Another chilly day around most of the country, made worse by the fact that I actually have to get up and leave the house in the early morning to take junior to work, as my wife gets to go lollygagging around Binghamton. Even worse, I have to go to a damn class tonight. Wednesdays really do suck.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ :crap:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ :yuck:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
:growl: :growl: :sheep: le
It looks like the democrats and our “liberal” media are in election 2008 all the time mode with a little Libby trial thrown in .. perhaps it provides an convent smoke screen so one does not notice that they are totally ineffective at checks and balances or anything else so far . :growl: :growl: :yuck: :barf: :gate: :omg: .
Here are some suggestions for Art as to what Bill Ritters government should do if they really wanted to do something other than legalize what was already happening with drugs being imposted into Colo from Canada and create unenforceable and costly immigration measures
1. Forbid Excel Energy and Colorado Spring Utilities from disconnecting services to customers who have been unemployed for more than a year.
2. Forbid mortgage companies from foreclosing on property in Colorado for a period of one year .. with the ability to extend the time .
3. Forbid the execution of judgments on individuals that have been unemployed for a period of more than one year
4. Change the bankruptcy criteria that was last revised in 1984 to bring the dollar amounts up to agree with current automobile and housing prices .. make the criteria such that it is indexed with current costs .
5. Cap credit card interest rates at something less than 20%
Something like this would be worth while what they are doing to so far is a bunch of feel good look like you are doing something while not doing anything :crap:
As an incentive point out that a 50cal assault rifle can shoot though an 8 inch cinder block wall . The effect on granite blocks is still in the evaluation phase . :rant1: :rant1:
These Fricking politicians at all levels must be held accountanble more often than every two years :reaper: :reaper:
Those are all good suggestions Fred. As I said before, Ritter doesn’t introduce legislation. You should contact Andrew Romanoff with your suggestions. :peace:
They are having a DOD budget hearing on C-span.. I find it interesting that the ranking rethug is in charge of the hearing What in the H* do we need 12 carrier battle groups for ??
They keep evolving the reasons we are in Iraq I think the next next suggestion will be to kill everyone there so that all these Terrasist are not sitting on top of our oil .. ..
Rethugs and militarists are ๐ฟ
The governors office can suggest an agenda .In many cases the above suggestions don’t require legislation just an order from the governors office or the state attorney general .
I couldn’t tell you which one’s. I think Excel is regulated by a board that’s appointed- probably a majority of which were put there by Owens.
The Attorney General as you know is a rethug.
Ritter’s not going to stick his neck out too far on any one thing. So far the pro-choice people are happy with him.
We’ll know more if he signs the labor bill which is on his desk making it easier to form a union in one of the most anti-union states in the nation. :fist:
The demodorps as well as the thugbots still don’t want to come to grips with WHY the Iranians want to build nuclear weapons .. Perhaps if one looked at the direct deposits from AIPAC to there checking accounts it would explain some things . :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Excell energy is a private company derived from the merger of Public Service Company of Colo with a couple of other little utilities . I don’t think they are regulated . but what they are doing is a matter of public safety. All of the above things endanger peoples lives much more than any terraist does . .
Ewww its Hillary A (for AIPAC) D ( for DLC) Clinton .. must stand on chair with left arm in the air to keep watch out of the BS . :yuck: ๐ฎ :fustrate: :paranoid:
Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
It occurred to me that the Colo PUC might have something to do with Excell . After these 12 years of thug rule I wonder if it is still viable or just made up of Utility and Trucking company execs. The thugs were good at making everything go to hell in a hand basket .
Hey Kevin, do you not have a computer in your apt?
Comment by Kristapea รขโฌโ February 6, 2007 @ 7:58 pm
We have a business center next to the office that has two PCs, a printer and a copier. For the last several months it’s only been open during business hours, meaning I can’t access it after 6 PM and all day Sunday. They are installing a pass-card system today, so by the time I get home tonight it will be back to 24/7 access.
It was completely closed down for a few months last year, which was a pain, but also good in that a lot of people who had been using it got fed up and bought PCs, making it more available now for cheapskates like me. ๐
Forget Bush and Cheney…
screw the chickenshits in the Senate…
let’s get to the important stuff…
:banana: :banana: :banana:
And she’s single again too! :hubba: :hubba: :hubba:
:hot: :hot: :hot:
Isn’t having to use the bus to go blogging a bit unhandy ??
spiders on drugs
Is it just me or are people bitching and moaning about STUPID things? I mean do you all care about the artist formerly known as Prince, and then known as Prince again, phallic performing shadow?
IIIIIIIEEEEEEEE :yuck: :barf: :barf: :crap: :crap: :fustrate: :fustrate:
Nooooooo .. No Hillary in 08 Nooo Nooo Nooo
“Is it just me or are people bitching and moaning about STUPID things?”
Only since oh………..about 1958 when they only showed Elvis from the waist up on teevee :rofl2:
During the Clinton admin Prince would have been important but now we have performing Jackasses to watch ..
I didn’t know they hid the elvis’ pelvis. That’s funny.
Prince is a weird dude but that was a great performance in the rain.
It reminded me of another performance in the rain by Ray Charles at the first ever Winterpark Jazz Festival in the early eighties.
The whole big band Ray Charles Orchestra with the Rayettes in a pouring rain for about 400 rain-soaked fans giving it his all. When he moved from the piano to the electric piano facing the crowd we were yelling “Full-frontal Ray!” :rofl2:
Betty Carter was standing on a balcony looking on smoking a joint :bong:
Anyone curious to know who Betty Carter is will have to pay for a drink ๐ฏ
Y’all have a GREAT day. My daughter and I are off to our schools.
Good Morning :joe:
re:#22…Im old…very old…
Jenn, that was one of the most important moments in the progress of rock and roll…because iof there was something to hide then the kids wanted to see it!
oh, and good morning sheeple!
Are we approaching when Green is gonna take over AAR?
The 14th I believe…I hope….
I have to start catching up…
Hard to believe Ed Sullivan censored Elvis Costello, isn’t it? Not to mention wanting Mick Jagger to sing “let’s spend some time together.”
Awwwe :gate:
Yeah, now that the EU is about to bust Apple’s DRM lock, Steve Jobs is claiming to have seen the light. Of course, they already sell music on iTunes that you can get elsewhere not wrapped in DRM – but not from iTunes.
so…they are now gonna pry them apart to try to study what goes into making love last…. ๐
So I suppose they feel compelled to pull them apart after all these years just to test them.
Yeah, what she said.
Didn’t Ed Sulivan want to require the Beetles to get their hair cut before they appeared too ??
Hey Krista whats it with all this dog washing?? I thought the rule about dog washing was quite similar to that for washing a coffee pot.. that is only wash them when absolutely necessary .. ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
How do we know the skeleton couple aren’t wrestling? :slap:
Nellie was REALLY stinky. :nod: Hard to ignore in my tiny place :yuck: I put off dog washing as much as possible, trust me.
Oh Fred…I try to wash before they stink…Dogs get really smelly. You just need to use appropriate shampoo. I have a dry itchy dog who I use head and shoulders or moisturizing dog shampoo on…etc…
I would wash them once a week or so…less in winter…depending on the dog and activity level!
My dogs start to smell like homeless people if I leave them for too long…thats because they are less furry than regular dogs.
So, a vet told me that you need to wait to wash 2 weeks before and after when applying Frontline. Anyone else hear that?
Details of the AAR sale from Smoking Gun
I usually put it on whenever…
I have put it on right after a basth and no one died or anything.
Buck has this Andoplasmosis thing that is a new tick borne disease that can kill them if its bad enough…still waiting for blood results on that.
So, I would’d wait 2 whole weeks after a bath. It dosnt say that on the box does it? There would have to be a warning if it were a problem….but the real problem is the tick diseases! Be very careful!
back and to the left back and to the left…… :tommygun:
It’s not that the tick stuff is harmful if applied within 2 weeks of a bath, it’s that it won’t work how it’s supposed to. I am wondering if that possibly happened with Jane. I may have given her a bath within 2 weeks of applying Frontline.
I do believe it says on the box to wait 2 weeks after to bath but I’m quite sure it doesn’t say anything about before, the vet said that and I thought it was weird.
I was just listening to O’Donnell putting out the hard sell for Hillary for 08 .. is this Green guy likely to be less AIPAC and DLC connected ..
Al Obviously had a bias .. :yuck:
BANGKOK, Thailand – Researchers in the remote forests of Cambodia said Wednesday they have discovered the only known colony in Southeast Asia of slender-billed vultures and scores of other endangered birds. The colony was discovered last month in the jungles east of the Mekong River in Cambodia’s Stung Treng Province.
“Amazingly, there were also a host of other globally threatened species of birds and primates,” Song Chansocheat said in a statement. “It’s a very special place.”
The team also spotted a red-headed vulture, giant ibis and an endangered primate called a silvered langur, or leaf monkey.
Researchers said slender-billed vultures have been found in other parts of Southeast Asia but that the only other known colony until now was in northern India. They are believed extinct in many parts of Southeast Asia, including Thailand.
Doesn’t the Flea and Tick powder have to soak into the hair follicles so that it either smells badly to the Flees and Ticks so they leave or it rubs off on them and the chemical kills them . ??
That would explain the two weeks before but why you can’t apply it righ after the bath is a good question . โ โ
Lets hope these researchers in Thailand don’t spy one of those supposedly early ancestors of birds .. ๐ฎ Yum Human Yum
seanie…did you see my message yesterday?
well, I use frontline and preventic collars…because frontline stops the ticks from attaching but not from riding the dogs into your house…
Sean- I wanted to know what you know abotu the mucchemical romance tour…Will and Ben want to go, but I wont allow them into general admission…and I am a little worried even about reserved seating. Its an all ages show, but they are only 13….I suppose that there is a parents waiting room…but it seems a little young.
Advantage is supposedly waterproof and shampoo proof, so I assume Frontline is, too. Not really a good idea to wash the dog too, too often, but with the proper shampoo, it’s OK to do periodically. Advantage and Frontline aren’t about repelling fleas – they are neurotoxins that attack the little fucker’s nervous systems, and make them die the horrible deaths they so richly deserve. Yes, I know that goes against the whole “all life is sacred” thing, but you mess with my dog, and you’re messin’ with me.
pjsauter, hahaha :rofl2:
I wanted to use Frontline, for the tick protection. Never to be. Danu and another broke out in open sores. Eck. And Advantage — confirmed by Vet, that only lasts about 3 weeks.
SOME ANIMALS DO BETTER ON FRONTLINE just not mine sniff. … Test I guess.
Just my opinion, my vote, Melina. Melina, I am sorry — they SHOULD GO — AND YOU (and family or friends need to go to back you ๐ :rofl2: I too am short and fine bone)
Tell Will to be a real :one of the dark” {Goth or goth-like} stand back “look” uninvolved “cool” yet “seeing” all. See the clowns ๐ play — the clowns within the clowns.
For just NOW Melina, a 13 yr old trying to find himself, needs to see, But Mothers and Fathers of TODAY must be actively involved — at least until 14 – 16.
I remember my first concert when 13. I and MOST had a “chaperon” but ultimately that did no use. :rofl2:
Will is “a bit dark” ๐ He is sensitive and creative. He feels, although you do much, he feels “searching…” …
He needs to go and “hang” in the shadows. You need to go and hang even deeper in the shadows BUT “SEES” ALL..
Bring alies and ROCK :rofl2: ๐
You are His Mother, and He is your love and resposibility.
There is no debate…that is the offer…tell him to make sure — is this the “first Concert” he wants to attend.?. Let him know this is a “special” event
This was just my opinion from the dark side … :rofl2: and I am not talking about “hacking”. 8)
Is it just me or are people bitching and moaning about STUPID things? I mean do you all care about the artist formerly known as Prince, and then known as Prince again, phallic performing shadow?
Comment by jenn รขโฌโ February 7, 2007 @ 7:55 am
Hey, some people make a good living bitching and moaning about stupid things. Just ask Sean Hannity. ๐
As someone who has been a Prince fan since 1979 (jeez, am I old), the phallic shadow guitar was nothing compared to some of the stuff that went on back in the day. Prince has toned down his act considerably since Larry Graham brought him into the Jehovah’s Witnesses several years ago.
My guess is that most of the people whining about Prince’s halftime show corrupting their precious children are the same people who drive Hummers to compensate for their shortcomings in other areas.
Hard to believe Ed Sullivan censored Elvis Costello, isnรขโฌโขt it?
Comment by pjsauter รขโฌโ February 7, 2007 @ 9:43 am
Hey, Elvis landed Diana Krall. He must have something going on there. 8)
slow blog day..bloggin from the treo 650…
all I’m saying is indoor cats never get fleas.
prince was cool..i have been keeping the hotel channel on comedy central.
watching for some funny.
Every day that I go forth into this COLD weather I think about all the fleas and ticks that will not hatch as a result of it.
Puerto Rico – An Army officer who investigated possible abuse at Guantanamo Bay after some guards purportedly bragged about beating detainees found no evidence they mistreated the prisoners รขโฌโ although he did not interview any of the alleged victims, the U.S. military said Wednesday.
I know you all find this very surprising.
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) – Deep in the dusty, unlit corridors of Kenya’s national museum, locked away in a plain-looking cabinet, is one of mankind’s oldest relics: Turkana Boy, as he is known, the most complete skeleton of a prehistoric human ever found.
But his first public display later this year is at the heart of a growing storm – one pitting scientists against Kenya’s powerful and popular evangelical Christian movement. The debate over evolution vs. creationism – once largely confined to the United States – has arrived in a country known as the cradle of mankind.
“I did not evolve from Turkana Boy or anything like it,” says Bishop Boniface Adoyo, head of Kenya’s 35 evangelical denominations, which he claims have 10 million followers. “These sorts of silly views are killing our faith.”
My pet rock never gets fleas, either.
My pet rock gets Boxelder bugs a lot ๐ฎ
pjsauter, My pet rock never gets fleas, either
and Pet Rock Fellow Fred
… but can it do tricks?…
real :pup: = 1 :yippee:
Pet Rocks = 0
Yeah, we don’t really have a tick problem up here, thanks to the cold. Usually not too bad for fleas, either, but some years are bad. I try not to put any poison on the dog at all, if I can get away with it, but when the fleas are bad, I go with the advantage, which seems to be better than the Frontline, flea-wise
One of the more interesting aspects of evolution vs creationism is the lack of a fossil record showing the entire evolutionary process although if it proceeded for the hundreds of millions of years as advertised one would think such a record would exist .
There are no Trilofrogs for example yet the DNA shows the frog and the Trilobite were related .. It would appear that one day zillions of years ago the frog just appeared and either shortly before or after the Trilobite disappeared .
We know that DNA is easily damaged by things like Electromagnetic pulses and radiation so there may have more to evolution than just sticking some amino acids in some water adding some lightening and heat and waiting a few hundred million years.
The Boxelder bugs can get quite large .. One day the rock was moving across the flower pot .. It hasn’t done a back flip as of yet though .
There is a rather large tick that lives in rotting wood such as downed trees and can survive the Colorado winters .. One has to be very careful when taking your pet fishing or hiking and search them for ticks when you get home .. These flees are large enough that one can use a hot match tip applied to their rear end to make them back out .. ๐ฎ
Hey!! It’s a party on Saturday!
People like Pat Robertson, Newt Gingrich and Jim Dobson present a real threat to the system of government in the SBR .. They lead there zombie followers around by the nose once again feeding them lies lies and more lies and they represent a sizable block of the MORON and IDIOT voters
Damn, I killed the blog.
Peter B is really good a cutting people off when they want to talk about something serious .
Hospice care for the rest of us is alive and well :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Based on the number of emails I sent to my congress critters during the conformation hearings for the supreme court justices and the resulting total lack of a proper response I really don’t think that this the proper way to apply pressure .
