OK, I’m a little late with this, but, well, I’m slow and lazy (plus I have a bad back, and now my goddamn knee has decided to act up on me; this gettin’ old shit really sucks, at least in the physical department. I’m a lot smarter now that I was when I was young, though – which ought to give you an idea of just how friggin’ stupid I was when I was young), so that’s just how it goes. Anyhow, I got “tagged” by Melina, and this is my response (I hope I’m doing this correctly, since, in addition to being slow and lazy, I have a tendency to not read things carefully, and I can’t remember most of what I just read, anyway).
First, here off, here are the rules:
These are the rules:1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Well, I must say, I was quite flattered to be “tagged,” especially since I mostly have just been “phoning it in” lately. I mean, writing about how your back hurts, or “not much to say today” hardly inspires much thinking. And, anyway, this place has never been about what I have to say. It’s about you guys. The lurkers and the posters that show up are here to read what you guys have to say. It’s nice for me, ‘cuz all I have to do is get a fresh thread up every morning, and let you all have at it. The links, stories, and ideas that you guys come up with every day are beyond fantastic. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: I’d really miss you all if this went away. I feel as if I have friends from all around the world, and it’s truly amazing (if you think about it) how a bunch of people can become “friends” (I’d even go so far as to say family) without ever really having “met.” Sure, it says a lot about Maron and Morning Sedition, but it says even more about all of you. So, thanks to everybody who’s made this little community so much fun to be around. And to you lurkers out there, lurking is fine, but if you every want to jump in and say hello, that’d be great, too. But, enough of this mushy shit.
So, what blogs make me think? Well, there are two blogs from amongst out family members that come to mind. The first is the world-renowned Brilliant at Breakfast, hosted by Jill. There are always some great reads there, and Jill is much more prolific a writer than I could ever hope to be. The second is Melina’s blog, RIPCOCO. You generally have to set aside a couple of minutes to read Melina’s blog, because she has a lot to say, and it’s always interesting.
Things get a little tougher from here on out, though. I don’t really read blogs to do much thinkin’. Mostly, I read them to get links to articles that I’d never have had the time to find on my own. I think the blog I go to most frequently (even, the one I go to first), is Talking Points Memo, from Josh Marshall. There’s some great original reporting done from this site (along with its sister sites, TPM Muckraker, TPM Election Central, and TPM Cafe), as well as links to news items from all over.
Then, of course, there’s John Amato’s Crooks and Liars. In addition to being an FOM (friend of Maron), I know that I can always count on John to post the video that would never have a chance to see otherwise (and I’d never want to have to sit through Fux Noise or some of the other crap that these clips come from). Missed a great Olbermann “Special Comment”? Never fear, you can always count on C&L to have it there waiting for you.
Another blog I love to visit is NYCO’s Blog. This is more of a Central New York blog, but it’s always well written, with a lot of great stuff (even for non-Upstaters). Plus, she always has a great photo for her blog header, which changes frequently.
OK, I need one more, here. So, I guess I’ll go with that old standby, The Smirking Chimp. I’ve been a fan of the Chimp for a long time, and it’s a great place to go get news stories that you’d have to spend hours digging up on your own.
So, I reckon that’ll do it. Have a good Monday.
:bow: Alright … A Wise ol’ Man once said
“This is all I can stand! I can’t stand no more!”
RoxieSeattle :no: :rofl2: 😉 … :fist: ALPHA A!I!V!
pushaw pj:
your bobblehead thread was credited to maron once — that we know of…
my all time favorite for pj eloquence was the one from june:
when I was in about fourth grade or so, I read a book called “Johnny Got His Gun,â€
i tryed to copy it here but the formatting was all screwed up. it was from june 25th or maybe the 24th. i forwarded it to several people. beautifully written.
This is the story that prompted me to e-mail PJ when I first came across his first website (which is the reason we met :love: ) & the rest is history . :knit: :cat: :pup:
He’s a far better writer than he admits to. :bow:
to 4th RG “3d” post and Roxie’s 2d post your bobblehead thread was credited to maron once — that we know of…
I believe I saw PJ and this space metioned a few times, but I do not have any dates 😀 oops 😳 …… :fist: A!I!V!
Am I dreaming, or did we get through the entire weekend without any mention on this blog of HARRY FRICKING POTTER?
Oops. 😳
Kevin M, :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: 😉 :dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V!
Awwwww RAGING Granny … re 3 😉 … :fist: A!I!V!
Was it GA Attorney General that blocked that kids release for having consensual sex ? :growl: :fist: A!I!V!
As usual, PJ, great reads. Thanks. Melina certainly knew whom to “tag.”.
Tea Cheers Sue P, 😉
… :growl: So :bee: It ❗ A! I! V!
early dog alarm wakeup!
(ruzz wanted to go hunting at 4 o’something)
making coffee early morning meditation using the filter pile as a mandala…
😯 😯 😯
:yuck: Its another Monday :sheep: le
It’s pouring here in Brooklyn and my dogs refuse to go out. Their raincoats haven’t changed their minds. I hope they can keep their legs crossed.
.morning, Druid.
I find it amazing that Jay Marvin can come to work in the morning.
In Denver all the Clear Channel; studios are located in the same building so KKZN shares space with KOA and KHOW..
I can’t imagine working anywhere near Mike Rosen ( insert something smells bad emo here) :yuck:
Good Morning :joe: Now I feel bad about being so lazy about my blog. :smack:
Congratulations PJ. Morning all. Sorry I missed yesterday’s blog, I could’ve used my Blazing Saddle references.
Tea Cheers, Kristapea, 😉 Jump off any roofs lately?
Fred, tea cheers, do you have my general adr at hot? … A!I!V!
pj how do i “modulate” my connection?
hey everyone!
What a life! It is raining cats and dogs…quite literally if you consider that its more parrots and dogs and everyone keeps launching themselves at me when least expected.
I didnt get sammy yesterday, and vern was trying to transfer it to me at some point via AIM but I was not at the compuiter 🙁
So, if anyone has it, let me know.
Seanie!! Are you on the Warped tour?? Are you really bringin it here on the very weekend of Kos?? If so, I need to know because I will have to try to arrange something for Will/Ben to get to you or there with chaperone…as, I will be a Kos…
OR, is there another date not too far where we could meet you without having to drive more than a few hours?
re 19 …WOW… Now that is what I was promised that PC’s would be doing …Wait For .It ….. Wait For It ….
BY THE Mid-’80s :smack: Then I come out of the mountains to find this horribly slow PCs IS STILL NOT “running 8) smooth” … 🙄 … and computer folk just say to me, “Why Are You Running So horribly, no one else is?” = :smack: … A!I!V!
Hopefully not to be as pedantic as Thom hartmann, Thom Hartmann …
Fernwood 2Nite (or Fernwood 2Night) was a comedic television program created by Norman Lear as a spin-off from Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman. It was a parody talk show, hosted by Barth Gimble (Martin Mull) and sidekick/announcer Jerry Hubbard (Fred Willard), complete with a stage band, Happy Kyne and His Mirthmakers (featuring Frank De Vol as the ironically dour “Happy” Kyne, and Tommy Tedesco as one of the guitarists). Barth was the twin brother of Garth Gimble from Mary Hartman. The show aired on the fictional Fernwood’s Channel 6.
I believe I posted a Tom Waits clip from this show a few weeks ago which you can find on YouTube.
Sammer show link?
think this will work:
hey Vern…got it??
I just signed back on after bad trouble form rain…and some unplugged router due to everything falling here….just cant dig out!
Thanks Jim, but Im having trouble saving with quicktime and I have to put it in some traveling device as I dont get to stay around too much today.
I bought the PRO but I cant find my # to reregister…nor does apple seems to have it…and I dont have the time right now…have to check my credit card and make sure that they charged me….eeekkk! Why is everything so complicated these days?
tom waits was on fernwood 2nite???
cool, i missed that episode….
sorry…IMed in the wrong box
hey heres warped tour dates everybody…… http://www.warpedtour.com/warpedtour/concert.asp
dont think so ms brown :doh:
Vern, spin-off from Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman.
..That I remember, since she was related to The Mother of …, .and this is a spin off of what … wait for it … W.F.I. …
, that I spoke of, — but couldn’t remember the name of SOAP!
which you were condenscending to me about.
Prove me wrong on that, if you can. ……… :jerk: ARREST! IMPEACH! then V!
Tom Waits redux
Vern, I do not know what you are saying ……. Please remember how you “wrote/post” saying that you did not know Soap and you doubted me. I just did a “gentle” research to vindicate me. A!I!V!
Tom Waits was not the issue …
Fred, … as Hoggle, in Labyrinth, said, “If you want me?”
Get ahold of RoxieSeattle. 😉 … A!I!V! *poof*
Druid, I am afraid I have never made a single comment about Soap until this one.
From Wiki on MH2
In 1977, the similarly-themed Soap was released, but, unlike Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, Soap played itself more like a traditional sitcom. Something that made the very similar shows also very different was that MH2, while being a soap parody, played like an actual soap, in that there was no studio audience or laugh track, there were tight close-ups of characters’ faces, and the show aired five days a week with no repeats throughout the year.
Are you on this tour seanie??
Are you on this tour seanie??
Can you get me tickets for that night if I can have a friend bring them?
Do they have to have an actual parent present or just an adult??
I can gladly pay for tickets…Will is gonna be SO disappointed if he misses this because of YK2!!
druid: re soap. reread last nite’s posts. it may have been me. i was confusing soap with mary hartman, mary hartman. then looked both up and corrected. you asked what the sequel/spin off was. i thought fernwood tonight but that was from mary hartman. benson was the spin off from soap.
vern: thanks for the link, i;m saving it for the big machine. i loved fernwood tonight. rip torn was hilarious as the show’s producer.
😳 that was the larry sanders show. my brain is teevee mush.
:yawn: sleep now….zzzz
Seder for Randi in 20 minutes.
If you have to miss it, her show is tape delayed and plays 9PM-Midnight PDT on The Quake.
Randi is podcast on the Quake
Randi’s show are also still podcast at the White Rose Society.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Not that Sammy. 😀
House Judiciary Committee to Consider Contempt Proceedings for Harriet Miers and Joshua Bolten
(Washington, DC)- Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI) announced that the Committee will meet Wednesday, July 25, at 10:15 a.m. in 2141 Rayburn House Office Building to vote on contempt citations for former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and White House Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, following their refusal to comply with subpoenas issued in the U.S. Attorney investigation.
Go Johnny go!
So who is going to arrest them Gonzo and Co ?? :rofl2: :rofl2:
What would one do if Bushco had congress arrested .. that is more likely to happen.. Yeah I know better put something that tastes good on that thumb. :reaper: :reaper:
And I thought SOAP ( Simple Object Access Protocol) was something recent . :billcat:
In case I forget to post a reminder later, which I probably will,
on Letterman tonight.
:bf: :cat:
SammyCam is up in full effect.
Chips: High tech aids or tracking tools?
CityWatcher.com, a provider of surveillance equipment, attracted little notice itself — until a year ago, when two of its employees had glass-encapsulated microchips with miniature antennas embedded in their forearms.
The “chipping” of two workers with RFIDs — radio frequency identification tags as long as two grains of rice, as thick as a toothpick — was merely a way of restricting access to vaults that held sensitive data and images for police departments, a layer of security beyond key cards and clearance codes, the company said.
There is even a protest song already. Think this could be part of the passport problems we’re having?
BTW, this was an AP wire story that appeared in the early edition of the SF Chronicle but not in the regular Sunday edition most folks get. It shows up in all of three publications in a Google News search.
Sam Seder in for Randi!
I have to go out again, yet regarding around 39 … I will speak when I return, in a bit. A!I!V!
One more than yesterday.
Thanks for the reminder Kevin. I will try to stay up, I’m usually out by then.
fading into dusk here.
our first day of Bgurls summer vacation. she took a nap and read. rained all day.
We got storms swirling and threatening but I aint seen no activity.
i got to listen to Sam. :banana:
pretty much a perfect day!
eya Kristapea! top of the evenin to ya!
heres my favorite sat pic to watch, updates every 10 mins or so:
Kevin, I am listening to Amy right now. (Everything is not as important as hearing HER.) I shut everything down and just listened and felt. I think I really need her now … She is really amazing — really, really, really amazing. I :love: Women with strength which talks about Fairness of the Heart and Soul. I watched her before, but I just now played 5 in a row and watched again and again. WOW. However, I do like my tat better than hers, on her arms (that I can see). But my Dragon (much from my sketches) with a Crystal, that goes from above my ankle to and including the beginning of my calf, is awesome. At times it is used as was meant — sitting 1/2 Lotus — and at times, like before, full Lotus, focusing on the Dragon Tat. I sit on my alter/treestump with now, by my demand, I called and found specially taller Redwoods only lil ones … most are planted, but nothing like what was here … and The Redwoods are, just being….. 😐
I have planted Redwoods on other land, also.
(My husband fav is Pearl Jam.) Both links I got on the Quake. Pearl Jam first then I saw a picture of Amy, thus I searched the links for her, then, at same time, the links was then to be put on forms of Tags, whatever 🙄 CUZ Amy Is Tres 8)
(BTW so are those in My T.R.E.E.S. Group they are 8) and a shout out to them 😉 ) :fist: A!I!V!
Yay D6!
planting a tree
is one of the best actions possible.
as an apprentice green man i laud yer efforts!
Sunshine Jim, And you have many of trees, and :bee: :yippee: :pirate: 😀 Tell Bgurl I hope she wastes a bit of time here, once in awhile. :dancers: :nod: :love: to all,
and I am glad “The Father is better. 😀 :banana: :yippee: A!I!V!
andy aka Aquaman, Perfect Film! So that is FURTHER proof, so let’s: ARREST! IMPEACH! then V! 8) Andy aka Aquaman.
I am calling again Sens and REPS, AGAIN, tomorrow and send — IN BIG BLUE INK — the Spay and Neutered Post Cards, again, with kitten :cat: or pup :pup: on face of card … most look then READS them. :fist: :pirate: :rofl2: A!I!V!
Tanks D6!
Good Juan Cole bit Andy!
thanks! one of the best this month!
my squirls have planted walnutand hazel nut trees all over the yard and every single one is growing like crazy!
Sunshine Jim, I forgot: the most important part. :nod:
ohhhhh To sprinkle LifeBloodDust of the Wild Forests, on those that have walked away from the Spirit / from their Core, for too long.
:pirate: :yippee: A! I! V! Cheers to the Circle around the TREE(S) :yippee: :pirate:
:rofl2: :banana:
This world always needs another Green Man, of the Forests, Wild, especially in this area.
I think it may :bee: Time To Involk. It is going in the last aspects of the Fire season. The change to Lion has begun. (RG 😉 ) Merry Lugh, Merry Lugnasadh Season. Soon, Wait For It… Wait For It …
Great Job my squirls (like My City or My CA since I was born in Northern California) have planted walnutand hazel nut trees all over the yard and every single one is growing like crazy!
Comment by Sunshine Jim
tanks D6!
every time we swing the old spirits in i can feel Gaiaa give me a smoochie.
Sunshine Jim, :rofl2: :pirate: :banana:
😉 :yippee:
In her day, Barbara Dane, who turned 80 in May, was the
Next Big Thing among blues and jazz vocalists. She was also an accomplished folk singer with a radical political bent, but it was her jazz pipes, abetted by knockout looks (think a singing Sharon Stone), that got the critics raving in the late ’50s. Leonard Feather, writing in Playboy, called her “Bessie Smith in stereo!” Time magazine quoted Louis Armstrong, having just caught Dane, telling his agent, “Did you get that chick? She’s a gasser.” Time’s critic pronounced her “on the brink of the big time, one of the few white blues singers who has ever belonged there.”
good stuff vernon!
love ya all! think i’m ready for snooze time.
Well, I will finally deal with this now. I had a rather lengthy post, then “the window” disappeared … and I said whatever … and did not want to do again. Luckily I had two very involved outings, which really makes me want to make all action less involved.
Roxie, it was never really you. I just remember back then that I was very sad when Soap was dropped and then Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman came to be, which I did not like that much, Yet parents did 🙄 however, many things were goin’ ’round. … Regarding Wiki…whatever, I do not trust, I have found too many errors. Even today regarding “…ologies” I found another “stupid”, idiot mistake that should NEVER be part of the answer…
However, I said, I accept as me being wrong or my errors, …… Just Let It Die!
However, if there is Time, I will add to my research, perhaps, and if I find ANYTHING I will advise. And worse come to worse, I will take Sodium Pentothal (but first I have to see prices). I do not care what and whom is correct. “Just the facts, mam.” Yet, during this “1984” period, it (1984) is being played out, via computers — reality these days can be “fooled”. Truth are Lies, and I do not, now especially, believe in anything by Humans in their ’20s, ’30s, ’40s, ’50s, ’60s.
I am involved in many issues: regarding Strays, Animals, Whales, Sharks, all Creatures on land and in the oceans actually, Children, and The Elderly, and The Homeless of ANY AGE. But this is a part of my youth, on the west coast. However, what is REAL today, many times, are truly FALSE. I also am reminded why I have this belief (or disbelief) and now see I am taught, first hand, to suspect. And always, I should remember that! This is done! A!I!V!
My other post didn’t “make it”.
So, again, “Miss Amy Winehouse!” he bellows.
:fist: Omega A!I!V!
P.S. I forgot to write: The one like Wiki….. but with initials, is suppose to be more reliable, like I said … Let It Die!
This is now me checking a REAL memory — since I LOVED SOAP … I remember what I saw, but I was working and doing actions and many other issues. So whatever. Now it is me going over a REAL memory, and trying to make REASON and REALITY.