It’s Wednesday, but it feels more like Tuesday. Not much else to say, except that there’s apparently a low-tech (and rather obvious) way to disable that always-on RFID chip in your shiny new passport: hit it with a hammer. Hey, what’s the worst that can happen? Well, besides 25 years in Federal prison, or having some customs agent up to his elbow in your ass doing a cavity search? Maybe I’ll just keep mine in my EZ Pass bag. One more chance to catch Maron tonight at Cobb’s in SF.
:omg: Whatever :sheep: le
Gerald R. Ford Sort Of Goes To Heaven
From a post on DU
I have this feeing I know what the news is going to be about today all day ..:yuck::reaper::reaper:
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
funny one, fred
Gerald Rudolph Ford 1913-2006 (with photos)
From DU
:yippee::yippee: Its King Kong :yippee::yippee:
How was the earth quake ??
UPDATE 1-Jet with Britain’s Blair slides off Miami runway
MIAMI, Dec 26 (Reuters) – A British Airways (BAY.L: Quote, Profile , Research) flight carrying British Prime Minister Tony Blair overshot a runway at Miami International Airport on Tuesday but no one was injured, the U.S. Secret Service and an airport official said.
The Boeing 747, flight 209 carrying 343 passengers and crew, was not damaged when it slid off the runway on arrival from London about 6:15 p.m. (2315 GMT), airport spokesman Marc Henderson said.
Tony flies commercial airlines :omg:
Tony flies commercial airlines
Comment by fred — December 27, 2006 @ 6:40 am
But the poodle’s kennel was safely tucked away in the cargo hold, so no harm done. Good poodle.
Chavez wins Time’s Person of the Year – Time ignores the result.
“A few days ago, Time Magazine announced the winner of its annual “Person of the Year” award. Many supporters of the Bolivarian Revolution will be disappointed to hear that Hugo Chavez did not make it despite the fact that he won Time’s online poll by a wide margin and got 35% of the votes.
This is significant, as Chavez had been the number 1 in the poll for several weeks and was clearly set to win the award.
Instead, it seems we all have won the award! Indeed, the 2006 Person of the Year is “you” and much is made of the Web 2.0 and one of its foremost brainchildren, the online video service YouTube.
The link to their online poll is simply not there any more, although after some Google searching we traced it back to, where you can see the results for yourself.”
“You don’t have to be a believer in conspiracy theories to assume that clearly the Time Magazine editorial board was not happy with the choice of its readers! Surely the so-called “liberal” magazine did not like the result of its own poll and decided to push its own candidate, “the YouTube guys”.
“In the whole magazine there are many lauding words for this “digital democracy” but ironically Time decided to ignore its own “digital democracy” and hide the fact that 35% voted for Hugo Chavez and 21% for the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
It is true that an online poll is not a very scientific tool but surely it would have been worth to at least point out who won the Time poll in the first place?
Maybe because they did not want the winner to be a popular President of a country where “power to the people” is not just an empty phrase but is being implemented in practice in the real world, and who has been democratically elected time and time again?”
Hey fred :yippee:
The earthquakes were the kind I like, with a slow and gentle rocking. Yes, trinkets on the bookshelves fell over, but it felt ‘kind’ as opposed to ‘urgent’.
The only thing I remember about Jerry Ford is that he did not nuke North Vietnam when they finally invaded and overran the south in 1975
Most people thought his governing capability came from a foot ball injury to his head .:eek:
Ford’s time in office reminds me of Chevy Chase‘s stumbling impersonation.
I noted from yesterday that Kat was apparently on the east side of the Cascades and with all the snow didn’t want to venture over to Seattle to see Sblue and Travis .. There is a public conveyance that makes that trip every day ( or maybe its every night) called the Empire Builder
It looks like the Empire Builder does the cascades in the middle of the night .. that had to be something done by the rethugs to discourage ridership.:bf:
Is there a problem with a Night Train? :alc: :smack: 😯
The train leaves Spokane at like 1 am so you have to stay sober that long at least..They have a bar car on most of their long distance trains though ,
When the California Zephyr used to cross Wyoming the station at Green River had a chalk board where they posted the number of riders they left there the day before. Green River is the definition of a wide spot so I don’t know what you do there if you are one of the left behind….perhaps catch a cab to Laramie or Ogden ..
