Well, today is the first day of winter, with winter solstice having arrived at 7:22 Eastern Time last night. The days can start getting longer again, now. And, it’s the end of another week. A pretty good week, too – at least for me. No blizzards, Marc Maron on the radio, almost like the old days, and school’s out, but it’s too early to worry about grades coming in. It’s kind of like when you buy a new car, but the payment book hasn’t arrived in the mail yet. Nothing against Sam Seder, of course, but it’s really too bad Marc can’t be on the radio every day again. I don’t know about y’all, but I seem to enjoy him being on in the morning again, more than his evening show (of course, I got to listen to him live this week, which was pretty much out of the question when he was on at night from the West Coast – and when they went to the taped version, it had kind of a “canned” feel to it. But it was still better than anything else on the radio, IMHO).
So, pick them fleas outta your armpit hair, and then sit back and enjoy one last show. Then get out there and shop – your preznit commands it!
Morning:santacool:Will somebady buy me a Macbook Pro?
:love: MARC :love: MARC :love: Marc :love: MARC :love: Marc :fire:
I have to go do chores to get back here for …Marc …
(and no my charming CNick, I am still “lusting” over your video “thingy” , until one day … .:hubba: …:rofl2:)
(other than that)
YEA :cool::yippee::dancers: CNICK IS # 1
YEA :yippee::dancers: 😎 :dancers: FRED :cold:– fred?, yes fred, was #1 Thrusday :hot: 😎
… and CRESTTWO was Wednesday :nod: was … wait for it…
#1 :cool::yippee::dancers::banana:
Good riddance, asswipe.
Jeb says farewell to governor life
From the St Petersburg Times.
Thursday’s speakers said it’s only fitting that Bush, who launched a “Just Read, Florida!” literacy initiative, would leave a library behind.
No truth to the rumor that his older brother will be visiting the library when it opens. Chimpy is upset about the lack of coloring books.
But the good news is, only a half day of work today. I’m staying around until noon, though, to listen to Maron. Then off to finish shopping and get home before the monsoons start. The heavy stuff probably won’t get here until Sunday but the first bands may hit this afternoon.
This is the warm-weather version of the storm that has Fred muttering under his breath as he shovels. As Irving Berlin almost said, I’m dreaming of a moist Christmas.
Scientists report of two cases where female Komodo dragons have produced offspring without male contact.
Tests revealed their eggs had developed without being fertilised by sperm – a process called parthenogenesis, the team wrote in the journal Nature.
One of the reptiles, Flora, a resident of Chester Zoo in the UK, is awaiting her clutch of eight eggs to hatch, with a due-date estimated around Christmas.
Kevin Buley, a curator at Chester Zoo and a co-author on the paper, said: “Flora laid her eggs at the end of May and, given the incubation period of between seven and nine months, it is possible they could hatch around Christmas – which for a ‘virgin birth’ would finish the story off nicely.
AP: Selective Service to test military draft machinery
The Selective Service—the federal agency that would be integral to any draft effort by the Bush administration—will perform tests on its system equipment, The Associated Press is reporting.
Selective Service “is planning a comprehensive test of the military draft machinery, which hasn’t been run since 1998,” writes Kasie Hunt. “The agency is not gearing up for a draft,” an agency official told Hunt, and “the test itself would not likely occur until 2009.”
And if you believe this 😮
Privatized Immigrant Detention Facilities for Families Revealed to be Modern-Day Concentration Camps
One of the more disturbing stories that surfaced after the Swift meat plant raids was how too many children were left without a parent and/or farmed out to friends and families with no immediate word on how they will be reconnected with their mami and papi.
But if news filtering out of one of the newly designated immigrant detention centers for families is any indication, no undocumented parent is going to open their mouth and claim their children if the whole family is going to be subjected to what is becoming known as the first known concentration camp on American soil in the 21st Century.
And how was it that one promotes a coup :gate::omg::jason::jason:
A one-time Texas drug agent described by his former boss as perhaps the best narcotics officer in the country plans to market a how-to video on concealing drugs and fooling police.
He cetainly knows how to take advantage of his skill set.
Incentives on Oil Barely Help U.S., Study Suggests
December 22, 2006
Incentives on Oil Barely Help U.S., Study Suggests
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21 — The United States offers some of the most lucrative incentives in the world to companies that drill for oil in publicly owned coastal waters, but a newly released study suggests that the government is getting very little for its money.
The study, which the Interior Department refused to release for more than a year, estimates that current inducements could allow drilling companies in the Gulf of Mexico to escape tens of billions of dollars in royalties that they would otherwise pay the government for oil and gas produced in areas that belong to American taxpayers.
But the study predicts that the inducements would cause only a tiny increase in production even if they were offered without some of the limitations now in place.
It also suggests that the cost of that additional oil could be as much as $80 a barrel, far more than the government would have to pay if it simply bought the oil on its own.
“They are giving up a lot of money and not getting much in return,” said Robert A. Speir, a former analyst at the Energy Department who worked on the report. “If they took that money, they could buy a whole lot more oil with it on the open market.” …………
Americans are used to the cheap ..if we had retained the manufacturing sector prices and wages would have risen in tandem so having to pay what it costs for what you need would not be so much of a shock .
Rethugs are 👿
Free markets are a lie ..
Some of the people who attended the School of the Americas at Fort Benning should write a how to guide :eek::rant1::rant1:
Good Morning. I don’t have to work :nana:
I get to hear the show live today! :pup:
:banana::banana: Hey Krista :banana::banana:
Hows things in AridZona
Hey Fred. not much. A little chilly is about all.
nick…whats the difference between the macbook and the macbook pro besides that the processor is a tiny bit faster and the screen is big?
Seems like the macbook with an extra 512 or however mac ram comes should be aroudn the same…(Im looking for William for his school….and a bigger screen isnt necessarily better for him bc its in his backpack all the time and heavy)
^ minutes to Maron in the morning! :yippee:
good morning geniuses…..last full day in paradise and Will is missing the dogs horribly. He wants to sleep till its time to go home!
Im gonna take him to the interactive aquarium and to visit the parotlet breeder woman that we met on the plane….maybe shop…unless I collapse again from the heavy breakfast of toast and tea that I just had!
Cnick just wants to set his laptop on a table at the end of the room and watch HDTV on it ..
Actually for the typical home user of computers anything over about 800 Mhz is overkill. Disk space on the other hand is very important .. One hour of video can take up 5 gegabytes
we gotta get Marc back on the radio…..clear channel is doing all sorts of crazy programming things like removing AAR in Mass. in favor of latino salsa music….
I cant help thinking that its some sort of negotiation thing goign on on a higher level….in that cc wants to control all programming and saying “look what we can do!”
and down here in SLOW-land….let me tell you that your computer can only respond to how much fits through the ethernet wire….and I have a feeling that 100 other people and all of club med’s business stuff is sharing this connection with me! I cant believe that “high speed internet” is a selling point here…..
but isnt RAM really important for people who use lots of different windows…like me?…and stream media and look at pictures in adobe att he same time?
I timed that just right and managed to miss the Young Jerks entirely :yippee:
Here we go :yippee::yippee:
Yay! I found the infrared attachment for my Fluke. My coffee is 129.2 degrees, in case you were wondering.
Windoz would like to keep itself , all those task bar processes and all your open windows in memory.. but it uses disk space as virtual memory and will swap out inactive applications , web pages that are not running some control or are minimized to the swap file . Windoz itself is just a memory hog ..:tongue::reaper:
RAM is good, yes. Processing speed, as Fred said, not so much – depending on what you’re doing (if you’re rendering video or stuff like that, then the faster the better – not to mention gaming). Macs, of course, need neither RAM nor processors, since they are magic, and “just work.”
Now, FireFox – that’s a memory hog.
Actually, if you get enough RAM, you can ditch the swap file entirely.
Ahh yes putting your multimeter to good use .. wouldn’t want to violate OSHA regs at home ..:eek::eek:
hey PJ, the google crawler already got your AM post and sent it to me under my Maron search…..
but what about having a back up hard drive instead of a huge hard drive that could all fail?
The new dell idea is to have a secondary backup HD that automatically updates all the time….and you can also pay for extremem tech support…wither the higher tier of INdia or maybe…be still my heart…American!!
I would pay more to have some tech support jobs in America….I can barely face the Indian system because they are so tied up in red tape lest they make a decision on their own!…But allowing this in general makes companies like MOnarch which is 100% american go belly up…maybe thats bad management, but I dont see how they can pay american wages and offer anything the same…..Their tech guy on the weekend was worse and worse as things went on and now they are just gone….
Oh, that google. I really wish I had the time, talent, and energy to write something interesting.
I have never understood how Windoz figures out how big the page/swap file should be..This machine has a geg of memory and is using 337 negs but still has created a 600 meg page file allocated space for a 1.2 geg page file and if the usage history is any indication it still uses it .. :tongue::tongue:
I think an external drive for backup is the best. Actually, the best thing to do (and, I assume we’re talking about a Windows box, since nothing ever goes wrong with others) is to take your hard drive, and partition it into two partitions. One, just for the OS and the installed program files, and the other for the data. Then, make an image of the OS partition, in case you have to restore it. Then if the OS gets corrupted or whatever, you can just restore the image. In fact, if you have a nicely sized hard drive, make a partition just to hold the image, and then hide that partition unless/until you need it (plus keep another copy someplace, for when the hard drive croaks).
You’re better off (IMHO) setting the swap file size manually, and setting it as one specific size. That way, there’s a set spot for it on your hard drive, and it gets less fragmented.
If you run Windoz update one has to be careful about backing up the OS ..or be sure to copy the updated system to the backup system after each update..With the frequency of updates these days you would then need an additional computer to do anything else.:rant1:
Oh, and if you get a store bought computer, the first thing you should do – well, the first thing I do, anyway – is format the hard drive, and load the OS and all the apps yourself. Avoids a lot of ca-ca down the line.
Also, change any user accounts on the machine to “power users” or “users.” If you don’t allow the computer to run under an administrator account, you will save yourself a lot of trouble. Especially those of you with kids, or those of you who have never met an “OK” button they didn’t click.
Yes, you will need to log in as an admin to do a lot of things, but, so be it. That’s one big advantage with Linux (and, by extension, OS X) – if you try to use something that requires admin access, it propmpts for the admin password. With XP, you have to log out and back in (though there are some workarounds with that, too). Not sure if they’ll change that in Vista or not. I’ll have to see when it comes in January (more interested in the new Office, though).
well, thats why the new ultra dell boxes are spouting that they put a backup HD in the box that is set to update automatically…I think thats so when you get the ultra tech in India that youve paid more for, and they still say that you have to reload your OS, there is always a way to restore it….They should really start to bring the prices of those things down….they charge alot for HDs that really shouldnt be so expensive
The typical MTBF ( mean Time between failures)on a hard drive is in the 170,000 hour range these days. ( thats more than 20 years of continuous operation) That doesn’t preclude failures caused by power failures and viruses and cockpit errors however:eek::rant1:
Well, you just make a new image every now and again. Restore to the latest you have, and patch away from there. Not really that big a hassle for the home user with broadband (with dial-up – like my mother-in-law has, well, fuggedaboutit; it has to come to the shop, ‘cuz I can’t deal with dial-up).
Well, I don’t buy from the store. Also, I don’t buy Seagate. What a load of crap they are.
I shouldn’t type this out loud, but my server here at home is about seven years old, and its 10,000 RPM SCSI drives are cruising along happily. Of course, they’re set up in a RAID array, so hopefully they won’t crap out at the same time.
for some reason this computer has decided to ask for a password and do this “sign into windows media edition” thing…I guess because we have used the media part alone to watch DVDs….I turned off the main computer and just used media….anyway, suddenly its got this sign in thing. My son is so cautious and worried that he went crazy trying ot reach meon my cell phone (which was impossible because I was laying on a couch by the beach listening to Jim Carroll blasting in my ipod) and finally cane and found me only to find that there is no password and you just click OK…..which is also a disaster waiting to happen.
I know I have to reload this OS…and should try the partiton thing….its all screwed up and gets the blue screen crash all the time…supposedly due to software and program downloads…like, skype…but I cant believe that I bought a new computer from dell for so much and then painfully paid it off within the credit window, only to find that my super power beautiful screened laptop cant even take one download without having its OS reloaded.
and thats all the indians say…reload the os….hell….
I found this problem in the knowledge base but I hadnt written down the exact error code (I have it at home, of course) so I couldnt search it…but its a software download kernel error….I HATE that!!
is there an easy way to set that imaging thing up?….I think Im gonna have to hire pj as tech support ongoing….I cant cope with all the stuff I have to do and the tech mess waiting at home!
Well, they create an image and load it on to a billion computers, and it also includes all this other crap that they load on there, ‘cuz they have partnership deals and all that. The images are often flawed, and all the crap they put on there doesn’t necessarily play well with other stuff. That’s why I wipe everything out, do a format to find and fix or ignore any bad sectors, and then just load the stuff I need on there. But, that’s the other problem, in that there are so many things you can install for free or cheap on a Windows or Linux computer. Not all of it is well written, and can cause problems. That’s the problem with all that free choice. If you just do what they want you to do, you’re all set.
But, I must say, I really have had very few issues with Windows since Win 2000. Win 3.1 sucked (OS/2 was great – blew the doors off of any Personal Computer OS that was available at the time). Win 95/98/ME was abysmal. NT 4 was fairly solid – but very particular on what you could have on it. My Win 2003 Server is very solid, too. Never goes down (except when I trip the breaker – really need a new UPS). Likewise my SUSE Linux box. Linux has really come a long way. Even has very nice plug and play support.
The reason Seagate’s products suck is because they are all built in Asia . The only thing they do in the SBR is proto and pre manufacturing builds and engineering design and not all of that any more.:eek:
Well, you need some sort of an imaging program. But it’s not a backup thing, which you should do anyway. It’s just that. after you spend a few hours getting your computer all set up the way you want it, you image it, and, if need be, you can just load the image back on a fraction of the time. Although, DriveImage XML is a really nifty freeware program that you can set up to do a sector by sector copy of your hard drive every night, if you want, and it will do it while your computer is running, so you don’t have to boot into another DOS. Has a plugin for a Bart’s PE disc, so you can boot to that and restore.
Well, is there a company outside of Asia that makes hard drives? IBM drives used to come from Hungary or something, but they sold out to Hitatchi.
I think IS uses NT4 and Apache servers They would have to learn how to administer something newer and that would be to much for them .:reaper:
It’s been such a treat to have Marc on the radio again this week. How many radio personalities do you know of that have been essentially off of the airwaves for a year and STILL have their loyal listener base right there for when they get back on the air? I don’t know how BIG Marc’s audience would be if he were given a chance, but if “stickiness” is what’s important in media, then someone ought to realize what a treasure he is as an on-air personality.
I hope that in the new year someone — whether whoever takes over Air America, or NovaM, or someone else, realizes this and gives him a show — and makes the commitment to it. We can only wish. :love::bow::nod:
Jeebus. I just posted, like, five comments in a row that started with “well.” How embarrassing. I gotta stop that. Too reaganesque.
My Dad used a Ronald Reagan stamp on his Xmas letter.:mad::fustrate:
Amen to that, Brill. His audience is also widespread – from all over the country, and the world. I hope he gets a deal with somebody who’ll give him a large enough budget to do the kind of radio he wants to do.
Has anyone called in and asked Marc if he has a line on a new show? ’cause maybe I’ll call in and ask.
Oh, man, blue. I’d have not wanted the job of licking that one.
sblueheron , :nana: :rofl2: :dancers:
…and ya gotta get TRAVISDEM_04 :nana: and ROXIESEATTLE :nana: TOO
Druid! :nod: :santacool: :alc:
Tried to start my Xmas shopping last night and the power was out at shopping center:smack:
I have a feeling that they are offering him a show….he is joking about it but it just seems logical….if they lose al and maybe randi…even just Al, theey’d be crazy not to.
He’d be crazy to take it…but then…..it is a pretty historically important rollercoaster ride one way or another….
CHEERS ALL:!: — I have been “frozen” so many times .:fustrate:.. there is a commercial with a woman hitting the “mouse” up and down on mousepad but it worked:!: I started earlier and I would not be able to get “out” unless I “tapped” “decidedly”. :yippee::cool:
can’t BELIEVE you forgot what day it is:
is sam’s blog working today?
is sam’s blog working today?
yep yep!
KP is there:banana:
I agree with PJ that Maron is best in the morning, best in New York,
and also best with a group around him. And my ears tell me that
he is really enjoying this week and feeling very comfortable in his old groove.
YEAH MADISON! We’ve saved our AAR affiliate! We had a big
rally on the 12th led by a local disabled young female vet and turned out an overflow crowd, including AAR savior-investor Terry Kelly.
As the home of John Nichols, John Stauber, the Onion, Ben Karlin,
a very successful 35-year-old community radio station (WORT), we’re stirred up about the broader media situation and the poor
job the FCC is doing for the public. It’s my hope that we are not
done being angry and active. It’s time to bring progressive radio
statewide and do the long-term oversight of media and
the FCC that citizens should be doing.
I like to think that Clear Channel backed down because of our
efforts and the very real threat that we would go after their corporate model. We got progressive radio back but the insecurity
remains. I imagine that corporate games and schemes are the
real motivation for what happens in our local market but that
doesn’t serve the public very well, does it?
RE #60, Farmerkat :rofl2: :rofl2: 😆 :rofl2: :rofl2: :spank: {whispering, “but gosh she might like that 😮 } teehee –:lol::rofl2:
No more work!
But I’m staying for the next hour to listen to Marc. Good to hear David Cross, too.
The local blog on the Madison AAR situation is here (for any
fighting similar wars):
Our former, local progressive talker, Lee Rayburn, is sitting in
for Rachel all next week.
re 58 MELINA:!::nod:
I so agree with you. You might have seen the lack of me BECAUSE I AM CONSTANTLY FROZEN — BUT I AGREE WITH YOU He “snaked” in that we could write him there at MarMaron.com hmmmm
:banana: :cool::love::fist::love::cool::banana:
Wow, Kevin, now there’s a Maron fan. Staying at work an extra hour before xmas to listen to the show. :bow:
I forgot
Mort is killing me!
earl sounded like he really kinda laughed a couple times…
Oh andy…there’s still time…:jerk::hot:
Hey Mort, the dog who should have asked the question about “ricking his ralls” is Astro from the Jetsons, not Scooby Doo. And yes, I know that it’s sad that I know that.
But right on concerning Hanna-Barbera’s crappy animation. My joke was that at Barbera’s funeral, his pallbearers carried the casket past the same furniture fifty times in a row.
Wow, Kevin, now there’s a Maron fan. Staying at work an extra hour before xmas to listen to the show.
Comment by Kristapea — December 22, 2006 @ 11:15 am
Actually, I’m multitasking. I’m braiding my armpit hair while I listen to the show. :hubba:
Kevin M, :rofl2:
Will you braid mine too, Kevin??
Anyone who can braid their own armpit hair is mighty, um, monodextrous. Or do you have a faithful (and rather odd) friend there to help?
Will you braid mine too, Kevin??
Comment by Kristapea — December 22, 2006 @ 11:41 am
See how this blog brings people together? :love:
I’ll do yours if you’ll do mine. :hubba:
Aww time to land this thing.
Aw. Maronless once again. 🙁
OK, I’m out to finish shopping. It was fun blogging along with the last hour of the show. We MUST do this again sometime.
Krista, I tried to book a flight to AZ to work on your pit hair, but everything is shut down due to the storm in Denver. Maybe next year. :hubba:
Kevin, if you want, I could mail you some of mine, and then you could braid it and send it back to me. Maybe a nice holiday wreath or something.
Oh man! I was trying to gross you out Kevin! :rofl2:
It’s just so WRONG that Marc doesn’t have a show. Just WRONG!:no:
I think travisdemO4 is hiding under a table waiting for this armpit hair storm to blow over :nod:
Click here to listen to or download Marc Maron hosting today’s “Sam Seder Show.”
PJ, that reminds me that yesterday I made a sign to” insinuate” “a woman” ie. :boobs: (:rofl2: ) when speaking of Leg Hair. :rofl2:
But to do honour to the past, I know many Irish men and women that were quite hairy, besides “SOME” like me and you (with a lil bit of hair on the leg) evidently “you of the dark” :rofl2:.
:yippee: Cnick :yippee: :hug: :santacool:
Melina Re 16: It’s all about the word “Pro”. You ought to know me by now Melina. I want the best. Even if the best is only an illusion.
Freakin’ 36 degrees and rain. This sucks. I would so much rather have snow.
Today’s Show:
Gosh , I haven’t “listened” to Sade … :banana: :dancers: :banana: :dancers::banana: … for awhile 😎
Okay, who dances? Listening to “….Englishman in NY”
(and I was married to one :rofl2: — however I did periodic {mostly) humour and “bloody …” way before him. :rofl2: 😎
Okay, “Fast – Slow” Dance, Please. CNICK, you at least:rofl2::cool: … or … FARMERKAT 😉
Paint Girl cannot paint us dancing since, “She is being DRUG to MALL:omg:.
I dance in my head.
Probably not this one, Druid
but as former members 0f 10CC maybe appropriate for this day.
Sting Russians Love The Children Too … (wow the under beat —
Sunsan Joy and NickRose :growl: Where are You, You deserted Me Sniff and not a bloody rose :growl: 😉 LBH :roll:) DANCE:!:
If there is a god, I won’t come back here to a discussion about nose and ear hair.
And now Evanescence (sp) no NOW Sade … hold me close — man or woman — since there were dances with just women too — now move chest to beat of music. Fun 😉
Now you see why I no longer allow myself to listen to music … for I would get nothing done. Hold me tight and move, slowly rock in a close circle. (… or to “PLAY Role or Video or Raindeer GAMES” Sniff)
…Or MELINA with your paletas (sp) rock tell me how much you dance — shake shoulders gently to Heart — shimmy a bit back and forth — to Heart or Evanescence or Sting or Sade … gently rock back and forth , when you hear music … WVMC3D … Sade is deep sultry SF jazz … … then there is STING even if he is blonde :rofl2:
SBlueHeron, fine, you will … 😉 :cat: :banana: ” Twirl”
“Witness” Sarah McLachlan :dancers:
Did anyone notice Tom is going to be here WOW?
Dancing makes me think about thus “lust” after Asteroids .. which I propably will never play again. 🙄 :nod:
So, I’m listening to Stacey Taylor in for Randi, he sure sounds like Brian on Family Guy. Is it?
:banana:In background “great”music. Work but walk by me and Move your body or shoulders. :banana: :santacool: :pirate:
SANDY JOY ❗ ❗ ❗ :pup: Twirl ohhhhhh I believe, …… Destiny :banana: Sweet Surrender is The Dance pls :banana:but in truth — never surrender 😎 lets dance.
(KING KONG, I was Born In The Year Snake :rofl2: :banana: :cool:)
Do You Dance, even as one said “In His Head ” ? — even with 101 images being The Ultimate Dance = Madness = another Name for M theory :rofl2:
SEANMS, you should be able to Dance to Evanescence — you spoke it enough. :banana::santacool:
Hi all, happy pre-pre-pre-pre xmas, for those of you observing it. For me, I’m catching up on paperwork, only have to work one day next week.
Thanks for the link to today’s show, citizenkeith, I’ll listen when I can (too busy in our little cramped office right now, and Earl Caldwell on wbai has a more soothing voice than Marc’s. To listen to Marc, I have to put on the headphones and ignore coworkers and phone calls.
Love the snow! :santacool:
By the way, I have not yet ordered tickets for Cobb’s. Have any of you bought your tickets yet? If so, what night?
It’s rainy here too, but that’s a good thing.
I am in for Boxing Day, 12/26.
:roll:Hubby only moves when he has enough to drink and play old U2 or anthing from (:cool:) Red Hot Chili Peppers — Then I bet ya all “I will get ya my Pretties and your lil dog(s) too :pup: Mwah HaHa But this time it won’t be virtual. :rofl2: I am on vacation, thus “danc:banana: :santacool:ing”
Black and White bySarah McLachlan
STING Fields of Gold … :hum to song: :Dancing: :banana: … it is all your fault since you always talk of iPODs and MP3s . Now I put in iPOD in ears and see what happens. The Dance Returns. Twirl :dancers: 😎
Oh man! I was trying to gross you out Kevin!
Comment by Kristapea — December 22, 2006 @ 12:01 pm
You’ll have to do a LOT better than that to gross me out, although the thought of PJ sending me his pit hair comes pretty close.
(Nothing personal.)
Speaking of hygiene, a very attractive woman with a heavy French accent grabbed me at the mall and proceeded to manicure and polish my left thumbnail, in order to demonstrate her beauty product. I didn’t buy one, but I’m thinking of going back tomorrow to listen to her pitch it to me again. :hubba:
Other than that, I need one more gift for my mom and I’m done. A new personal best for me.
1 vote for me buying my tix for Boxing Day. Anyone else?
Citizenkeith’s link for today’s show doesn’t open on my computer. Just keeps trying to download, to no avail. And it’s a work computer, so I cannot screw around with downloading apps. 😥
So what can I listen to while I do mindless paperwork in my cubicle? Not music, not AAR airheads…last night’s Malloy, which I managed to miss? Might try that, if I definitely can’t get Marc’s show. I have not been able to hear any of these shows you all have been enjoying all week, and I’m ready to have a hissy fit about it :mad::mad::mad:
*I* would stay an extra hour at work, even today, if I could here Marc’s show. IF I COULD HEAR IT. But I can’t. :crap:
Are you sure that accent was real, Kevin?
Can you hear Cnick’s podcastes, Ex? He usually has it up by now.
Back To Work … :omg: t:joe: Cheers.
OOOOOoooo “CARNIVAL” Natalie Merchant :banana::dancers::banana: I am on a “loop” :dancers::banana: :dancers::banana: :dancers: … hypnotize, mesmerize by what my eyes have seen, what my eye have found…… 🙂 🙁 “dramatis personae” :banana::dancers:
God Ex-Ny’er, I donno why your having such problems! Where is PJ when you need him? All you have to do is go to my Marc Maron podcast page and click “listen” and you should be able to at least listen to the podcast. Do you have Quicktime on your work computer?
What kind of program do you have on your work computer to listen to audio files?
Calling Citizenkeith, for ex-ny’er re 121 post
:reaper::dancers::dancers::dancers::dancers::dancers::dancers: :reaper:
:pirate: :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: :pirate:
hey ex . . . if you can listen to a stream I’ll broadcast them for you. Let me know
Hello everyone.
Allstate insurance – no more policies for coastal areas
by Chris in Paris – 12/22/2006 03:09:00 PM
With the seas warming, it’s no wonder they want nothing to do with insuring properties in the danger zone. The storms are getting worse and moving up the coast, but the GOP doesn’t believe global warming is an issue. When a Fortune 500 company makes a move like this, you would think some might take notice.
Hey ex, go here and see if you can hear my stream. I’ll loop todays show for you.
Yeah, I dunno. You should be able to just download by clicking the Download button from the link that CitizenKeith sent. Then pick a place to save it. Can you generally download files on your work computer? You sure the download dialog box isn’t hidden behind another window or something? Can you listen to mp3 files at work?
If you have QuickTime on your computer, Cnick’s page should work w/o a problem. It’ll also work in any number of other audio players, but you might have to save it first, and it might need a codec.
Hard to really tell what the deal is w/o being there, and w/o knowing how your IT people have your computer configured. All I can really tell is that it’s a Windows XP computer and you’re running IE 6 1024×768 monitor resolution.
I have PLANS — Who will celebrate with me to have a drink … and “dance” … still stuck on a “LOOP” of
OOOOOoooo “CARNIVAL” Natalie Merchant I am on a “loop” … hypnotize, mesmerize by what my eyes have seen, what my eye have found…… “dramatis personae”
Comment by Druid_666 —
“Mad Morrigan” I use to be called … in Mad River :rofl2::cool:
My stress level is going down as I write this. Thank you!!!
When I go to Marc Maron’s page, I click and nothing happens. I have tried your podcasts, cnick, and the quicktime is not updated enough on this computer, I guess, and at home I have dialup, so it certainly doesn’t work there.
Hmmm, he mentions ‘before the break we were talking’ about something else. Were you not able to start from the beginning of the show today, cnick? Even if not, I am so grateful. :banana:
But it matters not … however I drool over “tech” and computer stuff — and there are similarities … Marc as one of “The Rays”.
well , some ways are better than no ways I guess :sigh: 😉
Susan Joy, you would play 🙁 NickiRose would keep the beat. 🙁
Thoughts. (All) Forms of Creativity.
Druid_666… try this one:
Hi PJ, like I said, something doesn’t seem to be up to date enough on this computer at work. I don’t know what a codec is, but when I try to hear cnick’s podcasts, I just keep getting shunted around to repeated pages that never activate. But the stream he sent in #133 automatically opens up Windows Media audio player and starts streaming when I click on the link, if that tells you anything.
EX, you were there but now your gone. Were you able to open Citizen keith’s new link? Let me know. If so, I’ll cut off the stream.
Cnick, the stream stopped dead, can’t figured out why. I wasn’t opening anything, just reading the blog…
Druid, thank you for calling for help.
try clicking the above link again. Maybe something on your end. Your connection. A firewall?
cnick, what link from citizenkeith? No, I was listening to your stream, and it went dead. I tried the link that keith posted for druid, but it just keeps staying in download mode without arriving anywhere. I’m going to see if Free Speech Radio news is on now…
Well, you should be able to get them at home. Just hit pause when it starts to play and let it download for a while. They’re about 26 megs, which will take a while (probably about an hour each – maybe a little more- on dial-up), but then you’ll have them to listen to over the weekend. When they’re done downloading, you should be able to just command-click on player, and select “save as source,” and save it where you can find it. At least, I think that’ll work; one of our Macsters can probably verify that, or tell you what will actually work. Better yet, subscribe in iTunes (if you have it) and let it download them while you’re doing something else.
did you try the link on post 138?
I’m streaming the shows right now at this link:
citizenkeith, thank you and I will try this week 😎 😉 however, I do not have time to EVER “surf”. I listen to news almost 24/7, and things I think demand more awareness like hearing of The White Dolphin from Sue P’s post… I hear and read again and that much notice I heed. I hear on News, double check on WEB News , and back up here. And Fred lets me know what is worth veiwing of C-SPAN and I do like hearing and read tech and know more than I allow to see … since am working on another project. I was a “lurker” from the beginning of AAR until PJ 😎 :yippee: started this site a bit earlier and Mid December as Marc was drawing to a close.
BUT AGAIN I WILL SEARCH THX CitizenKeith:!::!::!: 😉
Nasty night here in bham. Wet and cool out. I guess I’ll just stay in tonight bored out of my gourd.
66 Our former, local progressive talker, Lee Rayburn, is sitting in
for Rachel all next week.
He sounds like an energetic Dan Pashman-like talker from the few times I have heard him.
Hi Cnick, the link in 138 did not work, but the ones in 133 and 147 work fine. I’m listening to the stream right now from your link in 147, thank you!
Ahhhh :yippee:
hey all…been to the aquarium and met some fantastic macaws!
Hi PJ, I would have to give over my computer to doing nothing but downloading podcasts (talking about the home computer with dialup), and it would take a lot longer than an hour per program. Computer is in the bedroom, and I don’t have hours and hours to sacrifice the computer for doing nothing but downloading podcasts. I tried subscribing via ITunes when MS was on, but it took for frickin’ ever, even with my fellow-radio-addict ex boyfriend being willing to tend to the computer while I was at work. So scratch that. I need to be doing email and internet stuff while I’m home, and that’s impossibly slow while podcasts download.
Pardon my (further) ign’rance re computer matters, but if I put the stream on pause to go to the bathroom or answer the phone here in cubicle-land, when I miss some of the stream, or does the stream pause for me? :doh:
But do we even know who citizenkeith is? He seems to just pop in and beat Nick to the punch (but not today bucko!!)…who knows if his stuff is even pure man??
pj I know you cant tell real info but is this citizenkeith someone we KNOW???…a lurker or a poster under a different name? And why doesnt he chat?…..Though it is noice of him to post the link….I just wonder who he is….curious minds in mexico…..
Have to start packing….
eX, if you pause the stream you will miss that portion of the show.
ex-get thee a cablemodem!!…you wont be sorry…..or possibly dsl…?
dial up is antiquated for what you need to do in today’s world.
I really do not think NickiRose is computer literate enough to record Maron’s show’s if this is what you suspect Melina. I figure just someone of old who has been away for awhile and returned upon Maron’s visit to NY. I am often naive though. But whatever!
Pure man? Oh, you mean “pure, man”…(duh); well, I was gone for so there are several new names now (I don’t recall Painting Girl from when I was here a few months back).
Half Palestinian half Sicilian comic, wow. Alright. One Egyptian guy I dated years ago used to bemoan that all the best comics were Jews; I kept telling him to wait, that Arab comics would come into their own. Nice to be proven correct.
Ok, so once again, anyone besides wv have tix for Cobbs for next week? I’ll buy my tix for Tuesday otherwise…wv, don’t know what I’ll be wearing yet (hmm, decisions decisions). Probably black corduroy jeans, maybe a black velvet top and the velvet tiger print scarf…I’ve got short hair, look like the middle aged caucasian woman I am. Trying my best not to look like a New Jersey housewife (difficult, when you come from East European genes and Staten Island upbringing). 😀
So you’re heading home Melina? Did you enjoy your vacation?
Melina, I hear ya, re 158, but you don’t know what I’ve been through, trying to get dsl or cable. Not as horrible as your travails at JFK airport, to be sure, but after the *eighth* phone consult with an earthlink rep (why wouldn’t they send anyone out to my house for free?? That’s what I really need one of these companies to do), I did cry and had to restrain from throwing the equipment against the wall.
And what it took for me to even be willing to give money over to one of these evil companies. Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and Earthlink are all unionbusting scum, I am loathe to give my money to them, although I have to pay AT&T for phone service. And then there’s some problem with the satellite tv hookup interfering with the cable or dsl, I guess. I tried every fucking (yes, fucking, I hate what I had to go through with this!) combination of plugging/unplugging every fucking implement in the house. Nothing. Nada. I have neither the time nor the inclination to become an amateur computer technician. If these companies want my money for cable or dsl, why won’t they send someone out to the house to hook it up? (Oh, and pay that person a decent wage and healthcare plan? I know, what planet am I living on?).
More paperwork awaits…
Your World. Delivered…to the NSA.
Stop the latest power grab by AT&T and the Telcos!
Evanscence Snow White Queen and Lacrymosa (stuck in “loop”) :reaper::dancers::reaper: :intense dancing and I have to dance alone with this type, unless there’s another dancer :rofl2: 🙄 arch, contract roll: twist , twirl, slide into a split :rofl2: now I reach, you pull me up as I do a back bend arch slowly up to a stand: (don’t worry:rofl2:, I will be on my exercise time soon) stretch arms up , opening to a balance stand (aka a cross) … now move slowly, as a snake awakening, moving your ribs and waist hips and legs (Are Alive) and stretch as twisting about….
okay enough — perhaps — I use to teach for a very brief time since I was also dancing — but more into Animals and Religious Rights Then and now) – but everytime … ” … let me go…” Lithium by Evanescence 😎
:reaper::dancers: Snow White Queen and Lacrymosa :dancers: :reaper:
It’s a Holiday 🙄
Oh, I seem to recall CK from the MS blog and/or TMMS. Just another Seditionist, looking to help us out getting the funny. And, yeah, his stuff is pure, man. Right from the source.
I would probably set things up to download at night, if I had dial-up. Shouldn’t really be a problem getting broadband installed – especially in SF. Can’t you give Leo Laporte a call for help?
well, I maybe understated it a bit but Ive been sick as hell for most of thr week with this exhaustion vomit virus that Will got from my Mom…it has this insane exhaustion that makes you feel like youre dying and a nausea that is like…you just couldnt even consider food…Will still is weak and tired….
so, its beautiful here and as good a place as any to lay around, but I really would have liked to be in the city more.
We went out a bit today and met our friend from the plane who is an Ill housewife sorta person who breeds a type of parrot…and owns a timeshare here…so we went to her place for lunch and her daughter and granddaughter were there….a different sort of place much more in the mainstream than this place which is like an island.
I hear that there is great nightlife and shoppiong in the city…but then it gets very hot. Out here by the beach its always breezy and beautiful….
Lots of french here too….they actually all seem to be here from what we’ve heard…and its led to some disgusting food options like goose stuffed with fois gras…..isnt that like turducken of the cruelty set?…and aligator and wild boar…and the duck that was decorated by a plucked duck corpse decorated with sauce…..ugh!!
Lots of smoking too….
But pretty people with tans….no one seems to know or care about the world and whay is going on….no real TV here…just club med channels and the American channel has a prime time ineup of Oprah and Dr Phil and Rachel Ray!! really! Thats the lineup from 8-11PM
what they must think of us.
My parrot friend actually has a real sattelite in her timeshare apartment….
Sorry you haven’t felt well. The food would be enough to make me sick. They don’t have a McDonald’s there?
re #155 and #159 play nice you two. NickiRose nor Susan Joy have not spoken negative of your names.
re 155 he has been posting off and on all week talking and more …
ie. touching the water … making contact Slowly …
That would Break a DM’s Oath of Office (aka The Conductor). PJ should (and does) Play fair … not like bush or his cohorts.
exercising but back in about an hour then here if any wants to Debate.
Hi Pj, I just can’t give money to Comcast, they are really trying to grind their workers into the dirt; we’ve had picket lines here in SF to support their workers. They are the cable providers of choice here. Who is Leo Laporte? As for nighttime downloading, I don’t want to have the computer humming in the bedroom with me all night. And there is nowhere else in the house to hook it up, apparently, without me shelling out a lot of money to run a completely new modem line.
I have to leave now, will try to get on the blog from my lame dialup at home, now that I’ll have a run of days off work.
Take care all, and wv and whomever else, I will try to get a ticket to Cobb’s Tuesday night, so hope to see you there!
Ok X, if you’re leaving work now I’m gonna turn the stream off. Maybe we can fix you up tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
Everyone have a great evening, night, weekend. I’ll likely be around tomorrow. Safe journey home Melina and Will. Good night!
ex, g’ night. I will look for you at Cobb’s. Look for a hairless Irish guy, maybe the oldest guy in the rm. I’ll come up w/ a better clue if you check back.
I suppose a few will fade away here in the next few days.
Best Holidays to all.
PJ, thanks again, SUCK, SUCK for the hosting and the Vigilance.
Melina, safe travels and thanks for all of the advice.
666, I suspect we were connected somehow here with our arrogance. A draft Harp at P&S by Xmas for sure..
Sblue, good to see you. Travis as well. :santacool::menorah::cake::gate::40:
I’ll be back but I have to go to a last night of Hanuwhatever party so don’t be upset if I missed you if you care.
You are great people!
Melina, your stomach has been :yuck: for too long … Grandmama’s Irish Remedy / recipe for sour tummy.
Get Baking Soda.
(Hot) Warm a cup of water.
add tsp baking soda.
Stir, Drink immediately.
If you are at the point, it will let you cleanse yourself = :barf:
or if an easy :yuck: then good burp.
:knit::gate: Please Get Better Now. :nod:
So you have a good last bit of time with no “yucky”
(*** Is Safe For Kids but they hate taste … but he sounds it would get a great burp … :rofl2: that might be fun :rofl2:)
re 164 above where I said split (only when stretching now 🙄 and in yoga) it should be a side slide turning to a yoga-jazz roll to a sitting position with one leg bent bent in front and other bent in front but with knee up. then …. hand out reached to be pulled up in an back arch.
My apology — but I was “enchanted” by all the talk of Music … and when I stuck in hears it reminded me of school in the early ’80s … but I ALWAYS DANCED since a child, and like this a teenager. ooooooo The Only One Evanescence “OPEN DOOR” … I wish all could hear how she/they “pulsed” …..AhAHAHHHHHAHOommmm
It’s not my fault, it is my DNA
I am smart “really” … Just talking to myself :dancers: 🙁 sniff
:poof: … to reappear to put… Candle In Window … a bit later…
If PJ allows me here, anymore. Or he could just push a button and I disappear.
Thank you PJ!
Cnick, are you still here? Would it be possible for you to run the stream again?
Anyone else here besides me and one lurker?
Maybe the lurker is PJ. If so, I’ll say goodnight now, PJ, and thank you so much for all your work maintaining the blog.
DITTO 😉 Weekly Message:
I do not want to be stepping on any toes … BUT If not here where? Where we weird wonderful folk, centering on The Maron (who I hear gives great hugs 😥 One Day ….. Hubby got to see you but not me. RATS :nuts: ) where we Gather and Create.
*Irish Blessing*
(what my Grandmother and Grandfather did when family and friends would be gone (for a certain time)).
:menorah: :cake: 💡
“Candle in Window ” — To Light The Way Home :nod:
— RoxieSeattle 😎 SBlueHeron is here missing you, and Where is Travis :eek:, since … 🙁 Come Home Roxie….:nod: sniff
— found one or two of the missing (or they found me)
— Susan Joy 😎 At least drop by every so often and say :pent: Cheers.
— NickiRose 😎 Where’s my battle partner. Huh? .
— {{{KAHN}}} guess who use to send this way. Now that’s your test 😉
*Tell me if any others are missing also.
Ni Neart Go Cur Le Cheile (no “accents)Book of Kells
In Unity There Is Strength:!:
(…and sometimes we differ, sometimes argue,
then just don’t talk to each other — talk to me teehee:wink:
I talk with ALL, usually.
Thank you CitizenKeith, I was being mono-focus’d. I thought this was a “place” to talk to Susan Joy :smack:
… in the “dead of the night” I downloaded.
So far, when backspacing or backing up it does not back on a “beat”. 😎 — wow what a concept :smack:
…still a “beat”/pulse …. BUT it is quick, now 😎 😉 THX AGAIN T:joe:CHEERS :alc: