Well, finally got junior moved out yesterday. Not everything, mind you. I’ll be tripping over his shit for years to come. Still, it managed to kill enough time that I probably won’t be able to get the shit I need to done by noon today. Could be worse, I guess. I coulda been born one of the whahoos in “Friends of God: A Road Trip.” Oy.
Anyone else for oatmeal? :sammy:
Don’t tell me y’all stayed up for that rubbish, just to see some starlet’s ta ta’s, or because you thought Big Al was going to announce. Me, I can’t take Ellen D in large doses; I wish she was straight so i could just say the obvious, which is that she’s just not that funny. :sammy:
Don’t tell me y’all stayed up for that rubbish
Comment by cresttwo — February 26, 2007 @ 6:24 am
Sadly, I did. Last year I had the good sense to take the next day off work. Not this year. So today should be interesting, since I got pretty much no sleep last night.
How the fuck did Pan’s Labyrinth NOT win Best Foreign Language? They wuz robbed. And no way did Jennifer Hudson deserve to win, although I kinda knew it was coming. I was pulling for Rinko Kikucki myself. :hubba:
Good for Scorsese and Big Al, though. 😀
And you’re right, Ellen was painfully NOT funny.
Hey Krista, congratulations on the house if you get it. Looking for a roomie?
Back when I was a projectionist (movie, not astral, sorry to say), we used to have some good get-togethers for the Oscars (usually somebody would record it, ‘cuz we all had to work until midnight or so). I used to see a helluva lot of movies back in those days, so I’d actually heard of pretty much all of them, if not actually seen them. I look back on the movies I went to the theatre to see this year, and they were all documentaries. Who Killed the Electric Car, The War Tapes, An Inconvenient Truth, and a couple more I can’t recall at the moment. Of course, had I not been in DC, I’d have missed most of them, ‘cuz they just don’t come around here.
But, no, I didn’t stay up last night. I watched the Jeezus people (vewy, vewy scawy), and then recorded reruns of Whose Line Is It Anyway? I’f I can finsih up my assignment for tonight, I can watch Battlestar
ErecticaGalactica today.Good Morning :joe:
Yeah Kevin, I’m gonna have to get a room mate. But I’m gonna pay all the deposits and stuff so I have control of the situation.
Well, I guess Stephanie Miller starts here this morning. I wonder how Phoenix will like her. When the news broke last week, a few stick in the mud’s called in and said they didn’t like the Funny with their news. Although Steph is a little heavey on the Funny and light on the news.
Unfortunately, Peter B Collins has been moved to the middle of the night. 🙁 Email Billy Foster at AARPHX to let him and the Drobney’s know you want Peter B live. I’m really happy that Jeff Farias is getting a daily show but I’ve really grown to like Peter B.
Morning all.
I think I found a quiet room mate. Cool! :yippee:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😯 😯
:reaper: :reaper: :sheep: le
Rubbish what rubbish ?? what could you ever be talking about ??( buries head in sand once again) :yuck: :paranoid:
You are a fast women KP :hubba: :hubba:
I know several people with houses with pools .. most of them couldn’t pay their utility bill but forgot to turn off their water .. :reaper: :reaper:
That house sounds like an excellent deal good luck to you KP ..
Gov. auditor says fiscal outlook is ‘spiraling out of control’
Congress’s auditor warned in a monthly update released last Friday that the latest data on America’s fiscal outlook shows “a federal debt burden that ultimately spirals out of control.”
The January update was based on new data supplied to the Government Accountability Office by the Congressional Budget Office, and identified spiraling national health care costs as the main culprit for the country’s budgetary woes. The report also challenged a key assumption about the nation’s fiscal future made by President George W. Bush in his release of the 2008 budget.
:reaper: :reaper: :reaper:
BREAKING: U.S. Supreme Court Awards Al Gore’s Oscar to George W. Bush
:rofl2: :rofl2:
Good luck KP!
Find out about the what the average water bill costs though :nod:
:yippee: hey krista if all goes as planned i will be in phoenix for a week!
:rofl2: when i tried to go to conservapedia my browser wouldnt load the page!
Sy Hersh tells us that the echos of Iran Contra weighed heavily in Negroponte’s decision to resign his post and is claiming that Bush is funneling money without authorization or oversight that has ended up in the hands of Sunni jihadist groups.
Sean, this link worked for me.
Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warned Monday that the American economy might slip into recession by year’s end.
He said the U.S. economy has been expanding since 2001 and that there are signs the current economic cycle is coming to an end.
bah humbug!
I got my computer back. So far everything seems good. :banana: :banana: :banana:
:yuck: :barf: friggin stephie miller…… oh hey hes gonna be my husband hey oh yeah him too oh yeah hes cute maybe he can be mommies husband ugh i cant stand her she makes me wanna puke oh and in case you have never heard it before its NOT funny if it WAS funny it wouldnt make me sick……
😯 oh and in case nobody noticed democratic underground stole our rolling on the floor laughing emo
I think that Stephie and Franken were operating with the idea that to make liberal talk not give everyone acid reflux that they needed to go down the laugh and the whole world laughs with you route Stephie is often just slapstick stupid rather than funny . :yuck: :alc: :nixon: :smack:
:rant1: :rant1:
:yippee: :yippee: Sue P :yippee: :yippee:
Being without your computer or worse yet your Internet connection can make one :paranoid:
KPOJ has Sam Sedar on in what was the Franken time slot .. At least you won’t get UR screwed six hours a day that way .. thats at http://www.620kpoj.com
It’s so nice to have MY computer back. I’ve had to use some very clunky compuers for 2 months. I’m grateful I had them, but still…and it gets a signal from the router that the other one didn’t seem to be able to find.
I will try hard not to spill anything on it again.
NYC’s largest homeless shelter closing
CHESTER, N.Y. – Every day, a bus picks up homeless men off the streets of New York City and takes them 70 miles out into the countryside to a shelter, in a practice that has been going on quietly since the Depression, when homeless people were called Bowery bums and fresh air was the solution to just about all ills.
The 1,001-bed Camp LaGuardia is New York City’s biggest homeless shelter — and the only one surrounded by farms and trees — but its very existence is probably a surprise to many lifelong New Yorkers.
Now the city is closing it down.
While 73-year-old Camp LaGuardia was born of good intentions and what was then considered progressive thinking, some activists disapprove of it as an out-of-sight, out-of-mind answer to the city’s homeless problem.
This is happening in many places other than NYC too. First you take people off of welfare…. then off of food stamps ..make them live outside in the elements and then they learn to pull themselves up by their bootstraps .. right .. right .. right .. :yuck: :barf: :barf: :fustrate: :paranoid:
I think the 45 million living in poverty number was from 2005 too.. I think they quit reporting it .. :reaper: :reaper:
You’re right, Sean. i can’t get to conservapedia ether Maybe the weight of their stupidity took them down. Too bad. Perhaps they’ll be back.
KPOJ has Sam Sedar on in what was the Franken time slot
Comment by fred — February 26, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
Thanks, Fred. Hopefully I’ll remember that tomorrow. I can’t believe I made it to 3:30 without falling asleep at my desk. Straight to bed after 24 tonight for me.
Stephie is often just slapstick stupid rather than funny .
Comment by fred — February 26, 2007 @ 2:23 pm
Not to mention fart jokes. But the funny one on the Stephcast is voice guy Jim Ward. Must be something funny about guys on the radio named Jim.
I don’t know what is worse having Fat Heady tell you that thats the way it is live with it or having UR screwed Hartman telling us UR screwed or Laura Flanders telling us about the land of milk and honey that awaits us if we just pressure our senators a bit more .. :yuck: :barf: :fustrate: :paranoid: :crap: :reaper: :reaper:
Labor Groups Protest Student Labor Rule
WASHINGTON — Labor groups filed a complaint with a U.N. agency Monday about a federal decision that graduate assistants at private universities do not have the right to form unions.
The AFL-CIO and the United Auto Workers complained to the International Labor Organization, an agency of the United Nations, about a July 2004 decision by the National Labor Relations Board denying teaching assistants the right to organize. The unions say that decision violates workers’ rights under international labor standards. Any ILO decision on the complaint would not overturn U.S. law.
The NLRB, dominated by President Bush appointees, ruled in 2004 that about 450 graduate teaching and research assistants at Brown University in Providence, R.I., could not be represented by the United Auto Workers because they were students, not employees.
That decision overturned the board’s unanimous ruling in 2000 that let 1,500 graduate teaching assistants join a union at New York University, a private school where teaching assistants had organized.
FUBAR :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Abbott cuts 200 scientists
Abbott Laboratories confirmed today that the company is eliminating about 200 jobs in its drug discovery business as part of a recently completed reorganization.
The jobs, which are part of Abbott’s global pharmaceutical business, are primarily located in Lake County where the company employs 14,000 of its global workforce of about 65,000. The jobs being cut are primarily research jobs, including scientists and other researchers.
“They (the job cuts) are in early discovery, metabolic research such as obesity and treatments for diabetes – that kind of early pharmaceutical research,” said Jonathon Hamilton, an Abbott spokesman. “This is, early, early clinical compounds that we are stopping research on. It just effects that early research.”
Abbott said the job cuts are the result of a recently completed reorganization of its drug discovery business. The company’s previously stated drug discovery focus is on immunology, infectious diseases, cancer, neuroscience and pain management, which the company says are its primary areas of drug research and discovery.
FUBAR Push back :sheep: le Push back :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
❓ ❓ ❓ Peter B is still on KPHX ❓ ❓ ❓
I wonder if one could telecommute with a job in Venezuela or Iran ??.. I wonder if Putin is hiring ?? :reaper: :reaper:
Zogby: Rudy beats Hillary by 7%, loses to Obama by 6%
Giuliani 47%, Clinton 40%
Giuliani 40%, Obama 46%
Giuliani 46%, Edwards 40%
MORONS and IDIOTS triumph
Giuliani should have never even placed :yuck: :yuck: :barf: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid:
5 Western governors agree to work on greenhouse gas emissions
WASHINGTON – California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and governors from four other Western states agreed Monday to work together to reduce greenhouse gases, saying their region has suffered some of the worst of global warming with recent droughts and bad fire seasons.
The governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington state agreed that they would develop a regional target to lower greenhouse gases and create a program aimed at helping businesses reach the still-undecided goals
Note one states governor is noticeably missing
Our resident IDIOT MORON ( remember he is a demodorp).. :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
So Peter B what happens if Russia and China say NO to military action on Iran ??.. I have noted that when Peter B takes calls he either gets very few calls or seems to like to listen to own voice . :reaper: :reaper: .
I wonder if Peter B is aware that most of China’s ICBMs have a limited range and can only get about as far as California . ( insert emo of Peter B’s studio being consumed by a mushroom cloud here) :reaper: :reaper: :reaper:
Hersh: Pentagon panel created to plan bombing attack on Iran within 24 hours of Bush command
Published: Sunday February 25, 2007
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The United States is stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an “open confrontation” and benefits Sunni radicals, a US magazine reported Sunday.
In The New Yorker magazine, Seymour Hersh reports that US military and special-operations teams have increased their activities inside Iran, entering from Iraq to gather intelligence and to pursue Iranian operatives.
Hersh also reports that a Pentagon panel was created to plan a bombing attack on Iran within 24 hours of getting the go-ahead from President Bush, provides details on Vice President Cheney’s recent trip to Saudi Arabia, and explains why National Intelligence Director John Negroponte may be resigning from his post.
US clandestine operations in Iran, Lebanon and Syria have been “guided by Vice President Dick Cheney,” the magazine reports, relying heavily on Saudi Arabia and on the Saudi national security advisor, Prince Bandar.
“A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al-Qaeda,” Hersh concludes.
Acording to Hersh, we’ve decided to back Sunis against Shia throughout the region and thus we’re funding some suni extremist groups. I really think it is time for these guys to stop digging. The hole’s big enough.
hey all…fred, re # 38…people dont know the details of Rudy; only the pseudo ding dong heroism…as soon as they hear the stories about his personal life and how he has conducted himself…and his bold stupidity in design regarding 9-11 and how unsafe we were (even as we live din a police state of sorts..he is a real neocon but his messy side is on the outside)…his numbers go right down.
He is not really ahead or behind of anyone. We could swiftboat his ass so quickly.
Just the news conference that his very public wife held when she found out he had this mistress and wasnt leaving the governer’s mansion where he had cheated on her in the same house with his children!!!….he will be so over….
Its funny that people hate Hill so much that they will choose an unknown commodity who would likely turn out like Bush in his bullshit gung ho, lack of diplomacy. I couldnt imagine a worse nightmare…and I dont think that he is electable at all anyway…not even a little….
The republicans have a problem.
I still like Edwards.
Did Marc report today on Sam’s show…about Barak Obama?
:banana: malloy!
The Rudy video I’d like to see is the one on which he announced he was withdrawing from the senate race, suffering from postate cancer, had a new girlfriend and was leaving his wife so girlfriend could nurse him through his illness.
eeekkk! And he had the seed implantation surgery which is less likely to cause impotence, but who knows?
The wife now isnt even the girlfriend who he had in Gracie Mansion first!The nerve of that guy!
It was pretty funny to watch.
Then he got his lawyer, Raoul Felder, who insulted Donna for not wanting to move out of Gracie Mansion so that he and Judy could move in.
And the court fight to allow him to bring Judy into his home where the judge had to remind him that his KIDS were living there.
A true family values guy, that Rudy
Then, he moved out and moved in with the gay guys. A move calculated to win him friends among the Repugs.
:banana: i hope rudy wins the nomination!!!!!
:fire: im off to eugene or for three days later sheeple!
Remember on Morning Sedition whenever Prince Bandar was mentioned Marc would hit the magical enchanting noise button. That cracked me up! :rofl2:
Woah! Sean! Don’t smoke too much :bong:
Eugene is kinda stinky. But not from anything good.
😮 holy crap!