So, I have to go to work today. Damn, it’s been a long time since that happened. Five days a week, day-in/day-out. “What a revoltin’ development,” as Chester A Riley used to say (you youngsters will have to look him up on the google, I guess). That’s no way to live, is it? I’d have preferred to have at least another week or so off (who the hell woulda figured I’d get a damn job so fast), but, since the government checks quit coming (last one was in April), I reckon the sooner I get started the better. It’s gonna take a while to get used to it, that’s for sure. The last time I had to get up and go to work in the morning (not counting that dreadful summer in DC, of course), I had Morning Sedition to wake up to, so it was actually a pleasure to get out of bed. Now, I got nothing. This is gonna take some getting used to.
I’d forgotten what a thrill the lo-cal morning shows are. Better than the Today Show, at least.
A revoltin’ development indeed. No one old enough to reference Chester A. Riley should be required to re-enter the workplace.
I understood the reference? Oh shit. :omg:
I’m at least as old as you, Kev, and it went over my head. I’ve heard of Chester A. Riley, but that’s about it.
Sorry you found a job so fast, PJ. This is the worst part of getting a job, being new on the job. Everyone treats you like a friggin’ idiot, like you can’t figure things out for yourself. Where are you working?
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
Hey Melina, Frank Rich is on Bill Press. He’s your fave!
Good luck at work PJ.
Sorry about the little hatchling, Melina. :parrot:
Melina, Sorry about the birds. Palemale and Lola failed to hatch any chicks for the past 2 years so they are very sad also. But, the mourning doves, who build their nest in bushes, on city streets, have hatched a little one who is very good at making his needs known to all of us.
I have silly luncheon to attend. Yuk.
After weeks of care at the Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine — and then a long, bumpy ride in the back of a van driven by wildlife doctor Flo Tseng — the yellow-nosed albatross, thousands of miles from its true home, waddled warily yesterday from a dog carrier box onto the rain-spattered sands of Old Silver Beach.
The onshore breeze was stiff, carrying the whiff of salt and seaweed.
The bird, a native of distant southern waters and quite possibly the only albatross living in the North Atlantic, stared stonily at the green waves crashing against a rock jetty. Then it settled into what looked to be a position for a long sulk or even a snooze.
Happy 56th Birthday to Senator Al Franken. ❗ :cake:
Whenever I hear his name I will forever think of Brian from Everett.
😡 so now pj shows up……
Be Well PJ :gate: :yippee: 8) 😉 … Be Well Siggy :pup:
(and of course RAGING Granny — “careful of those who hitchhike” 😉 ) … … … A.I.V.
Awww 😉 :gate: SeanMS even :penguin: :peace: :dancers: 😉 … a.v.i.
Oh Yes Happy 56 Birthday Al :banana: Soon to :bee: Senator Al Franken ❗
I MISS MarcM even miss (a bit) Brian.
(THX Vernon)
a.i.v. Now Please ❗
i wonder if brian from everett made it to see marc this weekend.
i’ve used his political party name and slogan many times (always giving him credit of course)…i can relate.
thanks vernon, that was great!
After pissing and moaning about dropping my iPod, I googlied ‘dropped iPod and came up with this troubleshooting page and now it is working again. 😳
I still hate iTunes.
Is this Green doing an interview on Hartmann?
Oh BTW TEA :joe: CHEERS to One and All ❗
Is there anyone besides Green on eckkk :smack:
A>I>V> :growl: :fist: HiiiYaaa just wanted to (teehee)
Do not say reasons why one should — Take A Stand.
Just like in the early 70’s just “walk past him”.
(also checking Sam’s Site — which I will go to )
A.I.V. … Bring Me To Life … Evanescence
Sue P. I want to make sure you knew it was a form of endearment re My Dear, My Darlin or w/ a g One… I was not being “bitchy”. :pirate: :yippee: 😉
vernon, pj, et al:
i googled :brian from everett” and got the following link. about halfway down, there’s a tribute to the end of ms. this guy plays in a band and did an orchestral version of “inconsistent mental…”
i couldn’t pull it up — don’t know if it’s a limitation of my handheld or if it’s gone to some cyber graveyard. i’d love to hear it.
Spoing! :billcat:
celebrating “Victoria Day” in Canuckistan…
eya Melina! I’m rooting for the rest of the babies, sad moring though eh?
eya PJ, “I owe, i owe, it’s off to work we go!”
Melina, How many more eggs are there?
So, I missed Sams’ show yesterday, how was it? Did Marc call in?
roxie, here is a repaired link courtesy of Citizen Keith.
Kp, marc did not call in. I doubt that he ever will again as long as it is AAR.
There still is no podcast anywhere that I can find. There is supposed to be one sometime on the Seder site where I found Sunshine Jim.
vernon: thanks. i was able to load the link this time, but not the file. oh well. did you listen to it? is it worth pursuing?
glad you were able to see marc last night. he was relatively subdued while here also. pretty much st on the stool the whole set, no stalking around the stage. understandable. must have been hard to play seattle w/o m. they usually stay at her dad’s when here. this time he stayed at an “extended stay” hotel. he had funny stuff to say about the non-identifiable cooking smells in the hallway.
It’s OK. Nothing special.
Marc had no stool last night and since it was a theater he was moving around. It was a weird set of a break room from their current play. There was a moment at the end where he went to the back of the stage while talking about his life right now and sort of slumped over and seemed very sad and pained before he pulled out and changed the subject to Muslim terrorists.
I think it was Marc who made the funny comment about MySpace and how young and well preserved all of the 100 year old women were.
Ouch, Randi just played some Maron music.
these are :parrot: grown here now, after multitudes of smuggling and murdering the poor birds, then for many to :bee: let lose in the trees and palms, for many to die, correct? Hmmmmm Clipped Wings 🙁 My husband wants to clip a dog — I do NOT!
A>I>V> Can’t Stop … Red :hot: Chili Peppers
yeah, vernon:
after the earth is a dead wasteland, aliens come to get scrap metal. they unearth some harddrives, found myspace, and joked to each other that this was a planet full of millions of people, everyone of which thought he/she was important…and, amazingly, the women reached the age of one hundred with no apparent signs of aging!
hey druid! how goes it?
Druid, it never ocurred to me that you were being bitchy. Why would I think that?
Survived my luncheon, now only 2 1/2 weeks to summer vacation. Hooray.
Hopefully Green will only be occupying the airwaves today and tomorrow. I find his interviewing style (such as it is) somewhat smarmy. But I’m out of the office tomorrow and won’t have to listen to it.
Tea Cheers :pirate: s
Just from one of the 100 year old “chick” Gang. :yippee: :pirate: s
:reaper: :dancers: A.I.V. … Can’t Stop … (loop)… Red :hot: C. P.
Yeah, roxie, that was it almost verbatim. I guess I shouldn’t have had that G&T during intermission. The earlier comic also did some MySpace material as well.
Wonder why Green did not try to hog the Obama interview?
Roxie Cheers when can I ” :bee: bug” ya?
& Sue P., I was kinda asked if it was a joke or what…then i thought eek 😮 😯 :omg: it was just a “bloody” dear endearment (LLBH :rofl2: ) I better make sure Sue P did not see it as a bit sarcastic and a different meaning than what I meant .
But Cool 8) ya got it.
i’ve seen marc;s act here almost every show (not every visit — every show) he’s done here in seattle. as gypsy & i commented on saturday, we could almost do his show.
i didn’t listen to green. it was on but i couldn’t really want to focus on it…
I heard Green interview Stephanopolus (sp?). It wasn’t terrible. Terrible is Lionel who asks lame questions because he doesn’t seem to :bee: prepared.
Air Americans now. 4 hours is a long haul.
From Sam Seder’s blog:
For those who aren’t aware, all of the uploading for AAR podcasts has been done by one person since the beginning. He started out doing it for free out of the goodness of his heart and a love of what AAR was trying to accomplish. Later AAR got involved and that’s when the premium feature began.
His screenname is “bob” and he’s a one man podcast team. For some of the content he occasionally relies upon outside sources for the audio, but otherwise it really is a single person operation. (He has even gone so far as to haul along his laptop on vacations to ensure the shows are posted in as timely a manner as is possible.)
The current delay for Seder on Sunday seems to have something to do with bob not being able to get the weekend audio from New York.
There’s a thread here that talks a bit about the situation.
bob really does try to get things posted as quickly as he can so please be patient with what’s going on.
Sad, the unfrightning get the jobs … the “Truthful” like Marc are abandoned. Mark even “dis’d” Marc, who was being Nice! 😥
a.i.v. … 🙁 ( I do not mind Mark working, I do mind Marc not working on a Regular Gig)
mark riley? what did he say? or mark green
oooh shit: i just listened to the green interview on randi’s show. randi was NOT HAPPY to be forced to air that!
ok, guess i have to switch to xm to listen to aar 2.0 in real time woohoo.
Roxieseattle, Marc the whole week when he was sitting in — for a week — perhaps The Sam’s show when Sam worked someone elses job … From the very beginning Marc had called MARK RILEY OnAir to visit him on air to say hi — Mark never came … Marc said Mark must have gone home and perhaps tomorrow. He tried daily and “felt” confused by Wednesday and Thursday … he was trying not to :bee: sad and probably “bitchy” too very much re Mark OnAir…
That was kinda it … but even on Sam’s show (i think) that previous Friday he had said he was even looking forward at seeing Mark. Then Marc was dis’d ….. and it hurt him (as I was at my desk bitching to the Windowed Computer — going WTF? What ‘s Up?–Up?) … a.i.v. Dark Angel Butterfly
— Oh, in the old days folks would but up songs they were listening to and lyrics also — : – (
druid: yeah that was wierd, but i think mark was hurt that marc didn’t call him before the gig — just kind of assumed they’d hook up. marc even came in early the second or third day to catch mark but i think by that time he (mark) felt dis’d & avoided him. mark had to know that the great majority of ms listeners were marc’s fans. now, read this outloud to someone. marc’s on first, mark’s on second.
I hope to :bee: off membership, soon, but I have to check Why I am not off. I give up on AAR.
Maybe RoF whenever I can get but no longer “caring”. :nod: :no: :nod:
A.I.V. …
I personally think that Riley was getting / accepting that other Gig and he couldn’t face Marc. … A.I.V.
i think you’re right about that. i’m sure he felt guilty about staying, but marc clearly understood and didn’t hold it against him.
oh well. this air americans thing is really exciting thus far (not).
i think i’ll take a nap…
roxieseattle, :rofl2: I was typing the EXACT thing :yawn: sleep for a few. 😉 :yawn: :yawn:
Or were you joking :doh: cuz I ain’t (teehee) 😉
:yawn: 😉 c-ya
I just remembered I can’t sleep until 11 so I can see the dance “thing” on ABC(it is the last one … and I like seeing the dancing and remembering.
A.I.V. :reaper: … Haunted … by Evanescence
Many things are rushing thru mind — hmmmm Cheers C-Ya
Roxie, did any of you guys get pictures?
my bad. i tried to take some of marc on stage but i didn’t want to use a flash so they all came out blurry.
i totally spaced while we were hanging out and i think everyone else did too. sorry.
i did get a couple of sets on my wierd little archos “camcorder”. no zoom so image is pretty small and sound is horrible but blue taped it so maybe we can sync the two and come up with a couple good bits. i have no idea how this might be accomplished but travis thinks he might be able to do it.
don’t hold your breath, however. i’ve never used let alodownloaded from the archos to computer.
You’re calling the wrong MM radio program.
Seanie!!! Just on Malloy asking about getting Marc on Nova :yippee:
What did Malloy say Art?
Malloy likes Marc and went to see his standup act several weeks ago.
Sean just asked Malloy if he’d seen Maron when he was in Atlanta. Also told Malloy what a great show it would be with Maron and Seder on Nova. Malloy said he’d talked to Maron, agreed that would be a terrific show.
It’s all old news. I think Maron was in Atlanta months ago. It’s not going to happen until Seder gets f@#ked for the last time by AAR.
Malloy’s been promising something “BIG” at Nova, kinda implying there would be a Seder or a Maron showing up but so far…..,
bupkus 🙁
Roxie: no problem, I’ll try to remember mine when I see him next week. 10 days and counting.
WTG Sean!
i heard that earlier tonite. was thinking mike enjoyed the idea and had a break from the stress regime at the same time.
The General’s playist Solid!! :jesus:
And some Sabbath!
So I may hear Sean on KPTK in a few minutes? Sho’ ‘nuf did.
:knit: made it to Ashland..
I have some pictures …hope I brought the camera cord with me.
:blech: messed up what i wanted to say almost completely…… ok off to milwaukee…… 😕 mentioned the blog on mallos show wonder if anybody showed up because of it?
blue can i get the pictures you took when i was there?