Hard to believe it’s Friday already, isn’t it? So, dubya is now so impotent, he couldn’t even get his boys in the Politburo Senate to pass his immigration bill. I have some pretty unmixed feelings on that. I think it was a shitty bill that only served to help greedy corporations obtain slave labor. And if it makes dubya look even dumber than normal, then so much the better. Of course, the immigrants continue to get screwed, and the whole reason it failed was due to ignorance, racism, and xenophobia, but, well, whattya gonna do? Dubya also stamped his feet and plead executive privilege in a very Nixonesque kinda way. Unfortunately, the law is whatever the Supreme Court says it is, so if he can’t run out the clock with legal maneuvers, he’ll still win. But, hey, it’s Friday, so who cares, right? Unfortunately, I have to train some new faculty today, on things that I know nothing about. I can hardly wait. Let’s get this week over with already.
It is 3:30am PDT ….. Eek Tea :joe: Cheers
Back to This Is Bill … I turned into watching Wes Clak Jr to see on video TYT EEK and Ben was there eek
A!I!V! … G.T.P.S. …
Look on Omega Sean’s link . Go to the last post and watch video … That is scary
:omg: WTF :reaper: :sammy:
Thank You PJ for Marc Maron at one’s fingertips.
Good morning all. Bus will be late every day for the next three weeks (they’re repairing a railroad crossing on the route), so if I don’t post before work, it doesn’t mean that Cheney’s goons came in the middle of the night to drag me away. Probably.
A reminder that Dennis Kucinich (the star of the Dem debate on PBS last night) is on Letterman tonight. Enjoy.
And I think today is Wayne Gilman’s last day at AAR. So long and good luck to you, News Daddy.
:pup: THX Kevin for the Kucinich /Letterman News 8) …
Rats I slept thru debate… must have needed sleep
FRED, will this blog be honour’d by
Fred’s “elan” this day?
:tommygun: A!I!V!
Good morning :joe:
Went and saw Sicko last night. Are there any Canadians out there that wanna marry me? It was pretty depressing. This country is in the grip of greed and selfishness. We are living behind a cheap facade of what was once the American Dream. I guess we all know that, but to see individuals and their stories just hits it home. It made me glad that I haven’t been paying for insurance because apparently it hasn’t done some of these people any good at all.
And to see people have worry free health care made me feel like a poor orphan child looking through the window of a deli dreaming of the sandwich that would stop the hunger.
Kristapea, Bravo/Brava Tea Cheers. … I am still impressed you won the tickets
Sicko Sounds intense
Yeah, me too Druid. I NEVER win anything. Good thing there was no trivia question cuz I wasn’t getting any of them.
So, I forwarded that story about Mit Romneys’ poor dog to Stephanie Miller. I haven’t heard her mention it yet but I may have missed it.
Bill Press made the Romney dog story his Parting Shot.
Today Stephie is hot for having a sound clip of C**lter saying she is more of a mAnn than liberals. :omg:
I usually listen to the first hour of Miller before switching to NPR. I find that the next 2 hours get pretty repetitious. However, she goes on vacation next week and Elaine Boosler subs so I will probably listen to the whole show.
Elaine Boosler
I might have to listen to Ben on YT Mwah HaHa …… Gosh, I might have to listen to Elaine :omg: before in truth, I ever listen to Ben … :yuck:
A!I!V! … :pirate:
Not only is it the last day for News Daddy but also Mr. Bill Crowley
The original Randy Rhoads.
V, Yeh, right the original R.R. but ick re ozziwhatever
To the FAB 4… :bow: WTF is going on? I do not Know “,,,what’s going on?” … Things are slipping thru my hands and I can’t make Time Stand Still?
of a :pirate:
BTW I was watching Led yesterday, and me liking Classical, jazz, New Age ( :omg: but many great songs) and whatever else — except “country” :rofl2: ….. AND they are truly amazing artists:
Electric or Acoustic. wow.
Using the remote, I came across Tucker Carlson discussing Romney and his dog and he and his guest (I don’t remember who it was) were saying that they were not members of PETA but they were dog owners and they thought that Romney had just lost their vote.
Sue P….. re 17 … :yippee: :pup: :bow: :pup:
Your hunch is correct. Your cat decided to live with you, not the other way around. The sad truth is, it may not be a final decision.
But don’t take this feline diffidence personally. It runs in the family. And it goes back a long way — about 12,000 years, actually.
Those are among the inescapable conclusions of a genetic study of the origins of the domestic cat, being published today in the journal Science.
The findings, drawn from an analysis of nearly 1,000 cats around the world, suggest that the ancestors of today’s tabbies, Persians and Siamese wandered into Near Eastern settlements at the dawn of agriculture. They were looking for food, not friendship.
If you missed last night’s “debate” as I did, it is being played on the Tavis Smiley radio show.
It is airing on KALW at 11 AM PDT, 2 PM EDT if you want to stream.
All-American Presidential Forum: The Democrats
This Thursday, June 28th at 6 p.m., tune in for KALW’s live broadcast of the All-American Presidential Forum, moderated by Tavis Smiley. Democratic candidates Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Christopher Dodd, John Edwards, Mike Gravel, Dennis Kucinich, Bill Richardson, and Barack Obama will answer questions on healthcare, criminal justice, affordable neighborhoods, environmental justice, and more.
And on Friday, June 29th at 11 a.m., tune in for an expanded two-hour Tavis Smiley Show which will include the forum in its entirety, plus additional commentary and analysis.
Well, I sure as heck knew it wasn’t my idea.
…The team at the J. Craig Venter Institute took all of the genes from one species of bacteria, Mycoplasma mycoides, and transferred them into another, Mycoplasma capricolum. The result: The genes from the mycoides took over, changing the cells from one species to another simply by moving around DNA.
Both the bacteria used in this experiment are existing species, but other companies have already learned how to synthesize essentially any DNA sequence they want. Combining that ability, with the Venter Institute technique could give rise to something an order of magnitude beyond anything we’ve seen so far in genetic modification — whole new species, unlike anything that existed before.
Hey, Kristapea, are you getting an error message every time you open the sedition page like I am?
And I can’t play the sedition radio .
All of a sudden this place is very Mac unfriendly.
I am going to go cancel my health insurance and go stand in line at the apple store. :knit:
and I get this message anytime I refresh the page PJ in Safari and Firefox both. :fustrate:
Don’t bother pj. He’s already on line at the Apple store waiting for his iPhone.
Romney answered questions about a Boston Globe feature story that mentions how he strapped his dog’s cage, with the animal inside, to the top of his family’s car during a 12-hour road trip 24 years ago.
He said Thursday that the pet enjoyed the experience, and he took a shot at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a group that has labeled his actions as cruelty.
Click here to find out more!
“You know, PETA has not been my fan over the years,” Romney said. “PETA has been after me for having a rodeo at the Olympics and were very, very upset about that. PETA was after me when I went quail hunting in Georgia. And PETA is not happy that my dog likes fresh air.”
Tea :joe: Cheers All.
Again, Romney’s :pup: :pirate: … Dog :crap: , the gift that keeps on giving. A!I!V! :pirate:
:tommygun: :fist: :knit: :fist: :jason:
way to go PJ :banana: :yippee:
Ha. No iphone for me.
Nevermind. :doh: It just flew o’r me.
um…so what ABOUT that error message? :knit2:
:yippee: :boobs: :pirate:
When I get a chance, I’ll try and set it up so that if you’re running MacOS, you won’t get the radio stuff, and hopefully that’ll take care of it.
OK, let me know if that took care of the Mac problem.
Romney answered questions about a Boston Globe feature story that mentions how he strapped his dog’s cage, with the animal inside, to the top of his family’s car during a 12-hour road trip 24 years ago.
He said Thursday that the pet enjoyed the experience, and he took a shot at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a group that has labeled his actions as cruelty.
“You know, PETA has not been my fan over the years,†Romney said. “PETA has been after me for having a rodeo at the Olympics and were very, very upset about that. PETA was after me when I went quail hunting in Georgia. And PETA is not happy that my dog likes fresh air.â€
Comment by Sue P — June 29, 2007 @ 2:44 pm
The dog LIKED it? Yeah, I always spew shit uncontrollably out of my ass when I’m having a good time too.
Congratulations, Mitt. You have officially been promoted from baseball glove to TOOL.
:fu: :pup:
As for the quail hunting, if he was a REAL man, he’d go with Cheney.
Afternoon all!
swearing, worried, relieved!
got both of my dogs back alive!
guy comes over to see if my 48 dodge is for sale.
hour and a half later i chase em down…
delighted they’re back.
i’m pooped out.
PJ that took care of it ..but I hope I didn’t ruin things for Kristapea. :paranoid:
Oh and thanks PJ! :banana:
:knit2: :smack:
Sunshine Jim, Yea! re :pup: :no: :pup:
:pup: :pirate: :pup: :hot: :omg: :love: :yawn: Rest Well
:billcat: :omg: :billcat: :omg: :billcat: :omg: :pup: :yippee: !!!
he just checked in a bit ago,
was apologising like crazy, relieved that the dogs made it back.
just a bout of temporary brain disconnect there. only takes a second or two for disaster to occur.
done it myself, still wake up sweating over a few resident nightmares i carry around .
Jim, I just went to a signing at Amoeba for Jorma Kaukonen and he had Barry Mitterhoff with him. I just looked and it seems that they are leap frogging you from Seattle to Alaska. I wish I could go see them tonight but got committed to another event earlier today.
Mitt might have some K9 containment units if you need them.
I don’t know how that Romney story got posted twice. Must.
be a ghost in the machine :omg:
Barry Mitterhoff,
amazing cat eh? would love to catch his act and i’m an old Jorma Kaukonen fan from way back.
mitt is an asshole, i’d like to strap him to a car top in the summer for 12 hours and get his opinion on how he liked it. :rant1:
nice Mando:
Hey PJ, Jeff has a guy on talking about brewing and community. NOW!
Cool. Thanks, KP.
Chris O’Brien, a good Irish boy. :40:
The dog enjoyed it my ass. What a fucking liar and anyone with a pet will know it. He’s done, stick a fork in him.
I told the dog story to my friend who likes to argue everything. He thought the dog in the cage on the top of the car was the same thing as a dog in the back of a pick up truck. He’s the kind of guy who takes the the contrary position every time. We argued for a while then I realized, finally, what’s wrong with my friend is that he doesn’t have any empathy. I’ve known this guy forever and we often get into these debates/arguemnets and something always leaves me super annoyed afterward and I always thought it was that he takes the contrary position just to be contrary. But it’s that he doesn’t have any empathy. He is not cruel or mean so he’s not a Repug, he identifies as liberal, but he doesn’t seem to be able to put himself in others shoes. He cannot identify with someone elses problems.
I had the error message but was able to ignore it.
I listen to Sedition Radio on itunes.
Keith Olbermann asked what i is about the Rethugs :
Mitt ties his dog on the car roof, Giuliani’s wife killed dogs and Ol’ Trent adopted cats from the humane society which he used in medical experiments.
What is it with these guys?
sue p:
i think the experimenter was “herr doctor” frist. tho i would believe it about trent too.
i think you can be sure that all these guys did nasty things to animals in their youth. it seems to be a common theme among bully boys.
bush, cheney, rove and the others (newt strikes me as a typical cat torturer, for example) all remind me of neighborhood boys i grew up with and hated for their macho, bullying ways.
to this day, i won’t let my animals out on halloween or 4th of july. i know rescuers who won’t place black cats during the month of october.
humans aren’t my favorite species for sure.
:love: Sunshine Jim, reading your post and ,,, (further posts) made me think of your mate … then and now … please tell her that although we talk to you, she is always with me (as well as you). I hope one day she “plays” and posts. Greetings to all, even :pup: :pup: awwwwww I just “mushed” Danu for the :pup: :pup: ss
OMG :omg: I just woke up at the computer again … (I never sleep enough–and if boring radio, even Bender/Rachael,well evidently :yawn: ) whatever

I just read your puppy post then I just also saw::
Sue P, Kristapea, ROXIE (super P. sis) :pirate: :dancers:
Sunshine Jim, PJ, and the rest (snicker) :yippee: :pirate: also Travis I was about to write you, then I guess, I fell asleep during a boring speaker or commercial.
You’re right, Roxie. It was Frist not Lott. I guess all Rethugs look alike. (They certainly sound alike)
here’s a story with enuff sugar to get the taste of dogsh*t romney out of your mouth: (warning interspersed with ads, scroll on)
*poof* see next post
here’s a better link, sans ads:
SUE P, re 53 Keith Olbermann asked what i is about the Rethugs :
Mitt ties his dog on the car roof, Giuliani’s wife killed dogs and Ol’ Trent adopted cats from the humane society which he used in medical experiments.
What is it with these guys?
Comment by Sue P — June 29, 2007 @ 8:42 pm
= :growl: :fist: 8) = :pirate: … :yippee: …
Sunshine Jim re mitt is an asshole, i’d like to strap him to a car top in the summer for 12 hours and get his opinion on how he liked it.
Comment by Sunshine Jim — June 29, 2007 @ 6:57 pm
8) Cool
Cool Sunshine Jim and the V-man http://www.mandotu…/Mp3/AlleyCat.mp3
:nod: 8) Cool … listened but couldn’t buy much during school and work. … so just mostly just a listener. :-0 … :omg:
BUT nice to listen to during these :crap: times. A!I!V!
Kristapea and PJ yummmmm I have to go out and get Alley Cat :billcat: Beer OR FIND … Wait for it ….. wait for it
… … … :pirate: :yippee:
(canI make Harp
Kristapea ,
re 50 :nod: :growl: :fist: :pirate: and 51 … WOW…
RoxieSeattle, :rofl2: :nod: *poof* :nod: , :rofl2: isn’t magic and “computer” magic grand :rofl2: RoxieSeattle,
of :love:
THANK YOU, I SO Needed that, that was enchanting and charming and precious.
By The Power Of Those Who Care and Cannot “speak” A!I!V!
the break down of *poof* ,,, Mwah HaHa
poof … regular non super passionate
A!I!V! … *poof* (giggle) Mwah HaHa (or Bwah HaHa) :rofl2:

*poof* — *regular* plus just “me”/one going away for just a “bit”
*Poof* — going away for the night/day
*POOF* — Major *POOF*
** — meaning (don’t stop …) :pent: :bee: lieving
RoxieSeattle, Perfect! re : :love: :pup: :cat: :peace:
Comment by roxieseattle — June 29, 2007 @ 9:54 pm
Y’know…a guy like romney could be prosecuted for torturing that poor dog half to death across state lines, but he can also have like, a zillion kids and no one says boo!
I can only wonder how the rest of them travelled…I mean, how many kids can you fit in the family car…and how could you drive 12 hours with a car jammed with so many kids?…it doesnt much sound like they stopped at all…Or maybe they just decided that it was too much trouble to walk the dog at rest stops!
What a day! What a week!
The bright point PJ is finding the radio player here on the page…what a stroke of brilliance!
I cant get my player on my blog to play…and of course that is much more important than getting my new post up (with pics of the origami and the gay pride parade) or even paying the bills!
is there any way to set the player so it opens in a little window of its own? The it wouldnt go off when you post? I suppose I could open another blog page in a tab and leave one playing. The do I count as 2 visitors?
Nightline is doing the PLOT!!! But the bomb didnt even have any projectiles in it!! neither bomb would have done much more than destroyed the car…
this is another shoe bombing.
But it is pretty rich that they are “here” and not “there”
:bow: :reaper: Mike Webb … go to blather (sp)watch…
:peace: :bow:
Mike Webb , Seattle/The State of Washinton LIBERAL Broadcaster :bow: :knit: Blessings :yinyang: :pent: :om: AWN :gate: :peace: :yinyang: :pent: :om: AWN :bow: Blessings on your Journeys
The ABC chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross, is blowing this thing up all crazy…threats, threats, threats….and does it have the mark of al queda????? does it???
well, of course the real mark of that is “if at first you dont succeed, try try again”
THIS is the chief investigative correspondent?
I think that a real hallmark of al queada is that they do some pretty smart and deadly things and that they dont use a can of gas and an old cell phone…if they were they wold stand there themselves and light the match. This has the mark of the disgruntled muslim youth of the london ghettos.
This is no big al queada plot…
Thank god for the iphone
You gotta wonder why asshole jobs went with ATT instead of verizon, which has real high speed.
I hear its fantastic but it gets scratches and fingerprints like there is no tomorrow.
and what is the OS like? Because windows mobile sucks….
My MOm wants on because its pretty. But she cant work her ancient nokia or even her answering machine…much less see what call ID says…so its doubtful.
Vern, be sure to listen to leo laporte from just a couple of days ago…Ill have to get the date. He was gonna sit on line along with the Digg guy and all sorts of others….
If it comes to verizon Ill look at it.
But the new blackberry looks mighty nice…and the next treo also looks good.
Id like something to replace my ipod and phone…but does it have bluetooth?
Strapping a dog to the top of a car may have some Mormon religious significance. I don’t really know as I rarely pay attention to weird belief systems.
Cheers to Gilman and Crowley. They might appear on Sammy’s show this weekend.
Well, I never heard of Mormons strapping their dogs’ to the top of the car. There’s the special underwear to protect against Indian attacks and the very own planet after they die thing. But no dog strapping that I’ve heard of.
:yippee: :knit: the iPhone is lighter and smaller than I thought. :cat: :santacool: :banana:
SBlueHeron, :dancers: , (turning away from my PC … :slap: …) sounds real 8) … How are you, Blu ? :knit: :fist: 8) ?
:yinyang: :pent: :om: AWN… A Farewell To Joel Siegel :gate: Be Well :yinyang: :pent: :om: AWN … :peace: Blessings/DITTO
i don’t think the london thing was terrorism at all. sounds more like a (not too) organized crime thing.
hello… nightclub, escalade, gas & propane… how about an extortion/ protection racket thing?
:pirate: :pirate: :pirate:
I called my congressman and he said, quote…
Moon over the Pacific and the Bay tonight, incredible!
RoxieSeattle, :bee: Omega ( the last post). I posted just to say Cheers. When you post again, know I won’t answer.
Then there was Vernon — Roxie or you, V, PLEASE : – D post ;-D … A!I!V!
Me Dear Darlin’ Monsters, Post somebody, be :bee: Alpha & Omega … : – D
Wicked 8) Full Moon, (sigh) o’r Bay ( I have a Bay, but not the Golden Gate, or so close to Ocean. V is Omega.
I got nuthin’