So, I’m checking out this Gallup poll, and it turns out that basically half the people in this country don’t believe in evolution. Not surprisingly, Republicans lead the way, with 68% saying they don’t believe in evolution. I find this pretty amazing, personally. But I reckon it helps to explain why this country has become so tragically pathetic and inept. I think we ought to send all the creationists over to Iraq. Clearly, the magic skywizard will protect them from harm, and the rest of us can stay home and work on developing renewable energy sources, and cars that run on water.
:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :rant1: :rant1: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
โ โ Whatever :sheep: le
With all these polls lately on people who believe in this and that we seem to have about 400% of the populace that are conflicted in some way with themselves. :reaper: :reaper:
There is some totally disgusting thugbot event on C-span.. Bill Frist is the chairperson (?)
Some thing about fighting hunger and saving lives in Africa .. Isn’t that a bit hypocritical for rethugs to talk about saving peoples lives when they preach hate hate hate out of the other side side of there mouth at the same time. :tommygun: :tommygun: :reaper: :reaper:
I’m thinking that unless a poll is done by TAS or the BBC that the data for the most part is extracted from the pollsters behind so all the sociopaths have a reason for being soiciopathic. :yuck: :crap: :paranoid:
So its ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ all these poor children in Africa are starving and living on the street.. Nothing about Detroit, Chicago , Minneapolis, LA, Denver , Phoenix, Houston, Dallas ..
We after all are the greatest country on earth :barf: :barf: :barf: ๐ก ๐ก :rant1: :rant1: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid:
When a rethug talks about serving others less fortunate than them is that in reference to their stock broker ?? :yuck:
G’Day Fred, :yippee: Tea Is Needed . I have got to REFRESH more often. I renew and POOF New Posts… :doh: … A!I!V!
:yippee: :yippee: Its Druid :yippee: :yippee:
I haven’t been listening to much of the daytime
left sided..slightly left sidedsomewhat centeredcloser to the center than Rush Limpprik media lately .. are they all pointing the way to the boat deck while informing us that the rethugs have already taken all the boats .. ?? :reaper: :reaper:I think we could pull this out if someone were to perhaps make large quantities of fertilizer and diesel fuel available to the poor and disfranchised.( to grow their own food of course) :paranoid: :paranoid:
DITTO Fred! I now go in cycles. Even with C-SCAM, they too have given into the RethugSpeak.
I feel like I am in a ::Silent Scream:: mode, saying No. :no: on the inside
and :growl: :fist: HiiiYaaa on the outside ie……major chip against
๐ฟ bush, on shoulder!
Bill STFU … (thx PJ) ……I and many knew this mock trial was going to
๐ฟ bush :barf: … A!I!V! …
C-scam has always been part of the disinformation dispersion system of the Reich.
I think we may be able to credit it for the removal of civics classes from the 9th grade curriculum.. To many kids were asking how what they saw on C-span constituted government .. :yuck: :yuck: :reaper:
C-scam is having a tribute by the Reich to Jerry (who lost the war in Vietnam) Ford the first unelected president of the SBR.. They haven’t made any references to helicopters lifting people off embassy roofs though. :reaper: :reaper:
Oh, BTW re 10 :rofl2: :pirate:
The lies coming out of lee Hamilton and Jim Bakers mouths are beginning to make me ill. :barf: :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
I wonder how King George referred to those fighting his army in the 13 colonies in 1776 .. Were we all terrorists too. :yuck: :crap: :paranoid:
I feel as a tethered cat pacing back and forth. :growl: which is better than just being a victim, I guess. ๐ Whatever. … I can at least break the tether……Tick Tock. … What Time Is It? A Time For Some Elan
:tommygun: :santacool: … A!I!V!
I wonder if the reason the Reich allows the liberal radio format to exist is because it is so ineffective ?? I would hope that in their alternate reality they just think that is the case :reaper: :reaper:
A Mad ๐ก Morrigan’s Tea Party :pirate: :yippee:
Gosh, isn’t it about time for a “fun” Tea Party. 8) :rofl2: LBH
But Gosh, My Computer at least works NOW so it could
be worse :rofl2: :banana: … … :pirate: :yippee: :pirate: A!I!V!
Approval of Congress lowest in a decade
Fueled by disappointment at the pace of change since Democrats assumed the majority on Capitol Hill, public approval of Congress has fallen to its lowest level in more than a decade, according to a new Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll.
Just 27% of Americans now approve of the way Congress is doing its job, the poll found, down from 36% in January, when Democrats assumed control of the House and the Senate.
And 63% of Americans say that the new Democratic Congress is governing in a “business as usual” manner, rather than working to bring the fundamental change that party leaders promised after November’s midterm election.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), the first woman to hold that position, has also failed to impress many Americans. Only 36% approve of the way she is handling the job, the poll found.
So will the voter
1. Vote with his 30-06 before 2008
2. Not vote in 2008 :yuck:
3. Go back and vote for rethugs again in 2008. :crap:
4. Vote in more democrats hoping they really are on the publics side .. :reaper:
I truly believe that the computer airwaves is the future, but I think that what you say is my “secret” fear. ๐ฎ
One of the good things about 21 is that it shows the people are watching whats going on.. unless of course the poll was extracted from the pollsters behind. :yuck: :fustrate: :paranoid:
People are going to shoot themselves in their stupid, bloody foot AGAIN = Divide and Be Conquered……
Bloody L, Hold One’s nose and vote (for now) as a Yellow Dog Dem even if a Grn. (for now) ….. :smack:
Oh, I should say : these are my views only : – )
I think if you really want to work for world peace that you are going to have to de cockroach our political system . I don’t think the fear of losing an election sends the proper message any longer especially to a senator who might still be four years away from facing that problem. Big money speaks a lot louder than 30 million voters. Sociopaths however hate loud noises :reaper: :reaper:
Fort Leavenworth Chaplains Accused of Anti-Semitic Publishing
Monday 11 June 2007
At the Fort Leavenworth, Kansas Army base, military chaplains have been holding Bible classes for US soldiers using study guides that appear to be anti-Semitic.
The Fort Leavenworth chaplains have posted these lesson plans on the Internet under a web address that is maintained by the federal government, giving off the appearance that the religious materials in question are endorsed by the Pentagon. Moreover, disseminating the ideology via a government funded web site may violate the law mandating the separation between church and state.
andy aka Aquaman, WTF … :smack: = :growl: :fist:
Fred, re 25 … except we have to be like cockroaches to be The Last Ones Standing 8) …. Our Way ๐
I donรขโฌโขt think the fear of losing an election sends the proper message any longer especially to a senator who might still be four years away
:nod: that is why ALL of us must take over our LOCAL DEMs :nod:
AND THANK YOU PJ for Your Wise Words and Wit Threads, especially todays, even if it proves we are surrounded by twits. :omg: :smack: … A!I!V!
I just heard a Roxie from Seattle on Stephanie Miller talking about someone with sticks up their butt.
re 29 … cool 8) ,,, I heard while around in the background and missed some and Name ๐ … I hope someone “captures” it. :tongue: … A!I!V!
re#s 3&5,
is this the “thugbot” organization Bono-thugbot? :rofl2:
F**k that arrogant Irishman for not thinking about the US first!
Perhaps you can get us a little more information. It doesn’t seem so bad to me.
Oh yeah, I am not really a fan of the guy but I do know that world poverty has been his major issue.
And, BTW, How U2 Plans to Help New Orleans March On.
Of course, many think NOLa is not part of the US anyway. Too much French, African, Caribbeanean, Spanish and Native American in the mix, rather Third Worldly some might say.
And the sinfulness…
:alc: :40: :boobs: :bong: :barf: :hot: :spank: :omg:
I Want Dolphins with laser beams … ::tantrum:: :rofl2:
I think Bono and the Edge ( ๐ ) are the last true Catholics since my Grandmother. … A!I!V! ๐
I think that any organization that has Dr. Bill ( I can diagnose every disease by video tape/inside trader) Frist on its board is suspect .. Combine that with Tom ( I love NAFTA and the WTO too) Daschle and it begins to smell.. :yuck:
There are many organization in the SBR that are having a hard enough time raising money to aid people in the SBR. The Federal government borrowed 2.6 trillion last year to keep the pumps running at home and and you already have the UN, the World Council of Churches as well as Catholic Charities, Hezbollah, and even Hugo Chavez that raise/give money to aid the poor world wide .
I really don’t see the point … All it does is promote the lie that this almost third world country with the earths most technically advanced military to bully people is the greatest nation on earth which is clearly a bunch of :crap:
It sounds like a typical way the thugs rip off people to eanble them to take there 20% off the top. :gate: :omg: :jason: :fist:
:nod: I soooo agree …re 34, they are part of the Judeo/Christian Pantheon … Well I have been called The Great Whore or “the anti-christ when I lectured in Colleges and Universities down south and In The Belly Of The Bad Beast ie Fullerton and San Diego and others… — a Witch/Druid in Black or White … … A Witch (their fear not mine) Druid in Black like a Catholic Priest or White like the Pope … ๐
A!I!V! What did I Miss … sniff… just got back rats .. “Tag Your It” Fun Thom :yippee:
just cycles eh?
the thing they can’t do is stop the flow.
i feel pretty ‘greenmannish’ lately. i figger that put’s a lil spin on it.
eya vernon!
good Bee audios!
theres an art to it that i aspire to.
Yeah, these folks are pretty f**k’d up and that a**hole Gates is giving most of the money.
How dare they try to bring different sides together for a bogus or useless cause? How dare they try to raise awareness, especially among people who may otherwise remain apathetic and ignorant of some of the world’s problems?
That’s no way to get things done in B&W world. :fist: :tommygun: :reaper: :fu: :pirate: :rant1:
Why don’t they just go back to their baked beans and potatoes and crappy operating systems and mind their own business?
:yawn: :tommygun:
I thought you might enjoy that, Jim. :bee:
I went to CostCo this morning and they were selling Copper River king salmon for 13.99 a lb.. I had to find the smallest piece they had which I will probably eat for the rest of the week.
ALL SIDES ARE NEEDED! …. w/o the agitation it just doesn’t get cleaned up … just doesn’t “git ‘er dun” … ALL slices makes The Whole.
…I was just using B/W as a metaphor. I accept The You, do You accept The Me? … A!I!V! NSPD-51 :tommygun: :pirate:
Sunshine Jim , :bee: 8)
Trees 8)
Sorry, Druid, my Black and White had nothing to do with your Wiccan wear. I didn’t even see that until just now.
It had to do with absolutism and ‘purity’ and rigidity and the inability to see colors or even gray.
I don’t think the cause is useless it just appeared from examining the organizations leadrship to be fraudulent. Would you want Ken Lay to be the head of your charity ?? Money from our government always seems to have strings attached observe what it took to get the minimum wage increased..
One of the identified problems with aid to people is that in many cases there are to many organizations working on the same problem and in others no one working on the problem hence no one has enough resources to do what is needed.
Giving money to third world governments ( including ours) is always subject to dilution by massive corruption. :reaper: :reaper:
Providing leadership to determine what is needed to make people self sufficient would go a long way to solving a lot of these problems.. The WTO for example is trying to figure out what natural resources a country posses and how to plunder them not how to keep the local populations from starving to death or to prevent genocide. That makes it extremely dangerous to those countries with no large amounts of natural resources. Rethugs would see those countries as useless and the starvation of there populace as a normal course of events. Sociopaths are mentally ill and until you understand that and that they need to be illiminated or institutionalized nothing but :crap: upon more :crap: will occur. :reaper: :reaper:
FBI warns colleges to watch for spies
BOSTON — The head of the FBI’s Boston office is warning the region’s top universities to be on the lookout for foreign spies or potential terrorists who might be trying to steal unclassified, yet sensitive, research.
Most “sensitive” research is stolen by corporations. Unless you have nine patent lawyers in your pocket and the money to pay them in the bank anything original you do will get stolen.. :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
When you retire be aware that the rethugs see you as merely USELESS DEAD WOOD THAT NEEDS TO JUST GO AWAY. :reaper: :reaper:
As long as ALL get The True The Balance Correct.
There are Left “agitators” to the left of me … The Balance must be achieved to balance the extreme Right.
Please do not forget The True Balance. Most Do! ๐
( :smack: if there is enough time :pirate: ) … A!I!V!
Unless one makes too loud a sound then they are eliminated….. :omg:
I respectively disagree the radial right must be destroyed . :tommygun: :tommygun:
As long as you have a society that is made up of a large number of IGNORANT MORON sheep their control and propaganda will continue to corrupt the system. :tommygun: :tommygun:
8) … :fist: ๐
I don’t think we have seen any prominent lefties disappeared .. The Reich being in control of the M$M merely ignores them :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist: .
Actually there has been … disappeared in jail and just “poof” regarding some folk down south …
(Is this what you are meaning or was there a LBH and I just didn’t get it?)
China warns of countermeasures if US Congress passes trade bill
China warned Tuesday of unspecified countermeasures if the US Congress adopts a bill on Beijing’s foreign exchange regime that could lead to higher US tariffs on Chinese imports.
If they quit buying Tbills rethugonomics and the “economy” is SOL :reaper: :reaper:
Who exactly has been disappeared ?? Environ activists ??.. Outspoken politicians ?? Who ??
Many of our outspoken activists like Cindy Sheehan have just given up on the “system” as being a mechanism to effect change . There voices going away is not an indication that they have been disappered . In fact they may be as we speak be consulting with Hugo on how to supply them with large quantiles of fertilizer and diesel fuel . ๐ฎ
My computer is acting weird … so I have names and places and then some … Cindy is a very grand and gentle warrior, but she is nothing of which I speak…
will write re posts when I WIN the computer :slap:
Michael Moore takes healthcare issue to voters
In the interview, Moore asserts that the health care in America is a system that “essentially is run by greed.” Moore also went on to defend his tactics in the film, including taking ailing 9/11 workers to Guantanamo Bay and Cuba for treatment.
No shit sheerlock :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
Rod C., and similar , and 2 tree-hugger eco (non) terrorists in Eugene, OR, certain eco (non) terrorists “plow shears”, and :pirate: :santacool: to name a few and do ya need more?
I have to listen to Rachel’s show on KPOJ at 5 or 6 or whatever ๐ since AAR goes “dead” for most of the bloody show. :growl:
Does anyone else have problems with sound with AAR?
Not “Big In Japan:” Bombing Iran!
I think we’re bombing Iran-tonight…
Bombing Iran-all night…
Bombing Iran, that’s exactly what we’ll do
Bombing Iran-alright,
Persians, better take your flight
Can’t you see that we are bombing Iran
Me too, I was trying to get Sammy’s show off the AAR post-show stream and I had to record it in 3 pieces because it hit dead spots.