For today, at least, everything is great. While I’m normally your basic “little Mary Sunshine” type, today I have an even brighter outlook on life than I usually do. I’m thinking that even Republicans aren’t evil – just ignorant and misguided. OK, I’m pretty sure that’ll pass. But for today, everything is great, and I’m filled with love. I’ll try and keep it that way.
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Hey it feels like 3:53 to me.
Thoughts for the day:
1) Indians rule.
2) Red Sox drool.
3) Fox starts these games WAAAAAAY too late. It’s obviously a right-wing conspiracy to make me fall asleep at work and lose my job, so that Hannity and O’Reilly can question my patriotism.
4) I just did the math on Jan Smithers’ age from the posts in yesterday’s thread. So now she’s like 58 or something like that? Still :hot: :hubba:
5) Marcia Strassman too. :hot: :hubba:
6) I’m sweating Bailey from WKRP and Mr. Kotter’s wife? WTF year is this? It can’t be the ’70s, because the Indians are one game away from the World Series. That NEVER came close to happening in the ’70s.
7) I’m going to play some disco at work today to further confuse myself as to what year it is.
Welcome home Siggy!
Wow I “fly” away (being a different “byrd” than SBlueHeron 😉 ) and new “folk”. :yippee:
:pirate: Brava SBlue IS ALPHA, SBlue as #1 :yippee: :knit: :dancers:
:pirate: Bravo Kevin Is BETA, Kevin is #2 :yippee: 😉 :dancers:
:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
SUE P (snicker :spank: :rofl2: bad “Sue P. & bad Vernon :spank: )
Go Teach the World, Teach 😉 :pirate: :yippee:
(talking in The Past, to You in The Future) re 4 & 5
Nice morning. Cool and overcast. The birds are making lots of noise, I guess they know Siggy is home, and at the moment, if one doesn’t think about what Bushco has done, is doing or will do, all is right with the world.
If, PJ, you think Rethugs are not evil, you may be suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome. Or perhaps just a good night’s sleep.
Work befoe play. See ya later.
Good morning, Druid
Hey, Fred I am having real live coffee :joe: I even made :omg: and Roxie is Making me make something AGAIN eek (as in mountains) but make from HERE CranApple Jams and Jellys — when she heard I have Wonderful CramApples. …..Hard Cider. :no: I Say No. No. No….Yet :rofl2:
back to work :spank: hmmmmmm :hubba: 😉 :no:
:joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😮 :joe: :joe: :joe: :joe: 😮 😮 😮 😮 😮 😯 😯
❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ Whatever :sheep: le
Air America host Randi Rhodes wasn’t mugged
Air America Radio host Randi Rhodes is temporarily off the air, but cops and her lawyer say reports she was mugged near her Manhattan apartment were bogus.
People yea, yeh Andy aka Aquaman, I am trying to be nice due to Day of :love: & Day of :peace: with Siggy
8) and The Earths Ley Lines
:love: A!I!V! I NEED MORE COFFEE 8) :doh: :omg: … since I never got earlier :omg: , :fist: :dancers: A!I!V!
The Seattle Times Company
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 – Page updated at 02:03 AM
Mukilteo man held in alleged hacking incident
By Garrett Therolf
Los Angeles Times
A Mukilteo man has been arrested on charges of hacking into a telephone network to trick 911 dispatchers in Southern California into sending a SWAT team to the home of a randomly selected Lake Forest, Calif., family, authorities announced Tuesday.
Randal T. Ellis, 19, allegedly impersonated a caller from the Lake Forest home shortly before midnight March 29, saying he had murdered someone in the house and threatened to shoot others. (continued)
See I’m a “good girl” :dancers: when I have a “link” I give 😀 A!I!V! 😉 If Everyone Cares … by Nickelback
eya pj! it’s the little things that make life sweet!
does make ya wonder why you can’t just got to the pound and get all that taken care of in one spot eh?
Also kinda makes me wonder what good a collar and tags with my phone number on it does.
welcome to pet catch 22!
makes ya wonder how much local pounds are scamming…
be interesting to follow the catcher trucks around for a week or two, see where they park.
see whether they blow those lil can’t hear em dog whistles when they park by dog walks…
Makes me wonder who works at the pound. A pet, loose and hungry for a day and a half, should be approachable by an experienced dog person.
I assume that if you allowed Siggy to run unleashed in the park, you are pretty sure he’s not going to attack someone. Yet after 3 1/2 days they still hadn’t read his tags? Who are these people?
Well, if they saved him from being smooshed by a car or shot, then I’m happy to have had them pick him up. Not checking his tags, though, I don’t know. My sister was talking to the city dog warden, who said that makes no sense – any dog can be reached with the pole they use and they always check tags that are on the dog whenever they have them.
And on the paperwork, it seems to indicate his license number, and my wife’s name (so they looked up the license, though our phone number has changed), so I don’t know why they couldn’t check the tag with our number on it. And his collar is on a lot tighter than it was before.
So, I dunno. But they sent him to the local SPCA, which is a no-kill shelter, so I’m grateful for that. They’re looking for donations of Kuranda beds for the doggies, so we donated a couple.
When I was a teenager our dog had learned to go through a hole by the back gate into the alley to do her business..
. Early one evening there was a lot of ruckus in the back yard and we found the city contracted dog catcher with our dog cornered ( inside our yard) .. My dad invited him to leave but he said that the dog was on city property when he spotted it so he could pursue the dog to apprehend it.
The appearance of the 16 gauge shot gun changed the subject rather rapidly…
The cops soon arrived ( apparently you weren’t supposed to aim a loaded weapon at a city contractor even it they were trespassing and threatening your property). That night we had our first research project on where to buy more purified Ammonia Nitrate. ( insert emo of mushroom cloud here)
I wouldn’t be surprised if the local pounds are looking for places people let their dogs run and send someone to lurk there to create a better revenue stream,, a lot of counties seem to be experiencing big down turns in sales tax reveune :reaper: :reaper:
Well, that’s possible I suppose, but it doesn’t explain not looking at the tag to find the owner. I mean, if you want somebody to pay the fee, you need to find the owner. But, all’s well that ends well.
😉 That’s how I feel. :nod: :jerk: s in some “pounds” … They might also just treated :pup: Siggy badly, so he :pup: knew he was treated badly and how he should be treated (awww) — and it was THAT WOMAN (& SPCA or No Kill or whomever) then the :jerk: saw the tags and it was that WONDERFUL Woman that SAW ONE of Your and RG WONDERFUL “copies” and called “them” (?). I even had a kinda friend (back then) who worked in “Animal Control” …… and overall some “thugs” worked in “the pound” especially through The Sherrif’s Dept. A!I!V! It was “good” :pup: puppy power (Karma/Dharma or :yinyang: or whatever ) 😳 I’m Late I’m Late … Tea :joe: Cheers
Gotta Fly *Poof*
(Sue P :rofl2: is In The House :pup: :cat: :dancers: LBH 😉 )
The appearance of the 16 gauge shot gun changed the subject rather rapidly… :rofl2:
I wouldn’t be surprised if the local pounds are looking for places people let their dogs run and send someone to lurk there to create a better revenue stream,, a lot of counties seem to be experiencing big down turns in sales tax reveune
Comment by fred — October 17, 2007 @ 3:25 pm
:nod: Easy Tickets for City and County just hang out of park range where good dog owners “run” their :pup: s…
And Good Animal person saw YOUR SIGGY FLYER :yippee: :pup:
{I quit being positive in my thirtys….
(ATMAN) Siggy taught all here many “wonderful” lessons. PJ met many whom cared and helped, whom then shared it with we “doubtful” ones here and many grand “thoughts” ( :knit: ) were spread “wide”. (giggle) .
The last time a City agency insisted on a cash payment was in the late 80’s. At that time the parking violations bureau was run by real crooks. One meter maid was caught sitting on a train and writing parking tickets. There were many similar stories. Because the tickets were not placed on an actual vehicle the owner never knew he had gotten a ticket. The ticket would then accrue fines and when you were finally notified that $35 ticket was now $150. Forget proving you didn’t get the ticket. How can you show that you were not parked somewhere 18 months prior? Because of the unpaid tickets you couldn’t register your car so you had to pay the fines IN CASH. then you could register the car, but when the registration expired, the same tickets with some more penalties appeared again.
The guy who ran the scam, Manes, killed himself by stabbing himself in the stomach.
