So, yesterday was pretty interesting, as far as working goes. Somebody jumped off the roof of the hospital. Not the highest roof, but enough to cause a lot of damage. The people on the other side of the building I work in saw the whole thing. Couldn’t see it from over on my side, though. Just as well; I don’t need to see that. Then I got to go to the ER, and check out the system that’s tied in to the traffic cameras around here. The traffic control guy zoomed all around for me. These cameras go all the way down to three feet resolution. Pretty cool. Today, no doubt, will be much more mundane.
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
Morning traffic here is a “full contact” sport. There have been many times when I hear a slide and other noises that make me turn away. I don’t need to see it. I understand why you wouldn’t want to.
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
:yuck: Its Thursday again :reaper: :reaper:
The yelping Jackels … err.. rethugs Q & A session is on C-span right now. :barf: :barf: :yuck: :crap: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Generally the traffic cams in the Denver area are very boring to watch .. The same scene often for ten or twenty minutes at a time. :yawn: :yawn:
I’m glad I only listened to the reviews of this Q & A session having to listen to them and the
people (?)thugbotsIDIOT MORONS in the audiance makes me want to :barf:I have to disagree completely with anyone who is in favor of Hillary A(for AIPAC) D(for DLC) Clintdork for pesidork..
She offers only elitist view points and what she said and the bills she backed she did only because with the thugbot dominated congress she worked in there was typically no chance in hell of it passing.. Remember that NAFA and the WTO came into being during her husbands administration..
Hillary is only a slightly left leaning Republican of the 1980s variety. :gate: :omg:
You need to vote for someone who has some integrity not just some one that is a good orator or it is just more :crap: pilled on top of more :crap: pilled on top of even more :crap:
Unless someone can come to grips with this 50 something trillion we owe ourselves there will no national health care, no social security, no Medicare, no public education, few good paying jobs and you will have to learn Chinese.
Seventy percent of every dollar you make will go to pay taxes to pay the interest we owe the Chinese and Japan and to pay for military spending to keep them from reposing us. :reaper: :reaper:
OK, let’s get to the IMPORTANT news of the day…
Amy’s back in the TOP 10!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Selling your CD cheap at Best Buy apparently pays off, as Ms. Winehouse LEAPS from 11-6, surpassing her previous climax :hubba: at position #7 the week of her debut.
Platinum certification can’t be far away. This deserves several rounds of drinks.
And then Amy can buy some for the rest of us!
:40: :40: :40: :40: :40: :40: :40:
I think the argument for Hillary was predicated on the scenario that IF she is the Democratic candidate, we are much better off with her than with another Rethug.
Fo sure, Hillary has many imperfections. But, compared to Rudy, she is certainly preferable.
We can’t end up with another Rethug. What Rudy, or Mitt, or any rethug will do to the Supreme Court, civil liberties, etc is far worse than what Hillary will do.
Thanks everyone for the posts yesterday concerning the speech. I’ll post more after work. To the best of my knowledge, no one was taping it, although we got a hilarious video out of the rehearsal last Friday (which sadly must remain private).
I don’t have any plans to run for office, though. At least not until I get a lobotomy. ๐
the rolling stone cover will no doubt put her over the top!
I said goodbye to the teachers and kiddies, yesterday, and prepared to start summer vacation by sleeping late this morning. That seems to have been a signal to my big red cat Clifford and his dog pal to make sure I was awake by 6AM. This was accomplished by Clifford jumping from high perches onto ME, while doggie barked between licking my face and breathing in it.
So, I’m up but instead of going to work I got to listen to the clip of the Marcks, from yesterday. Very nice.
Well starting early in 2008 there will be primaries.. If Hillary looks like she will be the shoe in or the front runnier has a media accident or the M$M produces unending amounts of slime then I guess all you can do is pray that Mr. Putin releves us of this plague since no one living in this fascist state seems inclined to do anything about it. :reaper: :reaper:
I’m no great fan of Hillary or the Clintons, but my argument is that there is a tendency to exaggerate her flaws and pandering moments; the total record is actually pretty good. We’re not picking a wife here.
I just wouldn’t get too hysterical about the whole business, comparing her to Bush and Cheney because you really think that Edwards or Obama is ever so much better. You might have to swallow your objections eventually, so don’t get all drastic about it. We really can’t afford eight more years of this horror, and a lot of these same people who can’t stand Hillary were the same ones taking shots at Gore in 2000, and thank you all so bloody much for that.
Thanks by the way for the Marcks link- I forgot how much I missed just the daily banter, even without the jokes. For whatever reason, the two guys have real chemistry, you Mark Reilly detractors out there.
Now I’ll be bummed out the whole day. :sammy:
How can you use Hillary’s record as a litmus test she served her first four years entirely with a rethug majority so how she voted made no, nada zilch difference so she could pretend to be anything she wanted to be :gate: :omg:
Protecting Our Constitution From Those Who Would ‘Save’ It
Supporters of “Original Intent of the Founding Fathers” ~ or “Strict Constructionists,” as they call themselves practicing the philosophy of “originalism” ~ come in two forms; both dangerous. One group claims that the Constitution must be read literally and no deviation from what they read can be honored. The second group claims that whatever government does must be specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Both concerns are unworkable.
Tea :joe: Cheers (Run Fred :rofl2: )
I woke up late, I heard The Yound Turks WITH BEN >>>eek ๐ฎ
But now “This Is The Bill Press Show” … :yippee: (kinda)
is there a clip of marc on the air americans out there?
Here’s the link to Bobby Kennedy’s new media effort, GOLEFTTV.
Here you go Melina.
yesterday’s thread, melina, near the bottom.
Fred, there are a lot of Dems who could have played let’s pretend as part of the minority since 2001, and they didn’t. Her voting record stands up with anybody’s; you’d be surprised. She’s been a pretty good Senator for NY, including for voters who have not and never will support her, like the firefighters and the upstate region in general. That is not a terrible thing. My point is that even the purer-than-thou heroes of the left, like Edwards and Obama [Iran anybody? AIPAC anybody?) have warts too, if you care to see them, and if you’re honest about it. My worry with these guys, who i would support enthusiastically, is that they might get cut to pieces by the GOP noise machine and by their aiders and abettors; Clinton’s problems are pretty much old news now, and the two new books that came out this week amidst such fanfare are being greeted with yawns. I wouldn’t burn my bridges with any of the candidates, Hillary included, because if you’ve been watching the GOP debates, the alternatives are downright frightening.
Got to admit that Chris Matthews’ disgracefully sexist act is making me more pro-Clinton than I would like to be. Just because he’s against the war doesn’t entitle him to pull this shit.
Sen. Ted Stevens, the longest-serving Republican in the Senate, disclosed in an interview that the FBI asked him to preserve records as part of a widening investigation into Alaskan political corruption that has touched his son and ensnared one of his closest political confidants and financial backers.
Stevens, who is famous for bringing home federal earmarks for Alaska when he was Appropriations Committee chairman, was not previously known to be linked to the Justice Department’s probe, which has uncovered evidence that more than $400,000 worth of bribes were given to state lawmakers in exchange for favorable energy legislation.
I wonder whether the Senate Rethugs are going to demand an ethics probe of Stevens, the House Rethugs having just rushed to demand one of Jefferson.
One would think they be embarrassed to treat them differently, but this group has been remarkable in their shamelessness.
Those callers on C-SPAN are awful. The anti-immigrants are crawling out of the woodwork. Too bad that they weren’t smart enough to rally or counter-rally a year ago when they had the chance. The neanderthal that bellowed to Martinez this morning sounded like a nasty Fred Flintstone. Mallow would have dispatched him in 2 seconds.
BTW, Conan seemed to want to ask a question of Marc last night, but Marc derailed it before it got articulated. Conan then never got back to it. There must be some secret comedian code of conduct that told Conan to not pursue that line of questioning.
Overall, Marc started lagging talking about the “hate muffins”, but finished strongly with the “shoot Sanjaya in the face” bit.
I thought that only my Mom listened to CSPAN callers….
she of the “lionel is OK” club…
Ill have to catch that conan…
Just For Info:
(anyone with more local info, please advise…Me ๐ )
EXCERPTS from June 6, 2007
Civil Rights Outreach Committee press release
Oregon Eco-Sabotage Cases Unjust and Incomplete
Green Scare Investigations Continue in Other States
Eugene, Oregon–
Sentencing in the Department of Justice’s “Operation Backfire” cases
began in federal court May 22 after a hearing May 15 to determine
whether the government’s arguments for applying a “terrorism
enhancement” on some of the crimes of property damage would be taken
into account. … The judge ruled that terrorism
enhancements applied to four out of 20 incidents involving seven of
the ten defendants. The enhancement could send the young activists to
maximum-security prisons that house the country’s most violent
…Prosecutors have complete discretion to utilize this enhancement, choosing
to label environmental defendants as “terrorists” WHILE RIGHT-WING CRIMES,
I just was FINALLY able to check a site of mine. :slap:
…Dark Angel Butterfly … … H. Chopper
The other one I dont get is Armstrong Williams…how is it that two guys with squeaky high voices get national radio gigs?…just horrible!
Vern…if youre out there…check out Steve Earle show from this past wk…
it has my old friend Tim Carroll, from the old days of the east village…
He was in an unsung band called the blue chieftains that was so freakin great for that alternative country moment that I was on the edge of before I fled to MT and had Will….
anyway, he is married to a nashville gal, who is a great singer and they are playing his songs, her songs live and also some other tracks that they like…
its one of the best Earle shows in a while…
one reason to not lose all hope for AAR…thanks to New West records…oh, um…is that Danny Goldfart’s new home?
heh heh…
oh and…one more thing…did anyone see Jerry Springer’s new gig?
This was who DG thought was the answer for liberal talk radio??
The amazing freak parade :barf:
Good morning :joe: Thanks for posting Marc and Mark. I sure do miss that banter. ๐
Armstrong Williams is a total mystery to me – i know its rascist to call a black man “articulate” so what do you say when he’s so miserably inarticulate as Williams is? His pronounciation and syntax [is he a ‘Gullah” like Clarence Thomas?] are extremely difficult to understand on the radio, and that’s just a fact. It has nothing to do with intelligence, because although his politics are a joke, he has written acceptably literate books, and he is an educated man. He just happens not to belong on the radio. [Mike and the Mad Dog are a similar problem, but they’re a freak entertainment act, not to be taken seriously; The Mad Dog is obviously channelling Jerry Lewis in The Nutty Professor]. What is Williams doing there?
I hope Maron’s reemergence on Conan is a sign that something good is going to happen soon. Really getting tired of waiting. :sammy:
She’s actually pretty popular up here in the Great White North, too. She carried upstate quite handily in both elections. She’s also been pretty out front in terms of trying to boost the crappy economy up here. If anything, LI is probably the only part of the state that she’s unpopular in.
My real problem with her is that I think she would be too easily pushed into military action or something equally as stupid in order to “look strong.” I think her handlers think she has to compensate for being a woman, in that respect. But, looking at every Republican that’s running, I can quite easily say that I would vote for her w/o even holding my nose. I don’t entirely trust her, but then I entirely distrust McCain, Romney, Guiliani, etc. Besides, it’d be cool to finally have a woman president. If she does great, then great. If she’s terrible, well, then maybe they can get off the backs of us old white males for a while.
Feeling a little like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day with all of this Hillary debate. I think we might be able to do this every day until August 2008 and maybe through November. Maybe I should make bad moose puns and jokes, too. I will reiterate that a lot of the image of HRC is a result of the demonization that the repuglycans have been doing to her since health care, (edit) Whitewater, Vince Foster, TravelGate, etc in the 1990s as well as characterizations like shrill and unelectable. I hate seeing my side buying into so many of these lies. Of course, I am not saying this about fred and Dru. I understand but disagree.
Rather than repeat what I was trying to say yesterday which had been better said by crettwo and Sue P. But just taking another shot at the purity crowd maybe I will resort to some two word Luntzian-Rovian framing of the issue
Supreme Court
Iraqi War
Nuke Iraq
Preemptive strike
Privitized government
Privitized military
President Giuilani
President Romney
President McCain
President Thompson
President Thompson
President Tancredo
President Gingrich
President Gilmore
President Huckabee
President Brownback
President Hunter
President Bush
President Rice
to coin a few.
Hmmm, President Clinton sort of has a lilting ring to it.
Marc Maron simply makes Mark Riley better. And last night you saw it underlined, bold-faced, in big neon letters. The first segment, when Maron is there, Riley is doing just fine — he doesn’t have to do all the heavy lifting alone. But when Maron leaves, Riley turns into the village idiot. Amazing how they got right back into the groove.
I did a post this AM on the (wishful thinking) Marc Maron Equation, as if even this brief appearance on AAR meant something happening. :love: I dare not hope, however. Too much heartbreak of late ๐ — and even WXPK seems to be dipping its toes into the water of “top 40 classic rock” instead of digging around for new bands and good stuff like they’ve been doing. :fustrate:
I may have to go back to listening to 1920’s jazz or recording podcasts of “The Big Broadcast” every week. :dancers:
When Riley said there was a line forming outside the building…I assumed it was for Maron!
There are those who would not mind standing in long lines for
an appearance from Maron. And we are LEGION!
re Colette … :nod: …
Yes, Hill is a Union Buster,
and yes she is a DLC eck ‘er
But I thought I was being a Centerist :slap: and more like you ( :rofl2: Super LLBH) when I would even vote for her if elected … when I said Ultimately I am a Yellow Dog ( ๐ ) Dem …
Vernon, I guess a LLBH on me :doh: :omg:
And then there are the Eco-Terrorists ๐
:Tree Hug: :love:
:growl: :fist: A!I!V! … … Dark Angel Butterfly … … … Hasson Chopper (hmmm)
… and brilliantatbreakfast YEA EMOs :pirate: :yippee: :pirate:
PJ, :rofl2: itรขโฌโขd be cool to finally have a woman president. If she does great, then great. If sheรขโฌโขs terrible, well, then maybe they can get off the backs of us old white males for a while. :rofl2: ๐ :rofl2:
ExxonMobil to buy US Military for $100 Million-trillion
Oil giant ExxonMobil has agreed to purchase the United States Military for $100
Million-trillion in a combined cash and stock purchase.
Exxon spokesman Rock McGruder said it was a move the board had been considering for the last two quarters and after last quarter’s massive profits, the time was right.
“We did a cost-benefit analysis and the answer was obvious.” said McGruder. “It was time to buy the US Military.”
It was actually an advance move to head off a hostile take over by the Chinese government.
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Groups list 39 “disappeared” in U.S. war on terror
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Six human rights groups urged the U.S. government on Thursday to name and explain the whereabouts of 39 people they said were believed to have been held in U.S. custody and “disappeared.”
The groups, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, said they filed a U.S. federal lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act seeking information about the 39 people it terms “ghost prisoners” in the U.S. “war on terror.”
The report said suspects’ relatives, including children as young as seven, had been held in secret detention on occasion.
CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano dismissed the report, saying the CIA acts in “strict accord with American law” and its counter-terrorist initiatives are “subject to careful review and oversight.”
“The United States does not conduct or condone torture,” he said.
This apparently goes back into the 1980s.. no Amerikans were “supposedly” involved :reaper: :reaper:
Gorbachev: ‘Europe is not a guinea pig’
Maybe we need to send money to the Russians rather than to the DNC. :reaper: :reaper:
Woman Arrested for Making Faces at Dog
CHELSEA, Vt. (AP) – A prosecutor has dropped charges against a woman who was arrested for staring at and making faces at a police dog.
We don’t have a police state.. right .. right..??
๐ ๐
aahhh…thanks for the Marcks link! It was so great to hear them (esp.Marc) back together again! :jesus: …..sigh…….. :sheep:
LA residents told to cut showers as drought deepens (driest in 130 yrs)
What happens to all those over inflated property values when you run out of water?? :reaper: :reaper:
Document: Iran Caught Red-Handed Shipping Arms to Taliban
NATO officials say they have caught Iran red-handed, shipping heavy arms, C4 explosives and advanced roadside bombs to the Taliban for use against NATO forces, in what the officials say is a dramatic escalation of Iran’s proxy war against the United States and Great Britain.
I will bet that the Berlin Times reported that the Amerikans were caught delivering old destroyers to the British back in 1940 too. :reaper: :reaper:
Internet Absurdity: Bin Laden Listed at FOX Headquarters
An Ohio man says he has located Osama bin Laden in the United States and wants to claim the U.S. government’s $25 million reward.
Using an online person search built from phone directories and other public records, Thomas Potter of Olmsted Falls, Ohio, turned up three listings for “Usama bin Laden.”
The first listing put the al Qaeda leader at the California headquarters of media giant FOX Entertainment Group. The second placed bin Laden in the office of a Bethesda, Md., Internet firm owned by the son of a former Defense Department official. And the third pinpointed bin Laden’s secret hideout as an unidentified location in Hermitage, Tenn.
Quick sound general quarters. :crap: :yuck: ๐ฎ
Something that hasn’t been mentioned much is that some of our prime financial institutions are owned by foreign governments. MBNA for example is owned by the government of Saudi Arabia. Chase Bank is partially owned by the government of Quatar.. About 40% of this low interest mortgage money is furnished by China so when the Amerikan defaults and can’t declare bankruptcy his property is then assumed by foreign governments ..
Foreign governments pay no US property taxes. :reaper: :reaper:
Capitalists will be happy to sell anything ( and anyone) for the right price. :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
High winds and snow blowing out of Colorado
KUSA รขโฌโ The storm that brought hurricane force winds to the Front Range and snow to
the high country is moving out of Colorado, but we still may get some rain before it leaves.
Wind gusts over 100 mph were recorded Wednesday evening northwest of Berthoud. This is the equivalent of a Category Two hurricane.
A HIGH WIND WARNING expired at noon on Thursday for the Front Range from Monument Hill north into Wyoming. However, a WIND ADVISORY is still in place until 9 p.m. for eastern Colorado, including the towns of Yuma, Wray and Burlington.
Here are a few of the recorded wind gusts:
Berthoud รขโฌโ 101 mph
Boulder รขโฌโ 92 mph
Genesee รขโฌโ 74 mph
Louisville รขโฌโ 70 mph
Greeley รขโฌโ 58 mph
Estes Park รขโฌโ 53 mph
9NEWS Chief Meteorologist Kathy Sabine says the storm system is moving out, taking the wind with it. She says there still could be a few gusts, reaching around 30 mph, and spotty rain showers as the system leaves Colorado.
Light snow fell in the northern and central mountains on Thursday. Some areas have received as much as 6 inches of snow since Wednesday night.
Ahhh ….Spring time in Colorado ๐ฎ ๐ฎ :crap: :paranoid: :tongue:
Feds May Suspend Border Passport Rule
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration may suspend a major post-
9/11 security initiative to cope with increasingly angry complaints from
Americans whose summer vacations are threatened by new passport
A proposal under consideration would temporarily waive a requirement
that U.S. passports be used for air travel to and from Canada and
Mexico, provided the traveler can prove he or she has applied for a
passport, officials said Thursday.
Don’t you feel safer now ?? :reaper: :reaper:
Actually its all being caused by all those Amerikans moving to Venezuela where the real democracy exists. :reaper:
Andy, thanks for posting the link to Mark and Marc last night. I almost got misty toward the end when they played “Can’t Stop” coming back from break. It was great to have the Marcks back, if only for two segments. Hopefully they can continue to do it when Maron visits New York.
I thought that Mark and Marc sounded great as a team. Riley is a bit .. ok .. very… dull when he is on solo. :yawn:
Climate experts slam G8 deal on emissions
HEILIGENDAMM, Germany รขโฌโ World leaders revived hopes for a long-term United Nations deal to fight climate change on Thursday but experts branded their targets for cutting emissions as toothless.
A G8 summit in Germany agreed to seek “substantial” but undefined cuts in emissions as a step towards slowing global warming after the United States blocked European hopes of agreeing a target of 50 percent cuts from 1990 levels by 2050.
“Without a time frame, the cuts don’t mean anything,” said Bert Metz, a Dutch climate expert who chaired a U.N. report this year about the likely costs of adapting to climate change.
What else would you expect from a gathering of sociopathic capitalists. :reaper: :reaper:
No problem Kevin, that was the link posted by ShelaghC last night.
๐ก I am so PISSED! Janeane Garofalo is gonna be here this month but she’s playing at this place that I’ve banned because they search you to the extant that they make you take your shoes off and pat you down and when I was there the one and only time ever, they confiscated my friggin carabiner clip. I’m sure I ranted about it here so i won’t go into the stupid details. Well, a friend of mine had gone to a show a week after the show I went to and she said they weren’t searching anyone at all. So, I just called the place to see if they were going to search people at Janeane’s show and the girl said they search people at every show and I said no you don’t because my friend….. And of course she said they were supposed to search people at every show. Whatever. It’s one thing to succumb to this kind of searching on airplanes but I don’t want to get used to being searched in my leisure time or my everyday life. NO! I draw the line there! My friends say I’m over reacting that they’ve searched people for a long time at shows but frankly, I don’t see how their piddly little pat down, shoe search and carabiner clip confiscation is gonna keep me from using my keys to jab someones eye out if I wanted. Or smuggle a pocket knife or very small gun in my underwear. Yeah, that’s right, they’re gonna have to strip search everyone to make me happy! Then maybe people won’t put up with it anymore. I’m just not putting up with it anymore. There’s still places that don’t search you and those are the places I will go.
So, I was thinking about writing Janeane about the search situation there at the Marquee Theater and maybe she’d get pissed too and maybe she’d say something to them and if they still searched people at her show anyways maybe she’d boycott em and get a better venue and that would show ’em! But I couldn’t really find a site where i could actually email her. I’m thinkin’ Myspace but that would mean I would have to register and I’m not ready for that. Can anyone think of another way to contact her?
Kp, you might try through Seder samsedershow at gmail dot com. Her agent listings look outdated.
This sounded a little crazy but check out the comments here. It probably varies depending on the show. I’d bet it would not be as tough for a comedy show than a gangsta punk show.
That must have been a hell of a clip.
BTW, if anyone has friends near San Diego, Maron in La Jolla next wekend.
Yeah Vern, The show I was at was DeVotchka. Hardly the kind of show that would attract gangstas.
I can’t imagine Sam is gonna forward my email. But maybe I’ll try anyways.
Krista, you know DeVotchka probably seemed quirky enough to frighten the local horses.
I keed you a bit but your point is very well taken. We are expected to endure these indignities more and more in the name of something to be named later by those who shall decide what will frighten us or can be used to show us our place or control us. Our current regime is all about giving permission in the wink of an eye or worse and empowering legions of Little Hitlers ( ๐ Nick Lowe) to keep us in line.
ya sam’s good for a forward usually.
Janeane is quirky about emailing fans sometimes.
it depends on what catches her eye.
Thanks, Jim. I do not know if that was the best address but Sam is more responsive/responsible than most.