No Gonzo today. His testimony has been postponed “out of respect for the victims of the shootings.” Not sure what one has to do with the other, but this at least gives Gonzo two more days to not get his story straight. He is now scheduled to testify Thursday.
Seanie….how is your aunt?
PJ, how could you talk to me for so long and not mention the CAT??
Im so sorry to you and RG….and the wrists??? BOTH wrists?…there but for the grace of god go I?…how does an old person get around without wrists to lean and support and all?
In my life (and Im sure not your’s PJ and granny) it makes a brain bleed seem welcomed….But thats for a 97 year old who could not live without wrists to lean on the walker with….
Im so glad that they postponed this Gonzalez thing. Bush and Laura are gonna make hay of this…and already the anti video game people are on blaming….
Which may or may not have some impact on CRAZY people…or encourage our culture of violence…but I gotta believe (as I ranted last nite on RIP) that this thing goes deeper than that.
Bill Pressed Suit talks non-stop on the shootings. Somebody calls up and Bill admits that, yes, the cable stations can only concentrate on one story at a time. Ergo, typical media whoreishness.
Young Ticks discuss nothing on the shootings. Instead, Wolfowitz, etc. with a bit of Imus.
President shit-for-brains is heading over to VA. Tech for the memorial service, ostensibly to show how compassionate he is. That must be why he’s always attending the funerals of our soldiers……oh wait…….goddamn motherfucker.
Hey Melina, Nellie is pretty good but we’re looking into some training. She’s very possesive and has to learn that my friends are her friends. We have to go through a long introduction whenever new people come over and she is not getting much better about the guy that lives in the guesthouse.
CNN has changed the graphic from “Massacre at Virginia Tech” to “Campus Killings.”
I hope that this incident doesn’t increase college ID checks. VT reminds me of MSU: Bozeman. Similar numbers (26,000 VT students, 35,000 MSU), similar landscapes (rural, the town is basically gone when school is out of session), and same definition of “high rise” (4 story VT dorm was a high rise, MSU’s got a little better than that but still). The security systems also sound the same. Open campus with residence halls using security swipe slots overnight. NOTE: These are just swipes. Doesn’t mean the ID matches the person who’s entering…..
It’s all fucked up. I’ve probably seen less violence when I’ve gone to school in NYC and Chicago than I did in Bozeman. Or at least more attention was paid to it in Montana… ’cause there’s nothing left.
and BEWARE South Koreans! They’ll apparently kill you.
David Gregory was just saying something like, its such a good thing because who better than Bush to speak because he is so familiar with dealing with death and its repercussions and the aftermath and the FAMILIES.
I know he must have been kidding….
PG, apparently the guy was a student…
I wrote about this idea on RIP last night and not sure if it makes sense….but let me tell you about my campus mental health experience
When I was 20-ish and transplanted suddenly to santa cruz….(much less later on when I was in Livingston, land of a hundred bars and everyone has a gun) I stopped sleepign at one point. I was trapped without a car and I stopped eating…only friend or person who partially understood me was Claire, my great friend from Sweden, because she was from a big city and dysfunctional family in the same way….
I stopped eating and was really feelign rough…a mess…and of course found the only cocaine dealer who wanted to just GIVE me drugs because we were friends and he was making so much $$…and then, even underage I could always get drinks, even at the cafe right there outside the dorm….
I finally went to the health services to tell them that I was just gonna go crazy, and the shrink said that
I had to go to private therapy and that in the meantime they would give me powerful sleeping pills….the Dr next door write an RX without seeing me, and the counselor gave me a name to call (who wasnt even a licensed counselor but was too expensive and not covered by insurance)…and sent me off…. no follow up, no anything…
I got out of there OK…but who knows about anyone else?
A friend of mine back then who was a very cute jock with a blonde bouncy g’friend, confided in me that he was really a woman in a man’s body and was about to go crazy….I helped him get in touch with some san francisco group that handled that sorta thing….
AND things were really so much better as far as helathcare goes back then…..
So, I can imagine anyone who is even slightly off and has access to guns…even if they go for help or someone notices that something is wrong, they have to pull themselves up by their boot straps by-god!!
This is so much deeper than video games or even gun availability…(though gun availability is pretty obscene at t his point)
There is no support or community anymore…its every man for himself….
How the fuck can we go and spread democracy and freedom throughout the world if we cant even take care of our own kid’s basic safety and mental health?
Krista- I had horrible problems with Buck and agression…he was so afraid of everyone and just had some very bad problems…He is still off but is much, much better…
I think that crating helps…especially when someone comes to the house
Make the dog not have to be respnsible for the territory…
I used also T-Touch which I took a class in….Its a sort of massage thing that calms animals and increases the good chemicals….it helped…
But the best thing is clomacalm or prozac….you can give a fearful and agressive or guarding dog some meds for a certain amount of time and they often can be weaned off and be ok.
Buck is off all meds now and hes like a different dog.
Just dont let these behaviors get ingrained or youll have a bigger job down the line.
It’s not Swedes nor Koreans, nor even Frogs (oops, had a little Wally Cox moment there). It’s college students at the end of the semester you need to worry about. You really don’t want me to have a weapon at this point in time. Trust me.
well in Sweden its very DARK…and before they figured out the artificial lighting thing it was a place of very high suicide rate….we probably became such good friends because we were so depressed…
PJ, you are almost done…just focus on that….and Granny, hide all shapr objects!!
PJ needs the funny!
PJ, how could you talk to me for so long and not mention the CAT??
Eddie was my little buddy, and is difficult to think about. We had a very difficult time, there. Eddie had problems that were very serious, and then Granny’s mother had some surgery. Eddie was better, and then Granny’s mother fell and broke her wrists. And Siggy had something very, very wrong with him, which had me all kinds of freaked out, and not getting any sleep. He seems OK now, knock on electrons. Then Eddie got bad again, and we lost him. And I fucking hate school, and I can’t sleep, and I just had to pay $1,500 in taxes, and I could go on, but everybody’s got problems, so I won’t.
I agree with your take on community Melina. I’m 48 years old and where I’m living now is the first place since I was a child where I know all of my neighbors. On a nice warm spring day everybody is outside talking to each other. My friend Josmar (she’s from Venezuala) says she genuinely feels safe here, not because she and ger husband have an attic full of weapons, but because she knows she can count on her neighbors if there’s a problem. This is something I’ve discussed with others here as well and there is a genuine concensus that we have a real community. There isn’t the isolation typical with suburbia. As an aside I think it helps that these are all row houses and we literally live a few feet from each other. That does make it tough to play Half Life 2 with the volume up the way I like.
Yeah, if it was because I made so much money this year, I wouldn’t mind. But it’s because my stipend is taxable and there was no withholding. But, I like to think that the money I’m paying in, is coming back to me, so I’m just paying myself. Or something.
well, Pj, get right to work on what we talked abotu as soon as you have a moment and we’ll submit a bill ….and I guess I dont have to send you the rainbow bridge site, huh?
…and Andy what day were you going to see Marc?
:omg: I almost forgot about sending my taxes in! Thanks you guys! I had them done weeks ago but have been procrastinating the one I owe(it’s not much). I guess I’ll be getting that done today.
Not yet, if I can come up with the money I want to take some of the kids from the afterschool program, but then I have to find at least one more adult to help because they can be a handful.
hey…sitting on the plane.sorry can’t meet ya at redbones melina.
no sidetripss this time…just three days in NH
Taxes are done 6 months early for me. I wonder if farmerkat is busy trying to get them done without the extensionn.
Pj and Granny, I’m sorry to hear about the cat, Eddie.
Jenn’s cat died recently, too. Molly, a very lovely girl, had pre-existing kidney problems and we now suspect that the food she ate was the cause having been one of the recalled brands.
WebHubbleTelescope, Kristapea, SeanMS, and others 8) re yesterdays :omg: :rofl2: 107 to 110:
Utopian without a sense of humor
A: your the idiot
philosopher kings and queens, working class heroes, progressive Utopians with no sense of humor
A: no thats the smell of pusy
a.i.v. … By The Way … Red :hot: C. P.
errgh…they are fixing the engine…i hope…
my condolences to RG,PJ and Jenn
I worry about my kitties so much and also there has been some recent pooping on the bed behaivior…so no access to the bedroom while I am gone.
Those pictures are so sweet of Eddie and his siblings(?)
Sue P, :nod: re 39 And Now I even worry for Danu … but, no worries, she will endure (I hope). Rattlesnakes “played” with her twice before and she gets a bit dizzy then shakes it off … and this is the Beta. The Full Alphas, not a problem.I would be dead many times โ But the special INNOVA EVO RM is becoming under suspect … there is no quarter!
What do I just watch for any changes :reaper: ? The cats were all stray … one is missing. Is it his Time, or is he dying in pain somewhere in the dark? Then the Killings in VA Tech which echoes, “This is how many Iraqis who die darn near daily.” Which also reminds me of the thousands who have died fighting a good cause for them but an embarrassment the U.S. ALL = :fustrate: :growl: :fu: :growl: :fist:
a.i.v. … Don’t Forget Me … Red :hot: C. P.
SBlueHeron deserves her OWN POST …
Heron Has to FLY :knit: Be Well. ๐
a.i.v. … Universally Speaking … Blessings Also Sunny & Friends and Family and Wolves and … and… and …
His sister, Trixie (Ed and Trixie) and their mother. If you’re really bored, you can see how they came to live with us at this page that my wife put up.
Yeah, community is something that I’ve been more and more focused on…
With end of the semester shit, yep. Totally understand. Three weeks (plus crit week)(or maybe including it) until we end. Couldn’t pay my tuition for this semester (or sign up for classes for Fall) until my Dad finished their taxes.
Oh, and I’ve got 4 classes left here at SAIC. I’m graduating soon (Fall or Spring).
First they try to suspend me for poor performance… now it’s graduation. THEY JUST DON’T GIVE UP ON KICKING ME OUT OF SCHOOL!
Stayed home this morning. Made invitations to participate in a performance piece next Tuesday. Blowing bubbles from the Michigan bridge down from the Tribune building. Wee!
And my thoughts, prayers and condolences (?) for all illnesses and deaths (human and cat). I’d be able to pay more attention to them if I wasn’t on constant anxiety-watch and if it didn’t make me think of my mom (who hasn’t been to a doctor in decades).
Jenn has just gotten a little kitten named Tiger. He too was a stray. Born in a Brooklyn backyard but having no trouble learning to be a pamped cat and being befriended by a 95 lb dog on whose ears he chews and by whose side he sleeps.
Druid re 42: Do you have any links for Innova problems? I switched my cats to Innova adult. It has no wheat gluten at all. I thought that would be OK. More info, please! :tinfoil:
I’m at Wills school talent show. Will is drumming in 3 or 4 songs with different lineups…he is so good…the rest is so bad. and looong….
right now is a bunch of young girls doing a very off tune version of Hard Knock Life….
next up is Will doing You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
brilliantatbreakfast, I heard on the radio early (dark yea) morning, but it might have been through Seattle (I’ll see if on g-paper ๐ ) that the natural “ones with buffalo and venison and vegetables, and a bit of fruit; thus tomatoes, which is what is listed on mine… that’s what “keyed” my awareness”. The info left me with an open mouth … which seems normal these days in oh so many ways.
a.i.v. … Keep Holding On … (loop) Avril Lavigne
SOMEONE JUST SAID Avril is too “pop” for that person to listen to. … And I Say Where Is The Strength of your bands … are they “standing” with those on the ice”, as she is?.
I saw Avril on sat nite live and she was great…but I always liked her
She is definitely rockin but she’s got a good retro rock style whoch could be considered pop….as the Beatles wrote pop songs ….but she is no Brittany Spears
Melina, I agree with you and I think she is a bit rough “cool” 8) —
and stand with “those” on the Ice. :pirate: :fist: :banana:
A.I.V. … K. H. O. … loop A. LaV.
the worst thing about the wheat gluten thing is that is was definitely on purpose — not to harm cats and dogs. the melamine represented almost seven percent by weight, not just an accidental contaminant. it was actually visible as a crystaline powder mixed in ith the gluten powder.
the most plausible speculation i’ve heard is that it was added to increase the amount of protein (amino acids) found in testing. the price per pound that a producer/exporter charges for gluten is based on protein content. mel-amine must test positive as an amino acid.
welcome to the unregulated global food chain.
beautiful happy kitties, pj & rg. especially nursing momma cat — extremely proud and joyously contented. obviously some abbysinian genes in the family — are the bottoms of their feet black?
what did eddie die of? five years is so young for an obviously well cared for and well loved cat. i know how bad this can be. none of them are “just a cat, get over it.” some of them are so much themselves that they are truly friends of an alien, more beautiful and sometimes much nobler species.
pj, hang on, school will be worth it. i went thru the same thing a few years ago: several years of poverty, academic torture and no social life. but i’m going to have an interesting and comfortable retirement. just think how good it will feel when you (finish & can) stop.
time for bed in my graveyard time zone life. nighty, night all.
To detour: I finally was able to stay awake for 24. It became exciting when I was lulled into the normal complacency and boom Jack gets it from the side. Of course, I should have seen that coming. But as weeks passed, I was lulled. I was “awaken”, suddenly, then “normal” “action sequence” which got to be :yawn: . Small Moving Pictures, which are “neat”. “…Witch [With} Visions of Computers Danced through my head, as my eyes closed.”
Natural Balance’s Web site said the affected brands of pet food contain no grains like wheat, barley, corn, and oats. And wheat gluten is not listed as an ingredient for either brand of Natural Balance’s recalled pet foods.
PJ, Thank You re 63. :paranoid: Natural Balance is one of the รขโฌลhuman gradeรขโฌย pet food companies. How long before itรขโฌโขs all of their stuff? I just donรขโฌโขt know what the fuck to do anymore, except go back to cooking for them again, and if the human grade food is contaminated, then what good is that, anyway? …a.i.v.
Did you notice when Jack got the rifle butt to the face, there were no broken bones, no blood? Heck, I didn’t even see a welt afterwards much less teeth spitting. That guy will never be a sattistic.
Melina, KEEP WATCHFUL. I get the Adult Dog. I just noticed the above info was without the buffalo and that was the very first ingredient mentioned. So just “Dazed and Confused” — and watchful. But mine is a huge animal. Cheers To The Close Watch On The Wee Ones. :pup:
a.i.v. … By The Way … Red :hot: C. P.
wvmc3d , He had a bit of a welt and that was it. And that was a good hit. At least a tooth or two and some bloody spit with a good bruise — gosh no fun. But it woke me. :rofl2: :banana: ๐
A.I.V. … Universally Speaking …R. :hot: C. P.
But wvmc3d, … bbbut we are living a real life painful Drama, so why should one be into a fake painful Drama? When the President “fell” again and the ๐ฟ VP took over and that bitch (good actress though but eck) with that wicked vapid bitch looking on … just barely hiding her smugness … why again? 10-9?
“We’ll see a Kucinich Administration before we’ll see a Cheney impeachment,” quipped one Democratic aide.
Hey, some of us wouldn’t mind seeing a Kucinich Administration AND a Cheney impeachment!
Then we’ll bring in a landscaper to handle Bush removal!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
This aide needs a civics lesson, though. We can’t start a new administration before removing the old one. Back to school with you, son. ๐
The Kucinich website has a slide up explaining that it is down for a 24-hour period of mourning for the Va Tech victims. I’ll try to remember to check it again Wednesday for any further developments.
Dennis K, I want to bear your children!
Probably can’t happen, but on the other hand…never underestimate the power of contempt; people loathed Nixon and thought Reagan was a cute old guy. Both deserved the boot, and only one got it.
Is there a more universally despised figure in American history to stand successfully for national office [McCarthy was only Wisconsin, and Andrew Johnson was elected VP at a time when the office was thought to be irrelevant.] than The Dickster? Impeachment works for the Repugs too: get this cancerous tumor out of the way and off the stage before the next election, put someone warm and fuzzy in there, and it will help their chances in ’08 significantly.
Just not enough. :sammy:
Johnson was an interesting VP. He was added to the ticket when Lincoln dumped his first VP, Hannibal Hamlin (a Maine Republican, associated with the “Radical Republicans” of the time). Johnson was not only a Democrat, but a Southerner from Tennessee, and the only Southern Senator not to quit after the South seceded. When the Radical Republicans took control of Congress in 1866, they couldn’t stand him (mostly because of his willingness to forgive the Southern states and bring the former confederates back into the Union, and for his vetoes of Civil Rights bills – he didn’t like the idea of the freed slaves becoming citizens). So, they impeached him (they actually tried twice, but failed the first time), and as we all learned back in school, failed to convict him by a single vote.
This has been today’s edition of Shit Nobody Cares About.
Just listening to Bill Wither’s “Just As I Am.” What an amazing fucking album. Really helps to straighten out a twisted, crippled mind. Am I just an old fart, or do they just not make music like that anymore?
So true, pj. I don’t think enough people remember Bill (born in Slab Fork, West Virginia where a lot of my family hails from) the way they should. ‘Still Bill was pretty great, too. My friend’s 14 son got way into Bill a few years ago at age 13.
BTW, I have nothing but admiration, respect, and love for Ms. Giovanni.I was just surprised that she was at VPI, a red university for which I have never cared. I spoke to my sister today who spent a few semesters there in the 70s before shed fled like hell. She was really disturbed by the Hokie cheer that ended the service. Something about arrogance.
Still I am deeply saddened bu what happened there. I am still not sure that in some way I will learn of a a personal connection to the tragedy. That dorm was named after someone whose family I spent some time with just before I moved away.
Last sunday the public radio show Sound Opinions had an interview with Booker T (of the MG’s). Booker described how he got Bill Withers started. Pretty interesting story, eventually Withers asked Booker who was going to sing the songs he had been writing, and Booker said “YOU!”.
I heard Booker T on Fresh Air a couple of weeks ago. Great interview, talking about being the “house band” for Stax Recordsand being friends with Otis Redding.
I am listening to Bill Withers live at Carnegie Hall right now. Astounding album that I’ve never heard before (this is why, despite it being Real Networks, I love Rhapsody). This is a measly $9.98 at Amazon. Unbelievable. I will have to buy it.
one and one!!!!!
One and one, we`re having some fun,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night.
Two and two, I took of my shoes,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night.
Three and three, she undressed me,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night………
Everything bad :paranoid: w/ :glasses :smack: … :fustrate: …I’ve Got A Headache…except for :cat: s & :pup: s & :penguin: s and :parrot: and Rats and … pretty PIXs and …
a.i.v. … Russians … Sting … (loop)
wvmc3d He does play great bumper music … but I have to give up on him when he has those DLC moments … I like him, his energies, his “voice” (but I also like Mr. K for those dulcet tones) until he says something “alien” to me :fustrate: .
a.i.v. … When We Dance … Sting
see that pro ANY and ALL Guns, shows him to be a toxic ass.I am a many gun owner & “shooter”.
Hey, so i was talking to Jeff the other night and he plays in a few bands and has played with some local bands that I know a couple of people like Grave Danger.
Found Out when Boston Legal is on …10-pm my time …
F.I.N.E. … still jealous … even over Jeff … ๐
8) Cool Grave Danger yet it could be an Indy or Fast Vehicle or Fast Band. but this guy (John L?) = eck and a bit scary
So, I end the day with spilling orange paint on a blue carpet and then come home to shredded toilet paper and MY DRAWINGS SHREDDED!!!!! Naturally I yell at Nellie and then put her outside because I am so PISSED I can’t even look at her! At which point she finally lets John pet her because she desperately needs an ally. I leave her out there for a while til I cool down and finally let her in when some people she likes come over and she’s whining outside. After they leave she comes over with a packaged bar of soap that she had barely begun to chew on during her shredding rampage, and gingerly puts it down at my feet and looks at me with those big sad doggie eyes. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe! :pup:
Oh! I heard that guy Eli, he sounded weird, sounded like someone doing a skit on SNL actually. If he was on Al’s show I’d have thought it was a skit. :dancers:
“His sister, Trixie (Ed and Trixie) and their mother. If youรขโฌโขre really bored, you can see how they came to live with us at this page that my wife put up.”
Breaking news (as of last night):
No Gonzo today. His testimony has been postponed “out of respect for the victims of the shootings.” Not sure what one has to do with the other, but this at least gives Gonzo two more days to not get his story straight. He is now scheduled to testify Thursday.
Oh yeah, did I mention FIRST???
Hey, Malloy is broadcasting from Phx. I should go over to the station and ravage him.
Comment by Kristapea รขโฌโ April 16, 2007 @ 11:40 pm
Be sure to wear pink, so he sees you coming. At least give him a fighting chance. ๐
Why do I get the feeling that everyone else slept in today?
YEA, Kevin M. :yippee: is #1, & #2 :pirate: 8) :dancers: Alpha ๐ … A!I!V!
SeanMS :knit: :peace: :love:
Seanie….how is your aunt?
PJ, how could you talk to me for so long and not mention the CAT??
Im so sorry to you and RG….and the wrists??? BOTH wrists?…there but for the grace of god go I?…how does an old person get around without wrists to lean and support and all?
In my life (and Im sure not your’s PJ and granny) it makes a brain bleed seem welcomed….But thats for a 97 year old who could not live without wrists to lean on the walker with….
Im so glad that they postponed this Gonzalez thing. Bush and Laura are gonna make hay of this…and already the anti video game people are on blaming….
Which may or may not have some impact on CRAZY people…or encourage our culture of violence…but I gotta believe (as I ranted last nite on RIP) that this thing goes deeper than that.
Morning :joe:
Did anyone see Jon Stewart with the special report on how the emails got erased?…magneto bursts into the server room….
Jill, Mr B MUST see this clip!
hey krista…hows the pupper?…so cute…I was lookin at pictures the other day.
its HERE under the top videos called The Amazing Erase
Bill Pressed Suit talks non-stop on the shootings. Somebody calls up and Bill admits that, yes, the cable stations can only concentrate on one story at a time. Ergo, typical media whoreishness.
Young Ticks discuss nothing on the shootings. Instead, Wolfowitz, etc. with a bit of Imus.
President shit-for-brains is heading over to VA. Tech for the memorial service, ostensibly to show how compassionate he is. That must be why he’s always attending the funerals of our soldiers……oh wait…….goddamn motherfucker.
Hey Melina, Nellie is pretty good but we’re looking into some training. She’s very possesive and has to learn that my friends are her friends. We have to go through a long introduction whenever new people come over and she is not getting much better about the guy that lives in the guesthouse.
WebHubbleTelescope , regarding 12, yes, this is day two for me, in reference to questioning Bill PPPress’s logic. ๐ฎ , :rant1:
:joe: :fustrate: :joe:
CNN has changed the graphic from “Massacre at Virginia Tech” to “Campus Killings.”
I hope that this incident doesn’t increase college ID checks. VT reminds me of MSU: Bozeman. Similar numbers (26,000 VT students, 35,000 MSU), similar landscapes (rural, the town is basically gone when school is out of session), and same definition of “high rise” (4 story VT dorm was a high rise, MSU’s got a little better than that but still). The security systems also sound the same. Open campus with residence halls using security swipe slots overnight. NOTE: These are just swipes. Doesn’t mean the ID matches the person who’s entering…..