Sen, John Thune says we should fund Telehealth, a way of providing healthcare over the internet to poor folk.
I guess that’s really good ’cause then the doctors don’t have to actually touch one of the untouchable poor. He would probably think accesses to webmd, is the same as healthcare.
yeah, rethugs.
Yeah, I don’t fault the SPCA. The SPCA here was founded in 1891 – the third such organization incorporated in the United States. They were originally founded to protect the horses and mules that pulled the barges on the Erie Canal. The only reason I have Siggy back right now (and bugging me to take him to the park, which aint gonna happen at least for a few days) is because one of the folks there took the time to look at the fax we sent, and read the description and call me. He was apparently very agitated and scared by the time he got there, and I don’t blame them for not being able to look at his tags. What the dog catcher did, I don’t know. But I’m just glad to have him (Siggy, not the dog catcher) back.
I think corruption in SBR politics has become so common that the typical IDIOT MORON sees it as normal behavior and it really doesn’t register to them if there is a rethug or a demodorp admin in control . All they hear on the Reich wing propaganda machine is that government is bad .. no government is better. .I have to wonder what goes on in Europe .. Italy under the previous regime was obviously just as or more corrupt. Some of the European countries don’t even allow there people to posses firearms.. 😮 .
The guy who ran the scam, Manes, killed himself by stabbing himself in the stomach.
Comment by Sue P — October 17, 2007 @ 4:59 pm
Wow. That sounds like something a Shakespearean character would do to off himself. Now I need to go home and skim through Julius Caesar to remember which character did that, before Dr. Lehrman (my Shakespeare prof in college) rises from his grave like Banquo’s ghost and stabs ME in the stomach. I’m thinking it was Brutus.
Perhaps we could encourage Guiliani to do the same, as a tribute to his ancestry. He could use a 9″ blade, followed by an 11″ blade.
Polonius got stabbed in the stomach, but it wasn’t suicide.
Oh, and I think Othello stabbed himself in the neck.
Oh, Brutus did fall on his sword. Only because he couldn’t find anybody else to kill him.
Kansas Planned Parenthood Clinic Charged
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A Planned Parenthood clinic was charged Wednesday with providing unlawful abortions and other crimes by a county prosecutor who had engaged in a high-profile battle with the clinic when he was Kansas attorney general.
Johnson County District Attorney Phill Kline charged the Overland Park, Kan., clinic with 107 counts, 23 of them felonies. Besides 29 misdemeanor counts of providing unlawful late-term abortions, the clinic is charged with multiple counts of making a false writing, failure to maintain records and failure to determine viability.
Sounds like fun … all the “blood and stuff” yet I’ll take Lysistrata’s and the Trojan Women’s way.
:tap: A!I!V! I am so screwed and Maybe U…DooDah DooDah
:dancers: of :reaper: All DooDahDay……
When Donald Manes stabbed himself, it was reported that his father, at the same age, had committed suicide in the same manner.
Of course, lots of folks thought his wife had done it.
Here’s the Wikipedia entry for Manes:
Shortly after his inauguration for a fifth term, Manes attended a dinner party for the new Israeli consul at Borough Hall in Kew Gardens on January 9, 1986. He left in his own car and was followed by his chauffeur up Queens Boulevard. He was later found in his car in the early morning hours of January 10; his wrists were slit and he was bleeding profusely. He initially claimed that two men had carjacked and attacked him, but later recanted the statement, saying he had attempted suicide.
In the following weeks, more facts came to light that sent the residents of Queens into shock. It was alleged that Manes had used political appointments and favors as the source of large kickback schemes involving personal bureaucratic fiefdoms such as the New York City Parking Violations Bureau. Zoning franchises and cable TV franchises were being investigated, and some of Manes’s appointees and associates were indicted or forced to resign. Manes himself stepped down as borough president in February.
The scandal became nationwide news and a continuing top story in New York. Manes, now facing the prospect of indictment on corruption charges, stayed in seclusion until March. On the night of March 13th he took a phone call from his psychiatrist, who discussed with Manes (and his wife on an extension phone upstairs) additional psychological care. Shortly before 10 p.m. the psychiatrist was called away from the phone and, while on hold, Manes reached into a kitchen drawer, pulled out a large kitchen knife and plunged the eight-inch blade into his heart. His daughter screamed for her mother, who came down to find Manes on the floor in a pool of blood. Marlene Manes pulled the knife from his heart as the daughter frantically called 911. Donald was pronounced dead at the scene.
Less than three years later, on November 17, 1988, Morton Manes, Donald Manes’s twin brother, attempted suicide in the same manner
Apparently he stabbed himself in the heart, not the stomach. My bad.
And it comes down to Ray :tommygun: throwing the mentally ill out of the hospitals … and helping none …
BUT doesn’t “it” come down to all who voted this “WARwhimp”
in office ……… and I am seeing many looking at R. Paul :omg:
… a new rethug Nader. :fustrate: :jerk: A!I!V! :tinfoil: :joe: :dancers:
One of the thug tactics to oppress the people oriented and most often underfunded city and state agencies as well as private organizations involved in civil justice causes is to make them pay lawyer fees to defend themselves from what often turn out to be frivolous charges….. Pressing criminal charges is a new tactic ..that usually moves things to an often overtaxed criminal court system. :reaper: :reaper:
Stupid people
Submitted by _______ on Tue, 10/16/2007 – 5:28pm.
Rite ‘chere. and ya think i could ignore this 😉 mwah haha
Stupid people
( :nana: )
Rite ‘chere. … :jerk: :spank: :nana: :rofl2: 8)
:rofl2: :pirate: :dancers: Dramatist Personae
Doh :doh: I t’ink I is ensult’d :no:
:nana: … :tap: A!I!V! …..
The U.S. military has ended an inquiry into who smuggled unauthorized underwear and a bathing suit to two prisoners at Guantanamo Bay without learning the source of the contraband skivvies, an attorney said on Wednesday.
The investigators concluded more vigilance was needed to prevent contraband from entering the camp that holds 330 suspected al Qaeda operatives, said Capt. Pat McCarthy, the military’s chief lawyer for the detention operation at Guantanamo.
A prostitute whom prosecutors say a defense contractor provided to former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham testified Wednesday that the congressman fed her grapes as she sat naked in a hot tub before they headed to a bedroom at a Hawaiian resort.,,-7004812,00.html
:rofl2: :rofl2:
Sue P, Whew. I was soooo worried. … :yuck: 🙄 :tap: A!I!V!
Scientists discover rare marine species By OLIVER TEVES, Associated Press Writer
Tue Oct 16, 7:36 PM ET
MANILA, Philippines – Scientists exploring a deep ocean basin in search of species isolated for millions of years found marine life believed to be previously undiscovered, including a tentacled orange worm and an unusual black jellyfish.
Project leader Dr. Larry Madin said Tuesday that U.S. and Philippine scientists collected about 100 different specimens in a search in the Celebes Sea south of the Philippines.
:dancers: :fist: A!I!V! Nickelback … :dancers:
including a tentacled orange worm and an unusual black jellyfish
Fantastic, too late for Giants season but just in time for Halloween. :omg:
Boo :omg: … I can no longer say Sue P. with a “straight” face A!I!V! :dancers:
New Battle of Logging vs. Spotted Owls Looms in West
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
The Bureau of Land Management’s plan to open more of its land at Rogue River in Oregon to logging worries environmentalists.
Published: October 18, 2007
GALICE, Ore. — A 1990s’ truce that quieted the bitter wars between loggers and environmentalists in the Pacific Northwest is in danger of collapse.
Don Ryan/Associated Press
The northern spotted owl.
Enlarge This Image
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Chandra LaGue of Oregon Wild, at the tract the land agency seeks to open, measuring a Douglas fir favored by the northern spotted owl.
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
Dick Prather of the B.L.M. defended the plans.
With that truce, made final in 1994 by the Clinton administration, the northern spotted owl, a threatened species, seemed to be getting the breathing space it needed to regroup. While some land was opened to loggers, nearly twice as much was set aside for owls’ hunting grounds. But more than a decade later, their numbers continue to decline faster than expected.
Now the truce, the Northwest Forest Plan, is in jeopardy as one of the parties to it, the Bureau of Land Management, is rethinking its participation. It is proposing a threefold increase in logging on its 2.2 million acres in western Oregon, with greater increases in the old-growth stands that are the owls’ preferred territory.
:reaper: ARREST!IMPEACH! then VIGILANCE! :dancers: