I forgot how much sitting in a chair staring at a computer all day kills my back. Another couple of weeks, and I should be totally crippled. Speaking of crippled, poor Saint McCain just can’t catch a break, can he? I think he and Joey Lieberman ought to form a unity ticket, and then go fuck themselves (and/or each other). Don’t know who gets the worst part of that deal. I guess it’d be anybody forced to watch. Well, better go see what the two for Tuesday woot is. Have a good one.
We could have joementum and mocain.
Speaking of crippled, poor Saint McCain just can’t catch a break, can he? I think he and Joey Lieberman ought to form a unity ticket, and then go fuck themselves (and/or each other).
Ewwwww. The world’s worst lemon party.
And to get everyone’s mind off that horrible lemon party, something bittersweet.
did you find:
Thanks, roxie.
I did and just finished listening to the whole thing after hearing most of Malloy’s comments about what Schultz did there last night. Fat Headdie bugs me more than Hartmann because he is not even intelligent and still spews and boy does he think everything that comes out of his mouth is brilliant. His gratuitous use of “Jews” was appalling.
Funny to hear about how he removed himself from the other participants. I may have to check in on his show today to see if he goes off on Malloy like he did on Seder when he dared to say something about him.
Sadly the comments Malloy made are now behind the Nova M subscription wall. He made some great points.
So here’s one for Malloy.
I understand Fatheadie will be hiding behind a similar-type wall.
Yeah, I thought at least he got that part but no.
Thanks for contacting The Ed Schultz Show regarding downloading podcasts.
We are heard on about 100 stations, XM Satellite, Sirius Satellite, the Armed Forces Radio Network and over the Internet.
The Ed Schultz Show has over 3 million listeners, according to Arbitron Ratings.
We are the most listened to Progressive Talk Radio Program in Amercia.
Ed Schultz has been ranked #5 in America, according to Talkers Magazine.
In spite of all this success, we have been paying for bandwidth and server space for thousands of people to download free audio after shows air for a long time.
I hope you can appreciate that we have to cover the costs.
We are now charging $5.95 per month for audio/video podcasts.
Please feel free to subscribe for the service.
Here is the direct link:
You can still listen free to the show at different times of the day.
Check out our website under the “Listen Live” button bar.
Thanks for listening.
Vern Thompson
Program Manager
The Ed Schultz Show
E-mail: vern@edschultzshow.com
Phone: 701-400-6767
I gladly pay Nova the same amount just to support Malloy. I’m hoping Sam will come over soon. I don’t see traditional advertising model working for radio and shultz ,despite all his hot air about market economics, confirms that.
fat chance fat head!
repost from andy yesterday am. if you didn’t read this, do!
a real lemon cruise…
Cheers All I NEED TEA :joe: :yippee: :dancers: A!I!V!
OMG! :yippee: I wake up to “Where the Hell is Bill” on Bill Press’s bumper music. How funny! Maybe I’ll get my Camper Van Beethoven box set out today.
Good Morning :joe:
artnorton, do you ever participate in the NovaM chat room? It’s high traffic during the show.
:fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid:
Some “Nut job” dressed in a tux tried to have a conversation with our reich Governor Mr Ritter. It is unclear if he pulled out the gun he was carrying but the state SS that guards Ritter shot him dead ..
The guy was the valedictorian of his high school graduating class but was like 30 something and living at home .. perhaps he was trying to find a job in Ritters lack of an economy.
People acting alone to do something about the reich and especially the Reich will probably always be “Nut jobs” :reaper: :reaper:
Just like the rag heads who don’t want the SBR stealing their oil … You must blend in and be docile or you and all your friends are “Nut Jobs”
Saying that there are 1200 radio stations carrying the Reich wing talkers to 70 some carrying
left sided..left of center..progressivewell left of the Reich at least talkers ( all six of them) suffers from the same problem as HandJob showing how much of the country was red.. A lot of those stations are in places where the population is like 5 people per square mile and the cows , dear and antelope out number the population of the entire sate. :reaper: :reaper:Forty-four former state attorneys general, mostly Democrats but also some Republicans, have signed a petition asking Congress to investigate whether politics played a role in the criminal case against former Gov. Don E. Siegelman of Alabama.
In their petition, sent to the chairmen of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, the former attorneys general said, “There is reason to believe that the case brought against Governor Siegelman may have had sufficient irregularities as to call into question the basic fairness that is the linchpin of our system of justice.â€
Siegelman may have had sufficient irregularities as to call into question the basic fairness that is the linchpin of our system of justice.â€
Mr. Siegelman was convicted last year of taking $500,000 while governor from Richard M. Scrushy, then chief executive of the HealthSouth Corporation, in exchange for appointing Mr. Scrushy to a seat on a state hospital licensing board. The money was used to retire a debt that had been incurred by Mr. Siegelman’s campaign for a state lottery.
Lawyers for Mr. Siegelman, who was acquitted on 25 of the 32 counts brought against him, have argued not only that he did not personally benefit from the contribution but also that there was no quid pro quo. They note that in fact Mr. Scrushy, who was convicted along with Mr. Siegelman last year, had previously served on the board. Mr. Siegelman, they say, was simply made a target for criminal charges by Republicans who were looking for a way to force him out of politics.
That claim was bolstered recently by the sworn statement of a Republican lawyer who had worked for the campaign of Bob Riley, Mr. Siegelman’s Republican opponent in his failed run for re-election in 2002. The lawyer said Alabama Republicans talked during a conference call that year about using the Bush administration’s Justice Department to “take care of†Mr. Siegelman.
Mr. Abrams said he was startled when Mr. Siegelman was imprisoned immediately upon sentencing late last month, before his appeal could be heard. “There were so many suspicious circumstances surrounding the investigation, prosecution and sentencing of Don Siegelman, I felt — and the former attorneys general felt — we better ask for a full Congressional inquiry to get at the facts and the truth,†Mr. Abrams said.
A spokeswoman for the House Judiciary Committee said the panel had not yet had time to review the petition. The Senate committee has not yet seen it, a spokeswoman there told The Associated Press.
PJ, with regards to your back, have you tried one of these?
Tea Cheers Kristapea, G’Day AND TO ROXIE ALSO
News Corp. reaches tentative Dow Jones deal
So much for truth in investing…. the alternate reality continues… but .. hey .. we have democrats in office :reaper: :reaper:
I suppose that since rethugs stand for lies, graft, larceny and corruption in government at all levels that any investigation into that sort of of thing would be considered political in nature :reaper: :reaper:
Webhubble- re:12
I try to listen to Rachel (on delay here in Denver)- she’s on the same time Malloy is live. I podcast Malloy and transfer to Ipod or CD and listen to him later. I barely find time to keep up with M-SISTS. I’ll try to check it out friday. I thought Malloy came across real strong in the tape he played :slap: – the crowd certainly thought so :fist:
Fred- that’s a pretty nutty take on a true nutjob who was declaring himself “The Emperor” of Colorado. What did you think of the Denver Post’s front page photo of him in his tux? :jason:
pj- There’s a couple of people in my office who have taken to sitting on top of giant exercise balls- said it really helps.
Fred, (I am taking break from replay of the Seattle Town Hall)
What are you going to do? Even on C-SPAM, WSJ is going to be as a mass of bias. :yuck: :fustrate: :yuck: … :fist: A!I!V!
So far at least I have seen no information that the “NutJob “ even had his weapon drawn.. If the
State SSTroopers were to shoot every strange person that they see in the state capital building they would have eliminated most of the rethugs a long time ago. :reaper: :reaper:The reich/ Reich and its “media” will never report exactly what happened here.. remember today we must look for George Orwell lurking under every lamp pole… :reaper: :reaper:
Commercial break
re: 25 and 26
Misantrope :yippee:
…… :reaper: :dancers: A!I!V! Dark Angel Butterfly
25 … :nod: Already do :paranoid:
26 …
:smack: :bong:
mornin folks!
i’m being attacked by Morning Glories!
G’ Day Jim ,,, ahhh Morning Glories! That reminds me of my youth.
… *poof*
(I had some here, I should check if alive and bring some closer to home.) … Must “BREW” Tea :joe: and listen to replay (for a brief bit) of Seattle Town Meet Replay C-Ya
prolly not true morning glories, jim. they rarely attack. more likely “field bindweed” m.g.- like flowers but viscious. extremely “invasive.”
Roxie Tea Cheers, (BTW I have SJ info, good time?) but alas, no Tea for Me………(at this time) …
…….. A!I!V!
I will be back and what the hell happened in Seatle … I am only about an 1/8th thru since always interrupted :smack: Now, TEA 4 ME, :yippee: Back in a few minutes
Ah, if you get one of the right varieties of Morning Glory seeds, you can brew yourself up a tea rich in LSA (about 10% of the oomph of LSD).
Did anyone hear the last bumper music on Thom’s?
