After watching as many hours as possible of the Twilight Zone Marathon the last few days (OK, I’ll try not to mention that again until next year), we were sufficiently motivated to make a pilgrimage to the Lakeview Cemetery in Interlaken to visit his grave (if nothing else, it was a good excuse to go and drive around the Finger Lakes area – didn’t hit up any wineries, though).
It was a dark and rather bleak-looking day when we started out, but before too long the clouds broke up, and we enjoyed a beautiful view heading down Cayuga Lake. It’s a bit odd to be driving around this time of year with no snow on the ground (sort of like being in, well, the Twilight Zone). It seemed more like late October than it did January (though there was a rather cold, bitter wind once we were outside of the car). We didn’t know exactly where the grave was (except that it was at roughly “two o’clock”), but it’s a fairly small cemetery, and Granny found the grave (where she left an angel – not the first to do so, apparently – as a way of saying thanks) fairly quickly. I saved the location in my GPS, so now we have the latitude and longitude, should we want to come back again. Thanks for the memories, Rod. I just wish you’d laid off the cigarettes.
By the way, if you’d like to learn a little more about Rod Serling – about this 5’4″ boxer, demolition expert, paratrooper, Bronze Star and Purple Heart winner, who was one of – if not the – most prolific writer in American television history, this 1968 speech he gave at Moorpark College might be a good place to start.

Deja vu all over again…
Riley has spent the first third of his show on sugar substitutes.
Morning! :joe:
I’ll look at the link, but I think RS was born and raised in Binghamton – thought mom said he went to her high school.
I was trying for Press but the “feed” is not working. Sniff. But he has been a little “fluff” , so to the Young Turks. I do like Cenk , I use to dislike Ben, but he is passible. Jill I liked, but lately I just look at computer an exclaim, “What:!: :smack: Get a Brain.
Now the important part:
:yippee::pirate::cool: wvmc3d is #1 😎 :pirate: :yippee:
And Farmerkat is #2 :cool::yippee::pirate: :dancers:
hi druid, I’m listening to Press now so don’t know why you can’t get the feed.
OK, let me see if I have this right.
Chimpy wants bipartisanship from the new Congress? After six years of lockstep from the Repigs? Please.
Stewart and Colbert must be laughing their asses off. This is better than ANYTHING their writers could come up with. And with zero sense of irony on Bush’s part.
If anyone watched Frontline last night about Cheney, don’t tell me how it ends, I taped it. 🙂
I’m guessing America loses, though. Or at least gets shot in the face.
things to do when you’re broke…… thanks sam!!!!!
:yippee:holy crap i so wish i had heard riley this morning sugar substitutes was the episode of morning sedition that cemented forever in my mind the greatness of the show!!!!!
what’s graveling your girdle, seanie?
this is good:
shoot ummmmm let me see uhhhhhh that guy whose name we shall not speak is still president yep thats about it……
ahhh, well, I’ll join you then:
oh and back to work tonight that too……
I’ve been watching some of the Maron bits from when he has been on Conan. Even though I was a big fan of Conan, I couldn’t distinctly even recall seeing Maron over the years. And then in the middle of watching one of the archived interviews, I realized this was the guy I remembered showing a bit of political spunk and thought that I would like to watch again. Lo, these years later, I probably never caught Marc again on Conan, but only until his radio shows come and go do I make the connection. Finally.
This experience is worthy of a Dream Theater recreation.
sounds more like a confessional, web. :priest:
sam donaldson just gave a great analogy of the chimp’s desire to send in 20,000 more troops – ala johnny k street
bush has gambled and almost lost the entire family fortune. he should walk away with what’s left…but rather than admit he’s lost and made a mistake, he pushes the rest of the fortune on the table to let it ride only to lose it all.
FK, Not quite a liberal confessional though. I just miss the groggy, half-awake awareness of Marc and company talking about the mundane or serious subjects of the day. Or watching Conan late at night. Through the fog of time, those old memories all seem like a dream theater to me now.
I don’t get nearly the same juice out of the Young Turks. They remind me of listening to kids from the student council or the school paper putting on a radio show. And Bill Press reminds me of listening to a lecture by the high school teacher who is also the baseball coach. I would say those two admissions are more of a liberal confessional !
Re: Rod Serling.
My dad was also a tech in the Army. Served in the Signal Corps while in Korea. Trained at Fort Monmouth in New Jersey. RIP
I miss listening to him, too, web.
