Our power was out for about 12 hours (maybe more) yesterday, then on for an hour, and off for a couple more. Not exactly what I needed. Better it should have happened today, when all I’d have missed was….
On Press the Meat, you’ve heard him spread White House lies and deception Mon thru Fri, now it’s your chance to hear him lie through his teeth on a Sunday, as Timmy Potatohead hosts Tony Snowjob. Timmy also has Senators Jack Reed and Chuck Hagel, on to tell us how proud they are of the US Senate, and then Richard Engel crawl out from under the rock he’s been hiding under to tell us how brave he’s been pretending to cover Iraq, while the real journalists have been out there with their asses on the line.
Over at CBS, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer has a throughly exciting show in store for us, with Presidential “hopeful,” Joe Biden (keep hopin’, Joe), Dick Lugar, and hack writers Doyle McMAnus of the LA Times, and Josephine Hearn of The Politico.
On the Goebbels Broadcasting Channel, it’s a thrilling EXCLUSIVE with Republican “front-runner” Mitt Romney (really? The Mormon from NJ is a front-runner? Says a lot about the rest of the field, doesn’t it?). Then, at the roundtable, it’s The Nation’s Kristina vanden Heuvel, Fareed “Token” Zakaria and George :jerk: Will. Plus, Michael Douglas, for some reason.
Over at Fux News with Weaselface Wallace, it’s Carl Levin and the Newtster.
Wolf Blitzer trots out the Snowman again, as well as a bunch of other people that I don’t really give a shit about, and later, on 60 Minutes, Bob Simon tells us about Kurdistan, “the other Iraq” (must be a nice place), Lesley Stahl tells us all about autism, and Kenny Chesney tells Anderson Cooper he’s not gay (no, really, honest). No word on if Anderson Cooper will tell the rest of us, “who gives a shit.”
Plus, there’s all your usual Sunday night hijinx. All assuming your power stays on, of course. Enjoy.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 :yuck: :yuck:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😮 :crap:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😯 😯
:growl: :sheep: le
Well the Super Elitist N Asshole Turkeys Enterprise (SENATE) failed to decide to even debate the non binding resolution against the surge .
Harry ( I have a job for another two years so to hell with yours) Reid promised even more successes in the future .. :reaper: :reaper:
:gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Re; the hearing currently on C-span
The democratic head of the homeland security committee apparently isn’t aware that the airline bombing plot discovered by the the Tony lap dog Blair admin was a bunch of BS ..
Probably gets her news from the Washington Times and the WSJ :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
:slap: bunch of dumbasses!
😮 😮 😮 Hey Sean 😮 😮 😮
Where are you trucking to today ??
I think the supply of of expensive Vodka , Gin and olives to these elitists in DC needs to be cut off .. The demodorps at this hearing are almost as uniformed as the thug bots were .. well.. the same .. well maybe even less.. :yuck: :paranoid:
They obvious don’t read the Nation magazine :reaper: :reaper: .
Hey Druid send your Rep Jane Harmon a nasty gram and call her a dumb ass. .. She must represent a district with a large Lockheed Martin presence . :yuck: :paranoid:
Its bad enough that the electorate are bunch of IDIOTS and MORONS the elected are also IDIOTS and MORONS
I guess we could say we are well represented .. :reaper: :reaper:
A lot of similar “thinking” individuals :yuck: :barf: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Yesterday I was talking with the wife of one of the people I know with 3 PHD’s who finds them selves about to have their house repossessed ..
She is a PHD herself. They were going to punt and go to Western Europe but they can’t get a work visa.
The western European countries are apparently having the same problems with there multinational Corporations exporting all their R & D and manufacturing jobs to China :reaper: :reaper:
Well I have to go blog with ya all later
Fred :yippee: :nod: :pirate: :yippee: :growl: 😉
im in billings montana was checking in from a truckstop on the way earlier
wow, I was starting to see this slowly happening in the 80’s to certain types, thus to certain _______ Sci. friends, throughout the years. I have seen “the powers that be :no: ” cull the herd of those with righteous speak and certain degrees.
This is scary + overpopulation, and those even with degrees seem to continue to be struggling. :silent scream:
Blessings to you, your wife, and her and your friends. Sadly, prayers are not enough. Be Well Mrs. Fred and friend , especially. :knit:
:growl: :fist: A>I>V> Go get the 👿 bush & 👿 adm
SEANMS, I can’t resist. CHEERS :yippee: TRAVEL WELL ❗
Oh, Fred was ALPHA :yippee: :pirate: , & #2 & #3 “…to infinity and beyond…{or whatever 😉 }
:yippee: :pirate: 😉
Mrs. Fred [ohhh more brainy brains thus more :drool:] 😉
{people seem to misunderstand, so let me reiterate — LBH = Lead [LED] Balloon Humour = it just doesn’t fly = IT’S A Weak Joke :omg: ]
PJ, how are your lymph nodes today?
pj – how are you pussy pits?
Good Morning :joe:
Here’s a photo of the 25 million year old tree frog, preserved in amber, that was found in Mexico.
Good Morning ALL!!! :billcat: :joe: :joe:
Cripes! The neocon propaganda floating around the internet. My mom sends me all this spam and I usually don’t read it but I should because it needs to be put to rest.
It goes on and on of course. I replied to all with the question, “If your stuck paying taxes, wouldn’t you rather your hard earned tax money go to help Americans rather than fund a war over seas that is only making the world more dangerous and unstable?” :smack: This stuff floats around for YEARS, I bet. Not to mention the fact that these things NEVER source their information. Maybe we need to start circulating our own propaganda.
Ooh! Fred will soon be taking over Nicki Rose’ #1 posting position. And with way more substantive posts!
I have a sister-in-law that sends me neo-con crap. :barf:
Kristapea – My sensei use to send me that rethug crap all the time. I use to send it back with links to snopes or myth busters. The crap the rethugs think up makes me sick. Did you ever read the book Don’t Think Like an Elephant? Basically we need to come up with our own wealthy think tanks. So let’s GO!
What scares me about those emails is that my mom is not conservative at all. But she eats them up like candy. All the ones about immigration etc. And they all come off as racist or they somehow leave the impression that the underdog doesn’t deserve to be treated like humans.
I agree, it scares me too. Bill Clinton once said that the rethugs understand power better then we do. They also understand the art of deception better then we do. They’re good that way. Scary indeed!
We don’t understand deception because we have no desire to deceive.
That’s why we all love Marc. He is very candid about himself. See, it all comes back to Marc Maron here on the Morning Seditionist blog :rabbi:
I have a sister in law that is a rethug. One of the really dopey ones too. She takes the newspaper and removes all the politics. She only reads sports, but god forbid you should talk about politics around her she freaks out. Her 3 kids know NOTHING other then GW Bush is our current president, but ask them about the Red Sox and they’ll give you years of history. These are the people that scare me most. These are the people that are easily deceived and are easily led. They think they have “morals” because they don’t believe in abortion and go to church every once in awhile. ugh, I think I’m getting mad again. Where is KevinM, Fred and Druid. I need to laugh.
Is Marc going to run for 08?
Two car bombs exploded in an outdoor market in Baghdad on Sunday, killing at least 56 people and injuring scores in the deadliest attack since U.S. and Iraqi forces began a major security push around the capital last week.
Front page of the post has really important news today. Britney shaved her head to look like her vagina. My life is complete now.
Farmerkat if you are around this AM, check out Timmeuh’s MTP…try to miss Tony Snow Job, but our pal Engle is gonna do a special report about the REAL life on the ground…the REAL experience…and I wonder if NBC is gonna let him tell it straight…very interesting!
Good morning everyone! Another day in paradise!
pj – a long long long time ago there was a blogger on your site named American Soldier. Any idea what happened to him?
There are about 31.6 million seconds in a year, so a billion seconds ago was 1975. And a billion hours is, like, 114,000 years, and the earth is only about 5,000 years old, so that’s bullshit, too. Unless you’re going to try and tell me the bible is wrong.
GUS appears to be back stateside. You can still get to his blog via the ‘An Atheist Soldier’ link over on the right.
I don’t actually have a pussy pit. I just have something about the size of a baseball (OK, probably not quite that large, but feels pretty huge – and sore) inside there. It’s been all I can do to actually get out of bed the last few days, what with feeling colder than hell, yet sweating profusely. Having the power off most of yesterday didn’t help much, either. Good thing we have kerosene heaters as backup.
Oooh, PJ. Even I would get that checked out. That sounds a little scary. 😕
PJ…Please go to the Dr!!! I would even go to the weekend clinic if I were you. Youve got to see what that thing is. What does granny think?
I had my wife check it out. I said, “here, feel this.” I’m taking some pretty strong doses of Oregano. I tend not to worship at the altar of the western medicine religion. Fine for those who believe in it, and if I drove my car into a bridge abutment, I’d be psyched to have them put me back together again. But I’m reluctant to get into “the system.”
oh man pj… I hope you go to the doctor soon.
Yeah, PJ, we need you around to help us fix our computers!
I tend to take the natural path first, also. Most of the time, it works for me.
Krista- he has a swelling under his arm the size of a baseball…whats the natural cure for that …you have to test it or at east have a Dr look at it!
No one dislikes or distrusts doctors more than I but when I need one I feel most confident when I have some idea of what’s wrong, before I go in.
Unfortunately, only an MD can prescribe a strong antibiotic and fever and chills usually means you need one. GO TO THE DOCTOR.
Oh, nonsense. It’s just an infected lymph node. All a doctor will do is load me up with antibiotics, which will probably make me sick. I prefer the oregano. In fact, it’s already a lot smaller than it was, and less painful. And, just checking my temperature, it’s down to 37.2, which is pretty much normal. Tends to spike up at night a bit, and my thermostat is still a bit kerflooey (cold sweats and whatnot), but it’s going to take some time, is all.
Then PJ get thee to an Acupuncturist and/or an Oriental Medicine Doctor. There are places where one is all. It could take at least 3 or more visits. So get going Please DM. You must be safe.
Nevermind. … My computer [and me :smack: ] take forever. You all have said most, and PJ and RAGING Granny “got it – in a gentle way” … thus Nevermind.
Computer (and TIMING} and ME :slap: :growl: = :joe:
The natural cure for many things are time and attention. PJ’s right, most western docs want to load you up with antibiotics or pain killers. And though the pain killers are fun, they don’t do anything but mask your symptoms and antibiotics just weaken your natural immune system. They are like sending someone else to the gym to do your workout. I am not saying that there isn’t a time for western medicine. My naturopathic doc says that you can’t beat western medicine for emergency situations. But if you’re not dying you should try the natural way first. They take some getting used to because they are subtle methods and they don’t zonk you like pharmeceuticals. Druid has a good suggestion with accupuncture. Many a flu has been much shortened because of accupuncture for me. But I have a strong immune system to start with because my mom is so anti doctor. The only time she ever took us to the doc was if we broke, burned or required stitches. Oh, and the perfunctory physical when we went out for sports.
Jenn has insisted that we all take little Nina to the aquarium in order that she (Jenn) will be undisturbed in her studying. Therefore she will not be posting to the blog.
If, however, she fails to acknowledge our sacrifice and DOES post, please direct her BACK TO HER BOOKS. Failure to do so will result in Jenn being sent to bed without supper.
Alright, we’ll keep an eye on Jenn :spank:
My mom absolutely LOVED :love: the “No wire hangars!” line and used it many times in my teen years. 🙄
If you go to a western doc and it is looked at then you can choose your path…why opt for lack of information and just seeing whats happening. My chiropractor. who is a totally natural sorta treatment person and thinks he can cure ADHD with chiropracty, found a big bump like that and it turned out to be lymphoma…just like that…and he is having standard western treatments along with other stuff…My grandmother’s huge bump under her arm was lymphoma…and I know many women here who developed a bump under their arm or right in fromt of the fold that turned out to be a high breast cancer or an inflamed precancer lymphnode. A good friend of mine just had a radical mastectomy because of just such a lump under the arm.
The cancer ones are usually harder than the noncancer ones…but why not just let A Dr feel it?…No one ever said that you have to take meds…just have it looked at…just my opinion, but from what Ive seen around here (and men get this stuff too) its crazy to not and just try to see if it goes down…
what is the point of that?
I am seeing more and more chronic immune problems around ehre from a triggering sickness that goes untreated.
be very aware that Lyme disease has to be treated within a window or you stand a strong chance of having on and off problems for the rest of your life. If you wait when you have the achiness fever and chills part…and not everyone has a rash…only around half…and the tests only check for antibodies that are there during a certain window and due to ticks form a certain part of the world…9 bands as oppose dto 300 possible bands that can be present, with the CDC requiring many more bands to be looked at for diagnosis….
And lyme is in Arizona, Albany, Canada…and EVERYWHERE!
So, dont knee jerk the natural way unless you want to take a chance of having arthritis for the rest ofyour life. I know people in wheel chairs who are only relieved of their pain by IV antibiotics…
and theyve tried every alternative….
Im not saying that this is Lyme or cancer or anything like that. I just think that it makes little sense to shut off information and make a sweeping generalization abotu western medicine when its really your choice as to what you take and how you USE the Drs…and believe me, I use my doctors to get tests and meds I need…but I do it as a full partner, and with the understanding that I use all alternatives and outlets. Any Dr who doesn’t like that I am smart and know alot about this stuff will quickly no longer be my Dr….
joy joy my little mommy dearest left. :banana:
PJ – maybe you should just lie and tell us you went to the doctor and smoked some antibiotics.
okay okay…. back to the blood vessels and arteries. Angiotensin II gives rise to aldosterone. Arteries carry blood away from the heart… blah blah drone drone :yawn:
Kristapea – that’s a great line and my brother and I tease her with it all the time.
I’m not advocating shutting off information. But I would say a knee jerk visit to the doctor can be just as dangerous, they are just as capable of misdiagnosing and prescribing the wrong treatment. Doctoring is still very much an art and they are ALL crapshoots. That’s why I prefer trying the natural path first. If your friends tried the natural way and it didn’t work and they are using antibiotics, then, by all means, use what works. But it sounds like PJ’s armpit is getting better anyways.
It’s too bad Jenn’s books aren’t animated with little dancing arteries and blood vessels. That would make studying way more fun.
Also, many of us don’t have health insurance and western doctors and their methods tend to be way more expensive if you’re paying out of pocket.
urrgh…morning sheeple :joe: :billcat:
:rofl2: pussy pits!
Boys 🙄
well, we’ve got the state healthcare and usualy end up in the clinic these days…and I still think that its a mistake to wait with Lyme disease growing in epidemic proportions. Honestly, Id prefer to be mistakenly prescribed a few weeks of antibiotics than to have a lifetime of Lyme, which I do, BTW, and it doesnt go away!…and it hurts!
And the swollen glands and all of that go up and down….
There are so many things that wax and wane…
That its dangeorus to only look at natural remedies until youre so sick that they have to give you the strongest stuff by IV in the hospital…
Oh and Will has it too…and his Dr doesnt believe in antibiotics or that Lyme exists unless there is a rash present…even though even the numbnuts CDC says that only 50% gt the rash…
Just watch out Krista…Im telling you, its in Arizona and you have dogs! Oreagano and silver whatever does not kill it.
Oh and this top naturopathic guy who I met here says that osocosocillium doesnt really work…that its the herb pharm echinaccea , 3 whole droppers full 3 times per day, that even puts a dent in this stuff….forget the tea and whatever when you are actually sick, except to provide fluids and relief of sore throat and stuff.
I still do all the ginger and stuff but I think he is right about the echinaccea…unless you have aproblem with an overactive immune system that is giving you symptoms in the absence of infection or viral stuff…then you have to be careful not to over do the immune stimulents….
Okay, I really must go do laundry. Who’s going to watch Jenn? :nana:
That’s not what I’m saying. I am not shutting out the use of western doctors.
:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Probably no GNC tonight. I’m busy fighting an appeal at my school. What’s the appeal about?
They want to force me to take a leave of absence from SAIC.
They’re forcing me to leave school.
It’s that I haven’t passed 2/3 of my classes for the past three semesters. Last semester I passed 50 some percent with one incomplete that when completed (which will be this weekend or some days after or something) and I’ll have passed over 70% for that semester.
Regardless, I’m putting together an appeal packet to the Academic Review Board which will be heard Tuesday morning. The packet will have something written from me and supporting letters from teachers, my therapist, etc.
So, I could be kicked out of school until Fall. That means out of a place to live, out of health insurance and out of anything to do.
So… yeah. That’s what’s up. That’s why no 24 nor no GNC.
Anyone have any advice or counsel for me?
Look, my friend has a hernia that has gotten much worse. Obviously for that he should stop going to the friggin’ gym and go see a doctor. A naturopath may help a little with some of the symptoms associated with that but he needs to have surgery, most likely. Another friend has some kind of separated shoulder or ripped muscle in his shoulder that is giving him a lot of pain. Not sure what you can do about that but it doesn’t seem like a chiropracter could help that and he has gone to the emergency room twice for it and they give him pain killers which don’t help much. They tell him rest and time. And then I wonder if accupuncture could help at all. I think that’s worth a try. This is a man who has performed surgery on his own eye. :omg: But they’re both men and will put things off til it’s too late. He will at least listen to me and take my advice remembering to “listen to the woman”. My other friend will not listen and will keep riding his bike and going to the gym. Luckily, PJ has Granny watching out for him and keeping him from putting things off. :no:
oh boy, I missed a lot. How long was I studying for. Time for another break! :yippee: :tongue:
Kristapea – I gave birth the all natural way, except for the paper robe which I refused to take off. :no: As soon as she was born I was ready to hop in the shower and leave that joint. The epidural kind of scared me and I figured so many people before me have done so what the heck. Maybe that’s why I only have one though. OW. :smack:
I think I am most grateful that we have choices. All natural is not the way for many. Some choose the epidural some choose the pussy pit. :hubba: Some chose Bush, (those f’n morons!!!)
PaintingGirl – YIKES. No advice here… I’ll send some good energy you way though. good luck!!!
Sblueheron – I laugh every time I read sheeple. Mornin’ to you.
okay off to studying again. :yawn:
I think I’m getting mad again. Where is KevinM, Fred and Druid. I need to laugh.
Comment by jenn — February 18, 2007 @ 10:22 am
Awwwwww….. :love:
At 10:22 I was watching Snuffelupagus, suffering through Shitt Romney to wait for Katrina vanden Heavenly on the panel. It was worth the wait, not only for drooling purposes :hot: :hot: but to listen to her shoot down George :jerk: Will.
Seriously, if Katrina ever gets divorced, I’ll be strapping on a diaper and driving to Washington like I was an astronaut. :hubba:
pj – how are you pussy pits?
Comment by jenn — February 18, 2007 @ 9:08 am
The Pussy Pit? I think I went to a bachelor party there once. The dancers were kinda nasty though.
OK, I know Sean beat me to that joke, but I had to go there anyway. 😳
Front page of the post has really important news today. Britney shaved her head to look like her vagina. My life is complete now.
Comment by jenn — February 18, 2007 @ 10:29 am
Great. I posted a comment about this yesterday, so apparently I’m out in front of the Post on this important story. Journalism marches on.
In the words of Stephanie Miller, “When news breaks here, it stays broken.”
This is all a little new for me. I’m much more accustomed to breaking wind than breaking news. But that might have something to do with the tacos I made for dinner last night.
PJ, isn’t the alien supposed to come out of your chest rather than your armpit? Seriously, John Hurt could have made a fortune doing commercials for deodorant if only he had the vision to re-route the little invader.
Seriously, may your pits be as clean and healthy as this guy’s.
Then, at the roundtable, it’s The Nation’s Kristina vanden Heuvel, Fareed “Token†Zakaria and George Will. Pus, Michael Douglas, for some reason.
Pus is flying everywhere on the blog this weekend, isn’t it? I know the typo was accidental, but I enjoyed it anyway.
Kevin M – :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
THANK YOU :love:
(you may want to think of putting a standard warning on your posts… “before reading this post please put down all drink for I am not liable for computer feeding.)
Not a good example Kevin :spank: Nixon is .. well.. dead .. :reaper: :reaper:
Bum link deleted. Sorry.
Apple CEO lambasts teacher unions
AUSTIN – Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs lambasted teacher unions Friday, claiming no amount of technology in the classroom would improve public schools until principals could fire bad teachers.
Jobs compared schools to businesses with principals serving as CEOs.
“What kind of person could you get to run a small business if you told them that when they came in they couldn’t get rid of people that they thought weren’t any good?” he asked to loud applause during an education reform conference.
but .. but .. yous guys told me Apple was a Blue company :yuck: :gate: :omg: :jason:
From what I have heard a lot of school principles have never taught a class so they are essentially tools of the school district administrations which in many places are dominated by rethugs .who try to run them like a corporation.. that is into the ground at 500 mph :yuck: :paranoid:
RETHUGS :tommygun:
Why oh why are we still bashing Bush .??. If the dem congress can’t or won’t get rid of him why bother ??..He won’t change and there is zip, nada, zero you can do about it .. :yuck: :yuck: :crap: :paranoid:
I somewhat doubt that liberal talk radio gets a lot of converts these days.. Preaching to the choir is just hospice care for the rest of us .. Much to do about nothing . :yuck: :crap: . :barf: :barf:
Where oh where is that liberal cooking channel on cable .. I feel an overwhelming need to make some cookies :reaper: :reaper:
When you ladies refer to using a coat hanger .. I hope its in reference to getting spanked by your mommy using one .. Before Rove vs Wade that had an entirely different connotation. :reaper: :reaper:
And Druid makes 3 :dancers: :nana:
Jenn, isn’t pus pit a punk band of P’s? teehee 🙄 :doh: :banana:
Is Jenn getting “wild” again, Sue P I misplaced my wire hanger. hahaha 😉
We’re back from the aquarium and I am searching for that wire hanger. GO to your room Jenn, where you should have been studying all day, instead of listening to that rap band, Puss Pits.
Painting Girl , Sadly in all worlds, even in academia “they”, the ones in charge, are tethering “the movers”, silencing the “voices”.
One of my jobs was to look at obtions in the ‘SC system, since I have been there before when I was a student, but I think you have also. You can type me, if you ever wish, but I cannot look at site until 6pm my time or a bit later … [yeh, it should also be dark and I can function :yippee: 😉 … ] morrigan underscore conway at hot… dot ya know the rest …
Breathe. Be Well. And F@#$ Them, If They Can’t Take A Joke.
Asia ushers in the Year of the Pig
Celebrations held across China, beyond in year many hope will be luck-filled
The Chinese like globalization so much they named a whole year after the rethugs ..err.. repigs. :reaper: :reaper:
Sue P, :rofl2: 😆 :rofl2: TEA :joe: :alc:
:peace: teehee Jenn 😉
I wish the liberal talk hosts would not use Gary Heart as an example of a progressive .. he’s a JERK…. of course in todays world someone who was 40 degrees right of center in the 80’s is 20 degrees to the left of center today .. :yuck: :barf: :barf: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Maybe PJ’s pussy pits are an in grown arm pit hair. Oh wait, that only causes singleness, according to my mother.
I just got a new chair! It’s so comfortable, it rocks it swivels it reclines! And it has an ottoman that rocks too! And with my wireless laptop, I am one happy blogger. :love:
Who’s been watching Jenn while I was doing laundry? Did you do your homework, Jenn?? :sammy:
Maybe PJ’s pussy pits are an in grown arm pit hair. Oh wait, that only causes singleness, according to my mother.
Comment by Kristapea — February 18, 2007 @ 6:35 pm
There’s a punchline crawling around in there somewhere. Now if only I can find it without pissing off every woman on this blog. This one might take some time. 😀
I have Monday off, so I’ll try to devote some time to further discussion of pus and wire hangers. But first, of course, :40:
You guys crack me up :rofl2:
Night All – no more studying for me tonight.
Atrocities to the left
Atrocities to the right
Atrocities up
Atrocities down
Oops up against a hard break time for a word from our sponsor .. :reaper: :reaper:
If I wrote to my congress critters for every atrocity I would get put on my reps spam list for sure .. :yuck: :fustrate:
You wouldn’t have the time, Fred.
Humm what is Sue P errr.. jenn…studying ..?? . does mommy know about this… hummm..
I think you broke your cover ..OOPs :spank: :spank: :reaper: :reaper:
When we were supposedly overwhelming our Senators with nasty grams during the appointments to the supreme court they let the Washington numbers go busy and put anti spam filters on their email so they would only hear from you once so it was futile ..I will bet its all a lie …a big show .. :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Evening all.
Joe Sestak calls for total troop withdrawl by 12/31/2007.
Krista- one of my ex’s had an awful hernia that was so bad that he was gonna die easily if he bumped into a corner with his crotch or something…considering he was a drinker and a musician, it was pretty clear that he had to have something done. he had lapsed health insurance and …like, called an 800 # from a subway ad for hernia repari and foud out it would be somehting like a grand to fix it on the cheap. So I figured out how to reinstate his insurance so he could do it cheaper and he finally went to have it done…Then I was in MT and he kept calling and calling to complain about that it hurt etc…
Man oh man…
The thing is that having your intestine hanging out is not something that accupuncture can help…not no way not no how. I used to stuff it back in for him…horrible….if that ruptures you just go septic and die.
Kristen- I hate to say this because I love your broadcasts but if youre not at least passing all of your classes you need to stop all extracurricular work and buckle down. I always made myself get A’s or B’s, and really studied my ass off because I had taken time off in between and was in aposition to really appreciate it.
If youre paying for college and not passing or just getting by, you should take some time off, try to get a job and maybe do some interning on weekends in broadcasting.
I would strongly suggest that you buckle down and get your degree and if you can, power through to a masters while youre young. You will have plenty of time to do the rest, and its such a drag when you have akid and have to slowly struggle through. You should try to get the most out of it as you can….and the powers that be are doing what theyre doing because they are in the college business, not in the provide you a place to do a podcat out of while you slack…
In other words…somethings got to give. You have talent as a broadcaster, but that talent will be there once youre on your feet.
I know its much harder these days to make rent and that you have to live with many roommates and the jobs are scarce, and thats why I suggest buckling down and making the best of your education first…and throwing yourself on the mercy of the poers and telling them thatyou will only do your work and school work…and will get those grades up.
You will always look back on what you learned, even if it was stupid or f the professor was impossible…it is stuff that will help you…even if it teaches you patience or how to deal with boring crazy people….
I hope that you arent kicked out…but you shouldnt be failing anything at all…unless there is a real problem…and then, if there is, or if your workload is too big, maybe you need to have your advisor help you rearrange things…but be very wary of your advisor and double check what he/she says because I had a couple of different ones who advised me wrong and I ended up having to fulfill the core again in a couple of areas!
Listen, I only just graduated at 43….dont be like me…it was really hard to go back (ask PJ)…get it behind you so you can really concentrate on what you want to do.
Time passes no matter what youre doing, so just try to get it over with!
Ive got my fingers crossed for you…If you want a letter of recommendation Id be happy to give you one…but it might not cover the part that those people want to hear about!
Oh Krista…I got a new chair too! Its SO comfortable…I love it.
Richard Engle was surprisingly good…you know he lost his wife and watched lots of friends be blown up during this war and its totally changed him…I wonder how much hes really changed…How oculd anyone not?
Its interesting that they are letting these guys talk like this all of a sudden…But thats probably the “business decision” made by NBC to present the lefty side…who said that? I cant remember.
The Amazing race is on….I love this show!
PJ, hows your growth? Does it have a little face yet?
I don’t have any growths, actually. No pus, either (not on the outside). No outward signs at all. No ticks, no ingrown hair, no bug bites, no redness.
I did not suggeast accupuncture for him, he needs surgery. I suggested accupuncture for the one with the ripped muscle or separated shoulder. Nothing else is helping his pain. Accupuncture might help the pain til it heals. Plus he likes the idea of needles(he’s a little kinky) :dancers:
:pup: idiocracy!
pj- Mrs Art is really into essential oils (oregano?) but thinks you should at least have a doctor look at it. :paranoid: She wonders if you’re using oils or did your wife make a poltice?
Also, why so down on Richard Engle? I think he’s one of only a few msm reporters doing their job (the other one being Mr FK)
From a christian conservative blog…hey who else is gonna review this shiite? (and I wont link him because he doesnt deserve the traffic)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Review: The 1/2 Hour News Hour
I just finished watching the premier episode of the 1/2 Hour News Hour from the Fox News Channel tonight.
There were some good jokes about Iranian holocaust deniers and their nonexistent holocaust denial conference, a potential Hillary Clinton multi-ethnic lesbian cabinet, liberal radio Air America and their 12 listeners, and homosexual penguins.
Some good book reviews: “Harry Potter and the Alternative Lifestyle,” socialist children’s book “The Little Engine that Couldn’t Quite,” “James and the Giant Melanoma” (it doesn’t have a happy ending), and “Garfield Goes to the Free Clinic.”
I also liked the ACLU piece: “Twisting the Constitution since 1920.” Also how the ACLU fought for the rights of pregnant women to use cocaine.
There was the OJ-esque continuing coverage of Ed Begley’s journey to the studio in his environmentally friendly car that ran on batteries or human waste, but couldn’t make it up hills. (He never did make it to the studio).
Crude of me, I know, but I laughed till I cried over the tyrannical t-shirt salesman and his t-shirt featuring the picture of Iranian Prime Minister Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with the caption underneath: “Shiit happens.”
Another segment featured a man who could blame pretty much anything on global warming with his theory: “Six Degrees of Global Warming.” He blamed blizzards, higher gas prices, a crime wave in Houston, and even some of Britney Spears’ behavioral problems on global warming. This segment was not unlike much of the “real” media.
Some parts were a little stiff, but this was only a pilot episode, and I think the show will only get better with time and experience, and will hit its stride in short order.
I do hope the producers will tone back on some of the crude and risque material. As it was, several parts of it weren’t very family friendly. You can be funny without being vulgar, and I hope they figure that out.
I’ll be tuning in next week with hopes that they’ll make some adjustments and this will be picked up as a regular series.
Labels: 1/2 Hour News Hour, Fox News, media
posted by Bob Ellis at 8:40 PM
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