Perhaps some momentum transfer would work better .. :yuck: :barf: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
The American left is good at doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different response yet they criticize the Bush admin about tbis approach as being an act of insanity .. What is wrong with this picture ?? :barf: :barf: :barf: :reaper: :reaper:
Mistrial in case of US officer who refused to fight in Iraq
FORT LEWIS, United States – The court martial of a US army officer who refused to fight in Iraq was ruled a mistrial here after a dispute over a pre-trial agreement.
Military judge Lieutenant Colonel John Head halted the case involving First Lieutenant Ehren Watada following possible inconsistencies concerning a “stipulation of fact” agreed before the hearing.
A resounding :fu: :fu: :fu: to the Bush admin ??
:yawn: still tired….
As Sean would say, “Blah!”
:bong: later
Rachel is on Keith tonight!…and she looks a little feminine!
Maddow is going to be on Olbermann, If anyone knows where I can see the video on the net let me know.
shes talking about Faux and Murdoch
I can guess that it will turn up on you tube…probably by tomorrow…maybe on crooks and liars
shes got a little eye shadow on!Lipstick!
Im taping it Andy but you have to have media center to watch it…
She did great! I wonder if Keith asked for her or if she just has a great agent….that is a great gig!
check Letterman on the Astronaut from last night’s top 10….
Lost is on!!..its the catch up show and then the new season starts…
I wonder if Rachels’ mother guilted her into wearing eye make up and lipstick. ๐
And shave her arm pits.
I’ll shave my armpits when all of our soldiers are out of Iraq.
It was 80 degrees today. :hot:
Not me!
Okay, I got this piece of shit from my mother. Someone needs to take this guy out… the shed. If anyone wants to debate any part of this I will copy and paste it all, and reply to everyone. I have a few arguements.
Booga booga booga! :nana: Are you scared yet?!
If you don’t shave your armpits, PJ, I’ll shave them for you! :pirate:
Krista, wasn’t this the interview from MTP a while back?
Damn. Half Life 2: Episode 2 delayed again. :nuts:
No way, KP. I’ll just schmear ’em with Frontline.
Hell, I still haven’t figured out the first Half Life. I’m good with the crowbar, though.
I dunno, Aquaman. There’s never a source for these stupid emails. I would think Newt Gingrich’s name would conjure up images of evangelics and fascism but maybe that’s only in my own liberal world of artists and musicians. Maybe he actually has credibility with Amaericans ๐
Shave your armpits, PJ!! :reaper:
I’lll shave mine if you shave yours’
Well good night all. Have to deliver a computer in the morning.
Evening/Morning :yinyang:
G’Evening, G’Morning King Kong of the Future– Tea Cheers. ๐
I just found out that I am a terrorist (some might consider eco…)
and The Next Threat to this Nation. Be Afwraid. Be wery Afrwaid. ๐
This post by Howie Klein is amazing:
He effectively deconstructs the RockHonda AAR station in L.A.
No wonder Marc didn’t have a chance there.
Druid, Hi! You? a threat to the nation? No. No. No.
Thanks for the link,WebHub. That sneaky plan seems so very ‘clear’. :barf:
WebHubbleTelescope THX for link :smack: :pirate: :fist:
King Kong, I’m scawry hehehe.
Nuclear terrorism risk seen growing
By Mark Trevelyan, Security Correspondent
LONDON (Reuters) – Western governments must take seriously the possibility of terrorists exploding a nuclear bomb as the necessary materials and know-how become easier to acquire, security analysts argue in two new reports.
“The threat of terrorists acquiring nuclear weapons is real … moreover, the likelihood of terrorists acquiring such weapons is growing as more states aggressively pursue their own nuclear ambitions,” the EastWest Institute said in a study.
It said the first nuclear terrorist may turn out to be an American or European, reflecting a likely evolution in security threats over the next 10-15 years and a possible shift away from al Qaeda-style Islamist militancy toward eco-terrorism. …
:fist: A.I.V.