It’s all fucked up. I’ve probably seen less violence when I’ve gone to school in NYC and Chicago than I did in Bozeman. Or at least more attention was paid to it in Montana… ’cause there’s nothing left.
and BEWARE South Koreans! They’ll apparently kill you.
David Gregory was just saying something like, its such a good thing because who better than Bush to speak because he is so familiar with dealing with death and its repercussions and the aftermath and the FAMILIES.
I know he must have been kidding….
PG, apparently the guy was a student…
I wrote about this idea on RIP last night and not sure if it makes sense….but let me tell you about my campus mental health experience
When I was 20-ish and transplanted suddenly to santa cruz….(much less later on when I was in Livingston, land of a hundred bars and everyone has a gun) I stopped sleepign at one point. I was trapped without a car and I stopped eating…only friend or person who partially understood me was Claire, my great friend from Sweden, because she was from a big city and dysfunctional family in the same way….
I stopped eating and was really feelign rough…a mess…and of course found the only cocaine dealer who wanted to just GIVE me drugs because we were friends and he was making so much $$…and then, even underage I could always get drinks, even at the cafe right there outside the dorm….
I finally went to the health services to tell them that I was just gonna go crazy, and the shrink said that
I had to go to private therapy and that in the meantime they would give me powerful sleeping pills….the Dr next door write an RX without seeing me, and the counselor gave me a name to call (who wasnt even a licensed counselor but was too expensive and not covered by insurance)…and sent me off…. no follow up, no anything…
I got out of there OK…but who knows about anyone else?
A friend of mine back then who was a very cute jock with a blonde bouncy g’friend, confided in me that he was really a woman in a man’s body and was about to go crazy….I helped him get in touch with some san francisco group that handled that sorta thing….
AND things were really so much better as far as helathcare goes back then…..
So, I can imagine anyone who is even slightly off and has access to guns…even if they go for help or someone notices that something is wrong, they have to pull themselves up by their boot straps by-god!!
This is so much deeper than video games or even gun availability…(though gun availability is pretty obscene at t his point)
There is no support or community anymore…its every man for himself….
How the fuck can we go and spread democracy and freedom throughout the world if we cant even take care of our own kid’s basic safety and mental health?
Krista- I had horrible problems with Buck and agression…he was so afraid of everyone and just had some very bad problems…He is still off but is much, much better…
I think that crating helps…especially when someone comes to the house
Make the dog not have to be respnsible for the territory…
I used also T-Touch which I took a class in….Its a sort of massage thing that calms animals and increases the good chemicals….it helped…
But the best thing is clomacalm or prozac….you can give a fearful and agressive or guarding dog some meds for a certain amount of time and they often can be weaned off and be ok.
Buck is off all meds now and hes like a different dog.
Just dont let these behaviors get ingrained or youll have a bigger job down the line.
Swedes also have a lot of experience with depression and funky mental health. Woo-hoo darkness!
Also totally agree with campus mental health… actually, make that mental health care in general because it SO DOESN’T STOP with campus mental health.
It’s not Swedes nor Koreans, nor even Frogs (oops, had a little Wally Cox moment there). It’s college students at the end of the semester you need to worry about. You really don’t want me to have a weapon at this point in time. Trust me.
well in Sweden its very DARK…and before they figured out the artificial lighting thing it was a place of very high suicide rate….we probably became such good friends because we were so depressed…
PJ, you are almost done…just focus on that….and Granny, hide all shapr objects!!
PJ needs the funny!
Eddie was my little buddy, and is difficult to think about. We had a very difficult time, there. Eddie had problems that were very serious, and then Granny’s mother had some surgery. Eddie was better, and then Granny’s mother fell and broke her wrists. And Siggy had something very, very wrong with him, which had me all kinds of freaked out, and not getting any sleep. He seems OK now, knock on electrons. Then Eddie got bad again, and we lost him. And I fucking hate school, and I can’t sleep, and I just had to pay $1,500 in taxes, and I could go on, but everybody’s got problems, so I won’t.
I agree with your take on community Melina. I’m 48 years old and where I’m living now is the first place since I was a child where I know all of my neighbors. On a nice warm spring day everybody is outside talking to each other. My friend Josmar (she’s from Venezuala) says she genuinely feels safe here, not because she and ger husband have an attic full of weapons, but because she knows she can count on her neighbors if there’s a problem. This is something I’ve discussed with others here as well and there is a genuine concensus that we have a real community. There isn’t the isolation typical with suburbia. As an aside I think it helps that these are all row houses and we literally live a few feet from each other. That does make it tough to play Half Life 2 with the volume up the way I like.
Sorry to hear about your cat PJ and to a lesser extent your taxes. I just sent mine off yesterday and had to scrounge about 350.00
Yeah, if it was because I made so much money this year, I wouldn’t mind. But it’s because my stipend is taxable and there was no withholding. But, I like to think that the money I’m paying in, is coming back to me, so I’m just paying myself. Or something.
Between the car rental place and my ‘puter fixin’ I barely made 16000.00, I can’t believe I had to come up with more money for the pentagon.
OK…I found the right video and posted it on my blog….they let you embed for a couple of days…how nice of them.
well, Pj, get right to work on what we talked abotu as soon as you have a moment and we’ll submit a bill ….and I guess I dont have to send you the rainbow bridge site, huh?
…and Andy what day were you going to see Marc?
:omg: I almost forgot about sending my taxes in! Thanks you guys! I had them done weeks ago but have been procrastinating the one I owe(it’s not much). I guess I’ll be getting that done today.
I’ve got a ticket for May 10th.
have you been to the tut exhibit there?
I got dunned pretty badly for no withholding. Somehow I thought Maron shows would reduce my liability. Somehow, I was wrong.
Not yet, if I can come up with the money I want to take some of the kids from the afterschool program, but then I have to find at least one more adult to help because they can be a handful.
hey…sitting on the plane.sorry can’t meet ya at redbones melina.
no sidetripss this time…just three days in NH
Taxes are done 6 months early for me. I wonder if farmerkat is busy trying to get them done without the extensionn.
Hey, I saw Ben Franklin’s privy pit in Philly, and it was free!
Damn! I had to pay 10 bucks!
Pj and Granny, I’m sorry to hear about the cat, Eddie.
Jenn’s cat died recently, too. Molly, a very lovely girl, had pre-existing kidney problems and we now suspect that the food she ate was the cause having been one of the recalled brands.
WebHubbleTelescope, Kristapea, SeanMS, and others 8) re yesterdays :omg: :rofl2: 107 to 110:
Utopian without a sense of humor
A: your the idiot
philosopher kings and queens, working class heroes, progressive Utopians with no sense of humor
A: no thats the smell of pusy
a.i.v. … By The Way … Red :hot: C. P.
errgh…they are fixing the engine…i hope…
my condolences to RG,PJ and Jenn
I worry about my kitties so much and also there has been some recent pooping on the bed behaivior…so no access to the bedroom while I am gone.
Those pictures are so sweet of Eddie and his siblings(?)
Sue P, :nod: re 39 And Now I even worry for Danu … but, no worries, she will endure (I hope). Rattlesnakes “played” with her twice before and she gets a bit dizzy then shakes it off … and this is the Beta. The Full Alphas, not a problem.I would be dead many times โ But the special INNOVA EVO RM is becoming under suspect … there is no quarter!
What do I just watch for any changes :reaper: ? The cats were all stray … one is missing. Is it his Time, or is he dying in pain somewhere in the dark? Then the Killings in VA Tech which echoes, “This is how many Iraqis who die darn near daily.” Which also reminds me of the thousands who have died fighting a good cause for them but an embarrassment the U.S. ALL = :fustrate: :growl: :fu: :growl: :fist:
a.i.v. … Don’t Forget Me … Red :hot: C. P.
SBlueHeron deserves her OWN POST …
Heron Has to FLY :knit: Be Well. ๐
a.i.v. … Universally Speaking … Blessings Also Sunny & Friends and Family and Wolves and … and… and …
His sister, Trixie (Ed and Trixie) and their mother. If you’re really bored, you can see how they came to live with us at this page that my wife put up.
Yeah, community is something that I’ve been more and more focused on…
With end of the semester shit, yep. Totally understand. Three weeks (plus crit week)(or maybe including it) until we end. Couldn’t pay my tuition for this semester (or sign up for classes for Fall) until my Dad finished their taxes.
Oh, and I’ve got 4 classes left here at SAIC. I’m graduating soon (Fall or Spring).
First they try to suspend me for poor performance… now it’s graduation. THEY JUST DON’T GIVE UP ON KICKING ME OUT OF SCHOOL!
Stayed home this morning. Made invitations to participate in a performance piece next Tuesday. Blowing bubbles from the Michigan bridge down from the Tribune building. Wee!
And my thoughts, prayers and condolences (?) for all illnesses and deaths (human and cat). I’d be able to pay more attention to them if I wasn’t on constant anxiety-watch and if it didn’t make me think of my mom (who hasn’t been to a doctor in decades).
So… uh… :cat:
pj, KITTIES!!!
My mom’s got 13 of them. 12 strays obtained in a similar way… over a few years. There were more (dear God there were more)… but yeah. 13.
Jenn has just gotten a little kitten named Tiger. He too was a stray. Born in a Brooklyn backyard but having no trouble learning to be a pamped cat and being befriended by a 95 lb dog on whose ears he chews and by whose side he sleeps.
Thanks for the nice kitten pics, PJ.
Druid re 42: Do you have any links for Innova problems? I switched my cats to Innova adult. It has no wheat gluten at all. I thought that would be OK. More info, please! :tinfoil:
Is there an innova prblm??
I think it is the wheat gluten that is the issue. Both the dogs and the cats have always eaten food without wheat gluten and they have been fine.
I’m at Wills school talent show. Will is drumming in 3 or 4 songs with different lineups…he is so good…the rest is so bad. and looong….
right now is a bunch of young girls doing a very off tune version of Hard Knock Life….
next up is Will doing You Can’t Always Get What You Want.
Ben just looked at me and asked ‘ do you ever wonder how anyone gets through life?I said, Yeah , every day…..
I’m. filming this so expect some youtube of the cutest drummer this side of Joey Jorgensen…whoever that is…..
brilliantatbreakfast, I heard on the radio early (dark yea) morning, but it might have been through Seattle (I’ll see if on g-paper ๐ ) that the natural “ones with buffalo and venison and vegetables, and a bit of fruit; thus tomatoes, which is what is listed on mine… that’s what “keyed” my awareness”. The info left me with an open mouth … which seems normal these days in oh so many ways.
a.i.v. … Keep Holding On … (loop) Avril Lavigne
SOMEONE JUST SAID Avril is too “pop” for that person to listen to. … And I Say Where Is The Strength of your bands … are they “standing” with those on the ice”, as she is?.
I saw Avril on sat nite live and she was great…but I always liked her
She is definitely rockin but she’s got a good retro rock style whoch could be considered pop….as the Beatles wrote pop songs ….but she is no Brittany Spears
I think I’m beginning to have an out of body experience…it happens somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd hr of these things…..
My Generation
wvmc3d, I think Wonderful re 58
Melina, I agree with you and I think she is a bit rough “cool” 8) —
and stand with “those” on the Ice. :pirate: :fist: :banana:
A.I.V. … K. H. O. … loop A. LaV.
the worst thing about the wheat gluten thing is that is was definitely on purpose — not to harm cats and dogs. the melamine represented almost seven percent by weight, not just an accidental contaminant. it was actually visible as a crystaline powder mixed in ith the gluten powder.
the most plausible speculation i’ve heard is that it was added to increase the amount of protein (amino acids) found in testing. the price per pound that a producer/exporter charges for gluten is based on protein content. mel-amine must test positive as an amino acid.
welcome to the unregulated global food chain.
beautiful happy kitties, pj & rg. especially nursing momma cat — extremely proud and joyously contented. obviously some abbysinian genes in the family — are the bottoms of their feet black?
what did eddie die of? five years is so young for an obviously well cared for and well loved cat. i know how bad this can be. none of them are “just a cat, get over it.” some of them are so much themselves that they are truly friends of an alien, more beautiful and sometimes much nobler species.
pj, hang on, school will be worth it. i went thru the same thing a few years ago: several years of poverty, academic torture and no social life. but i’m going to have an interesting and comfortable retirement. just think how good it will feel when you (finish & can) stop.
time for bed in my graveyard time zone life. nighty, night all.
roxieseattle, re 60 :nod: Yes, I Agree with all you say.
:love: :KISS: :knit: :gate: Pleasant Dreams :yippee:
To detour: I finally was able to stay awake for 24. It became exciting when I was lulled into the normal complacency and boom Jack gets it from the side. Of course, I should have seen that coming. But as weeks passed, I was lulled. I was “awaken”, suddenly, then “normal” “action sequence” which got to be :yawn: . Small Moving Pictures, which are “neat”. “…Witch [With} Visions of Computers Danced through my head, as my eyes closed.”
The latest recall is the Natural Balance dry venison and brown rice dog food, and venison and green pea cat food. Vomiting and kidney failure. Natural Balance is one of the “human grade” pet food companies. How long before it’s all of their stuff? I just don’t know what the fuck to do anymore, except go back to cooking for them again, and if the human grade food is contaminated, then what good is that, anyway?
Is Avril “Rock” or a lil Country? She sounds rock — and yes I have seen her and :pirate: attitude :yippee: :banana:
Excellent video, Vern.
PJ, Thank You re 63. :paranoid: Natural Balance is one of the รขโฌลhuman gradeรขโฌย pet food companies. How long before itรขโฌโขs all of their stuff? I just donรขโฌโขt know what the fuck to do anymore, except go back to cooking for them again, and if the human grade food is contaminated, then what good is that, anyway? …a.i.v.
Did you notice when Jack got the rifle butt to the face, there were no broken bones, no blood? Heck, I didn’t even see a welt afterwards much less teeth spitting. That guy will never be a sattistic.
Melina, KEEP WATCHFUL. I get the Adult Dog. I just noticed the above info was without the buffalo and that was the very first ingredient mentioned. So just “Dazed and Confused” — and watchful. But mine is a huge animal. Cheers To The Close Watch On The Wee Ones. :pup:
a.i.v. … By The Way … Red :hot: C. P.
wvmc3d , He had a bit of a welt and that was it. And that was a good hit. At least a tooth or two and some bloody spit with a good bruise — gosh no fun. But it woke me. :rofl2: :banana: ๐
A.I.V. … Universally Speaking …R. :hot: C. P.
But wvmc3d, … bbbut we are living a real life painful Drama, so why should one be into a fake painful Drama? When the President “fell” again and the ๐ฟ VP took over and that bitch (good actress though but eck) with that wicked vapid bitch looking on … just barely hiding her smugness … why again? 10-9?
Hey, Kucinich is gonna file articles of impeachment against Cheney.
About damn time!!
PJ , re 71 … :pirate: :yippee: :pup: :banana: :cat: :yippee: :pirate:
A โ I โ V โ
“We’ll see a Kucinich Administration before we’ll see a Cheney impeachment,” quipped one Democratic aide.
Hey, some of us wouldn’t mind seeing a Kucinich Administration AND a Cheney impeachment!
Then we’ll bring in a landscaper to handle Bush removal!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
This aide needs a civics lesson, though. We can’t start a new administration before removing the old one. Back to school with you, son. ๐
The Kucinich website has a slide up explaining that it is down for a 24-hour period of mourning for the Va Tech victims. I’ll try to remember to check it again Wednesday for any further developments.
Dennis K, I want to bear your children!
Probably can’t happen, but on the other hand…never underestimate the power of contempt; people loathed Nixon and thought Reagan was a cute old guy. Both deserved the boot, and only one got it.
Is there a more universally despised figure in American history to stand successfully for national office [McCarthy was only Wisconsin, and Andrew Johnson was elected VP at a time when the office was thought to be irrelevant.] than The Dickster? Impeachment works for the Repugs too: get this cancerous tumor out of the way and off the stage before the next election, put someone warm and fuzzy in there, and it will help their chances in ’08 significantly.
Just not enough. :sammy:
:reaper: back to buffalo for another funeral bad couple of weeks……
Johnson was an interesting VP. He was added to the ticket when Lincoln dumped his first VP, Hannibal Hamlin (a Maine Republican, associated with the “Radical Republicans” of the time). Johnson was not only a Democrat, but a Southerner from Tennessee, and the only Southern Senator not to quit after the South seceded. When the Radical Republicans took control of Congress in 1866, they couldn’t stand him (mostly because of his willingness to forgive the Southern states and bring the former confederates back into the Union, and for his vetoes of Civil Rights bills – he didn’t like the idea of the freed slaves becoming citizens). So, they impeached him (they actually tried twice, but failed the first time), and as we all learned back in school, failed to convict him by a single vote.
This has been today’s edition of Shit Nobody Cares About.
Sean, sorry to hear about that. Your aunt passed away, I presume? Condolences to you and your family.
๐ฅ yeah the cancer got her this morning going home from detroit in the morning
:jason: i see the servers drove off a cliff i feel sorry for its two laptops at home……
Wow, Nikki Giovanni is a VPI professor. She sure doesn’t seem very VA Tech to me. I wonder if she taught the killer.
wvmc3d …re 82 why don’t you like her … she sounds WONDERFUL ?
SeanMS, :knit: :gate: Blessings Good Journeys & :peace: & :love: for Her & You.
A โ I โ V โ … Can’t Stop … (loop) Red :hot: C. P. :dancers:
Sorry to hear about that Sean.
Just listening to Bill Wither’s “Just As I Am.” What an amazing fucking album. Really helps to straighten out a twisted, crippled mind. Am I just an old fart, or do they just not make music like that anymore?
pjsauter , Nice… :nod: ๐
So true, pj. I don’t think enough people remember Bill (born in Slab Fork, West Virginia where a lot of my family hails from) the way they should. ‘Still Bill was pretty great, too. My friend’s 14 son got way into Bill a few years ago at age 13.
BTW, I have nothing but admiration, respect, and love for Ms. Giovanni.I was just surprised that she was at VPI, a red university for which I have never cared. I spoke to my sister today who spent a few semesters there in the 70s before shed fled like hell. She was really disturbed by the Hokie cheer that ended the service. Something about arrogance.
Still I am deeply saddened bu what happened there. I am still not sure that in some way I will learn of a a personal connection to the tragedy. That dorm was named after someone whose family I spent some time with just before I moved away.
Last sunday the public radio show Sound Opinions had an interview with Booker T (of the MG’s). Booker described how he got Bill Withers started. Pretty interesting story, eventually Withers asked Booker who was going to sing the songs he had been writing, and Booker said “YOU!”.
Go listen to the podcast:
I heard Booker T on Fresh Air a couple of weeks ago. Great interview, talking about being the “house band” for Stax Recordsand being friends with Otis Redding.
I am listening to Bill Withers live at Carnegie Hall right now. Astounding album that I’ve never heard before (this is why, despite it being Real Networks, I love Rhapsody). This is a measly $9.98 at Amazon. Unbelievable. I will have to buy it.
I’ll tell ya, this sounds excellent with the old etymotics ear buds in, too.
OK, well, I’m just gonna keep posting stuff until we get to 100. Just ‘cuz.
:pup: 100!!!!! soon……
:pope: christo fascist zombie brigades of the neo-con death cult ๐ฅ
:fu: my grandma voted for bush…… twice…… :sheep: :sammy:
:penguin: global warming!!!!! 8)
:banana: party on friday…… maybe? ๐
Sorry about your aunt, Sean. At least Detroit to Buffalo is a fairly short trip.
one and one!!!!!
One and one, we`re having some fun,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night.
Two and two, I took of my shoes,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night.
Three and three, she undressed me,
In the bedroom, all day, and all of the night………
:fustrate: short if i can cut through cananada……
:fustrate: 250 through canada 380 around through the states since i wont have a trailer i should be able to cut through canada……
Everything bad :paranoid: w/ :glasses :smack: … :fustrate: …I’ve Got A Headache…except for :cat: s & :pup: s & :penguin: s and :parrot: and Rats and … pretty PIXs and …
a.i.v. … Russians … Sting … (loop)
MY CATS had problems recently with Wellness so now I am back to Iams with Lamb and rice. I hope it is ok..
Someone is sawin’ logs next door :jason:
must get up at 3:30 a.m. my time for this meeting grrrr!
Jeff Farias is going Jim Earl on us!
He’s got the Mortenson schtick down pat. Even the voice inflections.
Hey, Malloy off, Kristapea MIA? Hmmm.
Farias is pretty good for Malloy. I missed the Mortenson though.
He plays great bumper music. Does he mix it up?
wvmc3d He does play great bumper music … but I have to give up on him when he has those DLC moments … I like him, his energies, his “voice” (but I also like Mr. K for those dulcet tones) until he says something “alien” to me :fustrate: .
a.i.v. … When We Dance … Sting
see that pro ANY and ALL Guns, shows him to be a toxic ass.I am a many gun owner & “shooter”.
Hey hey hey hey hey! I like the older guys but not THAT old!
Kristapea :rofl2: ๐
Hey, so i was talking to Jeff the other night and he plays in a few bands and has played with some local bands that I know a couple of people like Grave Danger.
Found Out when Boston Legal is on …10-pm my time …
F.I.N.E. … still jealous … even over Jeff … ๐
8) Cool Grave Danger yet it could be an Indy or Fast Vehicle or Fast Band. but this guy (John L?) = eck and a bit scary
Some rethug puke guy on Thom Hartmann named Eli sounds just like a male Ann Coulter.
Or is that an oxymoron?
I got some cheap earbuds from Amazon with free prime shipping. For $3.50, it came in a box the size of a microwave oven!
WebHubbleTelescope , :rofl2:
So, I end the day with spilling orange paint on a blue carpet and then come home to shredded toilet paper and MY DRAWINGS SHREDDED!!!!! Naturally I yell at Nellie and then put her outside because I am so PISSED I can’t even look at her! At which point she finally lets John pet her because she desperately needs an ally. I leave her out there for a while til I cool down and finally let her in when some people she likes come over and she’s whining outside. After they leave she comes over with a packaged bar of soap that she had barely begun to chew on during her shredding rampage, and gingerly puts it down at my feet and looks at me with those big sad doggie eyes. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwe! :pup:
Oh! I heard that guy Eli, he sounded weird, sounded like someone doing a skit on SNL actually. If he was on Al’s show I’d have thought it was a skit. :dancers:
“His sister, Trixie (Ed and Trixie) and their mother. If youรขโฌโขre really bored, you can see how they came to live with us at this page that my wife put up.”
Me and Bgurl took a look,
great story and pix!
good article from MAT’s site on dog and cat food recalls:
:banana: fucking party!!!!!
my friend samantha is back from afghanistan and all in one piece!!!!! fuck YES i needed some good news!!!!!
:pup: :yippee: :pope: :boobs: :dancers: :love: :jerk: :peace: :santacool: :ear: :blech: :nixon: :alc: :nod: :tongue: :bow:
๐ ๐ ๐ 8) ๐ฎ ๐ ๐