On Press the Meat, Timmy Potatohead boasts an “exclusive†with right-wing nut Chuck “I’ll talk tough about Iraq, but I won’t fucking do anything†Hagel. Then it’s one of the many assholes from the NY Times, David Brooks, plus WaPost hack Anne Kornblut , Todd Purdum (schmuck from Vanity Fair, who – ironically – seems obsessed with John Edwards haircut), and Eugene Robinson (also from the WaPost). If, for some reason, you actually want to watch this crap, you’ll have to get up early (at least on the east coast), thanks to Wimbledon.
Over at CBS, Bush buddy Bobby Schieffer hosts one of my Senators, Chucky Schumer, plus Utah’s Orrin “Big Love†Hatch, David Yepsen from the Des Moines Register, Vaughn “with a name like this, I shoulda been a sportscaster†Ververs, and Jeanne Cummings of the perpetually wrong Politico.com.
On Fux News Sunday, Weaselface Wallace hosts Congress critters Chris Van Hollen and Chris Cannon, on to talk about dubya’s glorious, Solomon-like act of clemency in keeping Scooter of jail. Plus, are we about to face another horrible terrorist attack? When in doubt, ask a fucking Republican – in this case, Pete “Hokie†Hoekstra.
On the Goebbels network, it’s John Conyers, on to talk about Scootergate, and then George Snufalufagus hits the trail with Ron “Don’t call me Les†Paul, and Mike Gravel . Then, at the roundtable, it’s Fareed “Token†Zakaria, Kevin’s future wife, Katrina vanden Heuvel, and weaselly little asshole from the National Review, Rich Lowry. Then Nicholas Kristof talks about some contest he sponsors.
About the only thing that looks interesting on Wolf Blitzer’s Late Emission is Pat Leahy. Otherwise, it looks like the usual collection of CNN hacks, Republicans, and a token Iraqi or two.
Later, on 60 Minutes, Steve Kroft talks to U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, in an attempt to scare us about the Medicare program, and then Scott Pelley tells us how tigers are damn near gone from the jungles of India. Plus, Lesley Stahl does a story on the wonderful foster-care system in this country.
Well, I better get cracking and bottle myself some beer. Enjoy your Sunday.
So, in case you were wondering, my web host had some problems with the server, which apparently required new hardware. It was supposed to be back up at about 8:00 (my time), but it was still down at midnight. I don’t know when it went back up again, but when I hit it this morning at 5:45 or so, I got a server error, and then finally things loaded. So it may have just been coming up at that time.
On the bright side, I’d noticed some performance issues in the past week or two, so hopefully the new hardware will help.
Morning all,
Insurance company memo lays out strategy to fight Michael Moore’s ‘Sicko’
Oscar winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has published a memo written by a health insurance company executive on how to respond to his new film, ‘Sicko,’ which criticizes shortcomings in America’s current system of private medical insurance.
:yuck: someone mentioned lemonparty and i had no frigging clue what it was so i went googling…… i strongly STRONGLY suggest not clicking the link ESPECIALLY if there are young sheeple in the room
blog is back!
remember Iris Bahr – svetlana? studio 360, a show on NPR, is featuring her today from her one-woman show. as they say, see your local listings for time!!!!
:rofl2: People already know the insurance industry are crooks. Moore’s movie is just showing people how systematic it is.
holy :crap: seanie!
it’s a republican feeding frenzy. YIKES!
btw, link for iris bahr thing is here:
hmm, must be a repeat.
You can listen to the Svetlana segment online at http://www.studio360.org/episodes/2007/07/06
:paranoid: not that theres anything wrong with that……
My eyes!!! I think I’m BLIND! Oh why, oh why did I click on Sean’s link! :smack: :holla:
The Iraqi government is unlikely to meet any of the political and security goals or timelines President Bush set for it in January when he announced a major shift in U.S. policy, according to senior administration officials closely involved in the matter. As they prepare an interim report due next week, officials are marshaling alternative evidence of progress to persuade Congress to continue supporting the war.
In other words, they are going to
liemake it up.Although crime did fall dramatically in New York during Giuliani’s tenure, a broad range of scientific research has emerged in recent years to show that the mayor deserves only a fraction of the credit that he claims. The most compelling information has come from an economist in Fairfax who has argued in a series of little-noticed papers that the “New York miracle” was caused by local and federal efforts decades earlier to reduce lead poisoning.
The theory offered by the economist, Rick Nevin, is that lead poisoning accounts for much of the variation in violent crime in the United States. It offers a unifying new neurochemical theory for fluctuations in the crime rate, and it is based on studies linking children’s exposure to lead with violent behavior later in their lives.
What makes Nevin’s work persuasive is that he has shown an identical, decades-long association between lead poisoning and crime rates in nine countries.
cool, thanks. have you heard it?
:rofl2: i figured since i suffered i would share the pain……
thanks for the Iris Bahr – svetlana link.
a superb comedian that lady!
Svetlana!! :yippee: Heh. Bill O’Reilly’s dream. Wonder where she got that? :hubba: :nod:
The other day I was listening to an old bit when Maria Bamford was on MS — Good Lord, she is zany. Funny isn’t quite the right word, it transcends funny.
I miss Morning Sedition. 🙁 🙁
It would be so much better to be able to get up and listen to MS. I don’t think there will ever be anything like it again.
never say never…
more than anything else, the fact that MS was stomped into the dirt so quickly by the corporate types that took over AARgh, reveals it’s worth.
From SF label 415 Records co-founded by Lefty blogger and C&L contributor Howie Klein.
washington, dc —
The Specials – Ghost Town
shoot, that didn’t work
You Work ❗ YEA :yippee: Tea Cheers All (kinda LBH)
Conyers Bah HumBug, I think. :doh: … A!I!V!
Les “Don’t call me Ron” Paul and Mary “Don’t call me Jerry” Ford
Alright, I have a very small wasp nest being built on the underside of a palm leaf right over my pool. Not sure how to deal with it. It can’t stay there but I don’t want to kill them either. I was gonna cut the palm leaf down but got scared they were gonna attack me as I was cutting. Although, the fronds cut pretty quickly as long as they are still alive. And then I thought maybe they would build a nest in a harder to get to area and maybe I should spray them with something, but I really don’t wanna do that. Any suggestions?
another fave, same era:
replace “margaret” with bush/cheney…
hunt em down, smoke em out… :bong:
Kristapea, I have done a few times in mountains and I am trying to remember … try smoke. Delicate statement : -) can you blow onto nest, then when wasps go to leave, direct “wasps” away with smoke.
Letting the wasps know this is not a good space to live.
There’s another way, but that is not my way either — and it involves the Queen :no: .
Ahhhh I must admit I was still a red meat eater… and did not have a problem in killing Bald Face Hornets … I know an ex-marine who once got stung by one 😯 … Bad :no: … A!I!V!
ROXIE, I was bounced off site again so I sent another way 😉
It works this second so:
Kristapea, I agree with Roxie … smoke the lil buggers out. (But not too much :bong: :rofl2: … but what is “too” much, :rofl2: really? :rofl2: A!I!V!
KP, take the nest and mail it to one of your Senators. Either one will do, but McCain already looks like he was stung in the cheek a few dozen times.
Nah, send the nest to Kyl. McCain has enough bugs up his ass already.
good afternoon folks…ugh…
Ive had such a strange day so far…and I didn’t catch any bobbleheads because of tennis…I guess I would have had to be up earlier. Oh well…doesn’t seem like I missed much.
I ordered my baby chicks finally…hoping that my coop comes next week….and Im going to have an extra layer of security chicken wire and a cement floor and maybe some butcher cloth put on it…the predator problem is big around here, but my friend who is helping me with this says that he is pretty sure he can secure the coop. I hope so…Im hearing lots of horror stories…
Krista, maybe you can burn one of those misquito things or some citronella near it and just make the whole area not too fun…also fireworks work pretty well in making smoke…as we did last night…the whole house was enveloped in smoke to the point that Ben finally got worried that the birds inside might be hurt by it.
here ya go krista…maybe you should keep ’em as the next wave in flying animal/insect keeping…
I don’t think wasps produce anything. Unless I can train them to attack neocons or attach mini cameras to them. 8)
WASP’s just produce more WASP’s unless you introduce slavery to the hive. :rofl2:
pjsauter re 30 … I like your idea :rofl2: :banana:
and Keven M’s idea is pretty 8) also :rofl2: … A!I!V!
Anyone going to Marc’s show in Scotland? :tongue:
:bee: :bee: :bee:
hey cool…Will is dying to go there but we have plans in August. he is gonna have a blast!.
We are definitly going to Ireland and scotland but maybe not till next year or so.
More Stonehenge
Edinburgh Festival Fringe
I want to go to that one sometime.
Vernon, re 40 and 42 :rofl2: :no: :rofl2:
:tommygun: :tommygun: ATTENTION
We should put up comments about Marc and how fantastic he is to help him and Kirk get a good audience there.
New dog is bonding with my nursing student care giver. Melina HELP SKYPE wanwenxia e mail marciaw ATpmug DOT org
PS Tangtang fka Sweets is probably waaaay more Italian greyhound than chihuahua.
They are there the whole month! I remember Harry Shearer did it last year.
I was there years ago and it was a fantastic city.
:tommygun: GREAT IDEA BUT :tommygun:
alas you try and you gets an error probably ’cause the show hasn’t opened yet.
Seder’s on :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
Afternoon all. Scotland? Aye it ought to be grand laddy!
I wonder if he’ll hook up with Angus?
Are they gonna be there too?
oh I thought you were talking about yearly kos
apparently Sammy is going but is not gonna be enabled to broadcast form there! What sort of silliness is that??
he is gonna tape some interviews and maybe do some video if Lauren con come and help him?
I IMed that I would help him…heaven knows Ive got the experience…just not all that into the film/broadcasting thing anymore…but I would in a second!
what is wrong with freakin Green not to have some sort of broadcast from there. It costs little.
Perhaps Green looks at Kos as competition to his dream of reigning over the world of progressive media. I don’t think Green gets how it all should work hand in hand. I also doubt that the DKos has been too kind to Green recently.
No live feed from yearly kos? unbelievable.
Kristapea, how are your wasps? :bong: 😉 … A!I!V!
Hey, it aint easy being Green.
We all know how effective it can be so maybe we all should call, write and e-mail AAR and ask just how they intend to participate in and cover Yearly Kos and that we have an ‘intern’ if they need one.
Maybe NovaM will send somebody. AAR, well, I don’t much care what they do anymore.
That is a great idea, pj. Malloy is the franchise right now but I have not heard him mention it. Maybe if nothing else they could have Seder do some live coverage.
Yeah, Malloy used to be on WLS in Chicago, didn’t he?
Perhaps it is nothing more than a legend, as skeptics say. Or maybe it is real, as those who claim to have seen it avow. But the mere mention of the mapinguary, the giant slothlike monster of the Amazon, is enough to send shivers down the spines of almost all who dwell in the world’s largest rain forest.
The folklore here is full of tales of encounters with the creature, and nearly every Indian tribe in the Amazon, including those that have had no contact with one another, have a word for the mapinguary (pronounced ma-ping-wahr-EE). The name is usually translated as “the roaring animal†or “the fetid beast.â€
So widespread and so consistent are such accounts that in recent years a few scientists have organized expeditions to try to find the creature.
Malloy was employed at WLS in Chicago from 1996 until April 2000. According to reports by Eric Zorn in the Chicago Tribune and King Daevid MacKenzie on RadioDigest.com at the time, WLS management cancelled Malloy’s program because of low revenue generation..
So was Dick Biondi, favorite DJ of my childhood.
DIVIDE EVERYONE, AGAIN, appears to be what others are talking about upon another site … STUPID… :smack:
On SF Fox news now her … I cannot listen :fustrate:
Sue P, Did You hear about the fake Colgate Toothpaste with China “ties”? … ( You live in that area so you probably already know…but I wasn’t able to get online then I forgot.) 🙄 . A!I!V!
Wonder if this toothpaste came from China?
edit- It did!
the name Biondi reminds me of trumpet player Bowdy (unk sp) … teehee … He even played at NOLA events … :pirate: :yippee:
(I am just running away from my brain because folks are AGAIN “hanging apart”. :fustrate: ) … A!I!V!
John Edwards is on Ring of Fire. I love him. :love:
Druid, I did hear about the fake Colgate, thanks.
The NY Times had a piece today about how these products are being sold IN China as well as exported. The Chinese people are very concerned too.
Please note, if anyone else is keeping track, there is still no mention of the largest importer of Cinese goods, Walmart. Have they paid off the reporters? Is management quaking in its collective boots about advertising? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Walmart ad in the Times. Somehow, no one has mentioned them.
I do not have a WalMart here … however, I now have a Target … they only have Chinese goods, correct? I have Never been, and never will. but there are other ways to get their attention…..teehee … A!I!V!
I don’t know about Target, though they do sell stuff cheap, so China is probably a supplier. But, Walmart is really the biggest importer of Chinese goods in the US. They also pressured their supliers to move their operations to China in order to get the cheapest price.
Incorrect. I just bought some socks at Target and they were made in Pakistan altough I am sure they have some Chinese goods.
Target is no Wal-Mart. The only contribution stats I can find show Target gave 70% to repuglys as opposed to 97% for WalMart (of course I am sure that the other 3% went to :omg: Hillary).
I can say from experience that Target is far less predatory and extortionist than W-M.
Vernon- what are you, like 100 yrs old? 😯
Les Paul and Mary Ford…., and now Dick Biondi!!!
Remember singing “On Top of a Pizza” in my bed while I listened to him when I was in HS in Kansas City.
How bout LPandMF doin “The World is Waiting for the Sunrise”.
:bow: :bow:
I didn’t know she could play guitar as well :hot:
It was a sweet world then- How bout “Chicken Man”?
Okay, I’ll stop now before this becomes just another repository of meaningless nostalgia for old farts :no:
Mrs Art and I went to see “Sicko” in a suburban theatre friday- modest crowd. I don’t think it’s going to be as big as “Farenheit 411”. The insurance companies will see to it that it gets buried. AARP had Michael Moore on the cover but only PR package inside.
So I get to go to Target now :omg: , but I will still call and ask a few questions… 😉 A!I!V! … I NEED music 🙁
Hey, Norton! Aren’t we all 100 in MySpace world? Besides pj referenced Les Paul 1st. I listened to Biondi in W.Va. with my little Hitachi transistor under my pillow at night. Gotta love those flamethrowers.
Maybe I can sneak in another one since it has kitty content.
:billcat: :cat:
pj must have a 100 yr old mind. I just copied my grandparents 78’s a couple of years ago LPandMF amongst them.
Les Paul is still alive and kickin’ it monday nights in NYC- now HE’s gotta be a hundred :billcat:
I think it sweet and quaint to :bee: another repository of meaningless nostalgia for old farts :rofl2: :rofl2: A!I!V!
that’s a good one vern- he’s playing with a broken string. Too bad that most of his reputation was built on novelty songs.
How did they multitrack her voice on TV I wonder? He invented 8-track recording but I didnt’ think he could do it outside the studio :nuts:
Druid- nostalgia’s okay but growing up in the mid-west, it can become oppressive. I’ve got one small cartoon in my office of president mensa-man speaking the sad truth-
“The past is over” :fist:
Hatless guitar player
What’s up at M.I.T.
Gosh, I just made it back … I was frozen which … whatever … but I have to get LiveEarth Feed … (I did have to listen to Black Eye Peas for the 4th or 5th Time. :banana: ) A!I!V!
regarding 82 beyond enchanting and then there was his “fingering”. :love: sigh. wow.
re 83, :rofl2: :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
:rofl2: :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: :rofl2: :hubba: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
W. Va.
:fire: out of denver soon……
And I was just to write about you, so thus it goes.
Kristapea and Sean M and All re 3 “lemonparty”
So why was that picture suppose to be so bad? People age and I hope I still have sex when I and a mate are that old or even 108 ,,, oh, that’s right, I am 108 … :omg: A!I!V! 😉
its all well and good i just didnt want to see it……
Well, someone put up Romeo Void and there is an AZ connection here and there is a Grateful Dead connection and I found out my Deadhead Sunday paper guy Peter had passed as I suspected. Last time we spoke we were talking about Quaaludes (though not Quay Lewd). Hope he has indeed joined the Grateful Dead. I’ll miss his quizzes.
🙁 :gate:
old farts league:
a couple of the first songs i ever learned during my childhood in montana. my sister and i did duets on…
and one i couldn’t find on youtube — willie nelson’s “red-headed stranger” the story of a bereaved cowboy and the town floozy. last line is something like “you can’t blame a man for shooting a woman who’s trying to steal his horse.” the horse in question belonged to his recently dead wife. cute song!
Yep, Sean, just that. Like sausage.
I was looking for ‘Get Out of Denver’ by Bob Seger or Dave Edmunds but failed.
roxie, I was looking for some old Willie Nelson and was about to post this one before the Tubes came up. I also found some ol’ Waylon.
GP and EmmyLou a little rough.
Lord knows New York City’s got a lot to do with it.
… A!I!V!
Yeh she dances like a white a white chick did back then ,,, :rofl2:
WPOD ….. :rofl2: :banana: :rofl2:
re Dead Head Deliverer … Blessings .. You Sound Wonderful
:bow: :gate: :bow: :yinyang: :pent: :om: AWN Good Travels
I’m sorry, but a lime Green Jacket :omg: 8) :omg:
OMEGA :reaper: AGAIN, Naturally A!I!V! 8)
:dancers: of Death :reaper:
3 posts … people have teased me that i did not make it go OVER before …so here are my efforts … :reaper: A!I!V! :reaper:
And then there were two :reaper: :omg: :reaper: , actually one
:pirate: :fist: … :dancers: of Death :reaper: 8)
/ :omg: