Maron in the studio with Sammy today – hopefully they’ll get the Sammy Cam up and running early. The only thing more exciting than watching one guy sit at a desk and talk is watching two guys. Actually, the between segments banter might be pretty funny. Then, of course, it’s the Season 11 premiere of Comedy Central Presents, starring you-know-who (and perhaps even a view or two of some Seditionists in the audience) at 10 PM EST (replayed at 4 AM, I think). Plus, it’s a three-day MLK weekend (shockingly, the holiday is on his actual birthday this year – which also happens to be my dad’s birthday). Too bad they’re both dead. My last weekend of freedom – and the last one where you won’t have to listen to me bitch about school (for a while, anyway). Have a good Friday (so to speak).
:tommygun:mwah ha ha take that nazi scum!!!!!
i added a picture of Thaddeus to the photo page. Tried to upload two others, but they wouldn’t go. I’ll try again later.
Saw bits of lizard woman during the hearing yesterday. I don’t think she had a good day. I couldn’t believe rethug after rethug said they no longer could support the war. My jaw dropped. She refused to call it an escalation. Is she human?
Enjoyed seeing Maron. Thankfully, mr fk was up and watching because the recording of maron happened during the Conan time slot. the delay was because of the presideunce’s speech.
Take that wimpy hunters (I hope, there are still GOOD Hunters ) [oxymoron alert:!: ]
:tommygun: — Marc, I can even clean them — :hubba:[maniacal laughter by me]
:cat:MARC IS ON SOON :yippee: :pup: (furry parade — also including [thx Farmerkat:pup:] Thaddeus aka donkey tail – thx SBH:cat:)
ggggggoooooooodddddddddmornin’ maronistas :!::dancers::yippee:
:cold:5degrees F and light snow
Is Marc going to be on the whole 3 hours? :banana:
Random thoughts:
1) Condi on the Hill yesterday: Remember when you were a kid and made a weird face, and your mom warned you that if you didn’t stop it, your face would freeze like that? Damn. The words coming out of her mouth were not all that hostile, but if looks could kill, Chuck Hegel’s funeral would be on Monday.
2) Gordon Smith is a lying piece of conservative homophobic shit who tries to pretend he is a moderate.
Do not be taken in by this captain of the christo-fascist zombie brigade.
Comment by Wanwenxia — January 11, 2007 @ 7:57 pm
What’s he doing in the Senate anyway? Isn’t he Canadian? I thought only Canadians were allowed to be named Gordon. Maybe Australians too, but certainly not Americans. Americans have nice, strong patriotic names like Condoleezza and Dick. :nana:
3) Yesterday I wished for lots of coverage of the House and Senate hearings on the PBS News Hour, and they did not let me down. (I didn’t get the Condi vs. Nancy catfight I was hoping for, but what the hell.) Thanks, kids. You rock. This is why I send them money at pledge time. Plus the autographed Frank Rich book they sent me is cool to have too. (Hi Melina!) :love:
4) My three-day weekend starts at 3:30.
a friend’s son-in-law is in the military in Iraq (stop loss).
What our leader’s criminally insane plan will do is extended this young man’s unit an extra 125 days. the wife writes:
I finally get BILL PRESS [on NovaM and “they” are getting rid of him. because Thom is on and although he is the next HE IS NOT BILLw/ electronic voice:hubba:
What no longer, “This is the Bill Press Show?” sniff
Condi on the Hill yesterday: Remember when you were a kid and made a weird face, and your mom warned you that if you didn’t stop it, your face would freeze like that?
Oh, that is so true. She had an evil eye going.
Bill Press is leaving? I like him.
I do not know what NovaM is doing? They seem to earlier [unk now since I do not listen, but Thom is still on] have Thom on a loop, thus back to the Young Turks, BUT NOT BILL sniff.
Well, gotta do downstairs :crap: and get t:joe: [WAKE UP:!:] before
M A R C :yippee:
contrition from Barry!
You know, if I didnt know better I would think that Condi’s handlers had let her botox go, as this thing has escalated, just enough to make her look really, really GRAVE!!
I think that we are gonna be looking at some very fun hearings….I found cspan3 on somehthing like ch. 113….I really need to get a 50″ screen TV for this crap….its just too good to watch on this old piece of crap.
I love to hear some of these rethugs saying the C word…this may even be CRIMINAL!!
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
hey KK!…hows things in tomorrowland?
So, my son is going to be 13 in 1 week exactly…and today he went off to school bending the dress code by wearing a black button down shirt black pants and a black tie. I had picked up the shirt yesterday as something to wear with jeans…and he needed a plain black tie…who knew he would gel his hair down over his face a la emo/goth bands and dress all in black (and he took a white shirt in case he gets in trouble!.)..thats my boy!
Hey, Melina.
It’s cold and rainy (if 51?F is ‘cold’ to you). However, love may be in the air, as the gal I’ve been chasing gave me an elegant watch for my birthday.
How’s it there?
Hi KK! Happy Birthday! :cake: happy to hear :love: is in your midsts.
Melina, the teenager has a birthday next week, too. turns 18 on Monday. He’s already received a card from the selective service and I’m giving him a voter registration card. He started saying things like, i can do what I want when I’m 18 :nana: . I had to explain the virtues of living for free under someone else’s roof.
Wait’ll he finds out you never get to do what you want (unless you get to be Chimp in Chief, of course).
I am here :hot: … with t:joe: [ which do not take a sip when reading Farmerkat’s post explain the virtues of living for free under someone else’s roof. :rofl2: trying not to spit out tea all over keyboard {Sue P T:joe: cheers :alc: for ailing keyboard}
I cannot see where to get this “bloody “l””webcam :scream: :pullI Have it, the SAMMYCAMMY :yippee:hair:
coldish and rainy, KK…just started raining again…and my workguys are valiantly trying to work on the path.
PJ, what is the streaming address for AAR? IM trying to find it…where do they put it…is it in the subscribe page?
is the video stream not working?:eek:
I usually cant get it anyway…but I need to put the streaming address in my palm treo so I can stream the show at the gym….
You can use the links on the right under multimedia. There are links for Icecast (mp3), WM, and Real formats.
I have the sammy cam on. Sammy just said “these people are such fucking idiots!”
King Kong — How Charming…:love: awwwwww, I will have to be nice now, hearing of :love: Nayyyyy, My parents never got to send me to Georgia, to step-fathers (but I only knew him as Dadddddd)
relatives, to become a PROPER young lady. :no:
“Women Who Behave, Rarely Make History”
[but I say Her-Story and His-story]:cool::yippee::cool:
pj- Sorry I’m such an idiot but I’m only getting the audio from the
wmp link. Is there a video? I couldn’t find it on the AAR site
art…go in premuim and where it says Free Sammy cam….but it never comes up for me even thoug Im also ap remuim member…I think…
This is the SammyCam link (its different from the audio streams). It’s Real Media format.
Also, I was posting on Sam’s Blog — but it said something like
Error — something about web and server and WE = OUI = Whatever:!: being down try again.– …..and I said :fu:F@#$ing Computer :doh:and came running back HOME to MSists and Studies eek:eek: but :yippee:
pj- Thank You! :dancers::nod:
Is sams email address Sam at majorityreportradio dot com?
Air America Radio
samsedershow(use the @ symbol instead of everything in these parentheses)
is this what you want?
THIS is so unbelievable…or actually its completely believable!
I got all sorts of information directly in opposition to this situation leading up to the election…and now its sorta clear that we can expect Lieberfuck to be voting with the Republicans sooner rather than later…he is off his rocker….
Ill post the rest of the info on RIPCoco in a while…have to do some stuff first…
I get so tired of rethugs saying, “But the DEMs voted for this too, like we rethugs.” TWIT RETHUGS it was since YOU FORCED and MANIPULATED their votes rethug twits:!:
(ketchup emo here)
4) My three-day weekend starts at 3:30. Kevin, is that what the kids call it now? Funny that my imac does not offer me that emo:?:
Bill Press is leaving? I like him. Druid, I missed this? were you streaming or listening over the air? How Cali of you to like Bill.
People are referencing Pete Seeger ‘Waste Deep in the Big Muddy’ ! I think I have to youtube this one.
Good Morning to all. Trying to get a solid SammyCam link for the next hour. Looking forward to the BATTLE O’ THE BEARDS! MARC soundcheck! Marc’s chin.
Yay! Marc’s in the house!
Can’t the folk in CT now just RECALL The Liar for His LIES —
Marc is like he is in a witness protection program. Where the hell does Janeane sit?
Marc- No! get back on the other side of the table:omg:
:rofl2::rofl2::rofl2::cool: :rofl2: :rofl2:
How Cali of you to like Bill.
and on STREAM so I can Zoom around and Listen :cool::yippee::dancers:
MARC JUST WALKED IFO CAM — I HEAR HIM..”whatever” :rofl2:
I know that no one has a capture of SamMarcy Cam but one can dream.
I think the recruiter has entered the room.
I WANT TO SEE MARC — SAM:!: Don’t blow my :love: for you, SAM, since you had Marc on your show.
can one capture this stream?
can’t get the stream here at the airport. Heron flying to San Diego.
if they get the ice off of the plane.
have to work on my b’day.
sad face emo here.
wvmc3d, recruiter
Happy :cake: sblue :yippee:
I wonder how many vente latte’s marc’s had?
melina can you really stream the show from your treo?
T:joe: a’brew’n and Marc:!: :hot:
yeah, with the new ptunes there is a radio part….I can get alot of stations but Nova is seemingly blocked. I have to put the addy in and see if I can get it.
I have the full evdo from verizon. and have a greta internet connection and the mail is so-so depending on the wireless sync.
SBlueHeron t:joe: Cheers. — So You Have To Work Tom…?:cry:
What is a Treo? :doh:
but, blue, Ill let you know if it comes through. If you donthave the new ptunes I think that handango will give you a trial version.
In any case I have so many podcasts to listen to now with the tech shows all revved up that if I have Al Franken on the side, Im swamped…..
Oh, Apple-Talk :rofl2: ….
Hey Blue…also Treo is gonna come out with a new model soon that is sleeker…I hope it has better battery life!
I need to get a spare batt…
I love this phone!
PJ are you going where Marc and Janeane are performing in NY?
Marc is right :growl: re Glen Beck
Now are rethugs trying to SUPER take over the radio waves now? :growl::roll::growl: = ComRad
I wish that they would get it together and add Marc to this show or give him his own show…he is just too good!
I guess IM gonna go down and see them tomorrow.
Im worried b/c I have a sharp throat pain, which sorta indicates bad things coming….
Going? Going where?
Waist Deep!
(apple emo here)
wvc…did you post THAT???….actually, Dru if you are referring to what we were talking about, the treo 700p is palm…as opposed to the Treo 700w, which uses the very ustable windows mobile….
no apple there…
Marc returns
Marc is looking in the camera
hes coming back….he cant stand by and allow this
ah, vern I thought it was that funny apple thing…nevermind….dont post it…you’ll be in trouble!
I hope he sees the lieberman stuff I sent him…its incredible how flopped Lie-berman is flipped
PJ, yeh I know I left off loc :doh: = one can now see corrected 56 or PJ are you going where Marc and Janeane are performing in NY?
Wow, never saw anything as unstable as the Treo 650 with the Palm OS. Glad to hear the 700 is better. My Audiovox (actually, rebranded Toshiba) with the PocketPC OS was a lot more reliable than any Palm device I had, but of course, it isn’t a phone. My wife has a Palm TX, which is nice, but has no native support for BT Audio, and the freakin’ thing loves to reboot itself all the time (which seems to be typical of the Palm OS). Always syncing problems, too. Well, I dunno about hers, but the one I used have, and the 650 I had for work. The 600 was a lot better, but still a bit on the flakey side.
Melina, I corrected the link. It was not an apple thing. I had enough of that over waldorf salad last night.
If I ever start a computer empire, I will call it Raisins and Celery. I don’t think any supergroups will be able to sue me.
No, NYC is quite a long ways from where I live. About a 4.5 hour drive if you could eliminate all the other cars on the road.
Sean could help :tommygun:
Yeah, actually, if it wasn’t for all the damn people, NYC might not be so bad. I’m not much for the concrete jungle, myself. I much prefer hills and trees and lakes and streams and open spaces.
I have the Sammy Cam on my real player right now. Any way I can save it? No cd burner on the laptop but a ext HD.
You could have probably captured it if you’d had it set up ahead of time, but not now. If I’d thought of it, I would have. Maybe it’ll show up on bittorrent (watch out for the RIAA, though).
It is still in my laptop. Is it a temp file somewhere I can save? So far it is accessible and playable (knock on wood).
pj re :nod:68 that is why I cannot go down and play in The City when he (Marc) appears. (When I was younger, it seemed as though it would take 4 1/2hrs but now it is closer to 6hrs Time)
The City :nod: (wvmc3d, giggle)
wvmc3d re 69 :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: …
You can “rewind” it and replay it?
For now I can
well, the cam wasnt much except that there was a little banter during commercials..and the funny brownie thing.
Well, it should be in a temporary directory, then. Keep RealPlayer open, and look in
Documents and Settings\
“your username”\
Local Settings\
and then something with a file name ending in .ram
No, they don’t show. No big deal/ I’ll just watch later and let it disappear.
:!:Evidently there is an intense delay here, behind The Redwood Curtain. All here can post, answer back and forth, with me posting an answer after all has “moved” on to talk about something else.:smack:
:growl::fist::growl: that Horrid Lying Snow. He is not answering the questions, Just Being Arrogant WITH NO FACTS, just lying — with NOTHING TO BACK UP HIS WORDS. :shakingwithanger::mad:
(wvmc3d SF A&A :rofl2: )
has anyone been on cspan 3 today? I was so busy and then watching the sammy cam that I forgot…I hope they rerun all these things over the weekend up the wazoo!!
Maybe I can get it on replay somehow and tape it….the ocndi one…if its not up on youtube already!
Buy Spay/Neuter Postcards = many read PC, now with a kitten or a puppie even MORE WILL”LOOK” AND READ…
I better go and Brew Tea:!: [Maniacal Laughter]
Snow YOU Are So DAMNED By Your Actions — solely by your actions. Cheers by Water and/or :alc:
That Snow is an evil fuck, huh? And the worst part is the sneering condescension as he lies and says nothing…no real information….nothing!!
Though I’d jump in here real quick with a question:
I bought the “Left of the Dial” DVD the other day and was listening to Randi and Marc’s commentary, which is as entertaining as the film itself – lot funnier – they’d make a good radio show themselves! – but was puzzled by the fact that the commentary suddenly stopped, right after the weird nightime meeting with Evan Cohen to get his signatures. Coincidence? Did Marc and Randi say something they shouldn’t have? Were they going at it? Did Marc lean on Senator-in-theory Franken a bit much?
Answers, anyone? I thought it interesting that not once did the film mention Mike Molloy – wasn’t he supposed to be the CEO of the venture originally? “Thank you for coming to this board meeting, you goddamn lying sons of bitches…”
Melina, I think earlier I heard on span3 and definitely on 3 NOW, about The House Legislation Regarding Drug Prices and is coming slowly to a vote.
pjsauter, Melina, or whoever
Can you answer The Dude ?:?:
wvmc3d — I was going to write to you about “:?:”, and how mine works like yours — but LOOK :yippee: :?::?::?::?::?:
Did You See:?: Dude, there’s The Dude :rofl2: :rofl2:
Dude, thanks for the Left of the Dial reminder. I sort of remember the absence of Malloy when I watched this on cable and just though it was an out of sight/site, out of mind deal. I want to check out the commentary thing but I think Franken (I’ve got my own movie to do) was a less than cooperative prima donna about the documentary and doubt that the makers would be protecting him. Nor Randi or Marc for that matter.
Actually the emo that does not show as an option on my pretty, virginal imac is the :jerk: but it did not work from my PC either even though in the menu. I thought maybe it was because we abused it too much yesterday or maybe I was going blind.
I thought that one of those emos was for (sorry, fred) Cowboy fans.:pent:
I hate to say it but every now and then when I see Melina’s name my inner music machine starts playing a Tone-Loc song. (No, not ‘Wild Thing’)
HR4 looks like it should FINALLY pass. Damn Rethugs :fist: HiiiYaaa were the obstacles :roll:.
Andrea Mitchell just said to this dem senator woman who is talking about the dems wanting to stop the money just for the increase of troop…and she said “well, its obvious that youve lost JOe Lieberman”…which is true, of course….but that asshole promised that eh would vote with the Dems…and then he said “IF it makes sense to ME!”
Oh shit…and web cams are being used by terrorists. I wonder of Homeland security has any real evidence besides one website.
Rep Hoyer re pay-go rule :slap: to asswhole minority blunt = the winner is Hoyer :fist: hiiyaaa :yippee:
I don’t believe Malloy was on board with AAR until after Left of the Dial was filmed. He was part of the I.E. America Radio Network (owned by the UAW, I think), based out of Detroit from 2000 – 2004. Besides Malloy, it included Peter B. Collins, Thom Hartmann, Jim Hightower, Nancy Skinner, Doug Stephan, Tony Trupiano, Peter Werbe, and Marianne Williamson. Maron and Rhodes saying something they shouldn’t? Perish the thought. But I don’t think it would’ve been cut out, as LOTD wasn’t an AAR endeavor. If anything, any Franken-slamming would probably have only been good for the DVD release, since controversy is always good for sales.
George McGovern is speaking in a moment on cspan 3 on the war….same quotes from him about VNW apply here….
My Liberal confession
I am about to listen to the KSFO attempt to deal with their Melanie Morgan PR disaster. Some of you may be able to hear me but I won’t be calling in.
Later that same day and on second thought :barf::fu:
Ill have to watch Left of the Dial again….
McGovern dined at my favorite restaurant in NOLa one night when I was there and aside from the fact that it is the best place in town, I was so happy about how everyone working there were as in awe as I was. if you are down there and you should be soon.
Ive never been there and maybe have lost my chance to ever see it the way it was….My firend’s cousin was right in the french quarter and tried to ride it out and eventually had to swim and walk out when things got so bad….
He is a slight, older, gay man, and apparently it was really hard for him to get out.
I wish I had gone before…I suppose I will go one of these winters. I expect that its really hot and humid and buggy in the summer….
Is that KSFO thing the thing with Spocko’s Brain? They want to have a town hall meeting on first ammendment rights….thats rich, aint it?
Hey, I think…though I may be wrong….that 24 is back on this sunday!!!!!!….is it? I have ot look at the TV guide
2 hrs Sunday, 2 hrs Monday. rush is all over it.
:billcat: Re 94
If my failing memory serves Sheldon Drobny in The Road to Air America (which came out before LOTD) said that he had hoped Malloy would be on the network at the beginning. Drobny did not say why he wasn’t.
From this morning’s St Petersburg Times:
Florida Sen. Bill Nelson told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice that Bush’s new plan had compelled him to pull his support for the war in Iraq.
“I have not been told the truth,” Nelson said at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “I have not been told the truth over and over again by administration witnesses, and the American people have not been told the truth.”
Welcome aboard, Clarence. It sure took you long enough, but better late than never, I guess.
I will be sending the good senator an e-mail thanking him for his revised stance and welcoming him to the land of fact-based reality.
RIP RAW :reaper:
Robert Anton Wilson Defies Medical Experts and leaves his body @4:50 AM on binary date 01/11.
Thank You … Kristapea re
sniff :cry::cry: but celebrate :cry::banana: your passing :yippee:
:reaper: :dancers: :reaper: :bow: :pent: :om: :gate: :om: :pent: :bow: Good Journeys :reaper: :dancers: :reaper:
Wavy Gravy once asked a Zen Roshi, “What happens after death?”
The Roshi replied, “I don’t know.”
Wavy protested, “But you’re a Zen Master!”
“Yes,” the Roshi admitted, “but I’m not a dead Zen Master.”
Posted by Robert Anton Wilson
[I call upon you as a guide for the many of the few, now for oh so many reasons…thus is posted]
:idea:AWEN :pent: :om::yinyang::gate: Again, Great Journeys AWEN :pent: :om: :yinyang:
NELLIE WAS EATING A DEAD BIRD IN THE BATHROOM!!!!:yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck:
Do you know a truck driver going from Toronto to the U.S. and willing to drive a WILD skunk [:rofl2:]
:blech::blech::blech:THAT DOG IS NOT KISSING ME AGAIN!
:pup:Nellie, :pup: :pup::pup::pup::pup::pup: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :pup:
What, she should’ve been eating it in the dining room?
its perfectly natural Krista…just make sure she didnt roll on it!
My pup loves slugs and worms…brings them in the dog door from the run in the woods. Also likes to eat poo…so does lola…adn even Coco used to a little….its pretty common.
These guys also like bird poo!
Would definitely take a dead animal of any kind, any time
…or eating it on your bed?
KSFO was th Spocko’s Brain thing and they made a big deal about what a coward he was for not appearing with them. They proceeded to play a lot of the clips, sometimes in longer form, and claimed that they were out of context or old. It was a regular :barf:fest. This was from the same crowd that yucked up the flipflop bit with Kerry and have been playing up the stuff about Dems now opposing the engorgement who supported increased troop levels more than 18 months ago. Also the same crowd that relies on that pillar of journalistic integrity and reliability on the internets Drudge and who publish columns on World Net daily.
What was funny and if I had the energy I might have tried in some way to point out was that everything that they were claiming the evil, sinister, humorless bloggers and later the “MSM” was doing to them, they and theirs do on a regular basis.”Out of context” or “old” quotes, partial truth and the like. Also funny was to see these folks whining like the “victim society” they love to vilify. What wasn’t funny is what they tried to pass off as humor and satire. We know humor, we know satire, and these folks are not humor and satire. That
Spocko attacked them, successfully to some extent, at the advertising level was brilliant to my thinking, especially in light of the blacklisting of progressive radio. I have often refused to patronise their advertisers from the Weiner/Savage days.
I hope people just put them back on ignore so their fame remains marginal. Melanie Morgan has been a creep for years. I am sure that her rise in broadcasting has had nothing to do with her husband being the station manager. Most revulsive in her career was when she was hawking pinups of herself on the station’s website. :barf:
Melina, much as I know you don’t like it, I give these people
and :barf::barf: and a :cres: and a :fu:
Melina, what is on c-span 1 now was what was on this morn :fustrate::doh::omg: —
— also ask “the one who went to school dressed in black” if He Knows Evanescence :omg: My Ben and Willard sends their Greetings to Will and Ben :nuts: :omg: :rofl2:
and you never know where their noses have been
ummm i am going from toronto to the us……
:yuck:but i dont think i can do it!
…SeanMS, :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: you probably wouldn’t want to take it.
I just had to write you back :rofl2:
…C-SPAN 1 McCain and Def Sec gates = :barf:
…Now, I have to exercise, stoke up fire :tommygun: [cold metal on a warm day], and ‘brew’ :omg: t:joe: Cheers.
oh, yeah #10
Farmerkat, Speed? In baseball?:omg:
Actually I am a little behind on this story being preoccupied with the engorgement in Iraq but if they start tossing that * around, may the lord have mercy.
I guess you missed gw’mandate’b yesterday, unfortunately.
I’m still disgusted with my dog. It’s hard to look at her right now. I know it’s natural for dogs to kill and eat birds but I don’t want it splayed out in my bathroom! I bet Phoebe taught her that. She’s the original bird killer. :no:
I flushed a wounded bird a cat mauled once. :reaper: It was so early in the morning and those around me were wimping out but it was merciful, I hope.
Of course, there were a few Monty Python sketches running through my head when I did it.
ugh i hate csi!
One learns the reality of the food chain in the moutains and with strays * Dramatis Personae *
SeanMS I wanted to say this to you:
:tommygun::yippee: :pirate::cool: SEANMS IS #1:cool::pirate::yippee:
Farmerkat is #2 :yippee::pirate::cool:
and i am #3 :pirate::cool::fist:
re:LeftOfTheDial DVD —
the commentary suddenly stopped, right after the weird nightime meeting with Evan Cohen to get his signatures.
I remember Marc and Randi saying they had to go take a bathroon break, so yes it was quiet for a stretch. I always associated it with that but you could be right. But boy, that commentary sure was interesting!
Sean was Omega as well though not as Omega as the Ultra-Omega the night before.
Happiness is having c-span 1 “senate armed service committee” :barf: FINALLY :omg: :growl: :fist:
“drowned” by iPOD and Evanescence. :rofl2:
CNick said i “rock to hard” — and evan…is hard rock :omg: :pirate: w/Danu :pup:
*CNick is just “whoring” around :rofl2: :spank: :rofl2:
*BUT Gypsy is on The List [Candle In The Window List :rofl2:] Soon My Pretty … :pent::wink: Ether Realm :kiss:
Hey, I was thinking about Gypsy because I am determined to make a butterscotch pudding from something other than a jello box.
When I want to cook, I think Gypsy and hope all is well.
OOOOooooo SeanieMS is the End and the Beginning. I was used to, besides SeanMS and me, a Constant Omega / Alpha
wvmc3d reUltra-Omega the night before :rofl2::wink:
Oh, I saw a roxieseattle sighting, but didn’t get to the sam seder blog soon enough :yippee: :yippee: I will get you too my Pretty with your :billcat:meows:cat: too :pent: :knit::love: :knit: :pent:
Melina, I am listening to McGovern now ….. :pup:
Bush vows he won’t be stopped by Congress
Bush Interview Video
hey its travis!
:tommygun:you gonna die bigtime!
Roxieseattle is on (haha) the phone ….
Blog tell her how much you miss her
carlitos way is sweet!
I am not sure how but ‘roxie on the phone’, love and :yippee: Hope you are well. You should drop in sooner than later. You should just come back.
‘Between the Buttons’ may have been the best Stones album.
Don’t ask! Scrambling worlds here.
which phone is she?
she says HI:!: to ALL:!:
PJ … she is a PC user :yippee:
Evenin’, all, how’s everyone?
ex, where’s my snow?
Snow up here at around 3am WTF or are ya talk’n ’bout The Snowjob :jerk:
I refer to ex’s forecast of yesterday for the arrogant. Not the snow job I think you suffered earlier today nor the apple of some eyes..
I don’t think we’re gonna see snow here in The City after all. They’re not hyping it on the am shows anymore like they were a day or two ago…
But still, dang it’s cold, by San Francisco standards! :cold:
Samsara the cat :billcat: piled onto my lap.
Kristapea, love that doggy for who he/she is, don’t hold it against him (her?). She’s hardwired that way, When Sammy and his now deceased buddy Boots used to drag birds and mice into my old garden-studio apartment and leave bones and feathers around, that is what I had to tell myself. I’ll never forget one time when Boots bagged a *live* bluebird, or bluejay, a beauty, and came bounding into the apartment like he was Genghis Khan sweeping through the Steppes :omg: holeee sheeit I think that birdee managed to get away, but he sure enjoyed the chase, and Samsary soaked up the hunting lessons (he was the younger one). I freed the critters whenever I could get them out of the boys’ mouths or paws…hmmmm, I wonder if Samsary remembers those days. :cat:
DITTO Weekly Message, [late as usual]:
I do not want to be stepping on any toes … BUT If not here where? Where we weird wonderful folk, centering on The Maron (who I hear gives great hugs One Day ….. Hubby got to see you but not me. RATS ) where we Gather and Create
*Irish Blessing*
(what my Grandmother and Grandfather did when family and friends would be gone (for a certain time)).
:menorah: :cake:
“Candle in Window ” — To Light The Way Home
***GYPSY — :pent:WHERE ARE YOU?:pent: — and :pup:
:billcat:– RoxieSeattle :cat: She picked well :nod:
What did this mean :dancers: / (giggle) COME HOME:!:
SBlueHeron is here missing you, and AGAIN Travis too — missing YOU sniff. Come Home Roxie…. sniff Que Pasa?
– found one or two of the missing (or they found me)
– Susan Joy At least drop by every so often and say Cheers. Libra Luv WHERE FORE ART THOU?
– NickiRose Where’s my battle partner. Huh? ET TU
– {{{KAHN}}} guess who use to send this way. Now that’s your test
*Tell me if any others are missing also.
Ni Neart Go Cur … (no “accents) Book of Kells
In Unity There Is Strength
(…and sometimes we differ, sometimes argue,
then just don’t talk to each other — talk to me teehee
I talk with ALL.)
CNick “phoned home” sorta
Gotta run down the basement to retrieve laundry and put the next load into the dryer (getting a head start on this three day weekend by getting whites and colors both done in one swoop).
Thanks whoever posted that clip of Seeger singing the Big Muddy. I know it’s kind of hoaky to some, but boy is it every timely yet again.
Ok, so by the time I got the family sorted out with their much needed medicinal mj (eh hem – yoo hoo DHS, over here!), overdue dinner cooked, laundry started – I turn on Comedy Central, and I think I just missed Marc on it! :fustrate: I cycled through Dish Satelllite’s program listings and see the next time here in SF is 12am tomorrow night, so I’ll try to prop the eyes open or cross my fingers and hope the vcr works in conjunction with the satellite hookup. I”ve mostly given up on trying to do that, becuase I seem to screw it up most times. But for Marc, I will try.
Anyone have any link to any audio or video of these last couple of days of Maron-mania?
I think Maron is on again at 4 AM. If I got it right I may have it on video tape anyway but I won’t know for a few days. Standing by a dryer sounds good about now.
:tommygun:benny blanco from the bronx is gangster!
Now that’s a heater. Night y’all.
G’Night wvmc3d I need to work on fire :tommygun:
giggle a.i.v.
Wv, I’m on Dish Satellite. No Maron listing at all until tomorrow night at midnight. You must have cable or something else.
Just came up the back stairs, and by the time I got to the third story, the wind chill made me wish I had put on the hat and scarf. :cold:
Downloading a Townes Van Zandt interview on the utube that popped up after the Seeger clip was done. I never have heard or seen any of his work, but a record shop owner in New Paltz NY told me if I like Steve Earl and Phil Ochs, I oughto check him out.
Druid, goodnight, and good luck with the fire! :cold::cold:
So wv, if I can’t manage to watch or tape Maron tomorrow night, I’ll be asking you if you managed to get it.
Did he wind up being on Letterman? Was he on Seder today? Can I link to either of these somewhere?
wvmc3d and ex-ny’er the Seeger clip was VERY :cool:. :nod:
It’s Bloody Freezing :cold: :cold::cold:
ex-ny’er, :wink:, Can’t tell ya ’bout all dat fancy tech-y stuff, but if you go to Comedy Central (THX ROXIESEATTLE)dot com, you can see the Letterman or possibly tonight or Monday — but unknown.
Sleep Well EX and WV :knit: :gate: Good Journeys, awake or asleep
Waist Deep in the Big Muddy
It was back in nineteen forty-two,
I was a member of a good platoon.
We were on maneuvers in-a Loozianna,
One night by the light of the moon.
The captain told us to ford a river,
That’s how it all begun.
We were — knee deep in the Big Muddy,
But the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, “Sir, are you sure,
This is the best way back to the base?”
“Sergeant, go on! I forded this river
‘Bout a mile above this place.
It’ll be a little soggy but just keep slogging.
We’ll soon be on dry ground.”
We were — waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
The Sergeant said, “Sir, with all this equipment
No man will be able to swim.”
“Sergeant, don’t be a Nervous Nellie,”
The Captain said to him.
“All we need is a little determination;
Men, follow me, I’ll lead on.”
We were — neck deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool said to push on.
All at once, the moon clouded over,
We heard a gurgling cry.
A few seconds later, the captain’s helmet
Was all that floated by.
The Sergeant said, “Turn around men!
I’m in charge from now on.”
And we just made it out of the Big Muddy
With the captain dead and gone.
We stripped and dived and found his body
Stuck in the old quicksand.
I guess he didn’t know that the water was deeper
Than the place he’d once before been.
Another stream had joined the Big Muddy
‘Bout a half mile from where we’d gone.
We were lucky to escape from the Big Muddy
When the big fool said to push on.
Well, I’m not going to point any moral;
I’ll leave that for yourself
Maybe you’re still walking, you’re still talking
You’d like to keep your health.
But every time I read the papers
That old feeling comes on;
We’re — waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep in the Big Muddy
And the big fool says to push on.
Waist deep! Neck deep! Soon even a
Tall man’ll be over his head, we’re
Waist deep in the Big Muddy!
And the big fool says to push on!
Words and music by Pete Seeger (1967)
TRO (c) 1967 Melody Trails, Inc. New York, NY
Thanks Druid, I’ll give Comedy Central a look.
Great lyrics, wv.
hey remember me benny blanco from the bronx……
Ok, so I’m at the Comedy Central website now, and I see they’ve got our Marc (note the possessive, he’s *our’s*) billed as “He’s like and Iggy Pop-Woody Allen”. Okaaaay. Llike the suit jacket with the screamin’ yellow shirt. Now let’s see if my modem survives the download before I can’t keep my eyes open anymore…
Who in heck is Benny Blanco??
Goddamit, it makes like it’s downloading a Maron clip, it never plays it, and then it starts to download some other performer’s clip. Ok, I’m tired, I’m signing off and going to bed. G’night all!
:doh:Benny Blanco you know Benny Blanco from the Bronx? he shoots Al Pacino in Carlitos Way played by John Leguizamo…………
I just want to get WARM:!: :tommygun: :pirate::parrot: aye matey
:hot: :cool:………nah, I do not have much of an attitude :pirate:
Mwah HaHa [right SeanMS & wvmc3d teehee]
and believe me…its easier to blog in the car in stamford than in chelsea…..
listening to odonell on franken