It’s too damn hot, and my brain is all mushy, so I haven’t got much to say. Except I thought it was very gracious of Scooter Libby to accept his probation. What a stand up guy.
Posted by pjsauter on July 10, 2007
Posted in Uncategorized | 34 Comments
It’s too damn hot, and my brain is all mushy, so I haven’t got much to say. Except I thought it was very gracious of Scooter Libby to accept his probation. What a stand up guy.
:pirate: A!I!V!
Damn. I thought I had something interesting to say, but it went away fast when I went through the end of Monday’s thread and caught the Beefheart video. Thanks, Vernon.
Krista, to answer your question, I think the name the guitarist uses on the album cover is Jeff Moris Tepper. So both names are correct. Cool to hear that he’s a nice guy, as I have enjoyed his playing for a long time.
I think Hartmann’s problem is that he thinks he’s as smart as he pretends to be.
Just like my ex-wife PJ.
I must :bee: in the Twilight Zone aka the WRONG place :smack:
Beam Me Up Scotty ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, A!I!V! YeeeHawww
:pirate: :yippee: A!I!V!
Canada announced plans Monday to increase its Arctic military presence in an effort to assert sovereignty over the Northwest Passage _ a potentially oil-rich region the United States claims is international territory.
Moore’s website fact checks CNN. Too bad CNN doesn’t fact check themselves.
Another crack at illegal NSA surveillance.
The Dark Side of Soy
“Studies showing the dark side of soy date back 100 years,” says clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story (New Trends, 2005). “The 1999 FDA-approved health claim pleased big business, despite massive evidence showing risks associated with soy, and against the protest of the FDA’s own top scientists. Soy is a $4 billion [U.S.] industry that’s taken these health claims to the bank.” Besides promoting heart health, the industry says, soy can alleviate symptoms associated with menopause, reduce the risk of certain cancers, and lower levels of LDL, the “bad” cholesterol.
Tuesday, July 10th, 2007
Today, Michael Moore will be on CNN again for Part Two with Wolf Blitzer, (Did you see Part One? And our response?), a new appearance on Larry King Live with Dr. Sanjay Gupta (appearing, we assume, to apologize for his factual errors), and a rerun of Mike’s appearance on Jon Stewart from 13 days ago.
Those of us who maintain Michael’s website have started a truth squad. Watch for our daily reports on how the media lies, distorts and carries the water for Big Pharma and Big Insurance.
We’ll leave you with this analysis of how the mainstream media deals with Michael Moore.
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) apologized last night after his telephone number appeared in the phone records of the woman dubbed the “D.C. Madam,” making him the first member of Congress to become ensnared in the high-profile case.
The statement containing Vitter’s apology said his telephone number was included on phone records of Pamela Martin and Associates dating from before he ran for the Senate in 2004.
I’m sure, as he is a Rethug, that he campaigned on “family” values. :yuck:
Ooh. Here’s a pretty case. Maybe it’s time for me to build an entertainment center. $600 w/o even a power supply is pretty steep, but I like the touch screen.
Good Morning :joe:
re 12: SWEET!!!
Tea :joe: ALL … Just listening to my music :banana: (it’s a joke :rofl2: (perhaps a LBH)) (and to let all to know I am wurk’n and Lurk’n :hubba: and list’n
whatever …
….. :nana: :pup: :cat: …..
:dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V! … :rofl2:
Marc Maron Is Wonderful :rofl2: Thank You PJSauter
:rofl2: :sammy: … :rofl2: A!I!V!
If you would like to tell CNN what you think of their crappy hit piece on Sicko, their
Pharmaceutical Representativemedical reporter, Sanjay Gupta, or Wolf Blitzer, you may do so here.Sounds like Chris Isaak will be singing the National Anthem tonight at the All-Star Game. Yo, Kenny, where music and entertainment meet.
Did Rudy Break Glass Or Walk Underneath A Ladder? First, Giuliani Iowa adviser Jim Nussle bolted to OMB. Then his South Carolina chair Thomas Ravenel got busted on cocaine charges. And now Louisiana Sen. David Vitter (R) — perhaps Rudy’s biggest endorsement in the South — has apologized for his number being on the DC Madam’s phone list. What’s next? Or does bad news just come in threes?
Rats may be more caring and selfless than their reputation suggests. Or at least they can be very kind to each other, even to rats they have never met before.
Swiss researchers put pairs of female rats — they were littermates — in a cage, separating them with a wire mesh. In one half of the cage, a rat could pull a lever attached to a baited tray that would deliver food to her sister, but not to herself. Each rat was trained in alternate sessions, first as a recipient of food, then as a provider. The sisters learned to cooperate, and they pulled significantly more often when their littermate was present than when the other half of the cage was empty.
Druid, I thought you would enjoy this.
Sue P, RATS :love:
Well Sci, we knew that but so glad ya *PROVED* it :yippee:
I do not watch or believe in the AllStars. :rofl2:
:rofl2: I believe in the Giants and the A’s. :pirate: :yippee: :pirate: A!I!V!
I believe in All Stars,
Say Hey
Hmmm what can I say? …A!I! :peace: … kinda :rofl2:
Chrissie Hynde … I’ll Stand By You … Just played on Randi :rofl2: repeat …nice
I know … SOMETHING more than 108 years old (except I really dig “Lost In Space” :rofl2: ) maybe Red :hot: C. P. … Hey :hubba:
Hey, Sean is in town and I’m gonna go meet him.
8) Cool, Kristapea, tell Sean: :rofl2: “Love Amongst The Ruins is rather Mystic” :hubba: :hot: :rofl2:
:rofl2: 8) :rofl2: …..
Home Run Willie
The sad latter days of the Say Hey Kid as a Met
Kp, I hope someone has alerted the uhthorities.
Maybe you guys should call McCain. Sounds like he might be free tonight.
McCain is a toxic :yuck: THUS Alert. Sean Is In Town
A!I!V! … :pirate:
Travis, :pirate: :yippee: :pirate: … 8) re your 32 … A!I!V!
Off to see the Izzard