This has been one long goddamn four days. To make matters worse, it got hotter than hell yesterday, and it’s supposed to be even hotter today. We’ve been advised not to breathe, due to too much ozone. Sucks. Oh well, let’s get this over with already.
Hey! Football season is here. And I don’t care. At least not yet.
I don’t know why I’m not up for it this year, but I’m not. Maybe I’m tired of Jon Gruden, maybe GM Bruce (brother of Macaca) Allen has finally worked my last nerve, maybe it was Alstott getting hurt or Simeon Rice getting shitcanned, but I just don’t care. I’m going to see No End In Sight on Sunday, and maybe I’ll catch part of the Bucs game when I get home since it’s a late game. Otherwise, screw ’em.
But here’s something PJ will enjoy:
Hey Andy, just saw your post from last night. If you have all the same equipment, I think you can use the free DriveImage XML to image and restore. Then I think you’d want to get the Windows Volume Activation Management Tool (also free).
DriveImage XML is pretty good for backups, too. Since it makes a shadow copy of the drive, you can use it with Windows running (no rebooting), and you can restore the entire image, or just certain files. And you can add it to a Barts PE boot disk (which is what I’d do for cloning the other machines), and restore the image from there. Hope that helps some.
Hey, Kev, nice to see somebody from SU doing well. Now, if McNabb would just play a full season and win the Super Bowl, and get the Rush Limpballs of the world off his back, that’d be cool.
Freedom of speech in deecee. Not.
Favorite liberal talker poll, current results:
Vote here:
Mike Malloy is killing everyone right now
:fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: :fustrate: :paranoid: :paranoid: :paranoid: :crap: :yuck:
β β β Whatever :sheep: le
I find it kind of interesting that the late evening talk show host who is on a limited number of stations is the most listened to and that the morning hosts have almost no audience.. :reaper: :reaper:
Good morning. :joe: :joe:
President Bush’s trademark struggles with the finer points of public speaking were on full display Friday, when he thanked his “Austrian” hosts for inviting him to this year’s “OPEC” summit.
The “Language Mangler-in-Chief” was in Australia attending the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit. Along with misidentifying his host country and the name of the summit, Bush struggled to leave the lectern, trying to exit the stage the wrong way
You mean Jay Marvin isn’t the most popular morning liveral talk show host EVER? He SUCKS up FOUR HOURS of valuable air time every morning. He must be f#@*’in GREAT β :fustrate: :fustrate: :slap:
Denver really needs a real lefty talker but there at Clear Channel’s studio where KOA and KHOW are co located with KKZN it would be like mixing matter and antimatter ( although the though of a large explosion at that location has crossed my mind). :reaper: :reaper:
A filmmaker who was behind documentaries that bashed Rupert Murdoch and Wal-Mart is now focusing on Rudy Giuliani, creating an “online viral video campaign” about the presidential candidate timed to coincide with the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attack.
Robert Greenwald on Thursday launched the first of four short videos about Sept. 11 and the Republican former mayor. The others are planned to launch throughout the month.
:knit2: :omg: π‘ :tommygun: nnnn
Good morning, Druid. What’s going on with your computer?
The remains of a huge beaked dinosaur with the looks of an ostrich but the weight of a rhino have been discovered in China’s Gobi desert, fossil hunters have announced.
The previously unknown dinosaur weighed in around 1.5 tons (1.4 metric tons) and stood more than 16 feet (5 meters) tallΓ’β¬βan extraordinary size given its birdlike appearance, say the Chinese researchers who found it.
An 80-million-year-old fossil recently uncovered in the Gobi desert could be a key piece of the evolutionary puzzle of how massive dinosaurs gave rise to today’s comparatively tiny birds, paleontologists say.
The newfound species, dubbed Mahakala omnogovae, measures just 27.5 inches (70 centimeters) from its head to the tip of its feathered tail.
:knit2: :slap: :knit2: :tap: :fustrate: π :joe: :alc: :dancers: π :peace: :boobs: π :dancers:
:hot: Officially set a new record high for here today. This sucks.
PJ, I haven’t read anything about your back lately. Does that mean you’re feeling better?
Yeah, the back’s been OK lately (about as OK as it gets), knock on wood. :doh:
I’ve been trying to force myself into correct posture (not too good at that), and I remembered from back before I started school, that I need to keep may wallet out of my back pocket, which has been a big help. I think I’ll try using a wide stance when I’m at my desk, too. π
Thanks for the reply PJ. I started ordering all the hardware but my CC company thought there might be fraud so they started declining all the charges. I suppose that’s good in the long run but it’s still a pain, I ‘ve got to re-order all this stuff.
re #16 :knit:
I ended up not going to the Giuliani thing. It’s hot out, I’m tired, and the guy organizing it wants to keep it serious.
It’s probably better that I’m not there, as my best idea for a sign was to use one of those horrible trannie photos that Sue was nice enough to post, along with the caption
which is not exactly highbrow punditry, but I thought it was cute. Maybe next time.
Plus by staying home, I was able to catch Kucinich on Tucker discussing his trip this week to Syria and Lebanon. It was a lot of fun listening to Dennis ignore Tucker’s line of questioning almost completely and say what he wanted to say, although admittedly outmanuevering Tucker isn’t exactly rocket science.

Congressman Jim McDermitt talks about “kicking ass.”
This is completely irrelevant, but kinda cool nonetheless.
This is just not right people.
Wow, Jeff Farias is pummeling this guy on the air with a simple question. Where is the evidence that a plane hit the pentagon? I’m glad Jeff keeps hammering on the lack of evidence for the official story of 9/11. It’s one of those stories that can easily become a diluted mess of mixed up info and disinfo.
I bet Sensenbrenner has an insider deal going with winning lottery tickets. His inflated ego seems to be proportional to his girth.
druid: i’m sharing your computer problems, couldn’t get on the internets all day. then i tried to load ltr link to vote but it took forever to load. come on people 2,000 kb for the main site. organize your page, man! and i still couldn’t find a place to vote…maybe it’s over for the day?
anyway, i had to clear out a bunch of :crap: and do a reset…but here i am finally!
gee whiz, it seems that laura has a serious pain in the neck. really?
she’s having surgery on saturday but it’s not likely to work since said pain in the neck isn’t due back in washington until sunday…