So, here we go. Another day to get through. This has been a long week, and it’s not even Friday yet. Anybody got a sure-fire winning lottery number generator? I don’t need much. Just a couple million for myself, and a few more to buy AAR and kick Lionel and the Greens to the curb. Then it’s free podcasts for everyone!
Morning all, have to see about an attic fan today. What fun.
GOP Torpedoes Iraq Troop Pullout Plan
WASHINGTON (AP) – Senate Republicans torpedoed legislation Wednesday to force the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq, bowing to President Bush’s adamant refusal to consider any change in war strategy before September.
Now this is how to write a headline
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe:

:yuck: its Thursday again :sheep: le
I though Reed withdrew the bill .??
. until the rethugs vote to put the withdrawal plan back in there will no appropriation.
I can already hear FAUX news and the rethug blabbers .. :yuck: :yuck: :yuck: :barf: :omg: :crap: :crap: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid:
Hey, kudos to Jill getting a mention over at Atrios.
I will never, NEVER, never look again and tell I will ONLY write negative statements regarding MUR SJ , C-Span, and anything Mur touches …
Good Day All … Tea Cheers…..and I really dislike the days and miss my night … I again have to change sleep time …… RATS
Jill, BRAVA/BRAVO … :bee: of :bee: … 8) re 2
(& 8) re Polar Bears and SOS :pirate: :yippee: ) …A!I!V!
The three leading Democratic candidates — Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards– all announced recently that they support higher taxes on what’s known as “carried interest,” a form of compensation received by financial moguls that has created some of the biggest new fortunes on Wall Street.
We may be seeing a political bubble bursting: For decades, the capitalists who ran private equity, venture and hedge funds managed to convince Congress that the 20 percent carried-interest profit share they took on deals wasn’t ordinary income (taxed at up to 35 percent) but a capital gain (taxed at 15 percent), even though they typically were risking almost none of their own capital. This gross inequity was taken as a financial fact of nature. But no more.
Even the wealthy — at least those with social consciences — seem to share the new concern about restoring fairness to the tax system. The most prominent critic is mega-billionaire Warren Buffett, chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway and a director of The Washington Post Co. He famously admonished his fellow moguls a month ago that they were paying a lower tax rate than the people who cleaned their offices — and offered them $1 million if they could prove otherwise.
The giant private equity funds are nervous enough about the pressure building for tax changes that a few months ago they created their own Washington trade group, the Private Equity Council, which is already producing studies to justify the existing tax breaks. Its Web site explains that although fund managers may be putting up little of their capital, they deserve special tax breaks because they are contributing “sweat equity.” Try telling that to the guy on the shop floor who’s actually sweating — and paying taxes at a far higher rate.
A measure of just how rich the new financiers are is a list compiled annually by Alpha magazine of the top 25 hedge fund managers. Average earnings for these financial titans last year were $570 million, an increase of 57 percent from 2005. “In total, the top 25 earners raked in more than $14 billion, equivalent to the GDP of Jordan or Uruguay,” writes Alpha. You read sentences like that and you wonder why there isn’t a revolution against a global financial system that produces such disparities.
Good Morning :joe:
:smack: Eck A Gentleman’s bit ….
Well, Mic Vic, , well Vic, I use to and it started again, be called a pit-bull about certain issues …. because I do not let go. Vic you are in my cross-hairs and an issue of mine NOW ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
this toxic idiot MASS MURDERER ………….. I like easy WINS! He needs to be suspended (then arrested) NOW, ALANTA FALCONS … shoot, the NFL and suspends one for driving under the limit. :smack: … :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
(it just shows as a shard of the whole, i.e. humans base nature)
The Falcons are not planning on doing anything AT THIS TIME re Vic :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: idiot twits …… A!I!V!
Who woulda thunk Marcus Vick would turn out to be the good brother?
BTW I know his name is Michael Vick, but I like saying Mic Vic because He Is History … i.e. … “out for the count” … A!I!V!
(and a past Raider (misty
maybe Mic-y Vic-y or Mick-y Vick-y or ending with the e’s or i’s or whatever :smack: .
Michael was never a Raider :pirate: but his second cuz wuz until being dropped at the end of the last season.
yeh cuz wuz,
my bad :spank: but whatever
… (SJ info BTW) A!I!V!
I knew Michael Vick was an asshole the day he blew off SU and went to VaTech instead. Dirty rotten bastid. I hope they put him away for a long time (actually, I hope they put him in a cage with a few dozen pitbulls, and they rip him to pieces). Assuming it’s all true, of course.
All this reminds me, it should be a Roxie Day Off, :yippee: :pirate:
pjsauter re 16 :rofl2: :pup: :yippee:
Ohhh, trial of bush on Ed’s “stand in” . Norman Goldman … oaths taken :rofl2: :banana: … *poof*
A quick “fly by” … FRED, :bee: The One
(The Second, First.#1 :rofl2: )
Sounds like the demodorps are trying to get more contributions out of the financial sector :reaper: :reaper:
Professional sports stars get paid to much.. If they then lead a life of drugs and loose women it encourages there younger fans to do what.. become entrepreneurs of the same in the inner city ?? :reaper: :reaper:
Heartman’s problem is that he wishes to return to the days of Roosevelt but provides no ideas other than wishing to get there. :yuck:
But I want a copy of what “Ike” had to say about “the super rich, yet selfish” and the rethugs. A!I!V!
Even if these lefty talkers had an audience of tens of millions as opposed to hundreds of thousands all their truth telling just leads to more Tums and a lot of bawling from the milling sheep .. Amerikans being IDIOT MORONS for the most part will just find it interesting..some might even find it intellectually stimulating.. that is until someone decides it is time that we we must be eliminated and then they will wonder what happened just like the Germans did in 1945. :reaper: :reaper:
The lefty talkers if any are left will then tell everyone “well we told you so”.. Hopefully the end won’t come in a series of bright flashes and mushroom clouds. :crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Well, the cable guy came this morning and I have now officially entered the 20th century. Hopefully I’ll make it to the 21st one day, but for now baby steps. At least now I can watch the debate Monday night.
Man, am I glad I work during the day. Daytime TV sucks, even with cable. I ended up leaving it on CSpan2 for over an hour, which was not exactly non-stop excitement since all the senators are sleep-deprived this week.. Surprise, surprise, Schumer managed to find his way to the mic.
OK, now that I can actually watch HBO, it’s time for them to quit jacking around and give Maron that show they were talking about.
Oh yeah, almost forgot…
Back To Black down 8-9 on the album chart. Rehab up a little from 16-14 on the Hot 100. No links this week since I’m not at work. for more information.
I know quite a few people who have cable only so they can have high speed Internet. They don’t even subscribe to the TV service. :yuck: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Did you hear the an immigrant and “new” American woman who was in tears, saying how much we sound like where she ran from? (I forget which show or when
Its only a matter of time until the SBR will be someplace where every Friday night the party will come looking for you instead of you looking for the party.. I thought that was funny coming from a Russian comic once upon a time. :reaper: :reaper:
Kevin M, 8) 20th Cent …. where am I since I refuse Cable :omg: :paranoid: … :smack: A!I!V! :dancers:
Sane… Druid… sane Cable = 200 channels of pure :crap:
re 31, That is “funny”, scary, :omg: based on TRUTH :omg:
:growl: A!I!V!
The judge threw out the Plame lawsuit.
WTF re 35
:no: [
] :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
I have to Brew some Tea :joe: , then drown my sorrows in it. I hope The Wilsons see that they are getting “rethug” screwed. They had better “Fight”! WOW. I didn’t expect this loss
… :growl: :fist: A!I!V! :fist: Immigrant Song :fist:
Odds are that the judge was a member of “the party” :reaper: :reaper:
The problem with most federal judges is that they are like ticks with lime disease .. they are hard to get rid of.
Damn, the big stainless steel brewpot and wort chiller I ordered got delayed. Now it won’t come until Monday.
How much home brew can you make before the ATF comes visiting ??
Most alcohol ships via rail … they are finding a lot of tank cars arriving at their destination with their bottom valves dripping.. I would think they need to reduce terminal time .
Norm has his head up his A* . We must make examples of these A holes to restore our position in the world.. The more examples we make the merrier. :reaper: :reaper:
And on top of that …
Amy Whinehouse looks like she should go moo in those pictures the other day.. maybe you like your women to moo.. I don’t :yuck:
Steve Cropper
There’s a joke(?) I am not getting :smack: I think? Then there are the M.G.’s? 8) A!I!V!
That’s Steve “The Colonel” Cropper! and Donald “Duck” Dunn
Thank You, Andy aka Aquaman :rofl2: :rofl2: {I think} :dancers:

or was this also regarding 42, 2 :pirate: :rofl2:
or is she pregnant? I am :bow: sorry Kevin M, :rofl2: :dancers:
WOW. I wish all Liberals/Progressives would “come together” like the “pro animal people” has against Vick. I am impressed. :bow:
judge bates (plame case)
same judge as cheney energy meetings!
Judge John D. Bates ruled that Congress’ watchdog, the General Accounting Office, lacked standing to sue Vice President Dick Cheney…
Named to the bench by President Bush, [go figure] the Judge is being attacked for his decision, with some arguing that he took the easy way out by deciding the case on the jurisdictional grounds of standing, rather than on the merits. Others are critical for what they see as a crushing loss for the public’s right to know, coming at a time when Americans are demanding more accountability from their government and corporate leaders.
[warning — above comes from reich-wing legal thinktank. read rest at your blood pressure’s peril]
Roxieseattle, :yippee:
I read it. Now I have to Brew Some Tea :joe: :growl: A!I!V!
true that, druid!
best thing that’s happened to animals since the poisoned chinese petfood ingredients. shining a bright light on something people would rather not think about.
nike has stopped production of latest vick model!!!
now, if only DMX would apologize for that video from a few years back…
I didn’t know there was a game today… usually I “know”.
Bonds had TWO HomeRuns… :fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: RATS … Yeh, they have to go! A!I!V!
WOW, RE “The Federalists’ Society” Caller from Berkeley … I agree with him …
Bush and
adm is planing on “cutting and running” as final result of something they conjured. :omg: :jerk: … :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
) :dancers: of :reaper:
Sorry Roxie, I worry “for what fools these mortals be.” (To sorta, perhaps paraphrase
Roxie…happy day off…I am working out of state ravie for me. Oh I have a funny picture to send to you
Hello SBlue!
Um Dru…check your hotmail :knit:
yo…andy! :pup:
sblueheron :yippee: :pirate: :knit:
, Tea :joe: Cheers
Hey, y’all, Air America Place now has ALMOST 500 Morning Sedition shows and 94 Marc Maron Shows in the archive.
Now I don’t have to try and figure out what I have on the old PC…I can waste huge amounts of time downloading them and burning them off to CD.
:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
Seems that judge Bates was also Deputy Independent counsel under Ken starr during whitewater.
Seriously….who among us is that surprised.
Good luck with that Brill! :knit2:
SBlueHeron, :rofl2: :pirate: :knit: :rofl2: 8)
Congrats on the nod from Eschaton Jill!!
BTW ( thx to Andy’s 62) Again , :bee: at :bee: (aka brilliantatbreakfast )
:yippee: for the “nod”. DITTO! 8)
Good knowledge, andy. Was blessed to speak to both on the phone around that time today. Quite an honor.