Yay! No federal funding for stem cell research. Sammy’s safe, since the republicans wouldn’t dare override dubya’s veto – no matter how many people want them to.
Oh, and happy summer solstice, as summer arrives at about 18:06 GMT. From here on out, the days start getting shorter. Bummer.
Officially Summer Solstices Starts JFI
– 8hr – 1hr for DST = 11:06 am pdst
It’s a drippy day in Tampa Bay, folks. It looked like rain yesterday afternoon, but I thought I could dodge it, so I left the umbrella at work so I wouldn’t have to carry it back this morning.
Sure enough, I didn’t have to carry it back this morning. But I DID have to buy an extra copy of the St Pete Times this morning trying to shelter myself from the rare morning downpour from the bus stop to work. No such luck.
But at least I didn’t dress up today, so I can sit in my cubicle and drip-dry until I need to go upstairs and actually interact with dry people. Like the frog said, it’s not easy bein’ green.
Speaking of dripping wet, time once again for
In which Ms. Winehouse maintains her three-week stranglehold on the Top 10!
and boogies up from 10-9 on the Hot 100!
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Makes me wanna celebrate!
:40: :40: :40: :40: :40:
Keith if you check in about Marcks again, check your gmail.
Kevin, I am glad Ms. Winehouse is making you :hot: so you can dry off from your wet travels. 😉
A!I!V! … your obsession gives me courage to write down again what makes me move. G.T.P.S. … :nod:
I realized yesterday everyone might see a certain photo of me — and that was after I hurt myself and for a long while … not my dancing weight. Was more into wolves, and tepid in dancing in the dirt. But The Beat Haunts. It just shows (at least in ones heart) To Dance, To Rock. :bee: 8) (aka be cool) 😉 !
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
When I was jolted by the fact it was the solstice, I thought of you, Druid, and wished you a happy day. Hope you caught it!
King Kong, …. Thank You … yes they are “partying” for hours at Stonehenge 😉 but I started this weekend, also many others started on this past weekend, and posted some things through my sleepy eyes, yesterday/eve. However, this is the Official Day this year. :banana: :pent: AWEN (A Druid Blessing) :yinyang: :om: :peace:
A!I!V! … 😉 Very Happy Days 😀
Morning folks!
Blessed Bee! :bee:
Sunshine Jim, 😉
:pirate: :dancers:
Blessed Be = B. B. = :bee: :bee: …. (giggle)
Tea :joe: Cheers, later, after a dentist appointment,
:alc: :alc: :bong: :alc: :alc: 😉 aught to :bee: interesting, since normally I do not drink and get into altered states…I seem so boring :yawn: , but I am not :hubba: 😉
A!I!V! … :banana:
Giving :bee: s a bad name
our :bee: ‘s have settled down quite a bit, quite a few gone on to be part of the soil, but a few still buzzing around and making nest.
so far 22 nest tubes filled, and a few other places found. trees healthiest i’ve seen in the last 4 years, fruit is about an inch across currently.
re 11 , :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: ,
Where do you find these things? You :bee: bad, :spank: .
Sunshine Jim , re 12,
Yea! Good Pollination … 8) :bee: s … :bee: 8)
A!I!V! 😉 Dark Angel Butterfly … Hasson Chopper
re #11 it led me to this :bow: thank you vermin.
Oh happy Solstice everyone it is raining in Seatull..I am heading sud.
Living in my mind: :knit: 😉 before 108 I will :knit: again.
What a great :weaver of Time. you :bee: :nod: :rofl2:
nice soft cooler day here, still pretty warm.
weeding, goofing with the dogs, shelving the shop, still have a portion of the yard to mow…
i let it get to the point where it’s hard to mow, but we both love the lil wild flowers that pop out!
Beware of fake Microsoft security alerts
Hot on the heels of my posting about the upcoming Patch Tuesday with its four critical patches is a report by SANS Internet Storm Center about a new scam. In this instance, the ill-doers send out fake security bulletins in an attempt to trick victims into installing malicious software on their computers.
:doh: anybody ever play worms?
Thanks andy aka Aquaman, 😉
Awwwwwwwwwww Sunshine Jim ,( yet Cheers to the both of you ) Awwwwwwwwwww :nod: re the lil wild flowers
Stonehenge cam
Where do you find these links? I looked. But I guess I looked wrong, I found Stonehenge site :doh:
Content stolen from FDL and Sederville
can see the sun as a disc through the overcast.
really does seem to ‘stop’ for a bit.
OK, I promise I will stop but
Ray Davies :cake: one of the very best if not…
A Ray of sunshine
A different Waterloo
:pup: vegas baby yeah!!!!!
:hot: as lewis black would say its 114 FUCK degrees outside!!!!!
hey guys…crazy day…whats happening in seditionland?
Hey guys, Jeff Farias has a whistle blower on from the Merchant Marines. He is super interesting. His name is Lt. Erik Shine and he’s being persecuted by homeland security.
Oh, we’ll have to listen to the podcast. I like Jeff’s show (except the bumper music sometimes sucks). We’re NovaM subscribers now. Actually, Granny signed up. But since AAR is dead, we have to get behind somebody.
where you headed for blue?
do you ever go sud enuff to see dru?
Jeff’s bumper music is AWESOME! What are you talking about!
We’ve made it to Gypsum Colorado on I 70. I wonder if we did pass Sean. Hi Sean.
I have a question, probably for Sean, but maybe someone else knows the answer. We passed a lot of signs that said, engine breaks restricted. What does that mean?
my sis in ca sent me this link. i can’t view youtube on my handheld, so reviews are welcome:
Video Description
A toe-tapping tribute to Dubya’s legacy.
Personal Message
This is awesome!
Engine brakes on trucks are really loud and are usually prohibited in populated areas.
engine breaks restricted?
means the sign painter had no clue on how to spell “brakes”
engine brakes = “Jake Brakes”
Big diesel trucks can be braked by releasing the compression in the engine cylinders.
noisy as hell, neighbors want less noise. it’s a noise ordinance in sections of communities
Seanie isn’t in Phoenix, it’s only 112 here :cold:
I have to tip in to defend Jeff ‘s music as well. Probably the best of anyone. Tell me who has better? Hartmann? :rofl2:
I did lke Al’s and MS’s and Marc’s but Jeff switches it out more.
Then again, my taste is music are a little Kinks-y.
youtube thing not so awesome i guess?
roxie, I loved it and thought I posted it earlier but I did give it an ABBA music warning so the hipsters here might have passed.
:blush: i see: “content stolen” — like i said, i can’t view vids on this machine yet… sorry :smack:
Thanks, Sunshine Jim, and forgive the bad spelling.
was a wonderful opportunity to make a joke.
back to the mundane for a bit!
Roxie … :rofl2: ( thought I sent :smack: my head hurts 🙄 )
Funny, and , thank you Vernon, I was Very glad for the Ab whatever alert …
I was going to turn off, but found I couldn’t. Weirdly amazing funny. You are a “weird, Wryd chick” . 😉
A!I!V! … Then there’s G.T.P.S. 🙄 :rofl2: Guess Who?
That’s OK, roxie.
Neither one of us got a rise out of anyone.
I intend to eschew the funny and the punny from now on and work on funny spelling errors and malopoops.
what too many malomars make you do? so very sorry!
Excuse Me, Look above you on #47
Anyone ever have a valomilk?
They are Midwest regional think but I thing Cracker Barrels carry them.
Very good and hit the V-spot except for the valopoops.
If anyone is interred there are some snake previews of Sicko Saturday night.
I will probably try to go when it opens to try to help it have a big first weekend.
My computer is acting up and it kicked me off-line,
A.I.V. … I have to look at link.
… AFTER I view Your answer then … *Poof* I am leaving because The Computer Says No :no:
😉 and starting to get :yawn:
ARREST ❗ IMPEACH ❗ then another V thing (snicker-and not the candy LBH :rofl2: ) No Answer needed cuz you answered 😳
No Answer 🙄 :reaper: Cheers … :dancers:
Merrie Summer Solstice Season. … 😉 … *Poof*
what is the blushing smilie?
is it 😳 ?
yup: ‘oops’
hey, I liked the waterloo though I couldnt make it through the while thing….
Joh stewart just did Obama speech ringtones…very funny….
what news reader do you all like…not google…
I was using something like newsburst but I cant remember exactly and I lost it somehow….
getting ready to go down to the city tomorrow…
Here ya go…some funny….
:yippee: im in vegas and tomorrow quietgirl just happens to be coming to vegas!!!!!
That was great.
I live that almost every day. Someday I will get someone who knows something like Shirley Fong-Torres to walk me through the Asian markets and tell me exactly what the hell that stuff is and what to do with it. And someone who can find me the toxic ant chalk.
I have friends who won’t go but I am fascinated by it. And then there is the Hispanic factor here but not so much in my neighborhood although they are becoming more evident in the Asian produce sections.
Meanwhile I go and buy what I know and wonder like Maron.
lord i love the web!
ever wonder why those flies endlessly circle? they’re hanging out, looking for love…
Not sure I am buying that answer.
It is San Francisco and this is LGBT Pride Week.
Oh, yeah, never swat a fly.
ok..I usually stop at Ashland..but tonight i am in Eugene…
I should run into Godless.
The light was awesome through the clouds.
Learned on my way down that a longtime dear friend passed on early today. :gate: :priest: good journey..G. :parrot: :cat: 😥
damn, that’s fucked up, blue….
i’m sure guss will cheer you right up, tho. 🙁 🙁 🙁
you can commiserate with each other, maybe. say hi for me. we’ve chatted on myspace a couple times.
safe journeys as druid would say. give me a call when you get back.