Gee, Rudy Guiliani really knows how to pick ’em. First Bernie Kerick, and now this guy. How the fuck can this cross-dressing, twice divorced, incompetent piece of crap be running for dog catcher, let alone preznit. Amazing how low dubya’s lowered the bar.
It’s hump day. Go hump.
:fire: adios
How the fuck can this cross-dressing, twice divorced, incompetent piece of crap be running for dog catcher, let alone preznit.
Not to mention the megalomaniacal, fascist tendencies. Or the flip-flopping.
As bad as the other Repig candidates are, Giuliani is possibly the most dangerous, in that the MSM is allowing him to fly under the radar without the general public becoming aware of what he stands for.
A Giuliani/Jeb Bush ticket would make my head explode.
:tommygun: :tommygun: :tommygun:
Shit! I skip Wino Watch for one week, and this happens! Page down to #10.
Congratulations Amy!
:alc: :alc: :alc:
Here’s the new campaign slogan for Bloomberg:
“Because one lisping, fascistic NY mayor is not enough.”
The question for today is whether the mainstream media will continue to ignore the story of Il Duce blowing off the Iraq Study Group to go out and fill his pockets making phony speeches for the rubes. Its not like he got an expensive haircut, after all. :sammy:
Google cars coming.
I have no idea how I “finally disappeared” off Sam’s crazy site ….. I will prob never sign in again…..
a few minutes ago I was still listed as THE ONLY ONE still online
Now it shows a Kevin. ;-0 WTF — when I check back will I find myself still online? :smack:
Someone said to sign out of google — when I checked it, it showed me signed off … maybe I will try again different ways to go on and off (only to bloody well LEARN ๐ ) NOT TODAY or for many Moons. :growl: :smack: :growl: ….. oui
If you care to drift over to Sederville there is a nice little speech by Digby at the TBA on blogland. So that’s Digby and he’s a she! At least she shows up out of anonymous pseudonymity to accept her award unlike weiner savage .
I think Bloomberg is already got a theme song, something like “Get This Third Party Started”
Yeah, Mayor Mike’s got about 5 billlion dollars; we’re already headed to third world status with respect to surveillance and the shredding of the constitution, so why not complete the picture and just pick the wealthiest fuck as our Caudillo?
He can pick his campaign song by commissioning Elton John, McCartney, Sting, and Stipe, or whoever to compete, pay them 100 mill each, and have a TV show to pick the winner, sell the rights to cable. Lets entertain ourselves to death.
Everytime i think that people just can’t be this stupid, the initial popularity of people like Giuliani, Thompson and Bloomberg threatens to prove me wrong.
On the other hand, anybody see Chris Matthews getting some flack [finally!] from the audience [] yesterday at the AFSCME candidate get together? Dems are just starting to realize what these worthless tools are doing and have done to our candidates. Tweety looked genuinely surprised. Get used to disappointment, squeeky. :sammy:
I have never paid much achtung to Bloomie. I just always figured that he was better than Rudy and cleaned up a lot of his mess. I really don’t look forward to getting to know him better.
Oh, yeah, Tweety was flustered and how great was it that Hillary :omg: was there to share and add to his “moment”.
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ
โ โ Whatever :sheep: le
I want to see the look on Tweeties face and the puddle on the floor when the three guys in sweatshirts and ski masks walk into the back of the studio. :reaper: :reaper:
Was Bloomturd NYC mayor during the 2004 rethug convention.?? Who locked up .. errr. ..detained all those demonstrators in the bus garage ?? :yuck:
That was the rumour all along about Digby.
Reading Digby all these years, I would constantly try to figure it out, but no way. All you could tell was that Digby was older and had a conservative father. Whatever, she and Wolcott are the best writers in blogland. Charles Pierce is also up there if he would get a regular blog.
When they have a take back America conference where all the participants are wearing ski masks and sweatshirts it might be worth while .
I think the threat posed by the
left sidedslightly left of centermore or less centered blogisphere is that it conveys a message to the elitists we call our congress that someone is watching them and communicating their gross incompetence to others… not that you get a choice to really change anything when it comes to the election but at least they all know why the ship went down a bit ahead of time. Once again LIEberman comes to mind . BFD :reaper: :reaper:There presence has probably resulted in some job creation in the areas of Email logging, , caller ID logging and the like so the bloggers that are outraged and who call every day and send tons of emails can be conveniently put on ignore. :yuck: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Thanks, fred. That’s a good start. I have to admit I had that convention on ignore and I am usually a glutton for :spank: .
edit, #13 that is. # 15 is pretty much a load poof*.
Case in point when you email your senator and the auto reply says that you appear to be a democrat and I don’t represent the ideals put forward by democrats .. That was when there was only another four years to go . Some fun government we have here :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
So far at least one hasn’t received any similar emails from the democratic senator . :yuck:
I haven’t heard any excerpts from the Take Back America Conference where someone was taking them to task over our imperialism and foreign policy being the major contributer to why everyone else , especially those in the middle east hate us just that Fundamentalist Islamic ideals can not be confronted by military force alone. :gate: :omg: :jason: :jason: :fist:
BTW I did finally clear the morning “fog” in eyes and “I” got it. :joe: :smack:
So 10-22 (in certain P.D.’s and S.O.’s) aka Cancel aka
Morrigan Out … *POOF*
I thought Krista had a Apple lap top ?? Can a lap top with a wireless keyboard and mouse really be a a lap top. :rant1:
Good point but I do sometimes use a mouse and keyboard with my laptops for ergonomic and reproductive reasons.
It looks like you might have to look beyond the “excerpts” to see what was going on at the TBA Conference though I know you consider them a bunch of :jerk: s.
Maybe if we could combine the :jerk: with :reaper: and :jason: :jason: . Never mind, not a good recipe.
You know, that’s another strange thing … I sign off here … I come back to fine me still on :doh:
Riddle me this Batmen and Batwomen? this has happened many a time.
I don’t think the people at the TBA conference are :jerk: s its just that I get the impression they do their blogging from there den in their 8000 sq foot house behind their teakwood desk and in front of their cherry wood book cases and except for the times they venture out to the mail box to see if their dividend checks have arrived have no concept of whats really going on. :reaper: :reaper:
I have been listening to the conference too and I think the mass majority are hand-held :jerk: s โ DITTO with most you say.
:tommygun: with the talking head of the DEMS :omg: and I am still a Dem ………. yet I see many already splitting off—–
thus it appears “WE WILL ALL HANG … “APART” โ
::not so silent scream::
eya D6!
that ‘on line’ list is for POSTS within the last 5 minutes.
(bloggie is still glitchie depending on your browser set ups)
Fred, Oops ๐ณ (NOT) … I think they’re :yuck: y :jerk: s
Summer Solstice Tomorrow!
anybody else besides me here celebrate it?
I’m more of a vernal equinox type.
Unless some fundamental changes take place in the way DC works having eight parties would make no difference . The lobbyists and big money would eventually find there way
into all their pockets .
Now here is a guy with an idea that might work
McAllen Chamber president calls for wall around nation’s capital
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Looks like Denver will celebrate the solstice with the highest energy demand in history. :hot: :hot:
ME , SUNSHINE JIM — I’ve started now since starting Overseas time and following the SUN/MOON :pirate: :yippee: :dancers:
If I could get back on Open Mic I wanted since last weekend (since some (and me ) started celebrating then) to have a Summer Solstice “Open Mic” discussion and celebration … also , might go back on-line to DU and start a “celebration” and forum on their Pagan/Wiccan/Druid site again. …If time I am to have DU meet-ups LOCALLY and since I am a bit radical, it will be a bit “rock & roll”. :fist: 8) :rofl2:
Vermin, you like Vernal since it is all about Your “V’s”. :spank: :rofl2:
Blessed be!
:bee: :bee: :bee: :bee:
i’ve been feeling greenmannish since the bees hatched!
Hell NO! :hot: :hot: :hot:
:pent: :pirate: :pent: :yippee:
:pent: :bee: :bee: (B.B.) :pent: :pup: :peace: :dancers: :pent:
Although, maybe I will, poolside. Still waiting for that dividend check though :cat:
My pc was a laptop. I now have eht desktop imac
Good Morning! :joe:
Ain’t nothin’ but a V thang…
More Tweety C&P from C&L
Sounds like Stephie and crew are channeling Marc the Sharc
A tip of the ol’ coonskin to my beloved birth state WVa.
Montani semper liberi!
i love it!
Dru…go further into your control panel and add/delete programs and look for the google desktop whirly-gig icon and REMOVE it…sheesh…its almost as bad as Yahoo!!
google is into too much. It was cute and life changing, but its enough already…especially when it makes our computers unstable!
good morning all…
another day in paradise…
Vernon, Montani semper liberi! , I new Mass in Latin, and how not to let the bastards get me down but 10-9 (repeat you are garbled or huh) please.
,,,and stay away from my beautiful “coons” aka Raccoons. :growl: and their wonderful tails.
Nice. the guitar and guitar/harp … reminds me of other times, thus give me some red wine and a corner in the dark re Z-Club (which I truly do not know of which you speak :doh: )
(I might restring my Harp now , since the wonderful (but HugeYoungBear) broke ALL my harp strings (when I wasn’t there) by stepping on them … BUT NOT THE HARP … :bow: thank you BearSpirit.
THX Melina, if you don’t mind I will C&P it and keep the info since oneday I WILL USE IT but I am addicted to all my stuff and NEWS and NOTES and so many other stuff (Kelp forests Cams and bay water Cams with wonderful music) it is almost more important to keep all the “stuff” than blog……I love it (it even has Woot ๐ … because alone, there is no problem with the site if I stayed on gmail, alone. :doh: yep, with a smile on my face.
Thx, Again.
just saw a roadkill coon in the street but it wasnt one of mine…or I should say, Mom’s…she feeds them, if you can believe that!
i love coons, the little koi pond fish snatchers!
me and the doggers have established “our coon interaction zone” fairly well after the last 5 years.
My bud had a young coon he raised, i useta wrestle with it using welding gloves till it got bigger and could bite through those even…
I think that there are other programs like that that are less hard on your system…this is just one thing I found out from all my tech problems…the techs are finding that google desktop is a big crasher of systems…I think if you keep it off its probably ok…but go Start-run-msconfig….and then in the tab that says STARTUP be sure its unchecked…or it will run behind the scenes quietly…you may also find lots more junk in there that you dont need to actually load on startup. These programs often dont need to load unless you click on em…
also you can look in …um…the next tab to the left which is like, system, or something..but will give you the opportunity to check a box that says HIDE MICROSOFT PROGRAMS (liek what is needed to run the computer) and then look at whats left and probably, as I did, you can deselect all…
this is whats running while youre trying to do other things and you can lighten your CPU usage and cut down on freezes, bluescreens, and/or crashes….you probably know all that, but its worth saying..
I need to try to get the time to start bloggin on the tech sedition blog…PJ??. Andy?? team members?? Are we all just too friggin busy?
there should be a CPU section or a Crash section or somesuch…just to have a database for ourselves about the tech situation…
and Krista gets her own mac section which will only have a little bit about turning on mice…because the mac is so great….
I have been considering a big switch lately…but I would need to run windowns…and I dont know if I could stand it. Its just not who I am….
yeah, actually my Mom’s mom in Mass was knows as Nana Racoon for a coon that she and gramps raised from just a pup.
But round here that Koi is worth 10 grand…a coon has gotta be careful these days. Not to mention the possums….I love those guys.
all those bells and whistle proggies eat resources,
mainly memory and processor time.
i like Mac stuff but i like building my own comps and running linux.
the only win OS i like is my highly modified version of W98.
after W98 the user agreement and the huge number of
back doors and malware pissed me off.
linux is wayyyyy better for me.
gotta learn a little to run
it though, no biggie.
I must say, that conjures up all sorts of odd imagery.
Gawd, I shoulda known someone would go all animal rights-y on me.
I grew up with Fess Parker :40: and Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone. My favorite thing was my coonskin cap. I’d probably get spray painted now even though I am guessing it was fake fur.
MSL=Mountaineers Are Always Free
Speaking of wine this story made me think of fred. And there is a picture of a French quality wine-producer named Jean-Marc Ribet. A Frog named Ribet? :rofl2:
pj, I think laptops might not be good for the swimmers.
No koi in the koi pond…
for that reason mainly!
do have some gorguss goldfish though!
i think the color actually makes it easier for the coons to catch em.
Who doesn’t love a possum or a Possum with his own gun?
Bush has vetoed the stem cell bill :sammy: . They should just keep passing bill after biill and let him veto his ass off.
Thanks Melina, but I am bad… I like clicking on and have almost at demand all things to be ready. Why I was able to work between 15-25 windows (average 18-22 windows normally) and now if I do more than 5 windows it freezes, I will never know? :smack: I have done the clears and clean-ups, and deleted until my computer is CLEAN…(I had someone tell me how, and I was able to “calmed” my brain enough to hear. ๐ No bad stuff, just Ghosts and Me :spank: , I Expect and was told it should take only a second and … poof … all is there — Com Sci Play Pals of yesteryear … The Computer = The Great Complicater :fustrate:
Hey Melina, Yeah I started an article about comparing ATI and Nvidia Vid cards and gaming benchmarks etc….but I always seem to have something else to do. Maybe I’ll try and finish it this week.
Maron in New England, tell a friend.
Hey, Folks-
I’ll be at Catch A Rising Star at the Twin River Casino in Lincoln Rhode Island June. 21-23. That’s this weekend. Thursday through Saturday. I could use your help here. If you live in the New England area please make a trip down. I’m assuming, maybe wrongly, that the usual clientele of a Rhode Island slot casino might not be my people. The guy I’m working with, Jamie Kilstien, is real funny as well. He’s a recovering spoken word poet (recovering from being a spoken word poet that is). I’ll vouch for the quality of this show.
Here’s the link:
pjsauter, RE 49, Perfectly Put, AND :rofl2: I’m glad you said it :nod:
:rofl2: ๐ 8) :banana: 8) ๐ :rofl2:
A!I!V! G.T.P.S. ,,,, PINK! (me, now even with a wee tee in PINK :rofl2: )
vernon re 52 … :nod: I so agree!
A!I!V! … :nod: …
Ahhhhhh Marc :priest: (but not Catholic) :love: AWN :pent: :yinyang: :om: :peace:
(although I :love: luv Thom, he still looks like some Vermin I have :rofl2: — RATS :rofl2: )
Boy, do I need some Cardinal Milfington right now
The Vatican instructed its followers to take the high road Tuesday, issuing 10 commandments calling for those behind the wheel to drive with as much moral purpose as they live their lives.
I heard this in the middle of the night and I guess I thought I dreamed it.
:pope: :priest:
The Vatican instructed its followers to take the high road Tuesday, issuing 10 commandments calling for those behind the wheel to drive with as much moral purpose as they live their lives.
Yeah, it’s nice that the Vatican has time for important stuff like this. Apparently the boy-fucking thing must be under control now. :omg:
Jeez, diddle a few altar boys, and you never hear the end of it.
IMO organised religion and organised crime are too similiar for me!
or connected?
Uh-oh… :tommygun: :pope: :priest: :spank:
And while the Pope owns 51% of General Motors
And the stock exchange is the only thing he’s qualified to quote us George Harrison :om: :peace:
But People might finally learn some road Etiquette :nana:
A!I!V! … The Promise … (someone got me on this loop of a certain balletic ๐ dance) by M. Nyman
But nothing about cross walks? Too pedestrian? :priest:
F. It or :rofl2: or we will just do the game ” road rage bowl’n balls” :rofl2: … A!I!V! … The Promise … (which is about broken promises ) by M. Nyman ..(from The Piano)
Riley likes Opera and soccer, 8) on him.
We’re in Delta Utah, a big own for Utah. We drove fifty miles into the Utah desert to a trilobite quarry where we spent a couple of veryhot ours digging up trilobites. Great fun. But I think we have to start heading east to reclaim cats and dog.
Interesting news about Bloomberg. He was definitely not the worst mayor we’ve had although after Rudy anyone would have been a breath of air.
:doh: i wonder if i am going to drive right past sue? im about to hit i 70 to i 15 in utah!
SunJim: My bud had a young coon he raised, i useta wrestle with it using welding gloves till it got bigger and could bite through those evenรขโฌยฆ
I put steel wires and bolts and beams and chains across our chimney hole and still the raccoons rip right through it.
“I put steel wires and bolts and beams and chains across our chimney hole and still the raccoons rip right through it.”
flat amazing what they can do with those lil tiny fingers and teeth ain’t it?
I had a harrowing experience with racoons in the Redwood forest. Not even Jackie Mason, threatening to turn them into soup and hats, could drive them away. They were terrifying :omg:
scary lil critters when they get ‘serious’ ain’t they?
turns out what bugs em is loud noises like an air horn.
tell ya though, if i was hungry and in the bush i’d find one and follow it around for a few days. they are superb ‘food magnets’.
do not allow yer dogs to mess with em if you’d like to keep the dogs relatively intact.
Yay! Digby is a middle-aged woman with some girth to her. Just like ME! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
I tried yelling ” :fu: ” at em. They were relentless. :knit2:
thank gawd for middle-aged woman with some girth to them!
You folks are pretty handy
Can somebody hook me up with a clip of the Marcks on The Air Americans? I just now found out about it…