So, another week begins for those of us who can’t take the whole week off. Seems a shame to have one day off in the middle of the week, but then I’m not exactly volunteering to work on Wednesday. I suppose it’ll break up the week, at least. As for today, I need to get psyched to do battle yet again with the twits at FedEx, to find out just how they’re justifying screwing me. I’ll have to call from work, so hopefully I can keep my temper, um, tempered, and not flip out and start hollering and cursing. I’m gettin’ pissed off just thinking about it.
First? It must be Monday.
The A/C is down, and the building maintenance crew won’t be in for at least another hour. Welcome to my sweatshop.
:hot: :hot: :hot:
And where the hell was Bryan Ferry on the Diana tribute show last night? Some of us ig’nunt Yanks know who he is. Plus he has a new album to plug.
That’s it. The fan is going up to high.
:hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot:
Ahhhhh That’s why I live up north.
We need a fan :
:dancers: :bow: :bee: :slap: :banana: :spank: :doh: :rofl2:
A!I!V! now tea :joe: Cheers, 4 me 2
Ferry is considered one of the best whistlers around. Rodfish the Codfish was probably the highlight of what I watched.
BTW, Dave Wakeling of the English Beat is also an amazing whistler.
(end filler)
Good Morning :joe:
Are we talking of the same Bryan Ferry who did “Avalon”? … I did not know he was a “whistler”. …
TEA :joe: Cheers , Kristapea … … …A!I!V! *poof*
The Whistler was also a great old time radio show.
In an interesting move, Google has come out against controversial documentary film maker Michael Moore’s latest documentary “Sicko†in a post titled “Does negative press make you Sicko?“.
Lauren Turner of the Google Health Advertising Team writes:
“While legislators, litigators, and patient groups are growing excited, others among us are growing anxious. And why wouldn’t they? Moore attacks health insurers, health providers, and pharmaceutical companies by connecting them to isolated and emotional stories of the system at its worst. Moore’s film portrays the industry as money and marketing driven, and fails to show healthcare’s interest in patient well-being and care.â€
Apparently there is a cure to the Sicko ailment, and it involves spending money with Google:
“We can place text ads, video ads, and rich media ads in paid search results or in relevant websites within our ever-expanding content network. Whatever the problem, Google can act as a platform for educating the public and promoting your message.â€
Google targeting Michael Moore is probably not a wise move. Whilst there may well be reasonable grounds to attack anything Michael Moore puts together, antagonizing Moore may well see Google become a larger target at a time the search giant is in the spotlight over its Double Click acquisition.
OK, it’s official, just in case anybody had doubts: FedEx sucks. Called them today, and they said, “oh, the shipper has to file the claim.”
Be nice if you friggin’ told me that, wouldn’t it?
We did, we sent you a letter. Oh, you probably haven’t gotten it yet (ha-ha).
I really hate these people. On the bright side, the people I purchased from (Provantage; good prices, and fast shipping – up until FedEx gets their hands on it) are great.
Isolated? Google really ought to talk to my wife for about five minutes, and then they’ll see just how “isolated” our shitty system is.
:crap: :crap: :crap: :yuck: :yuck:
Then there are those who get to work on Wednesday .. Three shift operation sucks when there is a holiday in the middle of the week. Management gave everyone the option of taking Monday or Friday off instead except them of course who will supposedly be absent Wednesday … Except when things break … well … :crap: :crap: :crap: :crap:
That’s another thing about big corporations. Your piddly complaint doesn’t matter to them, they can treat you like shit and they don’t have to worry about losing much of anything. :tommygun: Break em up!
Based on the credentials of those supposedly involved in this :crap: in England and Scotland it might look like these were “real” terrorist attacks or like someone said a mob thing that went wrong. ( In the London plot at least)..
On the other hand one of these medical doctors they arrested ran a blog critical of the British Government. :reaper: :reaper:
Is This the Beginning of the End for Damming America’s Big Rivers?
Usually shareholders meetings don’t include traditional Native American salmon bakes and intertribal healing dances. But at the recent shareholders meeting for Berkshire Hathaway — owned by investment icon Warren Buffett — Omaha, Neb., got a taste of native culture — all the way from the Pacific Northwest.
Yet the tribes — the Karuk, Yurok, and Hoopa of California, and the Klamath Tribes of Oregon — weren’t there to sing Buffett’s praises like most of the attendees. They were there to introduce people to threatened native cultures and let Buffett know he made a really bad investment a few years back when his subsidiary Mid-American Energy Holdings bought power company PacifiCorp.
DNC Spokesperson Chews Up Her RNC Counterpart
Finney is almost as good as Chris Schecter.
Well, The Women are better than Lional. and keeps my stress-level happy …
whatever … :pirate: A!I!V! :pirate:
Do you have a really bad memory, or past heartache, that you would prefer to forget?
Researchers at Harvard and McGill University (in Montreal) are working on an amnesia drug that blocks or deletes bad memories. The technique seems to allow psychiatrists to disrupt the biochemical pathways that allow a memory to be recalled.
In a new study, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, the drug propranolol is used along with therapy to “dampen” memories of trauma victims. They treated 19 accident or rape victims for ten days, during which the patients were asked to describe their memories of the traumatic event that had happened 10 years earlier. Some patients were given the drug, which is also used to treat amnesia, while others were given a placebo.
This is how the Rethugs can win. They’ll put this stuff in the drinking water and we’ll all forget the terrible memory of a Rethug preznit and his congress of idiots.
andy aka Aquaman, YEA! DNC Communications Director, Karen Finney :nod: :yippee: FACTS :pirate:
But Chris M. could just “speak LESS”
A.I.V. Going Under … … Evanescense
( :banana: i do listen to something other than Pink)
Some strange luminescent clouds have begun appearing in the night sky and scientists don’t know why only that they indicate that there is a chane in the atmosphere.
Sue P, re 17 … :nod: …
This idea can go in so many negetive directions, thoughts, and even mindstets. ….. :smack: :paranoid: :tinfoil:
Bloody Hell A!I!V!
Somehow I wound up here
Takes the anger right out of me.
Someone is beating ducks and geese in Scottsdale parks. They think with a bat. :growl:
Sue P., re 19 , :nod: :Silent Scream: and :growl: …
A!I!V! … Imaginary … Evanescense … …
Nice AaA & Kristapea, :nod: :growl: ,
and “that” kind of brutal murders seems to be going in waves here … over past 1 1/2 years plus. … :RATS: … A!I!V!
I think that when space travelers from the planet Zodar visit our solar system in a thousand years and land on an almost atmospherless earth and on Mars they will discover that there were people who lived on Mars who migrated to earth after their capitalistic society destroyed their atmosphere and most of the population suffocated .
They will find it strange that there people on the planet they called earth who knew what was going on but milled around like a bunch of sheep waiting for a leader to tell them what to do .. but all anyone cold say is run for dog catcher and get politically active.. until one day there was only silence . :reaper: :reaper:
” Moore’s film portrays the industry as money and marketing driven, and fails to show healthcare’s interest in patient well-being and care.â€
individual healthcare providers have less and less time and ability to actually treat patients cause they must deal with the healthcare “industry” (think meatgrinder). pj, you think fedex is bad…
plus, google has demonstrated the truth in darwinism: google has mutated and is now a virus
Brava/Bravo :pirate: :yippee: Fred and RosieSeattle re 25 & :nod: re 26 …
another form of Entropy :fustrate:
A!I!V! … :pirate:
In every American supermarket, labels tell shoppers where their seafood came from. But there are no such labels for meat, produce or nuts.
Skip to next paragraph
The New York Times
Behind the contradiction is a lesson in political power in Washington, where lobbyists and members of Congress have managed to hold off the enforcement of a five-year-old law that required country-of-origin labeling on meat and produce as well as fish.
Now, with Democrats in control of Congress and mounting questions about the safety of food imported from China, proponents of the labeling law say they believe that they finally have momentum on their side.
Druid, we talked about this yesterday. Now er know why we can’t get the info.
I know that many bloggers here have talked about relocating. Here’s your opportunity. Prince Bandar, aka Bandar Bush, is selling his home in Aspen for $135 million. He only occupies it occasionally so there shouldn’t be too much wear and I guess now that W is doing poorly and the Brits have some problem with his billion dollars in bribes, he won’t be spending so much time in US.
theres an interesting book written years ago and apparently aided mystically by some of our galactic civilizations.
it’s the cosmology of the universe of universes.
it’s called the Urantia book.
it has a story of a world facing what we are facing.
some make it and some don’t. anybody familiar with it?
Sean, are you still Warped and heading to Sunshine Jim land? I imagine that you would be traveling I-5 rather than the SF area.
Sue P , re 28, So Very True. Affirmative…

) A!I!V!
However, this to me has only just begun a “good” battle — WE CAN WIN … on this one. We ALSO Must take over our Dems Local Ofcs… not a problem except NO TIME
(but I ( :nod: :smack: ) must make the Time.
Sunshine Jim …
A!I!V! :pirate:
beauty day here!
Pix from our current Bee Brunch!
flowers, the bee condo. snorty dogs and the patio.
Pretty Pixs :pup: :bee: :pup: … Sunshine Jim
… C-Ya *poof* … A!I!V!
Al Gore finally gets his lockbox. :tommygun:
whiny rudy!
Rudy wouldn’t have been able to open the lockbox, even if he had the combination. Because to Rudy, the only numbers that matter are
Reminds me of the Onion headline: Giuliani Running For President Of 9-11
Bush commutes Libby sentence
Why didn’t he wait until late Tuesday? Well, I was close yesterday. Any guess what kind of news dump we will be treated to on Tuesday, the 3rd of July, under cover of this, turrurusm, and soulful eye gazing in Kennebunkport? And as Scarlett once said, “Tomorrow is another day”.
Rachel just said this is just a whole week of Fridays for news dump.
quel surprise!
i’m only surprised that he didn’t pardon him and hire him back…
That could happen. They will be looking at Elliott Abrams and then figure what will be an “appropriate” time for the stench to go away.
re 38 :pirate:
:fustrate: …”bloody hell” … A!I!V!
I sure hope Malloy is not on vacation this week.
Hire him back? Make him a US attorney! :fu:
Of, course,
bush &
adm :yawn:
:tommygun: :knit: :fist: :knit: :jason:
Where are the DEMS’ statements? :fist: A!I!V!
… re 46 :nod: DITTO!
I hope if it hasn’t been done yet that someone makes sure that he is at least permanently disbarred.
They don’t dare let Bush talk about this. I can hear the soundbite now.
Drude, that is the whole point. Everyone is on 4th of July break. A whole week of news dump ops. Beside, it has only been an hour. Wait for it…
Oh, well
Well, when Bush said anybody involved in the leak would be taken care of, I guess for once he wasn’t lying.
V re 47 and PJ re 48 … A!I!V! … *poof*
V, :rofl2: :no: :rofl2:
PJ, :rofl2:
For that matter, is Olbermann working tonight? I am guessing Stewart and Colbert are on vacation. My tapes aren’t set so I will most likely miss them unless I drive across town.
Contacting the White House
Mailing Address
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Phone Numbers
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461
firedoglake blogger sez that commutation is worse than pardon. libby can still appeal and therefore claim 5th amendment in hearings,
Someone was saying that to Rachel, too. Sounds like Bender is doing the Air Americans tonight. Rachel is rolling over into the first part.
Malloy is supposed to be on :banana: but I bet he will have other things on his mind.
July 02, 2007
So, there they are. Three mass killers getting together in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a little jocularity, a drink or two, talk abut missile “defense” systems and, one imagines, some sort of oblique reference to the millions of deaths around the globe that have been the direct result of operations in which these evil bastards have been involved.
Former KGB operative Vladimir Putin, who still orders the up-close-and-personal executions of those he finds tiresome, not to mention a long and blood-soaked career in the service of the former Soviet Union; Former CIA head George Herbert Walker Bush, whose black ops on several continents left a trail of blood and gore wide enough and deep enough to swallow entire governments, armies, and population groups; and Bush’s spawn, the recklessly insane warmonger George W. Bush, who is the “decider” in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
Christ! How do these people digest food together? How do they sleep in the same house knowing each of the other two is capable of death on such a scale? What do they talk about when they go fishing, surrounded by boatloads of heavily armed security operatives, missle-carrying jets circling quietly and ominously overhead, underwater kill teams searching for the least disturbance that might indicate the approach of a would-be assassin or some hapless swimmer who didn’t see the “get the fuck outta here” signs?
That these three killers are meeting on US soil is staggering. That they are discussing the strategies of more death and further destruction is evil beyond comprehension.
We’ll talk about it tonight.
from edwards:
Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today. President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal to the country and the world. In George Bush’s America, it is apparently okay to misuse intelligence for political gain, mislead prosecutors and lie to the FBI. George Bush and his cronies think they are above the law and the rest of us live with the consequences. The cause of equal justice in America took a serious blow today.”
Brian Ferry did the whistling on his version of Lennon’s “Jealous Guy”
from obama:
This decision to commute the sentence of a man who compromised our national security cements the legacy of an Administration characterized by a politics of cynicism and division, one that has consistently placed itself and its ideology above the law. This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can begin restoring the American people’s faith in a government that puts the country’s progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of recent years.”
no press release on hillary’s site yet that i could find.
im in reno nevada no warped tour for me you should come out vernon!
well no warped tour till saturday in salt lake shitty
hmmm i downloaded firefox and it seems to get along with my sprint wifi broadband card much better than internet explorer……
Confirmed that Sam Seder will be subbing for Malloy one of these nights.
Hey guys, Sam Seder is sitting in for Mike Malloy on the 12th. That means he’s working for NovaM in some capacity. That means he’s talking to NovaM, don’t ya think??
Kp, not necessarily but it is something of a poke at AAR.
He said yesterday that he was tied to them for 11 more months and working on a home studio and doing some video for Pap’s new network. He also got pretty fired up last week about getting the departing news guys on the show yesterday.
Malloy just said he doesn’t like Al Franken. Surprise, surprise!
Say hi to my mom in Reno, Sean! You’d be doing more than my stupid little brother did on her birthday! :pirate:
Well, I bet Drobney wants Sam on his network pretty bad. I bet it will happen. Maybe we should have another go round with emails to Drobney. :nuts:
Sean, I wish I could. I have friends coming in for a show and a big b’day party on the.4th. Then SoCal friends coming up who want to drag me to vineyards :omg:. When it rains, it pours.
Malloy is pretty subdued right now.
Pledge to impeach
Jeff Farias was hot on this in his show today.
hey everyone…what a day! I feel like Im spinning my wheels. Just so tired and I cant seem to get anything done…
but I did get a blog post up, if not much else….
I so wish that Marc still had his night time show….or any show for that matter.
I was so busy runnign rount today that I ended up listening to Sammys whole show in one day. It was the second time around but I tend to pay closer attention to the cam and dont worry as much if I miss some of the segments so Ill have something to listen to.
Is Rachel back?
I sure hope so….Ive got ring of fire and….some TV I saved…
and Big Brother is starting…
but I have little interest in any of it right now.
and so much to cover as far as the shit flying around.
Libby? ugh….Did Bush break the law? He didnt even check before making his proclamation….incredible! The whole thing boggles the imagination.
I wish we has a real AAR to listen to…this is all just too good to have such an unbalanced broadcasting situation.
colbert has a real eagle on…from the national eagle center
:doh: I see MM and I immediately and only think of Marc Maron but I just realize MM = Mike Malloy :doh:
whatever … :fist: A!I!V! Marc, sniff
Hey everyone,
I’m having a pool party on the 4h, you guys are totally invited if you’re in town. I’m close to the fireworks and we can watch on the roof and then jump in the pool when an ember threatens. Apparently, they are gonna have firetrucks :fire: stationed around the neighborhoods to keep an eye on stray embers. We will too, although, I wouldn’t rely on a bunch of drunk party goers to keep an eye out for embers.
oh man that sounds great kristapea. just make sure you hit the pool when you jump off the roof..,
are you on myspace? there is a very cool person/group in phoenix i’d like to forward, if you are.
I’m not on myspace yet but I just got convinced to actually do it. Now I have to find the time :smack:
Wow, I got nothing.
Deliver me
No, wait, I got this!
the next one on the same site is “the kenworth of my dreams”
i wonder what seanie drives.
June Carter Cash – Autoharp Instrumental
A Canadian hippie chick with a dulcimer
one of the prettiest dulcimer tunes ever written!
written during her ‘cruisin’ period. always loved the way she sings.
love her chord phrasing too, always interesting
W.C. Fields Juggles
Wake up :omg:
what got it all started for me…
Doc Watson- Deep River Blues
Farewell, Bubbles
hee! Harpo classic!
getting lost with doc here.
Chet Atkins & Doc Watson #2
Yes, Doc. I was checking out that Atkins and then I heard about Beverly Sills. I was never as much into opera as friends but I did love her.
Alison Krauss
singin a James Taylor song beautifully…
Guess I have to bail on the night shift.
What Scooter will miss
Nix, nix… :no: :no:
Vernon has left the studio!
“Thank ya ver much.”
Benedictions :yawn:
i drive a freightliner and i just won 300 in reno!!!!!
i was up four but then the losing began so i had to stop……