After watching as many hours as possible of the Twilight Zone Marathon the last few days (OK, I’ll try not to mention that again until next year), we were sufficiently motivated to make a pilgrimage to the Lakeview Cemetery in Interlaken to visit his grave (if nothing else, it was a good excuse to go and drive around the Finger Lakes area – didn’t hit up any wineries, though).
It was a dark and rather bleak-looking day when we started out, but before too long the clouds broke up, and we enjoyed a beautiful view heading down Cayuga Lake. It’s a bit odd to be driving around this time of year with no snow on the ground (sort of like being in, well, the Twilight Zone). It seemed more like late October than it did January (though there was a rather cold, bitter wind once we were outside of the car). We didn’t know exactly where the grave was (except that it was at roughly “two o’clock”), but it’s a fairly small cemetery, and Granny found the grave (where she left an angel – not the first to do so, apparently – as a way of saying thanks) fairly quickly. I saved the location in my GPS, so now we have the latitude and longitude, should we want to come back again. Thanks for the memories, Rod. I just wish you’d laid off the cigarettes.
By the way, if you’d like to learn a little more about Rod Serling – about this 5’4″ boxer, demolition expert, paratrooper, Bronze Star and Purple Heart winner, who was one of – if not the – most prolific writer in American television history, this 1968 speech he gave at Moorpark College might be a good place to start.