Good Morning, :joe: it’s dread time again. :doh:
Ewwww… NWS is posting Winter Storm Warnings for tomorrow… Ewwww
Sorry K, ‘dread time’? 🙁
:banana::banana:Its Krista :banana::banana:
Whats the matter with work .??. The management of the other workers.
I’m really tired of being treated like a damn high school kid. I got some shit for being on the stupid phone. I’ve worked there over 2 weeks now, how many times have I been on the phone? NONE! It should be obvious by now that I’m not a slacker. I hate punching a stupid time card and I hate designated breaks. WHY CAN’T PEOPLE JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! If anyone knows a way of making a living witholut having a damned job, I’m all ears :ear:
When you are in business for yourself the “standard” phrase is that work would be fantastic is if wasn’t for customers .. I guess you just have to be a Donald Trunp ..:eek::rant1::reaper:
At least you get to call the shots and take the responsibility for you’re own mistakes.
Time togo.881.:fire:
Later, you guys. 😥
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has decided to propose listing the polar bear as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, putting the U S government on record as saying that global warming could drive one of the world’s most recognizable animals out of existence.
The administration’s proposal — which was described by an Interior Department official who spoke on condition of anonymity — stems from rising temperatures in the arctic that are shrinking the sea ice polar bears need for hunting. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the department will submit the proposal today for publication in the Federal Register, after which it will be subject to public comment for 90 days.
Jackson attorney Michael Wallace officially sent a letter to President Bush asking that his name be withdrawn from nomination to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Though Wallace writes in the letter that he believes a majority of the Senate would consent to his nomination, he said the incoming Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., “made it clear two weeks ago that he intends to permit vacancies to be filled only with ’consensus nominees.”’
In other words, Leahy said, “No more wingnuts.” :bow:
Try this tomorrow, KP.
:billcat: Bah HumBug :omg: it has been with horrid rains and damaging or damning winds
Be careful wvmc3d and other folk “down there” 😮
I just got online since 3 – 3:3-pm YESTERDAY :slap: (winds and rains :and frozen zillion miles an hour freezing wind) Bah Humbug.
But it is neat that you have winds and rains and things border breaking of windows. I had an old China Cabinet with interesting things set inside, now like a SF Quake hit. Broken glass and …
but it is dying, a bit and now mostly winds and a little frozen rain.\
:billcat::tongue: I felt so frustrated since I wanted to tell you “city” folk 😉 :rofl2: 😉 yesterday afternoon, but even all numbers were on ADDRESS on Web eek 😮 🙄 t:joe: which I could not get on. :smack::spank: :doh:
“hit it with a hammer” Very Appropriate. Very Funny.
What I remember most about Gerry Ford (other than him falling down a few times, and hitting people with his golf shots) is the WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now). He was also the last living memeber of the Warren Commission. And he appointed Rocky as VP, when the Goldwater crowd wanted Daddy Bush (not that Rocky didn’t have a few skeletons in his closet – like Attica, his draconian drug laws, and capital punishment) but he did a lot for the SUNY system, built up the highway system, and rammed through the highest minimum wage in the country. Plus, he went out at the age of 70, banging a 27-year-old aide.
But Ford became good friends with Jimmy Carter after they were both out of office, so I think he was a decent man – at least, as decent as you can be and still be a politician. Certainly more decent than what we have today. Not saying much, of course.
WOW, since yesterday THIS WHOLE HOUSE SHAKES (it just did again). Scary neat Scary = :eek::omg: 😎 :omg: 😮
AIV I guess I should turn on AAR and see if we are still here. Animals going crazy 😡 too 🙄 :silent scream:
(…when I am attempting to fix 100 yr old fence, the winds are moving me were it/they want to. It is like I have no will of my own. Fascinating. wow.)
(I know, I am suppose to “talk about the issues” … and all I am talking about is The Wind. :bow:)
I am sorry “gang”. Ford let off Nixon … actions speak louder than words. He is on a new road, but it will be difficult, since he did not learn or teach others the real truth, in truth. 🙄 whatever.
I feel a little like Nero ,,, playing as Rome is Burning (for me not a violin but an iPOD and E. :rofl2:). 🙄
Druid, you talking about this?
From WNW at 37 mph gusting to 56 mph
It says it has subsided for you and we only got about 1/3 of the rain but more is supposed to be on the way with possible thunder storms. Right now the sky is blue but the wind is rattling everything. I am glad I got lazy and left the garbage for this morning. Many of the containers have blown over so I expect with all of the xmas trash we will have another kind of winter wonderland out there.
Kristapea , I just read your 21 — I could never understand the “dribble” that were called bosses :barf: … just remember you are moving and they have already lost. 😉 :nod:
Speaking of the new passport, I hear you can also put it in some potato chip bags to avoid detection.
So, where’s the report from last night’s show?
:nuts:got the xbox 360! but my game is broke :rant1:
and now i have to leave tomorrow night!:slap:
😉 wvmc3d, …new winter wonderland :rofl2: I am so glad to see you. You make me laugh and thus remembering the warmth at S&P and the Harp :love:
But the Weather folks LIE … since I have “clocked” winds and these were 80 to 86 but felt like 100 . I have never — even in 100mph — had my windows sound like they were rattling, on their way to shatter.:eek: But getting calmer … :whew: :dancers: :billcat: :pirate:
So did you go to Marc’s last night or toninght? :banana:
Have fun, it is coming …. 😮 Mwah HaHa 😮 :cold: 😎
:nuts:stupid gears of war!
I thought I would leave it to ex to do the honors.
It was a lot of the same material from last time but a much looser Maron with some politics this time.
As for the radio part, there was no real answer but it sounds like there could be something in the works somewhere. He really dodged anything specific, esp related to AAR other than to say he was not a likely replacement if Franken left. I suspect there is talking there and much depends on what happens in the next few week. I think he really wants to do it but on his terms this time and something similar to MS. I also thinks he wants to see how the whole market shakes out before making a move..
So did you out-party Ex? Where did she go? :rofl2: (just a joke)
I bet you have the now(ish) :hot: places in “my / our city”. But even in my city they roll the carpets up early. I use to PLAY (especially when at ‘SC {But I was of the few POOR and Proud ones} but play in some clubs IN LALA LAND until 4-6 AM. Ahhh they were the days :rofl2: but they didn’s have real wolves
:cool::lol::cool: 😉 :alc: — tea:joe: :omg: for now)
I feel like Dancing since the Winds and Rains of several days are “tethered”, so to speak … :billcat::dancers:
hey from the road
I’m not sure but ex may be working today or she could have been kept up by the storm. It kept me up, esp because the wind was WNW which is a little different and makes different things happen. It is still ripping through, shaking the house like an EQ. I think one of Druid’s socks just flew by. Not a day for clothesline drying.
Ray Davies on Fresh Air today!
One thing I have wanted to say but couldn’t because Computers and Winds and Rains:
MELINA Where Are You?????
Are you any better … are you being helped … are you okay?
Palates (confirm sp) Teach, you could of danced with me … I think I “scared :omg:” CNICK 😉 :rofl2: and I will give him a bad time “forever” :rofl2::rofl2::lol::rofl2: about E. being too Hard :rofl2: Rock :rofl2: 😎
Melina come out and PLAY 😉
wvmc3d, not my socks , you and your mate might have to grab my feet as I fly by then even if Guinness I’ll bring my wallet as I Fly to my city 😮 … Heron 😉 :rofl2: To Fly…
:(… the Wind might have won over an old fence.
Wind and Rain and hitting hard this home. I can no longer go out and put logs and things around. (I went back and reput “logs” and it showed as longs – whatever 🙄 )
The wind broke off lock from ol’ gate and ripped up 2nd special huge nail lock and it is here again. I should say with the wind I feel 2nd floor “sway” and “shake” … wow 😮
I shouldn’t bitch since it is not a hurricane :doh: 🙄 :doh:
Melina:!: I didn’t see you:!: How are you? How are you and parrots and even Will and :nod: :pup:s too?.. Isn’t it too :cold: for snake-ys ? (It is for this one born in the year of the Snake :rofl2::omg: :cold: kinda 🙄 still 😎 )
KP, if you find the answer, let me know (I’ll pass on Pj’s suggestion).
Glad KK is A-OK => thought of him this a.m. when I saw the news. :gate:
SueP, doesn’t that seem contrary to their ideals? hmmm.
what an elegant solution, pj! A potato chip bag would make the passport slippery.
our plans all were shot to hell again today so I’m staying here until Sunday. Fred, that train is cool, but a royal pain in the arse to get. You can take it to Idaho and ski and then return, which is actually easier than going to Seattle.
TRAVIS – I have an older version of this boat and love it. Mine is rudderless and kevlar/fiberglass. If you want a sea kayak, I love the eddyline boats and you are in their neighborhood. You can go to their shop and test drive them.
hack hack hack
Ahhhh Pax, for a brief moment I can believe it will be quiet.
That’s cool. Thanks, Farmerkat. I’m still looking around, and I really don’t know that much yet about the design that I should go with. Um…here’s another link that I’m looking at along with the Eddyline’s, BorealDesign
those look nice, trav. i’d have to paddle it to know, though. seats look comfy. I wouldn’t get a plastic one – too heavy and you’ll quickly want a better boat as you paddle more. when you try one, see how it tracks – does it go straight or does it pull to one side? If it doesn’t track straight, run, don’t walk away from it.. also, lean and see how quickly it responds to your weight shift. You’ll want a responsive boat. FUN!
I may drive my mom over the passes tomorrow.
Farmerkat .. I wanted to write to you yesterday but The Winds and Rains “knocked” me out. I listen to your Kayak info too … since it looks so very Charming and I have to get away from Most.
The artist across the way also “long raft” (I forget :doh: what it’s called) but between you and him and my “adventures” River Rafting when in teens and early, early 20s, … hmmm
My heart :love: goes with you and yours. Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove. Fist (hard) yet wrapped in Velvet ,,,on the outside, Mushy on inside. :KISS:
love that, druid. same to you.:gate:
Now this is good news, although the damage done is horrendous.
What a lovely idea: PNAC a ghostly website with one employee left to clean up.
What I remember about Ford was the NY Daily News headline: Ford to NY, Drop Dead.
I have enjoyed the Preznit and his father, Preznit Sr., talking about the integrity of Gerald Ford. Do they see it in contrast to themselves? I like W talking about Ford healing the country. One of the things Ford said shortly after taking office was that there would be no more illegal wiretaps.
I also note that Agnew, yet another disgusting Repig, was forced to resign BEFORE they went after ol’ Tricky Dick. Is there a lesson for us there?
Sue P,
That’s in the playbook, I’m sure. Dirty Cheney resigns for some reason, probably cleaner like his heart (or lack thereof) to avoid future problems and now he can reign in all of his money unfettered. Then the replace with some VP who can stand in 2008 like Rudy, who will agree to do the “best thing for the nation” ala Ford and deal the pardons and protection if he becomes prez for some reason. They have to know that when investigations start even if impeachment is off the table, something could go down that they will not be able to control. The VP gambit insures Pelosi will not ascend to POTUS as well as give them a leg up on 2008. Ford did not lose by that much as I remember.
Ford lost by less than 2 million votes (about 2%). It was only 57 electoral votes. Probably would have won if he hadn’t pardoned Nixon, which was quite unpopular at the time.
He would have won if he hadn’t screwed up in the debate and said that the Soviet Union was not in control of Eastern Europe.
I think the economy was the reason for his loss. High unemployment and high inflation. They called it stagflation. Aside from those wonderful WIN buttons, Ford thought that budget cuts in domestic programs would be the answer. So, a lot of people were suffering.
As for the idea that Poland was not under Soviet control, which I think was what he said, I’ll bet 2/3 of the public thought he was correct and as for the pardon, he wasn’t pardoning a blowjob or a gay person or a pinko so that was probably not a deciding issue either.
When Carter won there was a real hope that the economy would improve. As I remember there was an energy crisi, deja vu, which Carter looked at as a conservation issue and little happened to help.
Thus we got Ronny who told us that we could have guns and butter and so we did along with a huge deficit that only later became an issue.
Forgive me, but I can’t imagine pinning ones hopes on the intelligence or savvy of the Americn voting public.
So I’m having lunch today, and I look out the window and notice that the flags are flying at half-staff.
Isn’t that cool, I thought to myself. They lowered the flags for James Brown.
Then I remembered. :doh:
I remember when Ford took office, I wanted to really make an effort to like him, which lasted exactly up until his pardon of Expletive Deleted. At the time, I wasn’t comfortable with the concept of despising the president of the United States.
These days, of course, I’m so used to feeling that way that I don’t give it a second thought.
Of course, if he hadn’t pardoned Nixon, he’d have probably lost the nomination to Reagan, and then we’d have had Ronnie four years earlier.
Cheers Sue P re Farmerkat’s 57, :yippee: :reaper::yippee:
I am kicked off-line more than I am on .:roll: (computer vs me :slap:) but still 57 makes me want to dance :reaper::dancers: 😉 Cheers All … I look at Destiny — whatever 🙄 if still here…and now it is even sunny 🙄 whatever :omg:
Evan… (hmmmm) Snow White Queen … or Lewis’ The Red Queen (maniacal laughter)
This is a reply post to Monday… didn’t have internet access yesterday.
Aisha Taylor is Mother Nature in Santa Clause 2. I’m incredibly weird but I really like this movie. Didn’t see the third one because I have common sense. If Santa Claus didn’t HAVE to be THAT chubby all the time… I’d frakin’ marry him. Of course, if it wasn’t Tim Allen, it’d be even better.
But there’s actually a weird comment on keeping secrets in a family in the film… disturbing.
And I wouldn’t like my ass to get that big either.
Wv: the story about James Brown… fantastic. Almost makes me completely forgive the spousal abuse.
Kristapea—Kahlua and coffee….. ::drool::
Farmerkat—“Whale Killer,” LOL! It always makes me smile when I read posts from you. I think of your husband on MS or TMMS saying he was MR. Farmerkat. Always makes me laugh. Also, saw last night that the Palestinian president went to the Christmas services in Bethlehem (sp?). I don’t know enough about the area and the cluster fuck crises there but it felt like a good thing to me.
Fred—I’m assuming that you went out and served Christmas dinner to the homeless/less fortunate or something? Awesome. I suggested that as something for my family to do AS a family last year… my brother later said that I was being selfish. ::shrug:: Giant pat on the back from me thought!!!
Brilliant—LOVE that bit from SNL!!! Totally forgot about that despite all the fuss about Eddie Murphy and Dreamgirls (like he didn’t get THAT role almost solely because of the JB Hot Tub bit!).
Re: Marc on the Seder show last week. I have to say that it REALLY was nearly back to the old days. I think it was Thursday’s show that Marc said was really great radio… Totally agree. God knows that Jim Earl is a frakin genius but he’s NOT good as a sidekick. Wheel of Anger: Great. Environmental Minute: Great. Cardinal and Rememberence: INSANELY GENIUS (and I can’t WAIT for a James Brown bit). Regular conversation on the air or talking with callers? Not so much. I think this past week was proof. The magic combo is Marc, Brendan/Pashman, live mics in the studio/booth to pick up laughs, and calls. Magic will follow. The people who gather around Marc are creative people with momentum. I loved TMMS and am sad that it’s gone but last week on Seder was more proof that Maron needs to be picked up by somebody than TMMS could have ever.
It got away from the Bitter Bus (I fear that all of my comments are mean/degrading/hurtful/typical internet backseat judgment). There were good calls, there were mean calls, there was Maron getting upset with callers, getting snarky with callers, getting friendly with callers, and also getting flattered/SENTIMENTAL with callers. Everything that was great… that IS GREAT about Maron on the radio… or ANYONE on the radio.
A few points:
I LOVE “40 Year Old Virgin” and it strategically was the best thing for Steve Carrell’s career and NBC’s “The Office.”
The new guy in charge of PBS is a conservative who said the funniest woman wouldn’t rank ANYWHERE in comparison to male comedians. NICE.
And that’s so uplifting for me… who kinda wants to make people laugh for a living.
By the way PJ I cannot vote for the Hussein Poll since I believe it was we Americans that made him. Our leaders have done more to cause “greater deaths”. I do not have a problem in killing Hussein if our leaders get the same for Their Treason. Oh RATS I guess I could answer “kill none”.
Wv: the story about James Brown… fantastic.
Second that emotion.
Hey everyone,
Druid re 32, What were you feeling? The earth quake beneath your feet?
I donno what to think of President Gerald R. Ford’s passing. He may have been a good man, but he was still a Republican! Where is Fred?
This blog is still having issues! I think it needs a vitamin shot or something.
Travis, I used to be the proud owner of a “Old Towne” kayak till somebody stole it. I guess I should have chained and locked it to that tree. It tracked rather nicely in the water. I miss it now that I don’t have it anymore. When I had it I sort of neglected it. I hope whoever the fuck stole it is having fun with it now. Up their butts!
am I wrong in thinking that the fact that Fords close friends and advisors were Rummy and Cheney is enough to damn him to hell….Im sure he did some OK things and all but hearing just that on tv this am was enough to drive me crazy today….I need to get home and look into it
Where are you at Melina? Not back in Connecticut?
I wish I was doing pilates…been driving round with ben…will was at a playdate…computers broken….kitty has had many bleeding tail feathers and had to bring her to Todd to look at the ones I pulled…yada yada yada…
oh and shalays player had to be set and songs downloaded….ugh
I am “totally ambivalent” as to the fate of Saddam Hussein. Long day on the road. I was restless last night. It took me forever to get to sleep. Jeremy had the heater to high. I think its best to keep the room a little cool at night and “cover up!” It also saves on the heating bill. But it wasn’t just the heat. My mind was going ninety to nothing last night. Thinking about this and thinking about that. I hate it when I have nights like that. But I refuse to take sleeping pills. So what was Marc’s show like last night folks? Where is everybody?
Sorry to hear about your troubles Melina. I’ll prolly head off to bed early tonight. I don’t think I’m gonna drive up to the office tonight. I just don’t wanna get out anymore. Which means I’ll have to track to the office early in the AM. O well . . . .
in the car now driving home
Not Elvis and nixon…
Melina is going mobile with us! I am so tired!
CNick, See #42 to start. Marc was relaxed or tired or both. Probably from a solid week of radio and transcontinental travel, perhaps weather challenged and a 2 night stand on the other end. Very confident, secure. Brilliant, even. Seemed to know he was in a small but friendly audience so comfortable. A healthy handful of MS fans there including a couple from Michigan. Someone brought soup.
I don’t think he will do podcast from a garage. I think he wants to do another MS-like show ideally. I know musicians who want to do bigger budget things but are excellent while solo or scaled back. For now, I hope he gets a chance to re-invent the funny magic.
okay so I just read Vernon’s post about last night. Cool. I guess that Left Jab show may be taking Franken’s place. That would be my guess. Course, I donno what I’m talking about so it is merely speculation on my part. I do not have a direct line to the ether.
Did any of you guys from the blog meet up?
I went with ex-ny’er and a friend.
Cool. It would be nice to meet up with all the bloggers here.
Well I think I’m gonna go rest now. Catch up for those hours lost last night.
hey…nick I keep missing you….
So, it was a good show last nite?
Let me go read back a bit
The Ford thing is killing me…I must be overtired….
I need to blog about this….just…ugh!!
I just get up here as everyone is leaving 😥 :doh: :omg:
All those, especially women who had a :fu: :omg: :fu: day :billcat: say “aye” :fustrate:
Just came back. :tongue: What no caustic wit bantered about?
Well, I have to start a fire :tommygun: , in a few. :tongue: :pant:
Oy, finally got a chance to make it to the blog, and I see you have given a good report on last night, wv. All I have to add is that Sarah Wiley from Michigan was there last night with a partner/husband/friend, couldn’t tell, I didn’t hear him talk at all. She was happy to met fellow MS’ers, said noone here acknowledged her when she tried to talk with us. So I’ll certainly give her a hearty hello next time she’s here, but I’m not here all that much. That means I’m asking you all to just type a few words of friendly hello if you see Sara(h?) Wiley here – not that hard, right?
The other thing I have to add is that ’twas moi that gave him da soup, and I got to hug and kiss on him *two* times (I know I said I wouldn’t rub it in, but I can’t help it – eat your hearts out!) :yippee: :yippee:
Maybe I’m easy to impress and a little star-struck, maybe not, but I have to say, I am impressed with how intense he can be onstage, and yet be (or at least seem) genuine and warm with us fans, and not disparaging or dismissive, even when some fans make presumptuous comments/complaints/suggestions, etc. (I ain’t naming names, I’m just sayin’). Anyway, he was grace personified. :bow: Luv you Marc! And I literally laughed til I cried and my jaws hurt. Couldn’t sleep, you were right, wv. I propped my eyes open to watch Capote, and today Miss Sunshine, cause the dvd’s were due back at the shop 7pm tonight (no Walmart-kissing small-business-busting netflix for me, can’t do it; luckily there’s a small family-run video rental shop here that’s pretty damn good, don’t even have to go to Blockloser’s).
A lot of the material was familiar, like you said, wv, but he always makes them fresh, and another fan in the audience betrayed the fact he has a following by blurting out “how’re the cats?”. But it gave him the opportunity to ‘apologize’ to the non-regulars about how, well, ‘now I’ve got to bring you all up to date on the four feral cats I adopted in NY…’ and he was off and running.
Sigh. It was so satisfying. No, not like *that*, get your minds out of the gutter! But a reasonable substitute. :sammy:
Wv, I tried the pumpkin cheesecake. Not to worry, I’m not quitting my day job :doh:
Wv, thanks again for the ride to and from, in the rain and wind. It made all the difference. Thank you!
Looks like everyone is gone, so I’ll say goodnight all. Tomorrow is my one work day of the week, and I’m not up to faking a kidnapping, so I gotta go in.
As for Gerald Ford, I have about as much sympathy for him as would be appropriate for Reagan. Besides the pardon to Nixon, he toasted and gave Suharto the weaponry to massacre the Timorese. And please. Carter shipped weapons to the Salvadoran military, and he still maintains that Israel is a democratic state. If these are the good prez’s, even relatively speaking, well then, as Leonard Cohen says:
“Give me back the Berlin Wall,
Give me Stalin and Saint Paul.
I’ve seen the future brother,
It is murder.
Give me absolute control
Over every other living soul,
And lie beside me baby, that’s an order.”
And what about that deal he most likely did cut with Al Haig to pardon Nixon provided Nixon resigned (Ford being vice prez then, for you young’uns), as Victor Navaski describes on this morning’s Democracy Now?