Good Morning. :joe:
good morning everyone…..does anyone know the main streaming address for AAR?
I can stream it on my phone with pocket tunes but its not right there in the list of course…so I have to give them a streaming address. Most of what Ive got goes to certain shows only….isnt there a main stream address?
morning, KP & Melina!
Oh, look! (I really enjoyed Ed’s interview with Maron and Earl.)
catch ya’all later.
FK, Rod Serling was born in Syracuse, but moved to Binghamton at a very young age, and was raised there, graduating from Binghamton HS. But, once you get even a little of that Syracuse on you, it sticks, and it’s hard to get it off.
well, Off I go into the world…..ugh!!
How can it be that Bush made everyone wait and went to move tumbleweeds around his estate and have nice holidays and now comes back with THIS!! And Mr FK has to go back with the surge????
I suppose that the soldiers are now polling so anti-bush and Keith is leading MSNBC into hatred of this administration so deeply that it is not the worst to be with that network…like, imagine if you were a Faux reporter and had to show your face over there!…but still….
Sacrifice?? If hes gonna ask for sacrifice then he should get the Saudis to sacrifice a little and ….
God, they couldnt have fucked this thing up more if they were operating in Wayne’s World….
Melina, if you look to the right under multimedia, you will see links to the AAR stream, in IceCast, WM, and Real.
ha! thanks, pj.
melina, does the phone stream work well or does it cut out frequently? I really need to get rolling.
wow…Id like an ed begely reality series…It must be a pain in the ass to be always measuring how much garbage you expend….but at the same time, he can teach us alot!
Did anyone see Dirt last night? Its on again and again Im sure….it started not so great but got alot better…I just dont like the hollywood type of life so I dont know how much I can care about the people. Same with nip/tuck…I just found it so crazy and getting worse all the time that I gave it up…
So, I am seriously considering starting some kind of internet business. Does anyone have any experience with that and can anyone recommend any good books on it. I have to get dressed for my :fu:job:fu: now but i look forward to everyone’s input. Later blogsibs. 😥
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
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11 * * * Request timed out.
12 79 ms 78 ms 79 ms [64.202.1
Trace complete.
AAAARRRRGGGGG whatever:sheep:le
:tongue::billcat: just got upstairs and only did hmmm about 1/3 but I care not.
Fred, re 28 😎 re tracert route. :drool: :rofl2: 😉
Does Apple have a Music Monopoly issue
While Macworld is running strong January 9 to January 12, lawyers will be filing documents for an antitrust complaint in the U.S. Northern California’s District Court that could wind up being a lot more important than any product launch.
From Zdnet .. the industry speaks 😮
I think it would be worthwhile for these lefty sided talkers to mention that what we see in the Bush admin does not just apply to the Bush admin but to probably 90 something percent of all rethug politicians, corporate execs and M$M pundits . They are all non caring, money grubbing sociopaths .. They are not crazy but are genuinely mentally ill.. As long as they are allowed to remain in power in any way the people will always come in in last place. :gate::omg::jason::fist:
Interesting Fred, you know exactly what you are doing regarding The Gate. Hmmmmm. :rofl2: 😎
Kristapea…I would consider an Ebay business. Although I have never bought or sold anything there myself.
I think you are on the right track with getting a Mac but I may be the lone voice here. (We need a candle for cnick!) One of my customers just told me that Santa was very good to her and brought her an iMac. I never thought she would go that way. Her business network in her shop is on PC’s and she went on and on about how much she hates them..she is sick in love with this Mac and it is her first. I offered to be her tech support…of course she won’t need me much.
SBlueHeron, teehee I said that was “a real name” re Mac Whore. :nod: (loved but never had)
But I really dig my Windows, now … I think I am one of the last, but I am not a PJ — but I do not want to switch. I still have Plans” — Sorry, I think I am “hooked” on Windows. :sigh: 🙄
It is that I just do not have time “to play” (work and learn more, for now) sniff.
Enough thought. Destiny. 😉
Speaking of which, on Friday Night/ and Saturday Night — CNICK
will be added. CNick :spank: you are missed. 💡 😛 ❗
(damn, I was trying to cut down on my EMOs … RATS)
It is time,
For you to stop all of your Shopping
Where’s Reverend Billy on all this?
Hey, has anyone heard about this video chat site stickam? It seems like it’s filled with too many young people and just plain creeps. There really should be more appropriate discourse on there, from what little I’ve seen. Maybe even a Morningseditionists chat room.
hey from the car
The website, Rightwing News, has publiched a list of the 20 most annoying Liberals and some honorable mentions. Anyone NOT on this list should be highly offended. I love knowing that they are annoyed. :nana:
I was somehow subscrobed to stickam briefly….and I never quite figured it out….It was annoying but I can’t remember why. They did used to send a lot of mail…
Heron, i’m happy in mac, too.
been listening to seditionists radio while doing half a year’s expenses for a certain someone. :rant1: It has kept me sane.
melina, i don’t know how you blog from the auto…auto
zoneblogman, the blog won’t load for me. Is anyone else having trouble or is it my computer?
The blog is on the fritz again. 😡
good to hear that trav (well not good but…) at least it’s not my computer that’s screwed up. I keep getting blank pages when I try to refresh the page or post.
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
3 78 ms 78 ms 63 ms []
4 89 ms 89 ms 62 ms []
5 66 ms 75 ms 75 ms []
6 67 ms 91 ms 62 ms []
7 108 ms 92 ms 92 ms []
8 122 ms 102 ms 89 ms []
9 125 ms 154 ms 79 ms
10 102 ms 106 ms 134 ms []
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 131 ms 101 ms 96 ms [64.202.1
Trace complete.
I think when you are spying on them they don’t make as many errors.:eek::crap::rant1:
God, they couldnt have fucked this thing up more if they were operating in Wayne’s World….
Comment by Melina — January 3, 2007 @ 8:04 am
The difference, of course, is that Wayne and Garth were self-aware enough to know that they were not worthy. Bush thinks he is the most worthy of all.
If he wants to demonstrate sacrifice, let him put some panties on the twins and send their drunken asses over there.
Kevin M , :rofl2::yippee::rofl2:
Travisdem_04 &/or SBlueHeron, is it raining in Seattle or wherever you are?
ROXIESEATLE, I will get you my Pretty and your lil Meows :cat: too 😉
Sorry if this has already been posted, but I didn’t remember seeing it in another thread. I just fished next week’s copy of TV Guide out of my mailbox, and according to them Marc’s Comedy Central special is scheduled for Friday, January 12 at 10 PM EST.
Hopefully Comedy Central will not feel the constant need to reschedule that plagues the folks at the Dave show. 😀
So at least for now, set those VCRs and TIVOs, folks.
Cindy Sheehan, anti-war activists interrupt Democratic press conference
While President Bush and his fellow Republican lawmakers have been the target of many protests since the invasion of Iraq in 2002, this time around, a Democratic press conference was disrupted by a group of anti-war protestors, which included “Peace Mom” Cindy Sheehan.
“While discussing the Democratic ethics legislation, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, Democratic Caucus chairman, was interrupted by anti-war protestors lead by Cindy Sheehan, a well-known activist whose son was killed in Iraq,” CNN reports.
“We’re here to let the Democrats know that the grass roots and the anti-war movement elected them to create change,” declared Sheehan.
At the activist web site, After Downing Street, a schedule of events was posted asking readers to “join Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Families for Peace, AfterDowningStreet, Progressive Democrats of America,, World Can’t Wait, Democracy Rising, CODE PINK, and others in walking the halls of Congress for peace and impeachment.”
Today’s schedule for the “Walk for Change” campaign said that from 11am to 2pm, protestors would be “walking the Halls of Congress and meeting with Congress Members and their staff.”
Film clip at the link
Those three guys in sweat shirts and ski masks need to start going to their press conferences
Politicians must be held accountable more often then every two years :gate::omg::jason::jason::fist:
A thought for KP and an Internet business.
How about forming an LLC to make a virtual agricultural supply company and selling 50 gallon plastic barrels of 70% ANO3 over the internet .. apparently when you buy it by the covered hopper car its not questioned very much .:gate::omg::jason::fist:
Michelle Malkin is going to embed with some troops in Iraq. She says she’s going to le us know what the troops are really thinking and, she wants money from her fans to help pay for the trip. :hubba:
That trace route utility doesn’t show any hang ups but for a few posts after one uses it the blog loads ok :eek::rant1::reaper::tongue:
How soon will it be before Bill ORiley and Sean Hannity embed with the troops .. :gate::omg::jason::jason:
A thing of beauty. Sunsara Taylor from the TheWorldCantWait is being interviewed by jackass radio nut Hugh Hewitt and she is ripping him to shreds !!!!
