;embrace:. (off to your site, I go, :yippee:,
to see if a message can be left for thee, if not I have plan B :wink:.)
:knit: :love: :gate: Blessngs to YOU AND YOURS.
From the token gay guy on the blog: “Marc Maron is not homophobic. There are hypersensitive gays who do not know how to take a joke. I understand that the use of the word “fag” is a hate word. So does Marc Maron. There is not a person more sensitive to hate speech than Marc Maron. So this gay guy supports Marc completely and awaits his return to talk radio.”
Amazing to hear somebody call Marc hateful. I can’t think of a worse adjective in describing him. It’s one thing to get offended by something he says or a gag he does. Everybody has a right to their own opinion, and of course also a right to call him or anyone else on it. But hateful? Nah, I don’t think so. Would Jim David and Judy Gold be friends with him if they thought he was like that?
I also, frankly, do not recall a Morning Sedition when there was a group of kids on a field trip in the studio. The closest I can recall is when they did a live show at the New School, and that isn’t really kids (unless you’re an old fart like me, of course). Anybody remember a kids’ field trip to the studio?
I personally do not believe the Democrats will impeach President Bush. I do however expect the Democrats to investigate the wrongdoings of this administration and the Republican Party. I do not like the thought of having Dick Chaney as President.
Jorogo, re 66 TRES (very) 😎
Great Ideas :nod: Great Link :nod: 😉
I. & A, E. B. & E. B. A. :rofl2: Gosh, I might even play this for a bit . 😮 ({Say It Loud, Say It Proud {kinda 😉 })
Impeach and Arrest 👿 bush & :evil::bush’s administration :rofl2:
:growl::fist: :nod: I. & A, E. B. & E. B. A. 😉
I hope to have today’s show on my site in the coming hour. I am copying to Garageband now. It looks like I managed to get it right this time.
cnickthomas, I wondered where you were, you CNick, you. 😉
I kept saying … :no: that’s not the Cnick I know.
Yaaaa I. & A. E. B. & E. B. A. 😎
Melina hinted in an earlier post this morning that it appears the sale of Air America is on track. Does anyone here have any info on this?
So I’m not a big fan of Ronny Rudolph. Ugh. But I love me some Sletzlana or however your spell my sweet prostitutes name. :love:
There’s my Druid. I am wondering what all these new initials mean. Where is my Druid decoder book?
I remember, the field trip (kinda) and I understand what the guy is saying but he SAID IT WRONG: to a very 😎 “dude” !::!::!:
I like The Defenders of The Marc. :yippee: 😎
Yaaaa :fist: I. & A. E. B. & E. B. A.
Roxienseattle sends bouquet of flowers to Marc! How sweet
I think they should let Bush send the addtional troops so that when it does not work, both Bush and McCain will be discredited. And we will have killed two birds with one stone.
nick…did you hear her interviewed last time marc was on sam? Her show sounds great….svetlana is only one of many, many characters…I wouldnt be surprised if she wasnt also ronnie rudolph!
Io! Io! Io! 666,
I thought I posted this earlier but I guess not.
I am gradually making my way across GGP to P&S for the HL on T but only made it to a Sunset Irish pub last night which had no HL on T:rant1:.
Malloy has a Xmas show Thursday that will delve into the Druidic roots of the season.
Marc in SF 12/26,7!
Marc was great this morning. Sometimes I cannot tell if the callers like the ‘Gay’ calls are real folks or bits. It is so easy to take things out of context. Fact it’s a righty tactic but anyone who knows knows Marc is not a hater. I think he made his points well, bits or no. I wish the guys from the past were a little more involved but it has to be tough to try to get that machine up again and it also sounds like they are spread a little thin at AAR.
IIII sounds like something I heard the other night while drinking margaritas in the Mission. That is what I will here from now on.
Tuesday’s show:
Marc is definitely in his groove today. Very nice show save the ranting gay guys from earlier. I’m just about ready to upload today’s show to my site. Yea Melina! Hope you all are having a good time! Yes, Svetlana is awesome. And I don’t use that word as much as some gay guys!
Citizenkeith! Man I cannot beat you to the punch can I?
Good to know that the people I am reaching out to do not visit this blog.
Hoping though that one day they might.
So citizenkeith you are new here right? Where from? Tell us about yourself.
problem is that Bush’s plan of waiting till January and then sendingm ore troops means that more people will die.
I have this crazy fear of them fixing everything before the elections and the moron american voters just forgetting everything that we’ve learned and falling for a Rove……
But at the same time, its so horrible whats happening that I have to hope for some conclusion and a long memory by the people…which is always unlikely.
How much Iraqi death (and American) has been covered up already?
They have a lot of built in cover no matter what they do. Send more troops in, more death and most likely the same failure and after we finally leave, “well, we tried”.
We pull out and all of the sudden the curtains are opened to the full extent of what is actually happening to these people and then they will try to blame those who wanted our folks out for the catastrophe.
I am very sure they have their stories straight and their asses covered come what may. Perhaps their string of fooling people will have run out and there will be enough couragouss and convincing voices to expose the fraud.
Looks like McCain beats Hillary given recent polling. Polls change it is true. But it would be nice if McCain was discredited prior to the primaries.
So does anyone here know Citizenkeith?
:growl: I hate problems with TWITS, Pedestrian, IDIOTIC Neighbors:!: Awwww Deep Breath … now that I got that out,
(But I Do Love Winning.Mwah Ha Ha )
As The Red Queen Said, “Off With Their Head.”
There are lots of colorful characters here in the apartment complex. The good thing about apartment living is that it is easier to pick up and move from a bad situation. Not so if one is a homeowner. I’d likely move into a neighborhood of homophobes who’d key my car or paint nasty threatening things on the house. No, I think I feel safer right here surrounded by the colorful people of Building 2000.
Melina, :nod: That’s why I am-ish / was-ish a misanthrope. Except NOW I am in a “community” :eek::omg::love::omg::eek: … and 😮 Thank You :nod: 😉 :omg:
But TWIT is good!
Leo LaPorte’s 50 year old show was really great…and he agrees with me abotu the future of broadcasting….it was either him or the Diggnation guys….whatever…
I think Im sick…feel like crap today.
Marc is full of love for everyone….if you have any chance ot encounter him you will see some real genuine warmth. He puts himself out and really cares abotu the comfort of others.
He always does the use of words thing…its an old lenny bruce thing to try to take the bite out of some words. We’re just not in a place where that can be done much anymore…and if you do it you have to do it in a larger context. One angry gay guy does not make a movement…and I have yet to meet anyone who really doesnt like marc.
also, you dont have to be gay to be a fag in my world….its not a word I use alot but to me it means a certain kind of catty person who is self centered and in your face….teen aged girls act like that alot, as evidenced by two horrible little things who are currently in love with my William. One from LA is older…15….and nice. The other is younger….12…and really icky (from florida with a mother who resembles a piece of cardboard with a blone pageboy haircut and no sense of humor.) But they are doing the little girl things like one telling Will that the other was looking all over for him the other night, and the other telling him that the other one wants to have a youtube of him in his rock band to play over and over at home….
just trying to one up and embarass…..and I know alot of grownups like that too…..that is faggy behavior…over the top swish with that sort of cattiness is what gets me in some guys….but I also see it in straight people too…
anyway, I happily use the word when it applies and it sounds like Marc was using it in a particular bit like a freakin year ago….
the guy has a problem…..gotta feel bad for him feeling so persecuted. He lives in a relatively tolerant place….so its gotta be him overreacting and not really knowing Marc.
Go here to listen to or download today’s “Sam Seder Show” hosted by Marc Maron.
we used to have a citizen kahn but she is out there somewheres….
citizen keith does sound a little familiar tho…
PJ, when y ou get a chance Id love to hear general stats abotu this week….and also who is lurking, but Im sure you wont tell us that!!:paranoid:
…and, in a way, I can guess who is lurking anyway…not too hard to figure out.
…but, any piquants…or does that not exist anymore?….do they even have anyone aorund to monitor the web?…probably not.
Okay, I’m out of here for awhile. Be good people!
thanks nick but I already got it from cit-keith….:dancers:
just kidding….no one can replace you here!!
I have it from replay I believe and also…your podcast is downloading slow…like 1.5 hours on this wonderful connection.
laters…Im gonna go too…
IO The Searcher WVMC3D, and IO Opalia
re “IIII sounds like something I heard the other night while drinking margaritas in the Mission. That is what I will here from now on. ”
:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2: Cheers.
Cheers, Melina 😎
…and it sounds like Cnick, too.
WVMC3D — that sounds “sweet” 😉 :omg: 😎
… but I don’t know how to get Mike Malloy — and I would like to. Sniff.
So… anybody have the episode in question? When did Marc make the “fag joke?”
cnickthomas :banana:
Yeah, I’m new here… a lurker for a while. I posted sometimes on the MS Blog. I know some folks here… I know Susan Joy from myspace and the Morning Sedition RIP myspace group. 🙂
Pleasure to meet you! Sorry about the podcast downloads… I’ll let you have the next one.
Hi everybody, just checking in during my first of two days off. The shopping is coming along… I’ll still need to go out again tomorrow, but I might be able to finish then and avoid the mobs on Saturday.
Speaking of mobs (how’s that for a segue?), finally saw The Departed this afternoon. Scorsese definitely will get a nod for Best Director. Good stuff, although quite the bloodfest toward the end.
Keith (welcome aboard) and Nick, thanks for posting today’s Maron show. I will need something to listen to at work Thursday afternoon. They fed us turkey for lunch yesterday, and three hours of Hartmann on top of it almost had me comatose.:sheep:
Druid, You can find Malloy here http://www.novamradio.com/ I think at any time.
Druid, you can get Mike Malloy’s show live on the NovaM stream (same as Bill Press – the link is over on the right under multimedia), or you can download the podcasts by either going to the NovaM download page, or using the Podcast Feeds link over on the right to subscribe to the podcasts. To do that, go out and get yourself a podcatcher (Juice is free, open-source, cross-platform, supports multiple players, and is quite easy to use). I have my subscriptions all loaded up, and it checks every two hour for new content, and downloads it automatically. Just copy the feed link, and add it as a subscription. You can even sync it to a remote OPML source.
Pleaseeeee, CitizenKeith , I have almost gone over to My Space :omg: except it is dictated by “Rupert” :omg: … but I probably will — TO GET AHOLD OF SUSAN JOY teasing with Large “seed” of Truth.),,, and write to The Marc for once ….. 😉 I will be glad to give email. ; – ) .
Tell Susan she is on my “Candle In The Window” LIST Here on weekends (Nights) 😎 :!::!:
citizenkeith, please continue to post your Seder Show. I prefer your offering as I can DL and don’t have to stream.
pjsauter , 😳 Now don’t laugh 😳 … I just got on BD (which I think is close to someone’s) I was alone and since 108 (I said since 5 or 6 – yet ultimately I believe In A Blink Of The Eye, A Person Can Die) I figured he owed me something “super” fun with a “tech” edge, a Nano IPod. I love it … but don’t know yet what to do until I “am educated” by someone who was shown what to do. I am also “so involved” in other projects that I have a 3 Strikes (and if it doesn’t work) and YYYYYYYour Out
Philosophy. My Bad. :spank:
I get CNick’s and have the last of Maron’s Shows and Songs of the Woods, Evanescence, STING, YoYo Ma, Hilde Von Bingham and … and Heart :love:
BUT Thank You (again :bow:) teehee. I listen to Bill :love: when not too “superficial”.
THANK YOU for the Malloy info. :nod:
Cool Citizenkeith. I think its better having multiple resourses for the Seder show. Please continue. My podcast pages seem to confuse some here. We all need a way to hear the funny. Mine are there for my podcast listeners who’ve never heard of Marc Maron. Most of the good people here seem to prefer non Apple options.
If you have any questions about the Ipod Nano Druid I’d be more than happy to answer them here.
Cnick, yours is not Apple or Non-Apple. It works perfectly well if you visit the web page and have the proper plugin. Or, better yet, just subscribe – using any podcatcher – to the feed.
cnickthomas, re 124 😎 …and I am already “addicted” to your web cam 😎 Tres 😎
I subscribe. ; – ) :nod: ……..:smack: That’s Right, by golly:!: That’s how I downloaded ol’ Marc’s Show on iTunes.
😮 😮 😮 😮 😮
wvmc3d , thank you for Malloy too. :bow:
Reason number 37 why Maron should be on Satellite Radio:
Tom’w I’m driving up to Canada, and I’ll lose the pathetic NYC signal somewhere about Mount Kisco. Shitfuck.
Its frickin’ bluestate NY, but as soon as you go north of Westchester its wall-to-wall Hee Haw radio. :sammy:
So, PJ, if I got the Juice, I can download the Maron feed into a tangible permanent file that I can put on an IPod or a CD and not just listen to it over a computer box?
Like I said, tech retahded.
Mommy, mommy mommy!
If you mean Nick’s version, yes, you can do that, but your mp3 player will need to be able to play m4a files (I assume an iPod will, but I don’t have one; I don’t think a CD player will play back an m4a, but I’m not sure – some might). You also don’t need to download Juice for Nick’s stuff. It doesn’t stream, it uses progressive download (plays back as it downloads). If you want to save it (or if you find it to be choppy due to your Internet connection), just hit pause when it starts to download, and it will continue to download. When it’s done (the progress bar is full), right-click on the player, and you’ll get two options: save as source, and save as quicktime movie. Save as source, pick a place to save it, and you’ll have the file available to play back at your leisure. It should play back in pretty much any player (I know WinAmp works, and I believe as long as you have the codec installed, things like RealPlayer, WMP (and others) will play it.
Thanks, I sort of knew all of that but that helps. I still prefer the MP3. I get my LeShows from Audible as m4as and they do not work on my disc player. I would like to step away from the ‘puter now and then.
Your back OK?
Gee, outside of NYC, there are AAR affiliates in Binghamton, Ithaca, Rochester, and Buffalo. Also in Poughkeepsie. It’s not like there are a hell of a lot of affiliates out there to begin with.
Mommy, mommy mommy!
Oh, yeah, all I needed was some time out of the chair.
Here’s a little app you might want to check out, to convert files. Of course, you should never try to convert copyright protected files by using this other app.
Bush to Expand Size of Military
President Bush said today that he plans to expand the size of the U.S. military to meet the challenges of a long-term global war against terrorists, a response to warnings that sustained deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have stretched the armed forces to near the breaking point.
In an interview with The Washington Post, Bush said he has instructed newly sworn-in Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates to report back to him with a plan to increase ground forces. The president gave no estimates about how many troops may be added but indicated that he agreed with suggestions in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill that the current military is stretched too thin to cope with the demands placed on it.
It is sure getting drafty in here.:eek:
the buffalo AAR affiliate is kaput! there is still a station that airs schultz and some other “progressive” programming but aar is no longer there
Really? Wasn’t Randi just there like two weeks ago?
Bush signing statement on US-India nuclear deal erases Congressional restrictions
Hours after signing an agreement yesterday on cooperation with India on civilian nuclear technology, President George W. Bush issued a “signing statement” insisting that the executive branch was not bound by terms of the agreement approved by the House of Representatives and Senate, RAW STORY has learned
The decider has spoken ..Ploser needs to rethink this impeachment thing and soon .:gate::omg::jason::jason::paranoid::paranoid:
yep but it died anyway 😥
Damn. You think it was in spite of Randi’s visit, or because of Randi’s visit?
:rofl2:because of randis visit!!!!!
i think its because the people that ran the station were retards!
they built themselves a brand new radio studio and moved shop after already being on the air cant imagine how much that cost not to mention the morning show they aired was vomit inducing!
Well PJ I distinctly remember you saying that there would be a lot more people in New York state listening to progressive radio if there were only more stations..Business seems to be some what politically driven and it could be the demodorps don’t want these leftest leaning talkers telling the people about their screw ups and corruption any more than the rethugs did .:gate::omg::jason::jason:
In the Denver market Franken and Rhodes got the labels of the laughing fool who only thinks he is funny and the screeching bitch on after lunch .:eek:
I think the spectrum is so limited that it’s tough to get a station with a decent signal. And then when you have the advertiser boycott (or fake boycott, from ABC), it’s tough to make money. Plus AAR isn’t exactly a strong, well-run outfit.
:banana:buffalos other progressive talk station
Once Kreeger brings Marc back, though….
Sauter is a punk. And a brownshirt censor to boot.
Hey Sauter, it’s Christmas, not X-mas.
What a wiener.
Oh, they have Bill Press. He’s OK. No Marc, but then, who is? Not much for Ed Schultz, myself, but, what the hell, I guess he gets ratings.
There are also a lot of business people these days who seem to fit the “retard” label..Unless you can recoup your investment in five years or less and make a 8 figure income off it its not a business its a hobby. :yuck::gate::omg::jason::reaper::reaper:
Hummm I seem to smell some obnoxious oder on the blog just now ..smells like a weenie on roller skates .:gate::omg::jason::jason::reaper::reaper:
Ha. Must be somebody is home for X-mas vacation. What is about these people in Colorado, Fred?
Must be that Glenn guy that called in to Marc today. :rofl2:
Greetings All, merry xmas and happy Channukah!!
:rofl2:sauter is a punk!
People from Muskrats or Tancredos districts they are all like that ..totally un trainable .:gate::omg::reaper::reaper:
Sean is that another alter ego?
It’s true, I am a punk. And a brownshirt censor, to boot!
Thats right PJ will cut your IP address off right below the knees if you are not careful around here.:gate::omg:
:pup:im untrainable!
ok time to hit the road now that dc traffic is dying down…… i hope!
oh hey pj email me your phone number and i will give you a call when i roll through syracuse on my way home!
:doh:ask pj!
No, Andy, that’s a troll from way back in the old MS blog days. She’s not terribly bright (and really not very interesting), but comes back every now and again when her mom let’s her back on the computer again.
