Lots to do today. I have to catch up on all the shit I haven’t gotten to over the past week. Let’s just hope the power stays on.
Posted by pjsauter on May 26, 2007
Posted in Uncategorized | 31 Comments
Lots to do today. I have to catch up on all the shit I haven’t gotten to over the past week. Let’s just hope the power stays on.
First? Impossible!!
well, baby bird, night 1 is complete…If I can get through this bar mitzvah today (having more ot do with one of my very best friends who is having a bitter divorce and her ex cant seem to rise above just for these few days…so she needs friends around her today)…and run back in between service and lunch and disco thing that they do to feed the thing…Ill lay down and try to figure my next move.
Im really pissed about this rosie thing and I want to blog about it because its so much more that rosie or the view or whatever…it was our only outlet in daytime TV, popular amng a certain section of the country who may never hear a liberal vo9ice…and little fuck, Hasselbeck, has managed to look sympathetic…even though, as Trump even says, she is one of THE stupidest people on TV…
And Rosie is right…she is challenging a segment of our population that we elite liberals put ourselves above, but who represents real people doing their housework during the day….
My family is very intellectual and liberal and active in a political way, and I grew up with soap operas and daytime talk on all the time….of course that was radio too…but Mom likes noise so she would have numerous things on at once…
OK…I have to shower and deal with the dragon named Will who does NOT want to get up and go to the temple….much less the usual disco that he has been to a hundred times….its way loud and he hardly knows any of these kids…and Ben is waiting at home alone…jeeze
where is everyone? Was there a nuclear bomb last night??
Im jealous…i want to sleep late and/or get stuff done!!
Morning. It’s a very hectic time of year for me, because school is winding down and I have mucho paper work and stuff to accomplish.
Someone donated beautiful dictionaries to the kids whose 3 classrooms are on the third floor. The No Good Deed Goes Unpunished God at the Board of Ed made sure that the elevator was not in service on that day. It’s just been that kind of week.
Melina, congrats on baby bird. For how long do you have to feed it by hand? Do the times between feedings get longer? When I’ve had to bottle feed kittens they seem to be able to wait longer between feeding as they get older and eat more at each feeding.
PJ, How’s the new job? Interesting? Nice colleagues?
Well, Rosie might be right, but we all know that intemperate egomaniacs like Rosie, Jane Fonda, or Streisand are used by the right to bamboozle middle aged men who have problems with strong women and get them to vote against their own interests. A little self-awareness and restraint on their respective parts would help all of us, but that’s not the nature of the entertainment business is it?
Don’t know if i agree with Brilliant’s post today. The Dems will always be able to argue that this was Bush’s war, and that any drawdown happened because of the ’06 election. The voters are not that stupid, except for the ones who try really hard to be stupid, and succeed. What happened this week is not the final straw, and next week we’ll be on to the next atrocity (the NIE? Gonzo? who knows?). And I do sympathize with people like Webb, who won in a still very conservative state on a fluke, by a handful of votes, and who can’t be expected to get his marching orders from Daily Kos. Webb is not a Lieberman, and neither are most of the Dems who voted for the Iraq bill. You can’t cut them loose over one vote; it was too damn hard getting them there in the first place [and would you prefer to have had this congress or the last one, when roberts and alito were up for nomination?).
So don’t jump overboard. The ship is turning around. Glub glub.
Just kidding. :sammy:
good morning :joe:
Cresttwo, I agree with you. The Dems didn’t have the votes to bring the last bill to the floor again. They did what they did. It’s not what I wanted them tio do, but we go from here.
There is no practical alternative to the Dems. But, we do need to keep pushing them, just as the Right pushes the Rethugs.
The osprey chicks on Shelter Island are hatching and the birds are very busy fishing to feed those hungry babies.
In Brooklyn, the mourning doves single chick died. It seemed to be fine but I found the nest abandoned with the chick in it. Last year, a morning dove chick kept jumping out of its nest. I put it back over and over, but when I came back from a weekend away, I found it dead in the stairwell. The year before, they tried to build a nest under the airconditioned but abandoned it without laying any eggs.
What is it with these mourning doves?
Hello all! I had to go to work today. :fustrate:
Nice to here the baby bird is OK so far Melina.
mornin gang!
:joe: :joe: :fire: and more :joe:
Yay Melina! one day at a time.
mourning dove mystery… eya sue p! could be anything wonder what it is myself.
hey all:
most interesting rumor / speculation ??? i have heard about the vote is that loserman threatened to move over to the repubs (officially that is) if the vote failed to pass.
if true, puts a whole new light on the sitchyashun.
yeah, as unhappy as i am about the war funding, it’s getting close to the time we need to close ranks with progressive and not so progressive dems. the right wing schmucks have enough talking points without lefties helping them out. i’ve done my share of bitching about spineless dinos, you know. but i think it’s beginning to scare the horses (name that quote) or the :sheep: le rather.
eya Roxie! mornin!
tell ya what i’m looking for
i’m waiting for people to quit being suckers for this whole labeling scam.
framing it’s sometimes called.
we need the quantum leap of being willing to work together with any people concerned with the dangers of unregulated corporate goverment.
that simple eh? go beyond some of labeling and resolve some of this petty Repub/Dem bickering.
they use it to divide us when the truth is we all have more in common than we differ.
forget the talking heads, they like having some “party” turf staked for their own reasons. that keeps it simple for them. that way they don’t have to deal with ‘complicated’,
that make any sense to you folks?
hey jim!
tell you what, you go find me a few republicans (non libertarianish republicans) who are concerned about unregulated corporate government…hell, a few that didn’t start looking for your tinfoil hat, and i’ll agree with you. i do agree that the media are mostly useless. even most of the relatively thoughtful are more concerned with the horse race than the principles involved. i’m that way myself to the extent that i think the horse race and the framing required are pretty damn important.
i ain’t no saint, and i don’t have much respect for most people’s intellects. those :sheep: le that are going to be manipulated should be manipulated into acting in their (and our) own best interest. by us. not by them.
off to bed. i expect lts of posts about birds and :bee: :bee: :bee: and horse races when i get up.
that’s lots of posts :slap:
umm you know i’m an old reggied repub and Oregon state lobbyist?
(just a volunteer, it actually costs me money)
got a pretty good network of ol repubs that have come around…
we went thru that ‘tinfoil hat’ shit in the 80’s and up to 2004! now
they’re starting to apologise and go WTF is going on?)
Habeus corpus… most of em thought we still had it. some of em lawyers too.
nah, really they’re as out of touch with reality as any TVidiot.
takes a while though, they’re stubborn.
got to hammer down each point.
should write a book…
“How to talk to Republicans”
1st chapter:
“Who we are and why we don’t have time for this “Political” stuff.”
Hey folks, just got back from seeing Dennis Kucinich live in concert. Within walking distance of my place, no less. Can’t beat that.
Unfortunately, it was at a sports bar, and the area he was speaking in wasn’t closed off, so I had to listen to various bar noises drowning out his mic from time to time. What I did hear was positive, and it was good to have him back in the area, even if it was primarily trolling for $.
I had seen pictures of wife Elizabeth, but this was the first time I had seen her in person. Pix do not do justice. They make quite an interesting couple, especially since she is several inches taller than he is.
(I will now pause to allow each of you to make the Kucinich-is-short wisecrack that I know each of you are formulating.)
Although I campaigned for him in 2004, I haven’t chosen anyone yet for 2008, but he is certainly an option, albeit not one of the more likely ones. We’ll see how the festivities continue to play out.
I invited the folks from my Speechcraft class to attend, and although a couple of them made inquiries to me yesterday, including the cute single one, no one showed. Oh well. Speech-evaluation opportunities weren’t optimal anyway because of the bar noise.
Why am I using the word “folks” so much lately? I’m not turning into the Commander Guy, am I?
And as long as we were in a sports bar, they could have at least put the Indians-Tigers game on one of the screens. If not for me, at least for Dennis.
I’m performing tonight at a “showcase” of some sort. It’s my first thing of this kind. I’m getting paid 10 dollars. I get 10 minutes.
Apparently the people who I’m doing this with have video footage of me which will somehow get online or at least into my hands.
And yes… yes, I am nervous. I don’t know if I have 10 minutes and I don’t really know how to close a set. Fuuuuuck.
If they still think Bush is doing the right thing
after these last six years might I suggest using a :tommygun: :tommygun:
Good luck Kristin!!
I heard Dennis on Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me this morning. He does an most excellent Donald Duck impression.
Most of the Republicans I know will never vote ( again) for one of these neocons… but ..
They sill love privatization, charter schools, low taxes and getting rid of the social safety net .. they also make most of their income from investments so pull your self up by your boot straps is their favorite motto..
I think this me me me attitude is only changed by serious intimidation. :yuck: :barf: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
I have to wonder if the polls are just another lie prompted by the people with the money.If not there are more IDIOT MORONS that I can imagine. The idea that people don’t understand what is happening and the solution is kind of mind boggling :barf: :yuck: :fustrate: :paranoid:
hey all…back from a long barmitzvah and lunch, during which I drove back and froth to feed the bird …and once to take Will home because he cant stand the loud disco part…I brought earplugs this time and was able to share some new sets with my friends…I dont know why these are not provided at all of these things…the DJ’s trade in the super loud predetermined bar mitzvah program….God, I am sick of those things!!
bird still OK…still peeping…and so cute.
Mom came up and is poking around the garden and playing with the other birds….Ben and Will between the swings and the computer…
I am totally for the dems in general and would never consider supporting anyone who wont win…even if its Hillary…honestly, what choice have we got…I am very impressed with Barak’s speech about this thing….and Edwards in general…
But I do think that this vote stands remembering. On HuffPo in the comments the other day someone was saying that we need to keep tabs on how many soldiers die after this vote…I which there was a way to keep a counter of them…
This vote was a real example of underestimation of the public and how much they can take in (not much) and what woldhappen if someone stood up and told the truth…they are funding the surge…not the existing troops…the SURGE!!.
Via Pam’s House Blend. Why this guy isn’t deemed a terroristr is beyond me.
It must be getting stremed a lot because it loads rather slowly.
Yay Painting Girl !
“Break a leg!”
Melina- you’re raising some baby birds? :parrot:
True, I’m not in Japan, I’m in Taiwan. And I haven’t heard from the Japan crowed in ages.
interesting WOOT:
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