If you’re reading this, it means you haven’t had enough to drink yet. Get out there and get busy – it’s already 5 AM, fer chrissakes. Here, we’re trying to find the green line marking the parade route underneath all the snow. Be careful out there – there are a lot of rookie wannabes on the loose, and you don’t wanna get run over by one of ’em.
May There Always Be A Dance In Your Step :banana:
And A Twinkle In Your Eye. π‘
In Unity There Is Strength.
Ni Neart Go Cur …
DANCE as if no one were watching
:alc: and/or The Green and Gold :bong: :rofl2:
SING as if no were listening
LIVE each day as if it were your last.
ALPHA A.I.V. :rofl2: PJ MS.
“They” roll up the streets early, I guess. :no: tsk tsk
:alc: plus :bong: AND STUDIES β And Cheers TO ALL THE STUDENTS {PJ :rofl2: }& Cheers to ALL THE GAMERS [especially with Philosophies again PJ :rofl2: ] & { to My friends and I during the different times and different schools}. :rofl2: :yippee: :pirate: :yippee: :rofl2:
A.I.V. C-Ya π 3:06am& dark & 8) :banana:
iTunes is acting weird π but ipod {kinda} works :banana: but iTunes, what up β
Patrick, Tres Cool 8) Green Print. Tea and … Cheers :alc: :dancers: … a.i.v.
HERON look at the most recent comment under “Finger Lakes Weekend Wino” on right about “Heron Hill” plus we have other “Herons” here, locally, real and wine :rofl2:
a.i.v. … Back To Work π
Good morning Druid. Happy St. Pat’s Day to all.
Ten Iraqis being held in a British military detention center in Basra carried out an audacious escape plan over the past several days: they switched places with visitors, British authorities said Friday.
An 11th detainee was missing, but no one appeared to have been substituted for him, British authorities said. The detention center is at a British base on the outskirts of Basra.
The escape came to light on Thursday, when it became apparent that Γ’β¬Εone person was not who he said he was,Γ’β¬Β said a spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity. The military began to investigate and found that nine other detainees were also substitutes. The real ones had walked out the door, apparently after swapping clothes with their willing stand-ins, British officials said.
Greetings Sue P. :banana: Merry this DM Patrick’s Day … There are still many “Snakes” π :rofl2:
Sorry for being so morose yesterday. As the Glaciers sever, I believe that humanity is deeply “affected”, bonding all of society including “seers” and proclaimers through this “silent and not so silent scream”. I just feel helpless and cry π , but a low growl building :growl: then they started the wolf hunts and aerial wolf hunts again. :growl: But, deep breath and on we go … {forced}smile π . :fist: Yaaaaaa π
π a.i.r.
WOW, :bow: :banana: The Luck O’ The Patrick & The Luck O’ The Irish tis falling upon us β :banana:
begorrah….happy st pats from the ice storm….boy is it bad
Good Morning :joe: Wish I had thought to get Bailey’s for my coffee π
So weird that Melina and PJ are having ice storms and it’s gonna be 95 degrees here today. I wish I was in my new place so I could lay around the pool and celebrate St. Pattie’s day.
Melina, Well at least you {your area} is Famous [in The National News]. : – D i think LBH :rofl2: (The Goblin King says, “LAUGH!”) ….. :smack: π
π :cold: Tea :joe: Cheers.
Kristapea, :rofl2: :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: :rofl2: … π
Where’s Fred? {teehee}
How to Get Served Quickly at the Bar
No ice here. Just a little snow. Looks like we missed the big snow, which fell to the east of us. Just got five inches or so. I think I prefer our 18 degrees to your 95, though.
Good Morning Druid. :pup:
95 degrees isn’t bad, remember, it’s a dry heat.
Where is our other resident Irishman, Kevin? Maybe he couldn’t get into the business center. Or maybe he has taken PJ’s advice and started drinking already. :alc:
I have to go to work for awhile. I was just waiting for “The Sites Weather Report :rofl2: Cheers. π
Wow…They arrested the christians for just stopping in front of the white house…if you dont keep moving on past they throw you in the clink!! The christians!! Unbelievable!
Lots o’ ice here….really bad….its better towards the shore apparently but up here we’ve got 3-4 inches of ice layered under snow with layers of ice in between too….and its below freezing today and probably tomorrow. The plow guys are having lots of trouble and my guys cant even get here till some time today. I went out to clear the dog patio and its around 8″ of hard pack that you cant chip through with a shovel….once it warms up I can get under it and flip the pieces to make some space for the dogs, but for now theyre skidding around on top of it and peeing little yellow holes into it….heh….
y’know, I have a tiny bottle of baileys…hmmmmm….
What kind of name is THAT for a cop. π― :tongue:
Man, that’s messed up. All kinds of people hang out on that sidewalk, and in the street (it’s closed off) on that side of the White House. I never saw anybody get rousted for not moving.
Hey, don’t forget Sean!
Is Sean Irish too? I guess we’re all Irish today :dancers:
Lazy day, today.
I saw a guy from Move America Forward saying that the war is justified, important and not based on lies. ( He was lying, of course.) But he was doing the Victoria Toensing thing, defining the words so that they don’t mean what they mean.
The act of mating with a species other than your own may not be as ill advised or peculiar as it seems.
Recent research indicates that hybridization is not only widespread in nature but it might also spawn many more new species than previously thought.
A growing number of studies has been presented as evidence that two animal species can combine to produce a third, sexually viable species in a process known as hybrid speciation. Newly identified examples include both insects and fish.
:yippee: yeah dont forget me!!!!!
Wildlife authorities have found the first bald eagle nest in the city in more than 200 years, the Pennsylvania Game Commission said Friday.
Officials are not disclosing the exact location of the nest to avoid disturbing the site, but agency personnel and volunteers are monitoring it closely, the commission said.
Fingerlakes weekend wino
I saw a pair of Herons flying at sunset yesterday…
And a pair of bald eagles over the Apple Store. What’s it mean?
Neighborhood’s gonna be noisy with the drinking tonight. :alc:
Just a reminder of the reminder:
AP WASHINGTON – A major manufacturer of dog and cat food sold under Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger and other store brands recalled 60 million containers of wet pet food Friday after reports of kidney failure and deaths. (continueΓ’β¬Β¦)
Sue P and SBlueHeron … Cheers.. Merry Green and Gold … The True Flag with the Harp :dancers: :alc:
Harp Beer … :drool: Red Wine It Is :dancers:
EAGLE NEST Is Wonderful … WOW … 8)
Where is our other resident Irishman, Kevin? Maybe he couldnΓ’β¬β’t get into the business center. Or maybe he has taken PJΓ’β¬β’s advice and started drinking already.
Comment by Kristapea Γ’β¬β March 17, 2007 @ 10:29 am
I’m here, finally. Didn’t get up until 3:30 due to extreme lack of sleep all week combined with the better part of a 12-pack last night. But it was already St. Paddy’s Day in Ireland when I started, so I’m applying last night’s consumption to my overall total. :40:
There was a big ugly picture of Cheney opposite the editorial page in yesterday’s paper. That thing would drive ANYONE to drink.
Screw the Anna Nicole movie. Who are we casting in the Valerie Plame movie? It was all I could do to keep from openly drooling watching the news last night.
I’m thinking maybe Charlize Theron. Or Angelina Jolie in a blonde wig. Joe Wilson would be played by me, of course. :jerk:
wooo! it’s raining shamrocks!!!
:alc: :40: :banana: :yippee:
nice job PJ!!
Joe Wilson would be played by me, of course.
Comment by Kevin M Γ’β¬β March 17, 2007 @ 4:23 pm
There was a piece on the news tonight about Valerie :hot: Plame, and I found that I actually do kinda look like Joe Wilson a little. If I parted my hair in the middle and wore wire-rim glasses, I could probably pull it off.
Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up. π
From LA Times:
In December, Josh Marshall, who owns and runs TPM , posted a short item linking to a news report in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette about the firing of the U.S. attorney for that state. Marshall later followed up, adding that several U.S. attorneys were apparently being replaced and asked his 100,000 or so daily readers to write in if they knew anything about U.S. attorneys being fired in their areas.
For the two months that followed, Talking Points Memo and one of its sister sites, TPM Muckraker, accumulated evidence from around the country on who the axed prosecutors were, and why politics might be behind the firings. The cause was taken up among Democrats in Congress. One senior Justice Department official has resigned, and Atty. Gen. Alberto R. Gonzales is now in the media crosshairs.
This isn’t the first time Marshall and Talking Points have led coverage on national issues. In 2002, the site was the first to devote more than just passing mention to then-Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott’s claim that the country would have been better off had the segregationist 1948 presidential campaign of Sen. Strom Thurmond succeeded. The subsequent furor cost Lott his leadership position.
Similarly, the TPM sites were leaders in chronicling the various scandals associated with Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
All of this from an enterprise whose annual budget probably wouldn’t cover the janitorial costs incurred by a metropolitan daily newspaper.
Kudos to TPM
Greetings all, the land of cheese steaks is covered in ice today. In spite of that we had more than 200 people protesting the war along a 30 mile stretch of Baltimore avenue, from the edge of Chester county, through dozens of communities, all the way to the Philly border.
Oh cool, sometimes only the image placeholder wafts down the page.
From Dailykos:
As predicted, part of the fallout of the scandal surrounding the political dismissal of U.S. Attorneys around the nation is that every public figure under federal investigation on charges of public corruption (or anything else, for that matter) is now able to credibly claim that they’re the target of a partisan witch-hunt, and call the integrity of their local U.S. Attorney into question. After all, given what we’ve learned in the past few days, if you’re still on the job with this “administration,” you’re highly suspect. People will want to know how far and how often you’ve bent over backward in service to the Karl Rove agenda.
David Kurtz at TPM has picked up on the theme, finding the seeds of doubt being cast about the activities of the U.S. Attorney in Pittsburgh.
This is a link from the DK article that Sue posted. What’s interesting is this is local newsdoing only what I can describe as an in depth report. It sure as hell doesn’t happen here.
I shoulda started drinking at the start today. It was one of those days where your every attempt at productivity is thwarted. I didn’t plan my St. Pattie day very well. :fustrate:
Someone in this neighborhood has a peacock. I heard a peacock wail while I was at the dog park. :tinfoil:
I can’t believe that I still can’t “force” myself away from an Irish show :smack: … I should drink :alc:
re 44 Kristapea , Yes, why didn’t we β :fustrate: π
Watching-ish and listening now to Lorena McKennitt.
May there always be a dance in your step :banana:
And A Twinkle In Your Eye π‘
:alc: … MS.
:growl: :fist: A.I.V. :dancers: :reaper:
Here is a new for of internet/sattelite radio that is coming up…seems great if it can work…
happy st pats everyone…I didnt even hardly get out today…but I got alot done…..
Bloody Hell, the Pet Food Recall I Just Heard Again On News..
Just a reminder of the reminder:
AP WASHINGTON – A major manufacturer of dog and cat food sold under Wal-Mart, Safeway, Kroger and other store brands recalled 60 million containers of wet pet food Friday after reports of kidney failure and deaths. (continueΓ’β¬Β¦)
Omega, Cheers :alc:
It’s Raining Shamrocks β