Hummm…. I thought speedy was a he ..if its a she maybe its Marlyn her self …naw .:tongue::eek::rant1:.
:doh:yeah i would have put it this way!
Hey Sauter, it’s :jesus:CHRISTmas, not X-mas
:doh:yeah i would have put it this way!
Hey Sauter, it’s :jesus:CHRISTmas, not X-mas
I see. Well Merry X-mas to you my friend.
I use X to signify the cross, you godless heathens! Oh, yeah, she’s probably a he. Most females are a lot smarter than this clown. It’s just the kind of petulant, bratty little-girl tone he/she/it has. Kind of like Audrey Landers.
Apparently from Littleton, Colorado.
Bah humbug .. but if you insist merry Christmas to all of you too ..Hopefully it will still be true in five days or so ..With Shrub in office one never knows..:eek::yuck::reaper::reaper:
Kind of like Audrey Landers.
I had to jog my memory..jeez she’s from Philly.
army STRONG:rofl2:
me throw rock at al qaida:rofl2:
Ahh yes… Littleton the home of Lockheed Martin ..like i said those people in Tancedos district can’t be retrained..:reaper::reaper:
I liked listening to Randi :rant1:s and I like Her belief’s about 3/4 of Time. “Shake Your Boobies :boobs: in Buffalo, no longer . ANTS, (it was RATS).
In the Ether Realm: Melina :alc: 😉 . Hmmm Marmosa (sp) or Margarita? 😉 If OJ is still good, a Marmosa can be not as FREEZING. 🙄 The Cheapish Champagne needs to, after a year, needs to be open. Hmmmmm
MY COMPUTER KEEPS FREEZING — it takes forever then :growl: — :roll:, IT IS “haunted”:!: :eek:omg: :smack:
23rd caller gets tickets (lineup subject to change) :rofl2:
sign me up for a tour!
:jason:phrase that pays!
ok im going……
away now………
Yes, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Belated Ramadan, and, well, Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all men and women, no matter what race, faith, color, creed, sexual orientation (or lack thereof), and especially to all of you not too terribly bright folks out there trolling on a cold winter’s eve.
:rofl2:if i can figure out whos in charge here at air america
Merry X-Mas, PJ!
I got you some new brownshirts – but I should probably send those back afer that little exchange earlier.
Oh, well. I still have that ceremonial druid costume for Solstice headed your way – one size fits all pagans. Got it on sale at Wal-Mart. You can find everything there!
Did I type Audrey Landers? Damn, I was thinking Judy Hensler. I guess I just have Miss Landers on my mind. :hubba:
Oh, man. Miss Landers died in 1984! She wasn’t even 50. 🙁
And yet, Lumpy Rutherford lives. Is there no justice?
Well, red is my favorite color, but, what the hell, a brown shirt will do, I guess. Anything that prolongs my need to do laundry.
Hey PJ!::rofl2:
pjsauter , is Brilliant, Jeffy, for you surly can’t be SeanMs 😉
Yes, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Joyous Kwanzaa, Happy Belated Ramadan, and, well, Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward all men and women, no matter what race, faith, color, creed, sexual orientation (or lack thereof), and especially to all of you not too terribly bright folks out there trolling on a cold winter’s eve.
(Windows Questions next year 😉 — And Thamk You for all Computer Help )
:pent: :knit: :gate: AWEN Merrie Alban Arthuan
Hi Travis. Nice to see ya.
Travisdem_04, :yippee: :pirate: 😎 … Great to see you post. I had hope you would have “bumped” me. At onetime you were only 50 posts away from my Spot. (RATS) Close, but no :banana: . 😉
SBlue and Roxie too — Merrie Albam Arthuan … I will talk soon 😉 :KISS:
Gone to exercise … C-Ya 😎
We’ll I’ve been busy doing other things and just wanted to pop in long enough to say “Hello Stranger” to Travis and “Please don’t” be a stranger that is. “Missed you buddy” = Str8 way to talk. “I missed you, Travis” = Gay guy being less snarky and bitchy. Regardless of which is the more appropriate. I welcome you back. And I hope to talk to you soon. But now is bedtime for Nick Thomas. I am SO looking forward to this long holiday weekend. Goodnight all.
Taking a brief sleep period before :yawn: Work and Marc. My sleep time is so chaotic. :smack: 🙄
Leaving on a jet plane in 6 hours.
And I’m JUST realizing that I’m going to have SEVERELY limited internet access…. and I’m on about 80% of my waking hours.
Have a safe trip, PG