Not that anybody cares, but SU whomped Georgetown last night. In Syracuse in late February, there are few things better than that. Now, if I can remember to go out and get a winning Mega Millions ticket before tonight’s drawing, maybe I can collect the $216 million, and take the rest of my life off. Hey, it’s either that, or convince everybody I’m the father of Anna Nicole’s baby.
:rant1: hey im anna nicoles babies daddy!
See, this is why being a catholic didn’t work for me. If you think about committing a sin, you’re just as guilty as if you did it. This morning, like everybody else, when i heard that a suicide bomber just missed carrying off the loathsome Dick Cheney, i thought what everybody did. Well, its only human nature. Still, briefly having a rush of pleasure at the thought of the violent death of any human being, even a malignancy like cheney, is not something to be proud of, but a mortal sin? Don’t think so. Who wants to burn in hell for that? In an equal position to Pol Pot, Nixon and Hitler? We need more consistency and logic from our theologians, methinks. :sammy:
This morning, like everybody else, when i heard that a suicide bomber just missed carrying off the loathsome Dick Cheney, i thought what everybody did. Well, its only human nature.
Comment by cresttwo — February 27, 2007 @ 6:45 am
I thought the same thing too for a few seconds, but then I came back to reality. What if we had to start another war because someone ELSE killed Cheney? How horrible would that be? Better that he survive to go through a war trial and imprisonment.
Hey, I can dream, can’t I? 😀
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😯 😯
:rant1: :sheep: le
Cheney isn’t human at least one of his distant relatives had to be a cockroach . :yuck: :paranoid:
😡 why why!!!!!
Why does WJ get all their news from the Washington Times and the Wall Street Journal. ?? Maybe thats where congress gets their info too .stupid .MORONS
:barf: i nap now…….
nighty night Sean :reaper: :reaper:
🙁 my boobies website doesnt seem to be working can someone go to and check to make sure its not working (i think its just my super duper slow connection)
If you people would observe the rethugs as the reptilians and ancient insects that they are the final solution to this infestation will be a lot more palatable to you :reaper: :reaper:
:tongue: i mean!
Your favorite web site seems to be working from here.. if I get a visit from the internet police after IS comes to work I will blame it all on you Sean . :yawn: :yawn:
:fu: damn snowstorms!
:fustrate: extra damn this slow ass internet connection! ugh will be better when i get to eugene……
It used to be said that the telephone service in the middle of the country was poor because they tacked the phone wires to the fence posts and the cows used them to scratch their backs .. perhaps that is now true with the Fiber optics cables too… :rant1:
Are you using your Sprint wireless card Sean?
yeppers i will have high speed in eugene! ok i really have to nap now……
Guess you’re lucky to have any connection at all. Kind of amazing, when you think about it – even if it is slow. Get some sleep. And stop forging your documents.
:paranoid: whos forging documents?
hey everyone-
I was just telling Mom that death would be too good for Cheney. If he got blown up now, the neocon core would bestow sainthood on him and we’d never hear the end of it. I think that its better to keep him alive and have him live through failing health and all the ugly stuff that comes with having such a bad heart condition and not paying attention to your Drs…
I hope he lives long enough to see how the history books treat this war…and the next….because here comes an iran airwar!…creating, Im sure, a zillion angry young Iranians who want to blow us up all the more….
huffpo has a very funny picture of Cheney up front….
It would have been funny if a blast popped his head off, and thousands of cockroaches came streaming out (as long as he wasn’t really hurt, of course). Kinda like that demon thing in the movie “Constantine.”
Morning guys!
Good Morning :joe:
Mornin’, y’all.
morning…gotta hit the road :sheep:
morning seanie! :cold:
And yet another liberal radio conversation between to ladies Nika and Mino..
You know Mino that the emperor has supreme powers over the military and there is not much we as citizens can do to change the new direction this war has taken .
Yes Nika but we need to secure the oil for our imperialist expansion into China and South east Asia and those Americans were beginning to look like they might move to stop us.
But Mino attacking them in the Hawaiian islands was not a good idea .even our supreme military commander has said that by failing to completely neutralize their navy we have awakened a sleeping giant..
Yes Niko but they are a long ways away and it was better to fight them there than have them come here and interfere .
But Mino our mighty military has succeeded in overwhelming both the American Military in the Philippines and the British in Singapore and even the Chinese .. as we speak our mighty fleet is moving steadily eastward across the Pacific . The Americans will be humbled .. they will not attack us .. they will sue for peace any day now ..
Well Niko there are rumors that some of those war ships we sank in our preemptive attack are now in dry dock being repaired .. it is the falt of the supreme military commander for not sending in enough planes.. and that faulty intelligence on the where abouts of their aircraft carriers. .This emperor can’t do anything right ..
Oops up against a break
Now a word from the Nippon steel works
Yes Mino I saw that report and I also saw an article the other day that said that some well known scientific figures had defected from Germany and Italy and had gone to America to help them ..
Well Niko the Americans are very far away so it will be quite some time before they will be able to bother us at home .. our mighty military will keep us safe .
Well Mino I here that our military is stretched to the breaking point with this war in China and Southeast Asia .. some of our military commanders are threatening to resign. .This war was not a good idea ..we should have just bought the oil and the rubber from them ..the emperor is an idiot .
Just saw this photo of Cheney on a story about the the supposed suicide bombing attempt. I don’t want to suggest that Cheney’s in cahoots with the devil or anything, but that guy behind him looks awfully familiar.
About three years later ..
Mino you know this war is terrible .. those Americans have destroyed our whole navy at the battles of Midway and at Leyte gulf . and have killed many of our military in their return to the Philippines . They have cut off our oil and food is scarce .
But Niko our military are such courageous fighters they have sacrificed so much the Americans will never invade the homeland ..they know we will fight them to the last person.. The emperor is still adamant even after Germany fell that we would fight them to the end .
But Mino the Russians have entered the war with the Americans and they are not that far away .. even now one of our major cities vanishes almost weekly ..
Yes Niko but our city has not been bombed so far .. the Americans will not come here .. we are safe ..
Well Mino the market is supposed to have some rice this morning when they open right at 8 am must go ..
Ok Niko but watch out there was a radio report of two B29s flying several hundred feet off the ocean and headed our direction .. but .. hey… what kind of damage can only two planes do ?? :reaper: :reaper:
I’m with you Melina, the last thing we need is Cheney being martyred.
Re #30
I’m your basic wimpy bleeding-heart liberal, and I don’t believe in violence or killing. Radical idea, I know. While I wouldn’t feel a great deal of grief or require a period of mourning if Darth Cheney were to keel over, I don’t actively wish him ill. Besides, if you believe there’s something beyond this life where you’ll have to atone for what the life you’ve lead (or that there’s a karmic kinda thing going on), then he’ll get what’s coming from the universe or god or whatever imaginary magical being you happen to believe in. And if you don’t believe in any of that, then death will bring him nothing but peace. Either way, there are plenty of nasty critters waiting in the wings to take his place.
Windows Vista Validation Issues (Windows Vista)
:paranoid: :paranoid: 🙄 🙄
Nice column in the WaPost today about Al Gore (from Richard Cohen of all people). Of course, while you’re there, you can also read the Post’s coverage of the SU/Georgetown game last night. 😉
Wall Street falls sharply after slide in China
Worries that U.S. stocks are about to see big correction feeds slump
DJIA 12495.67 -136.59 -1.08%
NASDAQ 2465.25 -39.27 -1.57%
S&P 500 1433.37 -16.00 -1.10%
Bad news from the “manufacturing” sector..
and its only 10:30 am .. :reaper: :reaper:
The Machine will turn this Cheney incident (manufactured?) into a martyr/victim/terror event anyway. It is starting as I peck. How dare those infidels attack this great VP.
If he just keels over somewhere, watch for a more dramatic death scenario to unfold. One corpse of a man, one great martyr for ‘mankind’, taking one for the team.
hey im not the only one that smells neo-con conspiracy about the libby juror almost mistrial am i?
Not for a second. This Libby thing has several outs for them. I am sure they want to avoid the pardon if possible. I wonder where Fitzgerald might go after this one is over.
A lot of federal prosecutors that have been active in going after rethug political and corporate law breaking have been dismissed by our attorney general as of late .. laws mean nothing unless they can be enforced .. we live with our freedoms as such only because “they” allow us to. :reaper: :reaper:
My hope (hope, I said, not what I actually think will happen) is that Libby will get convicted on all counts and prior to getting sentenced to 30 years, spills his guts on everything and everyone – all the way to the top.
Yeah then we can have a lot more righteous indignation with no outlet because the congress will be there looking stupid and still not doing anything about it . :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
fred, I air-quoted they.
pj, the fix is already in on your ‘dream’. Scooter will scoot when push comes to shove. The whole trial might just have been a ploy to stop the damage at a lower rung to be excused later.
Well, if Congress reflects the people it represents, then that sounds about right.
My guess is a conviction and a 13 month sentence to a minimum security federal facility, which will give him time to work on his book. But a lot of damage was done by what came out in the trial. At least, for those who were paying attention. Have to see what, if anything, comes of congressional investigation. At least the total rollover for the administration has ended. There’s a great deal of inertia to overcome.
I really think that there is nothing to keep Bush from having all the disagreeable types in both houses arrested ..and disappeared .. whats to keep them from doing that ?? Maybe thats why nothing is happening .. its all a big joke .. a joke on all of us . :paranoid: :paranoid:
I think we were close to that with Nixon but there was enough spine out here to stop it. I think the awareness that seems to be happening right now at many levels is important to prevent it from happening this go round including all of the ‘gestures’ you think are useless.
These bastards learn from every mistake. They will burn the tapes now. They shred, they erase (BTW, anyone notice there is no Al Franken record on AAR anymore) and they eliminate. Their memories go away. Oaths mean nada. The unraveling of this debacle will be a marathon. It could happen but not instantaneously. Constant pressure must be applied.
I got an email from A.N.S.W.E.R asking for donations so they could have their march on the pentagon.. it would seem that the state of Virgina who owns about 100 yards of the highway they want to march down is requiring them to post a 10 million dollar bond .. Freedom of speech with some limitations ..
:40: is jon elliot a republican? if hes not he sure as hell looks like one!
I accidentally got off at the Pentagon exit one time. I found myself surrounded by black SUV’s, which I thought was odd, and then I saw a sign that said, “you have now entered the Pentagon reservation.” I got the hell out of there in a hurry.
👿 stupid shut down road between me and high sped internets!
i drove my semi right up to the white house once…… no fred……
pj, I sort of had the same reaction at the Swaggart compound near Baton Rouge.
:tommygun: they have guys with assault rifles that come ask you what the heck you are doing there just tell them you are going to constitution hall for a concert……
I guess that’s a better answer than “got a truckload of fertilizer for George.”
I guess that’s a better answer than “got a truckload of fertilizer for George.â€
Comment by pjsauter — February 27, 2007 @ 1:05 pm
Maybe, maybe not.
David Bradshaw has endured countless stings during his life as a beekeeper, but he got the shock of his career when he opened his boxes last month and found half of his 100 million bees missing.
In 24 states throughout the country, beekeepers have gone through similar shocks as their bees have been disappearing inexplicably at an alarming rate, threatening not only their livelihoods but also the production of numerous crops, including California almonds, one of the nation’s most profitable.
To me, an NSA counter-intelligence front, probably double agents for the neo-cons. [how exactly does it help end the war by scaring middle age Jews with over-the-top denunciations of Israel? Splain that to me.] They make the anti-war position look radical fringe and goofy, instead of being the majority position in this country. Another six months of this pointless surge, and they’ll be marching for an end to this stupidity even in Mormon temples in Utah. Lieberman’s kids will commit him to a home. McCain will spin around so fast his head will go flying off into space. And no freaking thanks to ANSWER, to which I forgot the question.
If it wasn’t for worthless jack-offs like fonda, jerry rubin and abbie hoffman, who helped elect and then re-elect Nixon by a landslide, Vietnam would have ended years earlier, and countless lives saved. Then and now, these types of dopes are the best foil that the right wing ever had.
And what a bunch of putzes they have in al queda; as if a mere bomb could kill Cheney. :sammy:
A grand jury declined to issue an indictment in the 1955 slaying of black Chicago teenager Emmett Till, who was kidnapped from his uncle’s home in the Mississippi Delta and shot to death after whistling at a white woman.
The grand jury in Leflore County wrapped up its work this past week and issued a “no bill” against Carolyn Bryant, the widow of one of two white men originally acquitted of Till’s death. A “no bill” means the grand jury found insufficient evidence existed for an indictment on a criminal charge.
Where are Druid and Farmerkat?
Iraqi police and a community leader said a bomb blast near a soccer field in the city of Ramadi on Tuesday killed 18 people, mostly children, but the U.S. military said it was unaware of such an attack.
Amid conflicting reports over what happened in the volatile western city, the U.S. military said its soldiers had carried out a controlled explosion in Ramadi, also near a soccer field, that slightly wounded 30 people, including nine children.
This doesn’t sound good.
The United States will join other nations in high-level talks with Iran and Syria over the situation in Iraq this spring, in the first such engagement between the Bush administration and those two countries in three years.
The announcement today that the United States will take part in two sets of talks between Iraq and its neighbors, including Iran and Syria, represents a major shift in President Bush’s foreign policy, which has eschewed direct, high-level contact between Washington, Damascus and Tehran.
Watch Hardball. Punish yourself. Anyone else notice that Chris Matthews is turning into Fred Willard? :sammy:
Oh don’t act so surprised.
hey guys…look at this. Its still expensive but it looks great.
I really think that this is the future of broadcasting.
:crap: go to utvpc dot com and watch ghostrider……
:billcat: where is everyone!
:yippee: kim director is hot!!!!!
The PBS show tonight about newspapers is worth a look. Interesting to see how successful the St. Petersburg Times is. And I heard some dish today that the David Geffen-Clinton dust up might have some back story involving Geffen wanting to buy the LA Times with current best FOB Ron Burkle being a competitor in that hunt.
Bottom line is Wall Street values might not be the best measure for the newspaper biz. Money is there to be made but not enough by some standards.
Not much weather talk here lately but some weird fronts rolling through here. You might see some pictures of my friend’s apartment building sitting on the top of Telegraph Hill as the ground below it is crushing down on the strip downhill. Not to mention earthquakes nearby or some unusual snow.
Night all! Stay warm and dry. Hope you aren’t in Fresno.
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: