This weekend is the Syracuse Nationals, which means that the streets are full of classic cars, trucks, and motorcycles. Some of these cars are truly beautiful. You know, from back when cars were cars. I’ve never been much of a motor head, but from what I understand, this is a pretty big deal amongst the classic car set around the country.
As if that wasn’t enough, it’s also the weekend of the New York State Blues Festival. This year’s main act is Buddy Guy, who is possibly my favorite living guitar player. Unfortunately, he’s not on stage until Sunday night at 9:30, which makes it a little bit late for me. But, it’s free, so I guess I’ll have to see if I can manage it. Enjoy your day
You teed up the Hound Dog
Good song V (aka Vernon. ) What a Perfect name (giggle)
:pup: A!I!V! … :pirate:
PJ, Tonight may you get “The Blues”. :pup:
:reaper: :reaper: :reaper:

FRED, Yippie :yippee: Top o’ the Day, I have to get more tea :pirate:
I was away and hopefully did not miss you :doh:
… Yea A!I!V!
Well so far so good Cheney hasn’t started WWIII yet :reaper: :reaper:
Take a nap PJ. Don’t old folks love to take naps?
I never got into the Blues very much .. more of a Peter ,Paul and Mary type..
Most Blues bands sound to much like they are a broken musical instrument .. but thats just me. maybe it depended on what you were on at the time.
Maybe one could make a Phuzz(SP) phrase type program that composed blues music from randomly selected , clarinet, saxophone and string base clips.. :tongue:
I don’t think I have ever heard any blues music with a Guitar in it . Folk music yes blues music no. :paranoid:
Hey KP .. remember PJ is now a member of working class so he can’t stay up and watch Lenno any more… and .. still get up in time to drive 50 miles to work the next day. You guys who lay around the pool all day .. I don’t know about you..
Kristapea. :rofl2: :rofl2: :no: :rofl2: :rofl2: A!I!V!
I may be laying around the pool but I’m still waitin’ for that dividend check :rant1:
Yeah, actually, on Monday I’m starting an every other three-days rotation to a different job location, which happens to be about five minutes (maybe less; it’s basically across the street) from where I live. So, I can sleep a little later, and don’t have to participate in the cross-town schlep to pick up the kid, take him to work, then drive back to where we work. He’s actually out of town anyway, but this will be nice. If I wanted to, I could probably get up 15 minutes before I have to be there. But, 9:30 on a Sunday is kinda late, especially having to hassle with parking and traffic and all that. And I’d probably wind up having to go alone, which isn’t much fun. Fred, you don’t dig the blues? Man, that’s a surprise.
I like Blues, and I like Folk, however, I don’t know names (except for pehaps, G. Winston or Peter, Paul, and Mary or names like that). Oh, my fav, Blues Travelor, (sp & say :smack: ) nice, I missed since cassettes went the way of the DoDo.
What is “Stray Cat Strut” called: rock-a-Jazz or rock-a-Blues or “Pop” or what?
Rockabilly, Druid.
Kristapea, THX
8) Cool, I LIKE ROCKABILLY :rofl2: 8) :yippee: A!I!V!
We are now living under President Cheney. God help us all. Seems odd to be pulling for Bush to come through OK.
Bush has five polyps removed, reclaims powers
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W. Bush had five polyps discovered and removed during a routine colon cancer test on Saturday, the White House said.
They were small and “none appeared worrisome,” White House spokesman Scott Stanzel told reporters after the colonoscopy, performed at the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. Further tests will be conducted on the polyps, he said.
Rumours that McCain and LIEberman were removed also proved false. The scope wasn’t long enough to find them so far up.
re 17 :nana: :rofl2:
Vern! :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Re: 19 :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Fred, :nod: , re 19 :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
dodged a bullet there from “shooter”! now let’s get busy and drag all those aides and attorneys into congress in chains!
probably not til september though, congress needs to set up all the procedures so that when bushco refuses to let them (call out the nat’l guard who’r all in iraq), they’ll be all ready to go to court.
his declaration of godhood has got to be too over the top for even this supreme court, at least roberts. he’s claiming to be outside the judicial system, too, and roberts ain’t that stupid or in love with bush like alito seems to be.
bring on the constitutional crisis please.
can’t wait for tomorrow’s bobbleheads.
Rumours that McCain and LIEberman were removed also proved false. The scope wasn’t long enough to find them so far up.
Comment by vernon — July 21, 2007 @ 11:18 am
So I guess they didn’t find Bush’s head either.
So I guess they didn’t find Bush’s head either.
This really is low hanging fruit. Brill led me to this one. Now I am just waiting for Barroid to come on.
Five polyps is actually quite a lot :omg: , which explains why he has to get this done every five years. I had mine done last year and there was only one — and I have to go back in 2010. I guess it’s all that dead pig and cow he packs into his gullet.
I’m surprised Cheney didn’t start a war with Iran while he was preznit.
Someone has to do a parody of Charles in Charge and call it Cheney in Charge. :rofl2:
OK, Krista, you asked for it…
Old man in the neighborhood
Taking over, he’s just no good
The Constitution is his to shred
He will torture and kill you dead
Cheney in charge
Of our days and our nights
Cheney in charge
Now he’s taken our rights
And I say,
I want,
I want Cheney in charge
of THIS!! :fu:
I may have to write another verse or two tonight. It’s tough to really capture someone as evil as Cheney in just one verse. Nothing about wiretaps, heart problems, his porno-writing wife, telling Leahy to go fuck himself… seriously, I could be here all day.
The next verses need to sound less Jello Biafra, though. I almost felt like I was channelling the part of “California Uber Alles” where the secret police come for your uncool niece.
Good one Kevin! :rofl2: :rofl2:
vern & kevin. you guys should go on the road with that routine.
Those with LA friends
Hey, Gang-
I’m at the Melrose Improv tonight, Saturday July 21 at 8 and 10. Thought I’d let you know.
Come down. I’m angry.
Hmmm, if I started driving right now…
Richard and Linda’s little Brit boy goes country
Maybe we should have a race, see who gets there first, Vern.
:bow: I am sorry … I tried … but have fun with the twang …
) … Folk … with a tad bit of Rock-A-Billy, with a dash of Rap. A!I!V!
I give respect to Les Paul. I accept the country accent that was given to Elvis and Rock …… … but I will take my Rock, Classical, Jazz, Blues,Soul, SF Blues (whatever
Talk amongst yourselves (and I will be checking your links, which you all post, to continue my education).
Sorry, D6er, I’ll let his parents take a shot at The Folk, hopefully more to your liking.
I know, Vernon, wonderfully intense and “real” folks … but I can not take “twang”. I tried but I look a fool. Have you ever heard (without looking up) Battle of the NRA? Or the Beautiful music that plays non stop at the Monterey Kelp Cams and out door “cams” at the living museum or “In Your Easter Bonnet”?
Sorry, Kp, I may not be mad enough today and don’t have much faith in the car. I wish I had known a week ago. Marc seems to be slipping a little on the fan updates.
I am not peeping in … I was just passing on my way to SciFi/Fan show (giggle). I am just sadden about Marc … I think he is having a “bout of depression”.
… and never say that I had never been there.
I Wish I Was Still There … I would see him, MARC, in a minute.
Hey, Kevin :yippee:
You’ve got some major song writing talent — Hows about writing some satire for the Raging Grannies? :boobs: :hot: :fist: We’ll make you a Raging Granny Groupie :bow: :nixon: :rofl2:
A!I!V! :fist:
damn, i’d really like to hear marc’s rant tonight — bet it has something to do with bush and congress and the christofascist zombie brigades of the neocon death cult.
don’t we have any l.a. members? i need a report.
Quietgirl, but she never manages to get to any shows. Man! If I lived in LA I’d see him every single time and scare him into thinking I’m stalking him. :tinfoil:
Man, it’s only 104 here today but it feels like 110 and I was thinking the humidity was high but it’s not all that bad. I wonder why it feels so damned hot out there. I think I need another dip :fire:
Hey, NW,
Brave Combo Heads To The Northwest – Seattle Dates Galore!
Body: Brave Combo is heading to the Seattle area starting Wednesday, July 25th with plenty of shows to attend. Ask the boss for the rest of the week off from work!!
WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th – Tractor Tavern – Seattle, WA
Catch Brave Combo on Tractor’s stage once again with opener, Baby Gramps!
THURSDAY, JULY 26th – Lake Wilderness Park – Maple Valley, WA
The band will make their first visit to this summer concert series!
FRIDAY, JULY 27th – North Creek Events Center – Bothell, WA
It’s definitely on!!
Benefit for the Northshore Performing Arts Center Foundation – Midsummer Dance Party!!
SATURDAY, JULY 28th – Ballard Seafood Fest – Seattle, WA
Brave Combo returns to the streets of Ballard once again!
Hard to have much more fun than seeing Brave Combo.
The White House Has a Manual for Silencing Protesters and Demonstrations
After a myriad of stories about people being excluded from events where the President is speaking, now we know that the White House had a policy manual on just how to do so.
Called the “Presidential Advance Manual,” this 103-page document from the Office of Presidential Advance lays out the parameters for how to handle protesters at events.
No comment, I think I’m going to play some Gord’s Gold.
OMG! :omg: I just skinny dipped in my pool for the first time! It was AWESOME! I saw John load up his drums and knew I’d have the yard to myself for a while. And a storm was a brewin’ so I felt giddy and got the pool disco light out and danced the water dance of LIFE! :yippee:
BRAVA KRISTAPEA (the only bad thing is just remember not to swim during a storm, because water conducts electricity). I did everthing horribly, wonderfully wrong in my teens and 20’s, with rivers, rain, and rafts. :omg: but great fun.
OOOooo Miss Marple/PBS is a super Great one tomorrow night, although all are great :pirate: :yippee: A!I!V!
A Granny Sighting, Tea :joe: Cheers. :yippee:
:fist: A!I!V!
It is good there are other sites in the middle of the night, well I could have on in the background Laura Craft, and continue working. :dancers: of :reaper:
C-Ya *poof*
NOW 2:02AM pdst OMEGA A!I!V!
Gotta G.T.P.S.