Hewitt tried calling her on Tom Coburn’s statement on executing abortion providers and she calmly referred to a NY Times article in 2004. Hewitt then said that kind of reference wouldn’t cut it if she was still in college and she would fail a class with that answer. She then responded, “what are you, my professor?”
A thing of beauty!
Then she said to Hewitt: “You are a buffoon arguer.”
WebHubbleTelescope, re 55 & 56 = 😎
PJ, (from earlier) misanthrope / misanthropic appears again. :rofl2:
#39 by SueP
Malloy was rightly proud to be ranked at #12. He talked about it twice last night and thanked the right-wing nutbags for bestowing such an honor on him.
Perhaps we can take up a collection to send O’Reilly and Hannity to Iraq with Malkin. I’d be glad to contribute. However, they would have to promise to leave the Green Zone, preferrably alone.
I’ve been having trouble loading the blog. I, too, am getting blank pages and a done message.
I think it rained Druid but the sun was out most of the day in Seattle.:cool:
But I was inside most of the time.
hello sheeple….
I put up Maureen dowd which is a must read…dont know if its been mentioned here…and also Keith Olbermann from last nite though I hope youve all seen it already!
wow! I can think of places Id like to embed Malkin but its mostly like head in a wall and embed my fist in her face….Im not usually so violent in my thinking but Im so pissed about the pocket bike rider who pissed cnick off the other day!!…and also Im just punch from being so tired…what a freakin day…I was practically in tears trying to just get us home.
Scarborough went after o’reilly! :rofl2:
and I agree, Kev…put on their camo-undies and ship ’em off!
deep breaths, melina!
this is weird:
National Intelligence Director John Negroponte will resign to become deputy secretary of state, a government official said Wednesday night.
and I love John Dean’s tactic -start impeaching lower level folks…start going after them.
Thanks Sblue and Fred(if you were serious :paranoid:) Ebay is always my first thought but it involves a product to either make or buy and storage of the product. But, I have noticed I am not very imaginative as far as business goes on the computer. I keep thinking people buy physical items that take up space and have mass but I have heard of some who sell things on the internet that don’t take up space and have mass. How do the Youtube guys make money? And does Craigslist make any money?
SBlueHeron, It has poured here for last 2 plus days — but I lked the grey and hearing and seeing the rain — AND NOT SNOW (giggle fred)
Fred, is another storm coming your way, I think so :nod: 😮
Melina have a “nice cup of tea” or drink with long sips some red wine. Relax … when you are “mellow” tonight or even tomorrow I will ask about CNick… but NOT NOW :no: [breathe deep (as you well know 🙂 )] exhale slowly. Relax. “talk with ya later”. :fist: 😎 😉
the craigslist owners make $$$, and I’ve heard that folks make money selling there, but I haven’t tried it. Bought and sold on ebay just a bit and know people who sell antiques and crap on ebay and make money. Another guy I know buys cd’s at garage sales and then sells them on ebay. Buy at garage sales and resell on ebay or craigslist is the idea, I think.
THIS is interesting:
Never Forget the Two Gals Who Tried To Kill Gerald Ford!
G’night all.
Kristapea,did you look under “work online jobs” — they give you a direction or an idea?
I named Squeaky Fromm(I don’t remember it directly) but I didn’t know about the other one. Did anyone ever try to kill Clinton?
I’ve checked out one or two and they have been scams. I’ve never heard of anyone who answers those ads and makes any money.
Farmerkat, :knit: (prayers) :gate: Good Travels, awake or asleep
Krista-if you want to look into the market america thing let me know. Im not really selling but rather buying my vitamins at cost until I have a little more time to devote to it…anyway, theyve got alot of different business models and products and lots of stuff you can do. Its a pretty stable venture and you only have to put minimal time and $ into it to start…..
I sell stuff on ebay and have done Ok with most of it, but people have actual stores and sell stuff like computer parts that they buy in huge lots and stuff like that. I notice that alot of people seem to sell jeans with tags for $9.99 plus shipping….the listing is easy…just have to decide what you want to sell and get it in bulk.
Some people pick an item that can be drop shipped…
I know someone here who goes to library sales and buys and sells books on ebay.
The Youtube guys got lucky with a good idea that was something that they made fore themselves to share videos with eachother and their friends….they have such huge traffic that their company was worth alot of money to google, and traffic is worth money in advertising or whatever…though the TWIT guys and the DIGG guys were talking about how its such an iffy porposition because the really good content is illegal and if every network does a cease and desist it could be a huge white elephant…though I dont count out the interest of the american public in stupid videos of torturing animals and children!…and also cell phone video cameras publicizing stuff…
But it will all come down to advertising in some way…right?
Craigslist also makes money with some pay listings in real estate….
its another thing that a guy started for his friends….
Those things are less business models and more luck.
If you go on ebay and look around at what is making money…or look at what seems like it will be big coming up and try to get some in bulk…its a craps shoot, but like, dreamgirls is gonna be big?…or theyre saying that big boobs are back….or something having to do with impeachment and hearings….
I dont know if thats a living.
I just ran into a woman who works at the orthodontists office and she is leaving that day job because her scrapbooking business is taking off…she meets with people and helps them organize their pictures and scrapbook them…or does it for people who have no time.
Pet sitting seems to be pretty lucrative….but youd have to do it in scottsdale to charge a good fee probably.
Kristapea , A person could buy bulk herbs cheaply and sell online or around locally-ish or just a thought — about if you make bead necklaces and sell them on EBAY 😉
What I was thinking was Ebay broker KP where you provide a service and take say 30% of what the item goes for. You take care of the listing and then ship the product out. I know people(not well) who have done this.( I think the Catherine Keenan character in “40 Year Old Virgin” did this for a living.)
I am so tired.
I saw a book at my local bookstore about setting up this kind of business.
the Negraponte thing is like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic…yeah right, Condi hasnt had much help and has needed a deputy…yeah right….
Here Kristapea
Blue, that is an excellent idea…the stores that do this wont take items under a projected $50…but it is labor intensive…you go and look at people’s stuff and then photograph and list it and project a selling price…and you can take a pretty big chunk. I have tons of stuff that I havent had time to list…Im gonna have a garage sale just because its so labor intensive to list all the stuff….
If you dont mind that sorta work its a great idea….I get like a backache if I sit for too long at the computer and I start to go crazy after a while…but I love to watch my listings…
Ebay is definitley not as fun as it was when it first started…before it went all professional. You had to use code to even place pictures. Its pretty easy now.
I think it would be a good business for Travis too…:pup:
sblueheron 😎 re 76 and 78 😉
I think I’d like to get rid of half of my “stuff”!:fustrate:
SBlueTRES 😎 re 80
Im not usually so violent in my thinking but Im so pissed about the pocket bike rider who pissed cnick off the other day!!
Whooa, how could a pocket bike rider piss off anybody? Its kind of like getting mad at somebody that rams their grocery cart into your grocery cart in the supermarket.
SBlueHeron, :fustrate: seems to be the way for now, let me join you, cheers, :fustrate: :doh: :dancers:
Kristapea if you switch…
I got a couple of ideas of things to sell. And then there’s always porn :tongue::boobs: Vitamins, huh? Got a link?
I have to defend the locals
Craig’s List makes money but has never cashed in the way that it could have. I see Craig walking the streets and hanging out all of the time, often giving doggie treats to Cole Valley canines.
Hey …stupid me…I thought it was PJ’s birthday the other day.:doh:
That was why so many :spank::spank::spank:
The other day=January 1 :doh:
Thanks, Sblue. Hopefully I can get enough credit to get a Mac. We will see. 🙄
It could also be a business expense ❗
Light bulb emoticon is gone! The one that looks like FarmerKat’s donkey’s tail!
There it is.
Hey it’s a Stormy Moon today.
And Mel G. turned 51
Ok I will be quiet and :knit:
before I kill this blog.
or Travis
Hi SBlu My Bad, :spank: I fell asleep. If I fade away again, I will have “sat” down on me bed. :yawn: :banana:
(bed is too close to office :no::doh:
I am the BLOG Killer :tommygun: :reaper:
(maybe not. I think already dead :reaper:
Must have t:joe: 😎 Cheers. Wurk’n:idea::tongue:& Lurk’n (a wee bit) :hubba:
Last :!::banana::banana::yippee::yippee::dancers::nixon::omg::hot::hot::doh::doh::nana::nana:…………..:paranoid: