Sadly, today is the last of my three days at the “alternate” (though not undisclosed) location. Until next Tuesday, anyway. It’s just so nice to be able to get back and forth in under five minutes. Plus, I’m able to go in a half-hour earlier and get out at four, which means I’m home by 4:05. I’m just gonna have to finagle a permanent gig out there, one of these days. That is, if the whole winning the lottery thing doesn’t work out.
First? Wow. Apparently everyone else’s bus was later than mine this morning. Damn PSTA.
Morning / Evening :yinyang:
pj – can we all win the lottery the same week?
:yippee: Tea :joe: Cheers Kevin M. I could not figure out what EMO to use :omg: :doh: :dancers:
… King Kong Tea :joe: Cheers … :dancers: :yinyang:
:fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid: :crap: :crap: :yuck:
Good morning :joe:
Air Head Heart is a good substitute for Jay Mavin. Between the two of them Clear Channel will prove with out a doubt that liberal talk radio is a failure… No one will be listening after she rails in favor of Churchill’s firing. :reaper: :reaper:
Good Morning, Good Morning (Is there an echo in here?)
Tea :joe: Cheers Kristapea
and Fred.
Fred, re 4 are you reading the news again :no: … :rofl2: A!I!V!
Some place there is a rebuttal to the accusations made by the CU board of regents against Churchill but like so many truths these days it seems to be buried in piles of Reich wing :crap:
Some of what he said in regard to the minor SBR killing off Native Americans depends on who you get the info from.. The Indian for some reason has a different spin on the history of that time than the Library of
LiesCongress does. :reaper: :reaper:morning!
dam! i miss morning sedation…
lets see if Air head Heart will read this on the air.
Dear Ms Air Head
If you read a “fact finding” report about a controversial someone written by the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterpise Institute, or The Washington Times would you take it lock stock and barrel for being very accurate ??
So why do you take what the CU board of regents said about Churchill as being accurate ??
The CU board of regents is guided by policies made during the 16 year reign of the Reich in the Colorado legislature . Hank Brown Shirt .
made the point in his comments last night that CU is a well known “research University” which translates into a University that receives a great deal of its funding from the likes of EXXON Mobile, DOE, Bob Anshultz, the Coors family among many others who drive the Universities decision making by means of economics. just like they drive the political process.
If you think differently your are very naive .
And Why
Do they make such an issue out of these professional athletes doing illegal things .. When you are rich and famous you can get away with most everything .
If you are not you get put away for 30 years. :reaper: :reaper:
It looks like someone else might be writing material for the Raging Grannies. Impeachment is a Mother
I think it needs work.
Why is dog fighting so reprehensable when being in the “All Volunteer Army” doesn’t teach one much of anything except to kill people and break things . :yuck: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Woops I forgot
Killing in the name of capitalism is just fine with us as long as it doesn’t result in any of us getting killed . :tommygun: :tommygun:
It’s not an either/or thing. I think being deliberately cruel to another living being is reprehensible. It’s even more reprehensible when you make millions of dollars a year, and should be able to find innumerable ways to get your jollies. Anybody who thinks watching dogs tear each each other to pieces is “entertaining” is a sick, twisted piece of shit.
I believe all was The Funny aka “sarcastic wit” :rofl2: :banana: :rofl2: aka L.B.H. :rofl2:
[Fred, :bow: please correct me if I am wrong.]
I guess one could project that to politicians who send people into a war only for the purpose of gaining profit for themselves or their friends too.
That is that they are
I would very much agree with that.
:knit2: on that show lil bush they have the outside of the school shot befoe they go to the scene inside
the sign outside the school said detention in room 103 lil scooter libby exempt :rofl2:
Judiciary Committee sends contempt charges for Miers, Bolton to full House
:crap: :fustrate: :paranoid:
There is some procedural thing the house can use to bypass the justice department .. It sounded like it might require the house to appoint a Vigilance committee.
Impeachment call cancels ski trips
TELLURIDE — A backlash quickly emerged after the Telluride Town Council adopted a resolution last week calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
“It’s huge, unbelievable,†said Telluride Mayor John Pryor. “Ski groups are canceling for the winter. Hundreds of people are bailing. The (town) Web site is flooded with people saying they’re canceling their vacations here.â€
Pryor called it a “silly initiative.†The council, he told The Telluride Watch, is too busy to weigh in on national global politics.
There was also support. “Let ‘em go to Vail,†wrote one Texan named Dan Stewart Olney on a newspaper Web site. “I will commit to spend more time and money in Telluride now thanks to the initiative.â€
Unfortunately most people who live in Colorado can no longer afford to go skiing .. A family of three could cost one $600 or more for the week end .. Only a sport for the elite and the Europeans now that the EURO is worh so much more. :reaper: :reaper:
One thing that is quite deceiving is that the “economy” that is flourishing at the retail and service sector level is the “economy” that is driven by spending by only the upper 15 or so percent of the consumers .. 45 million people being able to buy almost anything is a large market in the SBR.. Just think what it will be in China in 10 years when that number is 200 million… No wonder the capitalist are all lined at the Chinese border uttering ONK ONK squeal squeal .. :reaper: :reaper:
PJSauter, I knew I should have added unless YOU were teasing. and now AGAIN (on my head) :doh:
Again, I have to say to you :omg: over missing THE JOKE :fustrate: :paranoid: :fustrate: , :bow: I am SORRY.
i just watched the am1090 town hall. they played it on the local cable channel last nite & i recorded
good lord, fat heady is a smarmy piece of crap. he’s definitely getting ready to run for office…he’s already kissing aipac ass. i really expected malloy to take a swing at him, he deserves a nice pie in the face.
Fat Heady’s audience seem to be quite noisy at getting all over him mostly via email when he gets to far right of center .. I think some of the positions he takes are just to get people to talk he , yell, scream , whatever at him but that would make for a good politico too.
He tries to be liberal… but .. not to liberal less he offend the vast center of IGNORANT MORONS
fred :nod: :banana: re 24 … A!I!V!
RoxieSeattle :dancers: Gosh, I am glad I am not listening to Fat Heady … I have ran away from home (War on Brains :slap: ) Therefore, just into Hildegard von Bingen… :nana: A!I!V!
:yippee: :pirate: A!I!V! … :doh:
:banana: Criminal Content >Inherent Content > :dancers:
:reaper: :dancers: A!I!V! :pirate:
:banana: Criminal Contempt > Inherent Contempt
:dancers: :doh: Shhhh :smack: 8)
:dancers: :reaper: A!I!V! :pirate: THX Fred
TEA *poof*
The bad news seems to be that the house will not take up the contempt measure until after their August recess. :crap: :crap: :crap: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid:
Go forth and buy a wrist rocket and a brick to greet your house member with when and if you see him while he is on recess.. Most of ours go to Vail/ Beaver creek, Aspen or maybe Europe ….. they seldom bother to come see their constituents least none of their constituents who can’t afford a 1000 dollar a plate dinner. The only time one sees them for real is in October every two years . :gate: :omg: :jason: :fist:
(to myself — or have I always said it it wrong? I have to go find where I first wrote … RATS) Content is “bland” compared to contempt. (I worked in the bloody system :doh: :growl: )
Now civil, criminal, whatever … WAR ON BRAINS :slap:
I evidently am not “seeing” & “hearing” … hmmmm
so I should NOT :bee: “speaking” … i.e. writing/typing
now *poof*
Jeff Farias is filling in for Mike tonight.
:yippee: Found out on the 11th of July, as it IS WRITTEN and
I do have from the 12th of July as is also WRITTEN
“Contempt” as in Inhe[was “a’]rent Contempt. :yippee:
(one Date is marked by an old “watermark” over part of Date)
I am insane; yet, not TOTALLY
:nod: :omg: :doh: :tongue: :fustrate: :rant1: :billcat: :yippee: :dancers: :boobs: :pirate: :bong: A!I!V!
I am an idiot. We went Direct recently but this is The Balance Period; however, it is an intense period :doh: but i am “not monitoring “religiously”, anymore… yet it appears “I am in town now” Done in a snapping “Z”.” Again
Evening all. :joe:
DAMN re 33
11th & 12th of JUNE … not JULY
:fustrate: A!I!V!
So….this is how it works! And to think I wasted all that time getting a degree.
re 36 :banana: :rofl2: :nod: Perfect!
A!I!V! … :rofl2:
Sonny and Lenny
Caught these over in Sederville about Janeane from the Henry Rollins Show message board.
Notta lotta love.
Well, a :hot: ly 8) Song about how is one to Die, and I just wished it could have been the perfect Omega Song, but I didn’t realize until wrote the bloody post …… it is a :hot: ly 8) song ….
that was just a few from his bloody msg board (it was the blood red that of the board … LBH :rofl2: …. Henry still is cool :banana: ….whew :hot:
Jenny sings Lenny