I also found out why I left Thom, which I feel I have to deal with
But I know what I must do… C-Spam :fustrate:
… Fox News Ellen … it is bad…….. I would love to hear TRUTH and LOGIC
MARC!!! A!I!V! NPR/Music and Work Wins —
Ho Hum :yawn: “back again, naturally”
As the water slowly rises the lefty talk show host Thom runs below decks and brings back the truth.. Absolutely amazing is all he appears to be able to say over and over again.
Will we know when the water has indeed risen to far when he no longer says anything ?? :reaper: :reaper:
Will the Reich talkers just say that the left had no audience and hence the market prevailed.. :fustrate: :paranoid: .
… but Fred, we hit an all time “high” for the Stock Market :jerk:
….. A!I!V!
…I am watching a smart man turn whore … and HE didn’t have to, therefore, he wanted to agree with “Her” and say what he said.
I just have to realize he is not as important as My Gmail page :love: and things I am working on and …..wait for it … wait for it …
TEA and/or Coffee :joe: :yippee:
With Murdork running the WSJ the
Crap ShootStock Market should reach 20,000 in no time. :reaper: :reaper:A new form of making money called compounded lies :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid:
That form of making money was pioneered in recent times by ENRON not Murdock. :crap: :paranoid:
So Joe Wilson is endorsing Hillary A ( for AIPAC) D(for DLC) Clintdork .. he just dropped about 15 points in the Fred creditability index. :yuck: :yuck: :crap: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Really? I think that’s pretty consistent with his politics. He’s not exactly a flaming liberal, having served under Bushes and at least one Clinton (so far). And a wife who was a CIA agent. That’s not exactly the breeding grounds for the Chicago 7. In fact, I think he’d be considered a conservative, back before the conservatives went to jesus on us.
Well then maybe I should believe what HandJob and Limpprick had to say about him…
Perhaps its all a gigantic show put on by both the left and right wing media to distract the public on both sides of the fence from noticing that their tennis shoes are getting wet. :reaper: :reaper:
Next Monday on Letterman:
End Krista alert.
I don’t find Hillary as appalling as you do. She’s not my first choice, to be sure, and there’s a lot that troubles me about her, but my first choice (several choices) aren’t going to ever come close to winning anything, and she’s made herself pretty popular in NY. Not just godless NYC, either, but up here in my neck of the woods. I don’t think there’s ever going to be what I’d consider a perfect candidate, and even if there was, they wouldn’t win anything, because (much to my chagrin) not everybody thinks the way I do.
I’m not much sold on Obama, personally. I like what Edwards has to say mostly, and would probably vote for him the primary, but there’s a long way to go before then. Gore probably aint gonna run, and if he did, there’d be the purists out there calling him a corporate shill, and trying to drag him down. I don’t blame him for not running. Then, what? Biden? Gravel? Richardson? Kucinich (does anybody think he has a legitimate shot)? Or maybe Rudy, Fred, Mitt, or Saint McCain? No thanks. Vote for Nader? Maybe he can crack 3%.
Hillary’s not my first choice, and I think it will be necessary to hold her feet to the fire to keep her away from the dark side, but I won’t have too much trouble voting for her. Hell, she’ll kick ass in NY if she gets the nomination, so it won’t much matter who I vote for, anyway.
re 39 and 40 … I must admit when I first heard of Joe Wilson’s belief in Hill C., I was sad. I had hoped he would have learned by all the bad done by the rethugs to him and his family.
:rofl2: … A!I!V! Sting
AND that is my questions? Why the D.L.C. ? Give me opinions and facts or directions, please? Why do the majority vote against their own best interests? Is it a mass grouping mindset or Mental Illness or :smack: whatever?
I’m sure MSBlog will be well represented
Nashville in July :hot:
Hey everyone….Spent the beter part of the day trying to sign in to this thing on my treo…but it wouldnt take the verty password that it was generating…
Oh well…I got back on here…had to reload my OS last night and was up till 2AM trying to get things loaded.
PJ, did you upgrade your replay AV? All I can say is Wow!
Im trying to figure where the toolbar went that allows you to capture streaming video or audio on the fly…as in, the sammy cam….
a worthwhile $9.95 upgrade…
Forget premium…get replay AV!
Course, I still need Sammy on Malloy last Thurs….cant find a torrent of it. Im sure it will come up.
V. re 45 :omg: :rofl2: tsk tsk :no: :rofl2: :omg:
… A!I!V! … Carnival (loop) … N. M.
I’m back at the library until I get this computer thing figured out- probably going to take a long time
Travis, I am having same type of sounding problem, except I am locked out and trying to get back into my files… :smack: :omg: WTF A!I!V!
Good Luck with your problem, Travis … me, I just have to find :slap: proper way to speak PC/Computer Language.
*poof* A!I! then V!
Im here…just busy setting settings and downloading programs…
Its never a good thing to get too used to this reloading thing…
If you need Sammy on Malloy show, I have the MP3, 19MB.
8) Melina, Good Luck with your computer. Makes me have certain My Computer memories, :slap: especially since I have to go to my Gmail page later :omg: (my) The Computer (always for me) Says No :no: :omg: :rofl2: ,,, Tea :joe: Cheers
I have to listen to Thom Tonight ( for the first 2 hours :omg: or less :yippee: :barf: :omg: to find this certain bumper music. Someone who knows music be around so I can say, “Did You Hear It?” then REFUSE to listen further . :nod: :growl: /
… :smack: ……
… A!I!V!
webhubble, can you pass it to me via aol instant messenger? I am luckymess mcb on that…but I have to download it first.
OK…its installed…everything is so peppy here…
Yes I need sam from thursday
:yippee: Melina 8)
of course, Im not peppy after a week of these long hours trying to get stuff done while dealing with troubleshooting all this crap…but, oh well…
LIEberman :barf: :omg:
Pants on fire
pj- re:43
and that we should expect very little to change. He tried to muster enthusiasm about ‘doing over’ this supreme court.
A weak tepid show of support for hillary. William Rivers Pitt called into Malloy friday. I was a little shocked about how realpolitik he was about the dem ‘base’ vs the activists like Malloy and ilk. To me, it just sounds like we’re (please excuse the lack of PC) pussy-whipped.
With what?? :rant1: :slap: :reaper:
Melina, I don’t use IM, but try to download this before it disappears
Squatters rights
That link is to an MP3 of Sam Seder guesting for Mike Malloy
Thanks, WHT. Much appreciated here, esp. if LIEberdumb won’t STFU!
yes, I turned Lie Down or I would be :barf: A!I!V!
I didn’t and lost 15 lbs. Must rehydrate. :40:
I thought he was saying purge.
Mike it’s called NSPD-51 … Hitler! We are at that point! I am a Terrorist
… Don’t talk to me :fustrate: :paranoid: A!I!V!
Oooh, thanks for the Krista Alert Kev :nod:
well. Im so frustrated….I upgraded my quick time to pro at some point recently and I cant find the registration key…and its impossible to find how to get it on apple’s site…so, I may miss that download because I need to go and lay down….
oh well…tomorrow is another day.
Well….short of Edwards, who I really, really like, we are sort of stuck with Obama and Hillary, who seem to be forming a tight bond and partnership…I cant tell if thats just a buzz or what.
Anyway, Hillary is not the devil, but she is shy if what I would want. On the other hand, how much is gonna get done anyway? Hillary can probably diplomatically cajole the repubs and nudge things back into place…and Bill can soothe the rest of the world.
I dont like alot of what they did, but it was not the worst time…and their thing seems to be to slowly get thigns back in line.
Anyone who gets in office is gonna hit alot of walls…and someone who is too left will hit a stone wall…
I really hope that something happens and that Edwards ends up with it. I think that he has alot of the right ideas.
But hes not getting anywhere if he doesnt address his own richness and that is OK to be rich in a capitalist society…afterall, most of the rest of ’em are rich….
The thing is, if its Hillary, we have to just go for it…there can be no 3rd party split of anything…its not gonna work and it sends no message in this critical time of war.
Any of em will be ok for what needs to happen…its not like the day after Bushie vacates there is gonna be a revolution…its going to be many years of cleaning up his mess…it could take a good 8-10 years to even begin to recover…financially, longer.
Melina- well said. As time draws near (and assuming there will be an election in 09, we all have to come together and probably elect Hillary and the :jerk: DNC
but what did you mean by Edwards “addressing his own richness”?
Isn’t he doing that already by being the only dem talking about poverty and bringing attention to it?
Are you talking sack clothe and ashes?
I am a Yellow Dog Dem … so Whomever Wins The Dem Nomination!; however, I believe Gore is going to run and Will Be Elected and hopefully he will put all who ran in strong positions, in line for their turn
I do not trust Hill. She is more conservative than Bill was … and although he was the best, I would prefer one who was not as amiable to the rethugs.
…. Poof Be Gone A!I!V!
I like Edwards as VP
Rupert closes in