It’s amazing how many hours can pass without anything seeming to happen. Now I’ve got a pile of shit to do, and no time left to do it. I need to sleep for a couple of months.
Even if you’ve already seen this, it’s worth watching again:
Posted by pjsauter on February 13, 2007
Posted in Uncategorized | 82 Comments
It’s amazing how many hours can pass without anything seeming to happen. Now I’ve got a pile of shit to do, and no time left to do it. I need to sleep for a couple of months.
Even if you’ve already seen this, it’s worth watching again:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yuck:
:gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :sheep: le
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😯 😯
There is this discussion of children’s programing on TV on C-span .. The reason that there is nearly none except on PBS is because the parents objected to all the buy me commercials so there is no profit in it so hence their is no programming ..
CAPITALISM :tommygun:
WASHINGTON – , Tuesday, February 12, 2007, U.S. Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) will hold a press conference to discuss the Effective Terrorists Prosecution Act which will restore habeus corpus rights, ban torture and uphold the Geneva Conventions. The senators, both members of the Foreign Relations Committee, will discuss the need for these protections in the fight against terrorism.
He’s not only admitting his mistake, he’s trying to fix it. That’s a rare quality in politics.
So lets see if it disappears in the DC ooze some place or if the thugs filibuster it in the senate or if the presidork vetoes it .. Then what ?? :growl: :growl: :yuck: :barf:
I don’t think it will make it out of the Senate because I doubt that there are enough Dems willing to imply, if not admit, that they made a mistake voting against habeas corpus the first time. I hope they surprise me and prove me wrong, but I’m not holding my breath.
So did anyone else read about Bill Nelson’s Super Bowl party for lobbyists at $5000 a pop? Way to be, Senator Whore.
Not that my other senator is any better – Martinez is hosting his jackoff sessions at Disney World, but being a Repig I expect it a little more from him.
Say what you will about Franken running, but I honestly don’t think he is this stupid. Or transparent.
Ewwww…. Now We have a news conference on the economy :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:
Here is what the turd had to say
Bush’s Economic Advisers Call for Lower Taxes and Freer Tra
The Bush administration reveled in the economy’s continued expansion on Monday, as the president’s advisers stepped up their calls for freer trade, lower taxes and a continued openness to immigration.
In a buoyant annual report, President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers said the economy was poised to keep growing at a solid 3 percent a year, that unemployment would remain below 5 percent and that rising productivity would allow higher wages without higher inflation.
But the report set up a clash with Democrats and even some Republicans in Congress, by putting its emphasis on increasing investment and globalization rather than on cushioning workers from the disruptions of foreign trade and corporate overhauls.
In addition to calling for an extension of Mr. Bush’s tax cuts, which are set to expire at the end of 2010, the report floated ideas for further reducing taxes on corporate dividends, reducing corporate tax rates and letting companies immediately deduct all their costs for new equipment and infrastructure.
“We can’t just put on a happy face and cross our fingers that wages will grow, trade deficits will shrink, savings rates will rise and health care costs will slow,†said Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, chairman of the Joint Economic Committee. “We need to shift focus so that working Americans start to feel as good about our changing economy as those at the very top do.â€
This links to the NYT we want money to read this page so :fu: :fu:
RETHUGS :tommygun:
Let’s throw a little gasoline on the ongoing 24 debate. Or as Jack would say, “DAMMIT!!”
Sometimes I think the applied use of a Ryder truck at these news conferences would prove useful . :reaper: :reaper:
One of Melina’s arguments was that an ongoing program of Rethug elimination would screw up the checks and balances in our fine government .. I really don’t see any checks and balances… its all a fairy tale put forward by our hospice care for the rest of us “media” :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist: :tommygun: :reaper: :yuck: :barf: :crap: :paranoid:
But Bill… politicians only commit political suicide every two or six years .. In the mean time they are free to make decisions to insure things get even more and more FUBAR
:yuck: :yuck: :rant1: :rant1:
Bill Press is such a trivial person.. Do journalists and commentators not have their brain installed these days .. ❓ ❓ I suppose its not hate radio but its totally worthless radio from a getting anything done standpoint too.. Kind of like watching professional sports and eating corn chips all day :blech: :rant1: :yawn: :yawn: :reaper: :reaper:
:yuck: :yuck: :barf: :barf: Heir dictatordorp is interviewed on C-span in the next segment :barf: :barf: :yuck: :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: 😮 😮 😡 😡 :reaper: :reaper:
Good Morning Fred and Kevin. :bong:
:nixon: :nixon: Hey Krista :nixon: :nixon:
Whats up in AridZona this am ❓ ❓
This is being boadcast thruogh the Young Turks website with our very own Maron.
Fianlly getting some snow here. :cold:
I’m becoming dyslexic.
Looks like it rained last night.
I think I’m gonna try to see Marc, Janeane and Henry in LA in April. Any west coast Seditionists wanna have a meet up?
:growl: :growl: :growl: Marvin said yesterday that they were going to have Ritter on today to explain why he vetoed the Colo labor bill .. so.. No Mavin and no Ritter . :growl: :growl: :rant1: :rant1:
Goshen students’ anti-war song pulled from concert
>By Raja Abdulrahim
>Times Herald-Record
>February 09, 2007
>Goshen – The lyrics don’t mention WMDs, regime change or a troop surge, but
>for some parents of fourth-graders who wrote an anti-war song for the
>school’s spring concert, it was still too political.
>The song, which makes references to maiming, gore (not the former vice
>president) and bombing, was yanked from the program after one father at
>Goshen Intermediate School complained to the principal.
>”Stop the destruction, devastation, save humanity, end the war. What are we
>doing with our bombing and our shooting and our fire and destruction every
>day?” according to an unofficial copy of the lyrics.
>”It appears that parent and other parents interpreted it as an anti-Iraq
>War song,” said Principal Mary Ann Knight.
>The song was axed because administrators feared the controversy would
>overshadow the concert.
>Each of the 10 fourth-grade classes wrote a song related to this year’s
>concert theme of making the world a better place. None of the other nine
>songs inspired similar ire from parents, not even the one about global
>”Political views aside, this song is about violence,” said one concerned
>parent who did not give her name. “(Students) should be concerned about
>playing games. They shouldn’t have the weight of this issue on their
>More parents expressed opposition to the song than support to PTO President
>Nikki Corrado, who herself upheld removing the song from the lineup.
>This isn’t the first time the school has censored a song selection. At the
>winter concert, mentions of Christmas and Kwanzaa were deemed too religious
>and were taken out.
>The anti-war song will not be replaced because the 24 students in the class
>don’t have time to write another, Knight said. They are finishing the
>songwriting unit in chorus class, and are beginning a new unit soon.
>The goal of the project was to teach the children how to write a song from
>a theme and set the meter, rhyme and rhythm, Knight said.
>If that was the intent, mission accomplished.
>Stop the war
>Here are the lyrics of the censored song, according to an unofficial
>Stop the killing. End the violence. Stop the maiming. End the gore.
>Stop the destruction. Devastation. Save humanity. End the war.
>What are we doing with our bombing and our shooting and our fire and
>destruction every day?
>Why can’t we try to search for answers, find solutions to our problems? If
>we try to work things out, we’ll find a way.
>Helicopters. Missiles flying. People dying.
>And what for?
>People fleeing bullets, flying children. Crying.
>Stop the war.
>Why can’t we try to get along with one another and be nice to one another?
>Everyone, just be respectful and responsible and caring people, loving
>people, sharing people and without a gun.
>Everyone stop the killing.
>Two, end the violence.
>Three, stop the maiming.
>Four, end the gore.
>Stop the war.
😡 This place sucks!
Not the blog… the place I live. Goshen… sucks!!!! Goshen is suppose to have this really great school system too… and yet all I hear are the parents bitching about the black kids.
ugh… I’m in a bad mood this morning.
someone help please.
On my peripheral “stuff” for unknown reason it has opened me up my “M.O.” eek 😮 :fustrate: :pirate: :omg:
… I had to be gone about an hour. Just I had to leave for a bit I noticed individual names and as my “profile” of where I go … AND WHO! And I hardly went ANYWHERE :knit2: … I can CALL anyone , anywhere! 😮 😮 😮 :doh: :fustrate: :doh:
Hi Druid. Sounds serious. Wish I knew what you were talking about. Yikes.
Flame On Jenn ❗ 😉 Some WILL “Get It”
what’s a M.O?
my apologies for my lack of knowledge druid 🙂
modus operandi — method of operating
— Sorry Jenn for me being so late to answer …. THIS IS HOW LONG MY “computer” takes :smack: 🙄
back to Pen and Ink and paint and whatever 🙄 Cheers 😉
I think the Mozilla or somewhere put me somewhere. I kinda think I kinda “get it” now trying, turned off something I hope. :smack: this is when it just about goes out the window :rofl2: :billcat: :pirate:
New trauma, :smack: I think I have closed “whatever” thing that did this.
I give a chance to all who “find me” , so I need to contact the ones who “contacted me”. But I cannot figure out HOW. Strange I know, but when I “went away” from the world “the few[too many] who reaches me there are reasons why 🙄 :doh: :omg: . bah humbug
[i am soooooo bored :yawn: with this 🙄 ]
People from all over the world … neat but :smack:
Moscow asks U.S. for clarification following Gates remark about Russia’s future
MOSCOW — Moscow has asked the United States for a clarification following remarks in which U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates suggested that Russia’s future course is uncertain and lumped the nation together with Iran and North Korea, the Foreign Ministry said Monday.
Translated…. not a good place for unfettered capitalism …
Rethugs are 👿
There’s an interesting post at:
showing a decline in liberal talk fortunes during the year 2006. The article notes that lib talk grew (measured by number of affiliates) from AAR’s inception in April 2004 to Feb. 2006 then started a rather steep decline. Of course, MS was axed in Dec. 2005
I dunno; I’m just saying.
The blog writer promises an more in-depth analysis in the future.
What exactly isn’t working Druid ?? Your instant messaging ?? Your email ?? :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid:
I saw a bald eagle today as I was driving down the west side of Manhattan. It had just caught a fish in the Hudson River (which is much cleaner thanks to the efforts of Robert Kennedy et al). It headed into Manhattan at around 80th Street. :banana: :banana:
To bad the eagle didn’t get a stock broker .. Urban eagles . 😮 . maybe we could export you a few mountain lions . :hubba: :hubba:
Fred thx, but I think I accidentally [giggle, there are no accidents] erased all and I think it was a mozilla add-on that I thought was necessary (I almost sound like i know what i am doing 🙄 ) and hopefully if i do need — then hopefully I can control. I am just sad to lost all who contacted me. It was truly not done on purpose
{I think }. :rofl2: Thx again, but “nevermind”.
Dozens of dolphins and sea lions trained to detect and apprehend waterborne attackers may be sent to patrol a military base in Washington State, the Navy said Monday.
In a notice published in this week’s Federal Register, the Navy said it needed to bolster security at Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor, on the Puget Sound close to Seattle.
The base is home to submarines, ships and laboratories and is vulnerable to attack by swimmers and scuba divers, the notice states.
How’s this for a shot of McCain hugging Bush. It cries out for a caption that needs to be written by someone more clever than I.
Thunderstorms here this after.
the torture on 24 is bugging me. i don’t like it. especially when last night they show torture successfully coercing someone (unless he’s one of them, gasp!)
i don’t think they put as many hearts in the necco Sweetheart boxes as they use to.
from salon (requires registration or looking at ads)
cool, sueP! :parrot:
(the eagle sighting)
:tongue: travis is evil!
:paranoid: blues cat attacked me……
👿 maybe i am evil
Sue P, so i wonder if the “NEW terrorists” can infiltrate and get dolphins and sea lions :rofl2: :yippee: :pirate: :pup:
now 👿 Mc & 👿 bush hug = :barf: eck
Farmerkat :yippee: , thunderstorms are frightingly 8) cool. 😮 :omg: 😮 😯 but over all :omg:
:fu: ENOUGH :growl: China’s boom and doom :fist: hiiiyaaa 😉
24 I am contemplating hmmmmm
Druid, I like that emo caption for the Bush/McCain hug.
Here are some great pics of Palemale and Lola, the Manhattan redtail hawks who got a lot of publicity when their nest was removed.
SeanMS, who is the dominate Arrogant Attitude == the battle be :slap:
:cat: :rofl2:
Ahhhhhhh Sue P, it is so nice to SEE THE GREATTTTT PIX
[thx Sue P] and hear about PaleMale and Lola. I knew “they” took nest but didn’t “the mating couple” rebuild near there or in trees or WHERE????? Pwease. But sooooo cool 8) to see PaleMale and Lola Awwwww … I hear very prolific :hubba:
The owners of the apartment house, after daily protests, decided to allow the hawks to rebuild and provided some spikes to help keep the nest in place. Palemale and his mate Lola rebuilt the nest, but the eggs didn’t hatch last year. Reports are that they are gearing up for this year.
I just read, on one of the Palemale/Lola websites, that Palemale spotted a bald eagle, in December. Apparently it caused him to sit up and take notice. None of his usual relaxed slouching. The eagle Palemale spotted was carrying a fish, like the one today, so I guess fishing is good in the Hudson.
Following a sale of 400,000 shares of stock by the chairman of the board of a major student loan corporation just before its stock prices dipped, two Congressional committees have initiated an investigation into communications between the White House, Education Department, and the Sallie Mae Corporation. One nongovernmental analyst told RAW STORY that the situation was “reminiscent of Martha Stewart.”
Mutliple news sources reported last week that Sallie Mae Corporation Chairman Albert Lord (pictured above) had sold 400,000 shares of his stock in the nation’s largest student loan provider on Thursday, Feb. 1, and Friday, Feb. 2. The following Monday, Feb. 5, the federal government released its Education budget, which included a substantial cut in federal subsidies for aid providers
Apparently XM has replaced Randi Rhodes with Ed Schultz .. Fat head .. err.. Eddy was gloating a lot .. :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Gawd, I am listening to FatHeaddie rerun now. :barf: He has been doing this crap all along. Now he is way out.
I think it was Schultz replacing Hartmann in the Franken slot but I could be wrong. Ed is just railing against all right now.
According to the XM website, Ed Schultz will be (or is) on in the noon – 3 (eastern) slot. IOW, no Hartmann for XM’ers.
The observation that Ed Schultz attracts the demodorp politicians seems to indicate where their allegiances lie too. They obviously want to speak to the brain head… Ed is such a war monger too he speaks AIPAC on issues of Israel and the Palestinian problems in the middle east . :reaper: :reaper:
OOPs you are right the Denver station rebroadcasts him in the afternoon time slot .. 😳
How’s this for a shot of McCain hugging Bush. It cries out for a caption that needs to be written by someone more clever than I.
Comment by Sue P — February 13, 2007 @ 1:21 pm
“Hey, big John, let me introduce you to the other guy who’ll be in our threesome. C’mon up here, Little Joe!”
I can’t help it that my mind is in the gutter. It’s attached to my body. 😀
That picture of MCInsane and Bush reminded me of a revival with Bush being the healing preacher and MCInsane being one of the brain dead who was sure they were healed .. :crap: :yuck: :paranoid:
Well Guy James makes me want to :yawn: :yawn: 🙁
:fu: ed schultz
As long as you keep looking at the stars.
🙄 ed schultz was already on xm…… what a dumbass……
So, the minimum opening bid for AAR is $4.6 million. Bids are due by Thursday. I got $20. Anybody else wanna pool their money? I wonder if they’ll take PayPal?
Thom ( U R screwed ) Fartman is already on Sirius
Monday to Friday 12 pm – 1 pm & 1am – 3 am ET
Replays Weekends 2 pm – 5 pm ET
😮 😮 The young Jerks are in for Randi .. I hope this isn’t indicative of something :yuck:
After allthose painful weeks of youandwhosearmy,. the young turkeys sound like Richard Pryor to me.
Okay they suck big time. Bloggingheads is funnier. Somebody get some writers for these two douchbags.
Someone here should do an emo of a Tim Russert fat fuck squatting under a desk, servicing a Dick Cheney emo.
Just trying to contribute to the high tone. :sammy:
What! Did I just walk into the boys locker room or something?? 😳 :jerk: 😉
I don’t know does the blog smell of dirty gym clothes or something ?? 😮 :nixon:
re 57 and … The Rest :rofl2:
:rofl2: :rofl2: :yippee: :pirate: 😆 :rofl2: :rofl2:
cresttwo :nod: Someone here should do an emo of a Tim Russert fat fuck squatting under a desk, servicing a Dick Cheney emo.
Just trying to contribute to the high tone. :sammy: :nod:
:rofl2: :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: :rofl2:
The Sam and Army show in NY is too awful to listen to. NPR is the only station I can stand in the morning. More often I read the Times to hubby as he drives.
Liberal radio has such promise. AAR has been ill served by many. I will miss Al Frankin, but mostly I’ll miss his guests. Did I hear that Sam is talking about having Oliphant and Canasson(sp) as regulars?
Where is Melina? I hope her grandfather is OK.
Yes, I was just thinking about Melina today. Maybe she got tired of us. :sammy:
So, over the weekend Nellie learned about sliding glass doors the hard way :fustrate: :rofl2:
Evening all. Ice to see you. :cold:
I was wondering about Melina too.. She got a bit uppity when I asked about inviting Susan and Nicki back .. I hope Hi is doing alright .. :paranoid:
Its snowing in Denver too I think it got clear up to 18 today :cold: :cold:
It’s snowing in Brooklyn.
When “our media” keeps us up to date on the pending attack on Iran they never seem to present any information about the movements of the Chinese and Russian naval units in the region or those 8 to 10 mobile ss27 launchers in the part of Russia just North of Iran..If we attack Iran the reslult could well be that we instead of them get blown off the face of the earth. 😮 😮
Hey, great news about Maron filling in for Franken for a couple days.
Sorry I don’t check in more, been very busy, went to D.C. for the Jan 27 march and got hooked up with some serious activists. I hardly have time for talk shows lately.
I put together a bit of a slide show of signs at the rally & march, some of mine and others off web postings. Check it out:
There’s some video of the rallies, too. Just link my user name.
XM Radio decided to contaminate (FWIW) the AAR lineup with Ed Schultz instead of Thom Hartmann. I contacted XM and they responded with:
Thank you for contacting XM Satellite Radio.
Due to the recent changes with Air America’s programming, Al Franken has decided to leave the network and pursue other ventures. In place of Al Franken, XM has decided to bring back the Ed Schultz show weekdays LIVE from 12p-3p ET with replays at midnight ET.
Ed Schultz was the first progressive talker on the XM lineup when he launched his show in January of 2004. When Air America launched two months later as America Left we continued to air Ed Schultz weekdays as a supplement to the 24/7 Air America lineup. Ed Schultz has not been cleared live on XM due to channel scheduling issues. We are proud to welcome him back to the XM Nation live each weekday from 12-3PM ET. XM continues to be supportive of Air America broadcasting 21 hours of content and is the exclusive satellite radio provider of their progressive talk shows.
We are currently working with Thom Hartmann to bring him to Air America lineup.
Thanks for listening to Air America XM 167 and for being part of the XM Nation.
The XM Programming Team
jorogo :pirate: :yippee: :pirate: 8)
Great You-Tube Video.
To Me, The More Radical Side Is Just A Part Of The Whole.All is needed to get The 👿 idiot bush and his 👿 administration.
JOROGO : What does I.I.I.I. mean again. I was going to add possibly a few “I.I.’s” sometimes or just to change the brew every now and then, I.I.I.I. and not just A.I.V.
I Know I M P E A C H is One I. [Aye Matey :pirate: ❗ :rofl2: ] Cheers
:yinyang: :pent: :om: AWEN :knit: :gate: Good Journeys
:fist: HiiiYaaa A.I.V. / I.I.I.I. :fist: