So, I was looking at CNN last night, and they had the headline, “Villagers allege they were shelled by Turkey.” Of course, the only thing I could think of was that Thanksgiving Day promotional stunt by Herb Tarlek and Arthur Carlson on WKRP.
I loved that show (and I always thought that Jan Smithers was way hotter than Loni Anderson; she never should have married James Brolin). Hold me closer, tiny dancer.
Of all the crappy reruns on TV, I have no idea why that show isn’t one of them.
good Morning Bloggies!! :nixon: :banana:
happy tuesday! :yippee: :hubba:
aww, thanks PJ for Tiny dancer :nixon: :ear: :love:
hmmm…i’m a little sleepy :yawn:
i guess someone else could take first post.
There was a great interview with Doris Haddock- the original Raging Granny (97 yrs old) on Rachael last night that you all should check out….better known as Granny D :yippee:
So, I was looking at CNN last night, and they had the headline, “Villagers allege they were shelled by Turkey.†Of course, the only thing I could think of was that Thanksgiving Day promotional stunt by Herb Tarlek and Arthur Carlson on WKRP.
“As god is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.”
And the best part was that they didn’t actually show the turkey bombardment. We had to listen to Les Nessman describing it and use our imagination to paint the picture. Classic comedy.
That CNN headline is silly anyway. Everyone knows turkeys don’t have shells. 😀
whoa…..was Randi Rhodes mugged last night?? 😯
that’s what i just heard on the radio…if it’s true, i hope she’s okay
The first Frontline special of the season, “Cheney’s Law” (9 p.m. EDT, check listings) offers a detailed look at the ways Vice President Dick Cheney has maneuvered to give Bush unprecedented wartime power. By subverting the checks and balances set in place by the U.S. Constitution, Cheney defined and encouraged some of President Bush’s most disastrous policies, and while you may be familiar with the administration’s more questionable gambits, the specifics will shock you. Key figures from Colin Powell to Condoleezza Rice were cut out of the loop of several major decisions in the wake of 9/11, as Cheney and his lawyer, David Addington, engaged in legal tightrope walks to increase Bush’s authority. This haunting look at the behind-the-scenes trickery includes scenes dramatic enough to belong in a “West Wing” season finale, so don’t miss it.
Good morning. Gotta work. Thanks for the music PJ. I’m looking forward to a detailed view of how Chaney shredded the constitution and gave a mental dwarf unprecedented power.
See ya later!
artnorton, I was going to say regarding: 2 :yippee: I heard… :rofl2: the First Raging Granny ( :rofl2: :yippee: Art)
re #5 😯
QGirl she has several teeth missing thus a violent encounter. I and others feel a rethug action. A!I!V! ..If Everyone Cares by Nickelback
“New eek”
I hope RR eventually gets to bite the head off the mugger who attacked her.
Good Morning. I heard that about Randi too. I hadn’t thought of it as being a Repug attack. Steph just mentioned it.
yeah, apparently it happened on Sunday night which is why she wasn’t on yesterday. if it was a Repug, don’t they know that this will just piss Randi off more?? :jason: :fu:
Good energy and healing thoughts sent to Randi!!! :love: :banana:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😮 :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😮 😮 😯 😯
❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Whatever :sheep: le
So is PBS out to become “Public” supported broadcasting .. Will we get the two week program break in this next year instead of
two weeksfour weekseight weeks of pledge breaks. 😮 😯I wouldn’t put it past the rethugs to have someone they disagreed with beat up..
They sued Randi and that didn’t work.. It looks like they put the Qwest CEO in the slammer for insider trading after he refused to go along with their Reich wing agenda.
In the 60’s and 70s this agenda was typical of the Mafia .. hummm … I wonder … hummm. :tap: :tap:
Fred, DITTO :tap: hmmmmm :tap: …… :tap: A!I!V!
Druid- I have failed in my attempts to get caught up and then call.
Will have to wait a week. or call from East coast. :knit2:
I am at the airport.
Happy birthday to Suzie Joy if you talk to her.
Have a bad sore throat and got NO sleep last night.
Sad about randi.
And PJ your message yesterday was… :love:
:menorah: Siggy…
Maron is indoors and sound is up
pj, thanks for the Bailey. I also liked Mr. Kotter’s wife.
Suzie Joy :cake:
TANKARD of TEA Cheers :joe: quietgirl, artnorton, Kevin M, Sue P (ya know what I am thinking :rofl2: ) TEA CHEERS Have A Great Schoolday. WebHubbleTelescope , Kristapea , Fred, PJ, and The Rest. 😉
Glad fred survived a hard night of Rockies celebratin’
Awww “fly” well SBlueHeron and sleep :knit: well in the future and Be :bee: Well. :dancers: 😉
And Thank You Again 🙄 😉 Vernon…
and Tankard of Tea Cheers (which I still have to make :tongue: )to the both of you. :peace:
Happy Birthday Suzie Joy!!
Gotta give it up to Stephie for beating me to this one
Fredhorn Leghorn
Ah say…
Oops, wrong again, Maron outdoors and firing up another stogie
wow getting a little maron here at the airport :pup: :banana:
he said :yippee: ‘fucking computer”
well..the guys are frozen- will have to catch it later. :knit:
anybody getting video?
hey…was that OUR Gypsy just now on the stephanie miller show??
Hi quietgirl :pup:
they’re frozen on my computer
i can hear marc…
Looks like he’s in a public place.
hi blue!!!!
i thought that was her :banana: :nixon: :yippee: :dancers:
oh well too bad I have to board the plane now 🙁
Look for this story coming out of the Rockies win- Mark Kisla, Denver Post columnist, wrote last week about Clint Hurdle putting the number 64 on his line-up card in honor of a 12 yr old cancer victim who died in August.
Hurdle visited the boy for the last time in the hospital, asked the kid if he had anything to help the Rockies. 64 was his baseball jersey number. Hurdle has written 64 on all the lineup cards since.
The Rockies scored 6 runs in the fourth inning last night and won the game by the score of 6 to 4…….make of it what you will, this 20 of 21 run is historic and if the Rockies win the World Series, that story will take it’s place along with Ruth pointing to the bleachers where he hit his fairy-tale homer 😯
I don’t think it’s rolling yet. Keep the faith, Babies!
oh I’m not sure about the gypsy… not listening to steph.
i think Marc said he was in a park. of course his voice was breaking up when i heard that…but looks like it.
Hi Krista!! :banana: :love: :yippee:
rolling now. Maron’s in the park
okay….i think Marc needs to get a new computer :nod:
he needs to not be using wifi
cancel???? NOOOOOOOOOO!!
:fu: :fu: :jason:
so, do we start the collection to get Marc a new computer?
What the fuck, man, I thought these Macs were supposed to be so goddamn good.
oh man….this show just gets wackier and wackier!!
now Sammy has call waiting :rofl2:
Hey QG! 😀
mornin gang!
no details on randi’s mugging yet.
maron having battery probs and in a bad broadband area of Bryant park to boot.
Send Get Well Wishes Here:
Ms. Randi Rhodes
C/O Air America Radio
641 6th Ave. NY, NY 10011
eya PJ
hoping yer pup will show up.
know what yer going thru and wishing for a good luck ending.
Sounds like he’s using the Future Marc mic
i know!! i was just thinking that….it’s future Marc!
wow…that statement from AAR was so coooold :cold:
:fu: :slap:
yeah, why the fuck can’t they do a radio show :growl:
BRING MARC AND SAM BACK TO THE RADIO!!!!! :nixon: :banana: :alc: :rabbi: :slap:
well, time for me to get going blog particles!!
have a good day!!
I hope that makes it to VOD. I missed a lot while it was getting rolling on speaker phone. Great moment when someone watching walked down to the park to tell Maron what was going out on the ‘tubes’.
Re #2 — art — Granny D is a big hero and role model for Raging Grannies every where. Rochester (NY) Raging Grannies have written a song about her : “I Want To Be Like Granny D” which was sung at the 2003 Raging Grannies Regional Meeting.
Oh, well. Back to the trenches in
:reaper: :slap: SiCKO :slap: :reaper: Land.
It just don’t ever get any better. :tap:
Day 5 of Siggy being gone :knit2: 🙁
I heard her also RAGING Granny, but walked in as I was hearing the latter part. She sounded enchanting. Blessings to you and yours and Blessings to Siggy. Can someone, when you can, Truly Light a Candle (an Irish Blessing (and Others’ beliefs I have learned)) “to help light his (& His Atman’s) Way” A!I!V!
These are “dark” times….. :cake: 💡 however it is The Time during Samhain Season — Ribbons On The Masque Within The Dark Rhyme….. :dancers: of :reaper: A!I!V!
:rant1: :rant1:
Air America host Randi Rhodes wasn’t mugged
❓ ❓ ❓
Susan Joy says thank you regarding the Birthday Greetings. :nod: 😉
happy B’day Susan Joy!
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gah my cube is all fubar!!!!!
neway new blog up on myspace click my name under friends
hey…was that OUR Gypsy just now on the stephanie miller show??
Comment by quietgirl — October 16, 2007 @ 10:57 am
It HAD to be. A woman named Gypsy in Portland who listens to progressive radio? What are the odds it’s NOT her?
Since we don’t have a recipe emoticon, I will post :cake: for Gypsy to share with Susan Joy!
:yippee: well happy b’day………
so uh vernon you like the amir sulaiman video?
Happy birthday, Susan Joy. :cake: :cake:
Siggy is back home where he belongs, safe and sound! Details later, but I can’t tell you all how much your support meant to me. :pup: :pup: :pup: :pup:
:pup: :pup: :pup: :pup: :pup: :pup: :pup:
:yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
:yippee: :pup: :banana: thank god!!!!! or whoever you would like to thank
i got all teary eyed when i first heard about siggy disappearing so this my friends is great news
Welcome home, Siggy. PJ, now you can get some sleep.
:banana: :banana: :pup: :pup: :pup: :banana: :banana:
An aide to GOP leader Mitch McConnell has acknowledged in an interview with Kentucky’s Courier-Journal that he actively sought to alert reporters to the wingnut smearing of 12-year-old SCHIP posterkid Graeme Frost:
It has been reported already that an email from a McConnell aide went out to reporters telling them of the winger attack. But this appears to be the first time that McConnell’s people are publicly acknowledging their role in trying to push mainstream reporters into joining the attack on young Graeme. Stewart acknowledged to the paper that he’d done this as “part of regular conversation with reporters.”
What makes this story even better is that after McConnell’s aide tried to get reporters to push the story, he quickly realized a few hours later that the whole thing was a big sham and tried to call reporters off.
This is significant, because it shows that McConnell’s operation cheerfully urged mainstream reporters to pick up the winger attacks without even bothering to fact-check them first.
😀 :pup: :yippee: :dancers: :bee: :banana: 8) :cake: :love: :sammy:
🙁 I’m weeping ❗ I think it must have been the Bailey pic.
🙁 TEARS OF JOY 🙁 :yippee: :bow: :yippee: :pirate: :pup: HUG :love: :no: :love:
/|\ …Now Your Turn :tap: A!I!V! I am so verry happy Yea :pirate: :pup:
:cake: 💡 :bow:
Sunshine Jim and Sue P and Sean MS and Fred and … and… 😉
I will tell Susan Joy soon :dancers: :pirate:
:banana: :yippee: :pup: 😥 :peace: :love: 8) ……A!I!V!
Roxie :love: :cake:
pj, RG and especially Siggy ❗ ❗ :yippee: :yippee: :dancers: :pup: :pup: :banana: :banana: Once in awhile, there’s some things in life to celebrate :fire:
The MS treehouse family is whole again……..bless, bless :peace:
Sean, now that :pup: is back.
Are you saying Sigque knocked over a dog pound truck to get back home?
Amir was very good and powerful and I’m stealing your mood.
:tap: stop thief!!!!!
Some more on protest music. Probably not enough :tommygun: for some of you bucks but more my :40: :bong: :alc: ignorant style.
:peace: :pup:
So, I was just coming home for lunch – had just gotten into my garage, in fact, when the phone rang. A woman on the other end asked if I’d found my dog yet. Nope.
“Well, I don’t wanna get you hopes up, but….”
She was calling from the local SPCA.
So, I zipped out there to take a look, hoping against hope. It’s only about 5 miles from my house, but it seemed to take forever to get there. Especially since I drove past it, and had to turn around and come back. Anyhow, I went back through the gauntlet of poor, sad, beautiful barking dogs, and sure enough, there was wiggly Siggy.
They then ushered me up front – without Siggy, who must’ve wondered why I was abandoning him. Turns out, he’d been picked up by the Town of Lafayette dog warden on Saturday morning. In order to get him out, I had to go home and get his rabies certificate, get his license renewed (it had lapsed) at my local town office, and then drive to LaFayette to pay the impound fee ($125), which they would only take cash for, so I had to find an ATM, and then back out to the SPCA (which is about 20 miles back the other direction). All before 4:00.
So, anyway, I got him home, and he is currently sleeping at my feet in the bed, dreaming of whatever big adventure he had, with a cat or two snuggled up against him (they missed him almost as much as I did).
It’s nice to have him back where he belongs.
And there behind echos “Hey BatterBatter…” …A!I!V!
Oh, and it’s nice to see so many posts today. I guess I should’ve put Jan Smithers’ picture up a long time ago. She was not quite 17 in that photo, but I don’t feel like a pervert, ‘cuz in March of ’66, I was only five, so I think she’d have been fair game (and back then, all my sister’s friends thought I looked like Paul McCartney, so I coulda had a shot at her).
:love: :billcat: :pup: :cat: :love:
Now I have to go see what Vernon drug in….. :rofl2: :banana: A!I!V!
PJ, if he was picked up Saturday morning, why did it take ’til Tuesday afternoon to notify you?
They said they couldn’t get close enough to him to read his tags. Very strange (he’s perhaps the nicest dog I’ve ever known, and loves everybody), but I guess they probably used the noose on him, and it freaked him out. Plus he was probably pretty scared, and he’s a good sized dog, so I s’pose they weren’t ready to take any chances).
At any rate, the lady there said she saw the fax we’d sent, and couldn’t make out the picture, but from the description, she was pretty certain it was him. Which it was. Thank God, Jehovah, the stars, or what/whomever.
You don’t know how much I wanted to do this and this and even this and how happy that now I can. :banana:
This dedication goes out to Siggy :pup: , Bailey, and Mr. Kotter’s wife.
Quite apropos.
I had just erased this … I was going to say that Siggy was just happy and that dog guy was just hanging in that area…hmmm… and the happy pup “shiney-coat healthy dog” but he is back :pup:
— :pup: Atman :yippee: :rofl2: 😉
You don’t know how much I wanted to make a bad joke about Siggy running away to Canada to escape the bushevilempire hoping that pj and RG would follow……. 🙄
and how much I feel free now to lust after Bailey :hubba:
I wish I knew what they said about teenagers in that magazine because they had no idea what was coming in the later sixties :tap: :fu: :fist: :slap: :omg:
I was a sophmore in ’64. :jerk:
Best I can :pup: gone do on this one.
Going out to pj and RG and their friends (who better not lose any animal friends any time soon).
Just because 100 is doable.
Everybody back then looked like Linda Bird. Or maybe Linda Bird looked like everybody else.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki asked the U.S. State Department to “pull Blackwater out of Iraq,” after an Iraqi probe concluded that the private contractors committed unprovoked and random killings in a September 16 shooting, an adviser to al-Maliki told CNN.
Adviser Sami al-Askari told CNN the Iraqis have completed their investigation into the shooting at Nusoor Square in Baghdad.
Al-Askari said the United States is still waiting for the findings of the American investigation, but al-Maliki and most Iraqi officials are “completely satisfied” with the findings of their probe and are “insisting” that Blackwater leave the country.
These rethugs who are railing against S-CHIP are disgusting. If they are Christians, I doubt Jesus would be very proud of them. They make a virtue of not giving a damn. :yuck:
Sorry for the rant, just watching Olbermann and Krugman discuss the attack on the family of a 2 year old S-CHIP poster child. Some repig thought the child should not have been born if the parents could not afford heath care.
So here’s the Repugnants fantasy: They don’t approve of abortion or contraception or conception without moolah. Therefore only rich folks will have sex.
Siggy’s and PJ’s experience reminded me of when I parked my truck in a tow away zone.. They conveniently hid the sign twelve feet off the ground where you could neither see it or read it in the dark so when I came back at 10:30 pm the vehicle was gone and I had no idea so I reported it stolen and took a cab home. The next day the PD called me and told me it would cost $75.00 to get it back ..
As it turned out the people who owned the parking lot were having it sold because they had not paid their property taxes on it so technically it belonged to the county. ..
My lawyer for a small fee filed charges against the towing company for larceny.
The city attorney had a lot of other complaints so instead of having to pay to get my car back the towing company operator had to go to court and ended up refunding about $ 12,000 in bogus towing fees to avoid a free trip to the state home for wayward rethugs. :reaper: :reaper:
The problem with the S-CHIP bill is that it should let the sates determine who is qualified.. Poverty in NY city is different than poverty in South Carolina or Phoenix. The reason they raised the limit is so people living in big expensive cites where they pay 2 grand a month in rent or 12 grand a year in property taxes can qualify even if it seems that the money they make is no where near the poverty line. :reaper: :reaper:
yippie Siggy!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
The power of the blog :nod: :nod:
So great to get this good news at the end of a long travel day.
Chihuly walked onto the plane in front of me today. And in honor of Siggy there were two cats and one dog on the plane as well! :billcat: :billcat: :pup:
Welcome home Siggy!!! :banana: 😀 :yippee: :boobs:
Yay for Siggy!!! :yippee: :yippee: :yippee: :yippee:
I’m SO happy to hear this, you have no idea. When it happened to us when I was in my 20’s the outcome wasn’t so happy. Looking forward to the details. :love: to Siggy from me.
artnorton@32: Thanks for the story about Clint Hurdle and the kid with cancer. I’m a Mets fan who’s been rooting for the Rockies in the postseason because they voted a full World Series share to the pregnant widow of their minor league coach who was killed by a line drive this season. Hurdle always was a classy guy and this is one of those baseball warm fuzzies stories that I love.
It’s true that rents are very high in NYC. But, residential property taxes are pretty moderate because of the huge tax base that is the business community. There is also a City income tax and of course all those nifty tolls, user fees and sales taxes.
Yay! Siggy’s home! :pup: I was so worried he was cold :cold: and starving in the woods it’s good to know he was safe and fed. Prolly chased something and got hisself disoriented. :smack:
That’s great news PJ!! It’s too late to send you an email of encouragement I guess.
Sunset :yippee: A!I!V!
re:89 + 90 I always pictured that singer as wearing a lot more mascara, black boots and maybe some institutional tattoos 😮 :rofl2:
I’m glad Siggy is back home, PJ. Now you can drink those home brews in joy :alc:
Back to my rattled study of the night sky interjected with elementary Alg.. :doh:
Nobody’s here anyway :tap: All tapped out for the night I suppose
Anyone still here? Boo :reaper: A!I!V!
“This Is How You Remind Me…..Scream, ‘Are We Having Fun Yet?'” OMEGA A!I!V! by Nickelback :banana: :cat: :pup:
:billcat: :dancers: