Can anybody explain to me what’s so fucking tough about putting on your turn signal? Especially you left-turners out there. ‘Cuz, like, some of us actually have better (or at least more urgent) things to do than sit behind your fucking SUV sucking exhaust will you wait to turn left. And, no, waiting until the light turns green to put on your turn signal doesn’t count. Might as well just leave the damn thing off at that point, asshole.
While we’re at it, would it be too much to keep an eye on the traffic light while you’re sitting there? I mean, you basically have two very simple jobs when you’re at a red light: keep your foot on the brake, and pay at least some passing attention to the goddamn light. Is that so hard? Never mind your hair or your cell phone or whatever the fuck else it is you’re doing while you’re not paying attention to the light. A 17 second reaction time at a 20 second light is just not acceptable. Not when I’m the fifth car back, fer chrissakes. Bastids.
And why the hell do people think it’s cool to hoot, holler, scream, and shout, while people are on stage, trying to perform?